#Mangetsu Kumo
youjide444 · 3 months
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yoridoriarts · 2 years
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Here are some Elf Ears for a story that I am currently working on! 
So far, it's fantasy inspired by the Taishō period of Japan, and Japanese mythology! Yes, this includes Yokai =w=
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darkclouud9 · 5 months
naruto is great because you get characters like Hiashi, Hizashi, and Kizashi, 2 of which are twins and the other is Sakura's dad
you have Tobi (Obito) and Tobi (Zetsu), and Madara (Obito) and Madara (Madara). conclusion: Obito is a name stealer (given, since he basically had an identity crisis for 90% of his life)
Urushi (Kakashi's hound) and Urushi (Kabuto's adoptive brother)
Kosuke, Kosuke, Kosuke, and Kosuke
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and also Kyusuke
oh great
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there are less Shin than I thought there were (3) and only one of them is a real person the rest r Uchiha clones
Hashirama, Tobirama, Kawarama, Itama, and their father Butsuma (the ama brothers, Itama ruins the rama >:( Senju brother quartet is forever ruined)
in the same vein, the 3 known members of the Hozuki clan all end in getsu (Gengetsu, Mangetsu, and Suigetsu, the latter 2 being siblings and also highly interested in the 7 swords. I will not forgive Suigetsu.)
you also have A (1st raikage), A (2nd raikage), A (3rd raikage, and father of), A (4th raikage, son of the 3rd, whose adoptive brother is Killer *B*, and cousin who is Blue *B*. Kumo really likes their As and Bs... <3)
Sasuke Uchiha who is named after Sasuke Sarutobi, whose son is referred to as Sarutobi which definitely confused more people than just me when I found out his name is not Sarutobi, but Hiruzen
Kabuto, who shares a name with one of my favourite gen 1 pokemon, meanwhile the word kabuto means helmet. (it took me a while to connect Kabuto with the pokemon bc I can see the same name differently depending on the context. Kabuto (nart) is completely different to Kabuto (pokemon))
Kakashi and Rin, the field siblings (Hatake and Nohara both translate to field.)
Gai and Dai, father and son, with the available joke for Dai's name that he Might Die.
Maru is a common boys name in japan, which leads to Orochimaru, Shikamaru, Konohamaru, and Yashamaru.
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darquedeath4444 · 6 years
Chapter TWO
They were ready to head out not too long after. Karin used her sensor abilities to keep an eye on the Konoha team, agreeing that they were indeed tracking them by scent. She had Jugo scatter Sasuke's scent using birds and they left the area as quickly as they could.
"Shadow clones," Karin suddenly said. "A countless number of them. They're probably trying to chase down all the scents."
Sasuke's eyes narrowed. Naruto. "Hn." He sped up, leading his team along the path plotted out. 
Soon, they stopped at the edge of a cliff, by the entrance to one of the Akatsuki bases.
"You four wait here and wait for orders," Sasuke said. "I'll check it out myself." The Uchiha darted in without waiting for a reply.
Suigetsu sighed dramatically and plopped down on the ground. "This is so unfair."
Sakura joined him. She tucked her knees to her chest and sighed. "I want a sword too." She eyed Suigetsu's Kubikiribocho.
Suigetsu smirked. "Oh?"
Sakura hurled herself at him and he met her mock tackle with a playful growl. A few minutes in, Karin suddenly straightened. "There's someone else in there."
"What? Really?" Suigetsu sat up too. "You should have said something sooner."
"He wasn't there before!" Karin snapped. "He just appeared!"
"What do we do?" Sakura asked. She scrambled off of him and got to her feed.
Suigetsu shrugged. "Well, truth be told, I'm curious."
Sasuke watched the last of the feathers land on the ground, anger bubbling within him.
He looked up towards his team as they darted into the cave. "I thought I told you to wait outside," he said.
Suigetsu grinned. "Well, Karin said she sensed someone else in here and we got curious."
"Feathers?" Karin asked, looking around.
"Black feathers," Sakura said. "Crows." She narrowed her eyes a little. "Uchiha Itachi."
Sasuke turned around. "We're moving. Follow me."
On their way to their next destination, they ran into a shadow clone.
The cry of "Sasuke!" was cut off when the Uchiha tore through it with a Chidori.
It poofed out of existence and none of them stopped in their steps as they flashed past.
"A shadow clone will send its memories back to the creator after it is destroyed," Sakura said. "He'll be coming after us."
Sasuke merely narrowed his eyes. They traveled a while more without bumping into any more clones.
Suddenly, Karin stiffened. "There's an incredible chakra signature heading our way!" She called out.
Someone landed on a light pole a few feet away. Sasuke's sudden stop caused the rest of them to skid to a halt.
Suigetsu's chakra spiked a little. "You..."
"Hoshigaki Kisame," Sakura murmured.
"Sasuke-kun, if you would please go ahead by yourself." The Akatsuki member swung his huge sword onto his shoulder. "Itachi-san wants the rest of us to wait here."
Sasuke didn't even flinch. "No problem. I only formed this team to make sure no one interferes when I finally come to face him." He stepped forward. "This works out perfectly."
"That's crazy, Sasuke!" Karin cried out. "We should just beat this guy together, then go after your brother-"
"I'm not really in the mood for another fight, but if you insist, I won't have a choice," Kisame smirked.
"Don't think about it, Karin," Sasuke said. "You four wait here. This is my revenge."
Sasuke moved past Kisame, who didn't make any move to stop him.
Once the Uchiha was gone, Suigetsu stepped forward. "Hoshigaki Kisame." A smirk appeared on the Hozuki's face. "And the sword Samehada."
Kisame glanced over at him.
"Do you remember me?" Suigetsu asked. "I'm Hozuki Mangetsu's brother, Hozuki Suigetsu."
"Are you now?" Kisame asked. "I didn't even recognize you! You've really grown."
Suigetsu gestured towards Sakura. "That's our sister, Sakura. I don't think you've ever met her."
"Younger sister, eh? Mangetsu mentioned you a few times." Kisame nodded at her, and she gave a small wave.
"Now, since we're stuck here waiting for Sasuke, why don't we kill some time?" Suigetsu reached for his sword.
"I see you haven't lost your mischievous streak." Kisame held out his own. "Fine, I'll gladly shave a few layers off you!"
Sakura's insistent cry of 'I want a sword too!' was drowned out by the clash of the two blades.
The moment Kisame just vanished, all four of them knew that the fight had concluded, one way or another. Karin cried out in alarm that Sasuke’s chakra had vanished, and when they entered the cave, there was no trace of the younger Uchiha.
Sasuke was nowhere to be seen for the next few days.
However, a week later, the raven appeared before them, followed by a man wearing the Akatsuki cloak, his face hidden behind an orange mask.
Sakura grabbed onto Suigetsu's arm, eyes wide.
"Huh?" Suigetsu turned his head just a little, to keep both Sakura and the masked dude in his vision.
"I've seen him before," Sakura murmured.
Suigetsu simply narrowed his eyes.
"From now on, we will no longer be 'Hebi'." Sasuke suddenly said.
Sakura turned to look at him. His eyes had been blank ever since he had come back from wherever he had been for the past few days.
"We will now call ourselves 'Taka', and our goal will be the total destruction of the Leaf."
Later, Team Taka was led deeper into the forest where they were greeted with something like a temporary meeting room. Kisame was there and he smirked at them as they gathered around the table.
Sasuke sat himself down on one of the two chairs.
The man claiming to be 'Madara' sat on the table and stared down at him. "So, you want to destroy Konoha, but do you have an actual plan in mind?"
Sasuke linked his hands in front of himself. "We eliminate the top tier. That's all I've come up with."
"If you go for the top, they'll shield themselves with the bottom. It's not that easy." Kisame smirked. "You kids are too inexperienced."
"Don't underestimate using, Kisame-senpai. We still haven't finished our little game." Suigetsu stepped forward but Sakura stopped him with a hand on his arm.
"Don't," Sakura eyed Kisame. "He'll know a lot about it, I think."
Suigetsu blinked in surprise.
She then turned to Madara. "The Fourth Mizukage," Sakura said. "You are the Fourth Mizukage."
The masked man looked up and even Kisame wasn't able to hide his surprise as he stared at her. Sasuke narrowed his eyes.
"What are you saying, Kura?" Suigetsu asked. "The Fourth was Yagura..."
Sakura just shook her head. "Something that just came to mind." She ran her tongue over her sharp teeth, then sat down on the ground. SHe did not speak up for the rest of the meeting.
Madara eyed her for a few more seconds before turning back to Sasuke. "At any rate, Akatsuki is currently lacking in numbers," je said.
"Uh...you're not so hot either." Suigetsu muttered.
The masked man didn't seem to hear him. "We share the same goal. From now on, 'Akatsuki' and 'Taka' will move as one."
"What's in it for us?" Sasuke asked.
"The Biju."
"Don't you know anything?" Madara asked.
Karin opened her mouth but Sasuke beat her to it. "What are they?" He bit out.
"Monsters made of chakra. The first Hokage once had a few of them under his control. He split them between the five Shinobi nations when he began the peace talks, to balance out the power. You could call them the ultimate chakra weapons," Madara said. "Not a bad trade, right?"
"That's pretty generous of you."
Madara shrugged. "However, betray us and you won't be left alive."
"Heh." Sasuke smirked.
"There are nine Bijuu in our world, and so far, we have seven of them," Kisame said. "Two left."
"The Akatsuki and Taka will each hunt down one of them," Madara said. "That's our current goal."
Sasuke leaned back a little and narrowed his eyes. "So you haven't gotten Naruto yet."
"Akatsuki will take care of Naruto. Taka will get the other target."
While Suigetsu attempted to pull out the location of the Hachibi from a Kumo shinobi, Sakura, under Jugo's quiet suggestion, began searching through the possible locations of the Jinchuriki.
Finally, tired of waiting, Sasuke stepped in, casting a genjutsu and forcing the Kumo shinobi to spill. Sakura confirmed the man's words a second later.
"Hn." Sasuke turned to face the direction Sakura had pointed out. "We're going."
The five of them landed outside the cave just as a tanned dude stepped out of it, cursing at the sun. He didn't seem to have noticed them, though all of them highly doubted that.
"You the Hachibi Jinchuuriki?" Sasuke called.
The man turned to look at them. "Don't you mean 'excuse me, are you the Hachibi-sama?' or 'are you Jinchuriki-sama?'" The man asked.
Sasuke placed a hand casually on the handle of his blade. "You're coming with us."
The Hachibi did not look impressed.
"I'll capture him," Sasuke said. "Suigetsu, go right. Jugo, left. Karin, stay behind me. Sakura, support."
"Hmmmm." The man in front of them crossed his arms.
Suigetsu shot out, sword raised over his head.
"Time for some in-battle advice, ya little shit!" The Hachibi called. He didn't move even when Suigetsu approached. The Hozuki swung down his sword and a small crater formed as the two made contact.
"The men from Akatsuki said not to kill the Jinchuuriki, Suigetsu," Jugo called.
"I can still feel his chakra," Karin said. "Don't worry."
When the dust cloud cleared, they all saw that the Hachibi had blocked Suigetsu's blade with his hands. "I'm the only one that's allowed to hit me." He swung his arms. "Get lost, little shit. Eat a fist while you're at it!" The Kubikiribocho flew out of Suigetsu's hands and into the air. The Hozuki let out a grunt as he was pushed off balance.
"Move, Sui-nii!" Sakura appeared in the air. She grabbed the blade handle and swung it, using the momentum to bring her down.
"Whoa!" Suigetsu jumped back just in time as the contact formed another crater. Through the smoke, Sakura felt more than saw the fist swinging towards her. The blow went right through her, the hole in her stomach turning into liquid. Sakura swung the Kubikiribocho back at Suigetsu then collapsed into water to escape the Hachibi's attack. She quickly reformed behind her brother, eyes wide. Suigetsu gripped the blade, one arm in front of him.
"Suigetsu," Jugo called. "Sakura." He stepped forward slowly, eyes narrowed a little. "Step back."
Anyone who was associated with Orochimaru knew to an extent of Jugo's power. Especially Suigetsu, who had fought him, Sakura, who had been held in the same hideout as him and Karin, who sometimes did filings, all knew of his prowess.
So none of them had thought he would lose. Not so easily.
Jugo was lying at the Hachibi's feet. The Jinchuriki had drawn one of his blades and had taken care of Jugo singlehandedly.
"That freak...took out Jugo?" Karin asked. "What the hell..."
Jugo let out a grunt, his cursed mark reseeding back.
Sasuke stepped forward. "I'll handle this." He moved in and the Hachibi stepped away to avoid his attack.
Jugo staggered to his feet and stepped back a little, stumbling.
"You okay, Jugo?" Karin called. The orange head nodded.
"Who are you kids anyway?" The Hachibi asked. "Why're you after me?"
"That's none of your business," Sasuke said dismissively. He ducked a blow and lashed out again.
"Weird looking dude with terrible rhymes." Suigetsu muttered. "This job sucks."
"You agreed to take it." Sakura pointed out.
"This is the fastest way for us to gain power," Sasuke said. "If you don't like it, leave."
Suigetsu scoffed.
"I want to know if what we were told about the Biju is true or not and I want to know now." Sasuke's blade appeared from his sleeve. "And we are the ones using the Akatsuki." He added, more to his teammates.
"Heh." Suigetsu smirked. "Now shut that guy up! If I have to hear another one of his rhymes, I'll kill myself."
"Don't be so mean." Sakura reprimanded. "I think he's better than you at rhyming."
Suigetsu looked offended.
"I intend to," Sasuke said. He shot forward, his blade drawn. After exchanging a few blows, the Hachibi suddenly stepped back and pulled out a notebook. Muttering under his breath, he began to write something down.
The Hachibi snapped his book shut. "Now I'm all jacked up. Thanks, bro, you just gave me a new idea fora read badass rhyme." He reached behind him as he began to rap again. Sasuke's eyes narrowed as the Jinchuuriki grasped the handle of his blades and yanked at them. The swords flew up into the air.
"Watch it, Sasuke!" Suigetsu called out, alarmed. "He's not any random shinobi! He's an incredible swordsman!"
The Hachibi caught all eight of his blades and took a weird stance. In a blink of an eye, he was moving forward in a tornado of metal. With a single harsh blow, he sent Sasuke flying, the Uchiha's blade leaving his hands as he skids across the floor.
"His movement is so unorthodox," Suigetsu murmured.
Sakura nodded. "Can't read his blade."
The Uchiha was back on his feet rather quickly. Lightning chakra ran through his hand and he grasped his blade, running towards the Jinchuuriki again.
"The Chidori." Suigetsu murmured.
However, the Jinchuuriki blocked the lightning attack with his own blade.
Suigetsu stiffened in shock.
"I'm the Hachibi," the man sang. "You can't hit me." He tensed. "I float like a butterfly." He swung his free arm, catching Sasuke's side. "Sting like a bee!"
The Uchiha coughed out blood, the blow sending him into the air.
Chapter THREE>
<Chapter ONE
Chapter List
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kaici · 3 years
Sajnos ősszel nem foglalkoztam annyit a haikukkal, mint szerettem volna, konkrétan egy árva bejegyzést sikerült a költeményeknek szentelnem. Azonban igencsak feltöltött az óév búcsúztatásának gondolata, ez ugyanis az az időszak, amit a karácsonynál is jobban szeretek. Mindig élveztem a kontrasztot az óév utolsó napjának felfordulása és az újév első napjának nyugalma között. Mivel nagyon nem ment mostanában az írás, ezért az újév varázsa már megszűnt és belecsöppentem a monoton januári hétköznapokba, de a késés ellenére jöjjenek az újévi haiku-fordításaim!
A japánoknál a karácsony egy kicsit erőltetett ünnep, inkább a külcsínről szól: KFC csirkét ropogtatnak, szerelmükkel randizgatnak vagy épp a pazar világításban gyönyörködnek mindenféle mögöttes tartalom nélkül, hiszen ebben a keresztény gyökerekkel nem rendelkező országban az emberek nem tudják európai módra megélni az ünnepet. Az újév időszaka azonban mindig az egyik legfontosabb dátum volt a naptárukban.
Az újév kezdeti időszakára több szavuk van a japánoknak. Az új esztendőre a sinnen (新年) szót használják. Az év végét és az újév első napjait egyben nenmacu-nensinek hívják (年末年始), ezt a szót leggyakrabban üzletek, hivatalok nyitva tartásánál olvashatjuk. Az évkezdet utáni rövid időszak a tosiake (年明け), a január 1-től 3-áig tartó ünnepre pedig az o-sógacu (お正月) kifejezést használják. Konkrétan az újév első napját, tehát január 1-jét gandzsicunek (元日) mondják, és e nap reggelére is van külön szavuk, ez a gantan (元旦). Ezzel a szóval mint haiku évszakszóval szeretnék bővebben foglalkozni.
Hogy ne legyen ennyire egyszerű a kép, ne felejtsük el, hogy a Gergely-naptár átvétele (1873) előtt Japán a kínai eredetű holdnaptárat alkalmazta, ezért akkoriban az újév időszaka február elejére esett. Tradicionálisan sinsunnek (新春), vagyis ’új tavasznak’ nevezték ezért az újévet, s ekkoriban a már említett háromnapos o-sógacu megünneplése január eleje helyett februárra esett. Furán hangzik, de az eltolódás miatt kötötték a szilva virágzását is az újévhez. Ezért találkozhatunk korabeli újévi haikukban is a ’tavasz’ és a ’szilvavirág’ kifejezésekkel.
Térjünk rá a gantan évszakszóra! Mutatom, milyen írásjegyekből áll:
元: a moto/gan olvasatú kandzsi jelentése ’kezdet’, ez most az évkezdetre utal.
旦: a tan olvasattal is rendelkező kandzsi jelentése ’hajnal’, ’virradat’, ’reggel’. Különösen megtetszett ez az írásjegy, mert kiváló példája a képírásnak. Az áthúzott téglalap a Napot jelöli, az alatta levő vonás pedig a horizontot, a kettő együtt pedig megjeleníti a látóhatár fölé kúszó napkorongot.
Szokásomhoz híven két, 1890-es évek végén íródott Maszaoka Siki haikuval nyitnám meg a fordítások sorát, ezután pedig vegyesen válogattam különböző költők művei közül. 元旦の馬車見る人や丸の内 GANTAN NO / BASA MIRU HITO JA / MARU-NO-UCSI* (正岡子規 - Maszaoka Siki) Újévre virrad. Lovaskocsit bámul egy városi alak. 元旦に追つかれけり破衾 GANTAN NI / OICUKAREKERI / VARE-BUSZUMA (正岡子規 - Maszaoka Siki) Újév hajnala ócska, feslett paplanom alatt rám talált.
穏やかな雪の元旦神籤引く ODAJAKA NA / JUKI NO GANTAN / MIKUDZSI HIKU (池田加寿子) A békés újév behavazott reggelén jóslatot húzok.** 元旦の満月深海の静寂 GANTAN NO / MANGETSU, SINKAI / NO SZEIDZSAKU (雨村敏子) Virrad az újév. Fenn telihold hál, lenn tenger mélye kel. 元旦や雪を冠りて並ぶ屋根 GANTAN JA / JUKI O KABURITE / NARABU JANE (筒井八重子) Újévre virrad. Hósapkát húzott ma kinn minden háztető. 元旦の最初の客の皓歯かな GANTAN NO / SZAISO NO KJAKU NO / KÓSI KANA (能村登四郎 - Nomura Tosiró) Az újév első vendége köszön épp rám: gyöngymosoly fogad! 呑み過ぎの元旦酒に地震がきて NOMISZUGI NO / GANTAN-ZAKE NI / DZSISIN GA KITE (丸山酔宵子) Újév reggelén szakétól részegítve… Jaj, a föld is reng! 元旦や電話が伝ふ友の死を GANTAN JA / DENVA GA CUTAU / TOMO NO SI O (神田惣介) Újév reggelén megcsörren a telefon… Barátom meghalt. 元旦の銭湯煙り吐き出せり GANTAN NO / SZENTÓ KEMURI / HAKIDASZERI (江成幸子) Újév hajnalán közfürdő hányja fehér gőzét szerteszét. 元旦や富士は茜の雲を生み GANTAN JA / FUDZSI VA AKANE NO / KUMO O UMI (遠藤若狭男 - Endó Vakaszao) Virrad az újév. Buzérvörös felhőt szül fölénk a Fudzsi. A haiku-válogatásnak vége, viszont nem tudtam kihagyni egy ráadás költeményt Maszaoka Sikitől, ami az ’újévi hajnal’ helyett az ’újév napja’ (元日, gandzsicu) évszakszót tartalmazza. Véletlenül találtam rá, de rögtön a kedvencem lett: 元日や上野の森に去年の月 GANDZSICU JA / UENO NO MORI NI / KOZO NO CUKI (正岡子規 - Maszaoka Siki) Újév virrad, de Ueno erdein még tavalyi a Hold.
* Maru-no-ucsi Tokió egyik városrésze, mely ma nyüzsgő üzleti negyed és közlekedési csomópont. Siki korában brit mintára épített házak sorakoztak ott, ekkor kezdődött a városrész beépítése és fellendítése.
** Jóslat (o-mikudzsi): japán templomokban kapható, feltekercselt, hosszúkás kis jóscédulák, a jó vagy rossz szerencse hírvivői. Az újévi templomlátogatások alkalmával is szokás húzni, egy fadobozból.
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icestar0 · 7 years
On the Seven Swords being in storage
The only reason to keep the swords locked away in storage is political, since Buntan at least proved that there were definitely people skilled enough to wield those weapons. Being in possession of one of the swords is meant to be an indicator that you are one of the strongest in the Village and there is no way Chojuro would award that kind of status to someone who wasn’t loyal to him. On one hand it’s logical to not hand weapons to people who would backstab you, but on the other it’s hoarding an important piece of Kirigakure’s culture and History, especially since he doesn’t even wield Hiramekarei regularly. He could be trying to distance Kirigakure from the swords bloody History, but that doesn’t seem right with how swords are emphasized in the academy and how intent Chojuro was on passing the blades to Kagura. Considering Kagura is only a chunin, though a strong and talented one, and it seemed that none of the other blades were in use, it makes me wonder if Chojuro really didn’t have many people he could trust that had any sort of fighting prowess, because if there were candidates he could trust Chojuro was foolish not to give them the swords and capitalize on how much stronger he’d look with them backing him. (Why would the swords even be taken back from Kumo if there were no plans to try to pass them on) How bitter do you think Shizuma and especially Buntan were that Chojuro had pretty much completely disregarded the two of them as candidates, if he wasn’t just intent on burying the swords. Buntan from the get go was really really good with Kiba and very practiced with her lightning element, that had to have taken a lot of specialized training to not only duel wield efficiently, but control the swords away from her body. That likely took a lot of practice with chakra conductive blades to get precise movements like that and really fine control of her lightning. It also sounds like lightning affinity is kind of uncommon in Kirigakure so it’s likely that there aren’t many people in the Village who could hope to use Kiba as efficiently as she does. (I honestly think she was probably better than Raiga with them) It must have really stung to be looked over regardless of her skill, especially considering the importance she placed on her father’s legacy. It’s quite possible Buntan was overlooked due to her natural inclination towards violence and probable long time association with Shizuma, but we know that her mother at least condemned her just for being Raiga’s, Buntan could have easily been pushed to the wayside by a most of the village and written off really early as a delinquent. If she didn’t gravitate towards Shizuma naturally I’d bet a lack of anywhere else to go pushed her there. And speaking of Shizuma, I know he lost control of Samehada but it’s actually really impressive that Samehada allowed him to pick it up at all, it’s a really picky sword. The only people we’ve known to be able to wield Samehada are Killer B, the Jinchuriki Swordsman, Kisame, who was basically one with the blade, and Mangetsu and Fuguki, the two swordsmen who were serious threats when resurrected even without swords at all. Kisame’s skill with Samehada is probably not something you should judge a rookie against, he’s basically at a level of Mastery and synchronicity that might not be achievable by anyone else considering Samehada began to match his chakra signature and cared for himeven  after it found a new wielder. Shizuma held onto a chakra starved Samehada and wielded it competently for most of the fight, and while it’s obvious he was nowhere near Kisame’ level raw power and swordsmanship, he was pulling out techniques that synergized with Samehada that we never saw Kisame use, Shizuma had to have but in time to learn that. It doesn’t sound like there are a lot of Hoshigaki around with the way Shizuma talks and it always seemed to me that their clan likely provided most of the wielders of Samehada due to genetic high chakra levels and compatible sharkiness, so Samehada was likely something of a family legacy for Shizuma as well, something he would have gotten and been trained for if not for Chojuro’s policies. As for the other new swordsman, I don’t really think they had a family legacy for the swords, but they probably felt angry in the same way as the rest of the people who didn’t like the new tourist friendly direction of kiri. Not only are important cultural artifacts being hidden, but no one is being allowed the accomplishment of earning them unless they give up the culture those swords represented. I don’t think anybody really wants to go back to the poverty and betrayal of the Bloody Mist, but everybody probably misses back when they were a shinobi village first and foremost. Basically tldr: It’s BS Buntan needed to steal Kiba in the first place and Chojuro is either erasing history has a week power base or both, which either way probably embittered the people of Kirigakure.
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mangaiwanttoread · 8 years
The Yagyu Ninja Scrolls: Revenge of the Hori Clan ICHI Crimson Hero AKUMA DE SOUROU CARAMEL KISS Kurogane (IKEZAWA HARUTO) MY NAME IS ZUSHIO PENGUIN PRINCE BOKURA NO HIMITSU O KYOUYUU SHIYOU KA HANA NO MIZO SHIRU FUJOSHI KANOJO MARRY MAX! SHIAWASE KISSA SANCHOUME HOUROU MUSUKO HIBI KOIKOI AKUMA TO ISSHO SABOTEN NO HIMITSU HIMITSU NO AKUMA CHAN SEIYUU KA-! DONT CRY GIRL GIMMICK KOI WAKABA FUKUROU-KUN TO KARE MAO NO KYOUSHITSU MAD CINDERELLA KOUFUKU NO OUJI AUTHOR’S PET SECRET SWEET NIGHT YES ITS ME [Hakaba (Dairiseki] Shinobu [(Enuma Elish (Yukimi)] Tsubasa Release (Bakemonogatari) [Hakaba] Dark Ping Pong Club [Minato Fumi] Brosaw (COMIC Kairakuten XTC) [Royal Koyanagi] The Way of the Ninja Our Nishizaki Cavalry Corps (C84) [Kaikinissyoku (Ayano Naoto)] R・O・D 8 -Rider or Die- (Fate/stay night) [Yuzuki N Dash] Die in Seven Years [MARUTA] One Piece Envy (ENG) =TV= [Yukimi] Natural (Comic X-EROS #02) [English] =LWB= [Benimura Karu] Pushover (COMIC Kairakuten BEAST 2012-07) [English] [SMDC] [Shiomaneki] Worrysome Girl [English] [Decensored] [Shiomaneki] Public Training (Bishoujo Kakumei KIWAME 2011-04 Vol.13) [English] (Shiomaneki) Throw Away the Book. Let’s Go to the Beach! (ENG)(Desudesu) [Sugaishi] Itoko No Karada [English] {MumeiTL} [Tsuruta Bungaku] Hanahira Torori (Ch.01-02) [English] [Coelacanth] Splash [Uncensored Version] [English] [Akari Tsutsumi] Flush/Splash [English][Decensored] [Shiomaneki] Nozomi’s Toy (COMIC Shitsurakuten 2013-01) [English] [Inue Shinsuke] Border Between Nobility and Taboo Ch.02 (COMIC HOTMiLK 2012-02)[English] MANKAI DARLING SUKITTE IWASETE? STEP SIBLINGS GUNMANIA BOKURA NO NEGAI ? TSUKI NI ICHIDO NO OMESHI AGARI KOI WA GO GO! HARETE BOKUTACHI WA [Itou Ei] Kabegoshi ni Koi? [English] [biribiri] [Somejima] Human Toilet [English] {doujin-moe.us} [Marui Maru] Love♥Hole (Kabe ni Umekomareta Shoujo de Seiyoku Shori Vol. 1) [English] [QBtranslations] [Digital] RYUU NO HANAWAZURAI Koakuma no Sanctuary Kaitou Game Himegimi no Tsukurikata Kishidou Club Bangaihen Sono Koi ni wa Wake ga Aru HYAKUNEN RENBO Porno SuperStar (C85) [ManiacStreet (Sugaishi, Oono)] Harenchi Vacation (To LOVE-Ru) [English] [Life4Kaoru] Ijimetaihodo Aishiteru Dekichatta Danshi INUGAMIHIME NO SHIMOBE Warau Kanoko-sama Kagome Gemsilica Kimi No Sei MITSUKOI HONEY SEKAI WA KIMI DE MAWATTERU Henai Prince [Musashimaru] Amayadori | Rain Shelter (COMIC Hana-man 2010-08) [English] [Decensored] AZUMANGA DAIOH: HOSHUU-HEN AZUMANGA DAIOH http://g.e-hentai.org/s/db9a858526/125592-24 GOD VIRGIN SUKIMASUKI HITORI SHIZUKA HARUKOMA PAPERWEIGHT EYE ALGAE IROTORIDORI NO SORA NI SAITARA KIKEN JUNAI D.N.A. TIGHT ROPE HITORIBOCCHI NO KUNI DATTE AI JA NAI!? You No Ou KIMI GA SUKI MT PASS SAILOR DANSHI BOYSLIKE! MITSUIRO DEVIL KENJUTSU KOMACHI DARK EYES MANGETSU MONOGATARI Sweet Poolside Boku wa Kimi no Tori ni Naritai PAPA NO IUKOTO O KIKINASAI! WILD AND STRAWBERRY HOTEL LA VIE EN ROSE Bokurani Matsuwaru Etc Sex Therapist STEALTH SYMPHONY NIKUTAIKAN-K INOCHI MIJIKASHI, KOI SEYO FURYOU SHOUNEN! PROLOGUE - GYMNOPEDIES VEINS COIN LAUNDRY NO ONNA HANA NO ARU SEIKATSU Kusatta Rasen Aseru Awakening Puberty Misshitsu MAX POWER!! STROBE EDGE LOVE BERRISH! SOLANIN DOKUHIME KANOJO NI NARU HI KIMI NO NEIRO KOI (MATSUMOTO TOMO) CREAM CARAMEL GAROU-CHAN LIVING WITH AN INCUBUS SCHOOL NINGYO HAGOROMO MISHIN KISS BLUE HAREM LODGE SAKAMICHI NO APOLLON LOVE SICK SAYONARA KODOMOTACHI GENIUS HOUSE YUUWAKU (TAKAMIYA AZUMA) SUMMER SWITCH FRUITS BASKET GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA KISEIJUU NISE NO CHIGIRI THE BREAKER Helter Skelter IIKI NO KI NECROMANCER* RAKUDA TSUKAI TO OUJI NO YORU IENAI ITAMI O DAITE IRU WARAU KYUUKETSUKI LAST SUMMER BLUES RAKUDA TSUKAI TO OUJI NO YORU Yume Yume Shinjuu Ai O Kou Kemono Hakoiri Musuko Nemureru Tsuki Nishikaidan No Akuma Nanadome No Gomenne Katsubou no Manazashi Peeping Tom HARD CORE HEART Futari No Musuko Ni Nerawarete Imasu KOIZORA MITSUAI CELEB ICHIGO NO GAKKOU ROE AISHITERUZE BABY Bitter Virgin Ijiwaru UCHI NO DARLING GAIKOKUJIN STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY STRAWBERRY Takahashi Mako INFINITE 20 MINUTES Omae De Nakya Dame Mitai (Yaoi) OTOKO HIME TO MAHOU NO LAMP CRYBABY BETTY WHERE DO BABIES COME FROM? YUME TSUKAI KOI TSUKIYO NO HIMEGOTO TORA KISS - A SCHOOL ODYSSEY VERED NO ROSEMARY Kiken na Otonarisan Love Recycle Koi No Mannaka Darker than Black dj - Senka Kongou Banchou GE - GOOD ENDING Ouji No Hakoniwa The Miscreant Next Door Lovenista Bet!! LIFE, LOVE Desire Climax He’s Dedicated To Roses It’s Summer! There’s Fireworks! And for Boys, a Yuakata! Ore No Mono Ni Narinasai The Caterpillar THE SLEEPY RESIDENTS OF BIRDCAGE MANOR OTOGI MATSURI Sawaraseteyo, Shiba-kun Soba Ni Oitene Warui Koto Bakkashite Gomennasai Heaven’s Love Koi ja nai kedo Warui ko demo ii? I Don’t Dislike You I Want To Be Naughty! Konna Nekomimi, Suki Desu Ka? Koi To Wana (Yaoi) Hatsukoi (Yaoi) Ani No Chuukoku Boku no Kichiku Megane Ai ga Love Shite You nanosa To the Sea Nichijousahan Bi - Beautiful Life Konbini-kun (Yaoi) Torikago Syndrome Innocent Blue Escape (kyuugou) Samenai Yume Double Mints Till Dawn Yume Touka End Roll Sasayaku no wa Sono Yubi Tatoe Toraware No Koi Demo Itsuka Koi Ga Kanau Made Toki no Rashinban Sakura Gari Sugar Dark Omae Sae Inakerya Saigo no Sangatsu Urahara to Dilemma (Yaoi) Mainichi Seiten Kodomo wa Tomaranai Children’s Time Kodomo no Iibun .Isoganaide .Hanaya no Nikai de Calling (OOTSUKI Miu) (Yaoi) Trap (OOTSUKI Miu) yaoi Tonari Ni Kimi No Nukumori Wo (Yaoi) S+M Recipe (Yaoi) KONO BIJUTSUBU NI WA MONDAI GA ARU! Ore-tachi No Kijou Jitai!! (Yaoi) Ze (Yaoi) Middle School, Third Year (Yaoi) Tadayoedo Shizumazu, Saredo Naki Mo Sezu (Yaoi) J no Subete (Yaoi) Blue Sky Complex Me o Tojite 3-Byou (Yaoi) High School Debut Denkou Sekka Boys (Yaoi) (r.i.p) X-day [switch] A Revolutionist in the Afternoon Becchin to Mandara ***********************Wendy by jiro matsumoto MAINICHI KIMI NO KOTO BAKARI Looking for Happiness K no Souretsu OIRAN GIRL Carmen (Yaoi) Shingakkou - Noli Me Tangere (Yaoi) OUMAGADOKI DOUBUTSUEN ????????????????????????? Star-like Words (Yaoi) Koi o Suru nara Kono Machi de (Yaoi) 1/3 No Kareshi HINEKURE SHISHO NO MIKAIKETSU JIKENROKU WELCOME TO THE SATURDAY NIGHT CLUB Ai no Gebokutachi (Yaoi) HIKIZURU OTO WHAT DO THE TEENAGE BOYS DO
mangaiwanttoread ARISA
Sugar Sugar Rune
****** Homunculus
Rinjin 13 Gou
Ichi the Killer
Enjokousai Bokumetsu Undou
*****Blue Heaven
Dead Flowers
Yoru no Sugao
Kono Uta wa Kimi no Tameni
Love and Baseball (Yaoi)
Hana no Namae
Trans Venus
Muku Na Princess
Blue Dragon Ral Grado
Terpenoid (Yaoi)
The Melancholy of GOGO-BOY
Yuigon (Yaoi)
Mousukoshi Yoru Ga Nagakereba
Giocatore, Hokaku Keikaku (
Watashi Wa Hoka No Otoko To, SEX Shite, SEX Shite, SEX O Shita. ~Itsunomanika Kanojo Wa~
Sensitive Pornograph
Kareshi to Ore to Ore no Kouhai
Burning Hell
Baka de Guzu wa Daikirai
Yukimura-sensei To Kei-kun
http://www.mangahere.co/manga/yongbi/c003/7.html dropped
Hana wa Saku ka (Yaoi)
Akudama (Yaoi)
Horikou Hanemono Ranger
Love Stalking!
Interval (Yaoi)
Kichiku, Encount
Ichi Ni no San!
Ouji to Kotori (Yaoi)
No Color (Yaoi)
Hajimari no Niina
Masaka Kore ga Koi Nante (Yaoi)
**** Bouzu to Kumo (Yaoi)
Momoiro Shoukougun (Yaoi)
Aku No Hana
Erotic Fairy Tales: Red Riding Hood
B-men Kazoku
Erotic Fairy Tales: Bluebeard
Devil x Devil (Yaoi)
Dounimo Nannai Soushi Souai (Yaoi)
*** Snow Maidens
Kekkai Sensen - Mafuugai Kess
Taro-kun Wa Kou Miete Igai To Xxx Desu.
Aru Otoko no Uta (Yaoi)
[Taropun] Haeru Bou | Sproingy Stick
Uso Mitai na Hanashi Desu ga H (Yaoi)
Yume no Kuni in My Darling (Yaoi)
Double Bullet~~~~~~~~~
Ookami Shounen To Hamu No Hito
Sei naru Yoru ni
Saishou Kouyakusuu
Girls’ Lives ?????
Girl’s End ?????
For You, My Beloved
Boys Like!!
Akisato Wakuni Kessakushuu
Love My Life
Shibuyaku Maruyamachou
Azami (Yaoi)
Sabita Yoru Demo Koi Wa Sasayaku
Renai-rubi no Tadashii Furikata
Narrow (Place collection)
Hadakeru Kaibutsu ?????
Maka Maka
Nii-chan (harada)
Dog Style
Kaibutsu Ouji
Sumomo (harada)
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da ??????
Hi Manyuaru Ren Ai (Yaoi)
*****Honey & Honey
Mitsu na Kotoshite Kudasai
Oujitachi wa Izonsuru
Atokata (Yaoi)
????? Naa-tan to Goshujin-tama
Fork In The Road (kirino Hajime)
Old Boy
Superior Day
Jackass! - Sawatte Ii tte Dare ga Itta yo?
Kanemochi-kun To Binbou-kun
Konoyo no Hate made I love You
Negative-kun To Positive-kun
Shibou to Iu Na no Fuku o Kite
?????? Mephisto?????
Takashima Kouichirou no Risou no Koibito
A Falsified Romance
Shuumatsu No Tenki
Oingo Boingo Brothersâ&#128;&#153; Adventure
Ryoshuu Reijin
danshou no koi
Doutei Hitsuji To Abazure Ookami
Hitomi no Dokusenyoku read 5 chps dropped
Yuugure no Machi
Mou Ichido, Nando Demo
?????? Sasen No Warukunai
Void (zariya Ranmaru)
Romanticer’s High
Wakatte Kudasai
Messiah no Yakubi
Messiah no Kyojitsu
Messiah no Sentaku
Tsukiatte Agete mo Ii n Dakara ne
Beast & Feast
Itou-san KURAKA Sui
Spicy & Sugary
Boku No Mama Chan (43) Kaihatsu Nikki
straight kun to gesu
Oshitone Tenzen
Akai Proposal
Puchitto Hajiketa,
Tonari Ni Sunderu Neko No Koto
Tasogare wa dare
Something Happening
Michi Dzure
Nemuri Otoko to Koi Otoko
Sleeping Man Loving Man
*****  Shoujo Tsubaki
Innocent (sakamoto Shinichi)
Barairo no Kaibutsu
Yume no Q-Saku
Motte Meisubeshi
Long Vacation
Nozomu Bekumonai
Yamete Kudasai, Koishii Desu.
Yamete Kudasai, Mabushii Desu
Sun-ken Rock
Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Love Mission @
Similar Terms
Mimitabu No Riyuu
Kurubushi No Hone
Senaka made no Kiyori
Shitasaki No Netsu
***  My God
Immoral Sandwich
Otoshiana ni Hamerarete
Kunpuu Tango
Romantic Joutou 
Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban
Oyasuminasai No Ato Wa
Abarenbo honey 
Rift (Conro)
50 X 50 
Kaeru no Prince-sama
Hana To Ryuu
Billion Dogs
Kir///ei n/i Shi///teyo
Feeding lamb
If You Do Not Obey Me
Kyuuso Ha Cheese no Yume Omiru
Shitsukekata = Nijuumaru
Usotsuki Na Kimi No Toriko
Ore to Omae no Stalker Boushihou
Mugen No Juunin  //   Blade of the Immortal
Fire Punch
Baka Ga Zenra De Yattekuru
[Tomochi] Doronuma – Because I Love You
[Tomochi] Doronuma 
Kuzu de Baka ni wa Nido to Awanai
He Is a High-school Girl
Fox Princess 
  My Little Noir
Hitorijime My Boyfriend
Shimanami Tasogare
Dokuzetsu no S na Ore ga Jimi Riman ni Kuwaresou desu
Nakenai Usotsuki
Koi to wa Baka de Aru Koto da
Sotozura dake wa oujisama
Pochi Kuro
Majime na Jikan
The Perfect Finger
I am a Hero
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youjide444 · 2 months
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youjide444 · 2 months
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youjide444 · 5 months
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youjide444 · 4 months
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youjide444 · 27 days
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