#Marcus Estalli
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subduedmoon · 4 years ago
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That’s my master!
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Various words to describe JOCASTA NU
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flintmarc · 4 years ago
nevasca; plot semanal #1 @bulstrcde​
Esconder-se em locais isolados poderia não ser a melhor ideia de Marcus naquele dia da nevasca. Os dementadores se encontravam ainda cercando o castelo, as figuras ameaçadoras e assustadoras intimidando cada aluno até mesmo os Sonserinos. Ele, por sua vez, sequer passava perto de uma janela; antes de seu maior medo acabar sendo Voldemort, o espaço era ocupado pelos dementadores. "Não, Millie! Fique parada!" alertou com rapidez quando as íris esverdeadas focaram a garota mais jovem. Marcus apressou os passos e se dirigiu até a janela próxima à bruxa, puxando as cortinas grossas para ocultar aquela parte do corredor. "Quem diabos abriu essas cortinas de novo? Eu já fechei duas vezes!" estalou nervoso. Estava uma pilha de nervos desde que viu a primeira figura sombria pairando lá fora na neve.
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monica2bach · 6 years ago
El tiempo entre costuras 5.
Tras varias quedadas Marcus , el periodista y Sira se enamoran, pero Marcus tiene que irse a Inglaterra, ya que trabaja viajando.
El marido de Rosalía duró poco en África, se tuvo que marchar. Rosalía pudo seguir con su amante Juan Luis, y se marcharon a Madrid a resolver unos cargos políticos. Pasaron unos meses y estalló la segunda Guerra Mundial.
Sira recibió una carta de Rosalía , sobre una fiesta que debía de asistir. Allí se reunió con ella ,y le propuso que se fuera a Madrid, a una organización de espías, allí montaría un taller de costuras, y debía de sacarle información a las esposas de los altos políticos.
El capítulo termina en una conversación de Sira junto a su madre contándole lo que pasó en la fiesta, la madre de Sira le recomienda que vaya y ayude en lo que haga falta para que no estalle otra guerra.
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larissamarie6 · 7 years ago
Speak, even if your voice shakes – Trolling & Social Media
Trolling is defined by Moreau as: when an individual form the online social community “deliberately tries to disrupt, attack, offend or generally cause trouble within the community by posting certain comments, photos, videos, GIFs or some other form of online content” (2017). Moreau (2017) continues by outlining ten types of online trolls, they include:
The insult troll
The persistent debate troll
The grammar and spellcheck troll
The forever offended troll
The show-off, know-it-all or blabbermouth troll
The profanity and all-caps troll
The one word only troll
The exaggeration troll
The off topic troll
The greedy spammer troll
Online trolling or cyber-bullying can sometimes be the cause of teen suicide. The Australian Bureau of Statistics states that in 2016, the number of children who are committing suicide had increased by a third in the last decade – with suicide remaining as the leading cause of death for kids aged 5 – 17 (Marcus, 2017). Boyd suggests that technology offers a new avenue for bullying, in the same way that the phone did before the internet (2014, p. 132). Boyd also continues by suggesting that social media increased the volume of the audience size, of those who are witness to online trolling or bullying (2014, p. 133).
However, in some cases you do have to wonder if the audience size is increased or if everything remains behind closed doors – until it’s too late. For instance, the recent passing of Dolly Everett – the 14 year old girl from the Northern Territory took her own life earlier in January, has again erupted the conversation about online bullying and trolling. After the passing of Dolly, a family friend came forward announcing that his 15 year old daughter is also a victim of cyber-bullying, although he only found out about the bullying through a family friend. His daughter did not advise him.  As seen in the image below, a very extreme case of what would be classified as an ‘insult troll’, these types of trolls call other names, they accuse, and they do anything to get a negative emotional response from the recipient (Moreau, 2017). Further to this Boyd (2014, p. 131) suggests that bullying has three components; aggression, repetition and imbalance in power. The image again, clearly possesses aggression.
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However, even with the negativity of this tragic story of Dolly, and other victims who have come forward – there is a positive light in this dark space. Individuals are also using social media platforms to come forward and assist in raising awareness about mental health - creating a movement and a sanctuary for people who may be suffering online trolling or bullying. An example of this is Craig Estall’s video that went viral on Facebook after Dolly’s passing. Even news program, The Project interviewed Estall in hope to raise awareness and prevention to teen suicide from cyber bullying. Furthermore, there has been a hashtag created, #DoItForDolly and #SpeakEvenIfYourVoiceShakes, which is emphasising the solidarity of online communities to stop online trolling and bullying and continue raising awareness.
Interview with Craig Estall video: https://www.facebook.com/TheProjectTV/videos/10155229439258441/
Boyd, D 2014, 'Bullying: Is the Media Amplifying Meanness and Cruelty?', It’s Complicated: The Social Lives of Networked Teens, Yale University Press, New Haven, USA.
Marcus, C 2018, ‘My heart aches for Dolly and the young girls of today’, The Daily Telegraph, 16 January, viewed 16 January 2018, <https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/rendezview/my-heart-aches-for-dolly-and-the-young-girls-of-today/news-story/5d59892635af676d3bf07a3c827639e6>.
Moreau, E 2017, ‘10 Types of Internet Trolls You'll Meet Online’, lifewire, 19 May, viewed 16 January 2018, <https://www.lifewire.com/types-of-internet-trolls-3485894>.
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gpsdanoticia · 7 years ago
Gmail: os seus emails podem ser lidos por aplicações terceiras
Gmail: os seus emails podem ser lidos por aplicações terceiras
Em 2013, estalou uma polémica sobre a possibilidade de a Google poder ler o seus emails e essa informação poder ser usada para fins de publicidade. A Google acabou por confirmar que isso já não seria feito pela empresa e que os emails pessoais não seriam usados para esses fins. No entanto, parece que há quem leia.
Segundo uma investigação do Wall Street Journal, que a chamou por “Segredo Sujo”…
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