#Maria Faustina
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In a series of revelations to St. Maria Faustina Kowalska in the 1930s, our Lord called for a special feast day to be celebrated on the Sunday after Easter.
Today, we know that feast as Divine Mercy Sunday, named by Pope St. John Paul II at the canonization of St. Faustina on 30 April 2000.
The Lord expressed His will with regard to this feast in His very first revelation to St. Faustina.
The most comprehensive revelation can be found in her Diary entry 699:
"My daughter, tell the whole world about My inconceivable mercy. I desire that the Feast of Mercy be a refuge and a shelter for all souls, and especially for poor sinners.
On that day, the very depths of My tender mercy are open. I pour out a whole ocean of graces upon those souls who approach the fount of My mercy.
The soul that will go to Confession and receive Holy Communion shall obtain complete forgiveness of sins and punishment.
On that day, all the divine floodgates through which grace flow are opened. Let no soul fear to draw near to Me, even though its sins be as scarlet.
My mercy is so great that no mind, be it of man or of angel, will be able to fathom it throughout all eternity.
Everything that exists has come from the very depths of My most tender mercy. Every soul in its relation to Me will contemplate My love and mercy throughout eternity.
The Feast of Mercy emerged from My very depths of tenderness.
It is My desire that it be solemnly celebrated on the first Sunday after Easter.
Mankind will not have peace until it turns to the Fount of My mercy."
In all, St. Faustina recorded 14 revelations from Jesus concerning His desire for this feast.
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Source of picture: https://lauramakabresku.tumblr.com
"Patience, prayer and silence – these are what give strength to the soul." St. Faustina of the Blessed Sacrament
#quotes#St. Maria Faustina Kowalska#St. Maria Faustina Kowalska of the Blessed Sacrament#patience#prayer#silence#God#Jesus#Christ#Jesus Christ#Father#Son#Holy Spirit#Holy Trinity#christian religion#faith#hope#love#stress reliever
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THE DESCRIPTION OF SAINT FAUSTINA KOWALSKA The Apostle of the Divine Mercy Feast Day: October 5
"Love endures everything. Love is stronger than death. Love fears nothing."
Saint Faustina is 'a gift from God for our times', great mystic, mistress of spiritual life, prophet, who reminded the biblical truth about merciful love of God for every human being and calls to proclaim it to the world through the testimony of life, deed, word and prayer.
Apostle of Divine Mercy, Prophet of Our Times, Great Mystic, Mistress of Spiritual Life – these are the epithets usually appended to the name of Sister Faustyna Kowalska, St. Faustyna (Faustina), of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy. Sister Faustina is one of the Church’s most popular and widely known saints and the greatest mystics in the history of the Church.
Sister Faustina was born on August 25, 1905 in Głogowiec, Poland to Marianna and Stanisław Kowalski as the third of ten children. Two days later she was baptized with the name Helena in the parish church of Świnice Warckie. At the age of nine, she made her first Holy Communion. She attended elementary school for merely three years and then she went to work as a housekeeper in various well–to–do families in Aleksandrów and Łódź. From the age of seven, she had felt the calling for religious vocation, but her parents would not give her permission to enter the convent. However, impelled by the vision of the Suffering Christ, in July 1924 she left for Warsaw to find a place. For another year she worked as a housekeeper to save some money for a modest monastic trousseau. On August 1, 1925, she entered the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in Warsaw on Żytnia St.
She lived in the Congregation for thirteen years, staying in many houses, the longest time (she spent) in Kraków, Płock and Vilnius; working as a cook, shop assistant in baker's shop, gardener, and portress. She suffered from tuberculosis of the lungs and alimentary system and that is why for over 8 months stayed at the hospital in Kraków – Prądnik. Greater sufferings from those which were caused by tuberculosis, she offered as a voluntary sacrifice for sinners and as the Apostle of Divine Mercy. She experienced also many extraordinary graces such as: apparitions, ecstasies, the gift of bilocation, hidden stigmata, reading into human souls, the mystical betrothal and nuptials.
Sister Faustina's principal task was to pass on to the Church and world the Message of Mercy, a recapitulation of the Biblical truth of God's Merciful Love for every human being, and a calling to each of us to entrust our lives to Him and to actively love our neighbour. Jesus not only revealed the depth of His Mercy to St. Faustina, but also gave her new forms of worship: the picture inscribed, 'Jesus, I trust in You, the Feast of Divine Mercy, the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and the Prayer in the Hour of His Death on the Cross, the Hour of Mercy.' To each of these forms of worship, as well as to the preaching of the message of Mercy, He attached great promises, on condition that we care about the attitude of trust in God that is to fulfill His will and show mercy to our neighbours.
Sister Faustina died in Krakow on October 5, 1938, at the age of just thirty–three. Out of her charism and mystical experience grew the Apostolic Movement of the Divine Mercy which continues her mission, proclaiming the message of Mercy to the world through the testimony of life, deed, words and prayer. On April 18, 1993, the Holy Father John Paul II raised her to the glory of the altars and on April 30, 2000, numbered her among the saints of the Church. Her relics are in the Shrine of the Divine Mercy at Łagiewniki, Kraków.
The Holy Father John Paul II wrote that in the age of totalitarianisms Sister Faustina became the ambassador of the message that the only power strong enough to counteract their evil is the truth of God's Mercy. He called her Diary a Gospel of Mercy written from a 20th-century perspective, which has helped people to survive the extremely painful experiences of these times.
This message, Pope Benedict XVI has said: 'The message of Mercy as the Divine Power, as God putting a check on all the world’s evil, is indeed the chief message of our times.'
Source: The Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy (Lakeville, MA)
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St Therese of Lisieux vs St Padre Pio
St Maximilian Kolbe vs St John Bosco
St Arnold Janssen vs St Edith Stein
St Maria Goretti vs St Charles Lwanga
St Oscar Romero vs St Bernadette Soubirous
St Faustina Kowalska vs St Katharine Drexel
St Gemma Galgani vs St John Henry Newman
St Mark Ji Tianxiang vs Sts Louis and Zelie Martin
#st therese of lisieux#st padre pio#st maximilian kolbe#st john bosco#st arnold janssen#st edith stein#st maria goretti#st charles lwanga#st oscar romero#st bernadette#st bernadette soubirous#st faustina#st katharine drexel#st gemma galgani#st john henry newman#st mark ji tianxiang#sts louis and zelie martin#catholic saint tournament#catholic#catholicism#catholic saints#polls#tumblr bracket#tumblr polls#theology#tumblr tournament#christianity
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Happy Feast Day
Saint Faustina
Feast day: October 5
Patron of Mercy
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska was born in Glogowiec, Poland in 1905. The third of ten children from a poor family, she had little formal education. After applying to various convents in Warsaw, she was finally accepted by the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in 1925. For years Saint Faustina received revelations and visits from Christ. On Good Friday 1937, Christ appeared to her and dictated to her the prayers that He wished her to pray in a novena from Good Friday through the Octave of Easter, now known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Saint Faustina died in 1938, in Krakow, Poland, of tuberculosis.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase. (website)
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Wikipedia article that is only available in Spanish. I translated into English some abstract to share here. I always wanted to write a post about that "Antonine dynasty" fallacy. Luckily I found someone who explains much better

Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty
Ulpia-Aelia Dynasty is the new name proposed by Alicia M. Canto and adopted by a sector of current historiography to refer to the seven emperors of the Roman Empire, from Nerva to Comodo. Specifically includes emperors Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and his co-emperor Lucius Verus.
Doctrinal approaches
Unlike other dynasties such as the Julio-Claudian dynasty, the Flavian dynasty or the Severan dynasty, there is no agreement in Ancient History on how to group and name the emperors of the 2nd century, "the best century in the history of Humanity" according the British historian Edward Gibbon.
The most used definitions from the 18th century until today have been and are "the Antonines", "the Good Emperors" and "the Adoptive Emperors". There were only two Antonine: Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, and both were, above all, two Aelii (from the Aelia family). The adoptions were just a political cosmetic operation, but they did not comply with the ideal principles of adoption described by Galba or Pliny the Younger.
The inappropriateness of these three universal classifications is more evident in the face of the 48 ancient texts that demonstrate that throughout that century there existed an authentic dynasty, of Hispanic origins and roots, whose real link was not the adoptions, but the line of blood and kinship, entrusted to the women of the dynasty, who transmitted the legitimacy to inherit the throne: Pompeia Plotina, Vibia Sabina, Matidia the Younger, and both Annias, the so-called Faustina the Elder and Faustina the Younger, ending in Commodus.
After the elderly Nerva as a necessary introducer, the following six emperors: Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius, Lucius Verus and Commodus - externi (foreigners) according to the Roman historian Aurelius Victor - form an authentic lineage.
All this led Maria M. Canto to propose the term "Ulpio-Aelia", "the Ulpii Aelii", to define the true dynasty of Hispanic origin that goes from Trajan to Commodus (98-192 AD). Some ancient authors, such greek historian Herodian, demonstrate that the Romans themselves did see Commodus as a direct descendant of Trajan, katá thêlugonía ("by the maternal line"), that is, through the aforementioned empresses, and as "A fourth generation emperor".
The reason why names such as "the Antonine dynasty" or "the Antonine emperors" have universally triumphed is not found in ancient texts, but in the European historiography of the 17th and 18th centuries, whose arguments in this sense, although they do not find real foundation in the texts, have been so generally accepted until now.
The new proposal has already been accepted by authors such as José María Blázquez, the Italian expert Anna Maria Reggiani, among others, and the definition can be seen integrated even in some university subject programs. Although, without a doubt, two and a half centuries of historiographic tradition is still very decisive in favor of the other definitions in use.
Alicia María Canto y de Gregorio (Havana, April 23, 1949 – Madrid, March 4, 2024), known as Alicia M. Canto, was a Spanish archaeologist and epigrapher. In 2011 she was appointed corresponding academic of the Royal Academy of History.

Nerva was chosen just as transitional ruler following the assassination of Emperor Domitian. Except him, the successors of "his dynasty" were related.
I'm really sick of hearing things such "Marcus Aurelius broke tradition by choosing moron Commodus just because he was his son; He made a serious mistake".
None of those emperors were chosen after going through a casting. Trajan's adoptive successor was his nephew, the only male relative he had, plus was married to Trajan's great-niece. Hadrian would have been emperor if Trajan had had a son? Marcus Aurelius and his wife Faustina were descendants of Trajan, he on his father's side and she on his mother's side. Marcus Aurelius did nothing more than continue the true tradition of his family.
Just as Augustus' dynasty is known as the Julio-Claudian, ending with Nero, Trajan's is the Ulpia-Aelia dynasty and ending with Commodus. And in my opinion the term Nerva Antonine dynasty, which I find in all English articles, simply doesn't make sense.
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Catholicism Masterlist
NOTE:::: Items highlighted in red are my favorites for learning Catholicism.
Books for Learning Catholicism:
The Word on Fire Bible
Catechism of the Catholic Church second edition (pdf here)
Catholic Faith Handbook For Youth by Brian Singer-Towns and other contributors (pdf here)
Books About Prayer:
The Liturgy of the Hours by Word on Fire
The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis de Montfort
The Rosary for the Holy Souls in Purgatory by Susan Tassone
10 Wonders of the Rosary by Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC
The Memorare Moment by Rev. Francis Joseph Hoffman
Blessed Sacrament Prayer Book edited by Bart Tesoriero
Heart of the Christian Life: Thoughts on Holy Mass by Pope Benedict XVI
Meet the Witnesses of the Miracle of the Sun by John M. Haffert
Our Father: Spiritual Reflections by Pope Francis
The Prayers & Personal Devotions of Mother Angelica, introduced & edited by Raymond Arroyo
Books About Saints:
Lives of the Saints: For Everyday in the Year by Fr. Alban Butler
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska - Divine Mercy in My Soul by St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
Send Me Your Guardian Angel by Fr. Alessio Parente
Forty Dreams of St. John Bosco: From Saint John Bosco's Biographical Memoirs by St. John Bosco
Saint Charbel by Paul Daher
Mornings With St. Thérèse by St. Thérèse Editor: Patricia Treece 
The Secret of Mary by St. Louis de Montfort
The Confession of St. Patrick by St. Patrick
Saint Rafqa the Lebanese Nun (1832-1914) Teacher of the Generations and Patron Saint of the Suffers Father Elias Hanna (L.M.O.)
Rediscover the Saints by Matthew Kelly
Other Books:
The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis
7 Secrets of Confession by Vinny Flynn
Our Grounds for Hope by Archbishop Fulton Sheen
How to Share Your Faith by Bishop Robert Barron
How to Discern God’s Will for Your Life by Bishop Robert Barron
An Exorcist Tells His Story by Gabriele Amorth
This Is My Body by Bishop Robert Barron
Relevant Radio
Mass Times for Travel
Relevant Radio
The Divine Mercy
Word on Fire
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
Some social media:
Bishop Robert Barron
Divine Mercy
Breaking in the Habit
Sensus Fidelium
Sacred Music:
Harpa Dei
The Association of Marian Helpers
Rosary Confraternity
Brown Scapular
Adoration Sodality of the Most Blessed Sacrament
What really happens at a Catholic Mass, short film
— —- —— — —- —— — —- —— — —- ——
This is by no means a complete list because I keep reading more books and finding new resources as a pilgrim in this life. Maybe you’ll find something here to help you grow in faith. May God bless you abundantly.
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“The more I come to know the greatness of God, the more joyful I become that He is as He is. And I rejoice immensely in His greatness and am delighted that I am so little because, since I am so little He carries me in His arms and holds me close to His Heart”
- Divine Mercy in My Soul, the diaries of St. Maria Faustina Kowalska
#I’m trying to post the quotes that touch me the mostest bc. look at this.#come on. tell me you don’t want to cry#my post#book: divine mercy in my soul
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"We expect to obtain everything promised us by Jesus in spite of all our wretchedness. For Jesus is our Hope: through His merciful Heart, as through an open gate, we pass through to Heaven."
Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska
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Invisible Truth (Encanto-Descendants Au) Fancast;
Pedro x Alma Madrigal’s Family (Minus Their Kids):
Carmen Salinas as Rosa Yatra Salinas (aka Rosa Madrigal, Pedro's mom).
Avan Jogia as Pedro Madrigal Yatra.
María Conchita Alonso as Alma Madrigal Botero (formerly Botero Molinari).
Constance Wu as Alejandra Botero-Yee (aka Alejandra Madrigal, Alma’s sister-in-law).
George Lopez as Raimi Botero Molinari (aka Raimi Madrigal, Alma’s younger brother).
Esai Morales as Benito Madrigal Yatra (Pedro’s Brother).
Tatyana Ali as Beatriz Botero-Yee (aka Beatrix Madrigal, Alejandra and Raimi’s daughter).
Zhang Ziyi as Miranda Botero-Yee (aka Miranda Madrigal, Alejandra and Raimi’s daughter).
Lorena Forteza as Julieta Madrigal Botero.
Maria Canals-Barrera as Pepa Madrigal Botero.
David Castañeda as Bruno Madrigal Botero (with Dev Patel as a younger version if need be).
Christian Marie Serratos as Faustina Madrigal Yatra (Pedro’s Adoptive Niece).
Julieta x Agustín Madrigal’s Family:
Pedro Pascal as Agustín Rojas Valdez (aka Agustín Madrigal).
Rafaela Cocal as Isabela Rojas Madrigal.
Maribel Martinez as Luisa Rojas Madrigal.
Paulina Chávez as Mirabel Rojas Madrigal.
Pepa x Félix Madrigal’s Family:
Mauro Castillo as Félix Espinosa Castillo (aka Félix Madrigal).
Ron Stallworth as Gabriel Espinosa Castillo (aka Gabriel Madrigal, Félix’s younger brother).
Samantha Logan as Dolores Espinosa Madrigal.
Neighborhoodcrackelf as Camilo Espinosa Madrigal.
Harold Perrineau as (adult) Antonio Espinosa Madrigal.
Bruno Madrigal's Family:
Louis Garrel as Cesare Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Jan Cina as Cornel Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Robert Sheen as Cyriacus Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Christian Slater as Rick Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Holland Roden as Claudine Madrigal Botero (Formerly Frollo).
Unknown Extra as Rachel Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Unknown Extra as Rory Madrigal Botero (Formerly Ratcliffe).
Unknown Extra as Mason Gothel (Gigi Gothel’s brother. His and his twin’s father is unknown).
Unknown Extra as Glenn Gothel (Gigi Gothel’s brother. His and his twin’s father is unknown).
Fiona Frills as Gigi Gothel (Claudine Frollo’s half sister via Frollo).
Isabela Madrigal x Bubo Marquez’s Family:
Tony Revolori as Bubo Marquez Madrigal.
Carlos David Valdes as Arlo Marquez Madrigal.
Unknown Extra as Miguel Melchor Marquez Madrigal Jr.
Unknown Extra as Zoey Alejandra Marquez Madrigal.
Ciara Rose Feeney as Avila Marquez Madrigal.
Dolores Madrigal x Mariano Guzmán’s Family:
Michele Morrone as Mariano Guzmán.
Julia Rehwald as Princesa Guzmán Madrigal.
Amandla Stenberg as Elmira Guzmán Madrigal.
Corbin Bleu as Oscar Guzmán Madrigal.
Sofia Wylie as Fuega Guzmán Madrigal.
Zoey Merchant as Ligera Guzmán Madrigal.
Dafne Keen Fernández as Leta Guzmán Madrigal.
Aiden Fernandes as Javier Guzmán Madrigal and Juan Guzmán Madrigal.
Luisa Madrigal x Ryder Nattura’s Family:
Forrest Goodluck as Ryder Nattura Madrigal.
Raini Rodriguez as Emilia Nattura Madrigal.
Rico Rodriguez as Tito Nattura Madrigal.
Jenna Ortega as Belinda Nattura Madrigal.
Sophie Olivia Goldman as Amada Nattura Madrigal.
Ariana Greenblatt as Silvia Nattura Madrigal.
Alexandro Byrd as Laurencio 'Luis' Nattura Madrigal.
Camilo Madrigal and Mina Madrigal-Prepon's Family:
Shoba Narayan as Mina Madrigal Prepon.
Auli'i Cravalho as Amelia and Sofia Madrigal Prepon.
Jake T. Austin as Carlos Madrigal Prepon.
Marcel Ruiz as Hugo Madrigal Prepon.
Xolo Maridueña as José Madrigal Prepon.
Mirabel Madrigal x Miguel Rivera’s Family:
Omar Rudberg as Miguel Rivera Madrigal.
Xochitl Gomez as Marisol Rivera Madrigal.
Alexys Nycole Sanchez as Mariana Rivera Madrigal.
Khleo Thomas as Marcelo Rivera Madrigal.
Sasha Pieterse as Vera Rivera Madrigal.
Julianna Gamiz as Renata Rivera Madrigal.
Antonio Madrigal’s Family:
Leah Sava Jeffries as Dayana Espinosa Madrigal.
Raphael Alejandro as Giovanni Espinosa Madrigal.
Love Interests of The Next Generation:
Alycia Pascual-Pena as Araceli Peña Merlo (Cesare Madrigal Botero’s girlfriend).
Angel Haze as Amore Pugliese (Cyriacus Madrigal Botero’s betrothed).
Diego Luna as Simon Cantor Acosta Cova (Cornel Madrigal Botero’s boyfriend).
Ashley Nicolette Frangipane/Halsey as Mad Maddy Mim (Rick Madrigal's girlfriend).
Colin Morgan as LeFou Deux Beaumont-LePrince (aka Lee, Claudine Madrigal's boyfriend).
Benjamin Flores Jr. as Lin 'Gizmo' Mazorra (Elmira Guzmán Madrigal’s boyfriend).
Unknown Extra as Haruto of Avalor (Princesa Guzmán Madrigal’s girlfriend).
Unknown Extra as Christopher ‘Topher’ Thompson (Zoey Marquez Madrigal’s boyfriend).
Unknown Extra as Vidal Alfaro Pezmuerto (Arlo Marquez Madrigal’s boyfriend).
Unknown Extra as Caliee Beckett (Gigi Gothel’s girlfriend).
Unknown Extra as Ronaldo Ortiz (Rachel Madrigal Botero’s boyfriend).
Unknown Extra as Becca Colyar (Miguel Marquez Madrigal Jr’s girlfriend).
Jacob Batalon as Théotime ‘Time’ Cogsworth (Oscar Guzmán Madrigal’s boyfriend).
José Julián as Prince Diego of Cordoba (Sofia Madrigal Prepon’s boyfriend).
Zoe Saldaña as Rosana Cardoso (Amelia Madrigal Prepon’s girlfriend).
Paulina Chávez as Annabelle Scorfano (Tito Nattura Madrigal’s crush).
Josie Loren as Portabella Neverwing (Emilia Nattura Madrigal’s girlfriend).
Unknown Extra as Felicidad Ruíz (Fuega Guzmán Madrigal’s girlfriend).
Saxon Sharbino as Eleanor Bluefairy-Carmelo of Llyr (Carlos Madrigal Prepon’s girlfriend).
Lewin Lloyd as Wickley ‘Wick’ Wing (Belinda Nattura Madrigal’s crush).
May add more fancasts for the families of Alma, Félix, and Agustín later but as of now I am undecided on it. I will edit the (Insert Actor) parts when I find actors for them. Feel free to add to the list. This is for my au, the Invisible Truth. Big thanks to @igetthedisneybox for making the family tree.
#encanto#descendants#disney descendants#melissa de la cruz#disney#descendants au#wicked world#disney descendants au#encanto next gen#the madrigals#the madrigal family#crossover ships#concept art characters#invisible truth au
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Now, rest your head on my heart, and draw from it strength and power for these sufferings because you will find neither relief nor help nor comfort anywhere else.
Maria Faustina Kowalska, Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul
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Being worked up about offering my anxieties to our Lord (being assured by St. Maria Faustina’s account that He wants to hear them and pleaded by St. Therese’s writings that He wants to rest) was not on my agenda for tonight but here we are.
#like I’m sure I’m dehydrated and maybe overthinking St. Therese’s plea#thoughts anyone?#catholicism#jesus
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Francis Solanus, Bibiana, Bernadette, Athanasius of Alexandria, Rita of Cascia, Charles de Foucauld, Rafqa, Pio of Pietrelcina, Moses the Black, Eulalia of Barcelona.
Valentine, Maximilian Kolbe, Clare of Assisi, Devasahayam Pillai, Thomas Aquinas, Dymphna, Faustina Kowalska, Maria Goretti, Quiteria, John the Baptist.
Judas Thaddeus, Teresa of Ávila, Joan of Arc, Óscar Romero, Francis of Assisi, Martín de Porres, Rosa of Lima, Juan Diego Cuāuhtlatoātzin, Kateri Tekakwitha, Catherine of Siena.
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Modern Saint Bracket Announcement

Instead of waiting until Sunday, the modern bracket will open immediately after the post-schism bracket is over. This is the modern bracket, which will be followed by a final four, and then there will be even MORE polls (losers' brackets, Marian apparitions, we're going all summer baby.)
Catholic Saint Tournament Modern Bracket Round 1 Pairings:
St Therese of Lisieux vs St Elizabeth Ann Seton
St Padre Pio (of Pietrelcina) vs St Charles de Foucauld
St Maximilian Kolbe vs St Benilde Romancon
St John Bosco vs St John Neumann
St Mother Teresa (of Calcutta) vs St Arnold Janssen
St Jacinta Marto vs St Edith Stein
St Maria Goretti vs St Marianne Cope
St Charles Lwanga (& co) vs St John Vianney
St Oscar Romero vs St Josemaria Escriva
St Bernadette vs St Damian of Molokai
St Faustina vs St Catherine Laboure
St Mary MacKillop vs St Katharine Drexel
St Gemma Galgani vs St Frances Xavier Cabrini
St John Henry Cardinal Newman vs Pope St John Paul II
Pope St John XXIII vs St Mark Ji Tianxiang
St Francisco Marto vs Sts Louis & Zelie Martin (package deal)
You can still submit nominations for beatified folks, propaganda for your favorite saints, or other thoughts in the ask box! Or suggestions for future polls, questions, etc.
May the best saint win!
#st therese of lisieux#st elizabeth ann seton#padre pio#st charles de foucauld#st maximilian kolbe#st benilde romancon#st john neumann#st arnold janssen#mother teresa#st john bosco#st maria goretti#st marianne cope#st edith stein#st john vianney#st oscar romero#st josemaria escriva#st damian of molokai#st bernadette#st charles lwanga#st catherine laboure#st faustina#st jacinta marto#st gemma galgani#st frances xavier cabrini#st john henry newman#pope st john paul ii#st katharine drexel#st mary mackillop
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"Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska, Pray for Us!" #SaintoftheDay #OraProNobis
📷 Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska via #Wikipedia. #Catholic_Priest #CatholicPriestMedia #CanvaPro
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Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska
1905 - 1938
Feast day: October 5
Patron of Mercy
St. Maria Faustina Kowalska was born in Glogowiec, Poland in 1905. The third of ten children from a poor family, she had little formal education. After applying to various convents in Warsaw, she was finally accepted by the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of Mercy in 1925. For years Saint Faustina received revelations and visits from Christ. On Good Friday 1937, Christ appeared to her and dictated to her the prayers that He wished her to pray in a novena from Good Friday through the Octave of Easter, now known as Divine Mercy Sunday. Saint Faustina died in 1938, in Krakow, Poland, of tuberculosis.
Prints, plaques & holy cards available for purchase here: (website)
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