#Marc read about how vampire bats french kiss and decided that he wanted that
oddballwriter · 8 months
Taste Test
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Summary: Marc offers to let you taste his blood for the sake of seeing if avatar blood tastes different, but Marc might want you to drink his blood for other reasons.
Warnings: Not smut but still spicy. Vampire reader and them consuming blood. Mentions of blood, cuts, biting to the point of puncturing skin, blood drinking, tasting one's blood in their mouth and the reader themself tasting blood, and slight bloodplay. It is heavily implied that Marc has a thing for the reader drinking his blood and then kissing him. Dracula reference. System reference. The reader calls Marc a "freak" and a "little freak" but it's just banter. There is a lot of banter and slight bickering. Marc is lowkey horny fr. Also a fade to black kind of ending, you can imagine the more if you'd like. 
Author’s Snip: Vampire reader brain rot hours yet again. Tonight, bat bitches, we feed.
Notes: This one shot is NOT a part of my Dwelling in the Night series. This exists completely on its own.
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy! And don’t be afraid to request.
Word Count: 723
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"Are you sure about this? We don't need to if you aren't up for it anymore." you clarify. "I'm still down for it. Yeah." Marc confirms, "I meant it when I said I want to do this." he comments. You nod, "Okay. Just making sure.".
As a vampire, drinking blood wasn't weird. That was just part of your (undead) life. That is legitimately what you survive off of. But your boyfriend Marc wanting you to drink his blood wasn't that normal. Normally you don't have people willingly giving you their blood to consume. You usually didn't really have a partner to begin with since the whole immortality thing makes relationships hard even if they were committed relationships. But with Marc being an avatar of Khonshu, this relationship actually worked without the fear of him aging and all that sappy stuff.
Anyways, back to drinking his blood.
It wasn't your idea, it was his. He just kind of asked if you wanted to give it a try and "see what happens" since he doesn't know if avatar blood does anything, and you just said sure because it was free blood. Was there a chance that Khonshu would be mad because Marc's body was technically under his ownership? Yes, with how dramatic he is. But it wasn't like you were going to take a lot. It was just little a taste test. At least to you, it is.
"Okay." you say, "Just relax for me," you recommend as you. "Do you want fangs or a cut?" you ask. Marc blinks in confusion at the options and you hum in response. "Okay, so you wanted fangs. Got it." you say. You hold out your hand for his arm but you notice him tilt the collar of his shirt so that his neck and collarbone are more out. "Oh, we're doing it blood drive style." Marc mumbles under his breath as he redoes his shirt and holds out his arm like you wanted but you're more caught up on how you've realized how he wanted to do this.
"Marc," you say with a slightly disappointed tut. "What? I thought we were gonna do it that way." Marc states trying to divert any attention to his slightly blushing face. "When have you ever seen me doing it like that? I drink from blood bags." you question. "I'm sorry. I just thought you wanted to try it like that." Marc apologizes as he attempts to brush it off and save himself from further embarrassment. "The neck method makes a mess even if I bite away from the arteries and major veins. I'm not trying to be Dracula, Marc." you explain.
"Well I mean, Dracula had three brides, and you have me, Steven, and Jake." Marc says quickly, possibly meaning for it to be a joke but realizing that it makes the situation more dumb. "Shut up." you lightheartedly roll your eyes.
"Do you still want to do this?" Marc was now asking. You answer with sure and scoot closer to Marc on the couch. Marc sticks out his arm again but you push it down and make your way closer to his neck. "No, we're doing it the way you wanted to, you little freak." you banter.
You push his shirt collar down and look over the skin to find a safe and clean spot to bite and drink from. Marc tenses and groans when your fangs break his skin but he follows your instructions and relaxes as your mouth sucks up the leaking blood. You can hear him groan and feel him squirm a bit, but something lets you know that it's not out of discomfort.
You pull away and move your tongue over the remaining blood in your mouth to get a better taste and see if it feels different from normal blood, but you sense none.
You look at Marc and decide to mess with him and give him a kiss on the cheek knowing that it will leave a little red print in the shape of your lips. But when you do, Marc turns his head so that he kisses you which leads to a french kiss that is mostly done by him. You're pretty sure Marc has no issue with tasting, and probably has tasted, his own blood in his mouth before but when you break away you huff and jokingly call him a freak again.
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