#Marble Factory in Delhi
Marble Factory in Delhi Marble Company in Delhi Marble City
Marble Factory in Delhi, Marble Company in Delhi - Marble City Since the early 1980’s , Marble city has had an unparalleled legacy of providing the finest calibre authentic Marble and Natural Stone from all around the world.
READ MORE....Leading Marble Company in Delhi India Marble Importer and Manufacturer in Delhi NCR Marble City
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blkkizzat · 6 months
As an Indian reader I hope you have a great time here!! The henna looks absolutely beautiful 👏You can squeeze out lemon juice onto it (once it's dry and flaky) so that the dye has a deeper color :) it can also be mixed with sugar I think, so that the dye lasts longer
Thank you! We do have an Indian student on the trip with us she recommended lime but I definitely will try lemon with sugar next time! India is beautiful! We went to Delhi, Agra, Jaipur and Ahmedabad. I have about 5 days left but here are some pics I can share so far!
Highlights so far were definitely seeing the Taj which is the most beautiful place I’ve ever been in my life. Going to the marble inlay factory to learn how they custom inlayed different stones and gems into marble using the same techniques made me appreciate it even more. But also learning a lot about every historical site. we had amazing tour guides one was a professor of Indian studies and experienced amazing hospitality that is next level from everyone we encountered. I didn’t realize how much the structures were influenced by both Hindu and Muslim art influences even some Roman. Seeing the beauty of how they come together is amazing. Oh and the custom hand printed fabric seeing how that was made and then picking out fabric to get a custom made lehenga 😍
I also got to feed a monkey a cookie and ride an elephant lol 😆
Now settling down in Ahmedabad working with a non profit on a marcom plan.
Definitely recommend anyone to visit it’s amazing! 🤩
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tonybina-india-2020 · 2 years
Day 4: The Claridges - New Delhi
12th March 2023
The old fella is 60 today !  We had our evening meal at Pickwick last night, one of the six restaurants that are within this Hotel.  The menu consists of British / European food with an Indian slant and was delicious. There were four empty plates to prove it.  Afterwards we decided to retire to Aura for a final evening drink. This bar is all decadence with lipstick shaped sofas, fluffy, hairy cushions, dark red velvet seat coverings and, bizarrely huge holographic faces of women who glance at you as you enter, they also blink and have different facial expressions. We decided to sit outside on the patio, however the only seating left was a high top table. I pitied  the poor waitress as she assisted me onto the chair as I tried to clamber up onto it whilst it slid about on the marble floor. Once I was on, she then tried to push the chair under the table , poor thing was only a slip of a girl but somehow she managed it, all of this as we were falling around laughing.
Finally all four of us were seated comfortably and our drinks were ordered.  On the next table, about a foot underneath our eye level were two young men, who on seeing the struggles of two older ladies, offered us their seating. Rita and I declined because it would have been even more of a hassle getting off our lofty perch. These two guys were on a Saturday night out, smoking Shisha and having a few jars, they were very amiable and I think they enjoyed the spectacle that we were putting on.
We enjoyed a very expensive round of drinks, but it was worth it for the ambience, the service, the warm night air and the company.
Very lucky to have a little lie in this morning and we went down to breakfast about 8.30am.Once again it was scrumptious and I had enough North Indian delicacies to keep me going until dinner time.
Ashok picked us up at 10.30am and we were on our way to the Sanjay Slum Colony. I sat in my seat looking out of the window at the crowds of people, the long wide roads, the tumultuous traffic and  pondered on how I would feel, coming face to face with with men, women and children who had nothing and survived on just hope. 
When we arrived at the Colony the first thing that I noticed was the smell, an acrid aroma of cooking, cow and general rubbish.
I got off the Tempo and was surrounded by children wanting to say hello, beautiful children with wide smiling faces, black eyes and ebony hair. They jostled and pushed each other just to be close to us and elbowed each other out of the way. My heart broke to see this, I tried to stop the tears from forming at the corner of my eyes, but all wanted to do was to scoop them up, each and everyone. Their small faces so full of joy and happiness at seeing us. I wondered how they perceived us, with resentment ? I truly think it was with utter pleasure.
We met our specialist guide and ventured into the Colony, the kids keeping pace with us, still pushing and shoving to try and get close and then one by one they veered off as other interests caught there eye.
We were heading towards a clothing sorting factory, I did notice a sign saying “ no child labour” on the side of the building, how true this is, I don’t know.
 Finally after stepping over dozing dogs, side stepping assorted debris, negotiating rivers of water we came to a group of women sorting out strips of clothing.
These large bundles of cloth are bought from the clothing factories and then all the scraps are sorted into different piles depending on colour, once this is done the factories buy the cloth back, melt it down and re use it.  For this arduous, tedious work the women are paid 2£ per day, it’s back breaking, repetitive and soulless, but it’s done with a smile, light chatter and satisfaction.
Did I have any questions ? Of course I did !  Whilst the women toiled, a group of old men sat around them smoking and chatting,  relaxing against the huge bundles of cloth.
My question was “ What do the men do ? “
The answer was that they were waiting for the women to finish so they could sell the sorted bundles.
What can I say ? 
We ventured on further in to the Community, besieged on all sides by interested children, women carrying huge bundles on their heads and motorbikes, and came upon the doctor in a tiny room about 6 x 5 feet, he was sitting at a table doling out medicine to a lady in a colourful sari.
On asking his credentials I was told he wasn’t a doctor but a pharmacist, or maybe just a quack Googling what he needed to know ?  We passed a sweet shop, I wished I had bought some for the kids, over gulleys of dark, dank water, through low arches and alleyways, cow pats and sleeping dogs. We saw brightly coloured saris hung over balconies, we saw Brahma cows feasting on a rubbish dump.
Finally we came to the end of the tour and what an eye opener it had been. We spent over £60 on a round of drinks last night which equates to a months wages for these people, it’s obscene really.  I left the Sanjay Colony Slums very humbled, these people were better than me. they saw through their adversity and  tried to make something of themselves, against the odds, they have survived.
These ever optimistic people have communal toilet blocks and showers, imagine that ? Imagine no running drinking water, imagine no sewage system, imagine having a guillotine over your head, wondering when the next slum clearance would be?  We silently boarded our bus and drove to our next stop, the Lotus Temple.
This Temple is a Baha’i house of worship and is inspired by a lotus flower, which is a symbol of purity and is associated with worship and religion in India.
It was built in 1953 and sits on 26 acres of landscaped gardens, overflowing with flowers, shrubs and trees.
The Baha’i faith is of oneness with God and humanity and free from prejudice, where men and women are judged equal. They believe in harmony between religion and science and the importance of education. The Temple is indeed beautiful, stunning even, however it looks rather like the Sydney Opera House, with its lotus leaves thrusting out into the vibrant blue sky.
We didn’t go inside as the queues were so long, but it was enough to say that we had been there and it’s safe to say that if I wasn’t a Hindu, I would follow the Baha’i religion.
Well Ashok took his leave of us and left us with our driver and mate, who were to take us back to our hotel.
We had a few problems not least of which a puncture, which took about an hour to sort, apparently the jack was so old that it had jammed, however finally we were on our way back.
We ended up in Aura for a few drinks to celebrate Tony’s birthday and now we’re off for a celebratory meal .
No photos of the Sanjay Slum Colony out of respect for the residents 
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easttraveler01 · 4 months
Taj Mahal Tour by Superfast Train from Delhi by East Traveler Company.
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Discover the Enchantment: East Traveler Company's Superfast Train Tour to the Taj Mahal from Delhi 1. Preface Experience the splendors of the Taj Mahal with the ease and swiftness of an Superfast Train Tour to the Taj Mahal from Delhi, provided by East Traveler Company. For those who want to see one of the most famous sites in the world quickly but thoroughly, this tour is ideal. 2. Why Opt for the Superfast Train Taj Mahal Tour? Temporal Efficiency: Make the most of your time in Agra by moving quickly and comfortably. Free of Hassles: Take the direct train route to avoid traffic and driving. Professional Guidance: Take advantage of a professional guide's knowledge and insights. 3. Highlights of the Superfast Train Tour of the Taj Mahal Convenient Travel: Travel in style on a lightning-fast train. Admire the magnificence of this UNESCO World Heritage monument, the Taj Mahal. Agra Fort: Discover the ancient Agra Fort. Local Crafts: See the craftsmanship of regional artists by going to a marble inlay factory. 4. A thorough schedule of the Superfast Train's Taj Mahal Tour early in the morning: Leaving Delhi Train Departure: Leave early in the morning from New Delhi Railway Station to board the superfast train. Pleasant Travel: Take advantage of the train's comforts and services, which include the onboard breakfast. Morning: Getting to Agra Arrival: Meet your tour guide at the Agra Cantonment Railway Station upon your arrival. Transfer: Take a pleasant ride in a short car ride to the Taj Mahal. Late A.M.: The Taj Mahal Go to Taj Mahal: Take your time exploring the Taj Mahal and learning about its construction, history, and love story. Photographing the Taj Mahal: Take breathtaking pictures of it from different angles. Visit Agra Fort in the afternoon. Agra Fort: Take a tour of the Agra Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage site that provides information on Mughal culture. Guided Tour: During your tour of the fort, your guide will discuss its significance and background. Lunch: Regional Foods Lunch Break: Savor the delectable cuisine of Agra while having a hearty meal at a nearby eatery. Local Crafts & Shopping in the Early Afternoon Visit a workshop to witness the skilled craftsmen producing the exquisite marble inlay work that is Agra's specialty. Shopping: Allocate some time to purchase mementos, such as tiny reproductions of the Taj Mahal and various handcrafted items. Return to Delhi in the late afternoon. Train Departure: Return to Delhi in the late afternoon on the superfast train. Comfortable Journey: Unwind and savor the food provided on the return trip. Evening: Journey to Delhi Arrival: As your day adventure comes to an end, arrive at New Delhi Railway Station in the evening. 5. Your Superfast Train Tour of the Taj Mahal: What to Expect Travel aboard a cozy, air-conditioned train with meals served on board for convenience and comfort. Professional Advice: Insightful information and historical background are supplied by competent guides. Travel Without Problems: A smooth trip is guaranteed by well-planned logistics. Rich Experience: This tour gives you a whole Agra experience, including historical information and handcrafted items from the region. 6. Ideas for an Unforgettable Tour Travel comfortably by packing light and only bringing what you need. Drink Plenty of Water: Always have a bottle of water on hand, especially when visiting monuments. Prepare your camera or smartphone by making sure it is fully charged before taking any special pictures. Observe regional traditions: Particularly at places of worship, dress modestly and show respect for local traditions. 7. Closing A great combination of comfort, speed, and in-depth investigation can be found in East Traveler Company's Taj Mahal Tour by Superfast Train from Delhi. By allowing you to see the Taj Mahal and other important historical monuments in a single day, our itinerary guarantees you make the most of your time in Agra.
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thetajinindia · 5 months
The Taj In India Company's "Exploring an Icon: A Luxurious Car Tour of the Taj Mahal from Delhi"
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The Taj Mahal, which is located in Agra on the banks of the Yamuna River, is a classic representation of love and the pinnacle of Mughal architectural genius. The Taj In India Company provides an exclusive and enthralling automobile tour of the Taj Mahal from Delhi for those who want to see this UNESCO World Heritage site from the nation's capital. This tour promises comfort as well as a thorough understanding of the monument's rich cultural and historical background. An Overview of The Taj In India Corporation With a focus on serving tourists eager to experience the magnificence of the Mughal era, The Taj In India Company has made a name for itself as one of North India's top suppliers of luxury travel experiences. Renowned for their outstanding customer service, in-depth understanding of Indian history and culture, and immaculate fleet of cars, the firm guarantees a trip as amazing as the final destination. Details of the Journey: Delhi to the Taj Mahal Travelers are picked up early in the morning in a luxury car from The Taj In India Company's fleet in the center of New Delhi by a professional driver. Because of their luxurious seating, climate control, and onboard refreshments, these cars are well known for their luxury, making the three to four hour drive to Agra as enjoyable as it is picturesque. When the cityscape gives way to Uttar Pradesh's open highways, travelers can listen to a driver-curated commentary or use audio guides from The Taj In India Company. The rich history of the areas you pass is explored in this commentary, which sets the scene for the incredible experience that lies ahead. Arrival at the Taj Mahal and its exploration When the tourists arrive in Agra, they are greeted by a multilingual, knowledgeable local guide who works with The Taj In India Company. The tour guide provides an in-depth explanation of the Taj Mahal's construction, the romantic tale of Shah Jahan and Mumtaz Mahal, and the groundbreaking architectural features that were much ahead of their time. The main mausoleum with its white marble dome, the lush gardens, the beautifully arranged minarets, and the exquisite calligraphy are all sights to behold during the sufficient time allotted to visitors to stroll through the renowned gates. There are plenty of possibilities for photographers, both professional and amateur, to catch the marble's shifting colors as the sun moves across the sky. Further Experiences The Taj In India Company is aware that visiting Agra's other historical landmarks will leave your tour feeling unfinished. Therefore, most itineraries include trips to the Tomb of Itimad-ud-Daulah, also known as the "Baby Taj," and Agra Fort, another magnificent example of Mughal architecture. A visit to a marble inlay factory is also included for those who are interested in local arts. The delicate process of putting precious stones into marble, a craft passed down through the decades, is demonstrated here by craftsmen descended from those who worked on the Taj Mahal. Return Trip and Outcome The journey concludes with a trip back to Delhi, where guests arrive late at night. The trip home is frequently used as a period for introspection, unwinding, and digesting the amazing events of the day. With one of the most treasured monuments in the world, The Taj In India Company makes sure that every part of the trip is easy, comfortable, and leaves visitors with enduring memories. Make a reservation and add customizations With choices for customisation, booking a tour with The Taj In India Company is a smooth affair. The firm fulfills all requests to customize the trip, whether it's adding a fine dining experience at a premier Agra restaurant or changing the schedule to incorporate a sunrise view of the Taj Mahal. Taking advantage of The Taj In India Company's opulent vehicle trip from Delhi is unquestionably a magnificent and unforgettable approach for anyone interested in seeing the Taj Mahal—one of the modern marvels of the world.
Taj Mahal Tour by car from Delhi
Skip The Line
Duration : 1 Days
Free cancellation
Instant confirmation
Private Tour
Overview - Tajmahal Tour by car from Delhi
An Impromptu Agra Visit from Delhi:- is a well known and helpful way for voyagers to visit the notorious Taj Mahal and other verifiable attractions in Agra, India, all in a solitary day. Agra is found around 200 kilometers (125 miles) from Delhi, and it’s known for its rich history and engineering ponders. Here is a general framework of what you can anticipate from an Impromptu Agra Visit from Delhi. Book Tajmahal Tour by car from Delhi with Us.
Tour Highlights
 The visit normally starts promptly in the first part of the day to capitalize on the day. we generally offer get administrations from your inn.
 The excursion from Delhi to Agra requires around 3-4 hours by street, contingent upon traffic conditions. You’ll go in an agreeable vehicle with a driver and, frequently, a learned aide.
 The Taj Mahal, one of the Seven Marvels of the World, is typically the primary stop. You’ll investigate this wonderful white marble sepulcher, which was worked by Sovereign Shah Jahan in memory of his adored spouse Mumtaz Mahal. You’ll have more than adequate opportunity to appreciate its excellence and find out about its set of experiences.
 In the wake of visiting the Taj Mahal, you’ll make a beeline for Agra Post, an UNESCO World Legacy Site. It’s a huge red sandstone stronghold that filled in as the fundamental home of the Mughal sovereigns. Your aide will give experiences into the set of experiences and design of the stronghold.
 You’ll partake in a delectable lunch at a neighborhood café, where you can enjoy a portion of Agra’s real cooking.
 Agra is known for its painstaking work and marble items. A few visits incorporate a visit to neighborhood markets where you can search for keepsakes.
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Discovering the most incredible and best explored Marble Granite and Stone Company on Earth
Discovering the most incredible and best explored Marble Granite and Stone Company on Earth:
The Pioneer company of marble granite & natural stone
We are an India Government recognized Exports House Associate in and limited liability company registered underneath the Indian corporations act promoted by a bunch of committed men with the expertise of quite Artifacts in Natural stones Manning, Building Construction and building materials offer, The key success issue of our organization is an old and qualified team and this team expertise facilitate to serve you in economical good and efficient manner.
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Different types of stones, tiles, and slabs provide our home interior and exterior a brand new, charming, and exquisite look. Moon Exports is an Associate in Nursing Indian stone company and therefore the leading Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier, merchandiser of natural and finest quality stones.
Why we are?
We are renowned for introducing several new stones and finishes. We provide totally different styles of natural stones, like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, are nacreous rock and rock, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, and Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc Associate in nursing an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and alternative ornamental Tiles. Additionally, we have a tendency to deal with numerous kinds of landscaping stones, tiles and slabs, and wall panels in a very big selection of finishes.
With the association of large Quarry area for Quartzite & Sandstone and the factories equipped with excellent infrastructural facilities-based Jaipur Capital of Rajasthan India. We can entertain any kind of your requirements with the minimum lead time.
With our skilled procurement team and tie-up with the most reliable sources Direct Quarries and well-established. We can cater you to any kind of demand for Indian natural stones like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, Sandstone and Quartzite, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc and an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and other Decorative Tiles.
Our Product Range
Marble granite and stone, Tiles and Slab, Granite, Sandstone, Marbles, Limestone, Stone Veneer, Landscaping, Thin Ledge stone Veneer, Stone Circles, Stone Pebbles, Stone Gazebo, Walling Stone, Wall Cladding, Wall Tiles, Rock Face, Stone Wall Murals, Wall Panels, Mosaic Tiles, Artifacts.
Plant and machinery
We have such modern machines which help cut stone blocks from the quarries, designing the required shapes and polishing the stone according to the demand of our valuable customers. We use wire cutters, wire saw heavy-duty excavator and other necessary machines for private excavation works and day-to-day projects.
Our establishment:
Was established in 1631, since then we have enjoyed exponential growth and sale globally. Our success is based upon our ability to respond flexibly to our customer’s individual needs for both large and small projects.  We are manufacturers & Exporters of Indian stones like Slates, Sandstones, Limestone’s, Quartzite, and Marble & Granite. We make finishes like hand cut & machine cut, sawn, honed, polished, brushed, tumbled, calibrated, natural cleft on both sides.
Marble, Granite, and Stones of India
We have evolved into the production and manufacturing of blocks, flooring slabs, structural slabs, monuments, tombstones, sculptures, cobbles, pebbles, and landscape garden stones.
Marble was used for building tombs, temples, and palaces. For a time, it was considered as Royal Stone. It is, however, now used in hotels and homes too.
India has varieties of granite in over 300 shades. As of 2019, Granite reserves in India were 48500 million cubic meters and ranked fifth in the export of the processed product. Resources are found in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.
India is among the leading countries when it comes to mining and export of sandstone. The best part with Sandstone from India is that it is available in different colors and considered best for interior as well as exterior use. Few most popular sandstone products from India include names like Tint Mint, White Mint, Mint Fossils, Modak, Agra Red, Rainbow Sandstone, Raj Green, Teak, Buff Brown, Dholpur Chocolate, Beige, Dholpur Pink, Lalitpur Pink, Mandana Red, Jodhpur pink, Jodhpur red, Jaisalmer yellow, etc.
Slate reserves in India are found in Rajasthan, Behror, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. Deposits in Rajasthan are spread over the districts of Alwar, Ajmer, Bharatpur, Tonk, Sawai Madhopur, Pali, Udaipur, Churu, and Chittorgarh. Few important names in slate are Jak Black, Silver Shine, Silver grey, Panther, Deoli Green, Peacock, Peacock Multi, Kund Black, Kund Multi, and so on. Being to some extent fragile in nature, it is good for interior use only and can be used even as washboards.
Which Company is the largest producer of marble in India?
Bhandari Marble World in Kishangarh Rajasthan is the largest producer and resource holder of marble in India The state accounts for 90% of India’s marble, Italian marble, Imported marble, International marble, granite, and Natural stone. Marble City in India Kishangarh which is switched in Rajasthan is one of the largest producers of dimensional stone in the world. The production of dimensional stone accounts for almost 30% of the world’s stone and 90% of Indian production.
Where it is located
In Kishangarh marble market:
We are India’s best supplier and manufacturer of high-quality granite, sandstone, and marble in Kishangarh that are procured from the best marble suppliers in the Mable market. We at Bhandari Marble World self-praise over selves as one of the most well-known suppliers of Natural stone from India delivering irreproachable products that the requirement of our respected clients. Our high-quality and good design collection of Imported and Indian marbles that are available in many colors and finishes for your home, restaurants, offices, hospitals, and many more places.
White Marble Manufacturer
Bhandari Marble World is a top white marble and granite manufacturer in India. This marble company is also a renowned marble supplier as it offers a vast array of Italian/Imported marble.
Supplier Traders
Kishangarh Marble Market now becomes Asia’s Biggest Marble Mandi (Market). Here More Than 9000 Marble seller, supplier, Manufacturer and exporter available. We are amongst the best manufacturers and dealers of this enticing natural stone supplying imported marble at factory price from Rajasthan to Delhi, all over India.
Italian marble manufacturer supplier
Marble is one of the most exquisite creations of nature, Italian marble is the most popular and sought-after stone, which comes from the Carrara region of Italy. Italian marble is the ultimate symbol of purity and durability, which was used to create high ended sculptures and edifices earlier. Today you can see marble at every office, home, or luxurious hotel for that elegant look. It gives a rich and luxurious look to any place or setting it is applied to, whether it is your luxurious office table or designer bathroom at home, it is the stone that can bring luxuriously and the most opulent look to your space.
Bhandari Marble World
Kishangarh is the marble capital of India where you will get an extensive array of local and imported marble of every quality. We at Bhandari Marble World get the best quality raw material from Italy and all over the world and get it processed meticulously to bring you the finest quality Italian Marble in Kishangarh. We are amongst the best manufacturers and dealers of this enticing natural stone supplying imported marble at factory price from Rajasthan to Delhi, all over north India. We have a lavish manufacturing unit in Kishangarh, well equipped with world-class machinery and infrastructure to handle large slabs cautiously. Our sumptuous warehouse has a wide range of imported marble at factory price.
Added by an expert team of marble granite and natural stone supplier
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Marble, granite, sandstone, limestone, slate stone & tile
Whether you’re a landscaper, a builder, civil contractor, or home renovator and you’re building a public promenade, creating a sculpture, or constructing a garden feature wall. We have stone right Marble sandstone or granite product for you. We supply the highest quality Marble Granite, Stone veneer, Sandstone, Limestone, Slatestone, tiles & slab, paving, edging, steps.
Our Awesome Designs-
Have a team of most experienced and sharp-minded stone designers who design unique products for our valuable customers. The products are designed according to the demand of the customers.
Our designs contain all types of Indian Natural Stones products like home-steps, benches, and a lot of attractive designs. You can get desired designs by contacting our email or go to our website. We are an India Government recognized Exports House Associate in a company registered underneath the Indian act promoted by a bunch of committed men with an expertise of quite Artifacts in Natural stones Manning, Building Construction and building materials offer, The key success issue of our organization is an old and qualified team and this team expertise facilitate to serve you in economical good and efficient manner.
Different types of stones, tiles, and slabs provide our home interior and exterior a brand new, charming, and exquisite look. We are an associate in Nursing Indian stone company and therefore the leading Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier, merchandiser of natural and finest quality stones.
We are renowned for introducing several new stones and finishes. We provide totally different styles of natural stones, like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, are nacreous rock and rock, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, and Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc Associate in nursing an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and alternative ornamental Tiles. Additionally, we have a tendency to deal with numerous kinds of landscaping stones, tiles and slabs, and wall panels in a very big selection of finishes.
We are Government Certified organizations, Ethical Trading Certified Company, certified for production control, in accordance with health, safety, and environmental protection legislation.
With the association of large Quarry area for Quartzite & Sandstone and the factories equipped with excellent infrastructural facilities-based on Kishangarh Jaipur Capital of Rajasthan India, we can entertain any kind of your requirements with the minimum lead time. With our skilled procurement team and tie-up with the most reliable sources.
We can cater you any kind of demand for Indian natural stones like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, Sandstone and Quartzite, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc and an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and other Decorative Tiles.
Our Product Range
Tiles and Slab
Stone Veneer
Thin Ledge Stone Veneer
Stone Circles
Stone Pebbles
Stone Gazebo
Walling Stone
Wall Cladding
Wall Tiles
Rock Face
Stone Wall Murals
Wall Panels
Mosaic Tiles
We have such modern machines which are helpful in cutting stone blocks from the quarries, designing the required shapes and polishing the stone according to the demand of our valuable customers. We use wire cutters, wire saw heavy-duty excavator and other necessary machines for private excavation works and day to day projects.
Bhandari was established in 1631, since then we have enjoyed exponential growth and sale globally. Our success is based upon our ability to respond flexibly to our customer’s individual needs for both large and small projects.  We are manufacturers & Exporters of Indian stones like Slates, Sandstones, Limestones, Quartzite, and Marbles & Granites. We make finishes like hand cut & machine cut, sawn, honed, polished, brushed, tumbled, calibrated, natural cleft both sides.
Marble, Granite, and Stones of India
We have evolved into the production and manufacturing of blocks, flooring slabs, structural slabs, monuments, tombstones, sculptures, cobbles, pebbles and, landscape garden stones.
Tradition of stones
India’s history, dating back to 4500 BC and our history since 1631 has been influenced considerably by the disposition, development, and use of stones and other construction materials. Dimension stones have also left deep imprints on the architectural heritage of the country. Temples, forts, and palaces of Ancient Indian Civilization have been carved out of locally available stones. The World famous Taj Mahal at Agra was constructed from Indian marble. Some of the rock-cut structures include Khajuraho Temple, Elephanta Caves, and Konark Temple. Besides, all major archeological excavations have revealed exquisitely carved statuettes and carvings in stone. Ancient Buddhist monuments like the Sanchi Stupa of 3rd century BC have also been carved out of stone.
This tradition of Stone Architecture has continued to the present era, with most of the important modern buildings in India like the Presidential House, Parliament House, and Supreme Court made from high-quality sandstone of Rajasthan. The Baha’i House of Worship of New Delhi stands testimony to the relevance of marble in modern Indian architecture.
Stones are still the mainstays of civil construction in India, with stones being used extensively in public buildings, hotels, and temples. It is increasingly being used in homes, with the use of stones now penetrating amongst the growing middle class of India. The success of the commercial stone industry solely depends upon defects in rock stone. Natural defects in ornamental commercial rock deposits adversely affect the quality of rock deposits. Detection of natural defects in the decorative and dimensional stone industry plays a vital role in the quality assessment.
India is a pioneer in the exploration, mining of commercial rock deposits, and establishing a firm base for the stone industry. India, with an estimated resource of about 1900 million cu m, comprising over 500 shades of Dimension Stone Granites, accounts for about 205 of the world resources. Of the 500 varieties being traded in the world market, nearly half of them are from India. Commercially viable granite and other rock deposits are reported from Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and others.
An innate passion for Marble, Granite, and Stone!
For over many centuries, the company has converted its intuitions into designs by creating unique and unrepeatable works. Private residence marble, Granite and Natural Stone Flooring Elevation Decoration and countertop elegant luxury design
Knowledge of raw materials and manufacturing excellence, combined with innovation in designs and materials have made the company symbol of excellence and ambassador for Natural stone craftsmanship at the international level, from the United States to the United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, Dubai, and Russia. The experience that leaves its mark all over the world, decorating diverse settings with luxurious Marble Granite and Natural Stone, and pebble stone floors, where the common denominator is the exclusivity and singularity of each realization
Planning and design
Unique in its field, the company has developed an original, new method, to provide an efficient and complete project management service. Drawing on many centuries ’ experience and legacy in craftsmanship, we are able to master every single stage of the project, from concept to realization, supply, logistics, design, engineering and manufacturing, installation, and maintenance.
The outcomes are extraordinary architectural masterpieces, thanks to solid know-how in techniques, materials and to the use of sophisticated systems for project implementation. Above all, We are unparalleled added value lies in the collaboration with designers and architects around the world and in the ongoing dialogue with selected customers who have become ambassadors of the company’s products.
Tailor of Marble, Granite, and Natural Stone.
The concept of handmade products is a rooted tradition at us, as it has been handed down from one generation to the next, since 1631. The artisans are the heart of the workforce, as they keep alive the manual techniques that donate everlasting beauty to any project. We are a team of artisans, in addition to being employed in the company’s workshop; to travel the world to install all the items that have been produced in the Factory workshop.
Tailor-made products, that includes the finest Flooring Elevation Decoration Countertop, cobbles pebbles, handicrafts, veneer, stone tiles, marble slabs, Statue, Temple, and landscaping. Most of the designs for floors, wall coverings, swimming pools, and other decorations are still hand-drawn and are unique, unrepeatable pieces.
This meticulous work method applies not only to the designs, in order to match Architects, Interior designers, Hoteliers, Builders, and client’s desires and tastes, but also to the materials. Our teams search for exceptional stone quarries, often in hidden locations which are difficult to reach. That’s why we are the Inventor Company in Marble Granite and Natural stone World.
Moreover, the company uses state-of-art technology to improve the quality of its products, including the most advanced CNC Machines International, water jet machinery for Natural stone.
Add by expert and export team of Bhandari marble world India Rajasthan Kishangarh
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bigyack-com · 5 years
Check out breathtaking examples of adaptive reuse in five Indian cities - art and culture
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When a structure is saved, it can transform a neighbourhood. That’s the principle of adaptive reuse — that when you restore a crumbling building, turn the insides into something completely different and make it relevant again, you shine a light on the space, the area, and its history.We haven’t got that far yet. In Kolkata, a 93-year-old residence is now a boutique bed-and-breakfast, but all around it are crumbling historic homes.In Delhi, the rooftop Walled City Café overlooks a crumbling and neglected Shahjahanabad. In Mumbai, a once-iconic mill now hosts yuppie beer-guzzlers and theatre lovers, but most of the mills in the city stand forlorn.Still, it’s a start. “Adaptive reuse projects become an example for others to emulate,” says conservation architect Kirtida Unwalla. In south Mumbai’s Kala Ghoda art district, she points out, what started as isolated incidences of heritage reuse have turned into a flood of cafés, restaurants, retail stores and art spaces housed in bits of history.Unwalla helmed one such transformation — when the high-street brand Zara moved into the five-storey, 110-year old Ismail Building that now lights up the street it’s on.
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The entrance to The Walled City Cafe, situated in a 200-year-old haveli in Old Delhi. The principle of adaptive reuse is that when you restore a crumbling building, turn the insides into something completely different and make it relevant again, you shine a light on the space, the area, and its history. ( Sanchit Khanna / HT Photo ) “The new spaces coming up in heritage structures has really changed the area, making it livelier and more visited,” she says.Some of the earliest examples of adaptive reuse in India involved the palaces of Rajasthan. The 15th-century Neemrana Fort was once of the first; it was converted into a luxury hotel in 1991. Other examples include the 18th-century Lake Palace in Udaipur and the 19th-century Falaknuma palace in Hyderabad, both now ultra-high-end hotels.In the cities, the practice is still fairly new. But it’s happening.A decrepit 90-year-old four-storey house in Kolkata was recently in the spotlight after its owner put it up for sale, but only to buyers who committed to not tearing it down.“The enhanced value of a restored and adapted structure is yet to be fully appreciated in India, as it is in the UK, Europe and even the US,” Unwalla says.
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Built as an orphanage in 1876, this Bengaluru building now houses the boutique store Cinnamon. ‘We picked the space because restoring it would be a way to remember Bangalore as it was,’ says owner of the brand Radhika Poddar.Money is a key factor, of course. Restoration, renovation and maintenance are significantly more expensive for old structures that typically need specific types of wood, roofing and tile, and need near-constant attention. The new tenants then take longer to turn profitable or make back their investment.“Big investments in restoration also often mean that the demography of a place changes,” says conservation architect Aishwarya Tipnis. “To make up for the money put in, if one runs a café, it has be a high-end one. This leads to more such places in the area, often changing a middle-class neighbourhood into a gentrified one. So one needs to ask what we are preserving,” she says.It doesn’t help that the government offers virtually no incentives, instead turning red tape into another deterrent.As Tipnis puts it: “We could’t really have a gallery like London’s Tate Modern or Paris’s Musee d’Orsay because the flexibility of using an abandoned power station or railway station for something so different simply does not exist here.”Delhi: Coffee, literature, history...On the first floor of a 200-year-old old haveli in Old Delhi, is a café that looks out over the Jama Masjid and the sprawl of Shahjahanabad.
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Chandni Chowk’s Haveli Dharampura was restored by BJP MP Vijay Goel, a heritage enthusiast and activist. It is now a luxury heritage hotel and offers kathak and classical music performances. ( Sanchit Khanna / HT Photo ) “The house belongs to my sister-in-law, Zeenat Shafi, and was practically abandoned for over 12 years, after she moved to Canada,” says Sheeba Aslam Fehmi, who lives next door and is food curator for the Walled City Café. “By 2016, it was in such bad shape, it needed urgent repairs. When we were halfway through we realised that this nice open space on the first level would be a good place for people to meet, hangout and eat. It reminded us of the beautiful cafés of Istanbul.”The building had what she calls an ‘Anglo-Muslim’ ambience, with fireplaces, chimneys and a courtyard. It is now a popular venue, especially for literary and cultural events.Not far from WCC, is the splendid Haveli Dharampura — a grand home from 1887, with intact marble jaalis and wide courtyard, now a luxury hotel. It’s owned by the BJP MP Vijay Goel, a heritage enthusiast and activist. “The idea was to restore a part of it as a museum to set an example for others to emulate,” says his daughter, Vidyun, who handles marketing for the space.Once restoration began, the spacious rooms and corridors seemed perfect for a hotel. Work that was planned for six months went on for over six years; the hotel opened its doors in 2016. In addition to rooms and dining, it offers Kathak and classical music performances. “Turning it into a hotel has really helped with funding of the upkeep of a structure like this,” says Vidyun.Kolkata: Check in, check it outThis building was saved as a result of another interesting urban heritage phenomenon — the heritage walk.
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The Calcutta Bungalow is a heritage bed-and-breakfast in a restored 1920s residence. This part of the city has several such once-splendid, crumbling structures. ( Samir Jana / HT Photo ) The founders of Calcutta Walks came upon it while researching a new walk around Radha Kanta Jew Street. “There it stood, with its green lattice shutters, arched windows and generous wide balconies,” says Anirban Dutta. “We keep coming across such buildings on our walks around the city, and most of them are in a shambles. We decided to do something about this one because it had so much potential — the ornate facade, wide road in front, relaxed and friendly neighbourhood.” The plan was to turn it into a bed-and-breakfast, “because, you know, we’re already in touch with tourists all the time”.The 90-year-old structure needed much more work than they anticipated. “It was hard to raise the funds,” he says. The restoration took two years, with artisans coming in from Murshidabad to work with chuna-surkhi or lime concrete. The place opened to guests in May 2018. It will take at least until 2023 to break even, Dutta estimates. “But we hope more people will see that it is possible to work on these beautiful buildings and not tear them down.”Goa: Beer at a millThis was a project that began with architect and heritage conservationist Raya Shankwalker deciding he wanted to find an old structure and make it an example of adaptive reuse.
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The Rice Mill Cafe, in an adapted rice mill in Morjim, Goa, wears a distressed look to retain a sense of what it was — as well as keep costs down. ‘In a lot of such projects, people go overboard with the spending, and then it becomes very difficult to make the venture profitable,’ says owner, architect and heritage conservationist Raya Shankwalker. ( Harshan Thomson ) His friend said he had just the think — an abandoned rice mill his family owned in Morjim, a coastal town in north Goa. “Travelling in Europe over the years, I’ve spent so many wonderful hours in quaint cafés and bars, housed in some beautiful old structure with an interesting story,” Shankwalker says. “I wanted to do a similar thing here.” So he and a relative invested in the mill.The exterior was intact, and the idea was to give the interiors a distressed look so it would feel like a mill. This helped keep budgets down. Shankhwalker says that kept the whole operation frugal too. “Our design is largely achieved by minimalism. Almost nothing expensive. Just surface treatments and simple elements of décor.” He adds that in a lot of such projects, people go overboard with the spending. “And then it becomes very difficult to make the venture profitable.”Adaptive reuse really works for commercial spaces because people like to be in a space with a story, he adds. Shankhwalker says the bar is now doing well and is well-entrenched in the area.Mumbai: Factory floor to office In Mumbai, an old soap factory is now a posh office and a buzzing café, with silos and chimneys still in place to hint at their history.
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What used be the boiler space of the Godrej soap factory is now the Vikhroli Social. ( Edmund Sumner ) “When I first visited this Godrej property, which was to be redeveloped, we decided that the structure of the factory, which spoke to the group’s legacy, must be retained — but not as a museum,” says Anubhav Gupta, business head at Vikhroli and head of corporate social responsibility and sustainability at Godrej Properties. “We wanted it to be a functional space that spoke of the past but looked to the future.”So two of the structures on the plot are now the Imagine Studio, a marketing office for Godrej properties; what used to be the boiler space is the Vikhroli Social. While the structures are open-plan, with smart glass façades, the cast-iron factory equipment works as a reminder of the past.“We are going for a mixed use development approach that will have residences, offices and a five-star hotel too,” Gupta says.Bengaluru: browse with history Cinnamon, a clothing and home décor brand, specialises in products with an Indian aesthetic but contemporary design. When it came time to move from their leased store in Bengaluru, they decided to try and find a space that reflected their identity.“We came across this dilapidated bungalow at Ulsoor, in 2013. Restoration took about 10 months,” says Radhika Poddar, founder and owner of Cinnamon.Originally built as an orphanage in 1876, Poddar says she picked the space because restoring it would be a way to remember Bangalore as it was and maintain a piece of its heritage.The design suited her too — a courtyard perfect for a café; the rooms arranged around it ideal to showcase product lines. The challenge of maintenance remains. “I will say that one must be prepared to take on constant upkeep when one moves into a heritage structure,” Poddar says. “Still, it is a unique space, a piece of social history, and exactly what we were looking for. Read the full article
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sciencespies · 5 years
India's top court orders halt to stubble burning as Delhi chokes
India's top court orders halt to stubble burning as Delhi chokes
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India’s top court ordered a complete halt to stubble burning around Delhi as a lethal smog blanketed the capital
India’s top court has ordered a complete halt to stubble burning around Delhi, a major contributor to lethal smog that on Tuesday kept the metropolis of 20 million people choking in air rated “very poor”.
The Supreme Court said the capital’s residents were “losing precious years” of their lives, adding “people are dying, this just cannot happen in a civilised country”.
In a ruling following petitions filed by activists, the court’s judges ordered an immediate halt to the practice of farmers burning crop stubble in the states surrounding the capital.
They warned that the entire administrative and police hierarchy—all the way down to local officers—would be held responsible if the practice continued.
Burning stubble is already illegal, but many hard-up farmers say they have no choice.
Each winter, smog hits northern India as cooler air traps the stubble smoke, car fumes, factory emissions and construction dust close to the ground, creating a noxious cocktail that burns eyes and makes breathing difficult.
On Sunday pollution shot up, with levels of particulates measuring less than 2.5 microns—so tiny they can enter the bloodstream—approaching 1,000 micrograms per cubic metre of air, the worst in three years.
The World Health Organisation’s recommended safe daily maximum is just 25.
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Some foreign tourists wore face masks while visiting the famed Taj Mahal in Agra as smog levels soared
Flights were diverted and hospitals reported a surge in patients with respiratory complaints.
Concentrations of the tiny particles—which can be lethal with long-term exposure—fell Tuesday, with the government monitoring agency SAFAR rating the air “very poor”, down from “severe” a day earlier.
According to the AirVisual website, Delhi remained the most polluted city in the world on Tuesday ahead of Kolkata in eastern India and Lahore in Pakistan. Beijing was in sixth place.
Construction halt
Construction was banned temporarily in Delhi late last week, while schools have been closed until Wednesday—with city authorities handing out free anti-pollution masks to children.
Authorities also parked a van with an air purifier near the Taj Mahal in a bid to clean the atmosphere that in recent years has damaged the iconic marble mausoleum, some 250 kilometres (150 miles) south of Delhi.
“We read in newspapers about pollution in India and bought masks once we landed in Delhi. The air is really bad here and we are worried about our children,” Neelofar, a tourist from Iran at the Taj Mahal, told AFP.
On Monday Delhi authorities moved to reduce traffic by rolling out a scheme allowing cars with odd and even registration numbers on the roads on alternate days.
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Officials fined over 250 motorists for breaking a law restricting road use depending on the last digit of their number plate
Delhi’s chief minister Arvind Kejriwal, who has called the city a “gas chamber”, hailed the first day of the scheme as a success, with 1.5 million cars off the roads and traffic reduced.
Two thousand volunteers and more than 465 police and transport officials were deployed at intersections, handing out fines of 4,000 rupees (nearly $60) to 259 transgressors.
They included Vijay Goel, of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ruling party, who flouted the law in his saffron sports utility vehicle to protest what called a “stunt” ahead of upcoming city elections.
Exempt from the restrictions were Delhi’s seven million motorbikes and scooters, public transport vehicles, and cars carrying only women, stoking criticism that the measures were token.
Siddharth Singh, a climate policy expert, called the traffic restrictions “ineffective”.
“If air pollution was solely due to the vehicular traffic, then this would be a solution. Right now it cannot be a solution because motorised private transport has a very small share in the whole pie,” Singh told AFP.
Stubble burning is believed to account for nearly half the pollution.
Fourteen Indian cities including the capital are among the world’s top 15 most polluted cities, according to the WHO.
One study last year said that a million Indians died prematurely every year as a result.
Explore further
Taj Mahal gets air purifier as Indian capital chokes
© 2019 AFP
Citation: India’s top court orders halt to stubble burning as Delhi chokes (2019, November 5) retrieved 5 November 2019 from https://phys.org/news/2019-11-india-court-halt-stubble-delhi.html
This document is subject to copyright. Apart from any fair dealing for the purpose of private study or research, no part may be reproduced without the written permission. The content is provided for information purposes only.
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webseo11 · 2 years
2 Days Agra Overnight Tour By Car
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same day tour packages Agra is actually housed in some of the seven miracles of the planet - Taj Mahal. This urban culture area is also home to many UNESCO planet heritage internet sites, including Agra Fort and the famous Fatehpur Sikri. Visiting this metropolitan area 2 Days Agra Overnight Tour by Car , the scenic tour will definitely provide you tons of understandings right into the history, culture, love as well as true magic of architecture. It is one of the most checked-out metropolitan areas in India through wanderlust visitors and background aficionados. On the initial day of the overnight Agra scenic tour, you are going to be actually taking an incredible disk to arrive at the metropolitan area of Agra. Afterward, you will be actually visiting the court proceeding on tour to attract the architectural marvels of the bygone opportunities. You will undoubtedly be first taken to the famous Taj Mahal, which takes place to become one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The viewpoint of the great building will surely surprise you and tranquilize your senses along with its splendor and heritage. On the initial day of the trip, you will definitely possess an elegant lunchtime at a visitor restaurant. Later on, you will be actually taken to see the famous Agra Fort as well as Itimad-ul-Daula's Tomb. You will also be going to the renowned marble factory, which is commonly well-known for its own marble inlay job made up of some of the semi priceless rocks. On the second time of the overnight Agra trip, you will definitely see the well-known Fatehpur Sikri and afterward return to Delhi, the capital area of India.
Day 1 : Arrive Delhi - Agra
Beginning your through the night Agra trip from Delhi in the early morning. After a three-hour drive, you will undoubtedly get to Agra. A see to the Taj Mahal. This palace is one of the 7 surprises of the globe and is actually famous for its breath-taking charm. In the early morning, it cascades pink color shining with the white-colored marble. After the visit, create a pickup Lunch at some of the famous restaurants. Turning up following is actually a check out to the renowned reddish fortress and Itimad- ul-Daula's Tomb. This fortress is a red-sandstone building marvel along with a contact of Indo-Islamic construction. Later, head out for a browse through to the Marble manufacturing facility, where you are going to witness the ornate process of marble-carving. Possess an overnight remain at the accommodation as the 1st time your overnight Agra excursion finishes is listed here.
Day 2 : Agra - Delhi - Departure
Post breakfast. Look at the lodging and prepare as your Agra overnight excursion packages offer you a journey to Fatehpur Sikri, the metropolitan area of triumph. This metro area was constructed through Ruler Akbar; he built a walled city with splendid red sandstone designs and imperial royal residences. Start your profit trip to Delhi and acquire delivered at your favored site as your Agra through the night tour deal proposals you goodbye. Driver drop you at your Delhi Location.
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Marble Factory in Delhi, Marble Factory in Mayapuri Delhi Marble City
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READ MORE....Leading Marble Company in Delhi India Marble Supplier in Mayapuri Delhi NCR- Marble City
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birdgelspikes · 4 years
Looking for Bird Prevention on your Building? Bird Spikes are all you need!
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Now that you are landed to read this blog, it clearly means you are someone who owns a large building or a warehouse or a factory and needs prevention from nuisance birds. Birds are seriously one of the major problems to the aesthetics of a roof. However, the problems with birds and other airborne pests are beyond just appearances. Plus the way they can destroy any building material such as stone, wood, steel, marble, and iron with their droppings is awful. The droppings and mess that birds create can also discolor paint, clog gutters, ruin cloth awnings, corrode I-beams, damaged roofs, and short out electrical equipment. Besides looking ugly, bird droppings can carry several kinds of diseases that can be a danger to human beings. If you are facing these kinds of problems than Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi are the one to help you.
Contact Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi to save your building roof
For every building owner, it is important to take into consideration that the building process must include how to prevent birds from roosting on the structure. Installing bird spikes or deterrents at the outset of a building saves time and money. Moreover, it will also eliminate the dangers of material degradation, bird-borne diseases, and the mess of bird droppings. It is true that no natural predators are available to control the bird population. So, if you have businesses or you are residents contact Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi to keep birds away from their roof. Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi give their time and efforts to eliminate the efforts associated with handling birds And, these make front-end installation preferable.
Also Read: Ever Considered Using Bird Scaring Devices? Here are the Reasons!
Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi is able to make bird spikes as per the requirement
So, deciding to make the investment in bird spikes is one of the wisest decisions. Bird spikes are among the great, simple, and inexpensive options which keep birds and other pests from finding any space to land on the building surface. Moreover, Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi will ensure to prevent the birds from nesting on the roof and getting a place to leave their droppings. Once Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi installs the spikes, birds can no longer roost on the roof, and in this way you are able to save the expense and man-hours of having to clean up an unsightly and dangerous mess.
Spikes are available in different options such as anti-roosting spikes, stainless steel spikes, 100% polycarbonate bird spikes, and even plastic spikes. Each of these is built with different materials and is considered to be an efficient and cost-effective bird exclusion devices. Bird spikes are admired for their uniqueness in terms of longevity, application, and ease of installation. Bird Spikes Manufacturer in Delhi will probably give you their greatest benefit by manufacturing them as per your requirement. These spikes are not only extremely quick and easy to install can be installed virtually by anyone. So don’t wait further, contact the best Pigeon Control in India.
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Marble is one of the most exquisite creations of nature, Italian marble is the most popular and sought-after stone, which comes from the Carrara region of Italy. Italian marble is the ultimate symbol of purity and durability, which was used to create high ended sculptures and edifices earlier. Today you can see marble at every office, home, or luxurious hotel for that elegant look. It gives a rich and luxurious look to any place or setting it is applied to, whether it is your luxurious office table or designer bathroom at home, it is the stone that can bring luxuriously and the most opulent look to your space.
Kishangarh is the marble capital of India where you will get an extensive array of local and imported marble of every quality. We at Bhandari Marble World get the best quality raw material from Italy and all over the world and get it processed meticulously to bring you the finest quality Italian Marble in Kishangarh. We are amongst the best manufacturers and dealers of this enticing natural stone supplying imported marble at factory price from Rajasthan to Delhi, all over north India. We have a lavish manufacturing unit in Kishangarh, well equipped with world-class machinery and infrastructure to handle large slabs cautiously. Our sumptuous warehouse has a wide range of imported marble at factory price.
Flooring plays a very important role in home decor and it is very important to choose the right flooring that can set the tone of the room. The flooring design and pattern you choose for your home should meet the functional and visual requirements of the room. Flooring can add essence to the interiors.  The right kind of flooring gives your home a beautiful and natural look. Different kinds of an area required different types of tiles.
It is used as a building stone due to its unique position. Marble stones are made up of limestone that has undergone heat and pressure. To maintain marble properly they need regular polishing, that’s why it is not used in rooms that are frequently used as bathrooms, kitchen, or children’s rooms. It is a highly durable stone and water-resistant in nature. While selecting marble to make sure that not to choose the extremely shining variety because it attracts dust and may also have chances to cracks.
Marble, Granite, Sandstone are very long-lasting and they maintain their glossy surface even after being used for several years. They also absorb less water, which adds to their durability. With the advancement in technology, Natural Stone is durable to last for years if maintained properly. Marble slabs, on the other hand, are more porous which makes them prone to damage and less durable than others. The quality of the natural stone may not always be the best, which is not the case with marble tiles. Marble Granite is perfect for places with tropical climates like India. Moreover, installing natural Stone is a simple and efficient process.
Marbles are not stain resistant, so any spillage could leave permanent marks and spots. Marble is a natural stone that reacts to chemicals and gets corroded easily. These can be cleaned only through polishing. In any case, marble slabs require to be polished from time to time if you want to maintain their look, which makes marble slabs a very high maintenance product. Marbles tiles can last long without any maintenance. They do not get stained or scratched and can be easily wiped clean. They look shiny and bright even after regular use for a long time. This makes them ideal for kitchens, dining rooms, and children’s rooms where the risk of spillage and staining are higher.
Marble slabs are available only in certain pockets of India like Makrana in Rajasthan, Udaipur in Rajasthan, pink marble in Jaipur, and a few more places having small quarries. Their transportation cost is quite high and the possibility of breakage is also added to the price. Moreover, quarrying is a labor-intensive process. The cost of cutting and polishing just adds up to the overall price. On the other hand, tiles are much cheaper as they are made in bulk in factories. Moreover, tiles do not need to be polished regularly after installation, which reduces the maintenance cost of marble tiles.
It is difficult for a buyer to differentiate between the qualities of various marble slabs. Buyers have to depend on what the seller says. They normally end up selecting them based on the color and veins. However, the quality is assured in the case of branded tiles. Also, they are normally sold through authorized dealers which means you don’t have to depend on individual sellers.
Granite is also available in any size or shape, and in varying sizes. Some colors and styles of granite are rarer than others, which makes them cost more. But every piece of granite has an elegance and quality that’s undeniable.  Granite is naturally very strong and durable—still one of the most durable options for countertops. A type of igneous rock that’s made from a mix of feldspar, quartz, micas, and other trace minerals, granite is resistant to heat and scratches. It’s naturally strong and water-resistant with some antibacterial and stain-proof characteristics. When properly sealed (a task that homeowners will need to do to keep granite looking great), granite countertops can last a lifetime.
Ease of maintenance is another positive quality of granite. While it will need to be sealed, it can be easily cleaned with a damp cloth and mild soapy water. In fact, if you select granite, you’ll want to avoid ammonia, bleach, or any cleaning products with solvents or caustics, as this will remove the sealant.
Sandstone is a mesmerizing sedimentary rock that happens to be soft and can be shaped and carved beautifully into various things like sandstone sculptures or sandstone fences. It is a decorative material that makes any place look novel and delicate even though it is strong against the changing weather. It forms in places where there is water and it takes a long time to form. Sandstone has varying properties depending on its composition and where it was formed. Sandstone comes in a wide variety of colors, which include tan, yellow, blue, grey, cream, white, etc.
Today, when everyone has an eye for beauty, it’s no wonder that Sandstone has become a favorite with homeowners and interior designers. It gives your place a lush and rustic look. It has been used since prehistoric times and has an increasing value by the day. Its durability and strength have also made it very popular amongst designers, architects, and builders looking for something that will last a long, long time.
Benefits of Sandstone:
Sandstone is one of the most beautiful and natural flooring materials. It gives your home a decorative touch and enhances the beauty of your driveway and floors.
Currently, there are many man-made as well as organic paving materials available on the market. But, nothing can match the flexibility and shine of sandstone.
Sandstone might not have the durability like granite and marble, but it still has the potential to last for years without showing the wear and tear signs. Do you know why most homeowners choose sandstones over granite and other hard stones for paving? Even though it is relatively lighter and less durable than marble and granite, sandstone is extremely soft. You can cut and shape it in any form you want. If maintained properly, your sandstone paving can offer great durability.
One quality that makes sandstones a perfect option for flooring and paving is their uniqueness.
Since the rock is extracted from nature, it comes in a wide variety of shapes and hues. In fact, its level of uniqueness can’t be matched. Each sandstone piece obtained from the earth has some unique features. When sandstone is mined, it is extracted in big slabs. Later on, they are cut and shaped. So, each slab of sandstone installed on your floor feature some unique nature quality that sets it apart from the man-made and casual flooring materials.
First of all, the slabs of sandstone are placed on tiles. They are installed in such a manner that they can be replaced easily when required. You can easily remove the tiles and have them replaced. So, one advantage of sandstone over other flooring materials is its replaceable property. If you want to replace the sandstone floor, you can do it easily.
Slate & Limestone
Slate and limestone also have water in common, at least when it comes to their formation. Slate is found in the ocean; likewise, limestone is found anywhere an ancient sea existed and can even be comprised entirely of marine fossils. Limestones are sedimentary rocks that form from the layering of silt and organic matter over time. The pressure and heat from the accumulation of layers result in chemical reactions that harden the sediments into solid stone. Limestone is typically composed of calcium carbonate, so it is soluble in acid. When crushed, it is soluble in water. As an alkali, it is great for adjusting the pH in a garden for vegetables that prefer less acidic soil. Limestone is also used in the water industry to soften water. It is employed in dyes (it is used to make paper white) and as an additive in paint, as well as in everyday items that we put into our bodies like toothpaste and antacids as filler.
# Durable
Limestone tiles are hard and do not wear easily, which makes them the perfect candidate for flooring. Because they are also moderately soft to the touch, they are more comfortable to walk on. Even though they feel nice on your feet, this doesn’t compromise their durability, as they retain their structure for a long time.
# It’s Beautiful
Limestone flooring creates a timeless, charming environment. No matter the color or style you choose, limestone’s natural, earthy characteristics will give your home a modern, yet traditional feel. It can match virtually any color scheme you already have in your home and will give the room the feeling you want to create. Another fantastic benefit of limestone is that it often adds value to your home because it is a long-lasting and luxurious material.
# it’s Cost-Effective
If you are looking for beautiful, natural flooring without outrageous costs, limestone is the best option. It has that luxurious appearance that will elevate your home’s design and atmosphere.
#it’s Versatile
Do you need flooring that matches your home’s décor, but want a material that is also natural? Natural stone gives an impressive touch to your home, as it is earthy, elegant, and elevated. Limestone comes in various colors, shapes, and sizes so that you can easily match it to your interior design. Certain limestone tiles will look fantastic with your interior design, while some others look amazing for the outdoors. Whether you want your limestone tiles in the hallway, the bathroom, or out on your patio, you can choose the style that fits best.
Added by an expert team of Bhandari Marble World
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The kind of style that captivates everyone’s attention
Marble granite and stone for big projects, hotels, hospitals, towers, and shopping malls, private Bang low villa, offices. Extensively used for architectural purposes under big as well as small projects. We are well-known for top quality marble, granite and stone manufacturer, suppliers, and exporter.
The pioneer group of Marble, Granite and Natural stone
Whether you’re a landscaper, a builder, civil contractor, or home renovator and you’re building a public promenade, creating a sculpture, or constructing a garden feature. We have stone right Marble sandstone or granite product for you. We supply the highest quality Marble Granite, Stone veneer, Sandstone, Limestone, Slatestone, tiles & slab, paving, edging, steps.
Have a team of most experienced and sharp-minded stone designers who design unique products for our valuable customers. The products are designed according to the demand of the customers. Our designs contain all types of Indian Natural Stones products like home-steps, benches, and a lot of attractive designs. You can get desired designs by contacting our email or go to our website.
About us
We are an India Government recognized Exports House Associate in and limited liability company registered underneath the Indian corporations act promoted by a bunch of committed men with the expertise of quite Artifacts in Natural stones Manning, Building Construction and building materials offer, The key success issue of our organization is the old and qualified team and this team expertise facilitate to serve you in economical good and efficient manner.
Different types of stones, tiles, and slabs provide our home interior and exterior a brand new, charming, and exquisite look. Moon Exports is Associate in Nursing Indian stone company and therefore the leading Exporter, Manufacturer, Supplier, merchandiser of natural and finest quality stones.
We are renowned for introducing several new stones and finishes. We provide different styles of natural stones, like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, are nacreous rock and rock, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, and Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc Associate in nursing an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and alternative ornamental Tiles. Additionally, we tend to deal with numerous kinds of landscaping stones, tiles and slabs, and wall panels in a very big selection of finishes.
With the association of large Quarry area for Quartzite & Sandstone and the factories equipped with excellent infrastructural facilities-based Jaipur Capital of Rajasthan India. we can entertain any kind of your requirements with the minimum lead time.
With our skilled procurement team and tie-up with the most reliable sources Direct Quarries and well established SCM’S. We can cater you any kind of demand for Indian natural stones like Marble, Granite, Limestone, Slate, Sandstone and Quartzite, Cobbles, Palisades, Circles, Pebbles, Walling Stones, etc Stone Articles, etc and an assortment of Floor Tiles, Paving Tiles, Wall Tiles, and other Decorative Tiles.
Our Product Range
Marble granite and stone, Tiles and Slab, Granite, Sandstone, Marbles, Limestone, Stone Veneer, Landscaping, Thin Ledge stone Veneer, Stone Circles, Stone Pebbles, Stone Gazebo, Walling Stone, Wall Cladding, Wall Tiles, Rock Face, Stone Wall Murals, Wall Panels, Mosaic Tiles, Artifacts.
Plant and machinery
We have such modern machines which help cut stone blocks from the quarries, designing the required shapes and polishing the stone according to the demand of our valuable customers. We use wire cutters, wire saw heavy duty excavator and other necessary machines for private excavation works and day to day projects.
Our establishment:
was established in 1631, since then we have enjoyed exponential growth and sale globally. Our success is based upon our ability to respond flexibly to our customer’s individual needs for both large and small projects. we are manufacturers & Exporters of Indian stones like Slates, Sandstones, Limestones, Quartzite, Marbles & Granites. We make finishes like hand cut & machine cut, sawn, honed, polished, brushed, tumbled, calibrated, natural cleft both sides.
Marble, Granite, and Stones of India
Granite, marble, sandstone, limestone, slate, and quartzite, in many states of India. We have evolved into the production and manufacturing of blocks, flooring slabs, structural slabs, monuments, tombstones, sculptures, cobbles, pebbles, and landscape garden stones.
Tradition of stones
India’s history, dating back to 4500 BC and our history since 1631 has been influenced considerably by the disposition, development, and use of stones and other construction materials. Dimension stones have also left deep imprints on the architectural heritage of the country.
Temples, forts, and palaces of Ancient Indian Civilisation have been carved out of locally available stones. The World-famous Taj Mahal at Agra was constructed from Indian marble. Some of the rock-cut structures include Khajuraho Temple, Elephanta Caves, and Konark Temple. Besides, all major archaeological excavations have revealed exquisitely carved statuettes and carvings in stone. Ancient Buddhist monuments like the Sanchi Stupa of 3rd century BC have also been carved out of stone.
This tradition of Stone Architecture has continued to the present era, with most of the important modern buildings in India like the Presidential House, Parliament House, and Supreme Court made from high-quality sandstone of Rajasthan. The Bahai House of Worship of New Delhi stands testimony to the relevance of marble in modern Indian architecture.
Stones are still the mainstays of civil construction in India, with stones being used extensively in public buildings, hotels, and temples. It is increasingly being used in homes, with the use of stones now penetrating amongst the growing middle class of India.
The success of the commercial stone industry solely depends upon defects in rock stone. Natural defects in ornamental commercial rock deposits adversely affect the quality of rock deposits. Detection of natural defects in the decorative and dimensional stone industry plays a vital role in the quality assessment.
We are a pioneer in the exploration, mining of commercial rock deposits, and in establishing a firm base for the stone industry. India, with an estimated resource of about 1900 million cu m, comprising over 500 shades of Dimension Stone Granites, accounts for about 205 of the world resources. Of the 500 varieties being traded in the world market, nearly half of them are from India. Commercially viable granite and other rock deposits are reported from Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Telangana, and others.
Marble was used for building tombs, temples, and palaces. For a time it was considered as Royal Stone. It is, however, now used in hotels and homes too. There are many varieties.
Makrana: Makrana is the source of the marble used in the Taj Mahal. It is situated at a distance of 60 km from Kishangarh and falls in the Nagaur district of Rajasthan. The region has various mining ranges, mainly Doongri, Devi, Ulodi, Saabwali, Gulabi, Kumari, Neharkhan, Matabhar, Matabhar kumari, Chuck doongri, Chosira and Pahar Kua amongst others.
Rajnagar Marble: the World’s largest marble-producing area, with over 2,000 gang saw units located in the nearby town of Udaipur to process the material produced. Agaria is a variety of this area, with numerous other varieties and patterns, primarily in white base. The marble is dolomitic and often has quartz intrusions.
Andhi Marble: Located near the capital city of the state of Jaipur ‘ it is dolomitic marble with intrusions of tremolite, and is commonly known by the name of pista pistachio marble, because of the green-colored tremolite against an off-white background. One of the famous varieties of this area was known as Indo-Italian, owing to its resemblance with Statuario Marble. Most of the mining of this famous field is now banned by the Supreme Court of India because of the vicinity of the area to the Sarika Tiger Reserve.
Slumber Marble: Also known as Onyx Marble, it has thick bands of green and pink hint. A resemblance to Onyx Marble from Pakistan gives it this name. This is also highly dolomitic.
Yellow Marble: Jaisalmer stone is found in the Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan. Though not been metamorphosed and hence is still a limestone, it is known as Yellow Marble in trade circles. It is mined in the Jaisalmer District.
Bidasar: These are ultra-basic rocks in shades of brown and green color found in Rajasthan. The criss-cross linear pattern gave it a remarkable resemblance to a photograph of dense forest. These are also known as forest green/brown or fancy green/brown.
Gujarat – Amba Ji White Marble: It can be compared with Makrana Marble. It is highly calcic and is produced in a town called Amba Ji famous for its temple of Durga Devi. The marble has a very soft and waxy look and is often used by sculptors.
Rajasthan – Abu Black: This is one of the rare Black textured marble available. Only produced in the mines of Abu road, this black textured stone is a decorative marble used in temples and sculptures.
Madhya Pradesh – Katni Range: It is famous for its beige colored marble which is dolomitic but highly crystalline, with very fine grain size and some quartz intrusions. The marble accepts polish. Another variety of the same range is red maroon-colored marble.
Jabalpur range’ contains white dolomitic marble. It is more often used as dolomite lumps for chemical and industrial uses.
Indian Green Marble: It is found in Rajasthan India, Indian Green Marble’s most quarries are situated in Kesariyaji it is 65 km far from Udaipur Rajasthan India. This Indian green marble is known by name in all over the world. In Europe, people know Indian green marble as a Verde Guatemala. Many varieties are available in Indian green marble. Indian Green Marble is exported to Africa, Europe, Australia, Middle East, and many Asian countries. It is found in the Rishabhdeo town of Udaipur District state Rajasthan of India.
India has varieties of granite in over 300 shades. As of 2019, Granite reserves in India were 48500 million cubic meters and ranked fifth in the export of the processed product. Resources are found in Madhya Pradesh, Orissa, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Rajasthan, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh.
India is among the leading countries when it comes to mining and export of sandstone. The best part with Sandstone from India is that it is available in different colors and considered best for interior as well as exterior use. Few most popular sandstone products from India include names like Tint Mint, White Mint, Mint Fossils, Modak, Agra Red, Rainbow Sandstone, Raj Green, Teak, Buff Brown, Dholpur Chocolate, Beige, Dholpur Pink, Lalitpur Pink, Mandana Red, Jodhpur pink, Jodhpur red, Jaisalmer yellow, etc.
These sandstones are available in several finishes and come with great strength. However, Sandstone like Rainbow is only available in layered form and so is not suitable when the good thickness is required and Jodhpur sandstone is best when used in front elevation and high comprehensive strength. To illustrate it clearly, you can’t have cobbles out of Rainbow sandstone in particular as it is usually available in the slabs form.
Slate reserves in India are found in Rajasthan, Behror, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh. Deposits in Rajasthan are spread over the districts of Alwar, Ajmer, Bharatpur, Tonk, Sawai Madhopur, Pali, Udaipur, Churu, and Chittorgarh. Few important names in slate are Jak Black, Silver Shine, Silver grey, Panther, Deoli Green, Peacock, Peacock Multi, Kund Black, Kund Multi, and so on. Being to some extent fragile in nature, it is good for interior use only and can be used even as washboards.
Flaggy limestone
Kota stone of Kota district and Yellow Limestone of Jaisalmer district of Rajasthan are the prime limestone occurrences in India. Other deposits include the Shahabad Stone of Gulbarga and the Belgaum districts of Karnataka, Kadappa Stone of Kadapa, Kurnool, and the Anantapur & Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh, Milliolitic. Limestone from Saurashtra Region, Gujarat, and Yellow Limestone of Kutch district of Gujarat, amongst others.
Limestone deposits
Andhra Pradesh and Telangana put together possess 32% of the country’s total reserves of limestone. World-renowned Narzi limestone is available in the Kadapa district. Commercial grade limestone deposits are being exploited from Bethamcherla, Macherla, Neereducherla, Tandur, shahabad, Mudimanikyam of Kurnool, Guntur, Anantapur, Rangareddy, and Nalgonda districts are widely used in our country for paneling and flooring purposes. Sullivan limestone of Karminagar and Warangaldistricts, massive limestones of Mudimanikyam, Nalgonda districts.
Total India’s limestones are estimated at 1 lakh million tones. Limestones are extensively utilized for the manufacturing of cement and also building stones, particularly flooring and roofing.
Other dimensional stones
Some other dimensional stones are being quarried and used in consumption, in addition to the dimensional stones already detailed above. Lateritebricks are quarried in huge quantities and are utilized as bricks in the construction of houses and for pavements in the states of Orissa, Karnataka, Goa, and other parts of coastal states. The felspathic sandstone occurring with the coal seams as overburden is also used as a building stone. The huge deposits of basalt in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Gujarat are used as building stones since ancient times. Other quartzitic bands, occurring with phyllites and schists, are also utilized for building purposes. Khondelites from the East coast are being used widely
Interiors, Designers, Engineers, Architects, Builders, are Welcome
We invite designers and architects to find the exclusive quality of stone for all types of projects. We have been a reliable partner for all your MARBLE GRANITE AND NATURAL STONE requirements since the year 1631. Decades of experience in the marble industry have made us what we are and we remain grateful to you for contributing to our success.
We have exclusive relationships with some of the world’s most renowned Architects, Interior designers, Builders, Developers from all around the
Our Five Star hotel projects:
JW Marriott Jaipur
Merritt hotel Jaipur
Clark’s group of hotels
Rajasthani Resort and spa
Our Indian marble granite and stone projects:
The Dilwara Temples or Delvada Temples are a group of Jain temples located about ​2 1⁄2 kilometers from the Mount Abu settlement, Rajasthan’s only hill station. The earliest were built and supposedly designed or at least financed by Vastupala, Jain minister of Dholka
Victoria Memorial
The Victoria Memorial is a large marble building in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, which was built between 1906 and 1921. It is dedicated to the memory of Queen Victoria.
The Taj Mahal
The Taj Mahal is an ivory-white marble mausoleum on the southern bank of the river Yamuna. The construction project employed some 20,000 artisans under the guidance of a board of architects led by us.
Inspiration comes from Nature
With over 387 years of experience in the marble and granite market, we offer exclusive natural stones and personalized customer service.
Find out about our marble granite and stone products
Explore the many interior design applications with our stones. There are more than 700 options of colors, each with its own identity.
All types of marble granite and stone products
Our Production
We bring together over 30 years of expertise, many own quarries, and a complete industrial park, which is prepared to perform with efficiency and high technology. We are among the 10 largest exports of ornamental stones in India. For more than 387 years, we have been striving for the singularity of our material and excellence in service.
Our marble granite and stone Industry
We have a complete industrial park, storage sheds and has an efficient commercial structure trained to ensure support to customers and logistics partners
Our team
Be part of our team. Work with professionals with decades of experience and selling ornamental rocks for the whole world.
Latest News
As the leading manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of natural stone, we showcase the inclination towards perfection. From quarrying to customizing products and consultancy relating to installation and maintenance, we have been involved in end-to-end execution.
With the capacity to mobilize a broad variety of natural stones, we have been carrying out large-scale natural stone projects. As a long-established natural stone exporter, we are committed to providing the most desirable results to our clients. In doing this, we have gone a long way, leaving our trails in different parts of the globe.
Discover the exclusive natural stone projects completed by us.
Natural Stone Projects in World
Marble granite and stone flooring in big aria
The flaunts a beautiful flooring of natural stone. A stunning combination of polished cobbles and thick granite reflects a soothing aesthetic across the area. The granite shown here in the flooring is Indian Flamed, Polished & Honed Jet Brown Granite that bestows depth and sophistication to the flooring aesthetics. The stone has robust characteristics and it requires less maintenance.
Marble granite and stone for shopping mall
Shopping mall upholds the beauty of Indian Granite with a magnanimous central fountain made in Indian Absolute Black Granite. Thanks to the properties of this black granite, the aesthetics remain speckless for decades.
Marble granite and stone for the office place
The official Palace of Kuwait. It showcases a beautiful embellishment of Indian sandstone varieties that have long been the crown of many historic monuments. The palace is built with Indian Pink Dholpur Sandstone and when installed in combination with the lovely greenery, near the poolside, and fancy patios it fills the space with pleasure. Dholpur Beige, Red and Chocolate sandstone decorates several external architectural elements of the beautiful palace. These include thick wall cladding, arches, pillars, railing and flooring, Gazebos & Coping, and entire external hard landscaping.
Marble, granite, and stone for Mosques
Mosque in Kuwait is a legendary monument in itself. Thanks to a wide variety of Indian granite that adorn the architecture of the building in a subtle yet attractive way. The richness and depth of this place are intensified with the exotic combination of premium quality Indian granite which include Serpeggiante, Bottochino, Alicante, Shivakashi Ivory, Kashmir White, Lavender Blue, Tan Brown & Indian Green Marble – water jet Pattern.
Marble granite and stone for Hospital
Hospitals, the primary healthcare center in the city of Kuwait has implemented a mix of natural stones. One of the major installations is the Green Marble, which bestows a calming ambiance for visitors and patients. Being the leading marble exporters, we supply green marble in slabs and tiles, at a huge scale. Absolute Black Granite is another limelight of its aesthetics while holds a reputation as one of the most durable natural stones.
Marble granite and stone for Hotel
Kuwait City is well known for its vast interior and chandeliered dome. To break the monotony, Hotel is constructed in a modern style giving a touch of luxury. Every bathroom, kitchen island, and buffet restaurant is unsheathed with absolute black granite. Along with this, the beauty of the elevator lobby is modified with the installation of Bottochino Marble slabs.
Marble granite and stone for Residencias Tower
The area of Al Kuwait City is supplied with cobblestones and Sierra Grey Granite as interns. The grey color granite is an exclusive variety that blends white, black, and grey creating an appearance that animates the atmosphere. As integral characteristics, the natural stone is resistant to elements, stains, and spills. Other major highlights are Royal Beige Marble and Green Marble that enliven the aesthetic elements with its eye-catching color combination and patterns.
Marble granite and stone for Complex
The Installation of Indian Sandstone has been done in combination with Saudi Riyadh Stone. The exotic pattern created with premium quality natural stone amplifies the aesthetics of the building.
Granite marble for Tower
Tower, the tallest skyscraper in the city of Kuwait has installed the Indian black beauty, Absolute Black Granite. Also known as Jet Black, the granite slabs endow a refined and classic look to its modern aesthetics. As a leading granite exporter, we provide customized cut-to-size stone that offers elegance and uniqueness.
Marble granite for Towers
The Indian Marble installation in Tower, Kuwait City is an explicit example of marble’s magnificence. Grey cobblestones have been used to complement the outer landscape. With high resistance to fire and robust properties, the stones prove to be an excellent choice over concrete.
Big Buildings
The supply of Green Granite slabs enhances the aesthetics with tranquillity. In combination, Tan Brown Granite maintains its clear reputation for lustiness.
Big Complex
Indian Juprana Granite in combination with Green Granite covers flooring, wall cladding, staircase, and elevator lobby area in Complex, Hawally, Kuwait City. Indian Juparana is a picturesque stone with gentle hues of pink and grey.
Residential Buildings
Granite slabs of Madurai Gold are supplied to Residential Building in Kuwait City. The stone boasts a spectacular cream-white backdrop with glittering ochre sprinkled unevenly.
Marble Granite Stone Project in Qatar
The Medical & Research Centre
Indian Flamed Goldstone Granite, a symbol of luxury creates a soothing ambiance in the Medical & Research Centre, Qatar. It was tasked to supply granite slabs with cuts of different sizes to perfectly match the aluminum framing.
Marble Granite projects in Doha
Indian Black Granite installation in buildings, Doha, Qatar the application with durability and beauty. We offer granite slabs in both rectangular and square shapes.
Granite Stone Project for the shopping center
We have supplied premium quality granite slabs to The shopping center in Bahrain. A highly durable and robust solution in the form of Indian Flamed Jet Brown Granite has been used for flooring over an area of sqm. The granite slabs installed are 6 cm thick with brushing and radial cutting.
Granite Stone Project
Consulate is a classic example of high-quality granite slabs sheathing the internal walls and facade. Granite, being one of the resilient natural stones, it is always preferred in high footfall area. The building incorporates a premium range of granite available at Quality Marble to give a robust yet captivating display. Desert Brown Granite and Indian Madura Gold Granite are the major highlights used in internal cladding to mesmerize the ambiance. Absolute Black Granite, one of the most durable natural stones has been used over prefabricated counters and vanity tops.
Sandstone Project
Pavements at City Centre
An old pathway at City Centre in the was renovated using Indian Shotblasted Desert Camel Quartzite, an ultimate variety of sandstone. The stone with a greyish backdrop and intense orange bands transforms the pavement into a beautiful public space. The sandstone slabs with 5cm and thickness were supplied, contributing to a robust and highly durable pathway. With many more international projects accomplished, we have grown progressively and has expanded its footprint in the global market.
A trendsetting collection of natural stones from high-quality marble to exotic stones have helped architectural icons reach new heights.
Feel free to contact us to translate your natural stone project fancy into reality. We will be happy to guide you in choosing the right stone and maintaining its beauty!
Add by expert and Export team of Bhandari Marble World, India, Rajasthan, Kishangarh -305801
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loyallogic · 4 years
How MC Mehta led to the formation of jurisdiction on environmental laws in India
This article has been written by Nehal Misra, a student at Nirma University, Ahmedabad. In this article, she discusses the contribution of MC Mehta in the formation of environmental laws in India.
The Constitution of India, the international commitments of India, reflects the need for protection and conservation of the environment and sustainable use of natural resources. The Constitution under Part IVA (Art 51A-Fundamental Duties) imposes a duty on every Indian citizen to protect and improve the natural environment, including forests, lakes, rivers, and wildlife, and to have respect for living things. Furthermore, under Part IV of the Constitution of India (Art 48A-Directive Principles of State Policies), the State shall endeavour to protect and develop the environment, and to safeguard the country’s forests and wildlife.
Mahesh Chandra Mehta is an environmental lawyer who campaigns for a healthier environment and has won awards for the same. The Magsaysay award jury has cited him for “claiming their constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment for present and future citizens of India.” He pressured polluters to pay for it and urged India’s media to bear environmental messages. Mehta lobbied for and promoted the use of lead-free gasoline in India’s four largest cities, the preservation of the Ganga and Beas River from factory-discharged effluents, and several other environmental risks.
About MC Mehta
Mahesh Chandra Mehta is an Indian public-interest lawyer. He completed secondary high school from Rajouri High School. He moved to Jammu University to obtain a degree in Political Science and Law after completing his higher education at Rajouri. He began practising in Jammu and Kashmir High Court after graduating in Law. He has been actively involved in social and political problems, raising his voice against injustice, and inspiring students and youth to stand up against discrimination in Jammu.
He moved to Delhi in 1983 and thereafter started his career as a Supreme Court lawyer. He began focussing on environmental cases. Since 1984, he single-handedly won several landmark judgments from India’s Supreme Court, including the introduction of lead-free petrol into India and the reduction of industrial emissions that pollutes the Ganges and erodes the Taj Mahal. In 1996, he was awarded the Goldman Environmental Prize for his ongoing battles against pollution-causing industries in Indian courts. In early 1984, M.C. Mehta visited the Taj Mahal for the first time. He saw that the marble of the famous monument had turned black, and was stained by contaminants from nearby factories. This spurred Mehta to file in India’s Supreme Court for his first environmental case. He also received the Ramon Magsaysay Award for Asia for Public Service in 1997. The Government of India awarded him the civilian honour of Padma Shri in 2016. He is also a trustee of People for Animals.
Role in environmental jurisprudence in India
The development and progression of ecological jurisprudence in India have been noteworthy. Indian Constitution is one of the ninety Constitutions in the world having a specific piece of legislation and provisions for the protection, promotion, and preservation of the natural environment. Apart from various progressive legislations, the role of the Indian judiciary is of paramount importance. Currently, most of India’s environmental activities are under Articles 32 and 226 of the Constitution. The judicial writing procedure is best liked over the conventional suit because it is easy, comparatively inexpensive, and offers direct access to the country ‘s best courts. Throughout the environmental case, the Supreme Court ‘s powers to give directions under Article 32 and the high courts under Article 226 have acquired greater significance.
The Supreme Court of India in its landmark judgment of Subhash Kumar v. State of state took the initial steps for incorporating a pollution-free environment under the expandable vision of Article 21. The Supreme Court extended this decision in the case of M. C. Mehta v. Union of India, by concluding that life, public health, and ecology is entitled to a priority over the state and rural financial condition. Justice Kuldip Singh in Vellore Citizens Forum v. Union of India case, the concept of sustainable development was applied for the first time in India. It was this judgment in which the principle to include a customary international law within India in environmental jurisprudence was adopted.
MC Mehta’s group of cases reflects the right to a humane and healthy environment. The first MC Mehta case broadened the definition of the right to live and limited hazardous industrial practices with the goal of protecting people’s right to live in a safe environment. There were some improvements in the second case of MC Mehta, however, the third case of MC Mehta developed a new jurisprudence of responsibility to the pollution victims caused by an industry engaged in hazardous and potentially harmful practices. The fourth case of MC Mehta concerned the tanning industries situated on the banks of Ganga allegedly polluting the water. The Court gave them orders to create effluent plants within six months from the date of the order. It was stated that failure to do so would result in the company being cut off. The four MC Mehta cases came before the Supreme Court on the initiative of the public-spirited lawyer under Article 32 of the Constitution. He filed lawsuits for the people affected or likely to be affected by any action or inaction on behalf of those.
M.C. Mehta’s environmental litigation cases of public interest have established the basis for the growth of environmental jurisprudence in India, and indeed South Asia today. C.M. The following seminal principles in Indian environmental jurisprudence were established in the Mehta cases:
The fundamental right to life applies to a safe and clean climate.
Courts are authorized to grant financial compensation as a remedy for violating the right to life.
Polluters should be held liable for compensating for the damage that their dangerous activities inflict.
Public resources that are vulnerable, fragile, or of high environmental value should be protected and retained for the public.
Similarly, the Government has a duty to avoid deterioration of the environment. However, if there is scientific ambiguity, there should be no hesitation in adopting preventive measures anywhere there is a potential for severe or permanent harm.
Green benches should be set up in high courts in India which deal specifically with environmental cases.
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Landmark cases fought by him
Taj Mahal case: M.C. Mehta v. Union of India and others 
Taj Mahal faced significant pollution from Mathura Refinery, Iron Foundries, Glass, and other chemical industries. The Taj Mahal and 255 other historic monuments within the Taj trapezium were facing serious threats due to acid rain as a result of very high toxic emissions from those industries. In 1984 the Complaint was filed. In December 1996, the Indian Supreme Court delivered a historic judgment. The apex court gave different directions including banning coal and coke use and directing the industries to switch to Compressed Natural Gas ( CNG).
Pollution case: M.C. Mehta v. Union of India and others
Three landmark judgments and numerous orders passed from time to time against polluting industries in the Ganga basin totalling more than fifty thousand. A large number of factories were closed by the Court and permitted to reopen only after the establishment of effluent treatment plants and regulated emissions by those factories. As a result of these directions, millions of people in the Ganga basin covering 8 states in India have been spared from the effects of air and water pollution.
Vehicular pollution case
In 1992 the Supreme Court delivered a landmark judgment against vehicular emissions in India. A retired Supreme Court judge was appointed to recommend measures to control vehicle pollution nationwide, along with three members. Orders for the supply of lead-free petrol in India and the use of natural gas and other fuels for vehicle use in India have been passed and carried out. Lead-free petrol has been introduced in the four metropolitan cities since April 1995; all new cars registered since April 1995 have been equipped with catalytic converters; COG outlets have been established to supply CNG as a clean fuel in Delhi and other cities in India other than Euro 2 standards.
Oleum gas leak case: M.C. Mehta v. Union of India and others
This is a landmark judgment which established the principle of Absolute Liability. The fertilizer plant was very close to human dwelling, and the court held that it could not be permitted to carry on a hazardous industry in such proximity to the population and relocate the factory. The principle of deep pocket was also set out in the instant case. This judgment also marked a time of dramatic legislative advance in India. The Parliament added an entirely new chapter to the Factory Act of 1948 incorporating sections from the Judgment almost verbatim. The Public Liability Insurance Act was passed and the Emission Control abatement scheme was placed in effect. Also, the Environmental Protection Act and the Policy for the Abatement of Pollution Control were established.
Delhi sewage treatment plant case
Approximately 10 million people living in Delhi and millions living along the banks of the Yamuna River were exposed to health hazards caused by water contamination due to the total lack of sewage treatment plants in many areas of Delhi. In this case, the Supreme Court gave the Delhi Municipal Corporation a time-bound system for the establishment of a treatment plant in 16 separate localities.
Child labour case
The case raised the question of child slavery in the fireworks industries in Tamil Nadu. Due to which over one million children who worked in the fireworks industry benefited. Thus, the scope of the case has been extended to include child labour throughout the country. The Supreme Court ordered all States to identify forced labouring children and to come out with rehabilitation schemes. Child labour was banned in dangerous industries. In another case, they released 194 children unlawfully detained in different Odisha jails.
Environmental awareness and education case
A minimum of 5 to 7 minutes must be provided by the television network throughout the country to television programs on the environment and the cinema theatres in the country must show slides related to the environment in each show. The environment became a mandatory subject from the 1992 academic session up to the 12th grade, and the University Grants Commission also incorporated this subject in higher classes at various universities.
Delhi ridge case
It was obtained to save the Delhi ridge from the Supreme Court’s destruction order directing Delhi’s NCT to declare it as ‘Reserved Forest.’
Dust pollution case
In a historic event, by order of the Supreme Court on May 15, 1992, 212 stone crushers were moved out of Delhi to a ‘Crushing Zone’ formed in Haryana. It reduced the emission of more than 1500 tons of dust released daily in the atmosphere.
Kamal Nath case
In the State of Himachal Pradesh, a motel in Spain, owned by Shri Kamal Nath, Minister of Environment and Forests, Govt. The Beas River Course was diverted from India to beautify the motel and also invaded some forest land. The apex tribunal ordered the Span motel management to hand over forest land to the Govt. Of Himachal Pradesh and delete all kinds of invasions. The Court handed down a landmark judgment and founded for the first time in India the principle of exemplary damages. India’s Supreme Court accepted the principle of polluter paying and the Principle of Public Trust.
Coastal areas case
Notwithstanding the Coastal Zone Regulation Notification of February 1991, none of the coastal states had devised a coastal zone management plan, with the result that hazardous construction and industrial operation were allowed anywhere in the coast, resulting in large-scale harm to coastal ecosystems and loss of livelihood for lakhs of fishermen and other marine-dependent indigenous resources. On behalf of the Indian Council for Enviro- Legal Action (ICELA), a written petition was filed and the Supreme Court issued a landmark judgment banning industrial / construction activities within 500 meters of the High Tide Line and set a time limit for coastal states to devise coastal management plans.
Antop Hill case: M.C. Mehta v. Union of India
A large-scale chemical storage centre for hazardous chemicals was proposed to be set up in the heart of Mumbai at Antop Hill, to flout all environmental standards and health of more than 1.5 million people living in and around this city. A case was filed in the Supreme Court, and the authorities/industries were stopped from locating such godowns in due course.
Gamma chamber case
Delhi has been protected from harmful radiation because of the filing of a case against radiation from a Gamma Chamber, students, and teachers at Jawaharlal Nehru University ( JNU).
Groundwater pollution case: Indian council for enviro-legal action v. Union of India
Five small chemical factories, owned by a single person, worked in Rajasthan at Bichhri without treatment plants for effluents. Toxic industrial effluents entered the groundwater and 14 village wells became affected. After six years of battle in the Trial, the Supreme Court delivered, in March 1996, a judgment ordering the closure of the factories and assigning the polluter ‘s property to the Department of Environment and Forests Govt. India ‘s recovery of the eco-recovery costs from the industries held responsible for causing environmental damage.
Groundwater depletion case
Unsystematic and unscientific groundwater tapping throughout the country had led to an alarming fall in groundwater levels, and data provided by the Ground Water Board showed a near-crisis situation developing in many parts of the country. Furthermore, groundwater contamination due to the indiscriminate discharge of toxic effluents to land and surface water bodies occurred in an unregulated and uncontrolled manner and pollution control boards were not in a position either to determine the level of groundwater contamination or to classify contamination sources. The groundwater board has no power or legal jurisdiction to prosecute guilty parties. The matter was challenged in the Supreme Court and a landmark judgment was rejected, the Board of Groundwater had made an authority invested with legal powers under the Environmental Protection Act 1986 to grant licenses and take action against polluters up to the degree that the offending industries were closed
India has a conspicuous natural legacy that is owed to its biodiversity. There was a clear legal provision for preventing the destruction of the nation ‘s substantial biodiversity. The Courts have been successful in achieving this aim. In Andhra Pradesh, Pollution Control Board v MV Nayudu the Supreme Court formed the nexus between natural protection and human rights. In the case of the Rural Litigation and Entitlement Kendra vs. the State of U.P., (Popularly known as Dehradun Quarrying Case), the right to live in a safe environment was recognized as part of Article 21 of the Constitution. In M.C. Mehta vs. Union of India, (Popularly known as “Oleum Gas Leak Case”) – Under Article 21 of the Constitution, the Supreme Court recognized as part of the fundamental right to life the right to live in a pollution-free environment. And the P.A. High court, in T. Damodar Rao vs. S.O., Municipal Corporation, Hyderabad clarified that the right to live in a safe environment was expressly stated under Article. 21. The right to environment is often associated with human rights. The right to life is guaranteed as a fundamental right under article 21. To live a healthy life, our environment and surroundings should be pollution-free and clean. Therefore, the judiciary in India has broadened the scope of Article 21 by adding the right to a clean, protected, and balanced climate. The Supreme Court held class actions under Article 32 and the High Courts under Article 226 of the Constitution as part of proceedings in the public interest for a fundamental right to a safe environment. The Supreme Court is extending the distinctive legitimate arrangements for ecological insurance to fill in the holes where there is the elegance of the enactment. From the above-discussed cases and the principles evolved from them, we conclude that MC Mehta has contributed immensely towards the environmental laws in India through widening the scope of the fundamental right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Indian Constitution. 
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