#Margot Meanie
rwpohl · 3 months
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im schatten der macht: die kette, rolf von sydow 1977
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margotmeanie · 5 years
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You are dearer to me than all the bats in all the caves in the world 🦇
🕷Tattoos by Amanda Meowzen at Gastown Tattoo Parlour, follow her here: Instagram.com/meowzen
🔪 Find me @margotmeanie
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twojoe · 6 years
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tom-whore-dleston · 2 years
Barbie and the 900 Followers
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HOLY SHIZZZ!!! I'm freaking out in silence but I am just extremely thankful to have met so many amazing folks like y'all! I love you guys for real 🥹🫶🏽
Since the Barbie movie releases in almost a year, I thought I'd hype up the movie in advance with a Barbie themed sleepover. No sleepover is complete without our fave doll 😊 Plus, Simu is in it so I gotta give the husband my full support bahaha
*in Margot Robbie's Barbie voice* NOW WHO'S READY FOR SOME FUN????
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In the Barbie world:
Starts: July 16 @ 9am (PST)
Ends: July 18 @ 11:59pm (PST)
You are welcome to send in asks before the sleepover starts, but I won’t start responding to them until the start time.
As always, please be 18+ to participate! If I do not see any indication of your age in your bio or you do not have any posts/reblogs, you will be blocked! No exceptions!!
You don’t have to be following me to participate. Everyone is welcome 😊
I disabled anon feature to avoid meanies and minors.
Please send one emoji per ask. You don’t have to worry about spamming my inbox, I will see everything 😉
I will not write/discuss anything revolving around non-con, underage, a/b/o, bathroom kinks, blood kinks (only exception is vampire AU if applicable), incest, step-cest, foot fetish, pregnancy/babies.
I only write for female reader inserts with no specific race/ethnicity, hair/eye/skin color, body type, etc.
I reserve the right to deny writing/discussing any other things that make me uncomfortable.
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C'mon Barbie, let's go party!
Ken Loves Barbie 👩🏼‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏼 - Mutuals only! ask me who I ship you with and I will write a lil sumn on your relationship with them (will only ship with fictional hotties) 
Blonde Bimbo Girl 👱🏻‍♀️ - Writer followers! send me a fic that you wrote and I will give you a good ol’ tom-whore-dleston essay review
Life in plastic 👠 - Send me a hottie and a prompt from one of lists below and I'll write a quick fic (feel free to add AUs/tropes/etc. for some flavor)
fluff/smut/physical || angst 1 & 2
You're my doll 💄 - Let’s play an ask game (cym, fmk, wyr, etc). Feel free to spice it up to your liking 😉
Dress me up👗 - Send me any scenarios or concepts that you envision for any of my AUs (Teach Me Tonight, Honey Baby, The Avengers Sweethearts) and I will write a drabble or head canon for them
Dreamhouse Adventures 🏠 - send me an AU/trope + hottie and I will make a moodboard (check out previous moodboards I have made for ideas)
Feel the glamour in pink 💖 - the floor is yours to get to know me better, thirst over a hottie, talk about your day, etc. Please just be respectful and do not send me any celeb discourse!
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Oh, I love you, Ken 💘
♥ Real life hotties ♥
Simu Liu*, Tom Hiddleston, Tom Holland, Austin Butler*, Barry Keoghan, Andrew Garfield, Harry Styles, Oscar Isaac, Michael B. Jordan, Benedict Cumberbatch, Hayden Christensen
♥ Fictional hotties ♥
Marvel: Loki Laufeyson, Xu Shang-Chi/Shangqi*, Peter Parker (any variant), Xu Wenwu, Erik Kilmonger, Scott Lang, Thor Odinson*, Druig, Kingo, Eros/Starfox, Sam Wilson, Pietro Maximoff (Age of Ultron), Joaquin Torres, Bucky Barnes, Moonknight (all alters)*, Stephen Strange
Star Wars: Din Djarin, Anakin Skywalker*, Obi Wan Kenobi, Poe Dameron
Other: Kim Jung* (Kim’s Convenience), any of Sim Liu’s SNL characters (I am dead serious), Adam (Only Lovers Left Alive), Johnathan Pine (The Night Manager), Robert Laing (High Rise), James Conrad (Kong: Skull Island), Nathan Drake (Uncharted), Arvin Russel (The Devil All The Time)
An * indicates who I am simping for most at the moment and highly encourage asks for them!
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dividers: @firefly-in-darkness
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kazuwhora · 3 years
Write why you love the last 7 mutuals in your notifications (or any of your moots) and then send 3 mutuals of yours this (on Anon or not).
I included 8 oopsies this was so hard because there’s so many mutuals I love and appreciate more than u know but these were the most recent 8 in my notifs 😭🖤
@thetempleofnyx // do I have to say I like anything about jen 😐 jen is mean to me 😐 but I GUESS jen is fun to be mean to back and she puts up with my teasing and doesn’t take it seriously which means it’s more fun to tease and annoy her. I always giggle whenever she’s in my notifs because it’s always something judgemental or disappointed in me and it makes me laugh. but she also lets me rant so shes well rounded methinks
@spookygeto // eris is a sweetheart. they always kill it with themes and post layouts and they’re the type of person that u just feel comfortable and safe around. I love reading the content they put out and seeing them on the dash is always a treat heheheh they’re so supportive of everyone they’re mutuals with and I always see them go above and beyond to make people feel equal and included in their space
@festive // viva is my hot sexy bunny girl whom I love with all my heart I want to sit viva on a golden throne and kiss her feet and fan her with banana leaves and leave pieces of gold and other expensive things at a shrine I made just for her I would be a service dom for viva and worship her eternally because she’s literally the hottest and sweetest human to ever exist. whenever viva is on the dash or in the notifs I feel warm and fuzzy and never judged despite how cocky and obnoxious I can be 😈
@nanaminshousewife // margot been here since day one literally within my first 10 followers when I made this blog and every day I scream and cry because of how grateful I am for their support and love with everything I do and everything that goes on in my little blog. every time I see her on the dash I smile and every time they’re in my inbox I giggle and feel warm. without margot I would not have had the confidence to branch out with my blog the way I have and write the things I’ve written 😭🖤 I’m so proud of everything she’s done and how far and confident she’s gotten with writing and their general presence on tumblr and I will always always always support everything they do and post to the absolute ends of my abilities 🖤🖤
@rindousprincess // at one point I decided I was specifically writing and posting content (especially spaceboy) just to hear your feedback. it came in at a really good time for me and my blog because before it’s support for my series I was seriously struggling with my confidence ab spaceboy and my tora content in general because I felt very self indulgent and like nobody would really care about any tora content I post because of that but z really just somehow found my blog, swooped in, and started leaving feedback that pushed me to write more and more into that self indulgence and rejuvenated my confidence with it 😭 so I am eternally grateful and I really am so glad to have z as a mutual. I look forward to it’s feedback on everything and I always look forward to the content it produces 🖤 I always feel special whenever it gives me comments or tags me in anything or leaves nice asks I just IDIFIWJFNEJ I feel very safe and accepted
@novaresque // as abby’s adopted drumstick roomba hybrid I giggle every time my notifs fill up with her url. like viva, abby is someone who just brings so much joy and sweetness to the dash all the time and I always end up getting sucked in to her vortex whenever shes online (which always happens to be when I’m supposed to be asleep and I end up staying up just to giggle and interact with her). abby is a blessing to this community and also someone who’s feet I would kneel at.
@sakusins // tee is a big meanie to me much like jen but it’s a good thing I like meanies. tee can also handle my annoyingness and not take me personally which I think is a pretty key ability to have if ur my mutual. besides her mlp stance, tee always seems to have the right opinions and takes on certain matters in the fandom and I find myself snickering all the time because she just says all the things I’m thinking but less abrasively than I would say it. beyond that, tee in general is just a genuinely funny person that challenges my brain and scratches all the right itches
@manjiroro // kai my baby. someone I want to shelter from the atrocities of this fandom and the internet because they are simply too sweet to get swept up in everything that happens. I personally would like to take kai and put them on my bookshelf beside all my nendoroids that I pat on the head and talk to every day- safe from the outside world and gate kept all to myself
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How is Eddie, Emmy?
“He’s good! He still really loves flowers and bright colors but his mommy is a meanie and won’t let him wear them.” She pouts a bit- “But he did meet this really nice girl named Margot!!” She says it with a bit of an accent cuz bby speaks French
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kuiperblog · 5 years
Ready or Not: I can’t believe it’s not Margot Robbie!
(Apologies for the length of this post.  I did not have time to write a short one.)
Ready or Not is basically the movie you would think it is from watching the trailer. Even the first 40 seconds (as I did as my only exposure before entering the theater) will suffice without spoiling anything; this was my experience with the movie.  After the 60-second mark, the trailer spoils some of the inevitable deaths.  And yes, these sorts of inevitable deaths can be “spoiled” despite being inevitable, because this is a black comedy horror film, and knowing how someone dies is like knowing the punchline to a joke.  You knew there was going to be a punchline, but if you watch the trailer, you’ll be prepared for the delivery when it comes.
(The following PREVIEW has been approved for MATURE AUDIENCES)
When I was a young (teenage) moviewatcher, I did not really “get” black comedy horror films.  When I heard about “Shaun of the Dead,” I watched it expecting it to be a spoof, something in the vein of what Spaceballs was to Star Wars, or Airplane was to Zero Hour.  But in fact, Shaun of the Dead is a zombie movie more than it is a comedy movie; the comedy is seasoning, not the meat.
My expectation that Shaun of the Dead was a “comedy” movie caused me to not enjoy it the first time I watched it.  The second half of the movie barely had any jokes!  It was like I was watching an actual horror movie and not a comical spoof!
I’ve since come to a better understanding of what a “black comedy horror film” is.  While deconstruction is different from parody, I think you can construct an analogy where a spoof is to deconstruction what black comedy is to reconstruction.  Movies like Cabin in the Woods and You’re Next are in conversation with other movies in the horror genre, no doubt.  However, the main statement of Cabin in the Woods is not “horror movies suck and here’s an explanation of how they suck,” its main statement is closer to, “horror movies are kind of awesome, but they could be better, so lets do something that represents the best of what horror movies are trying to do while avoiding the trappings of tropey horror movies while also simultaneously indulging in them.  Yes, we are having our cake and eating it, too.”
I think, in a broader sense, there’s a hunger for horror movies that are just smarter than your standard slasher or monster flick.  One way to be (or seem) smart is to hold up dumb horror movies and point and laugh.
But the approach which I’ve come to enjoy a lot is one which says, “People enjoy these movies for a reason.  There’s a reason that Friday the 13th and The Purge and Texas Chainsaw massacre have achieved such a high level of cultural significance despite not being very well-liked by critics. What if we allowed ourselves to bathe in the viscera, and did it in a way that was just self aware enough to let the audience know that we know that they knew that horror movies are inherently kind of dumb?  A way to wink at the camera without actually winking at the camera?
Horror movies, perhaps more than any other genre of media (including non-film horror stories), have worldbuilding components that exist as part of the wider culture, things that the audience carries into the theater with them. Part of this is superficial worldbuilding elements, like how vampires hate crosses, and werewolves hate silver bullets, for the same reason that wizards wear pointy hats and elves have pointy ears.  But more than that, within horror, there are rules that we know not because they are rules of the fictional world that the movie has created, but because they are rules of screenwriting.
As an example, karma is the most powerful rule in the universe.  If someone is behaving like a real meanie in the movie’s first act, you know that there are only two outcomes waiting for him: a redemption arc, or punishment from some cosmic force of justice.  This is the same force that punishes teenagers for having sex by visiting serial killers upon them, and assures us that the police aren’t going to swoop in until the last few minutes of the movie, if they show up at all.  (Or, if they do show up early, they’ll either die at the hands of the killer, or not hear the screams of the victims and drive right past.)
These “rules” are all, well, kind of dumb.  There’s no chain of “cause and effect” that should cause cheating on your fiance to result in your head being bashed in by a serial killer, for example.  More particular to the horror genre, most complaints about horror movies take the form of, “the victims could easily escape if only they did this very obvious thing!” And of course, the reason that they don’t do this thing is that, in universe, they must be very dumb (and thus not deserving of the sympathy of smart and cynical viewers).  But the real reason that the victims don’t do the obvious thing that would allow them to escape the murder house in the first 10 minutes of the film is that the movie has a runtime of 90 minutes, and they need to be kept in the murder house until the final moments of the movie.
These rules are dumb, because they are arbitrary.  But they are necessary, because a movie where the protagonist is trapped inside the murder house for the entire duration of the movie is more entertaining where they immediately escape, go to the police, and then spend the last 60 minutes of the movie talking to detectives and testifying against the slasher in court.
Cabin in the Woods is seen by many people as a subversion of horror movie tropes, but in a lot of ways, it chooses to embrace horror movie tropes and just give them an explanation that is, in all honesty, kind of cheating, because its entire premise is that the people in its setting are reading from the horror movie playbook.  Thus, “the teenagers in the cabin were dumb for scriptwriting reasons” becomes “the teenagers in the cabin were dumb because the villains slipped them a drug that made them stupid.”
But you can offer an explanation without getting too meta.  That’s what I think You’re Next did.  And that’s what I think that Ready or Not does really well.  It’s aware of and in conversation with other horror movies only in the sense that it’s aware, “these are the problems horror movies can have, and we’re going to do better.”
I think that what really characterizes movies like Cabin in the Woods, and You’re Next, and Ready or Not is a defiant attitude.  Not a defiant attitude from the characters (though that can happen to), but a defiant attitude from the screenwriter.  It’s the kind of thing that bleeds into every scene, an attitude that says, “yeah this is a horror movie, but we can have scenes that are funny instead of being all about dread and terror from start to finish.  Jump scares? Don’t need ‘em!  But we’ll toss in a fake jump scare at the beginning, just to demonstrate that we’re aware of how much jump scares suck and are unfulfilling.
Yes, this world is to some extent governed by scriptwriting rules and not internal-consistency rules, but we’re going to do a really good job of keeping things plausible: for example, there’s going to be a moment when a character does something chiefly because of symbolism, but also it’s going to serve some practical purpose in the movie. We’re going to adhere to the world’s own logic, such as it is, 95% of the way, so that when you get to the last 5%, you’re going to say, “You earned it,” rather than “That’s bullshit.”  And we’re going to have some really great, iconic, memorable shots that are going to linger in your mind maybe for the rest of your life, because film is a visual medium, and even we realize that sometimes that one amazing shot is worth any concessions we had to make for it.
Ready or Not feels like more than the sum of its parts, not in the sense that any of its constituent parts are lacking, per se, but that they only work in the context of all the other parts.  It’s a good package.  I enjoyed the movie.  I liked the characters, I liked the bloody parts, I liked the expected parts, and I liked the surprising-yet-inevitable parts even more.  It is a good black comedy horror film.  If you like those, this is one of them.
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Of course, it’s impossible to say anything about this movie without saying that the most surprising thing about it is that the main character is not played by Margot Robbie.  (Could Samara Weaving and Margot Robbie have been separated at birth?)
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bcktoothbutter-blog · 5 years
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marsh being a meanie to margot
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realbodyrevolution · 5 years
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Margot Meanie.
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addiedev-blog · 5 years
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( EMMA MACKEY, 21, FEMALE, SHE/HER) Goodness gracious,i just saw ADELAIDE “ADDIE” DEVERAUX strolling down Main Street. Is it true that they’ve lived in Maple Creek for 21 YEARS? You know I often see them at MOMMA SWEET’S DINER where they spend their time as a SERVER and the people who know them call them HONEST and CURIOUS, but also BLUNT and CYNICAL
Hi!!! I’m Caryl, and this is Addie. I apologize in advance for her. ...she has a bit of an attitude problem. I’ll eventually get around to writing a bio for her, but for now, I’ll just throw in the basics.
So, she’s Annabeth’s lil sister/mini-me (...sometimes I can’t really tell the difference between Margot and Emma, tbh. Like...it’s really hard if you see their pictures side by side. It’s kind of creepy.) She loves her sister. Even when she’s being over protective of her, she still loves her. Even though they’re huge opposites. 
She doesn’t really take shit from people. It’s just not her cup of tea to sit back and let things roll off her back. If something bothers her, you’re going to hear about it. And after she explodes about it, she’s probably going to take a ten hour nap, because exploding takes a lot of effort, and tbh she’s lazy as fuck. Like...looks for the bare minimum to get something done, cuts corners where she can, just because putting effort into anything is a pain in the ass.
And yes, she’s always been that way. Which is funny, because she is brilliant. She aced all tests and quizzes thrown her way in school, but homework? Nah. Why would she do that? 
She got accepted to Florida State, didn’t really want to go but her boyfriend at the time was going too, and so she followed him like a lost puppy. ...of course, high school sweethearts don’t really work out very well, and she walked in on her boyfriend making out with some...Addie calls her some very not so nice words...we’ll just call her a meanie head. That relationship was doomed, and it destroyed Addie because he had been her childhood best friend on top of boyfriend, so it was like a double slap in the face. She dropped out of college after that, moved back home, and has been working at the diner ever since. She also hasn’t really done the whole relationship thing since then. Why give someone the power to hurt her? But she also doesn’t talk about what happened between them, because she doesn’t really do emotions. 
Even though her dad is the mayor, she doesn’t let that affect how she shows herself. She’s not perfect, and she doesn’t want to be perfect. She’s different, and doesn’t care what people think of her. Addie just sort of walks to the rhythm of her own drum.
I think that’s it...I’m sure I’ll think of more. Feel free to throw random connections at me. She’s been here her whole life...err’one pretty much knows her.
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margotmeanie · 6 years
Hello Fall! Has is really been 5 years already?
This time of year is always brimming with activity & events, but probably the biggest next to the Fall Equinox is that it's my blog's birthday!! That's right, it's been FIVE WHOLE YEARS of me doing my thing on the internet with y'all.
This time of year is always brimming with activity and events, but probably the biggest next to the Fall Equinox is that it’s my blog’s birthday!! That’s right, it’s been FIVE WHOLE YEARS of me doing my thing on the internet with y’all. I’ve learned so very much, I’ve challenged myself in ways I never expected, I’ve made life changing friendships, and all because I decided to do a little thing…
View On WordPress
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dear-indies · 5 years
Hello! Please could you suggest any plus size females with red hair? Thank you and have a good day!
Carnie Wilson (1968)
Melissa McCarthy (1970)
Delnaaz Irani (1972) Indian.
Itziar Castro (1977)
Chrissy Metz (1980)
Fortune Feimster (1980)
Beth Ditto (1981)
Christina Mendez (1981) Dominican.
Yanagihara Kanako (1986) Japanese.
Aidy Bryant (1987)
Clémentine Desseaux (1988)
Sarah Rae Vargas (1988) Mexican. 
Georgina Horne (1988)
Joby Bach (1988)
Olivia Campbell (1989) Unspecified Black.
Mary Lambert (1989) 
Catherine Li (1991) Chinese / Unspecified.
Loey Lane (1993)
Bree Kish (1996) ¼ Spanish ¼  Irish ¼ Dutch ¼ African-American.
Diana Veras (1996) Unspecified Black.
Anna Bernadina (1997)
Sonny Turner (1998) Unspecified Black.
Corissa Enneking (stated as 33 on her website at time of posting)  
Mariya (stated as being 20 on her YouTube at time of posting)
Hayley Herms (?)
Emily Nichols (?) 
Bronwyn James (?) 
Margot Meanie (?) 
Teagan Brooke (?) 
Charlotte Kuhrt  (?)
Lucy Ryan (?)
Some have ginger highlights / ginger hints to their hair! All from our body diversity masterlist here! -C
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Stock Take for Today #literallyabookstore6531 (So i dont lose it)
Traci Chee - The Speaker
Renee Ahdieh - Smoke in the sun
Meagen Spooner - Sherwood
Crystal Chan - All that I can fix
Derek Milman - Scream All Night
Alexandra Blogier - The last girl on Earth
Shannon Dunlap - Izzy and Tristan
Jennifer Mathieu - Devoted
Oliver - Before I fall
Greff Olsen - Run
Hayley Long - The nearest far away place
Chloe Coles - Life's a Beach
Jono Dawson - Margot and Me
Eileen Cook - The hanging Girl
Claudia Gray - The Worlds
Eliza Waas - The life and death parade
Phyllida Shrimpton - Flowers and February
Jake Halpen - Edgeland
Laura Dockrill - Aurabel
Claire Hennessy - Other Girls
Robert Cochran - The sword and the dagger
Klingele - The truth lies here
Tyler - The Pioneer
Rosalyn Eves - Blood Rose Rebellion
Breeana Shields - Poison's Cage
Nancy Werlin - And then there were four
Adrianne Strickland - Shadow Call
Somaiya Daud - Mirage
Michelle Falkoff - Questoins I want to ask you
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2. Ghost Stories By: Charles Dickens ISBN: 9781509825400
3. The Castle of Otranto By: Horace Walpole ISBN: 9781847497598
4. A Christmas Carol and Other Stories By: Charles Dickens ISBN: 9781849310802
5. Europe after the Rain By: Alan Burns ISBN: 9780714549163
6. Madame Bovary By: Gustave Flaubert ISBN: 9781509842889
7. If You're Reading This By: Andrew Nicoll ISBN: 9780857384942
8. The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes By: Arthur Conan Doyle ISBN: 9781847497444
9. Classic Fairy Tales from the Brothers Grimm By: Jacob Grimm ISBN: 9781849311670
10. Life in the Country By: Giovanni Verga ISBN: 9781847497710
11. 20000 Leagues Under the Sea By: Jules Verne ISBN: 9781849311656
12. If This Is A Man/The Truce: Hachette Essentials By: Primo Levi ISBN: 9780349144009
13. Cold Mountain: Hachette Essentials By: Charles Frazier ISBN: 9781529325270
14. The Prelude and Other Poems By: William Wordsworth ISBN: 9781847497505
15. The Touchstone By: Edith Wharton ISBN: 9781847497932
16. The Magus By: John Fowles ISBN: 9780099478355
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18. The Old Man and the Sea By: Ernest Hemingway ISBN: 9780099595632
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2. House of Glass By: Susan Fletcher ISBN: 9780349007656
3. Orphan #8: A Novel By: Kim van Alkemade ISBN: 9780062338303
4. The Queen's Necklace By: Len Rix ISBN: 9781782274476
5. The Gravediggers' Bread By: Frederic Dard ISBN: 9781782272014
6. A Master Plan for Rescue: A Novel By: Janis Cooke Newman ISBN: 9780399185021
7. Sappho's Leap: A Novel By: Erica Jong ISBN: 9780393325614
8. Nine Lessons By: Nicola Upson ISBN: 9780571324781
9. Little Jewel By: Patrick Modiano ISBN: 9780300221824
10. A Dictionary of Mutual Understanding: A Novel By: Jackie Copleton ISBN: 9780143128250
11. The Book Borrower By: Alice Mattison ISBN: 9780061153020
12. The Assassin of Verona By: Benet Brandreth ISBN: 9781785762154
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14. The Song Collector By: Natasha Solomons ISBN: 9781444736380
15. The Hour of Separation: From the bestselling author of Richard & Judy book club pick By: Katharine McMahon ISBN: 9780297866077
16. The Ventriloquists By: E.R. Ramzipoor ISBN: 9781489286574
17. The Lions' Torment By: Blanche d'Alpuget ISBN: 9781925384802
18. Pasha: Thomas Kydd 15 By: Julian Stockwin ISBN: 9781444785388
 1. Jens Lapidus By: Top Dog ISBN: 9781786491770
2. Pierre Lemaitre By: The Great Swindle ISBN: 9781681443935
3. Jessica Fellowes By: The Mitford Scandal: Diana Mitford and a death at the party ISBN: 9780751573930
4. Professor of Humanities Joyce Carol Oates By: A Fair Maiden ISBN: 9780547263359
5. Raymond Khoury By: Second Time Around ISBN: 9781409117964
6. Sandra Brown By: Outfox: The new twisty ISBN: 9781473669512
7. Val McDermid By: How the Dead Speak ISBN: 9781408712269
8. Edward Marston By: Points of Danger ISBN: 9780749023522
9. HC Warner By: She ISBN: 9780008204686
10. Helen Fields By: The Shadow Man ISBN: 9780008394073
11. Tom Clancy By: Net Force: Dark Web ISBN: 9781489287113
12. Mason Cross By: The Killing Season: Carter Blake Book 1 ISBN: 9781409145691
13. Mons Kallentoft By: Earth Storm: The new novel from the Swedish crime-writing phenomenon ISBN: 9781444776416
14. Quintin Jardine By: Skinner's Round (Bob Skinner series ISBN: 9780747250418
15. George Pelecanos By: The Double ISBN: 9781409114598
16. Yrsa Sigurdardottir By: The Reckoning: A Completely Chilling Thriller ISBN: 9781473621589
17. Quintin Jardine By: Game Over (Bob Skinner series ISBN: 9781472205728
18. Ian Rankin By: Rather Be the Devil: The superb Rebus No.1 bestseller (Inspector Rebus 21) ISBN: 9781409159421
19. Kate Ellis By: The Mechanical Devil: Book 22 in the DI Wesley Peterson crime series ISBN: 9780349413136
20. Yrsa Sigurdardottir By: The Legacy ISBN: 9781473621534
 Roisin Meany - The Reunion
Lucy Siegle - Turning the tide on plastic - NF
E.S Thomas - Dark Asylum
Sue Simkin - Afternoon Tea
Jane O'Reilly - Blue Shift
Susanna Gregory - The Executioner of St Paul's
Ian Rankin - Saints of the Shadow Bible
Terry Shames - Dead Broke in Jarrett Creek
Maria Goodvage - Secret Service Dogs - NF
Tim O'Brien - In the Lake of the Woods
Jack Higgins Eye of the Storm
James Wilson - The Summer of Broken Stories
Charlie Cambell - Scapegoat
Chris Ryan - Safe
Mary Chamberlain - The Hidden
Nora Roberts - Christmas with You
Claire Balding - My Animals and Other Family - NF
Bridget Collins - The Betrayals
Paul Terry - The Claimant
Bernard Cornwell - Lord War
Sarah Morgan - Family For Beginners - NF
Jess Lagasse - The Gluten Free Table - NF
Harry and Meghan - Finding Freedom - NF
David Koepp - Cold Storage
Graham Apthorpe - The Man Inside The Bloodiest Outbreak - NF
Erin Kelly - Stone Mothers
Justina Robson - Down to the Bone
Andrew O'Hagan - The Secret Life
Celia Imrie - Sail Away
1 Lined Notebook
Gill Sims - Why Mummy Doesn't Give A !
Jon Kalman Stefansson - Heaven and Hell
William Golding - Close Quarters
Lisa Lutz - The Swallows
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imliterweit-blog · 6 years
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Fiz esse desenho inspirado numa foto da maravilhosa Margot Meanie (https://www.instagram.com/margotmeanie/) que vi no pinterest :3
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increase-size · 6 years
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Margot Meanie at New York Fashion Week… https://ift.tt/2UGXmAg
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