#Margaret Buckley Hater Squad
donationwayne · 4 months
Feelin' Good (Could Be Better) || Buddie || 10/10 Chapters || 24.6k words
Hi, I just realized I never made a post for the full work since I completed this a month or two back, so I thought I'd give it a little post!
The Buckley parents unexpectedly visit, turning Buck's already shaky mental status from precarious to impossibly worse. Buck joins Maddie, Chimney, and his parents for a dreadful dinner. We take a little look into Buck's childhood through a series of flashbacks. And Buck is super fine thanks for asking, he'll just bake about it. And think about kissing Eddie, obviously. There's a family barbecue in attempt to keep the Buckley's on their best behavior. It doesn't really work. SNIPPET
Before he has a chance to make an attempt at opening the door, it flies open to reveal May, who stares at their offerings in disbelief and bewilderment. “How many more people are coming?” May asks, dazed. “We’re the last ones,” Eddie replies, amused. May takes the cookies off his hands and follows them to the kitchen. “Good Lord, Buck,” Athena exclaims, torn between horror and amusement. “He bakes when he’s anxious.” Eddie offers. “Maybe next time, just book an extra therapy session.” May teases. Buck, who is standing by the sink, grabs the hose attachment and sprays her with it, earning a shrieking laugh. “Don’t even try me, Grant,” Buck threatens. “You’re cleaning that up,” Athena informs Buck, who is already grabbing a towel to soak the water up from the floor. “I’ll tell Bobby you two made it inside.” Athena hesitates. “Everyone is already here. And your sister is babysitting your parents.” Buck nods, smoothing down his shirt. “Right.” Chimney darts inside, holding onto his glass for dear life, looking like a man in desperate need of a buoy. “Booze?” He blurts at Athena, who gestures towards the fridge. “That bad?” Eddie asks in amusement. "Oh, thank God, you’re here. It's almost your turn for babysitting duty.” “I agreed to no such thing. I plan on avoiding my parents until we all sit down for dinner.” Buck replies. Chimney opens the fridge, brandishing gold tequila at him. “Either of you in?” “Definitely,” Buck says, joining him. He grabs three disposable shot glasses from the drink area and hands them to Chimney. “I’m the potential getaway driver, so I’ll be drinking a beer early on at most.” “That’s genius. If you escape, please take me with you.” Chimney pleads, he fills all three shot glasses, and pushes two of them towards Buck. “You can have Eddie’s.” They cheers, tapping the shots on the counter before swallowing down the sharp, cheap tequila. He throws the second one back and shivers. Chimney glances at Eddie while grabbing three beers from the fridge. “Ready to meet your in-laws?” Buck feels himself flush at Chimney’s implication, but Eddie simply rolls his eyes, unphased. He cracks open the beer that Chimney hands him, “Come on, let's go rip the band-aid off.” Eddie offers. He sets a warm, grounding hand on Buck’s shoulder, steering him to the patio doors. Chimney leads the charge.
Above is a small offering of fluff to appease you. I'm sorry, there is a lot of angst ahead.
This is basically just a fic about how much I hate the Buckley parents and yes I made them even worse, you're welcome! I went Hater school so I would have the tools to properly hate Margaret and Phillip Buckley.
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