#Mandela prints
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stealfocus · 2 years
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ARTIST: Hurvin Anderson
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theskeletongames · 9 months
i won't lie, for some reason i had a Mandela effect and thought that uf sans on the right was both your tumblr and twitter icon for the past year ???? love ur art btw you make me wanna start doing comics
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The one on the right is my shop icon and I think it may be on some other account I use like paypal or something? The best part is that when I print off receipts for international orders from my shop, this dumb face shows up.
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ornii · 2 months
Could you please tag me in all the parts of my kind of crazy? Cuz i found part 1 and 2 but cant find the rest. And if there is no more could you please continue it?
Yeah I still need to learn how Tagging works, so if anyone can, let me know. But to answer your question no I haven’t made a part three
Until now!
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My Kind of Crazy, Part 3
Inside the run down office building, Red Hood motions for Deadshot to follow him. Katana watches them closely as Red Hood opens the door and they both step in, the room was a large office space with multiple computers running programs and systems. And FBI workers tearing and wiping the files. And the one ordering them around was Amanda Waller arguing with Flag.
“You wouldn't have made it without them.” She spoke, packing.
“We got lucky. I don't do luck. I do planning and precision.” Rick replies, and Waller shrugs it off.
“Admit it, Rick. I was right.” She spoke, and Flag wasn’t buying it. “Yeah, I told you to get on the damn truck. Why'd you stay?” He eyed Waller, who stopped packing and gave flag a harsh reality check.
“I was studying your girlfriend. She takes an average person, a yoga mom, an elderly retiree, and she turns them into a soldier who can take a headshot and still fight. It's an instant army. How'd she do it, Flag? How'd she game the system with you watching her every move?” Waller asked, it it was obvious she knew the answer already. Flag buried his pain and ignored the question.
“I'll accept the consequences.” He said
“I am your consequence.” Waller replied with stern emphasis. Just as he prepares to weasel out again, Deadshot and Red Hood approached.”You might need to be careful. They think we're rescuing Nelson Mandela.” Deadshot eyes Waller, who walks past him
“I can take care of myself. Shut it down, wipe the drives.” She gives the order to the Agents who continue to wipe their digital prints from this Operation. Deadshot leans into flags ear as he watches Waller.
“Uh, hey, man, I know you can't hear me 'cause you're trapped in your temple of soldierly self-righteousness, but a two-faced dude like you wouldn't survive a second on the street.” Deadshot points out the obvious Hypocrisy, Flag being called out for lying about this High Value Target.
“Oh, says the guy who shoots people for money.” Flag retorts, Red turns quickly to Waller at the sound of gunfire. Waller has systematically executed the workers. Red could only watch, knowing Waller or Flag could turn his brain into mush. Waller leaves, and Red Hood eyes flag, who doesn’t look very happy about what he’s just witnessed.
“That is just a mean lady.” Deadshot follows.
“Yeah. You get used to it.” Flag grumbled, Red walks past him, “I don’t think a good soldier would let innocent people die, but what do I know right?” Red and Deadshot exit the room, and the Squad see who they’ve been made to protect. Waller and Flag step out into the frying pan of sorts.
“Let's go home.” Flag ordered, it it wasn’t on a natural bass, more of a coercive tone, but it obviously wasn’t working.
“Yeah, let's go home. That sounds good. You guys wanna go home? Or you wanna go back to prison?” Boomerang said, obviously sarcastic, they all had their reasons for not going back home.
“What I'm saying is we kill the pair of 'em now before they kill us.” Boomerang said, which many of agree with, slowly surrounding them, “I got this.” Waller took this one herself, letting Katana and Flag watch, she stepped before the squad, “You all made it this far. Don't get high-spirited on me and ruin a good thing.” Waller shows the explosive device in her hand, much like the one Flag has, all set to explode just like Red Hood predicted. The Squad all share a glance, and they reluctantly escort Waller to the roof. The dark sky has hints of neon lights and flames dance in the sky. Regrouping with Flags men they watch a Helicopter fly towards the Building.
“Savior One-Zero, this is Ground Element. Savior One-Zero, how copy? Savior One-Zero, the LZ's clear.” One of Flags men tries to hail down the Chopper, but no response.
“Boss, they're not talking to me.” He spoke, and Flag quickly assessed the situation, “Our bird's been jacked. Light it up!” Flag and his men open fire on the Helicopter, its panel opens up to Joker, dressed in a suit and with an AK opening fire with manic laughter, a minigun mounted on the heli also opens fire on them, ducking behind AC generators to keep from getting torn to shreds. Red Peers over the unit and his eyes catch a glimpse of that face, the manic laughter, the pale skin. A flood of rage built into Red and he leaped over the Unit, firing his dual pistols at the helicopter. Titanium composite hollow tipped bullets, with a C4 Kicker, explosive ammunition he made himself, the shots land hard on the wall that actually begin to make a dent. They turn the Minigun to him and looks to shred him, before Red can get turned into mince meat, Diablo comes in and tackles him before another AC Unit. He saved Red, who looked at the man, he shrugged it off and kept down to avoid bullet fire, but this wasn’t a random attack it was coordinated, Harley begins to walk to the Helicopter, and Waller orders Flag to execute her, but every tap of the device leads to an error. Harley leaps to the rope and escapes, leaving Waller one less of a member, and Red, a missed opportunity. Dead soldiers litter the roof and everyone steps out of cover, Waller making a B line for Deadshot.
“Deadshot, shoot that woman right now!” She yells, and Deadshot shrugs
“She ain’t do shit to me.” He said lazily
“You're a hitman, right? I got a contract. Kill Harley Quinn. Do it for your freedom and your kid.” Waller said, which was more than enough for him.
“Now she dead.” He walked to a Unit and mounted to fire, heat her Harley dance and swing around, and takes the shot, Harley’s body goes limp, but she suddenly laughs and swings more around, Deadshot missing on purpose, he walked back to the ground.
“I missed.” He said, and Red wasn’t listening, all he felt was red, his chance to kill the Joker, gone. He walked over to the corpse of one of the soldiers, snatching a rifle from its cold dead hands and he mounts up as well, everyone watches as the helicopter takes a slight left. He took everything into consideration and fired, the bullet flew and it hit the cockpit and straight through the pilots skull. They watched the helicopter spiral and go down. Red turned to the group and dropped his gun.
“Got what I wanted… We done here?” He said, everyone was silent, showing the ruthless cold side of the Red Hood. No one knew how to take it, but it’s safe to say for the Red Hood, that felt good. Another Heli picked up Waller and they left. Flag waits as the chopper soars off into the night deploying Flares. Minutes pass and Flag calls in, and listens.
“Ops just confirmed. She's down. 1k west. Let's go get her. The mission's not over.” Flag and his men turned to the exit with the “Heroes”
“Nah. It is for me. We had a deal.” Deadshot spoke up for most of them, everyone.
“Without Waller, you got nothing.” Flag walked off, and the group reluctantly follows. Making ground back on the floor they run into a less than happy Harley Quinn, who survived somehow. She spots them and attempts to put on a happy face.
“So.. shot any good birds lately?” she asked, mixed with sarcasm and scorn.
“One… if it means anything I wasn’t aiming for you.” Red Replies.
“I could kill you..” Harley grumbled
“You’d die trying..” Red replies as they approached Wallers downed chopper. Tears the door open croc side stepped to let them see. But no Waller. Dead corpses but none hers. Red Activated his detective mode in his visor. He scans around and they’re dead.
“I don’t see any of Wallers blood, gun residue everywhere though.. she tried to fight off whoever came for her.. rains going to be a pain in the pass to pick up any blood or sweat to track.”
“What’s your point?” Deadshot asked, Red turned to him. “My Point.. is that they captured her, they didn’t want her dead.. that have some use for her. But for what, I don’t know.” He said, and spots Wallers bag and began to ruffle though it. And sees a black binder and begins to sift though it and red was silent, he turned to Deadshot and handed him the binder. “The Hell’s this?” He asked.
“Why we’re here..” he responds, Deadshot reads it and looked back up to Red, he angrily takes the binder and storms off to Flag, he hurls the binder at the wall and everyone turns to flag. Deadshot and Flag are eye to eye.
“You tell everybody everything. Or me and you gonna go right now.” He said, and flag’s face told a story, and he reluctantly explained. “Three days ago, a non-human entity appeared in the subway station, So Waller sent me and a woman with incredible abilities. Enchantress. A witch. See, nobody could get near this thing, but the witch could. Needless to say, the whole thing was a bad idea, the woman was… possessed by the Enchantress, she’s held captive by her. We were going to blast a hole in the subway under the entity and.. she tricked us with the bomb, And that's how she escaped from Waller. So now you know.” Flag explained his turmoil, to everyone who listened and everyone respectfully was sick of it. Red scoffed, “we’re sent on this death mission to fix your fuck up..” he folds his arms, and Deadshot shook his head and looked around, and saw a Bar.
“You can just kill me right now, but I'm going to have a drink.” Deadshot walked off and Harley follows.
“Hey, Deadshot, I need your help.” Flag pleads, but flint shook his head
“No, sir. You need a miracle.” Deadshot and the others head in, Red Hood was the last to leave and looks Flag up and down. “Might as well call the big man in the sky for that.” He gave one last stinger and walked into the bar, he saw the others enjoying their drinks and slumped in a seat next to Deadshot. Harley was tending and eyed the man.
“Oh, Dead Hood.” Harley still has a pretty sharp bone to pick with him.
“Not my name…” he responded and Deadshot looks around.
“Well, we almost pulled it off despite what everybody thought.”
“We weren’t picked to succeed..” Diablo chimes in, and Deadshot agrees, “Worst part of it is, they're going to blame us for the whole thing. And they can't have people knowing the truth. We're the patsies. The cover-up. Don't forget, we're the bad guys. And, uh, for about two sweet seconds, I had hope.” Deadshot flushed down his drink.
“You had hope, huh? Hope don't stop the wheel from turning, my brother.” Diablo looks at the empty shot glass before him
“You preaching?”
“It's coming back around for you. How many people you killed, man?” Diablo asks Deadshot, who admittedly probably doesn’t even know, the bodies left in his wake. “It’s Karma for us, especially for me..” he continued
“See, I was born with the Devil's gift. I kept it hidden for most of my life, but... The older I got, the stronger it got. So I started using it. For business, you know. The more power on the street I got, the more fire power I got. Like, that shit went hand in hand. You know? One was feeding the other. Ain't nobody tell me no. Except my old lady. You know, she used to pray for me. Even when I didn't want it. God didn't give me this. Why should he take it away? See, when I get mad, I lose control. You know, I just... I don't know what I do..till it's done.” Diablo made a woman of fire in his hand.. and snuffed out her flame, Red listened, memories of his own father flooding on.
“And the kids?” Boomerang asked, fearful himself.
“He killed them.” Red spoke up, and he took off his helmet to reveal his face and sighed. “I remember…” Red stopped talking and shut up, almost revealing his other identity, but Harley wasn’t up for silence.
“Own that shit. Own it! What'd you think was gonna happen? Huh?” She said to Diablo.
“Hey, Harley. Come on.”
“What, you were just... Thinking you can have a happy family and coach little leagues, and make car payments? Normal's a setting on the dryer. People like us, we don't get normal!” She yelled, and Boomerang sharply put his glass down.
“Why is it always a knife fight every single time you open your mouth? You know, outside you're amazing. But inside, you're ugly. We all are.” He said, and Red piped up. “.. So, you just.. willow in that hole?” He started and stood up, he walked over to Diablo as everyone watched. “You kill your wife and kids and you think you deserve a cell for the rest of your life? Feeling sorry for yourself? I got a temper too so I understand, but you’re still in control of your actions.” Red turned to Harley.
“You know why I shot your chopper down?” He asked, everyone really leans in now. Red shows the J scar on his cheek, “see who I got this from?” He said, and Harley began to remember. “You’re—“
“I was.. Robin. I probably helped put a few of you in prison. I went after Joker by myself one time. Didn’t think Batman understood.. and my temper got me. He.. beat me, for days, starved, tortured me, and once in a while, I saw you in the corner, laughing. And when he finished, he blew me to pieces.. I was fourteen. Lazus pit.. Now look at me. This, was my choice... Now I gotta live with it. Same way you gotta live with it.” (Y/n) walked back to his seat, and slumped down.
Everyone was silent, he felt a glass tap his finger and he looked up to Harley give what he can only assume is an apology whiskey. “Mista J is.. not the best when it comes to dealing with kids. I guess I’m not either, maybe you were right when you said that.. maybe I’m just another victim, I mean what lady watches a man beat a.. teenager.” She said to herself, Red took it and downed it effortlessly. “I’m twenty two now, not a teenager anymore.”
For a moment it seemed the two can actually form a decent but obviously volatile relationship, but then, Flag enters the Bar and slumps down next to Red.
“We don't want you here.” Harley frowns, and Flag looks at Red, “You get to the part in that binder saying I was sleeping with her?” He said, Red raises an eyebrow. “Nope, I never been with a witch before. What's it like? I mean I’ve flirted with death before but I don’t go that far.” Red shrugged and Deadshot leaned to see Flag.
“Apparently, that's why the creatures chase him all the time. 'Cause the witch is scared of him.” He chuckled, but Flag shook his head, pain in his voice.
“The only woman I ever cared about is trapped inside that monster. If I don't stop the witch, it's over. Everything is over. Everything. You're free to go.” Flag smashes the device and breaks it, and Boomerage makes a break for it. Red sighs and turns to Flag. “Your girlfriend is going to destroy the world, isn’t she?” He asked, Flag was silent and Red put the mask Back on and gripped his pistols. “Well.. fuck it.” Red stood up. “Let’s go Flag.. least you can say you died tying.” Red walked away, and everyone watched him, and Deadshot sighed and stood up and followed out, Red peeked back in.
“Yo Harley, you coming?” He asked, she shrugged and grabbed her baseball bat. “Don’t have anything else better to do.” She said and followed, everyone now filled with a bit of nepotistic energy follow, if they head into the abyss, at least they go in screaming. flag has the back of the squad, even if they’re “Criminals.” And Captian Boomerang comes back, like a, Boomerang.
Outside the large square, the squad now prep for the final assault, Red tossing a camera to a wall and using his visor to look around, “looks like there’s a woman.. and a massive guy next to her, that’s our targets?”
“Yeah. It isn’t going to be easy getting to her, I did leave a big demo charge down there in that subway. There's a flooded tunnel, leads right underneath that building. SEALs, they can recover the charge, swim in underneath that thing's feet. We get in its face and distract the hell out of that son of a bitch so the swimmers can blow the bomb. That's how we take it out.” Flag gives a solid plan. Croc pipes up
“I'm going with ya.” He spoke to the SEALS, as if they had some choice.
“We got this.” One said, and croc tore off his upper shirt and jacket. “I'm not asking, bro. I live underground. Y'all are just tourists.” Croc and the seals swim in the flooded subway and the main squad prepare for a literal suicide mission. They walked along the subway and corpses strung the pillars. Blood and black ooze follow. They reach the central station platform. Inside felt like a theatre of darkness, whatever dark magic she was conjuring.
“Hey, everyone can see all this trippy magic stuff, right?” Harley asks
“Yeah. Why?” Red replies.
“I'm off my meds.” She weakly smiled. Deadshot and Flag look to the center, of Enchantress continuing to open the
“So that's your old lady?” Deadshot nods in approval.
“Well, you need to handle this shit, all right? Get up there, smack on her ass, tell her, "Knock this shit off." Deadshot said, which flag couldn’t tell if he was being serious it not.
“I do not think that'd be wise. I'm gonna draw out the big one. My boys will detonate the bomb underneath him.” Flag gives the order but before they step out, Enchantress calls out to them.
“I've been waiting for you all night. Step out of the shadows. I won't bite. Why are you here? Because the soldier led you? And all for Waller. Why do you serve those who cage you? I am your ally. And I know what you want.” The woman calls out, and begins to show the squad their true dreams, what they truly wish for, Deadshot to rewrite that day, Harley., a family. And (Y/n), who stood across Bruce with a smile, as he’s still Robin.
“Alright Bruce.. what’s on tonight?”
“Patrol, Arkham’s never safe.” He said sternly, (Y/n) gave a smirk and nodded. He felt the suddenly jank of reality, Red saw Diablo in his face.
“It's not real. She trying to play games with you, man. - It's not real!” He yells to all of them, who slowly come down from their dream, and step out to face enchantress. She sees her tricks didn’t work, and frowns.
“The sun is setting, and the magic rises. The metahumans are a sign of change.” Enchantress saw their minds aren’t changing now, and casted a spell, stomping from the back the larger monster approached.
“Who's this?”
“It's gonna be bad!”
“We should run.”
Red Didn’t take advice well and charges in, leaping past its tendrils and firing off his rounds, it began to bend the mental skin and make the monster cry out. He leaped onto its back and slammed an explosive charge on it, he hurls red hood off of him. Deadshot takes aim and hits the explosive dead on, but no effect! Boomerang hurls his boomerangs that do not to stop it, the monster grabs the Australian by the neck and prepares to turn him as well. Kitana leaps off a counter and slices the hand off with a clean cut, only for the Mayan grow it back, bullets and explosives only infuriate it. Before Harley can get crushed by the Mayan for a bat swing, Red fires his grappling hook to her shirt and reels her to safety.
“We can get him in the corner.” Red pops off more shots, and Diablo steps up!
“I lost one family. I ain't gonna lose another one. I got this. Let me show you what I really am.” Diablo rushed forward and blast a bellow of flames at it, only to infuriate the monster who kicks him away. It awaken the true El Diablo! His body underwent a harrowing transformation into El Diablo! The meta human battles with the Mayan. Pushing him to the edge he and the Mayan are right at the corner
“Diablo, get clear! Get outta there!” Flag yells, the Meta turns to them, “Blow it!” He orders, and Red watched The Mayan and Diablo go up in smoke and rubble in the explosion. He laid for it.. he lived. And died with his choice. Red stood up and walked to the hole, but he forgot that this battle was far from over, Enchantress still had her power.
“My spell is complete. Once you and your armies are gone, my darkness will spread across this world. And it will be mine to rule.” Enchantress activated her portal, which begins to tear the world apart. And the true enchantress escapes, her body devoid of color, black, like the ooze leaking from all she touches, and she attacks them, their bullets, blades, nothing can harm her!
“You got a move here, Flag?” Red tackled flag out of the way from getting his head taken off.
“We gotta cut her heart out. While we're fighting, that thing's laying waste to the whole damn world.” Flag said, “You guys have any plans on cutting her heart out?”
“I got one..” Red said. “How long have you been thinking about it?” Harley adds in.
“Maybe five minutes..” Red begins to try something, anything, tapping into the power of the Lazuris pit and felt a heartbeat within it all. A hilt of pure red energy began to emit from his heart. He gripped the handle with both palms and pulled it from him, a red blade of energy was now his. “Huh, this might work.. I cut her chest open and you guys tear the heart!” Red gives the order and charges in, Enchantress swings and fires magic, Red put the blade up and it began to deflect the magic, he leapt forward with a slash and fought Enchantress in the arm. It cut her body made of magic. Her body couldn’t heal from it, the scar emitting a red haze. She looked up worried and Red begins to put more pressure on her, and catches her right on the chest with an upward slash, Enchantress screams in pain, and the squad see the chance, Harley, Deadshot, Kitana and Boomerag grab her arms and legs and flag comes from behind. Just for the moment Enchantress was taken aback, and Red goes in with a blade straight though her heart. Time slows down as the enchantress blinked. The light leaving her eyes in a flash the eruption of light left the station and the bleak sun shined though, and June was right before Red. Confused and why a sword was though her body Which disappeared. Flag realized that his June was back, and hugged her. I suppose it was a happy ending
“Y'all don't mind, I got me a sewer to crawl back into.” Croc turns to leave and Red sighed and turned to the front, “Yeah, and I got some business to handle back in Gotham.” Red dusts himself off
“I'm going to hotwire a car. Need a ride?” Harley offered, but before he can reply, Waller, who’s somehow still alive steps out with her explosive device.
“How are you not dead?” Deadshot said in disbelief. “We just saved the world. A "thank you" would be nice.” Harley spoke, and Waller tilts her head “Thank you.” She said sarcastically, “You're welcome.” Harley replies with a smile.
“So, we did all of this and we don't get shit?”
“Ten years off your prison sentences.”
“Nah, that's not enough. I'm seeing my daughter.” Deadshot kept his eyes locked on Waller who reluctantly agreed.
“That can be arranged. Any other requests?” “An espresso machine.” Harley said
“…BET.” croc nods, and Boomerang scoffs.
“Ten years off a triple life sentence? Darling, I'm walking out of here a free man or we're going to start having some real fun.” He approaches Waller, who coldly stepped up to Boomerang. “Why don't we have some fun?” She replies scaring the piss out of the Captian. Red shrugged, he got his revenge after all.
Back at Belle Reeve, (Y/n) sits in his cell, footsteps echo from the Door and he cracks his knuckles, ready to fight.
“Whoever it is… gonna put.. 14 in the ICU.” He said, and the voice of God, Waller spoke to him. “That won’t be needed, you’re getting released.”
“…What?” He stood up from his bed, staring at the Door expecting death, what opened was something much more than that, he could only muster one word
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lukascastelan · 2 months
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Ok, so this is the wall, in my bedroom which consists of many many fandoms or just topics I have grown to enjoy over time. A couple are outdated considering now, but they were pretty special to me when painting it. The wall was finished in 2023 on June 15.
Many were made by printing the logos/designs on my printer, tracing the backs really hard in a pencil, and then firmly pressing each design onto the wall so I had a stencil of what I was coloring in. Many are just designs I found on the internet at the time and others are just logos or things I thought would be a good symbol for said fixation at the time.
Did I want it to look different at the beginning? Yes, originally it was going to be the symbols or main characters in one big collage but I realized that I have zero art skills and it wouldn't ever be accomplished so I made the design more simple and now I really like how it turned out.
Do I wish a few were different now because of time or lack of interest? Yes and no. Yes, because I either don't like a certain topic at all anymore or I just could have something that I think represents me more on there but for right now I'm okay with how it is. No, because I look at this wall every day of my life, and seeing a certain square can remind me of a specific time in my life that I really enjoyed and I love that feeling.
Do I think that some of the squares are a little cringe now over time and how I have changed as a person? Absolutely but I could never ever get myself to get rid of those ones because they might be looked upon as weird or cringe now but at the time they helped me get through so many tough times that I can't get myself to get rid of those.
A few of these squares will definitely be changed but at least 97% of them I love seeing every day because of the memories and good times. I love my wall and it represents what I've liked over the years and that's okay. You should be able to like what you want without being criticized for it, hell I've debated posting this because I was scared that people were going laugh at the things on there but to be honest? Let me laugh with you as I remember how that square I cringe on now or how that square I would defend with my life. Just be you, that's all.
What are the fixations that are on the wall, and do I still want them there? I'll tell ya starting from the top right corner.
863 - Youtube series (Keep)
Five Nights at Freddy's - Video game series (Keep)
Amphibia - Animated TV show (Keep)
Amulet - Graphic novel sereis (Keep)
Arcane - Animated TV show (Keep)
Bendy and The Ink Machine - Video game series (Keep)
Brooklyn 99 - TV show (Keep)
Carmen Sandiego - Animated TV show (Keep)
Chuckle Sandwich - Podcast (Keep)
Cuphead - Video Game (Keep)
DanTDM - Youtuber (Keep)
Compass South - Graphic Novel series (Keep)
Detroit Become Human - Video Game (Keep)
The Last of Us - Video Game series/TV show (Keep)
The Dragon Prince - Animated TV show (Keep)
Mandela Catalogs - Analog Horror series (Keep)
DreamSMP - Youtube/ Minecraft server (Depends, I always look back now and cringe at myself but then I remember how it was at the time and how it felt to me at the time. Probably keep though just because of how it got me through Covid and just a rough spot in general)
Droid - Youtuber (Keep)
Eddsworld - Youtube series (Keep)
Flash - I watched the TV show (Keep)
Harry Potter - Books/Movies (I honestly like Fantastic Beats movie spinoff more than the main books/movies. Idk why but this one might change over time or it'll stay, haven't really decided that yet, maybe)
Henry Danger - TV show (Keep)
Hilda - Animated TV show (Keep)
How to Train Your Dragon - Movies/Books/TV Show (Keep)
Infinity Train - Animated TV show (Keep)
Jurrasic Park - Movies/Books (Keep)
The Group Chat - Youtube group/Podcast (Keep)
Last Kids on Earth - Books/TV show (Keep)
Lucifer - TV show (Most likely change)
Marvel (Keep)
Merlin - TV show (Keep)
Minecraft - Video Game (Keep)
Star Wars - Movies/TV shows/books/etc. (Keep)
Ninjago - Animated TV show (Keep)
The Owl House - Animated TV Show (Keep)
Percy Jackson - Books/TV show/Movies (Keep)
Pokemon - Video game series, etc. (I really don't know why I put this on here, I was never a really big fan other than owning the cards so will probably change)
Sam and Colby - Youtubers (Keep)
The Walten Files - Analog Horror series (Keep)
Space Boy - Webtoon but I found it through the graphic novels (Keep)
Spongebob - Animated TV show (Keep)
Steven Universe - Animated TV show (Keep)
Stranger Things - TV show (Keep)
Subnautica - Video Game series (Keep)
Treasure Planet - Animated Movie (Keep)
Umbrella Acadamy - TV Show (Keep)
Voltron - Animated TV Show (Probably change because I never really got into it but binged it with my sister, liked it but not love)
Wings of Fire - Books/Graphic Novels (Keep)
Things I would want on the wall now
Multiple Analog Horror series
Portal games (Though I painted my closet doors portal themed so I think it cancels out)
maybe some music albums but I have something like that in my room already
The Magnus Protocol
ONG might put Ao3 on there tbh
Some absolute BANGER webtoons
Some more recent YouTube series, animated of course
Over the garden wall was literally a fever dream but I loved it
OH lab rats and Mightty med I grew UP on those
Gravity Falls
More that I can't think of rn
Okay wow um I don't usually post this big but I really like my wall and just wanted to share it. Maybe I'll post some more stuff about my room that I like just because I'm proud of it.
Part 1(This one), Part 2
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loving-n0t-heyting · 3 months
I had forgotten how the local pizzeria had a print of a painting of mlk, malcolm x, nelson mandela, and barack obama hanging out and laughing in some palatial corridor. I want to say idk what thats even going for but the sad thing is i actually do
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eggwizardcrafts · 11 months
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Hello friends, analog horror fans and Mandela MADmen!
I printed out a bunch of these Six stickers to test out my sticker paper. Would anyone be interested in buying these if I put them on Etsy?
I'm thinking of doing a few more TMC designs and making it a sticker pack, so let me know if you'd consider getting some of these.
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For a moment I thought we all were going through the Mandela effect because I could not find this, but then I DID. Jojo did confirm that no one would be dying or ordained in this series. It's a serious thing to lie about to throw people off or keep them interested, and I don't think Jojo is lying. Jojo hasn't spoiled anything about this story, but he made it a point to comment on this early on. This show does a good job of flipping things on its head. What you THINK may happen, ends up not happening and you don't expect the things that do. If he was lying though, we can print out this tweet and attach it to the massive boulder that the fans will throw through his window.
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nutterzebutters · 3 months
I'm thinking about how pure vanilla's blindness was most likely a birth thing, that however he was made was just like that.
For one, it's pretty clear that most cookies do not remark on the blindness either bc of censorship reasons or they don't notice it thanks to the staff helping pure vanilla see. Lilies Mandela in the beast yeast update gives up a scene where it's clear lily always read to pure vanilla during their experiments, allowing him to be able to soak up the information
But what type of blindness? Either they forgot he was blind or his blindness isn't what we think, as he's shown the ability to be able to do things without help. He reads braille, a book in his lobby screen is set up specifically for it when all other means of writing papers and books in the series are classic scribbles, so he's definitely severally visually impaired to the point of not being able to read print without the aid of his staff, which he remarks to be "like a part of my body"
I just think it's neat that the strongest ancient, the leader, is also disabled. He's had to navigate his accomplishments like that compared to the other ancients who didn't have that obstacle. His magic was perhaps powerful enough when he'd gotten the staff that he figured out how to connect mentally with it, something that, possibly, no other cookie has been able to do. Ironic that before shadow milk ever released one of pvs motifs was eyes, and if you look at the silhouette of past shadow milk he too has a staff and what looks to either be a monocle or glasses
I suppose the clover shaped jam has a penchant for cookies with shitty eyesight lol
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magewolf-the-artist · 6 months
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I've been meaning to draw Bon but I haven't managed to produce a good doodle up until now. So behold: the rancid asshat himself! I made a couple tweaks to his design that'll be shown off more once I whip up a ref sheet for him, but basically he's in a lot more disrepair than his victims because Susan absolutely refuses to repair him and makes him do it himself. He also has a dent on top of his head from Susan whacking him with misc metal pipes and wrenches
(Please ignore the fact that I couldn't be bothered to draw the weird gray mottling lmao-)
This doodle was based on a draw the squad meme. Pretty much summarizes him and Susan's relationship. As a side note, while he is in much worse disrepair, he takes great pride in his appearance and is generally cleaner than the rest of the crew. He mocks his victims for this because he's a fucking asshole
A bust to get a feel for his design. Some tweaks I made is that his snout is longer and filled with sharp teeth and he has small, very human like eyes. The feel I want for this design is somewhere between uncanny valley and Mandela Catalogue alternate. Also, can you tell this is the first time I've drawn leopard print?
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mlarayoukai · 1 year
Did you guys know there's bootleg mandela catalog plushies. It's a fucking black humanoid shape with a screen printed face of the jump scares
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xxdigital-stickersxx · 2 months
I made a Victorian inspired design.
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Feel free to use the design for personal use.
And if you want to support me, please consider buying this design as a sticker, print, phone case, or other little product.
Find the individual pieces below.
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The moths.
Feel free to erase what you don't need btw.
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There's bats on top and bottom. The design between the two bats, on the left and right, are tiger faces.
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These are the weasels.
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These are the antlers for the weasels if you want them. They're detached in this image but they're supposed to be a heart in the center.
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Antlers as a border. No weasels. Again, you may wish to complete the heart.
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Top and bottom border.
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Two different versions of the main border And little details.
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twotangledsisters · 1 year
Tangled the series STUFF to include...?
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Was anxious today so I decided to doodle and turned on symmetry to create a mandela-ish colouring page I could later print off and colour in (if I remember next time I go to a print shop)....
But I seem to be running out of ideas of cute or simple tangled items, patterns, adorable animals...
Any ideas?
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screampotato · 7 days
As I sit eating dorayaki pancakes in Yo Sushi in Glasgow, I feel the need to tell the story of how the square it sits on got its name.
Yo Sushi sits on a corner between West George Street and a funny little square, really just a diversion of the road to pass round St. George's Tron church (Gay Tron, to be specific, but that's a story for another day). These days, the only other things on the square are a few eating places and an Urban Outfitters, but back in the 80s, St. George's Place, as it was called, was a bit more civically significant, being the home of the Glasgow Stock Exchange and the South African Embassy.
I say "civically significant", not "prestigious", because although the UK government in those days was fawning over Apartheid South Africa, up in Glasgow they were a little less popular. This was at the time when Mandela was in prison, and the people who make Glasgow took a rather dim view of the whole situation. Unfortunately, Scotland's opinions have always been slightly less important than the Prime Minister's choice of socks in the eyes of the British Establishment, the opinions of any one area of Scotland even less so, so there was sod all we could do about it.
Or so they thought.
Glasgow City Council thought differently. Local authorities in the UK have no powers whatsoever in international diplomacy, but unchallenged sovereignty in the matter of street names. St. George was probably a stand-up guy, and very useful if you've got dragons to slay, but he already had a church and a Cross in the city, not to mention sharing a name with a much bigger Square and two Streets. He could afford to give up one tiny wiggle in the road to a man trying to slay a much bigger and uglier dragon.
"Yes", the councillors said to themselves "Nelson Mandela Place. That's got a nice ring to it."
The splutterings and chokings at the Embassy, when they were presented with the idea of printing Mandela's name at the top of their fancy notepaper, are sadly not recorded - or if they are, the spies have kept them for their private enjoyment. No doubt Margaret Thatcher had opinions, but the converse of city councils having no voice in Parliament is that the Prime Minister has no voice in the City Chambers. She might drink tea with the monarch, but she doesn't get to name Glasgow streets.
Those days are long past. The dragon was slain. Who knows if those little iron signs nine thousand miles away had any real effect except to send a crumb of encouragement to a man in a jail cell. That it did that is a matter of record - he heard, and it gave him hope. That's all we could send, but we sent it.
All these years later, Nelson Mandela Place keeps its name, a quiet memorial to the power of making a bloody nuisance of yourself when the machinery of state offers you no other levers to pull, and of laughing at those who think they are too powerful to be the butt of the joke.
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findroleplay · 1 year
Hello! :D m14 rper here, (timezone cdt) looking for people my own age. I haven't been roleplaying & writing for very long, just 3 years, but I took a long break and am looking to start again. I have a carrd with all the fine print you'd need, but I'll give you the jist;
no NSFW, no RPF, third person POV w/past tense, 1-3 paras, discord is preferred but I can also use tumblr dms, I only speak english
The Stanley Parable
Portal & Portal 2
Five Nights At Freddy's
The Mandela Catalogue (No ships for this one, though)
Welcome Home ARG
Undertale / Deltarune
If you're interested, hmu
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shmorp-mcdurgen · 2 years
Cesar held a hand over his mouth, desperately trying to muffle his harsh breathing.
Pushing himself further against the rough bricks, he listened for any notion that he’d been found by that.. That thing.
He’d just been taking a walk, getting some air, when the alternate begun following him almost silently, and like a fucking idiot, he went into an alleyway, thinking that it wouldn’t be able to follow with the long arms it was using to walk around.
It could definitely follow him. Cesar didn’t find a space to get away from it, he’d walked right into its habitat. 
The sound of a can being moved snapped the ravenette out of his thoughts, and he looked around for somewhere to hide or to run, though, when he turned the other corner, all he found was a dead end. Fuck.
Back to the wall, Cesar looked up as the figure slowly creeped around the corner, hands quietly placed to make little noise as it moved.
The beings eyes and mouth were covered by three of the numerous arms coming out of its back, a fourth seemingly holding its head still, though Cesar could see it twitch like it was trying to turn or move away. 
Dirty blond hair fell over the hands on its eyes, strands firmly grasped in the fourth hand’s hold. The humanlike base, for lack of a better word, steadily rose and fell with its breathing, attached and proportionally sized limbs hanging in a way that reminded him of a corpse.
Its last two limbs twitched and felt at the walls of the alley, inspecting it as it slowly, ever so slowly, inched closer.
Cesar felt like he couldn’t breath, shaking in fear. His eyes roamed, trying to find something to help him out of this situation, but instead found something that made him pause.
The bright yellow lettering of BPS printed onto its hoodie.
That couldn’t be right… Seth and Sarah never mentioned any.. other… members… 
The room having two beds.
The boxes filled with belongings.
The sorrow in Sarah’s eyes whenever he asked about certain things.
Seth’s paranoia about Cesar ever going off on his own without telling anyone.
He felt like he was gonna be sick, the feeling heightened as the alternate just got closer.
Cesar, in an act made from desperation, moved, attempting to slide under the alternates dangling legs and make a run for it. 
A hand snagged his hood, slamming him into the brick wall. The two hands that had been feeling the walls wrapped around the man’s throat, squeezing. Struggling, Cesar blinked back tears as the hand on the alternates mouth left it, showing a human face.
It’s mouth opened, showing off unsettlingly sharp canines, and it spoke.
Cesar never made it back to base.
[cesar meets the mandela prophet, 0/10 didn't have a fun time]
Terrible first impression, 0/10
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