#Mantra Chocolate Bars online
Order Mantra Chocolate Bars online
Order Mantra Chocolate Bars online at Illinoismushroomsstore.com. These chocolate bars are made with high-quality ingredients and are unmatched in deliciousness. Make your sweet moments even more special with our Mantra Chocolate Bars. Order today!
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calibudsonlineshop · 1 year
Cali Buds Shop is primarily a producer and distributor for several different types of Psychedelic  and Mushroom Chocolate Bars. We also act as a secure online marketplace that brings together legit Magic mushroom vendors and buyers. To Know more about Mantra Bars Euphoria Bar visit our shop website.
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chocolatemantra · 4 years
Te Amo - I love you Chocolate Bar
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Greetings from Chocolate Mantra.
It is a fact that this COVID pandemic has created some space for every business to re-think its strategy for the next 10 years at least. Though we haven't put that much thought process in the chocolate making, definitely we have been creating new chocolate inventions. Our master chocolatiers are putting their best efforts to create a new chocolate experience for our Indian chocolate lovers.
Here are our new chocolate innovations from our master chocolatiers Mamatha & Srikanth.
Te Amo ( I love you chocolate bar), Te Amo means I love you in Spanish. Researches show that I love you is the most popular sentence in the world in any language. The statistical fact inspired us to create this wonderful chocolate bar. Te Amo (I Love you ) bar is created with fresh cookies, roasted nuts, and pure chocolate. We write the letters on the chocolate (see pic reference). 
This customized love chocolate bar is ideal to gift your loved ones. Could be for your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband, or just to anyone to whom you want to express your love in a sweet and delicious format. I love your chocolate bar also could be a nice gifting idea to celebrate birthdays, marriage anniversaries, Valentine's day, new year, etc.
The imagination is yours whereas the chocolate making job is ours. 
Check the pic reference and enjoy the Te Amo - I love you a chocolate bar. 
Bye for now till next post, keep safe, and have a wonderful time. 
URL: https://www.chocolatemantra.com/te-amo-i-love-you-chocolate-bar-gift-online-India 
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archiebwoollard · 7 years
Kickoff The Relationship That Your Ads Spark Using Your Landing Page Copywriting Skills
In PPC we strive to put the right message in front of the right user at the right moment. This is essentially our formula for success. We’re fully aware that irrelevant ads will be ignored and possibly even judged for being so off-base.
  Exhibit A: I recently traveled to Vancouver. Going into this international trip, I knew that Uber and Vancouver weren’t quite on speaking terms. Fast forward a day or two and I googled “taxi in Vancouver” to explore my taxi options while standing in the bustling hub of downtown Vancouver and this was my SERP.
    That top result is, ironically, not the right message, I was not the right person, and that was definitely not the right time.
  We know what relevancy and logic look like. And we know that relevancy and logic are critical for a conversion and for success. So why do we forget this mantra when we evaluate and optimize landing pages?
  Way back in the day (August 2016), I wrote about the pertinence of landing pages being dedicated and committed to their duty to convert your users in It’s Not Enough to Be Relevant – Your Landing Page Has to be Dedicated, but I may have deprived you all of a critical facet of that duty: relevance based in logic and relationships! So today I’m going to share a few of my favorite ways to approach mental relevance and ensure that your landing pages nurture the relationships that your PPC ads spark.
  No Shouting
  No one likes harsh communication. Harsh communication is an indicator of conflict. Most folks seek pleasurable feelings and thus avoid conflict quite naturally in order to avoid the substantial mental activity and uncomfortable feelings. Despite what some of us would like to believe, exuberance and glee can easily be perceived as harsh and over the top.
  Find a happy medium on the spectrum.
    Be calm and confident. Be bold and humble. Be educated and curious.
  Be the solution and mimic your users with their language and decibel. We, humans, love other humans that are similar to us. Why? Because we’re all extremely egocentric on a subconscious level and we really just like interacting with similar versions of ourselves. Pay attention to how your users speak to you on a regular basis and mimic their energy and vocabulary.
  Remember to be nice. Step out of your bubble and go talk to a sales guy to see how he maintains his pitch. Good salesmen will have you wrapped in a completely casual and fluid conversation before you even realize that you’re in the funnel. Good landing page copy will do the same thing.
  It’s Not About You
  It really isn’t. I can’t say this enough. Yes, the whole landing page is designed and exists to sell a product or service somewhere down the line. There is a goal to accomplish and at some point you have to talk about what it that goal is and what it consists of right? Yes!
  Do it in a way that once again focuses on your user. As I mentioned, we love absorbing information about ourselves (this is why we love online personality quizzes as well). Pique your user’s interest within seconds by speaking to them about their problems. “I understand” goes a long way.
  Imagine, you’re seeking a solution to a problem: you’ve mastered the peanut butter sandwich but you want to step it up a notch and add some flair. So your sympathetic friend hears of your quandary and tells you about this red pepper-based spread that he absolutely loves combining with peanut butter so he’s certain you’ll love it too. But you aren’t a huge fan of peppers and he didn’t care so now you’re both disappointed. What if, instead, he approaches you and tells you that a month ago he had the same problem, but now he’s addicted to a chocolate hazelnut spread that makes peanut butter sandwiches taste like a Reese’s? It’s the perfect blend of salty and sweet and you’re much more likely to entertain the option. Even better, you’re more likely to try it, like it, and call off the search.
  Why is it more effective? Because right out of the gate he has evoked the message “I understand your pain. I get it.” I know. Touchy feely right? But we all have pain points and problems we want to be solved and if you start your copy and landing page with a simple and basic “I understand where you’re coming from” you indirectly answer almost every qualifying question the user was concerned about. “What does this product do? Who does it work for? Does it work well?”
  Then tell your users how you can solve their problem. Top it all off by telling them what their life could be like with you in it. Because once again, it’s all about them, not you.
  Find the pain point. Say 'I understand'. Tell them how you solve that pain point by painting a… Click To Tweet
  Don’t Erroneously Skip Steps
  This one is critical and is constantly violated by best practices in our CRO arena. Take a look at the “experience” pictured below.
    I googled “quilting classes” which can indicate several intentions: I could be looking for what quilting classes typically teach, I could be looking for quilting classes around me, or I could be looking for quilting classes online. Also, note that the ad is strongly emphasizing “free” which indirectly tells me that this experience is going to be a seamless cakewalk with no cost to me. Score!
  I click on the ad, catch a glimpse of the landing page, and then pop! There it is: an overlay that’s screaming “CONVERT! GIVE ME YOUR INFORMATION!” I’m not ready to convert! I’m not ready for that commitment. I know nothing about this site or this brand.
  To parallel this, just imagine introducing yourself to someone at a bar and they respond with “Will you marry me?” It’s illogical. Despite our interests and personalities, we all seek out superficial information at the least before we give anyone anything.
  Don’t worry. Pop-ups and registration gates are not the only egregious offenders. Forms are quite the offender as well. I’m going to level with you guys because I hear this way too often. Moving your form higher onto your page or always placing your form above the fold does NOT guarantee that your conversion rates will improve.
  In most cases, it does the exact opposite and torches conversion rates because users were presented with a commitment before they knew enough information to make a decision. Then when they were ready to make a decision, the conversion option was far away and just out of ease of reach. To compound issues, once they’ve seen your form or conversion option, it’s no longer new and exciting to their brain and it’s much easier to ignore.
  We all have different thresholds that determine how much information we need before we commit to things. Determine how much information your users need or want before they convert, hand it over, then follow-up with a gentle ask and your well-informed users will be much more likely to walk into a commitment with you.
  Final Thoughts
  It’s all about relationships folks! Every interaction we create via PPC ads is an opportunity to nurture that user into a full-blown, advocating returner. First impressions are heavily weighted in all aspects of life and that includes your landing pages. So remember: no shouting, it’s not about you, and don’t erroneously skips steps and you’ll be on your way to delighted users in no time!
  Give me a shout on the Twitter machine (@katewilcoxkcco) and tell me how you create relationships with your users on your landing pages
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  from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8217493 http://www.ppchero.com/kickoff-the-relationship-that-your-ads-spark-using-your-landing-page-copywriting-skills/
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aisone · 4 years
Avyaan - on his Great Eight!
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better."- Westward Ho, Samuel Beckett.
The most famous quote by the author which has become a favorite in our household. As Avyaan turns the Great Eight today, he has fallen, cried, gotten hurt, tried again and succeeded. The mantra “Try Again……” has been ingrained in him this season by Pravin, his dad, to encourage him to make his best effort. And best he does, to better his failure and in those attempts, ends up succeeding!
I have so started believing in this tenacious spirit of the humans and especially if there are people standing right behind you, ready to hold you strong if you fall.
Avyaan has since his past birthday grown up so much. He has since late March 2020 (approximately since 26th, March 2020), been locked inside like millions of other kids his age, younger and older to him. The summer of 2020 has been one of the lowest keyed one. I had thought of summer of 2019 to be a low-key one since I was preparing for my NY Bar. But more on Avyaan, the birthday boy. As it is, his birthday falls right before the school starts and much after his school year has ended, therefore, finding the right mix of friends for his birthday parties has been an interesting exercise each year. This year has been no different, the pandemic restrictions adding to the complexity. Upon asking what he wanted for his birthday party, A asked for a zoom party. Easy right? Well not so, since we have been out of touch with most of his class friends since the lockdown started and no neighborhood kids would be allowed to attend an in-person party. Also, it wouldn’t be safe for either the host or the guest(s). So, with much trepidation, I reached out to everyone of his former classmates along with the neighborhood kids that he has been playing with. Much to my surprise and his happiness, a lot of them turned up for the zoom party. Though it was for a very short time, A says he had a great time. We got him his favorite chocolate ganache cake from Nino’s and he cut it with his friends singing the birthday party song. He also got his birthday presents which he had been prepared that he was not getting this year, what with coronavirus and health safety issues. At the end of the day, he said he was happy! His words were- “the best birthday ever”!
My heartfelt thanks to all who attended, but most of all to Almighty for making it a happy event for Avyaan. I am also grateful to Pravin for he was the one who got all A’s birthday gifts, by ordering them online or picking them up from the store. A also got to speak with his grandparents from his dad’s side. All in all a good day. His smile really means my life! Oh, and we had pizza for the third of fourth time in less than four weeks, just for him. Spoilt!
Avyaan has been an incredibly calm, composed and collected child during this pandemic lockdown. He has never once complained to go out and do things as we would during normal times. Although, he has, of late started asking when this would end. That my child, is all of our question. We pray and we keep marching on.
Avyaan will be starting school from this Fall, i.e. September 8th, 2020, for the new school year. Majority of the WWP school kids, over sixty percent are being homeschooled through the School District’s virtual classroom option. Avyaan wanted to go to school, albeit it will be a hybrid option, which means he will be completing seventy percent of schoolwork online from home. Yet, the few hours each day, every other week, may/will make him feel better, more connected, albeit mentally. We are preparing him to wear mask, face shield, stay socially distanced, and constant handwashing. We are still on the edge for his health safety. All in His hands now!
From seven to eight, another year goes by and he grows up more, physically, mentally and emotionally. He seems to be growing up fine, with good social skills, kindness and courtesy. Of course he is smart too. But, I personally think, he is a very gentle child. Pravin says, it is okay. Pravin will be right behind him to protect and support him, if and when he needs us. Tiger Dad!
Avyaan’s Hindi has improved. He can speak better and longer sentences, and can carry a conversation beyond the couple of sentences. He did a complementary online coding class and outclassed his contemporaries, so much so that the coding company/tutor was after him with specials and discounts to get him enrolled in their program. I suspect he learns better with his Dad. But we will get him enrolled into a formal structured coding class soon.
He is set to enter third grade at DutchNeck. This time next year, he will have graduated Elementary School and onto the Upper Elementary. Time flies….nope it skyrockets at breakneck speed.
For my bubba, we wish for you the best of health, happiness and a life full of love for you! Onto the next and next and next, so many more years…..my tightest hugs, poochis, and heartful of love!
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buy Mantra Chocolate Bars online | Illinois Mushrooms Store
Mantra Chocolate Bars are delicious and nutritious chocolate snacks that are loved by people of all ages. These chocolate bars are made of high quality ingredients. You can easily buy Mantra Chocolate Bars online from illinoismushroomsstore.com
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melissacleaver · 5 years
Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019
The ketogenic diet, for the past several years, is continuing to turn the entire health and fitness industry on its head. As the waves of success stories from those who tried the keto diet continue to sweep into public awareness, the movement has progressed into creating its very own industry. Products that help users transition into the way of eating, such as keto meal replacement shakes have become one of the best selling products both in online stores and brick-and-mortar health and fitness store sections. How helpful are keto meal replacement shakes to those who are on the diet? Can keto meal replacement shakes stand on their own merit, or are they just being swept along with the popularity of the diet? This article will take a closer look at the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles. This will help you gain a better understanding of how they work and where keto replacement shakes fit into the discussion. This discussion will likewise list down the popular keto meal replacement brands available for those who want to try the products.
Brief History of the Ketogenic Diet
In any other discussion, to refer to something as being a “game-changer” would mostly be hype. Using it to describe the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles, on the other hand, would appear as a mere statement of fact, given the increasing number of its proponents who swear by their effectiveness. The popularity of the keto diet has gotten to where it has become a serious threat to those who are still holding onto the traditional portion-control and low-fat diets. Even celebrity trainers who are endorsing their own weight-loss products have been desperately bashing the diet with very little success. So what makes the keto diet tick? Before the resurgence of the ketogenic diet in recent years, its roots can be traced way back in the 1920s where it was prescribed as a form of managing epileptic seizures. While this treatment option showed good results among epileptic patients, doctors opted for the newly released anticonvulsant drugs at the time to treat their patients. The keto diet was revived in the middle of 1994, where it once again made for a solid case as an alternative therapeutic management for epilepsy. While the premise of the keto diet was mainly focused on its benefits to central nervous system functions, some experts have taken notice of its other potential medical applications. The diet showed promise as a treatment option for obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. With the problem of obesity being a significant area of concern for the past few decades in the U.S., some experts in the mid-2000s have also started to examine the viability of the keto diet in weight management. While the movement had a slow start, the keto diet has since become one of the most popular and sustainable eating plans for losing weight and for a variety of other health reasons.
Keto Diet for Weight Loss
Most online resources describe keto as a high fat, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrate diet. However, there is more to the keto diet than just describing its macronutrient portions. In a nutshell, the keto diet eliminates all forms of carbohydrate from the diet except those coming from vegetables. The amount of fat that should be consumed is not as important as its quality. For instance, fat such as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, butter from grass-fed cows, organic eggs, coconut oil, and palm oil are preferred over fat and regular grocery cuts of meat. Some keto dieters, though, still experienced success even with just regular fat from meat, which many would regard as being “unhealthy.” Early criticisms that were hurled against the ketogenic diet, including arguments that it raises cholesterol and that it can cause kidney stones, were immediately addressed with a few adjustments to the diet. It would seem that just eating between 5 to 10 cups of vegetables per day, along with the keto meal plan, negates these issues. In fact, keto meal plans emphasize the need to eat as many vegetables as you can daily. The feeling of fullness of eating copious amounts of vegetables per day is one of the reasons why the keto diet is sustainable.
How Does the Ketogenic Diet Work?
The body runs typically on carbohydrates, which turns into glucose as fuel for energy. Since the body needs only a small amount of glucose to function properly, it stores the remaining glucose as fat. If the body has inadequate glucose, it turns to its next available source of energy, which is fat. In the absence of glucose, the body breaks down its fat stores and converts it into “ketones,” which will then serve as the body’s secondary source of energy. The keto diet is designed to deprive the body of carbohydrates and glucose, forcing it to continually rely on ketones energy, thus the name “ketogenic” diet.
What Makes the Keto Diet Work?
Other diets are doomed to fail because of two primary reasons: people love to eat and that the other diets are just not sustainable. The keto diet, in other words, succeeds where others have failed. With the keto diet, you feel fuller and less deprived. In fact, you see to it that you consume enough fat, protein, and vegetables to get the right amount of nutrients that you need every day. While there may be some food (carbs, primarily) that you have to forgo eating, there are replacements that are just as good, if not better, than those that you used to eat. As you progress into the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyle, you’ll also be surprised that most of your food cravings will disappear.
Are Meal Replacement Shakes Good for Keto?
Strict keto proponents will only recommend non-GMO and organic foods that are allowed in the diet. Such keto practitioners live by the mantra, “eat healthy, become healthy, and lose weight.” While this may sound good, the reality is that shopping for healthy food and preparing it for meals is not always possible. For those times that you just cannot whip up a low-carb carb dish, keto meal replacement shakes can be a diet saver. In this sense, keto meal replacement preparations are suitable for this WOE. Keto meal replacement shakes will also be helpful for those who are just starting on the WOE. Seasoned keto dieters know full well that the transition from being carb-dependent to becoming keto-adapted (or fat-adapted) is the most critical part of the diet. Keto meal replacement preparation will help make sure that they get all the nutrients that they need to help them last through the transition stage. Of course, not all keto meal replacement shakes have the essential nutrients that you need. The following section lists the three top keto meal replacement brands that are worth their price and may even benefit your ketogenic lifestyle further.
Top 3 Keto Meal Replacement Shakes
1. Dr. Berg’s Keto Meal Replacement Shake
Those who practice the keto diet have, at one time or another, benefit from the work that Dr. Eric Berg has done for the ketogenic lifestyle. His keto instructional videos and meal plans, which are freely available online, has changed the lives of people all over the world. You certainly cannot go wrong with his keto meal replacement shake that he formulated himself. It comes loaded with ketone-boosting MCT oil, other healthy fats, organic vegetable protein, and so much more.
2. Perfect Keto Chocolate Protein Powder
One of the more popular keto brands, Perfect Keto, is ideal for those who want to add an extra collagen protein to their diet, apart from the usual MCT oil. The extra collagen will help keep your skin elastic and supple, which will help keep it firm as you lose weight fast.
3. SlimFast Keto Replacement Products
This brand made it to this list because of the number of products that it offers from keto fat bomb snacks, meal bars, and shakes. If a brand is this proficient when it comes to rolling out products, logic dictates that they have gone the extra mile in making sure that their brand maintains a good standing with their customers.
Can You Live Off Meal Replacement Shakes?
The answer to this question is simply no, especially not on a ketogenic diet. The meal replacement shakes should only be consumed to supplement a healthy keto diet plan. Before you start the WOE and with keto meal replacement shakes, it will be a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you have an existing medical condition.
//<![CDATA[ var starter = new SktbuilderStarter({"mode": "prod", "skip":["jquery","underscore","backbone"],"sktbuilderUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-content/plugins/skt-builder/sktbuilder/", "driver": new SktbuilderWordpressDriver({"ajaxUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/wp-admin/admin-ajax.php", "iframeUrl": "https://healthenergyguru.com/top-keto-meal-replacement-brands-of-2019/?sktbuilder=true", "pageId": 7776, "pages": [], "page": "Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019" }) }); //]]>
The post Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
from https://healthenergyguru.com/top-keto-meal-replacement-brands-of-2019/ from https://healthenergyguru.blogspot.com/2019/11/top-keto-meal-replacement-brands-of-2019.html
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rebeccasible · 5 years
Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019
The ketogenic diet, for the past several years, is continuing to turn the entire health and fitness industry on its head. As the waves of success stories from those who tried the keto diet continue to sweep into public awareness, the movement has progressed into creating its very own industry. Products that help users transition into the way of eating, such as keto meal replacement shakes have become one of the best selling products both in online stores and brick-and-mortar health and fitness store sections. How helpful are keto meal replacement shakes to those who are on the diet? Can keto meal replacement shakes stand on their own merit, or are they just being swept along with the popularity of the diet? This article will take a closer look at the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles. This will help you gain a better understanding of how they work and where keto replacement shakes fit into the discussion. This discussion will likewise list down the popular keto meal replacement brands available for those who want to try the products.
Brief History of the Ketogenic Diet
In any other discussion, to refer to something as being a “game-changer” would mostly be hype. Using it to describe the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles, on the other hand, would appear as a mere statement of fact, given the increasing number of its proponents who swear by their effectiveness. The popularity of the keto diet has gotten to where it has become a serious threat to those who are still holding onto the traditional portion-control and low-fat diets. Even celebrity trainers who are endorsing their own weight-loss products have been desperately bashing the diet with very little success. So what makes the keto diet tick? Before the resurgence of the ketogenic diet in recent years, its roots can be traced way back in the 1920s where it was prescribed as a form of managing epileptic seizures. While this treatment option showed good results among epileptic patients, doctors opted for the newly released anticonvulsant drugs at the time to treat their patients. The keto diet was revived in the middle of 1994, where it once again made for a solid case as an alternative therapeutic management for epilepsy. While the premise of the keto diet was mainly focused on its benefits to central nervous system functions, some experts have taken notice of its other potential medical applications. The diet showed promise as a treatment option for obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. With the problem of obesity being a significant area of concern for the past few decades in the U.S., some experts in the mid-2000s have also started to examine the viability of the keto diet in weight management. While the movement had a slow start, the keto diet has since become one of the most popular and sustainable eating plans for losing weight and for a variety of other health reasons.
Keto Diet for Weight Loss
Most online resources describe keto as a high fat, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrate diet. However, there is more to the keto diet than just describing its macronutrient portions. In a nutshell, the keto diet eliminates all forms of carbohydrate from the diet except those coming from vegetables. The amount of fat that should be consumed is not as important as its quality. For instance, fat such as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, butter from grass-fed cows, organic eggs, coconut oil, and palm oil are preferred over fat and regular grocery cuts of meat. Some keto dieters, though, still experienced success even with just regular fat from meat, which many would regard as being “unhealthy.” Early criticisms that were hurled against the ketogenic diet, including arguments that it raises cholesterol and that it can cause kidney stones, were immediately addressed with a few adjustments to the diet. It would seem that just eating between 5 to 10 cups of vegetables per day, along with the keto meal plan, negates these issues. In fact, keto meal plans emphasize the need to eat as many vegetables as you can daily. The feeling of fullness of eating copious amounts of vegetables per day is one of the reasons why the keto diet is sustainable.
How Does the Ketogenic Diet Work?
The body runs typically on carbohydrates, which turns into glucose as fuel for energy. Since the body needs only a small amount of glucose to function properly, it stores the remaining glucose as fat. If the body has inadequate glucose, it turns to its next available source of energy, which is fat. In the absence of glucose, the body breaks down its fat stores and converts it into “ketones,” which will then serve as the body’s secondary source of energy. The keto diet is designed to deprive the body of carbohydrates and glucose, forcing it to continually rely on ketones energy, thus the name “ketogenic” diet.
What Makes the Keto Diet Work?
Other diets are doomed to fail because of two primary reasons: people love to eat and that the other diets are just not sustainable. The keto diet, in other words, succeeds where others have failed. With the keto diet, you feel fuller and less deprived. In fact, you see to it that you consume enough fat, protein, and vegetables to get the right amount of nutrients that you need every day. While there may be some food (carbs, primarily) that you have to forgo eating, there are replacements that are just as good, if not better, than those that you used to eat. As you progress into the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyle, you’ll also be surprised that most of your food cravings will disappear.
Are Meal Replacement Shakes Good for Keto?
Strict keto proponents will only recommend non-GMO and organic foods that are allowed in the diet. Such keto practitioners live by the mantra, “eat healthy, become healthy, and lose weight.” While this may sound good, the reality is that shopping for healthy food and preparing it for meals is not always possible. For those times that you just cannot whip up a low-carb carb dish, keto meal replacement shakes can be a diet saver. In this sense, keto meal replacement preparations are suitable for this WOE. Keto meal replacement shakes will also be helpful for those who are just starting on the WOE. Seasoned keto dieters know full well that the transition from being carb-dependent to becoming keto-adapted (or fat-adapted) is the most critical part of the diet. Keto meal replacement preparation will help make sure that they get all the nutrients that they need to help them last through the transition stage. Of course, not all keto meal replacement shakes have the essential nutrients that you need. The following section lists the three top keto meal replacement brands that are worth their price and may even benefit your ketogenic lifestyle further.
Top 3 Keto Meal Replacement Shakes
1. Dr. Berg’s Keto Meal Replacement Shake
Those who practice the keto diet have, at one time or another, benefit from the work that Dr. Eric Berg has done for the ketogenic lifestyle. His keto instructional videos and meal plans, which are freely available online, has changed the lives of people all over the world. You certainly cannot go wrong with his keto meal replacement shake that he formulated himself. It comes loaded with ketone-boosting MCT oil, other healthy fats, organic vegetable protein, and so much more.
2. Perfect Keto Chocolate Protein Powder
One of the more popular keto brands, Perfect Keto, is ideal for those who want to add an extra collagen protein to their diet, apart from the usual MCT oil. The extra collagen will help keep your skin elastic and supple, which will help keep it firm as you lose weight fast.
3. SlimFast Keto Replacement Products
This brand made it to this list because of the number of products that it offers from keto fat bomb snacks, meal bars, and shakes. If a brand is this proficient when it comes to rolling out products, logic dictates that they have gone the extra mile in making sure that their brand maintains a good standing with their customers.
Can You Live Off Meal Replacement Shakes?
The answer to this question is simply no, especially not on a ketogenic diet. The meal replacement shakes should only be consumed to supplement a healthy keto diet plan. Before you start the WOE and with keto meal replacement shakes, it will be a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you have an existing medical condition.
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The post Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
from https://healthenergyguru.com/top-keto-meal-replacement-brands-of-2019/ from https://healthenergygur.tumblr.com/post/189114583428
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hotchs-bitch · 2 years
Hello hello! In honour my brain kicking into gear and letting me actually write stuff, I’ve officially started to make headway on…. 🥁🥁 part 2 of the Breaking Up Slowly trilogy.
It’s not a super popular work but it’s one of my favourite things that I’ve written, and if you’re a fan of it I hope you enjoy the ride that I’m about to take these poor bastards on <3
To inspire me (and to give you a little taste of angst), please enjoy a teaser for Part 2- Love You Anymore
It’s been nearly two years since the beginning of the end; shouldn’t it be done hurting by now? Shouldn’t it have… well, ended?
Okay, so maybe that isn’t completely fair. You hurt a little less now than you did after that weekend, the one where you walked away from a less-than-perfect life with the perfect man.
That doesn’t mean you’ve healed, though. For the most part, you’re fine. You go out with your new coworkers, you go for walks around the park near your apartment two or three times a week, you’ve gone on a few dates that ended in nothing except you dodging calls the next day. For the most part you’re fine, just like you knew you eventually would be.
Missing Aaron and Jack is in the little things. It hits you the hardest on sunny mornings when you take your coffee out onto the terrace, remembering when that was a tradition you held with Aaron. You see Jack’s face in every laughing little boy at the park, and you see Aaron’s in every staunch businessman at the bar who obviously doesn’t want to be there.
You go grocery shopping and find yourself reaching for Aaron’s favourite brand of chips, or the chocolate chips you used for the pancakes Jack begged you to make on the weekends. You’re fine, you’re alright, until you’re standing in the baking aisle of Walmart with memories flooding you and tears begging to be spilled.
It’s hard to believe it’s over, even all this time later. Nearly two years, and you can’t even see an ad for Rolexes online without thinking about your ex. Pathetic.
You haven’t been to your favourite coffee shop in years; not since the day Aaron bought breakfast from there, brought you flowers, and you retaliated by breaking your own heart. It’s hard not to wonder what could have been- what would have been, if you hadn’t done the selfless thing.
That’s become your new mantra. You did the selfless thing.
You did the right thing, the hard thing and walked away, leaving behind a family and a life and the best job you’ve ever had, and you did it for a reason. You did it for Aaron, and you have to remind yourself of that fact every time it gets hard to remember.
On the nights when grief hits you like a wave trying to drag you under, you bear it and hold onto the hope that he found the life he wanted, the one you left him to pursue.
Maybe by now he has a new girlfriend, and Jack has a mom who knows how he likes his sandwiches; crusts taken off, and shaped with the dinosaur cutter.
Maybe by now Aaron doesn’t remember your face, your voice, the way you held him whenever the nightmares got a little too real. The way you loved him and he loved you, and the way your devotion to each other was unwavering on the nights where neither of you felt worthy of any kind of love.
Maybe he’s doing just fine now, and you can’t quite decide how you feel about that idea, so you shove it down whenever it bubbles to the surface. It comes out of nowhere, despair slapping you across the face just because someone at work offers you a piece of Hawaiian pizza; Jack’s favourite.
Maybe they’re happy without you.
It’s an unspoken question that you don’t want answered
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healthenergygur · 5 years
Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019
The ketogenic diet, for the past several years, is continuing to turn the entire health and fitness industry on its head. As the waves of success stories from those who tried the keto diet continue to sweep into public awareness, the movement has progressed into creating its very own industry. Products that help users transition into the way of eating, such as keto meal replacement shakes have become one of the best selling products both in online stores and brick-and-mortar health and fitness store sections. How helpful are keto meal replacement shakes to those who are on the diet? Can keto meal replacement shakes stand on their own merit, or are they just being swept along with the popularity of the diet? This article will take a closer look at the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles. This will help you gain a better understanding of how they work and where keto replacement shakes fit into the discussion. This discussion will likewise list down the popular keto meal replacement brands available for those who want to try the products.
Brief History of the Ketogenic Diet
In any other discussion, to refer to something as being a “game-changer” would mostly be hype. Using it to describe the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyles, on the other hand, would appear as a mere statement of fact, given the increasing number of its proponents who swear by their effectiveness. The popularity of the keto diet has gotten to where it has become a serious threat to those who are still holding onto the traditional portion-control and low-fat diets. Even celebrity trainers who are endorsing their own weight-loss products have been desperately bashing the diet with very little success. So what makes the keto diet tick? Before the resurgence of the ketogenic diet in recent years, its roots can be traced way back in the 1920s where it was prescribed as a form of managing epileptic seizures. While this treatment option showed good results among epileptic patients, doctors opted for the newly released anticonvulsant drugs at the time to treat their patients. The keto diet was revived in the middle of 1994, where it once again made for a solid case as an alternative therapeutic management for epilepsy. While the premise of the keto diet was mainly focused on its benefits to central nervous system functions, some experts have taken notice of its other potential medical applications. The diet showed promise as a treatment option for obesity, hypertension, diabetes, and even cancer. With the problem of obesity being a significant area of concern for the past few decades in the U.S., some experts in the mid-2000s have also started to examine the viability of the keto diet in weight management. While the movement had a slow start, the keto diet has since become one of the most popular and sustainable eating plans for losing weight and for a variety of other health reasons.
Keto Diet for Weight Loss
Most online resources describe keto as a high fat, moderate protein, and minimal carbohydrate diet. However, there is more to the keto diet than just describing its macronutrient portions. In a nutshell, the keto diet eliminates all forms of carbohydrate from the diet except those coming from vegetables. The amount of fat that should be consumed is not as important as its quality. For instance, fat such as medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil, butter from grass-fed cows, organic eggs, coconut oil, and palm oil are preferred over fat and regular grocery cuts of meat. Some keto dieters, though, still experienced success even with just regular fat from meat, which many would regard as being “unhealthy.” Early criticisms that were hurled against the ketogenic diet, including arguments that it raises cholesterol and that it can cause kidney stones, were immediately addressed with a few adjustments to the diet. It would seem that just eating between 5 to 10 cups of vegetables per day, along with the keto meal plan, negates these issues. In fact, keto meal plans emphasize the need to eat as many vegetables as you can daily. The feeling of fullness of eating copious amounts of vegetables per day is one of the reasons why the keto diet is sustainable.
How Does the Ketogenic Diet Work?
The body runs typically on carbohydrates, which turns into glucose as fuel for energy. Since the body needs only a small amount of glucose to function properly, it stores the remaining glucose as fat. If the body has inadequate glucose, it turns to its next available source of energy, which is fat. In the absence of glucose, the body breaks down its fat stores and converts it into “ketones,” which will then serve as the body’s secondary source of energy. The keto diet is designed to deprive the body of carbohydrates and glucose, forcing it to continually rely on ketones energy, thus the name “ketogenic” diet.
What Makes the Keto Diet Work?
Other diets are doomed to fail because of two primary reasons: people love to eat and that the other diets are just not sustainable. The keto diet, in other words, succeeds where others have failed. With the keto diet, you feel fuller and less deprived. In fact, you see to it that you consume enough fat, protein, and vegetables to get the right amount of nutrients that you need every day. While there may be some food (carbs, primarily) that you have to forgo eating, there are replacements that are just as good, if not better, than those that you used to eat. As you progress into the ketogenic and low-carb lifestyle, you’ll also be surprised that most of your food cravings will disappear.
Are Meal Replacement Shakes Good for Keto?
Strict keto proponents will only recommend non-GMO and organic foods that are allowed in the diet. Such keto practitioners live by the mantra, “eat healthy, become healthy, and lose weight.” While this may sound good, the reality is that shopping for healthy food and preparing it for meals is not always possible. For those times that you just cannot whip up a low-carb carb dish, keto meal replacement shakes can be a diet saver. In this sense, keto meal replacement preparations are suitable for this WOE. Keto meal replacement shakes will also be helpful for those who are just starting on the WOE. Seasoned keto dieters know full well that the transition from being carb-dependent to becoming keto-adapted (or fat-adapted) is the most critical part of the diet. Keto meal replacement preparation will help make sure that they get all the nutrients that they need to help them last through the transition stage. Of course, not all keto meal replacement shakes have the essential nutrients that you need. The following section lists the three top keto meal replacement brands that are worth their price and may even benefit your ketogenic lifestyle further.
Top 3 Keto Meal Replacement Shakes
1. Dr. Berg’s Keto Meal Replacement Shake
Those who practice the keto diet have, at one time or another, benefit from the work that Dr. Eric Berg has done for the ketogenic lifestyle. His keto instructional videos and meal plans, which are freely available online, has changed the lives of people all over the world. You certainly cannot go wrong with his keto meal replacement shake that he formulated himself. It comes loaded with ketone-boosting MCT oil, other healthy fats, organic vegetable protein, and so much more.
2. Perfect Keto Chocolate Protein Powder
One of the more popular keto brands, Perfect Keto, is ideal for those who want to add an extra collagen protein to their diet, apart from the usual MCT oil. The extra collagen will help keep your skin elastic and supple, which will help keep it firm as you lose weight fast.
3. SlimFast Keto Replacement Products
This brand made it to this list because of the number of products that it offers from keto fat bomb snacks, meal bars, and shakes. If a brand is this proficient when it comes to rolling out products, logic dictates that they have gone the extra mile in making sure that their brand maintains a good standing with their customers.
Can You Live Off Meal Replacement Shakes?
The answer to this question is simply no, especially not on a ketogenic diet. The meal replacement shakes should only be consumed to supplement a healthy keto diet plan. Before you start the WOE and with keto meal replacement shakes, it will be a good idea to consult your doctor, especially if you have an existing medical condition.
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The post Top Keto Meal Replacement Brands of 2019 appeared first on Health Energy Guru.
from https://healthenergyguru.com/top-keto-meal-replacement-brands-of-2019/
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traveltoursrss · 6 years
Newest Restaurants in Cape Town
It’s no secret that Cape Town is a foodie’s paradise. With so many new mind blowing options that cater to every taste or ambience, the biggest question when it comes to eating out is “where to go?”. If you are looking to keep at the forefront of the growing and changing restaurant scene in Cape Town, look no further. Here is our list of some of the newest restaurants in Cape Town to keep an eye out for:
The Athletic Club & Social (City Bowl)
This newly transformed 19th Century three-storey venue boasts quiet corners and cosy alcoves suited to both romantic dates and group gatherings. The tapas bar and restaurant offers a menu of Greek, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavours including plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. If omnivorous is more your style, the coal-fired rotisserie will transport you far north-east with authentic pita breads loaded with lamb or chicken and as a bonus, all meats and fish are sustainably and ethically sourced.
This is a dinner or after work drinks and tapas option that is drenched in history and combined with warm service and ambience. With tasselled bucket chairs covered in velvet, herringbone wooden floors decked with layers of Persian rugs, leather booths and marble tabletops, this sophisticated watering hole feels and tastes like a culinary dreamland.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Monday – Thursday, 12pm – 11pm; Friday – Saturday, 12pm – 2am (kitchen closes at 10pm)
Contact 021 012 533, [email protected]
Where to find it 35 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @theathleticclubandsocial from Instagram
Belly of The Beast (Zonnebloem)
For a personal dining experience with seasonal flair, this fine-dining restaurant offers a locally sourced menu that changes daily based on what ingredients the chefs can grow and source. If you are in the mood for a flavoursome surprise and not sure what you’re after – this is the place. Without menu options or a set number of courses, the Chef’s are trusted to fulfill your senses with their sustainable daily produce, which comes in between five to eight courses.
The eatery is small and intimate, allowing for precision with each mouthful. Co-owner and Chef Neil Swart explains that “Cooking dishes on a smaller scale enhances the depth of flavour of each element.” The food is definitely top quality, and you will struggle to find value for money like this for five excellent courses anywhere else in the area.
Belly of the beast works on online reservations only.
Opened August 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Saturday, 7pm – 10pm
Contact 021 461 0335, [email protected]
Where to find it 110 Harrington Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @bellyofthebeast_ct from Instagram
Bobo’s Brasserie (Mouille Point)
Looking for a dining option with a view? This stylish contemporary French bistro with the elegance of old world comfort offers unparalleled views of the sunny Mouille Point strip. Indulge in sensory exploration at the latest from the Kove Collection. Take a walk along the promenade and settle at a table in the colourful and classic bistro to snack on bar bites whilst enjoying your sundowner looking over the shimmering Atlantic ocean. If you’re here for a longer meal, start with appetisers of oysters with lemon and black pepper mignonette followed by French cuisine mains of Parisian dumplings with butter sauce; bouillabaisse; steak frites; or beef bourguignon – each dish carefully executed to highlight the quality of the ingredients.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Monday – Sunday, 12pm – 22:30pm
Contact 021 439 9027, [email protected]
Where to find it 1 Two Oceans Beach, Beach Rd, Mouille Point, Cape Town, 8001
Photo credit @bobosbrasserie from Instagram
FYN Restaurant (City Bowl)
This lofty restaurant with stylish urban rooftop vibes brings a contemporary fine dining edge to the Cape Town City Bowl, with a South African meets Japanese feel. This hot new venture from the dynamic threesome Peter Tempelhoff, Ashley Moss and Jennifer Hugé, has been 22 years in the making – combining years of experience in fine dining culture with chic and aesthetic styles, boasting views of Table Mountain and Lion’s head from its perch on the 5th floor.
The Japanese-inspired cuisine makes for an utterly seductively combination of tastes, flavours, textures and styles, with an option for everyone as you choose from a regular or plant-based menu. Head here for lunch or dinner and enjoy dishes like the kaiseki tray with bread and bone marrow butter, squid ramen and springbok tataki, followed by a sweet kaiseki filled with cherry ‘cheesecake’, Madagascan chocolate and salted Japanese plum, and blueberries, yuzu and coconut.
The condensed five-course kaiseki-style experience is paired with some of the most original wine pairings, each element well thought out and combined by the Trio’s culinary passion and knowledge.
Opened November 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Friday, 12pm – 2pm and 18:30pm to 20:30pm; Saturday, 18:30pm – 20:30pm
Contact 021 286 2733, [email protected]
Where to find it  5th Floor, Speakers Corner, 37 Parliament Street, Cape Town, 8000
Photo credit @tristan_studioa from Instagram
Gardens Collectors Club (Gardens)
Gardens Collectors Club describes itself as a meeting place for new friends and old souls. Offering a creative, happy, carefree space, they curate craft drinks and experiences for those wanting the best of both worlds. The new restaurant is a laidback venue, well-suited to social gatherings, with a wonderfully cheery old-school sports club theme. Think vintage team photographs on the walls, a green felt noticeboard at the entrance announcing upcoming community events, and other fabulously nostalgic paraphernalia dotted around.
This gem on Kloof Street is the ideal spot for good beers on tap and delicious burgers and bar snacks such as bacon and blue cheese croquettes, crispy calamari, and beer nuts. Those looking for a more substantial accompaniment can choose from a variety or classic and speciality pizzas, burgers, sandwiches and clubs – all prepared with fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients. Sip on a Mikkeller Capenhagen IPA and sink your teeth into the glorious bone marrow burger made with 200g Frankie Fenner beef and marrow. There is something here for everyone’s taste.
Opened October 2018
Opening times Monday – Saturday, 11am – 2am (Kitchen closes at 11pm)
Contact 021 422 5822
Where to find it  51 Kloof St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001
Photo credit @gardenscollectorsclub from Instagram
Grub & Vine (City Bowl)
Grub & Vine by well known Chef Matt Manning serves refined bistro-style fare, in a relaxed, unpretentious contemporary space. Grub & Vine’s seasonal menu changes regularly and the wine list features some of South Africa’s most respected producers. From the chef himself, Grub & Vine boasts “No-nonsense, good grub. Beautiful produce and honest cooking”.
Thirty-year-old Matt has certainly hit a culinary sweet spot – and filled a gap in the discerning-foodie market: beautifully prepared and executed dishes that taste heavenly – Think burrata with tomato and salsa verde, followed by roasted lamb with lamb fat potatoes and smoked aubergine or West Coast hake with steamed mussels. Desserts might include a blackberry almond cake with honey custard or a classic cheese trolley. Pop in for a glass of fine wine at Froggit & Vonkel wine bar on the same floor.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Friday, 12pm – 2:30 pm; 6pm – 9.45pm; Saturday, 4.30pm – 9.45pm
Where to find it 103 Bree Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @grubandvine from Instagram
The Kind Kitchen (Woodstock)
Kind to your tastebuds and to the planet, this vegan café and deli has loads going for it: delicious food, lots of parking and a positive atmosphere – their mantra is “no harm done”, and they source seasonal goodness from locally grown and sourced produce. This is a culinary delight for vegans and omnivores alike!
This new vegan eatery is located at Woodstock Brewery in Woodstock. The kitchen only makes two items each day but it’s fresh and 100% vegan. Dishes might include chickpea-flour omelettes with sundried tomatoes, seitan ribs in a Korean BBQ or tempeh Reuben sandwich with kraut and a Russian dressing. (Have a look at their Instagram or Facebook page to see what’s on offer).
The kitchen is open daily for lunch, and for specially themed dinners from Tuesday to Friday (Taco Tuesdays, Ramen Wednesdays, Sushi Thursdays and Fish & Chip Fridays). If you’re inspired by your meal – which you will be – you can pick up the ingredients from the deli to recreate it at home. They are also available for delivery.
Opened September 2018
Opening times Monday, 11am – 3pm; Tuesday – Friday 11am – 8pm; Saturday, 11am – 3pm
Contact 061 526 1358, [email protected]
Where to find it 252 Albert Rd, Woodstock Brewery, Shop 1, Woodstock, Cape Town
Photo credit @the_kind_kitchen.co.za from Instagram
Salsify at The Roundhouse (Camps Bay)
Luke Dale-Roberts, founder and owner of the award winning Test Kitchen, and Ryan Cole, his head chef, have opened this highly anticipated restaurant in October 2018 and it continues to be the talk of the town. Guests are treated to a winning combination of an historic location, stellar views and elegant dishes such as fire-roasted asparagus and egg sauce; pan-roasted line fish with mussels and yeast brown butter; and a dessert of roasted pineapple with coconut cake and kefir ice cream made with goat’s milk.
They are open for lunch and dinner Tuesdays to Saturdays and Bookings open on the 1st of each month at 08:30 South African time for the following month.
Opened October 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Thursday 11:30am – 10pm; Friday – Sunday 08:30am – 10pm.
Contact 021 010 6444, Telephonic reservations are taken between 08:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday and Saturday between 09:00 – 17:00.
Where to find it The Roundhouse, Roundhouse Road, Camps Bay, 8005
Photo credit @salsify_at_the_roundhouse from Instagram
The post Newest Restaurants in Cape Town appeared first on Explore Sideways.
from Explore Sideways Tour https://ift.tt/2XDu9IA via IFTTT
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exploresidewaystour · 6 years
Newest Restaurants in Cape Town
It’s no secret that Cape Town is a foodie’s paradise. With so many new mind blowing options that cater to every taste or ambience, the biggest question when it comes to eating out is “where to go?”. If you are looking to keep at the forefront of the growing and changing restaurant scene in Cape Town, look no further. Here is our list of some of the newest restaurants in Cape Town to keep an eye out for:
The Athletic Club & Social (City Bowl)
This newly transformed 19th Century three-storey venue boasts quiet corners and cosy alcoves suited to both romantic dates and group gatherings. The tapas bar and restaurant offers a menu of Greek, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern flavours including plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. If omnivorous is more your style, the coal-fired rotisserie will transport you far north-east with authentic pita breads loaded with lamb or chicken and as a bonus, all meats and fish are sustainably and ethically sourced.
This is a dinner or after work drinks and tapas option that is drenched in history and combined with warm service and ambience. With tasselled bucket chairs covered in velvet, herringbone wooden floors decked with layers of Persian rugs, leather booths and marble tabletops, this sophisticated watering hole feels and tastes like a culinary dreamland.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Monday – Thursday, 12pm – 11pm; Friday – Saturday, 12pm – 2am (kitchen closes at 10pm)
Contact 021 012 533, [email protected]
Where to find it 35 Buitengracht Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @theathleticclubandsocial from Instagram
Belly of The Beast (Zonnebloem)
For a personal dining experience with seasonal flair, this fine-dining restaurant offers a locally sourced menu that changes daily based on what ingredients the chefs can grow and source. If you are in the mood for a flavoursome surprise and not sure what you’re after – this is the place. Without menu options or a set number of courses, the Chef’s are trusted to fulfill your senses with their sustainable daily produce, which comes in between five to eight courses.
The eatery is small and intimate, allowing for precision with each mouthful. Co-owner and Chef Neil Swart explains that “Cooking dishes on a smaller scale enhances the depth of flavour of each element.” The food is definitely top quality, and you will struggle to find value for money like this for five excellent courses anywhere else in the area.
Belly of the beast works on online reservations only.
Opened August 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Saturday, 7pm – 10pm
Contact 021 461 0335, [email protected]
Where to find it 110 Harrington Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @bellyofthebeast_ct from Instagram
Bobo’s Brasserie (Mouille Point)
Looking for a dining option with a view? This stylish contemporary French bistro with the elegance of old world comfort offers unparalleled views of the sunny Mouille Point strip. Indulge in sensory exploration at the latest from the Kove Collection. Take a walk along the promenade and settle at a table in the colourful and classic bistro to snack on bar bites whilst enjoying your sundowner looking over the shimmering Atlantic ocean. If you’re here for a longer meal, start with appetisers of oysters with lemon and black pepper mignonette followed by French cuisine mains of Parisian dumplings with butter sauce; bouillabaisse; steak frites; or beef bourguignon – each dish carefully executed to highlight the quality of the ingredients.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Monday – Sunday, 12pm – 22:30pm
Contact 021 439 9027, [email protected]
Where to find it 1 Two Oceans Beach, Beach Rd, Mouille Point, Cape Town, 8001
Photo credit @bobosbrasserie from Instagram
FYN Restaurant (City Bowl)
This lofty restaurant with stylish urban rooftop vibes brings a contemporary fine dining edge to the Cape Town City Bowl, with a South African meets Japanese feel. This hot new venture from the dynamic threesome Peter Tempelhoff, Ashley Moss and Jennifer Hugé, has been 22 years in the making – combining years of experience in fine dining culture with chic and aesthetic styles, boasting views of Table Mountain and Lion’s head from its perch on the 5th floor.
The Japanese-inspired cuisine makes for an utterly seductively combination of tastes, flavours, textures and styles, with an option for everyone as you choose from a regular or plant-based menu. Head here for lunch or dinner and enjoy dishes like the kaiseki tray with bread and bone marrow butter, squid ramen and springbok tataki, followed by a sweet kaiseki filled with cherry ‘cheesecake’, Madagascan chocolate and salted Japanese plum, and blueberries, yuzu and coconut.
The condensed five-course kaiseki-style experience is paired with some of the most original wine pairings, each element well thought out and combined by the Trio’s culinary passion and knowledge.
Opened November 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Friday, 12pm – 2pm and 18:30pm to 20:30pm; Saturday, 18:30pm – 20:30pm
Contact 021 286 2733, [email protected]
Where to find it  5th Floor, Speakers Corner, 37 Parliament Street, Cape Town, 8000
Photo credit @tristan_studioa from Instagram
Gardens Collectors Club (Gardens)
Gardens Collectors Club describes itself as a meeting place for new friends and old souls. Offering a creative, happy, carefree space, they curate craft drinks and experiences for those wanting the best of both worlds. The new restaurant is a laidback venue, well-suited to social gatherings, with a wonderfully cheery old-school sports club theme. Think vintage team photographs on the walls, a green felt noticeboard at the entrance announcing upcoming community events, and other fabulously nostalgic paraphernalia dotted around.
This gem on Kloof Street is the ideal spot for good beers on tap and delicious burgers and bar snacks such as bacon and blue cheese croquettes, crispy calamari, and beer nuts. Those looking for a more substantial accompaniment can choose from a variety or classic and speciality pizzas, burgers, sandwiches and clubs – all prepared with fresh, local, and seasonal ingredients. Sip on a Mikkeller Capenhagen IPA and sink your teeth into the glorious bone marrow burger made with 200g Frankie Fenner beef and marrow. There is something here for everyone’s taste.
Opened October 2018
Opening times Monday – Saturday, 11am – 2am (Kitchen closes at 11pm)
Contact 021 422 5822
Where to find it  51 Kloof St, Gardens, Cape Town, 8001
Photo credit @gardenscollectorsclub from Instagram
Grub & Vine (City Bowl)
Grub & Vine by well known Chef Matt Manning serves refined bistro-style fare, in a relaxed, unpretentious contemporary space. Grub & Vine’s seasonal menu changes regularly and the wine list features some of South Africa’s most respected producers. From the chef himself, Grub & Vine boasts “No-nonsense, good grub. Beautiful produce and honest cooking”.
Thirty-year-old Matt has certainly hit a culinary sweet spot – and filled a gap in the discerning-foodie market: beautifully prepared and executed dishes that taste heavenly – Think burrata with tomato and salsa verde, followed by roasted lamb with lamb fat potatoes and smoked aubergine or West Coast hake with steamed mussels. Desserts might include a blackberry almond cake with honey custard or a classic cheese trolley. Pop in for a glass of fine wine at Froggit & Vonkel wine bar on the same floor.
Opened December 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Friday, 12pm – 2:30 pm; 6pm – 9.45pm; Saturday, 4.30pm – 9.45pm
Where to find it 103 Bree Street, Cape Town
Photo credit @grubandvine from Instagram
The Kind Kitchen (Woodstock)
Kind to your tastebuds and to the planet, this vegan café and deli has loads going for it: delicious food, lots of parking and a positive atmosphere – their mantra is “no harm done”, and they source seasonal goodness from locally grown and sourced produce. This is a culinary delight for vegans and omnivores alike!
This new vegan eatery is located at Woodstock Brewery in Woodstock. The kitchen only makes two items each day but it’s fresh and 100% vegan. Dishes might include chickpea-flour omelettes with sundried tomatoes, seitan ribs in a Korean BBQ or tempeh Reuben sandwich with kraut and a Russian dressing. (Have a look at their Instagram or Facebook page to see what’s on offer).
The kitchen is open daily for lunch, and for specially themed dinners from Tuesday to Friday (Taco Tuesdays, Ramen Wednesdays, Sushi Thursdays and Fish & Chip Fridays). If you’re inspired by your meal – which you will be – you can pick up the ingredients from the deli to recreate it at home. They are also available for delivery.
Opened September 2018
Opening times Monday, 11am – 3pm; Tuesday – Friday 11am – 8pm; Saturday, 11am – 3pm
Contact 061 526 1358, [email protected]
Where to find it 252 Albert Rd, Woodstock Brewery, Shop 1, Woodstock, Cape Town
Photo credit @the_kind_kitchen.co.za from Instagram
Salsify at The Roundhouse (Camps Bay)
Luke Dale-Roberts, founder and owner of the award winning Test Kitchen, and Ryan Cole, his head chef, have opened this highly anticipated restaurant in October 2018 and it continues to be the talk of the town. Guests are treated to a winning combination of an historic location, stellar views and elegant dishes such as fire-roasted asparagus and egg sauce; pan-roasted line fish with mussels and yeast brown butter; and a dessert of roasted pineapple with coconut cake and kefir ice cream made with goat’s milk.
They are open for lunch and dinner Tuesdays to Saturdays and Bookings open on the 1st of each month at 08:30 South African time for the following month.
Opened October 2018
Opening times Tuesday – Thursday 11:30am – 10pm; Friday – Sunday 08:30am – 10pm.
Contact 021 010 6444, Telephonic reservations are taken between 08:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday and Saturday between 09:00 – 17:00.
Where to find it The Roundhouse, Roundhouse Road, Camps Bay, 8005
Photo credit @salsify_at_the_roundhouse from Instagram
The post Newest Restaurants in Cape Town appeared first on Explore Sideways.
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chocolatemantra · 7 years
Chocolate Gifting for Rakhi Festival in India- Make this Raksha Bandhan a special one with our  Chocolate Mantra
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With the auspicious day of Raksha Bandhan is just around the corner, probably you have started shopping the gifts for your beloved brother and sister. However, as it holds true for buying gifts for any other occasions, you are ought to find it difficult to pick a gift item that your sibling would appreciate and you get it within your budget. In those instances, you can certainly consider our premium range of Chocolate Mantra that enjoys a massive demand among the Indian buyers. Join hands with us and accomplish the plan of Chocolate Gifting for Rakhi Festival in India. 
Give your dear brother and sister something delicious yet healthy Chocolates are the foods that entice people universally. For millions of people across the globe, this is probably the tastiest food. Hence, it stands assured that the gift will definitely get appreciated by your recipient. However, the goodness of chocolates is not restricted to the aspect of its heavenly taste only. Research suggests that consumption of chocolate produces manifold health benefits. As it comes up from research, the consumption of dark chocolate can stimulate the adequate secretion of Endorphins. In addition, Cocca beans come loaded with natural anti-oxidants that nullify the devastating effects of the free radicals that escalate the rate of cell damage and intensifies the symptoms of aging. Hence, consuming chocolate, you can offer an effective solution to these troubles. Other research suggests that consumption of Chocolate brings improvements in the brain functions. Thus, consumption of Chocolate comes beneficial for the physical as well as the mental health. Raksha Bandhan is the best time to express your affection, love and care for your sibling. Thus, gifting our premium Chocolate, you are actually gifting them something that will pamper their taste buds as well as boost their mental and physical health. Thus, it is a wonderful gifting solution to gift them good health and making them feel happy. We have the widest chocolate gifting solutions for your sibling We have the understanding that the taste and choice of the buyers will be different and so are their budget. To address the variation in this regard, we are having the widest option to offer to the buyers, coming across a wide range of budget. Hence, irrespective of your taste and choice as well as the budget you hold, we will be able to offer you the most extensive options of Chocolate. We are having a plethora of options like Chocolate Bars, Chocolate Pizzas, Chocolate Truffles as well as various other options on Premium Chocolates. Our collection of exclusive chocolates will definitely enable you to strengthen the bonding and engagement with your brother and sister. If you need, we will be able to offer you the  Sugar-free chocolate. Thus, even if your sibling is an obese or suffering from excessively high blood sugar, you can opt for this option that will enable your sibling to enjoy the delicacy in chocolate.  Thus, you are assured to get the largest options on chocolates for gifting purposes. We will be able to offer you personalized gifting solutions We understand that you will aspire gifting some unique and exclusive items to your sibling and we will be able to support you to accomplish this plan. In addition to the standard options, we will be able to offer you personalized and customized Chocolate, coming in various design and style. For instance, if you would like to print the name of your brother or sister on the cake or should you want to print a special message to your sibling, we will be able to offer you the suitable solutions. Gifting these personalized chocolates to your sibling, you will definitely be able to improve your relationship with your sibling. We will be able to match your budget The best part about dealing with us is that we have products across a wide range of price. Hence, even if you are on a strict budget, we will be able to match your spending plan, getting you the best chocolate for gifting your sibling. We keep on offering various special deals and offers that enable the buyers to buy the premium Chocolates at the modest rates. Thus, even escaping the burden of extravagant expenses, you can get the best options on chocolate for gifting your sibling. You can check the various options, available at our end, as well as the price tag on our website. We are sure that we will have a solution, no matter what strict budget you hold. We get rated as the pioneer among the Online Chocolate companies in India So far statistics are concerned, we are delivering more than 200 orders a day, across the country and till date, we have been able to satisfy more than 35000 customers. The majority of these customers are active with us and they frequently avail our products and services for personal consumption and gifting purposes. It will be especially relevant to state that as on date we have bagged more than 15 prestigious awards. All these factors combine to make us the Number 1 online Chocolate Company in India. As such, we clearly enjoy an edge over our competitors. Hence, in instances, buyers across India aspire to buy the best quality chocolate, they feel confident to approach us. We stand tall to keep the meet the satisfaction of the buyers. We have already reached an almost 100% rate of customer satisfaction and in our opinion, this the most significant point of difference between us and our competitors. We are offering Free delivery of products across India and we ensure the fastest shopping so that your gift will reach to your sibling, right on the day of Raksha Bandhan or even before that. Dealing with us, it stands assured that your recipient will be getting the delivery of the Chocolates in the perfect condition and in strict adherence to the timeline. Partner with us and get the most enticing Chocolate Gifts for your dear brother/sister, this Rakhi. If money can get you happiness, we have the best solutions to offer you. 
Please visit our online chocolate store at: www.ChocolateMantra.com
Visit our own brand of Customized Chocolates at: www.CustomChocos.com
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mikeyd1986 · 7 years
On Monday morning, I had my Healthy Cooking on a Budget class at Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne East. Today we made fresh pasta from scratch which meant it was time to get messy! We started by cracking four eggs into a mound of 00 plain flour and then slowly kneading the mixture until it forms a ball. Next, we rolled out the dough and cut it into four sections before starting to feed it through the pasta machine.
I was actually quite intimidated using this device at first mainly because I didn’t really know what I was doing. But you slowly feed the dough through the rollers and repeat the process several times on each setting. This is called the lamination process where the pasta dough becomes longer and thinner. After it gets to a near transparent state, you then feed it through the cutters to make spaghetti, ravioli and fettuccine.
Finally we cooked the pasta in a large pot of boiling water. I made the mistake of mixing the two different types in the one pot and it started clumping together. Our teacher Jodie was fine about it though. I do get rather sensitive when I make a mistake but this was a new learning experience for me so I made the decision to be gentle with myself and just make note of it for next time. We also made a pasta sauce and some ravioli with a burnt butter sauce. http://www.ballaballa.com.au/progra...
On Monday afternoon, I started working through Lesson 5 of my online Wellbeing course through the MindSpot Clinic. This week’s focus is on dealing with relapses, ways to manage your symptoms, coming up with a relapse prevention plan and the importance of goal setting. I’ve found the course helpful in seeing depression, anxiety and stress from a different perspective and discovering additional ways to cope with the symptoms of these issues. https://mindspot.org.au/wellbeing-c...
On Monday night, I had my Strength Training session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness. I was feeling much more relaxed and mentally prepared than last Monday. I was determined to keep myself in a positive headspace tonight. I’m still learning to love and accept myself more but it is getting easier. I’m also slowly adapting to the UFT PLAYgrounds environment. They’ve had a few recent interior changes including some separate spaces for the personal trainers to work in, which instantly put my mind at ease.
I decided to put all my cards on the table and let Luke know how I’m really feeling inside. There’s no point bottling this shit up inside anymore and plus I’ve grown to like and trust Luke over the past few months. I was still recovering from the DOMs (Delayed onset muscle soreness) in my arms and I also felt physically worn out from the weekend but I didn’t let these factors hold me back tonight. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...
WARM-UP...I started the session by doing several stretches into the hamstrings, quads and hips including 90 second squat holds and a 3 minute butterfly pose. As usual, I was feeling pretty tight in these areas but I was actually surprised at how flexible I’ve become. I’m holding these stretches for longer which is a clear sign of progression.
DEVELOPMENT...Easily the hardest part of my session tonight. I had to do 15 rounds of 8 weighted back squats EMOTM (Every Minute on the Minute). Honestly, I felt no shame in having to take a break or rack up before my round was done but I stuck it out for as long as I could. My form and technique was pretty good but of course fatigue and muscle burn were making my life hard. To be honest, I didn’t actually complete all 15 rounds as I used a couple of them to rest. But I made the decision not to be too hard on myself tonight. I should be proud of myself no matter how many reps I do or don’t do.
WORK-OUT...And just went I thought it was over. Luke played a track called “Bring Sally Up” and I had to basically do squat holds in time with the music. My brain wanted to stick “Sally” where the sun don’t shine especially when my knees started to burn and give way but I did what I could. It was a really tough session tonight and yet I didn’t give up even though I struggled a lot through it.
On Wednesday morning, I had another Strength Training session with Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Berwick. I was still feeling sore in my thighs and glutes from all the weighted back squats I did on Monday night but otherwise I was doing okay. I’ve been starting to recognise the importance of using positive affirmations or mantras before my sessions as they help me to get into a more positive mindset and to let go of any worries or anxieties I might be carrying around with me. Some people might laugh at me or think I’m weird for doing this but it’s what works for me.
WARM-UP...I started the session by using a soft plastic ball to release tension from my hips and upper back muscles. Honestly it’s poses like this where I’m truly in my zen moment. I just close my eyes, take in the sounds happening around me and breathe. Next I did some back extensions on the machine (3 rounds of 10 reps) and some kettle bell dead lifts (3 rounds of 12 reps).
DEVELOPMENT...Today I really made a massive achievement...lifting more than my body weight. I did 5 single reps of 100kg. It’s a personal best for me and something to be truly proud of. But I’m not the kind of person to brag about it and blow my trumpet. Still I should be really happy with that effort. The most challenging thing about dead lifts for me is overthinking (Am I doing this right? Have I got my body in the right positions? Is my form okay?).
But thankfully Luke was there to make sure I was doing them correctly. The last thing I want to do is injure myself. My technique was pretty good for the most part. The initial lift from the ground up was probably the toughest part and then having to squeeze my glutes in as I’m raising the bar. But besides that, I made sure I was keeping my shoulders back, my butt raised, eyes forward and my back straight before lifting. Just gotta keep practicing and I’ll get there.
I was also trying hard to work on my mental health during the session. I reminded myself that it’s okay to be introverted, to not have a lot to say, to be silent and not have every single trainer and client talk to me. Grounding myself in the present moment is so important. People at UFT PLAYgrounds do care about me otherwise nobody would be acknowledging my existence or saying hi to me. I just have to believe that in myself and say yes I do belong here.
Sara: Can’t you see I’m not like the others?                                                                              Freddie: I know you’re not like the others. You know you’re not like the others...Being scared is good. Fear is good. Fear motivates. Fear gives you the feeling of being alive.                   Quote taken from the film Halloween: Resurrection (2002)
On Thursday morning, Mum and I attended the Australia’s Biggest Morning Tea charity event held at Balla Balla Community Centre in Cranbourne East. The large hall contained several round tables in which we all sat around. There were guest speakers, door prizes, raffles, a silent auction and games, all to raise money towards the Cancer Council Victoria. When it comes to supporting important causes, I will always be there to participate and give generously. This is what truly defines me as a person. Giving to other people.
Everyone received a small plate filled with miniature cupcakes, slices and sandwiches and had access to a variety of different teas, coffees and hot chocolates. It was a great event to be apart of and my mum actually won a prize in the Guess Which Cup? game. The topics of improving mental health and wellbeing were also raised as these can help to reduce the likelihood of getting cancer. Awareness and prevention are both very important things to consider.  http://www.ballaballa.com.au/event/...
On Thursday night, I attended my Water Workout class at YMCA Casey RACE. It’s been a few weeks since I last did this class but I felt like this would be a good way of promoting muscle recovery after my sessions with Luke this week. Our instructor Mary guided us through a variety of different movements including jogging, ski poles, digging and scooping, rock n’ roll, front and side kicks and rolly polly. I still found it difficult using the underwater dumb bells to keep me afloat but I still gave it a go. http://www.healthfitnessrevolution.com/...
On Friday morning, Mum and I went to the Morning Melodies social function at the Waltzing Matilda Hotel in Springvale. Today’s performer was Chris Griffith, doing a tribute show to British artists who were popular back in the 60’s. Chris entertained the crowd by telling us about his childhood, growing up in Cardiff, Wales and making plenty of jokes. The songs he played were from a variety of artists including Herman’s Hermits (I’m Into Something Good), Cliff Richard (Summer Holiday, Living Doll), Gerry and The Pacemakers (I Like It), The Beatles (With Love From Me to You), Tom Jones (Delilah, It’s Not Unusual), The Bee Gees (To Love Somebody). https://www.waltzingmatildahotel.com.au/...
On Friday night, I attended a Yoga class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. Unfortunately the yoga instructor was involved in a car accident whilst driving down to Casey Arc but thankfully she wasn’t hurt and was able to still run the class tonight. We started the class by doing a couple of different breathing practices including Sun Moon Breathing which involves leaning over your knees from a kneeling position and touching the mat with your forehead.
Next we did several variations of the Lotus Pose which involves laying down on your stomach and lifting your legs and arms simultaneously. We also did Eagle Pose, Warrior I sequence, Warrior III, Seated Spinal Twists, Downward Facing Dog, Low Lunge, Shoulder Stand, Bridge Pose and Extended Child’s Pose. I decided to pull back on my shoulder stand tonight as last time I actually injured myself and I’ve never really been comfortable doing inversions. http://www.yogajournal.com/poses/lo...
“So you say you’re alone? Well I don’t think so and I take this moment now. No I don’t. So you say you’re alone? Every time, this might as well just burn.”                                                      Closure in Moscow - Jewels For Eyes (2008)
“We have never lived, we have never even tried. Come on now give that burden to me...It never ends, carry on the sin. It never ends, it never ends, we can never rest. It’s like kissing cousins. It’s like breaking bread.” Closure in Moscow - Kissing Cousins (2009)
“You’re chasing happy days, tell me are you closer now? Praising yesterday, dreaming of them better times. I won’t let anyone have mercy until you bring ‘em down.”                Closure in Moscow - Happy Days (2014)
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newstfionline · 8 years
Trump Administration Is Making Some Liberals Act Like Preppers
William Alden, BuzzFeed, Jan. 18, 2017
Jim Ray is the kind of urban-dwelling liberal who you’d think finds prepping a little silly. Stockpiling food and ammo in anticipation of some civilization-destroying cataclysm? That, he says, is the province of nutty conservatives, and Ray, 37, isn’t one of them. He lives in a one-bedroom apartment in San Francisco with his wife, Sadie, and their toddler. He works in developer support at the popular software startup Slack. He doesn’t own a gun, and he has no plans to buy one. He and his wife did get an earthquake preparedness kit when they moved here from Seattle five and a half years ago--but every San Franciscan needs an earthquake kit.
Then, around the start of the new year, Ray looked through the earthquake kit to check whether any perishables--batteries, glow sticks, calorie food bars--were expired. He had performed this ritual in years past, but with a Trump presidency on the horizon, this time it felt weightier. So when he ordered replacement items on Amazon, he also bought some new things, like a tarp, “just so I could set up a mini shelter if we needed to,” and a water-filtration straw.
“There’s this undeniable feeling--is there something else we need to be preparing for?” he said. “The world in general feels more tumultuous than it did, in a lot of ways. For liberally minded people, the election made that a reality in a way that it wasn’t before.”
As many liberals look toward President-elect Trump’s inauguration on Friday with a feeling of impending doom, some are taking inspiration from preppers on the other end of the political spectrum. Theirs is a quieter kind of prepping, with a degree of self-consciousness--and it involves a lot less weaponry. Some anxious souls are buying jugs of water and dehydrated meals--or even, in at least one case, obtaining foreign visas and unregistered vehicles--while others are simply considering their earthquake kits and backpacking gear in a new light. Many of those dabbling in prepping are, they say, just playing it safe.
At Disaster Supply Center, a survival kit store in San Rafael, half an hour’s drive north of San Francisco, car kits--with food, water, blankets, ponchos, flashlights, and tents--have been flying off the shelves. Sales in January were up between 20% and 30% compared with a year earlier, according to Michael Skyler, who owns the business along with his wife, Mona. (He declined to disclose exact figures.)
“The instability in the political arena has brought some people out to just get prepared, not knowing what may happen,” Skyler said. “People see it’s possible to have more than just a natural disaster.”
One concerned citizen, Deb, who asked that her last name be withheld, lives in a rural area in the middle of Pennsylvania where extreme weather or natural disasters aren’t really a concern. Apart from first aid items in her car, she didn’t own emergency preparedness supplies. But right before the election, when there was speculation in the press over whether President Obama would retaliate against the Russians for hacking the Democratic National Committee, the possibility of an escalating cyberwar suddenly seemed real, so Deb ordered a cubic water container from Amazon. Anxious for it to arrive, she went to get another one at Walmart.
“And I never shop at Walmart, liberal that I am,” Deb, who is in her mid-forties, said with a laugh. She now has two water containers, totaling 12 gallons.
Later, in December, Deb came across the blog of the Survival Mom, a popular site run by a Texas mother who argues that prepping is common sense. That prompted Deb to order between $200 and $300 worth of dehydrated food--which, in a disaster scenario, she would share with her six cats. “It’s like a big grocery bill for me,” she said, noting that other packages of survival food sold online run into the thousands of dollars. An article on the Sweethome reviews site, Deb said, helped her fill in the gaps in her stash of first aid gear.
Most survival equipment is utilitarian by design, but surviving a disaster doesn’t have to involve bland-tasting food and off-brand products. One startup, Preppi, sells what might be described as survivalist chic. Its signature Prepster kit, encased in a vintage-inspired canvas doctor bag, includes cartons of Boxed Water, a bar of TCHO Chocolate, face and hair care products from Malin+Goetz--and a waterproof notebook from Field Notes. A one-person kit sells for $375.00, the two-person version costs $445.00, and a custom monogram is $75 extra. The actor Julie Bowen, star of the show Modern Family, gave the kits to the show’s crew as holiday presents, according to the New York Post.
One prominent figure in the tech industry, who requested anonymity due to his security concerns, described preparations for a Trump presidency that sounded straight out of a spy novel--perhaps because they were put together with the help of a consultant from an intelligence agency. This person’s supplies include all the basics for disaster preparedness (water, food, medicine), as well as next-level precautions should things really go to hell (solar panels, gas masks, dehumidifiers to provide fresh water from the air).
But this tech figure has also taken precautions specifically to protect against Trump himself, as opposed to just the fallout from, say, a nuclear exchange in Asia. To that end, he is securing duplicate passports and foreign visas, as well as stashes of cash and unregistered vehicles should he need to bug out. He’s also working on protections to prevent being spied upon--ranging from encryption and measures to hide his network traffic, to building Faraday cages in his home.
Not all prepping efforts are so elaborate. Mike Davidson, the former vice president of design at Twitter, who now lives in Seattle, said he started buying supplies a couple weeks after the election. After doing some research on online, he got water-filtration straws, hand-crank flashlights, freeze-dried and canned food, and eight five-gallon jugs of water. He’s considering getting a generator, too. Most of the lightweight gear, he said, is in a bag that “I could carry for miles if I needed to.” In all, he has spent “probably several hundred dollars on this.”
“I’m anti-gun. I would never have a gun in my house. I’m not going that far,” Davidson, 42, said. “But I do think if you have a house, if you have space, and you have some disposable income, it makes sense to ensure you can live for a few weeks if you have to.”
Not surprisingly, guns don’t seem to play a major role in preparations by liberals. Gun store owners contacted by BuzzFeed News said there hadn’t been any Trump-related surge in sales since the election. At least, there hasn’t been anything on the scale of what happened after Obama’s election in 2008, when enthusiasts rushed to buy firearms and ammunition because of fears that Obama would restrict gun ownership.
“Ammo went through the roof,” said Jeff Guite, the president of the Seattle-based American Preparedness, which sells emergency kits.
Jason Shellen, a longtime tech industry executive who lives in Lafayette, California, made the point that “the one thing you have in California is people who are active and outdoorsy anyway.” He said his brother in Santa Cruz had experienced a loss of water pressure in a recent storm. “And when I checked on him, he said, ‘Oh we’re good, we just went into our camping supplies, and we have a big thing of water.’”
In California’s Bay Area, outdoor recreation specialist REI has recently seen strong demand for its wilderness survival courses, and the waitlists for the latest backcountry orienteering courses are “definitely a little bit longer” than last year, according to Michael Beetham, its market coordinator for outdoor programs and outreach. In pouring rain on a recent Saturday, all 12 students in a wilderness survival course showed up, Beetham said. But he cautioned that this interest--among a population crazy for the outdoors--“could be due to any number of influences.”
Still, there is something about the prepper lifestyle that can appeal to one’s inner adventurer, even among those who might look askance at traditional preppers.
“There’s the sort of conspiratorial, militant aspect of them that I find a little bit off-putting, but there’s a lot of it--I’m an Eagle Scout--there’s a lot of it that reminds me of the ‘be prepared’ mantra of being a Boy Scout,” said Ray, the Slack employee.
For people like Ray, any prepping efforts aren’t all-consuming in the way they are for, say, people on the National Geographic show Doomsday Preppers. Deb, from Pennsylvania, said it was “hard for me to even think of it being a possibility that I’d have to use the water or the food.”
“I think a lot of people who are prepping think they will have to use it, possibility imminently,” she said. “And just, I don’t know, that seems so surreal, but 2016 was so surreal that you think, Well, I guess I should do this.”
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