#Mar: 70% roman soldier and 20  % Viking and 10 % whatever I thought would be fitting!
halforc-mercenary · 7 years
Five Characters Mar Identifies With
Tagged by: @beloris Tagging: Anyone!
1. Romulus from  Ben Canes “ The Forgotten Legion” Chronicals        Romulus is a character born as a slave and sold to a Gladiatorschool at a very young age.  Like Mar he had learned from a young age how to kill and fight, he was trained to kill, he earned his livlihood with killing and he was good at killing, only to eventually realize with shock  at the end of his journey  he is simply not able to comit a coldblooded murder.  He shares with Mar this realisation and also his empathy and the love for their friends and family, that is all to wrong and even dangerous  in the worlds they are living in. Both characters try to identefiy with beeing warriors, trying desperately to delete the stigma (Remulus beeing born as a slave and Mar beeing born as a Halforc) that was marking them from their birth, with their Talent as soldiers (With Remulus eventually becoming a citizen of Italia and Mar ...still trying to find her place).
2. Marcus Valerius Falco from Marinis “Les Aigles de Rome”
  Atai, About Marcus: “Not bad for a roman boy...” Other Slave: “In his veins runs babarian Blood.”
 Caught between two cultures as the son of a roman Soldier and the Daughter of a Chieftain of one of the tribes beyond the Rhine, Marcus is orginally a boy who  suffers under his fathers strict military upbringing to whichs exceptions  Marcus can not live up to. Marcus loves poetry, playing Harph,woodcraving and seems to have a strong connection to his mothers orgins since she thinks he had inherited her Mothers second face. When Gaius Julius Arminius/ Herrmann of the Cherusci tribe is given as a charge to his father Marcus find another connection to his “barbarian” orgins. Eventually Marcus choses to cage away every flicker of the “weakness” his father hated so much and following the strict military philospohy of the world he is living in. However when Arminius gathers the tribes for rebellion (just search Varusschlacht/  Varusbattle for the actual history of Arminius), Marcus is once again caught between two cultures. Marcus and Mar both share the fate of beeing caught between two cultures who they both could never fully belog to  because of their Halfblood status and the realisation that both sides bear goods and bads they could themself not fully represet as their own . They try to dwell fully in one culture, but fail. They both follow the stict military philospophy of the people around them, even thought they both are not made for it and are actually too sympathetic and compassioate to properly flourish in the strict military world around them, so both of them throw themself in a almost suicidal longing into battle to come up to their cultures expection, but when they do they can find no joy in it.They both long for  a more peaceful and happier life, but they are holding duty and loyality in a too high terms to give in to that longing. Mars surpressed talent for shamanism was inspired by Marcus subliminally Second Face.  Also Mar pretty much got her sass from Marcus = “Loknar! Get lost and search yourself a knothole to blow off steam!” / “Oh I remember your name, Sylvanus yes?” -”Seianus!” - “Hard to forget the last four letters of  your name.”/  “They call me Calvadurus, because I drill my soldiers by hitting my head against theirs [...]” *Marcus after hitting C. down with the hunch of the others own shield - “I confirm: A hard head.”
3. Mana from Emmanual Roudiers “ Neandertal” Utterly loyal to her family/Tribe, but also harsh on fist encounter, Mana accompanies the Maincharacter Laghou to the Mosspeople to find a cure for the sickness that her tribe is suffering from and that killed her infantdaughter and her Brother. Mana is a realistic and very down-to-earth person (Laghou, smiling “Look, Mana! Bearcubs!”= Mana, promptly knowing when there are bearcubs there is also a Bearmother” Oh no...”), who willing seeks for knowledge in other cultures even thought knowledge is carefully hidden i the different tribes (just like Mar who let a orcish blademaster teach her during her time in Northrend).
4. Nävis  from  Jean-David Morvans and Philippe Buchets “Sillage“ Stubborne to the bone, a genius in combat but also utterly compassionate Nävis was originally trained as a agent by Sillage because as a “human” she is not psy active. Nävis find joy in combat and is a fierce character, but because of her childish naivity (since she is in the first volumes a child) she does not understand that she is a mere pawn. Eventually she realizes and has to find her own goals to prevent Sillage from using her as a tool. She shares with Mar her characterfeatures and also the rather late realisation of beeing eventually nothing but a good trained tool for the battlefield, eventually they both become “freelancers” to free themselfs of that pawn status and follow their own goals, following their own moral compass that makes them suprisingly weak for manipulation since they are both very compassionate characters under a layer of stubbornness and sass. Nävis is the only one of her kind in the beginning of the story, comperable to Mar who had always had the outsider status as a Halforc while growing up. Also Mar got Nävis green eyes and Mars human family got their medi
5. Garona Halforcen Probably every Halforc fan character in Wow is inspired by Garona, but thanksgod Mar had become  a individual character.
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