#March Caprice V
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🕔As we look forward to what this new year has to bring, we want to remind you that sign-ups for Art, Video, Musicians, Cosplay, Writing, and Merch signups are due next week Saturday. Sign up before it's too late!🕔
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#kh#marchcaprice#kingdomhearts#kingdom hearts#youtube#cosplay#music#streaming#mc5#March Caprice V#kh art#vgm#kh fanart#kh fanfiction#kh cosplay#kh merch
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Writevember Jour 12 - Cri
Envie d’hurler.
De crier. De faire un esclandre.
Mais au final, au final, on arrive juste à pleurer.
Des larmes de frustrations, de colère, de peur et d’anxiété.
Parce qu’au final. Qu’est-ce que ça changerait ? A quoi cela nous amènerait ?
Ça ne serait pas constructif. A part s’énerver, se faire mal, cela ne ferait pas avancer les choses. Et à ce moment-là, eh bien, non seulement on serait triste et anxieux et frustré, mais en plus on aurait mal à la gorge et aux poignets et au crâne.
Pleurer, cela déshydrate quand même beaucoup.
C’est comme une bouillie de sentiments contradictoires enfoncé dans la cage thoracique, qui pousse et souffle et nous étouffe progressivement. Un sac de nœuds qu’on ne sait pas par quel bout prendre, qu’on a peur d'emmêler encore plus, mais qu’il faudra bien attaquer à un moment, qu’il faudra bien tirer fil par fil pour en arriver à bout et s’en défaire.
Mais cela demande tellement d’efforts, et à cet instant précis, on a le sentiment d’être un torchon essoré.
Trop de choses en trop peu de temps qui se sont succédées, non, qui se chevauchent et ne laissent pas un instant de répit, qui nous cogne et nous rejette à terre à chaque fois que l’on pense avoir su se relever, alors que l’on essaye d’encaisser les coups et d’aller de l’avant.
C’est comme un trop-plein d’émotion qui s’est écoulé de nous, et qui, ayant trempé notre fibre, est finalement évacué comme un torchon essoré.
Pleurer, cela fatigue aussi bien physiquement que mentalement.
Cela fait du bien, parfois, en effet, c’est une soupape de sécurité, les glandes lacrymales travaillant d’arrache-pied pour que les hormones et le stress glissent hors de notre corps sans trop de dommages. Mais il y a une limite, un seuil à ne pas dépasser, car après, cela se fait sentir, comme un muscle meurtri, comme un ligament foulé.
Alors il faut laisser passer. Laisser couler.
Mais c’est plus facile à dire qu’à faire. De faire le vide dans sa tête, d’être capable de passer outre ses propres sensibilités et une expérience désagréable. Cela demande un travail sur soi, une certaine maturité mentale. Un savoir-être. Et il est souvent tellement plus facile de se laisser aller à ses basses envies, de faire un caprice comme un enfant, de hurler jusqu’à ce qu’on nous entende, nous console - mais le résultat final sera le même.
Rien n’aura changé. Cela n’aura pas corrigé nos problèmes.
Alors on garde son cri dans son cœur. Que faire, que faire de plus ?
Tenir. S’accrocher. Se dire que ce n’est qu’un mauvais moment à passer.
Oui mais voilà, les mauvais moments n’ont pas le temps de passer, et il est de plus en plus difficile de se dire que ce sera bientôt fini. D’accuser coup après coup, galère après galère.
Une fois, cela arrive. Deux, c’est une coïncidence.
Trois, quatre, cinq… Le sort s’acharne, le destin s’amuse, on ne sait à quels dieux se vouer tant tous ceux qu’on prie semblent se régaler de notre misère.
Alors que faire ? Qu’il y a-t-il à faire, dans ces cas-là ?
Avoir de l’espoir ? Avoir la foi ? Se battre, se démener contre vents et marées ?
Le cri est bloqué dans la gorge, et l’on arbore un petit sourire triste.
“Ça va ?” “Oui, ça va, et vous ?”
On ne peut pas répondre que cela ne va pas. Que rien ne va plus.
Ce n’est pas correct, ce n’est pas comme ça que vont les choses, et les gens détestent toujours que l’on dérange leurs petites habitudes. Alors on se tait, on pleure en silence.
Marche ou crève.
Peut-être qu’au final ce n’est pas si grave, qu’on a l’impression que c’est bien pire qu’en réalité. Que finalement cela se résoudra tout seul. Un miracle en perspective.
Mais la petite voix, logée au creux de son cœur, celle qui nous murmure à l’oreille des mots dégoulinants de poison, une vipère se cachant dans notre ombre et se nourrissant de nos peurs et de nos angoisses, cette petite voix susurre que les miracles, cela n’arrive que dans les histoires pour enfants. On est trop grands pour croire aux contes de fées.
La vie est injuste. Que faire à part l’accepter ?
Alors certes, ce sont les gens qui la rendent moins injuste. Il y a toujours une lueur d’espoir, la flamme vacillante d’une bougie au milieu de la nuit noire. Une personne, un ami, un collègue à qui se fier, quelqu’un qui nous tendra la main en cas de besoin et qui saura, à défaut de nous rassurer, nous apporter un peu de confort dans les moments difficiles.
Alors c’est dur, oui, et il faut se faire violence pour ne pas laisser tomber, pour ne pas se laisser tomber soi-même, mais abandonner serait la pire des choses possibles dans ces cas-là, car on aurait alors souffert pour rien tout ce temps, car il y a encore des solutions et des choses à faire, des objectifs au-delà du miasme qui envahit notre esprit, une envie de vivre que nul ne peut briser et qu’il faut continuer d’alimenter et de protéger comme une petite pousse fragile, afin qu’une fois le printemps arrivé, elle puisse bourgeonner en une magnifique fleur. Une corolle de pétales de résilience.
Alors il faut crier, peut-être, marcher jusqu’à épuisement, se retrouver seul au monde dans un de ces espaces liminal où le temps n’a plus prise, où le passé se confonds avec le présent et le futur, où simplement exister est déjà un dérangement de l’atmosphère si particulière de ces lieux. Et là il faut vider ses poumons, prendre une grande inspiration, et la relâcher dans un soupir ou dans un hurlement, évacuer toute cette souffrance et cette peine.
Vider son sac, mais il n’y a pas forcément besoin d’un autre témoin ou d’une oreille attentive que celle offerte par le béton fissuré, les murs envahis de lierre, la terre battue d’un sentier de forêt ou l’asphalte bossu d’un parking vide.
On lève la tête au ciel, on crie le contenu de son cahier de doléance à la lune, et cette dernière ne nous répondra jamais, évidemment, perchée dans le ciel et si loin des vicissitudes de notre petite vie terrestre.
On crie.
On ne nous répond pas.
Ainsi va la vie.
#my writing#writevember#Ecriture Nov 2024#ouais j'ai des pbs avec ma bagnole et ça me fait CHIER#who needs therapy when you can mash a keyboard in a Gdoc ?
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Press Release (TLDR below roster)
2024 Bay FC Preseason Roster (by position) (as of Jan. 23, 2024)
Goalkeepers (4): - Emmie Allen (NRI) - Hailey Coll (NRI) - Melissa Lowder (NRI) - Katelyn Rowland
Defenders (10): - Caitlin Cosme (NRI) - Caprice Dydasco - Maya Gordon (NRI) - Savy King (DRAFT) - Alyssa Malonson - Tegan McGrady (NRI) - Emily Menges - Kiki Pickett - Kayla Sharples - Laveni Vaka (DRAFT)
Midfielders (9) - Joelle Anderson - Dorian Bailey - Tess Boade - Maya Doms (DRAFT) - Alex Loera - Maya McCutcheon (NRI) - Maddie Moreau (NRI) - Jamie Shepherd (DRAFT) - Brianna Visalli (NRI)
Forwards (7): - Scarlett Camberos - Caroline Conti (DRAFT) - Jasmine Hamid (NRI) - Rachel Hill - Ru Mucherera (NRI) - Shaelan Murison (NRI) - Chioma Ubogagu (NRI)
Key: NRI – Non-roster invitee NYR – Not yet reported to camp INTL – International Player DRAFT – 2024 NWSL Draft Pick
Club opens training camp on January 23 in Santa Barbara
Will partake in the first Coachella Valley Invitational (CVI) for NWSL teams (February 19 - 24) [buy passes to invitational here]
CVI schedule: v. San Diego FC (Feb. 20, 12 p.m. PST), v. Angel City FC (Feb. 24, 1 p.m. PST)
NWSL regular season starts March 16 (26 matches; 13 home/13 away)
NWSL CBA-mandated league break from July 8 - 14
NWSL break July 15 - August 18 b/c of the Paris 2024 Olympics
League-organized tournament July 19 - 21; (will feature international participants and all 14 NWSL teams)
NWSL expanded playoff format: eight clubs qualify for playoffs, four quarterfinal matches (no more byes to semifinals)
Quarterfinals (Nov. 9 - 10), Semifinals (Nov. 16 - 17), NWSL Championship (Nov. 23)
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Perdre du poids : Pourquoi votre régime ne marche jamais ?
La quête de la perte de poids est souvent entourée de mystère. Selon l'INSERM, un français sur deux est touché par un problème de poids. De nombreux régimes promettent des résultats miraculeux, mais pourquoi la plupart d'entre eux échouent-ils ? Le premier aspect crucial à comprendre est que la perte de poids repose sur une équation simple : dépenser plus de calories que ce que nous consommons. Cela signifie que l'activité physique et une alimentation équilibrée jouent un rôle clé dans notre réussite. Pourquoi notre régime n'abouti pas à un résultat satisfaisant ? Il est indéniable que de nombreux régimes échouent, et la question est de savoir pourquoi. La principale raison est fréquemment liée à leur caractère restrictif et non durable. Les régimes qui privent certaines catégories d'aliments, imposent des portions minuscules ou excluent des groupes alimentaires essentiels peuvent sembler prometteurs à court terme, mais ils ne sont pas viables sur le long terme. Ces restrictions drastiques créent généralement des frustrations, des fringales et un sentiment d'échec, ce qui conduit finalement à abandonner le régime et à reprendre les kilos perdus. À lire aussi : Devenir vegan ? Bonne idée ? Quelles sont les habitudes alimentaires qui entravent nos efforts pour perdre du poids ? Les habitudes alimentaires qui entravent nos efforts pour perdre du poids sont souvent liées à la consommation excessive d'aliments transformés riches en calories vides, tels que les aliments frits, les sodas sucrés, les collations malsaines et les desserts sucrés. Ces aliments sont majoritairement pauvres en nutriments essentiels, mais riches en sucres, en gras saturés et en additifs chimiques. Leur consommation régulière peut entraîner une prise de poids et des problèmes de santé. Régime : Comment atteindre vos objectifs de manière efficace et durable ? Pour atteindre nos objectifs de manière efficace et durable, il est essentiel de privilégier une approche globale axée sur l'équilibre et la modération. Plutôt que de se focaliser sur des régimes stricts, il est recommandé de suivre une alimentation saine et équilibrée, en incluant une variété de fruits, de légumes, de protéines maigres, de grains entiers et de matières grasses saines. Il est également important de surveiller les portions et de manger lentement pour favoriser la satiété. Lisez aussi : Astuce pour perdre du poids : la tisane de curcuma ! Doit-on se priver totalement de nos caprices pendant le régime ? Il est toutefois important de se rappeler qu'il est humain de céder à nos envies de temps en temps. Se priver constamment de nos plaisirs préférés peut conduire à une frustration excessive, qui finit souvent par saboter nos efforts. Il est donc recommandé de se permettre des écarts occasionnels, comme une indulgence hebdomadaire ou une période de trois jours, en veillant à compenser ces excès le lendemain. Découvrez plus d'explication dans cette vidéo : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eq9pE3UuSdI&ab_channel=AlexandreAuffret-ToutpourmaSant J'ai fait du sport, du coup, je mange ! Mauvaise idée ! Ce n'est pas parce que vous avez fait du sport que vous devez vous "récompenser" en mangeant un bouger. C'est l pire des idées. Non seulement le gras va s'accumuler, mais il faudrait faire plusieurs heures de sports pour compenser un simple hamburger. Rappelez-vous que chaque individu est unique et que les besoins en matière de perte de poids peuvent varier. Il est ainsi conseillé de consulter un professionnel de la santé ou un nutritionniste pour obtenir des conseils personnalisés et adaptés à nos besoins spécifiques. Adopter une approche globale de votre mode de vie. À part l'alimentation, l'activité physique régulière est aussi primordiale. Trouvez une activité qui nous plaît, comme la danse, la natation ou le vélo, peut rendre l'exercice plus agréable et durable. ________ Important : Nous conseillons à tous les visiteurs de notre site web de consulter un médecin en cas de problème de santé. Retrouvez toutes les infos santé et bien-être sur notre page Google Actualités ou sur notre page Pinterest. Read the full article
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KH1 Riku Plush Crochet Pattern
The third entry in my KH character plushie series, Riku KingdomHearts!! (again again) (can you tell I like him)
This pattern and the resulting doll was my entry to March Caprice 2022!!
The main parts of this pattern are inspired by SirPurlGrey’s free bunny pattern, found here! This pattern would have been SO impossible without the solid base his work provides, so check him out if you like the style!
- crochet hook (I use a F5 3.75mm)
- tapestry needle
- worsted/size 4 yarn (blue, black, skintone, silver, white, yellow, teal recommended) though larger yarn means larger Riku (I use mostly Caron Simply Soft yarn because it’s very soft, but it tends toward a light 4 weight)
- stuffing/polyfill
SKILL LEVEL: intermediate, but I doubt skill level has ever stopped a Riku stan
ch = chain
slst = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
htc = half treble crochet
tc = treble crochet
inc = increase (two of the most recent crochet into a single stitch)
dec = decrease (one of the most recent crochet in two stitches, only pulling through after both)
“front of chain” = the V-shaped loops
“back of chain” = the single loop not a part of the V-shape
isc = in the second chain from the hook
HEAD in hair (A) and skin (B) color
note: your hairline may vary based on the gauge of your stitches - feel free to freeform where you change colors, it doesn’t make THAT big a difference
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A 6inc (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
5. A (3sc, inc) x 6 (30)
6-7. A 10sc, B 9sc, A 11sc (30)
8. A 8sc, 2inc, B 9sc, A sc, 2inc, 8sc (34)
9. A 12sc, B 10sc, A 12sc (34)
10. A 12sc, B 3sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 3sc, A 12sc (36)
11. A 12sc, B 12sc, A 12sc (36)
12. A (4sc, dec) x 2, B 4sc, 2dec, 4sc, A (dec, 4sc) x 2 (30)
13. A (3sc, dec) x 2, B 3sc, 2dec, 3sc, dec, A 3sc, dec, 3sc (24)
14. A (2sc, dec) x 2, B (2sc, dec) x 2, sc, A sc, dec, 2sc, dec (18)
15. B (sc, dec) x 6 (12)
slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
BODY in blue (A), black (B), and yellow (C)
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A 6inc (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
5-6. A sc around (24)
7. A (4sc, dec) x 4 (20)
8. C 7sc, B sc, dec, 8sc, dec (18)
9. C 7sc, B 11sc (18)
10. C 7sc, B dec, 7sc, dec (16)
11. C (2sc, dec) x 4 (12)
slst to finish off, and weave in your end
ARMS (make two) in glove (A) and skin (B) color
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
3. A sc around (9)
finish off color and weave in end
4. B dec, 7sc (8)
5. B sc around (8)
6. B (2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
finish off with long tail
LEGS (make two) in white (A) and blue (B)
for colors marked A/B for example, switch from color A to color B mid-stitch
1. B 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. (B inc, A 2inc) x 2 (12)
3. B inc, B/A inc, A 4slst, B 2 slst, A 4slst (14)
4. A/B inc, B inc, A 6slst, B 2slst, A 4 slst (16)
5. A dec, B dec, A dec, 5sc, B dec, A 2sc (12)
this round is left intentionally incomplete, to shape the shoe
6. A dec, B dec, A dec, 3sc, B dec, A sc (8)
finish off and weave in ends to work the rest only in blue
7. B (sc, inc) x 4 (12)
8. B sc, inc, (2sc, inc) x 3, sc (16)
9. B sc around (16)
10. B (sc, dec, sc) x 4 (12)
finish off with long tail
HAIR in hair color
hair is worked in numbered rounds, then numbered Spikes, then numbered Spike Rows
1. ch4. Into the back of the chain, 2sc and inc. Turn, into the front, 2sc and inc. (9) You should now have an oval. The inc from the back of the chain and first sc into the front are effectively into the same stitch, with the yarn tail pulled under in between them to keep it neat and out of the way.
2. Skip one stitch, (inc, 2sc, inc) x 2 (12)
3. (inc, 3sc, inc, sc) x 2 (16)
4. (sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc) x 2 (20)
5. (2sc, inc, 5sc, inc, sc) x 2 (24)
6. (3sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc) x 2 (28)
Now We’re Into The Spikes Oh No
S1. 3sc, ch9, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, then slst onto main hair
S2. sc, ch4, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S3. turn hair over, then onto S2 sc, ch2, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, then into the already made portion of S3 hdc, then slst onto main hair
S4. ch4, into the back of the chain isc slst, 2sc, hdc, on main hair skip one then slst
S5. ch3, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, then slst onto main hair
S6. turn hair over, then onto S5 sc, ch3, then turn hair back rightside, isc sc, then sc again, then into the already made portion of S6 hdc, then slst onto main hair
S7. sc, ch9, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, slst onto main hair
turn at the end of each row
Sr1. ch1, 16sc (16)
Sr2. ch2, 16hdc (16)
Sr3. ch2, 3hdc, inc, 8hdc, inc, 3hdc (18)
Sr4. ch2, inc, 16hdc, inc (20)
Sr5. ch2, 3hdc, inc, 12hdc, inc, 3hdc (22)
Sr6. ch5, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, on main hair do not count first stitch as occupied, slst into third stitch, ch1 and hdc into same stitch, 3hdc, inc, 8hdc, inc, 4hdc, ch1 and slst into same stitch. ch5, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, on main hair skip one then slst
slst across underside to main hair hdcs, or finish off and start a new slip knot
Sr7. slst in first hdc, then ch2, then hdc into the same stitch. ch4, then into the back of the chain isc dc, dc, tc. Into the side of the hdc, tc. On main hair, skip three stitches then slst. ch2, then into the same stitch hdc. Then hdc, dec, 3hdc, dec, 2hdc, ch2 and slst into the same stitch. ch4, then into the back of the chain isc dc, dc, tc. Into the side of the hdc, tc. On main hair, skip three then slst.
slst across underside to main hair hdcs, or finish off and start a new slip knot
Sr8. slst in chain/chain space by first hdc, then ch6. Into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, tc, on main hair skip three then slst. Turn hair over and 2slst into the previous spike. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, dc, tc, 2dc, on main hair skip one then slst. Turn hair over, and 2slst into the previous spike. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 2dc, tc, on main hair skip two then slst.
finish off and weave in ends
I don’t imagine there’s a wrong way to sew parts on, so beginners can relax - as long as it’s attached it’s probably fine??? Just don’t tie any knots until you’re sure you’ve placed the part correctly!! (I know this from experience…) Note that you can add the face details before stuffing so that you can reach the other side to tie any knots better, but I prefer to add the face after so I can use the hair as a guide.
Body: Stuff and attach the head and body! They should have the same number of stitches at their openings, so they can be attached evenly. You can sew partially then finish stuffing if you find you’re having trouble keeping the stuffing in. Make sure the face side of the head matches the yellow side of the body!
Limbs: Stuff and sew the arms and legs onto the torso; make sure the legs are positioned well to keep Riku sitting up rather than tilting to the front or back!
Hair: Godspeed. The hair is tough to assemble - I recommend first ensuring his bangs are placed correctly, then pinning it in place while you move the back spikes into position. Sew down the main piece and whatever spikes you feel are pointing outward too much! You can use more hair colored yarn, or a same-color thread. Just a few knots here or there will secure it well enough.
Face: For the eyes, you can use yarn, thread, or sew on felt or buttons! I embroider with some teal yarn, but you could creatively swap for yellow to make Norted-Riku! For the mouth, you can use a little bit of black thread or fray apart some black yarn. You can also add some eyebrows with hair color yarn if you want an expression like angry or sad.
Shirt X: As we all know, Riku’s (shirt? tank top? wetsuit?) is marked with the Recusant Sigil - he has a big X on him! You can make this by cutting a piece of black yarn about 6 inches, and embroidering front-left to back-right (and vice versa) over his shoulders.
Leg Belts: Riku’s fish pants have little black belts tied around his lower legs. You can use two 8 inch pieces of black yarn, wrapping around twice for thickness before knotting and hiding the ends inside his legs.
Sword/Paopu: You can use some brown yarn to make him a little sword and yellow and green to make a paopu fruit! You wanted one, didn’t you?
That’s it!! You’ve finished your very own plush Riku doll! He is small and squeezable and frankly very sassy.
If you have any questions about any part of this pattern, you can contact me on my twitter!
If you want to link/share this post, please do! But if you want a version of this pattern on some other site, please do not repost it. Contact me, and I’ll see if I can work out posting it on wherever else. Thank you!
I make this and all future such character doll patterns free because everyone deserves a little plushie of their fave, but if you wanna support my work you can buy plushies from my Etsy or buy me a coffee! <3
#riku#kingdom hearts#amigurumi pattern#crochet pattern#free pattern#kh#kh1#kingdom hearts 1#amigurumi#crochet#handmade
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Êxtase Musical um Dom da Cura para a Humanidade - 2
A Lista de músicas abaixo, foi elaborada pelo grupo de estudos dos Mestres Ascensos da Summit Lighthouse de Minnesota EUA, baseada nos ensinamentos dos Mestres Ascensos.
Estas músicas ajudam muito na elevação das energias de cada um dos 7 chakras e de sua casa também. Quando tocamos a nota chave de um Mestre Ascenso, isto magnetiza a Sua Presença entre nós.
Albinoni: Adagio Aloha Oe Beethoven: Symphony No. 5 Beethoven: The Heavens Are Sounding Bizet: Intermezzo from Carmen Bruckner: Symphony No. 9 Dykes: Eternal Father Elgar: Nimrod Variation Elgar: Pomp and Circumstance March #1 Franck: Panis Angelicus Gounod: Solidier’s Chorus Grieg: Anitra’s Dance Grieg: In the Hall of the Mountain King Khachaturian: Adagio from Spartacus Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody #15 Respighi: Saint Michael, Archangel Rimsky Korsakoff: Song of India Sibelius: Karelia Suite (Intermezzo) Smetana: Die Moldau Sousa: Semper Fidelis Wagner: Bridal Chorus Wagner: Entrance of the Gods into Valhalla
Beethoven: Ode to Joy Bethoven: Symphony No. 6 (5th Movement) Beethoven: Victory Symphony Berlioz: La Marseillaise Finden: Kashmiri Song Foster: Beautiful Dreamer Franck: All Music Gliere: Dance of the Golden Fingers Grieg: Dawn Herbert: Ah! Sweet Mystery of Life Nielsen: Helios Overture Pachelbel: Gigue Praise God From Whom All Blessings Flow Puccini: Un Bel Di Rimsky Korsakov: Invisible City of Kitezh Romberg: Golden Days Vaughn Williams: Greensleeves Vaughn Williams: The Lark Ascending Wagner: Evening Star
Bach: Air on a G String Borodin: Polvestian Dances Chopin: Piano Concerto No. 1 Frilm: Indian Love Call Homing: At Dawning Kreisler: Caprice Viennois Lehar: Yours Is My Heart Alone Mascagni: The Lord Now Victorious from Cavalleria Puccini: Intermezzo from Suor Angelica Puccini: Musette Waltz Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 2 (3rd Movement) Saint Saens: The Swan Sibeluis: Finlandia Sibelius: Symphony No. 2 Wagner: Isolde’s Transfiguration
Adams: O Holy Night Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor Beethoven: Leonore No. 3 Beethoven: Nine Symphonies Bethove: Symphony No. 9 (3rd Movement) Gounod: Angel’s Chorus Grieg: Piano Concerto in A Minor Liszt: Benediction of God in the Solititude Liszt: Christus Liszt: Faust Symphony (2nd Movement) Liszt: Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 Liszt: Liebestraum No. 3 Mahler: Symphony No. 5: Adagietto Mascagni: Intermezzo Rubinstein: Angelique Reve Schubert: Ave Maria Schubert: Symphony No. 9 Verdi: Anvil Chorus Verdi: Celeste Aida Verdi: Triumphal Scene Wagner: Fest March Wagner: Parsifal Prelude Act 1
Beethoven: Moonlight Sonata D’Indy: Symphony on a French Mountain Air Franck: Prelude, Choral and Fugue Glinka: Variations on a Theme by Mozart Handel: Messiah Overture Liszt: Un Sospiro Loewe: Heather on the Hill Mozart: Rondo Alla Turca Mozart: Sinfonia Concertante Pachelbel: Canon Rachmaninoff: 2nd Piano Concerto Sullivan: Onward Christian Soldiers Wagner: Tannhauser Overture
Adams: The Holy City Anon: Londonderry Air Bach: Come Sweet Death Bach: Sleepers Awake Batiste: Pilgrim’s Song of Hope Bohm: Calm as the Night Boito: Prologue in Heaven from Mefistofele Brahms: Lullaby Byrd: Pavane for the Earle of Salisbury Deep River Delibes: Coppelia Suite Delius: On Hearing the First Cuckoo in Spring Gluck: Dance of the Blessed Spirits Handel: Joy to the World Humperdink: Children’s Prayer Leoncavello: Mattinata Mahler: Symphony No. 2 McDowell: To a Wild Rose Mendlessohn: Spring Song Mozart: Laudate Dominum Novello: Rose of England Rachmaninoff: 18th Variation Rimsky Korsakov: Russian Easter Overture Romberg: One Alone Straus: My Hero from The Chocolate Soldier Tchaikovsky: Amen from Peter Noster Verdi: Laudi Alla Vergine Maria Vivaldi: "Spring" from Four Seasons Wagner: Parsifal
Bruckner: Syphony No. 7 Hovhaness: Mysterious Mountain J. Strauss Jr.: Tritsch: Tratsch Polka J. Strauss Jr.: Voices of Spring Mendelssohn: War March of the Priests Prokofiev: Classical Symphony R. Strauss: Der Rosenkavalier Watzes Respighi: St. Gregory the Great Rodrigo: Concierto Aranjuez (Adagio) Schumann: Symphony No. 4 Strauss Jr.: Blue Danube Strauss Jr.: Tales from Vienna Woods Strauss Sr.: Radetzky March Tchaikovsky: Trepak from Nutcracker Wagner: Magic Fire Music Wagner: Ride of the Valkries Músicas Frequenciais
Estas freqüências sonoras foram aparentemente utilizadas em cantos gregorianos antigos, tais como o grande hino de São João Batista (…)
Acreditava-se que esses cânticos e os seus tons especiais tinham o poder de transmitir bênçãos espirituais quando cantados em harmonia durante encontros religiosos. Estas poderosas freqüências foram redescobertas pelo Dr. Joseph Puleo, como descrito no livro "Healing Codes" para o "Biological Apocalypse" de Leonard Horowitz.
Os Seis "Solfeggio Frequencies" incluem:
UT 396 Hz - Libertando-se da Culpa e do Medo
RE 417 Hz - Desfazendo Complicações e Facilitando as Mudanças
MI 528 Hz - Transformação e Milagres (Reparador de DNA)
FA 639 Hz - Melhorando Relacionamentos
SOL 741 Hz - Despertando a Intuição
LA 852 Hz - Amor Incondicional/ Retornando ao Plano Espiritual / Reencontrando nosso EU SUPERIOR
As Músicas foram compostas por Jandy AKA
UT 396 Hz - Libertando-se da Culpa e do Medo
MI 528 Hz - Transformação e Milagres (Reparador de DNA) 528 HZ É A FREQÜÊNCIA : a) da glândula pineal (centro do cérebro) b) do chakra do coração (centro do corpo) c) da cor verde (centro do spectro luminoso) segundo observações laboratoriais, através desta frequência de SOM, tanto a ÁGUA como o DNA são "milagrosamente" REESTRUTURADOS / REGENERADOS. https://youtu.be/tZrBRQn6K0A
FA 639 Hz - Melhorando Relacionamentos https://youtu.be/hwrMn0_0Phs
SOL 741 Hz - Despertando a Intuição https://youtu.be/YHM8-mT6CBo
LA 852 Hz - Amor Incondicional/ Retornando ao Plano Espiritual / Reencontrando nosso EU SUPERIOR. https://youtu.be/SeMn69Alu8k
936Hz - PARA ATIVAR A GLÂNDULA PINEAL https://youtu.be/3h2mJnvRbZ8
Invocação à Luz
A Invocação à Luz auxilia você a "prender" o Campo Unificado em posição e aumenta a absorção da Luz.
Eu vivo na Luz. Eu amo na Luz. Eu rio na Luz. Eu Sou sustentado e nutrido pela Luz. Eu sirvo alegremente à Luz. Pois EU SOU a Luz. EU SOU a Luz. EU SOU a Luz.
Arcanjo Ariel
Mesmo quem não costuma escutar música clássica já ouviu, numerosas vezes, o primeiro movimento da "Quinta Sinfonia" de Ludwig van Beethoven. O "pam-pam-pam-pam" que abre uma das mais famosas composições da História, Descobriu-se agora, seria capaz de matar células tumorais - em testes de laboratório.
Uma pesquisa do Programa de Oncobiologia da UFRJ expôs uma cultura de células MCF-7, ligadas ao câncer de mama, à meia hora da obra. Um em cada cinco delas morreu, numa experiência que abre um nova frente contra a doença, por meio de timbres e frequências. A estratégia, que parece estranha à primeira vista, busca encontrar formas mais eficientes e menos tóxicas de combater o câncer: em vez de radioterapia, um dia seria possível pensar no uso de frequências sonoras.
O estudo inovou ao usar a musicoterapia fora do tratamento de distúrbios emocionais. - Esta terapia costuma ser adotada em doenças ligadas a problemas psicológicos, situações que envolvam um componente emocional. Mostramos que, além disso, a música produz um efeito direto sobre as células do nosso organismo - ressalta Márcia Capella, do Instituto de Biofísica Carlos Chagas Filho, coordenadora do estudo.
Como as MCF-7 duplicam-se a cada 30 horas, Márcia esperou dois dias entre a sessão musical e o teste dos seus efeitos. Neste prazo, 20% da amostragem morreu. Entre as células sobreviventes, muitas perderam tamanho e granulosidade. O resultado da pesquisa é enigmático até mesmo para Márcia. A composição "Atmosphères", do húngaro György Ligeti, provocou efeitos semelhantes àqueles registrados com Beethoven.
Mas a "Sonata para 2 pianos em ré maior", de Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, uma das mais populares em musicoterapia, não teve efeito. - Foi estranho, porque esta sonata provoca algo conhecido como o "efeito Mozart", um aumento temporário do raciocínio espaço-temporal - pondera a pesquisadora. - Mas ficamos felizes com o resultado. Acreditamos que as sinfonias provocaram apenas alterações metabólicas, não a morte de células cancerígenas.
"Atmosphères", diferentemente da "Quinta Sinfonia", é uma composição contemporânea, caracterizada pela ausência de uma linha melódica. Por que, então, duas músicas tão diferentes provocaram o mesmo efeito?
Aliada a uma equipe que inclui um professor da Escola de Música Villa-Lobos, Márcia, agora, procura esta resposta dividindo as músicas em partes. Pode ser que o efeito tenha vindo não do conjunto da obra, mas especificamente de um ritmo, um timbre ou intensidade. Quando conseguir identificar o que matou as células, o passo seguinte será a construção de uma sequência sonora especial para o tratamento de tumores. O caminho até esta melodia passará por outros gêneros musicais.
A partir do mês que vem, os pesquisadores testarão o efeito do samba e do funk sobre as células tumorais. - Ainda não sabemos que música e qual compositor vamos usar. A quantidade de combinações sonoras que podemos estudar é imensa - diz a pesquisadora. Outra via de pesquisa é investigar se as sinfonias provocaram outro tipo de efeito no organismo. Por enquanto, apenas células renais e tumorais foram expostas à música.
Só no segundo grupo foi registrada alguma alteração. A pesquisa também possibilitou uma conclusão alheia às culturas de células. Como ficou provado que o efeito das músicas extrapola o componente emocional, é possível que haja uma diferença entre ouví-la com som ambiente ou fone de ouvido. - Os resultados parciais sugerem que, com o fone de ouvido, estamos nos beneficiando dos efeitos emocionais e desprezando as consequências diretas, como estas observadas com o experimento - revela Márcia.
Leia mais no Blog "Terapias con Sonidos"
ODE À ALEGRIA - 9ª Sinfonia de Beethoven
Em vez de entrar nas atividades normais, você pode escolher entrar na Vibração Divina dessas 10.000 vozes. Dê-se um tempo, sem pressa. Esta será sua sessão de Cura. Fique confortável e ligue o som. Entregue-se. Abra todos os seus Chakras, Meridianos e Poros para receber em seus corpos (Físico, Emocional, Mental, Espiritual) as ondas sonoras emitidas. Conscientize-se de que essa vibração tem Poder e Cura. Coloque suas mãos aonde dói e onde Você sente que precisa de Energia. Percorra delicadamente com suas mãos todos os locais onde seu corpo está fragilizado.
Acredite. Agradeça. Deus está Presente.
MÚSICA PARA EQUILIBRAR OS HEMISFÉRIOS CEREBRAIS (melhor se ouvido com fones de ouvido)
Música Xamânica - Para ATIVAR ENERGIA DE CURA, Eliminar Ansiedade, Medo e Negatividade
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tagged by @revedebeatrice to shuffle my library (in this case, my Pile of 700+ Tracks I Just Have In One Big Playlist) and list the first 10 songs:
(yes, @monotonous-minutia, I PROMISE I will finish that Hoffmann...eventually)
tagging anyone who wants to play!
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A harp and orchestra collaboration cover in conjunction with March Caprice : A Celebration of Kingdom Hearts event. This arrangement was created with a narrative structure in mind, presenting an unexpected parallel link between Sora’s universe and Yozora’s world. The Station of Awakening (“Destati”) is an abstract representation of the connections for when they align. “Dearly Beloved” represents a symbol of hope that lies at both crossing ends.
Each instrument was given a purpose to craft the narrative experience.
Cello, viola and piano collectively painted the sombre atmosphere of the Dark World, a place where the passage of time does not exist, only crawling with unexpected dark entities. The warmth of the french horn resembles the power of Kingdom Hearts, together with the trumpets driving the piece to a climax. Violin was given the melodic purpose to connect the dark to the light. Flute with harp and viola conveyed the delicate side of Yozora. The harp lines the foundation that ripples through time to create an immersive soundscape, illustrating the uncertainty of the journey from the vast realm of darkness to the dawn of hope in the realm of light.
#march caprice#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts 3#kh 19th anniversary#yoko shimomura#harpcover#harp#orchestra#flute#violin#viola#piano#trumpet#french horn#cello#arrangement#birth by sleep#yozora#music#vg music#video games#soundscape#soundtrack#performance
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Belated post for March, and a brief update on the sketchbooks from the last few months in which I’ve been unwell. Lots of good quality Vixie and V/Caprice content in this month’s post!
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whether it be melodies that give you inspiration for your muse or songs that get you into the writing mood — pick 10 songs you find to give you the urge, the drive, or the creativity to write for your muse.
A N I M U L A, V A G U LA, B L A N D U L A
I. guaglione - connie francis
II. radetzky march, op 228 - johann strauss
III. 24 caprices for violin, op.1: no. 14 in e flat - niccolo paganini
IV. violin concerto no. 3 in g major k216: iii. rondeau - allegro - mozart
V. string quartet in g minor, op. 74 no. 3 “rider”: allegro - haydn
VI. symphony no. 3 in d major, op. 29 “polish”: iii. andante elegiaco - tchaikovksy
VII. les soirees musicales: no 8 la danza, “tarantella napoletana” - gioacchino rossini
VIII. symphony no 4 in f minor, op 36: iv. finale - tchaikovksy
IX. requiem in d minor k626: 3. sequentia: “rex tremendae” - mozart
X. apotheosis - austin wintory
tagged by: me stole it
tagging: @setepenptah @maelankolia @polyphoniie
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Plotting the subscribers’ projects for the 2022 year, these are subject to change, I’m just sorting stuff out right now. :)
2022 Projects
Mini Makers projects for each month are the main bullets, the sub-bullets are supporter posts.
Jan - Destiny Islands Block ✓
Downloadable ancillary pieces
Coloring Pages
Feb - Stained Glass V-day Card
Stained Glass tutorial
Additional downloadable cards
Mar - MARCH CAPRICE (anniversary 1)
Apr - Mini felt flood plush
Wiring tutorial (?)
Building a plush by shape
May - Radiant Gardens Block
Downloadable ancillary pieces
Coloring Pages
Jun - Aortic Hearts Bag Tutorials
Decorative fabric options
Quick felt charms
Jul - The Lightbox That Never Was (Attempted Before)
Make a standee from the lightbox instead
Aug - Twilight Town Block
Downloadable ancillary pieces
Coloring Pages
Oct - TK
Nov - Sea Salt Trio Cookbook Poster & suggested recipes
Coloring Pages
Dec - Chain of Memory Ornament (Sora Lotus pod)
The KH Baltimore Album Blocks:
✓ Destiny Islands
✓ Traverse Town
Twilight Town
Hollow Bastion
Radiant Gardens
The World That Never Was
Castle Oblivion
Daybreak Town
Keyblade Graveyard
Land of Departure
Realm of Darkness
Generic KH Moon
Things I would like to fit in there somewhere:
KH Clutch bag
SST Animatic to “Good Times”
Strifehart Puppylove zine & merch
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If you want to sign up for the Music, Prerecorded Video, Cosplay, Writing, Merch or Art categories, you have TWO!? days left!
(Streamers you have until Feb 15)
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I had a really weird dream where I asked you if you knew of any ham letters where he talked about the kiddos like that one with Pip on wiki, but instead of letters I put stories by accident. You got v annoyed bc you were getting that a lot and I felT bAd but then explain3d and then you were like oh yeah boo I got you dw. Anyways do you know of any letters where ham talks about his babies?
Yay, more Papa Bear Ham! And, for the record, neither question would have annoyed me! :) He talked about his babies a lot in his letters, and he’s always very sweet and affectionate (and adorable) when he does so. Often he would simply add a sweet line like in his 8 September 1786 letter to Eliza, where he ended, “Kiss my little ones a thousand times for me.”
When Philip was first born, Hamilton was the living embodiment of a proud Papa. In March 1782, he wrote to Richard Kidder Meade, “You cannot imagine how entirely domestic I am growing. I lose all taste for the pursuits of ambition. I sigh for nothing but the company of my wife and my baby.” You can tell how much he was talking about Philip from James McHenry’s teasing line in his 11 August 1782 letter, “If you are not in the humor to read a long letter, prithee, give this to the child to play with and go on with your amusement of rocking the cradle.” When he left for Philadelphia in early 1783, he grew increasingly anxious to see both Eliza and Philip again. On 8 January 1783, he wrote to Eliza, “Every hour in the day I feel a severe pang on this account [of her absence] and half my nights are sleepless. Come my charmer and relive me. Bring my darling boy to my bosom.”
And, of course, the longest description of Philip from this time is in the 27 August 1782 letter to Richard Kidder Meade:
“You reproach me with not having said enough about our little stranger. When I wrote last I was not sufficiently acquainted with him to give you his character. I may now assure you that your daughter when she sees him will not consult you about the choice or will only do it in respect to the rules of decorum. He is truly a very fine young gentleman, the most agreable in his conversation and manners of any I ever knew—nor less remarkable for his intelligence and sweetness of temper. You are not to imagine by my beginning with his mental qualifications that he is defective in personal. It is agreed on all hands, that he is handsome, his features are good, his eye is not only sprightly and expressive but it is full of benignity. His attitude in sitting is by connoisseurs esteemed graceful and he has a method of waving his hand that announces the future orator. He stands however rather awkwardly and his legs have not all the delicate slimness of his fathers. It is feared He may never excel as much in dancing which is probably the only accomplishment in which he will not be a model. If he has any fault in manners, he laughs too much. He has now passed his Seventh Month.”
Hamilton was usually the one to care for the children when they were ill, and you can see how attentive and anxious he was for their health most especially in the series of letters he exchanged with Eliza regarding their son John in 1794. Having escorted Eliza and John to Albany, where he hoped both would recuperate away from disease-riddled Philadelphia, he wrote to her on 2 August 1794:
“I have had the happiness to receive one letter from my beloved Eliza and I need not tell her how much consolation was given to me by whatever was flattering in the situation of my darling Johnny nor how much alarm I felt at the unfavourable change which happened on the day she wrote. Alas my Charmer great are my fears—poignant my distress. I feel every day more & more how dear this Child is to me & I cease not to pray heaven for his recovery. I hope the plan of exercise has been continued & that in the attention to Diet he has not been refused a moderate portion of pork if he continued anxious for it. But a course has now been tried & Experience & the Physician must direct. Our dear Children here continue well & the City is unusually healthy but it begins to be very hot & I intend this week to send them into the Country. Yet they seem very unwilling to go from me & it is a great satisfaction to have them with me.”
He continues in another letter, dated 17 August 1794, “The state of our dear sick angel continues too precarious. My heart trembles whenever I open a letter from you. The experiment of the Pink root alarms me But I continue to place my hope in Heaven.” When Eliza at last reported that John was at last recovering, Hamilton replied that the news brought him “inexpressible pleasure.”
In 1801, Hamilton wrote teasingly to Eliza: “Give my love to Angelica & assure [her] that I did not leave her pye out of resentment for her having changed it’s original destination; but because it was impossible to take it with us without abandoning a basket of crabs which was sent to my care for Mrs. Rensselaer.” I’ve always read that to mean the pie was originally supposed to be for him, but that Angelica decided to send it to her grandfather instead. The lighthearted teasing is a nice glimpse into his parenting style.
In March 1803, Eliza went to Albany to comfort her father after the death of her mother, leaving almost all of the children with their father. While she was away, Hamilton reported, “I am here, my beloved Betsy with my two little boys John & William who will be my bed fellows to night….The remainder of the Children were well yesterday. Eliza pouts and plays, and displays more and more her ample stock of caprice.”
Having spun this answer on much longer than intended, I’ll end by linking to three letters that survive from Hamilton to his children: To Philip Hamilton, 5 December 1791; To Philip and Alexander Hamilton, Jr., 29 September 1794; And to Angelica Hamilton, November 1793. Hope this was a satisfying answer!
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Review in Little Lip Theater I-V
All songs by Hiroi Ouji (lyrics) and Tanaka Kouhei (composition)
Note: to purchase this from iTunes/stream it through iMusic, search using the Japanese title or just ‘サクラ大戦’
Full track-listings under the cut
Sakura Taisen Review in Little Lip Theater ~Utau♪ Dai New York♪~ サクラ大戦 Review In Little Lip Theater ~歌う♪大紐育♪~ Release date: March 1, 2006 Physical CD JAN: 4988064226610 Corresponding live CD: Sakura Taisen-New York Review Show ~Utau♪Dai New York♪~
With the exception of ‘Hamlet (which got not songs)’ and ‘Cleopatra (which tied into the OVA, and thus RiLLT2),’ this CD contains songs from all the musicals that were featured in the game.
1. あなたとならば ~アラウンド・ザ・ワールド~ / Anata to Naraba ~Around the World~ Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Youko (Anri Yoshino)
2. その名はロデオ ~「ロデオとジュリエット」 より~ / Sono Na wa Rodeo ~from "Rodeo to Juliet"~ Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise)
3. ビバ! ハーレム ~「ビバ! ハーレム」 より~ / Viva! Harlem ~from "Viva! Harlem"~ Minagawa Junko (Sajitta Weinberg)
4. 愛の花 ~「マダム・バタフライ」 より~ / Ai no Hana ~from "Madame Butterfly"~ Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
5. ジャングルレビュー ~「ジャングルレビュー」 より~ / Jungle Review ~from "Jungle Review"~ Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries)
6. Try Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside)
Sakura Taisen Review in Little Lip Theater II サクラ大戦 レビュウ イン リトルリップ・シアターII Release date: June 27, 2007 Physical CD JAN: 4571164381497 Related live CD: Sakura Taisen-New York Review Show Utau♪Dai New York♪ 2 Related anime: Sakura Taisen New York N.Y. OVA
1. LOVE is Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Youko (Anri Yoshino)
2. タブー / Taboo Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou)
3. ブラックペッパー / Black Pepper Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg)
4. 夜明け / Yoake Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries)
5. 舞台-Playing / Butai-Playing Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
6. モノクローム / Monochrome Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice)
7. ピンクエレファント / Pink Elephant Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries)
8. それから… / Sore kara… Kasahara Rumi (Taiga Futaba)
9. ポワゾン ~「クレオパトラ」より~ / Poison ~from “Cleopatra”~ Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
Sakura Taisen Revue in Little Lip Theater III サクラ大戦 Review In Little Lip Theater III Release date: August 06, 2008 Physical CD JAN: 4571164381763 Related live CD: Sakura Taisen: New York Review Show ~Utau♪Dai New York♪3~ Last Show
“Yume yo” and “Shiawase no Katachi” did not get studio versions.
1. Symphony With Friend Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weiberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
2. 街の灯 / Machi no Akari Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise)
3. バラ色の人生 / Barairo no Jinsei Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Yoko (Yoshino Anri)
4. ひらめきピピピ / Hirameki Pipipi Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Youko (Yoshino Anri)
5. 移民の歌 / Imin No Uta Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice)
6. インディペンデンス! / Independence! Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside)
7. 淑女たちよ! / Shukujo-tachi yo! Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise)
8. ジョージア / Georgia Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries)
9. ゴールデンウェイ / Golden Way Uchida Naoya (Michael Sunnyside), Sonooka Shintarou (Dandy Dan Kousuke)
10. 5つのレシピ / Itsutsu no Recipe Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weinberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shinjirou)
Sakura Taisen Revue in Little Lip Theater IV サクラ大戦 Review In Little Lip Theater IV Release date: December 21, 2011 Physical CD JAN: 4571164382647 Related live CD: Sakura Taisen New York Hoshigumi Live 2011 ~Hoshi wo Tsugumono~
1. Stand up for love Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weiberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
2. 恋バナ / Koi Bana (Love Story) Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weiberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice)
3. 恋のetc / Koi no etc Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
4. この道は / Kono Michi wa Suganuma Hisayoshi (Taiga Shonjirou)
5. 人は誰も... / Hito wa Daremo... Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru), Okamoto Maya (Soletta Orihime), Ikura Kazue (Reni Milchstrasse)
Sakura Taisen Review In Little Lip Theater V Release date: January 30, 2013 Physical CD JAN: 4988064622788 Corresponding live CD: Sakura Taisen New York Hoshigumi Live 2012 ~Dareka wo Wasurenai Sekai de~
1. いつも心にサンシャイン / Itsumo Kokoro ni Sunshine Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weiberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
2. 君と会えて / Kimi to Aete Kobayashi Sanae (Gemini Sunrise), Minagawa Junko (Sagitta Weiberg), Saito Ayaka (Rikaritta Aries), Matsutani Kaya (Diana Caprice), Sonozaki Mie (Kujou Subaru)
3. 恋する紐育~Love is Wanna Follow me~ / Koisuru New York ~Love is Wanna Follow Me~ Uchida Naoya (Sunnyside), Kuno Akiko (Ratchet Altair), Asoh Kaori (Plum Spaniel), Honna Youko (Anri Yoshino)
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KHDDD Riku Plush Crochet Pattern
The second entry in my KH character plushie series, Riku KingdomHearts!! (again) (but this time he’s sleepy)
This pattern and the resulting doll was my entry to March Caprice 2021!!
The main parts of this pattern are inspired by SirPurlGrey’s free bunny pattern, found here! This pattern would have been SO impossible without the solid base his work provides, so check him out if you like the style!
- crochet hook (I use a F5 3.75mm)
- tapestry needle
- worsted/size 4 yarn (blue, black, skintone, silver, white, yellow, teal recommended) though larger yarn means larger Riku (I use mostly Caron Simply Soft yarn because it’s very soft, but it tends toward a light 4 weight)
- stuffing/polyfill
SKILL LEVEL: intermediate, but I doubt skill level has ever stopped a Riku stan
ch = chain
slst = slip stitch
sc = single crochet
hdc = half double crochet
dc = double crochet
tc = treble crochet
inc = increase (two of the most recent crochet into a single stitch)
dec = decrease (one of the most recent crochet in two stitches, only pulling through after both)
d3c = threecrease (one of the most recent crochet in three stitches, only pulling through after both)
“front of chain” = the V-shaped loops
“back of chain” = the single loop not a part of the V-shape
isc = in the second chain from the hook
HEAD in hair (A) and skin (B) color
note: your hairline may vary based on the gauge of your stitches - feel free to freeform where you change colors, it doesn’t make THAT big a difference
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A 6inc (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
5. A (3sc, inc) x 6 (30)
6-7. A 10sc, B 9sc, A 11sc (30)
8. A 8sc, 2inc, B 9sc, A sc, 2inc, 8sc (34)
9. A 12sc, B 10sc, A 12sc (34)
10. A 12sc, B 3sc, inc, 2sc, inc, 3sc, A 12sc (36)
11. A 12sc, B 12sc, A 12sc (36)
12. A (4sc, dec) x 2, B 4sc, 2dec, 4sc, A (dec, 4sc) x 2 (30)
13. A (3sc, dec) x 2, B 3sc, 2dec, 3sc, dec, A 3sc, dec, 3sc (24)
14. A (2sc, dec) x 2, B (2sc, dec) x 2, sc, A sc, dec, 2sc, dec (18)
15. B (sc, dec) x 6 (12)
slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
BODY in light blue (A), black (B), white (C), and yellow (D)
For neat color transitions, slst and finish off at the end of Round 7 and every round after
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A 6inc (12)
3. A (sc, inc) x 6 (18)
4. A (2sc, inc) x 6 (24)
5-6. A sc around (24)
7. A (4sc, dec) x 4 (20)
8. B (8sc, dec) x 2 (18)
9. (C 7sc, D 2sc) x 2 (18)
10. (C 7sc, D dec) x 2 (16)
11. (C sc, dec, 2sc, dec, D sc) x 2 (12)
slst and finish off
ARMS (make two) in skin (A) and wristband (B) color
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A (sc, inc) x 3 (9)
3. A sc around, slst and finish off (9)
4. B dec, 7sc (8)
5. B slst around, slst and finish off (8)
6. A sc around (8)
7. A (2sc, dec) x 2 (6)
slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
LEGS (make two) in black (A), yellow (B), white (C), and light blue (D)
1. A 6sc on magic ring (6)
2. A 6inc (12)
3. A sc, (sc, 2hdc) in next st, (2hdc, sc) in next st, sc
this round is left intentionally incomplete, to shape the shoe
slst and finish off
4. In back loops only, B 2sc, 2dec, 5sc, dec, 3sc, slst and finish off (13)
5. C 7sc, (d3c) x 2 (9)
6. C 7slst, dec (8)
7. C sc around, slst and finish off (8)
8. D sc around (8)
slst to finish off, leave a long tail for sewing
HAIR (top) in hair color
1. ch4. Into the back of the chain, 2sc and inc. Turn, into the front, 2sc and inc. (9) You should now have an oval. The inc from the back of the chain and first sc into the front are effectively into the same stitch, with the yarn tail pulled under in between them to keep it neat and out of the way.
2. Skip one stitch, (inc, 2sc, inc) x 2 (12)
3. (inc, 3sc, inc, sc) x 2 (16)
4. (sc, inc, 4sc, inc, sc) x 2 (20)
5. (2sc, inc, 5sc, inc, sc) x 2 (24)
6. (3sc, inc, 6sc, inc, sc) x 2 (28)
Now We’re Into The Spikes Oh No
S1. 3sc, ch9, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, then slst onto main hair
S2. sc, ch5, into the back of the chain isc hdc, dc, 2inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S3. Turn the hair over, then onto S2 sc, sc into the closer loop, ch2, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, then into the already made portion of S3 hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S4. Turn the hair over, then onto S3 sc, sc into the closer loop, ch3, turn the hair back rightside, isc sc, hdc, dc, inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S5. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S6. ch6, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, dc, slst onto main hair
S7. sc, ch9, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 3hdc, 3dc, slst onto main hair
S8. sc, ch6, into the front of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 2dc, slst onto main hair
S9. sc, ch7, into the back of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 3dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S10. Turn the hair over, then onto S9 4sc, sc into the closer loop, ch1, 2sc into the already made portion of S10, 3hdc, slst onto main hair
S11. sc, ch7, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, 4dc, slst onto main hair
S12. sc, ch7, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, 4dc, slst onto main hair
S13. sc, ch6, into the front of the chain isc sc, 4hdc, slst onto main hair
S14. Turn the hair over, then onto S13 3sc, sc into the closer loop, ch2, isc sc, 2hdc, dc, inc, on main hair skip one then slst
S15. sc, ch6, into the back of the chain isc sc, 2hdc, 2dc, slst onto main hair and finish off
Sew together S11 and S12 to make one U shaped spike!
HAIR (bottom) in hair color
1. ch13, isc sc12
2-4. ch1, sc11
S1. ch4, into the front of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
S2. slst, ch5, into the back of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, slst onto main hair
S3. ch6, into the back of the chain isc hdc, 2dc, 2tc, on main hair skip two then slst
S4. ch5, into the front of the chain isc 2sc, 2hdc, slst onto main hair
S5. slst, ch4, into the back of the chain isc sc, hdc, dc, on main hair skip one then slst
ch1, cut, and pull to finish off
I don’t imagine there’s a wrong way to sew parts on, so beginners can relax - as long as it’s attached it’s probably fine??? Just don’t tie any knots until you’re sure you’ve placed the part correctly!! (I know this from experience…) Note that you can add the face details before stuffing so that you can reach the other side to tie any knots better, but I prefer to add the face after so I can use the hair as a guide.
Body: Stuff and attach the head and body! They should have the same number of stitches at their openings, so they can be attached evenly. You can sew partially then finish stuffing if you find you’re having trouble keeping the stuffing in. Make sure the face side of the head matches one of the white sides of the body, not the yellow!
Limbs: Stuff and sew the arms and legs onto the torso; make sure the legs are positioned well to keep Riku sitting up rather than tilting to the front or back!
Hair: Godspeed. The hair is tough to assemble - first sew on the bottom hair (flat piece) on the back of Riku’s head, ensuring the little bottom spikes are positioned to your liking near the back of the head. Then use his bangs and the spikes that frame his face to position the top hair. Sew down whatever spikes you feel are pointing outward too much! You can use the hair colored yarn, or a same-color thread. Just a few knots here or there will secure it well enough.
Face: For the eyes, you can use yarn, thread, or sew on felt or buttons! I embroider with some teal thread, but you could creatively swap for yellow or Dream Eater pink! For the mouth, you can use a little bit of black thread or fray apart some black yarn. You can also add some eyebrows with hair color yarn if you want an expression like angry or sad.
Shoelaces: Riku has his shoelaces wrapped around his shoes! You can mimic this by taking a 12in piece of black yarn and wrapping it around his ankle a few times before tying a bow on top. A longer piece of yarn will allow for more wraps around.
Collar: His big dumb popped collar! You can use black yarn to ch16, isc inc, 13sc, inc, leave a long tail to sew it around his neck
Sigil: Riku is literally a Dream Eater! He turned into one! Wild! Love that for him. You can cut a little Dream Eater sigil out of felt or another fabric and sew it on! With my Rikus, it needs to be about 1/2 inch tall - very small and hard to cut! You could also try to embroider one on with yarn or thread.
Wings: I LOVE designs for Dream Eater Riku that take Rising Wing and his association to Komory Bats to a whole new level. If you also are a being of taste, consider adding some wings to your Riku!
That’s it!! You’ve finished your very own plush Riku doll! He is small and squeezable and snzzzzzz...
If you have any questions about any part of this pattern, you can contact me on my twitter!
If you want to link/share this post, please do! But if you want a version of this pattern on some other site, please do not repost it. Contact me, and I’ll see if I can work out posting it on wherever else. Thank you!
I make this and all future such character doll patterns free because everyone deserves a little plushie of their fave, but if you wanna support my work you can buy plushies from my Etsy or buy me a coffee! <3
#riku#kingdom hearts#kingdom hearts ddd#kh#khddd#kh3d#kingdom hearts dream drop distance#dream drop distance#free pattern#amigurumi#crochet#amigurumi pattern#crochet pattern#handmade
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Roman Caprices – Notes
References galore!– and into realms I hitherto had rarely travelled before: memes, movies, even video-games, intermixed into my usual hodgepodge of literature, classics and histories. And if I do make a mistake, then please be gentle in the comments. Consider this following part just me showing that I've done my work. I’ll only go into the references because I never think that interpretation,– of the poem as a whole, of the content, of the ideas, etc.,– is the job of the person writing the poem. That’s really up to the reader. Section I opens with a paraphrasing of Romans 3.13 (yes, that is a Bible reference and matching the form of the poem, i.e. a section of 3 lines followed by a section of 13), before moving on to a “Go home, you’re drunk!” reference. The first line also sounds awfully like a 60s film I saw years ago. Let me think. Oh yeah: ‘A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum’. The old women snipping at twine refers to Atropos, of the Fates, who cut the thread of life with a pair of scissors. Sweet white wine was also considered by the Romans as the highest form of wine, quite the opposite of what most people (not me, because I don’t drink and don’t know good from bad, haha) think today. ‘For reasons unknown’ also sounds very familiar to something Beckett wrote in Waiting For Godot. Section II has the Sicilian gesture, essentially saying that his friend would ‘sleep with the fishes’. How about the ‘offer they could not refuse’? Obvious movie quote is obvious. Pollice Verso or ‘with turned thumbs’ is the gesture most closely associated with gladiatorial combat, but ‘two thumbs down’ is also a reference to Siskel and Ebert, the great movie critics. Gallia Transalpine (Southern France) and Gallia Cisalpine (Northern Italy) were both Roman provinces; essentially the friend is saying that he’s Italian and not from further afield. Naumachiae were massive staged naval battles the Romans watched for sport in basins larger than the Coliseum. They’d row out proper sized vessels and have the crews sort of massacre each other. Romans, eh? Section III’s strange man is a reference to Diogenes of Sinope, the famous Greek Cynic (who lived centuries before the setting of the poem, but meh! This could all be going on in the speaker’s head so what does it matter?). ‘Taken a pilum to the knee’ should be familiar to video-gamers amongst you. Skyrim anyone? Lusitania was what we now call Portugal. Section IV initially plays with the exotic imagery of Coleridge’s Kubla Khan, but couched in the vernacular of the stereotypical street hawker that one expects in the market of a foreign country. 30 denarii coincidently (or not) is the same price that Judas sold Christ to the Romans for. The idea of ages, (golden), silver, bronze and iron, is from Hesiod, the Greek poet, from his Work and Days, which outline the mythical ages of mankind. The brutish genius is none other than Ezra Pound, who settled in Italy in 1924 and whose poem Homage to Sextus Propertius provides the final line of the section. Section V has the clean-shaven man from Lutetia, the Roman settlement of modern day Paris, so a stereotypical rude Parisian joke. And folks, that’s what you call comedy! Haha, no. There follows a reference to Aristotle’s poetics, i.e. ‘riddles and barbarisms’, which drops into the very modern ‘this is why we can’t have nice things’ reference. Crates is another Greek Cynic. Also, one to come and one to go? That sounds like Hatta and Haigha fron Lewis Carroll’s Alice Through The Looking Glass. Section VI opens with an interesting observation on the Latin alphabet we all know and use. The letters G, J, U, W, Y and Z were not originally a part of the Latin alphabet, with G being introduced in the 3rd Century BC and Y and Z after the conquest of Greece in the 1st Century BC. J was a later development of I and is absent from earlier texts, and the same can be said of U and W, which developed from V (or VV in the latter case). Thus Julius Gaius Caesar would be written thus in classical Latin: IVLIVS GAIVS CÆSAR. ‘Proud distensions of empire’ is another line from Homage to Sextus Propertius.
Section VII is probably one of the most *ahem* adult (not mature) passages I’ve ever written. What more do you want me to say? Moving along, bastard-wine refers to either mulsum or posca, which were both low styles of wine. Why bastard? Well, both mulsum and posca were mixtures of wine, either white or red, with honey or flavouring herbs. Iove is Jove, as we’ve established with the alphabet. Romans are also fond of contractions, you know, primarily as it was a pain to hammer long names onto tablets and buildings. Caesar Imperator Augustus becomes Cae. Imp. Aug. respectively. How is this relevant? Well, Maximus Imperator Augustus must be either a pitiful attempt at nominatively compensating for something or merely the product of an overly inflated ego. Add the contraction and well... Do I really need to explain the joke? Section VIII has relatively fewer references, I think, compared to the rest of the poem, but that’s not really saying much. Playing on the idea of Teutonic, the marches new and old refer to Neumark and Altmark, both provinces within the Margraviate of Brandenburg. Conflating wealth and stupid material things seems to be a problem with contemporary society in general. Or it might just be mainland China. Meh. The strange eidolon (let’s see how many of you know what that means without a dictionary!) echoes Yeats’ Second Coming, specifically the rough beast that ‘slouches towards Bethlehem to be born’. Section IX starts off with the castrum, or fortified camp, which the Romans had all over the place, especially if the Astérix comics are to be believed. The border inferior refers to the border of the Roman province of Germania Inferior, which was one of two Germanic territories, the other being Germania Superior, that the Romans owned outside of Magna Germania. Another obvious video-game reference follows: ‘Thank you, said he, but our praetor is in another castrum’ = ‘Thank you Mario! But our princess is in another castle!’. The lines beginning ‘With veneer’ to ‘lost’ echo Shelley’s Ozymandias. Theoretically the subverted final line of the section is as true as the line it subverts. If all roads lead to Rome, they must simultaneously lead from Rome. Section X actually mixes three references together, two from films, one literary. Remember Goodfellas? Joe Pesci’s speech about being funny, except reordering the lines and replacing the word ‘funny’ with the Latinate word ‘comic’. ‘I had choice words with another’ seems to be the spiritual successor of the Duke in Browning’s My Last Duchess. As to the last reference? Well, you tell me: ‘a dread judge’ that exclaims ‘I am the law!’. Sylvester Stallone says hi. Piso was a Roman judge who was famous for his extremely harsh execution of the law. ‘Fiat justitia ruat caelum’ or ‘Let justice be done though the heavens fall’ is the phrase most associated with his brand of justice. Section XI plays off the name Piso (I have no idea if the ‘i’ therein is treated long but I’m going to pretend that it is) and turns it simply into ‘pissed’. Continuing the Roman trick of abbreviation, the speaker is thus pissed on (probably not literally) and pissed off. I do apologize; writing that out in full leave me feeling dirty, I must confess. C. f. is part of Roman naming convention (and again a set of abbreviations). The ‘f’ stands for filia, or daughter, with ‘C’ being the name of the father. As daughters tended to be named after their fathers in the Roman Empire, it’s not much of a stretch to guess what the lady’s name is in this poem (especially if you know me, that is). ‘Canis femineus’ means, I think, female dog. No prizes to anyone who can guess what the speaker is calling her. Section XII is fairly straightforward, I think. Stolidus is an adjective, but as it refers to the baker, it essentially means ‘idiot’, literally ‘stupid [one]’. Amphorae were Greco-Roman containers used for storage and transportation, primarily for wine. As to the penultimate line of the section…I am not going to try to explain where ‘I got 99 problems’ came from. Section XIII is very much what you see is what you get.
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