#Mama Odie... I can also see her being right beside Merryweather doing this
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marinerainbow · 2 years ago
Ok, I got to put this all under the readmore, because it is A LOT of thoughts. I'm sorry for the huge message but your post unleashed the floodgates XD
For starters. I love how the TP just lock away Greasy XD I can just imagine them desperately reading Spanish books in hopes to understand their buddy, but of course, the magic prevents their understanding. And Greasy is just yelling at them all like "¡Les dije a todos que lo memorizaran! ¡pero no! idiotas saben todo!" (Let's say he doesn't know that they are magically unable to understand him or something)
The TP can't understand him, but they can tell by the tone of his voice that he's trash-talking them, so they react accordingly, and it just spirals from there XD
Eventually they're just like
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(If you've seen this movie and get the reference, I'll be so happy)
Oh my god. Clayton acting like he knows his shit. At least Rouke comes by it honestly! I hope. He's just like:
Rouke: "Yeah, I've traveled around too. I've heard all these languages."
Cruella: "Oh that's just marvelous!" *gives Clayton the stink eye* "At least SOMEONE here knows what they're doing."
Clayton: >:(
Rouke: "You kidding me? I don't know a damn thing anyone here is saying."
All the other English speaking villains: "What? But you-"
Rouke: "I go places to make money, not attend a God damn language course."
And then everyone is right back to square one.
THE ENGLISH/BRITISH VILLAINS WOULD NOT BE IMMUNE! They wind up speaking Ye Old English. You know, all the "Thy" and "Art thou" stuff. Since they can magically understand this old language, they aren't too shocked. But it must still be jarring to say the OLD old English. Except for Ratigan. I'm convinced he learned the Ye Old English just so he could feel smarter than his fellow Londoners.
The Queen of Hearts though? I'm not sure if she'd follow this. Alice in Wonderland takes place in England too, but she's also from a whole other world, created in Alice's head. And Alice made that world to not make sense in any way. So does the Queen speak in Wonderlandian? Does she speak English but backward? Is it random words? Is it different every time she speaks!?
In New Orleans, French is a second language spoken there (if I'm correct). Which hopefully means that Dr. Facilier gets to speak French AND English. So now, he has to translate for the French and English groups and he's just suffering going back and forth between them all.
And don't forget Yzma and Kronk! Who, if my research is correct, would now speak Quechua. Yzma hates that no one understands her now, but she is- arguably- a scientist. So while everyone is arguing, she's in the back taking notes to see if she'll be able to undo this curse herself. And figure out a way to recreate it so she can use it as bargaining power.
Meanwhile, Kronk is just using the second universal language to communicate: cooking. He may not understand Spanish, but he can tell when someone is enjoying the food he makes ^^
(Bonus: Yzma caused all this. She decided to test out a new potion on everyone- because of course she would- and somehow she and Kronk ingested the potion, and everything backfired and now she's trying to make sure Kronk keeps quiet so nobody finds out and turn on her)
McLeach!!!! Oh dear God, this poor man is suffering. He's been surrounded by animals for the better half of his life. Which makes him perfect for translating animal languages! But when it comes to everyone else, he's... Damn, he's just lost XD he could barely understand the Britain's on a good day, NOW they're speaking all this "Twas art thou" crap? No. Nope. Nada. McLeach is going back to the forest for the month. He'll have better luck translating for Madam Medusa's Alligators than even bothering to try to understand everyone.
(On that note, can you imagine his first meeting with the Toon Patrol? Like they're toons, but they're also animals, so McLeach is just all condescending like "Don't worry guys, I know how to speak weasel." And gets ready to show the other villains how to understand animals... Before the weasels completely destroy his chances by speaking perfect English, adding Spanish in there too to rub salt in the wound XD)
All the animal villains stuck talking like... Well, their species. And since there are different animals (mostly cats, but there are also other animals), almost none of them can understand EACH OTHER. Iago is just squawking about how Scar looked at him funny, and Scar the whole time was just grumbling about being unable to understand his hyena squad anymore.
Actually, wait, McLeach can translate for the animals villains. MCLEACH GET BACK HERE WE NEED YOU-
AND FINALLY!!! If the Pixar villains can get involved, The Toy villains from Toy Story becoming universal translators for everyone. Why? Well, a toy is universal. Any child can play with a doll or teddy bear. So, I imagine naturally, they have some understanding of all languages.
As such, all these villains, who have committed so many crimes and atrocities, are now carrying around living teddy bears and Ken dolls just so they can understand each other. Some are cool with it, some consider it IMMENSELY beneath them. Meanwhile Lotso and friends are just so God damn tired of all this and are just counting the days when they will be free from this torture XD
Oh my god, I'm sorry I just love this idea so much XDD thank you for posting this! And I hope my thoughts got a laugh out of you XD
Disney Villains Only being able to Speak their First Language to Eachother
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Hey fellow Hetalians (No such thing as an ex-Hetalian, y'all know that), remember that post about all the characters only being able to speak their countries official languages for a day?? And the chaos that would've ensued?? This is inspired by that post XD
Imagine the Disney Villains getting hexed by like, Mama Odie or Merryweather or Merlin or someone, so they can all only speak and understand their first language for a month.
Yes. A whole month.
The Toon Patrol are seriously struggling because Greasy keeps talking really fast Spanish at them but the rest have no idea what he's saying. Eventually Smartass decides to lock him in a separate room until this can be figured out and you can just hear banging and vague Spanish coming out the crack.
Ernesto is trying to figure out what some of the English speakers are saying because every 11th word is kinda familiar and they speak slow (Especially the rotund, yodelling fellow) but he keeps getting distracted by this faint Spanish yelling coming from another room.
Hades and Jafar stand off to the side near a wall just watching all the mess. They cant understand each other of course but no one else can understand them either so there's really nothing else to do. Hades will occasionally point something out, like Gaston leaning his sweaty arm on Frollo's shoulder and Frollo struggling to not buckle under the weight, and they'll chuckle. (Yes, laughter. The universal language XD)
Speaking of the French speakers-- they're suffering. Frollo hates his fellow French speakers for all being such sinners, Lady Tremaine hates the others because they're idiots or they have too much attitude towards her (*Cough* mal), Maleficent looks down on them all because they're all magic-less plebs, Edgar hates them because they all have money, and Gaston keeps talking about himself and someone is going to hit him. But they all try to keep it together, keep it classy, though most of them have elected to just not talk except for Gaston.
The oddest pairing is probably Hans and Ursula. She speaks Danish, or a dialect similar to it, and he is either Norwegian or Icelandic. If he's Norwegian, they're trying to figure out what the other is saying. Its mostly Ursula flirting with him and him carefully deciphering her words... and then facepalming. ikke til å tro (Unbelievable). But she keeps making like she has something important to tell him, like how to fix this huge predicament, and he keeps falling for it XD
Hilda and Mother Gothel speak German together and basically check out of this mess- like, do they want to understand what insanity Gaston and Jafar are saying again?? Or Frollo?? Haha, No...
Scroop speaks a harsh alien dialect and Silver's just standing next to him like yeah, yeah... you know i dont understand a word you're saying? *... realises scroop cant understand him either and sighs* Ahhh... *Rubs the bridge of his nose*
Rourke approaches the Horned King, curious why he's just standing there doing nothing and gets a string of growly Welsh and promptly... leaves... Like nope. Not today. That crap sounded like an ancient curse and that is not on todays schedule, thanks.
Clayton claims to have visited half these countries (Truth) and could figure out what many of the other villains are saying if he wanted (Exaggeration) so Cruella's like okay great... go and Captain Hook's like that's marvelous! go ahead then my good fellow!. He goes up to Shan Yu and immediately fails.
Shan Yu is usually pretty quiet around the other villains, so him standing there unreadable though faintly amused by them all is... not out of the ordinary XDD
If you have more to add, please feel free! XD
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