#Man I don’t talk about Hazards or Yvette nearly enough
quaxorascal · 6 years
How many kids you wanna talk about? Cause I wanna know ten facts™ about: Fyf, Yvette, Idina (WG ver.), and personal fav Kestrel?
Man, I’d happily talk about all of my kids!! I’ll format this properly when I’m not on my phone, but for not have some facts! (from here)
Really good at sewing clothes
Best friend is a lesbian bunny with a halberd, other best friend is a gay raccoon with a crossbow
Will adopt any child within 100 feet who knows was sarcasm is
Has a twin sister! Her name is Keziah and most people respond to this knowledge with “Oh gods, there’s two of them”
Loves gold jewelry while not being a fan of silver, and especially loves jewelry with brightly-coloured gems
A Bit of a pyromaniac, but oddly enough their own innate chaos allows them to control fire much better than one would expect
When I left the campaign, they had five daggers, two short swords, and a hidden blade on their person
Has a kink in their tail, either from someone stepping on it or someone closing a door on it
Not a virgin
Actually pretty damn smart and tactical-minded, but enjoys chaos way too much to rely on such ways of thinking
Had a younger brother named Xavier and an older sister named Zinnia on Mindoir
Was something of a minor celebrity in human communities for a year following the Mindoir attack
Lived on the Citadel after Mindoir and was Fucking Depressed the whole time, but she still considers that place to be about the only home she has left
Had a crush on Ashley in ME1 and absolutely no clue what to do about it
Also had a crush on Tali but she shut that down before she could even think of doing anything about it
Aside from Thane, feels most comfortable around Anderson, Joker, Cortez, and Samara. She clearly gravitates toward Old Soldier types
Can run at a dead sprint for over 100 yards with her armour on and her guns strapped to her hips. Or at least could before she got beat to shit by the Crucible breaking apart. Now her scooter goes about that fast and can go for even longer
She and Joker made an agreement at some point between ME1 and ME2 where if and when they got to retire, if neither of them found someone willing to “put up with our insufferable bullshit”, they’d get married. Whether or not they actually do so depends on the AU, but no matter what they’re ride or die
Really appreciated Vega’s presence on the Normandy as everything was going to shit. The two of them clicked really well, and they even dance to old Earth songs sometimes, mostly Andy Grammer’s “Honey, I’m Good”
Falling for Thane scared the living shit out of her at first, entirely because of what this meant about her perception of herself. As it turns out, the two of them had a very similar perspective on their own personhood, which didn’t leave much room for romance. Or so they thought
The butchest Idina of them all, and even then it’s mostly a very soft butch. Short hair, deep desire to provide for and protect her wife, that kind of thing
Has brown eyes!! I always forget that!!
The only time her dagger has ever been used against a living person was to kill her fiancée, in order to help her gain a spell back that didn’t end up being useful. That guilt followed Idina forevermore
I cannot believe she was only 20 when she died. How did I let this happen
After much consideration I’ve realized that she doesn’t hate footwear, she just prefers the feeling of grass beneath her feet. However, when it’s wet or cold or dangerous out, she’s sensible and wears boots. Her feet are still covered in hard skin though
At one point I thought she might have a crush on a male character in Wildgard, but she tapped me on the back, pointed to Lila, and sweetly informed me that she’s a whole-ass lesbian
She probably knew enough Elvish to be able to sing along to her favourite songs in Sarea’s repertoire
Just wanted to find someplace to call home. She loved travelling a lot but she really and truly wanted to put an anchor down somewhere
100% had a beautiful wedding with Lila in the afterlife. Lila had giant fuckoff antlers and the train of Idina’s dress started at her hips and trailed behind her forever. It was very, very sweet and they’re very happy
She and her father cried when they were reunited in the afterlife, and neither of them had an easy time processing how their loved one was killed. But they love each other dearly, even after all this time
A firm believer in the phrase “Confidence is key”. Does she know what she’s doing? About 50% of the time maybe. Does she look like she knows what she’s doing? Always
If she doesn’t look like she knows what she’s doing, something has gone extremely wrong, or she’s trying to flirt
Thought she liked girls, then realized she was girls, then realized she could do both and has never looked back
That said, is perfectly capable of liking guys. She just hasn’t found many guys she likes
Apparently once had a dream so awkward that she refused outright to tell anyone what happened. Esteban knows the most, and therefore knows that it somehow involved Thinn and hogtying. He wisely did not ask for further information
Hates minimalism with a passion, leaves clothes all around her room in protest
Exactly three people have called her Kess before, the most recent being Joelle. Joelle is a lot less insufferable than the other two who have called her by that name, which says something about the people Kestrel used to know
While she doesn’t do it as quickly or as efficiently as most of the other Trackers, she still loves cleaning and maintaining her weapons. It’s therapeutic to spend time with them like that
Honestly wouldn’t mind firing a longbow at some point, but has either never done so or has only done it so long ago that she doesn’t remember how to do it
Her favourite look is ripped-up tights under anything else. Shorts, equally-ripped jeans, an actually nice cocktail dress. She loves it
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