#Mamás y Bebés
meraki-2001 · 2 years
Cuando la maternidad llegue a mi... Espero que mis miedos se transformen en valentía, que mis días se conviertan en alegría,que a mi lado se encuentre una persona que me ame y que cada día se enamore más de mí y de mi pancita, que jamás piense en marcharse y que pinte mis días de alegría, el día en que la maternidad llegue a mi vida espero estar estable sobre todo emocionalmente, que sea la noticia más bonita y cuando al fin ese ser amado llegue a mis brazos poder ser la mejor madre. -Solo así deseo mi maternidad.
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La Importancia del Apego Seguro en el Desarrollo de tu Bebé
La relación que estableces con tu bebé desde el momento en que nace es fundamental para su desarrollo emocional y cognitivo a largo plazo. Uno de los conceptos clave en la crianza temprana es el “apego seguro”. Este vínculo emocional sólido entre padres e hijos tiene un impacto profundo en la vida de tu bebé y puede sentar las bases para relaciones saludables en el futuro. En este artículo,…
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tvgals · 1 year
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sobs 🥹
modern! domestic! miguel! o’hara x black! fem! reader <3
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on your chest laid you and miguel’s beautiful daughter. you laughed airily and ask miguel if he wanted to hold her, why would he say no?
“here you go, my love.” you whisper, putting your fragile daughter in miguel’s broad hands. he wants to cry. he wants to sob and kiss her all over her chubby face. her hair in tufts everywhere, she’s the perfect mix of you two. “she’s so pretty.. ella es perfecta. ya la amo.” miguel coos bringing her up to his own chest. “thank you so much, mi amor.” “of course. you deserve it, baby.”
“mi perfecta esposa e hija. todo mío.” he whispers, kissing you on your forehead, oh so proud of you for bringing this beautiful light into his once dark world. t; “my perfect wife and daughter. all mine.”
your daughter’s bright eyes look at miguel’s, almost identical. he’s on the floor, practically three feet away from your daughter, trying to coax her over to his buff stature. “vamos, mamá. puedes hacerlo.” he says, eyes wide and his hands waving her over, his daughter laughing and drooling. miguel couldn’t help but laugh too. you jog down the stairs to see a picture perfect sight — your husband trying to get your one year old daughter to walk. “hey.” you say, looking at how concentrated your husband was, saying hi back and smiling. “cmon, gabby, cmon.” he waves. she sticks her tongue out and spits, blabbering nonsense. miguel chuckles, turning the tv on to watch the basketball game between the nets and celtics. leaning back on his hands, he’s immersed into the tv almost immediately, not forgetting about you or his daughter.
“weeee!” your daughter giggles, pushing herself off of her hands, wobbling on her chubby legs. miguel looks over and his eyes widen, a smile making his way onto his features. “¡bebé bebé! ¡Ven aquí!” miguel calls you into the living room. you rush in to see your daughter wobbling her way to her father, his arms wide open. once she makes it over, miguel engulfs her in a hug, kissing her on her forehead. “¡Estoy tan orgulloso! tan orgulloso!” t: “i’m so proud! so so proud!”
you didn’t know how to break the news to miguel. would he be mad? would he leave you? no no..he would never. right? this was your thought process while you were mashing the potatoes in a pot, lauryn hill’s low hums ringing throughout the kitchen. “hola hermosa.” says your husband, hugging your around your waist. “hi baby.” you mumble, a sigh leaves your lips.
“what’s wrong?” he asks, pressing kisses to the crown of your head. “just thinking.” you respond. “about what? did something happen?” he inquires, pulling you closer to him. “well…yes. but nothing bad technically. maybe bad for you.” you tell your worried husband, you can feel his lips purse together. “tell me what’s wrong, te estoy suplicando.” he whines, not in a needy or helpless way, but more of a “please i need to know” way.
“i’ll tell you at the table.” you promise, putting a reassuring hand on his. he walks away and sits down in the living room, leaving you with your thoughts. almost an hour later, you announce to him the food is done, handing him his plate so he can eat. you sit down a while later after making your own plate and he looks up at you. “wanna tell me now?” he asks, putting his fork down. you take a deep breath and mutter. “impregnant.” it’s a slur of words he can’t comprehend, so he asks you; “what?” he chuckles at your nervousness.
“i’m pregnant, miguel.” you say, looking down at your food. there’s a beat of silence and you hear miguel sniff. you knew this was a bad idea. “¿en realidad?” he asks. “yes, i’m 100% serious miguel.” you promise, walking over to his side of the table. he brings you over and starts kissing your belly, tears cascading down his cheeks. “mi esposa tiene un bebe! ¡Un bebé perfecto y saludable!” he mewls, pressing his cheek to your stomach. you ruffle his hair and start crying yourself. this is the life you’ve always wanted.
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luceracastro · 8 months
Sabia que ibas a volver
(Enzo Vogrincic x Reader)
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Summary: you and Enzo get in a fight before the big premiere and end up ending your relationship, but he should have known that after years of loving him, you would never miss the biggest moment of his life.
Warnings: just loads of fluff and some angst and sadness at the beginning. (also literally a Spanglish fic but I am more than happy to do it individually in Spanish and english too) (Esta historia estará en spanglish pero estoy más que feliz de hacerlo individualmente en español e inglés.)
The mate you had made yourself had gone cold, and the shared apartment you and Enzo lived in was also freezing between the open windows and balcony, it was late and he still wasn't home, of course, he went out with the guys and you trusted him but he must've gotten carried away still out and about and even though you tried not to think about it too much you couldn't help yourself
a few moments later you heard the sound of keys rustling, the door clicking as it opened and you turned your head to the side seeing him slip in and take off his jacket "¿Ves qué hora es?" you asked as you looked down at your hands and he sighed "Si" it was all he said in a dry tone and it made you annoyed and angry but you were too tired to even try
"Enzo, ¿por qué me haces esto?" you asked with a ting of pain in your voice and he could only look down at his feet not even saying a word as he leaned against the counter in the kitchen, "¿Qué hice? ¿Hice algo mal porque parece que ya ni siquiera quieres estar cerca de mí?" you told him and he shook his head slowly and sighed "no, solo piensas demasiado" and that was it before you got up "Enzo! estas ciego?!" you yelled and he furrowed his brows confused
"llegas tarde a casa, cuando estás aquí estás en el juego o en tu teléfono, ¡incluso ignorándome si te hablo!" you told him and he stood taller "estoy trabajando y me canso!" he said and you sighed "Enzo, créeme, lo entiendo, pero también me gustaría que mi novio me preguntara de vez en cuando cómo fue al menos mi día, siempre te ayudé, estuve ahí para ti cuando llegaste a casa cansado y, por supuesto, planeo hacerlo todavía, pero Yo también quiero saber que estás ahí para mí" was all you could say as your voice cracked and tears streamed down your cheeks
"Ya no eres una niña, lo entiendo y lo siento pero estoy trabajando y también necesito ayudarme en este momento, créeme lastimarte es algo que nunca quiero hacer." he told you and you rolled your eyes "Enzo, literalmente sales todas las noches y vuelves tarde a casa, ¿en qué te ayuda eso? No me importa que salgas pero sería bueno tener una de esas noches dedicadas a mí tu novia" you said as your heart crushed
"nena, Llevamos cinco años juntos, te he dedicado mucho tiempo y ¿es tan malo que quiero un ratito de tiempo con unos amigos?" he asked but his tone had some bitterness to it and you sighed getting up "Nunca dije eso, pero sabes, si eso es lo que quieres, entonces como sea, tal vez deberíamos romper si me dedicas demasiado tiempo como dices tu" and he chuckled "Entonces tal vez deberíamos, si vas a intentar seguir convirtiéndome en el malo, tal vez deberíamos simplemente separarnos"
that broke you entirely, seeing him mean it even though you couldn't see the way his heart broke when those words left his lips you moved to get the bags and suitcases you brought when you moved in and started tearing your clothes from the hangers and pulling your clothes from drawers as his eyes rimmed with tears seeing you pack and the small sobs escaping your lips, he knelt beside you as you packed your belongings
"Espera, espera, no, no lo dije en serio, bebé, para," he put a hand over your arm carefully but you shrugged him off "No, Ya no quiero estar aquí Enzo ya terminé me voy a casa con mi mamá no puedo" you cried louder and covered your face with your hands and you could hear Enzo sniffle "No, no, chiquita no te vayas, por favor quédate conmigo. Lo haré mejor, lo prometo" he said with his hands moving to hold you but you extended your arms to keep his away "No, yo me voy," you said and moved around to pack while he continued to follow you around and plead.
he tried to hold onto you and your stuff but to no avail and he couldn't forcefully make you stay so he watched outside as you drove off tears drenched his cheeks and eyes and his fingers intertwined with his hair as he sighed "Mierda, Mierda!" he moved to get his keys and went to his car, he couldn't stay there not at all he knew he's just remember you not being able to sleep so he just drove, where? who knew.
it had been around a few weeks now, you'd been moved back in with your mom who was there for you helping you unpack and what not, Enzo called and texted constantly and even Matias joined in trying to reach you and some of the others but you didn't answer anything, "Enzo ya levantate, asi no la vas a recuperar" Matias had walked into the room he was allowing Enzo to stay in, his girlfriend was making them food at the time and she herself couldn't make the boy eat anything as he only laid in bed most of the time
"entonces que mas hago? ya la llame y le mande textos y no se que mas hacer," Enzo groaned out and Matias sighed "Luego levántate y ve a la casa de su madre y pide perdón como un hombre" Matias told him and Enzo looked at him "No puedo, ella no quiere hablarme" Enzo's voice was low and his attitude was worse as he didn't even look like he had emotions anymore "La amas?" Matias asked with his arms crossed "más que nada" Enzo said as he sat up "entonces lucha por ella" was all Matias could say before leaving the room
and that's what Enzo was going to do, for once he finally took a shower and got presentable leaving to go over to your mothers house with hopes of taking you back home with him. but that was not the case as your mom stood at the front door a small frown on her face "por favor, solo dile que necesito hablar con ella" he said in a pleading manner but the woman sighed "Lo hice pero ella me dijo que te dijera que te fueras, no se siente muy bien" your mother did try to get you to speak to the boy at the front door but you refused
so Enzo left with his heart broken, he had to get used to the fact that you'd probably hate him forever and ever but it was a stab to the heart to deal with that fact, he loved you and now it hit him how it was pointless being without you, he didn't really have much without you.
so then the time for the premier rolls around, it was the night before and Enzo was sitting in his hotel room just thinking, the TV played in the background but as all he could think about was you everything blurred out for him, he could only have you on his mind and even though his castmates tried to reason with him and even reach out to you for his sake, there was no success.
however what he didn't know was that you were in a hotel a few streets down situating yourself and getting ready to rest for tomorrow, even though he hurt you and said some hurtful things, your love for him is bigger than any of that.
Enzo was getting dressed and ready, the day was here and he was prepared for anything or so he thought, the flashing cameras and lights as well as the loud voices of people, photographers, and interviewers was pretty overwhelming however one huge relief was seeing your face amongst the crowd wearing a beautiful dress made just for you, a big proud smile on your lips as he smiled a small giggle escaping his lips as he was himself again and in a better mood.
once Enzo was off the carpet he spotted you speaking to Matias girlfriend and he rushed over arms engulfing you as yours wrapped around his neck "viniste" the slight crack in his voice made you frown slightly "Obviamente, hablamos de este momento desde siempre y no me lo perdería" you told him a small smile on your lips as tears rimmed your eyes "Te amo," he said and you nodded "yo también, bueno ya no llores," you laughed a little cleaning his cheeks and eyes with your thumbs as he chuckled to himself
"Sabia que ibas a volver," he said with the biggest smile on his lips as you did too "Obvio, eres el amor de mi vida boludo," you chuckled kissing his lips, "vamos," you both interlinked arms and he guided you proudly presenting you as his girlfriend, the light of his eyes, his heart.
"que linda pareja," Fran's voice rang out a little teasing tone as both you and Enzo smiled "Entonces ambos volvieron a estar juntos?" Juani asked as he smiled "Si," Enzo said as he held onto you tighter "Entonces debemos de celebrar, vamos por unas cervezas," pipe's voice rang out as the others laughed "no me opongo a una cerveza" you shrugged and Enzo smiled, the night was well spent at the end.
A/N: I hope you guys enjoyed this as I did, I honestly have been listening to this song for a while and thought of this plot and enjoyed writing it so I hope you all liked it as well and I am open to doing any request :) (Espero que hayan disfrutado esto como lo hice yo, honestamente he estado escuchando esta canción por un tiempo, pensé en esta trama y disfruté escribiéndola, así que espero que a todos les haya gustado también y estoy abierto a hacer cualquier solicitud :)
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pablitogavii · 2 months
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“Feliz cumple cuñadoo!!” Two little girls jumped in Pablo’s lap hugging him tightly and you giggled taking the photo they asked for.
“Ai cariño..look at the cake!” You show him his own pictures on the cake and Pablo smiled at you nodding his head trying a little bit of the frosting.
“Not before pictures chaval!” His mom said and all the women agreed while the med laughed at our silliness.
“Alright, let’s sing the song papi” Aurora said and everyone started singing to very red faced Pablo who didn’t particularly like being a center of attention.
After everyone’s applause, he was the first to break the silence “can I eat my cake now!?” He said as everyone laughed.
“Feliz cumple querido mio..Siempre mamás bebé” Belen kissed his cheeks smiling at Pablo who hugged her back.
“Mamá no estoy un bebé ahora! Tengo 20 años! Porfa” he said making everyone chuckle knowing he was always a mamas boy.
“Feliz hijo! Wishing you fast recovery and happy season” his dad said patting his head and kissing his forehead. It’s all Pablo wanted too..to return back home.
“Felicitaciones hermanito mío! Here is my gift..take your girl somewhere nice and enjoy the rest of summer” she said giving him two plane tickets she got for Greece.
“Ai hermana, you didn’t have to” he said and she shook her head pulling you close saying how happy she is her little brother found an angel.
“Feliz cumple Pablo!!” Everyone was heard as I slowly made my way to him and he smiled opening his arms for a hug.
“Now it’s my turn cariño..Feli cumple mi amor. I wish you the healthiest and happiest season and so much love..here is my present” you said into the huh as he kissed your forehead and played with your hair staring with you with big eyes.
“Te amo mi vida..y eso?” He said before slowly opening the box and seeing a bracelet with both of your initials.
“We can be together even when you travel..mine shines when you touch yours. So we know we are thinking of each other” you explain showing his and he smiled big pitting it on immediately.
“Que preciosos!” Belen was crying now and both of you hugged her.
“Te amo bastante..” he whispered leaning to kiss your lips while everyone whistled making you both shy. You hid your face in the crook of his neck.
“Gracias preciosa mía..tu eres mi regalo más precioso del mundo” he said and you smile cuddling into him before continuing to celebrate with his family.
That night when you were already in bed you looked at the precious picture of Pablo with the two girls smiling to yourself.
He was fresh out of shower looking at you while wearing his pajamas.
“Porque reíste tanto mi vida?” He said laying down and showing him the photo that made him smile.
“You look so good with them..and it made me think wild thoughts” you said growing shy.
“Wild thought preciosa?” He slid beside me pulling me on top of him as I giggled.
“Mhmm it made me want to give you a baby..so bad!” You admit making him smirk and kiss you passionately.
“Hmm I know…and I want that baby so bad right now but we’re young cariño” he said massaging your hips.
“So ya se..” you agree pointing and he kisses it
“One day..preciosa” he said and you smile into the kiss
“Me prometes?” You say and he nods kissing you more
“Te pomelo mi vida” he added before you fell asleep on top of his chest freaking about that future.
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pinkyqil · 2 months
- Feliz Cumpleaños Mamá
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Summary: you spend your mami's brithday with her and her teammates
Notes: a mini brithday fic of Ileana and Irene enjoy reading this was meant to be posted by Irene brithday but as we can see I failed at that 😃 but enjoy nonetheless.
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Today was your mami's brithday a very special day for her and you it was one of the days where mami would let you have cake even though it meant sacrificing her sleep for the night due to you getting very hyper from sugar.
You were at camp with your mami which meant there wasn't any much to do rather than wachting the adults.
train all day before it was lunch time and everyone started singing happy birthday to your mami.
and one of the staff brought her a cake which had you very excited cause you wanted to have a slice of it. You were very excited that you tried wiggling your way out of your mami's grip which didn't work out quite well for you.
"lleana mantengamos la calma, vale, serás el primero en recibir una porción". She said
"si si si".
"entonces vas a ser una buena chica, y tener un poco de paciencia". Irene told you.
Only understanding first slice from all what mami said made you be on your best behavior when she got the cake on the table. And as promised once she blew up the candle you got the first slice of cake.
Before heading to bed you handed Irene the birthday cards and flowers you had special picked out for with alexia when you guys were out.
"gracias mami,y feliz cumpleaños".you told her feeling a little sleepy after the long day that you had.
"De nada bebé". She told you as she left a goodnight kiss on your forehead.
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flan-tasma · 8 months
With a Baby! (Neuvilette x Fem!Reader)
💖~ Hey, I'm back!
Yeh, I'm not dead, I just disappeared a lot.
Warning: Nope now💖, light spicy at point three, Female Reader | Google Translate sponsors me (it's a lie) If I made any mistakes in the english translation, I would be happy to read your comments! | Content in spanish and english
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Neuvilette ha pensado antes en tener una familia contigo, siempre que te comportas tan bonita como siempre con él, cuando cuidas de alguna Melusine que encuentran en el camino a casa o cuando haces cosas tan normales como preparar algo de comer. Siempre piensa en ti como una madre fabulosa.
La idea de que seas una figura cariñosa con posibles hijos suyos pasa desde los escenarios más dulces y adorables, verte cargando a un pequeñito parecido a él y llamándolo tu amor, levantarse y verte arrullar a una niñita con sus ojos. Está en las nubes cada que lo imagina.
Luego todo lo dulce se va filtrando a la necesidad de que tengas a sus hijos, la necesidad de verte con el vientre abultado por su escencia, la necesidad de criarte. Y eso es exactamente lo que hace.
Luego de que logran tener un descendiente, creo que Neuvillette tiene problemas a la hora de llamarlo. Le dices que es un bebé y él dice que es una cría, con el tiempo aprende a llamarlo bebé, pero sigue susurrando que es una pequeña cría formándose en el vientre de su mamá, todo mientras acaricia tu estómago.
Durante el embarazo se vuelve muy sobreprotector. No quiere que te muevas mucho y te canses, no tienes que levantarte a cocinar porque puedes quedarte, no debes agacharte, él recogerá lo que tiraste o te conseguirá otro. Solo no quiere que te hagas daño.
Definitivamente hace una especie de nido con ropa vieja y cómoda, almohadas y deja alguna piedra brillante porque brilla y cree que te gustará.
Sigue preguntándose si pondrás un huevo o no, solo espera que no te duela mucho. Se prepara mucho para dar la bienvenida al pequeño nuevo ser que tendrá su sangre, ya eligieron un nombre, ropa y juguetes divertidos.
Estuvo muy enfocado en decorar la habitación del bebé, quería que los colores le dieran paz y que le gustara su habitación.
Cuando el bebé nace, casi está rezando a todas las deidades que conoce o conoció porque no quiere que sufras, pero se calma cuando le dicen que todo está bien y que el parto está llendo con naturalidad.
¡Felicidades, tienen un adorable bebé! Al inicio puede ser extraño, tal vez incómodo y doloroso, pero hey, estás dando a luz a un dragón.
Literalmente un dragón, largo y escamoso, con pelo muy corto y casi inexistente. Parece un pequeño perrito, pero Neuvilette dice que es normal, aprenderá a tomar forma humana cuando crezca.
Lleva al bebé y a su pareja a casa y los hace descansar mientras se toma su tiempo analizando al drahoncito que tiene en brazos, cómo se retuerce entre sus brazos y cómo su respiración se siente en su mano. Está casi llorando y lo sabes porque algunas gotitas empiezan a resbalarse por la ventana.
Está muy feliz, abraza a la cría y lo acurruca en su pecho, dándole calor, recordándole que su papá estaba con él. Que nunca estaría solo, siempre tendría a alguien que cuide de él.
Cuando pasa un tiempo y el pequeño ya abre los ojos, Neuvilette está decidido. Te mira con toda la seriedad del mundo y te pide dos o tres crías más. Quiere una camada.
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Neuvilette has thought about having a family with you before, whenever you behave as nice as ever with him, when you take care of some Melusine you meet on the way home or when you do things as normal as preparing something to eat. He always thinks of you as a fabulous mother.
The idea that you are a loving figure with possible children of his comes from the sweetest and most adorable scenarios, seeing you holding a little boy who looks like him and calling him your love, getting up and seeing you cooing at a little girl with his eyes. He is in the clouds every time he imagines it.
Then everything sweet filters into the need for you to have his children, the need to see yourself with a bulging belly due to his essence, the need to breed you. And that's exactly what he does.
After you manage to have an offspring, I think Neuvillette has problems calling the baby. You tell him it's a baby and he says it's a offspring, eventually he learns to call it a baby, but he keeps whispering that it's a little baby growing in his mother's belly, all while caressing your stomach.
During pregnancy he becomes very overprotective. He doesn't want you to move a lot and get tired, you don't have to get up to cook because you can stay, you don't have to bend over, he will pick up what you threw away or get you another one. He just doesn't want you to get hurt.
He definitely makes a kind of nest with old and comfortable clothes, pillows and leaves some shiny stones because it's shines and he thinks you will like it.
He keeps wondering if you'll lay an egg or not, he just hopes it doesn't hurt too much. He prepares a lot to welcome the little new being that will have his blood, you have already chosen a name, clothes and fun toys.
He was very focused on decorating the baby's room, he wanted the colors to give them peace and he wanted them to like their room.
When the baby is born, he is almost praying to all the deities he knows or knew because he doesn't want you to suffer, but he calms down when the doctor tell him that everything is fine and that the birth is going naturally.
Congratulations, you have an adorable baby At first it may be strange, maybe uncomfortable and painful, but hey, you are giving birth to a dragon.
Literally a dragon, long and scaly, with very short and almost non-existent hair. He looks like a small dog, but Neuvilette says it's normal, he will learn to take human form when he grows up.
He takes the baby and his partner home and makes them rest while he takes his time analyzing the little dragon in his arms, how he squirms in his arms and how his breath feels on his hand. He is almost crying and you know it because some droplets start to slide down the window.
He is very happy, hugs the baby and snuggles it into his chest, giving it warmth, reminding him that his father was with him. That he would never be alone, he would always have someone to take care of him.
When some time passes and the little one opens his eyes, Neuvilette is determined. He looks at you with all the seriousness in the world and asks for two or three more offsprings. He wants a brood.
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jartita-me-teneis · 5 months
Esto que veis en el vídeo se conoce como Breast Crawl (el gateo hacia el pecho), y durante varias décadas ha sido un fenómeno prácticamente desconocido porque no se permitía a los bebés hacerlo.
Nacían, se les pinzaba y cortaba el cordón, se les limpiaba, aspiraba, pesaba, medía, vestía y se les llevaba a la sala con el resto de bebés (nursery).
Si era cesárea, la separación podía ser de varias horas, incluso de un día para el otro.
Así que las lactancias eran, muchas, un desastre (sabemos que una separación de solo 20 minutos puede perjudicar el agarre y la lactancia a medio y largo plazo).
⭐Hasta que se abogó por no separar al bebé de su madre, porque se vio que mamaban mejor, mantenían mejor la temperatura, tenían menos estrés, mejoraba el vínculo en las primeras semanas, la hidratación de la piel al no bañarlos y el desarrollo al no pinzar el cordón.
Y los bebés empezaron a reptar solitos hasta el pecho, porque nacen activos, despiertos, y con la boquita preparada para mamar y crear su impronta oral (mamar, y memorizar cómo se hace).
Por eso, si no hay ninguna contraindicación, si todo ha ido bien y quieres amamantar, lo ideal es que os dejan así: bebé y mamá, piel con piel, y que tu bebé repte y busque el pecho.
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chiquititamia · 4 months
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Pequeño drabble en venganza honor a la necesidad que @deepinsideyourbeing nos ha provocado a todas de darle nuestro primogénito a Enzo. Te adoro 💕
🐻 ProtectiveDaddy!Enzo x reader 🍧Fluff
Qué maravilloso era poder pasear a la tarde ahora que ya hacía un tiempo más agradable. El calor sofocante con el que habías pasado el último tramo del embarazo se iba disipando con la llegada de septiembre. Ya no era necesario que Enzo te llevase del brazo y caminase lentamente contigo, ya te encontrabas más fuerte, pero sin embargo seguías agarrada a él, por gusto.
Podías sentir los pechos pesados, pero la bebé se hallaba tan calmada en la mochilita donde Enzo la portaba que no querías despertarla, probablemente lo haría ella sin ayuda.
Decidisteis sentaros en una terraza de una cafetería del puerto, con vistas al mar en ese pequeño pueblo costero donde al menos la gente no paraba a tu novio constantemente por la calle.
El mesero tardaba en llegar, así que Enzo dejó a la pequeña con cuidado en su carro y fue dentro a buscar al menos un vaso de agua, para ayudarte a amamantar; tu novio había estado muy presente en todos los cursos de paternidad a los que habías asistido y eso siempre te daba un plus de orgullo y felicidad.
La nena estaba ya haciendo algún gesto en sueños que indicaba que pronto se despertaría, y, como si estuviese medido, comenzó a llorar en cuanto su papi llegó con el vaso de agua en la mano.
-Te pedí también un zumo de naranja natural, amor- dijo con calma mientras se aproximaba al carrito - ¿pero qué le pasa a mi princesita, eh?
No pudiste evitar sonreír ante la ternura inaguantable que suponía ver a los dos amores de tu vida juntos. Aún no te acostumbrabas a la imagen.
-Bebe un poco de agua, cielo -te pidió. Sabía que no eras de esas personas demasiado responsables de su propia hidratación, y te lo tenía que recordar a cada rato, especialmente ahora para poder producir leche sin problema.
Comenzaste a beber lentamente del agua fría que te había traído, y observabas como Enzo intentaba calmar a su hija en brazos, pero tanto tú como él sabíais que lo que le pasaba era que tenía hambre.
-¿Llora mi nena de hambre? Ahora mamá te da tetita, no te preocupés, te vas a quedar llenita ... - Enzo le susurraba mientras le secaba las lágrimas con el pequeño babero de tela estampado de ositos.
Tu corazón se derretía cuando le escuchabas hablar así.
El camarero trajo un zumo de naranja para ti y un café solo ( y probablemente doble) para Enzo. El pobre debía estar muriendo de sueño después de la noche que habían tenido con la pequeñaja.
Comenzasteis a beber y Enzo depositó a la bebé con máxima delicadeza en tus brazos.
Esta vez no llevabas una camiseta o una blusa, si no un vestido de verano, así que en lugar de levantar la prenda y colocar la cabecita de tu hija debajo, no te quedó otra opción que bajar el tirante del vestido y descubrir por completo uno de tus pechos, el cual la nena se llevó a la boca con voracidad.
-Sí tenía hambre ¿eh? - comentaste al notar su succión apresurada. Sujetabas el pezón en su boca con dos dedos en forma de V. Cuando estabais en casa Enzo solía hacer que te recostases sobre él para masajear tus pechos y estimular el flujo de leche, lo cual te ayudaba mucho.
-Sí, pobrecita -dijo Enzo sonriendo con ternura.
Fue un momento de relax con la brisa del mar peinando vuestro cabello, poco ruido, una deliciosa bebida para reponer líquidos...
- Y sí, amor, he pensado que podemos comprarle aquel gorrito de lana para cuando crezca un poco y haga frío podemos ir a Bariloche a que vea la nieve y... -Enzo te hablaba emocionado de la prenda que había visto en una tiendecita hacía unos días. Sin embargo tú no estabas escuchando lo que te decía. Tu instinto se había despertado y estaba vigilando con el rabillo del ojo a un desgraciado que no te había quitado la mirada de encima desde que te habías sentado en aquella terraza. El muy cabrón estaba aprovechando que Enzo se encontraba de espaldas a él para poder mirarte a gusto. Intuía que ibas a bajar la mirada y no ibas a hacer nada, dando impunidad a sus actos. Te estaba comiendo con los ojos, atento a cualquier movimiento de la niña que le permitiese ver un centímetro de piel más. Todo esto, obviamente te estaba desconcentrando y tu pareja no tardó en darse cuenta de que no le estabas prestando atención y te encontrabas tensa.
-¿Amor? ¿Qué pasa, te hace daño?
Negaste con la cabeza.
-¿Y entonces, cielo? ¿Que pensás?
Tu mirada permanecía fija en el sujeto que te observaba, lo cual guio la suya hacía el problema.
El tipo se encontraba concentrando toda su atención en ti mientras además fumaba. No reparó en que Enzo se había dado la vuelta en su silla.
-Qué, te gusta el espectáculo? - inquirió con ira contenida. Proyectó la voz para que sonase grave y fuerte pero no como para llamar la atención de toda la cafetería, que, en realidad estaba bastante vacía.
-Cómo? - dijo el desgraciado mientras apartaba la mirada disimulando.
-Que parés de mirar a mi mujer- le advirtió.
-Enzo... -le dijiste en bajo tratando de calmarle, aunque por dentro también hirvieses de rabia.
-Y bueno flaco, que no se saque las tetas en público - murmuró el tipo mientras apuraba su copa.
-¡¿Que decís?! Enzo se levantó y camino hacia él apartando la silla de forma brusca. Por suerte vuestra hija se hallaba ajena a toda la situación y se encontraba a aún mamando tranquila contigo.
Esta claro que el otro se sorprendió. El aspecto y la calma de Enzo podía llevar a equívoco, pero subestimar su capacidad de protección con su familia suponía cometer un grave error. El tipo levantó las manos con la intención de calmar a Enzo que se aproximaba como un toro hacia él.
-Si vos estás enfermo y ves que mi mujer te está provocando por alimentar a nuestra hija, igual te tengo que enseñar un par de cosas.
-No flaco, yo no...
-Ni se te ocurra volver a mirar a mi mujer ni a mi hija o te arranco los ojos de pelotudo que tenés. Y apagá ese cigarro a la de ya, entendiste? -Enzo apoyó sus manos en la mesa del tipo.
-Ta, flaco, no quería molestar -apagó el cigarro en el cenicero manteniendo la otra mano en alto.
-No se te olvide.
Enzo volvió a la mesa aún con el gesto fruncido y la respiración agitada por la rabia más que por el enfrentamiento. El tipo dejó un billete encima de su mesa y no tardó en irse evitando cualquier contacto visual contigo o con tu novio.
-¿No querés cambiar ya de pecho, mi vida? Preguntó cómo si nada hubiese pasado, mientras acariciaba la mejilla de vuestra niña.
Nunca cesaba de sorprenderte con qué facilidad Enzo cambiaba de tono cuando se dirigía a ti, siempre tan dulce. Asentiste aún conmovida por lo que acababa de pasar: Enzo llamándote "mi mujer", defendiéndote de una manera tan brava, usando una voz que nunca habías oído salir de su garganta... Seguramente tus mejillas se habían teñido de un tono rosado que esperabas poder disimular con el calor.
Cambiaste de pecho a tu pequeña ya tranquila por no ser observada por ningún desgraciado. Enzo, siempre tan atento limpió tu otro pezón de restos de leche y de saliva con un círculo de algodón y te acomodó el tirante del vestido, dándote un beso en la mejilla después.
No sabías si eran las hormonas que tenías totalmente revolucionadas, si era la falta de sexo por motivos evidentes o que simple y llanamente la forma en la que Enzo te había protegido te habían vuelto loca, pero una ardiente sensación te estaba invadiendo de dentro hacia fuera como si de una repentina fiebre se tratase.
-Amor? -dijiste suavemente
-Sí, nena -levantó la vista hacia ti mientras acariciaba a vuestra hija, que seguía comiendo.
-Cuando lleguemos a casa y la niña se duerma, ¿me podés hacer el amor?
No tenías claro de donde salía semejante honestidad y desde cuando eras así de directa. Quizás la gente tenía razón y la maternidad te cambiaba hasta niveles insospechados.
-Y sí, por supuesto -contestó él sin titubear, sin sonrojarse, y como si le hubieras pedido cualquier otra cosa- no veo la hora, mi niña.
tags: @madame-fear @deepinsideyourbeing @loveinsprings @lunitt @lastflowrr @iamjustadoll (como siempre, diganme si quieren que las incluya en la taglist o las borre <3)
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ohbabydollie · 8 months
some schlatt n latina reader hcs bc i can and i’ve never seen them done and it js makes sense in my mind
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he absolutely loves celebrating holidays with you, especially in the winter time
“cut a small piece schlatt” you warn looking at him “but i want a big-” “i swear to god, if you get the baby” you threaten as he cuts a large chunk and starts eating it with his chocolate abuelita before suddenly stopping as you raise a brow at him
he spits something into his napkin
“le tocó el bebé! (he got the baby!)” your tía cheers as you stare at him
“you should’ve eaten it” you huff jokingly
he will speak to your family in spanish and understands them which is a first from a partner of yours and they like it very much
he’s loves the food
especially caldos y sopas
n stuff made mostly in the winter time (100% asks for caldo de pollo on the hottest day known to man)
now refuses to drink regular pack hot chocolate after drinking chocolate de abuelita and makes you make it for him when he’s craving some
like will eat 2-5 bowls of pozole if given the chance with tostadas
“mamá ya, he’s had enough to eat” you say picking up his bowl of pozole before your mom takes it “pero míralo, tiene hambre(but look at him, he looks hungry)” she says serving him some more “no le das de comer o que? (you don’t feed him or what?)” she asks placing the plate down as he grins making you roll your eyes
your tias y abuelitas LOVE him from how much he eats and how he’ll sit around gossiping and talking with them for hours
your younger siblings or cousins absolutely adore him, from gaming to playing soccer with him and will ask for him when he doesn’t come with you to a dinner or party
yk how they rent out bouncy houses for birthday parties
he’s helping the kids tipping them over and will unplug the bouncy house to mess with them as they start to yell
“why are you here? did jay come?” your nephew asks looking up at you as his mom smacks him on the head “pide la bendición primero menso (ask for blessing first dumbass)”
some of your family didn’t really understand his career at first until after he explained that making and posting videos makes him money along with his other businesses
“soy muy trabajador y tengo dos negocios (im very hard working and i have two business)” he explains as your family nods, especially your tios, in approval
speaking of tios, they didn’t like him at first
kinda standing there judging him silently, beer in hand until they offered him one and he responded in spanish
now they’re asking when the both of you plan on getting married, especially after hearing how “hard working” he is
has a love-hate relationship with the crusty white dogs or chihuahuas your family has
they will bark, bite and nip at him until he stops trying to pet and hold them
god forbid one of them claimed you as their favorite person because he is not allowed in your vicinity at all
“be nice, es tu papi (he’s your daddy)” you say, the dog growling at schlatt while schlatt gives it the cockiest grin “soy tu papi nuevo (im your new daddy)” he says going to pet the dog as it tries to bite his finger
makes jokes about you using him for a green card, money, etc. but won’t push your boundaries at all
“it’s either bisexual or bipolar and i chose bipolar when it comes with a fat ass in forbidden pants” schlatt tells the chat as you come in, handing him something to eat and walk out as he watches you, “yeah the red flags are looking green when you’re seeing them from behind”
likes your attitude, just the witty comebacks n stuff
especially when you’re around his friends and say something in spanish that will have him flustered while they ask for him to translate
if he ever genuinely makes you upset he’s at your feet, apologizing
“please please please please” he begs, on the floor “jay, it’s fine” you say crossing your arms in the way he knows it means its not fine “POR FAVOR (PLEASE) Y/N, ILL GIVE YOU WHATEVER YOU WANT” he begs, pulling out his wallet
is probably the biggest simp known to man for you
will use anything as an excuse to show you off, like anything
even gifts, he’ll take a photo of the gift and post it along side a selfie you sent him just to show you off some more
flexes you to everyone from his friends to chat
“what does the schirlfriend look like?” he reads off, immediately grabbing his phone to show off the new lock screen he has of you “hot as fuck, i’ll tell you that for sure”
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might write some more if u guys want it :3
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆: Earth 42 Miles x F! Y/N
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎:Miles owns a business to help with his job as The prowler, he gets a new assistant thats trying to end his marriage .
𝐀/𝐍: I was scrolling on tiktok and let’s just say , I got some inspiration. Lowkey got bored towards the end also it dosent have the much spanish which is ny fault
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:Cussing,Spanish might be a little choppy ( blame google) IM TRYING YALL IM TRYING For the story HE US AGED UP
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Inspired by : Obsessed-Movie and Some random TikTok I saw .
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You were at home relaxing ,I mean you couldn’t do that much sense you were 6 months pregnant.
You are waiting fir your husband to come home . You haven’t seen him all day since he goes to work so early.
You hear keys jingle at the door , who could it be…. It’s your husband. He smiles as he sees you getting up to greet him. “. ¿Cómo está mi mamá bebé descalza? (Hows my barefoot baby mama going )“ he jokes to you . “Im doing well baby daddy “ you joke back to him.
“ Cómo te fué en el trabajo ( how did it go at work)“ you ask him as you penguin walk to the couch.
“it was good but rico is on a family vaction, así que tengo que contratar temporalmente a alguien( So I have to hire someone temporarily)“ he tells you
“ok well you know , contratar a alguien que sepa hacer el trabajo (hire someone who knows how to do the job)“ you tell him.
he nods and heads to the bedroom as he stsrt to undo his tye.
You continue to relax , the baby starts to kick your stomach “baby come get your daughter “ you laugh .
“ Qué está haciendo ella ahora(What is she doing now)“ he asks , he walks out of the bedroom in sweatpants and a tank top and sits on the couch next to you .
“Digamos que le gusta patear (Let’s just say she likes to kick)” you say . “Sound like she might like track , cross country or soccer “ he says “I’m thinking soccer, she kicks really hard “ Yall both laugh.
“I need a break from work, you know how i said we are temoraroy hiring people“ he asks you . “Yes babe“ he tells you . “Hiring today was horrible I don’t think people was reading the qualifications for this job like at all “ he tells you , you start to chuckle.
“What happened,” you ask him .
“So this guy comes in , he sits down so I’m like “do you have any experience with research and finance “
So he like “to be honest no, mi mamá dijo que están contratando y no me quiere en su sótano (my mom mama said they hiring and she tired of me living in her basement )“
so I’m like dang ok . “Do you have any experience with cleaning because we have a janitor job” I tell him
“yeah my moms she made me clean and wash dishes , she made me wash the floor and the walls“ he told me
“Ok , I’ll contact you in two weeks to let you know about the  janitor job” I told him
“Yo man thanks “ he said then he walked out .
“Baby , that man was so honest” he says he also made me want to laugh.
“That was definitely something“ you tell him
“I'm going to start with our dinner, tonight we are having chicken with rice “ he says and smiles . “Yum” you tell him
“Voy a ser chef’to(I’m going to be a chef) “ he laughs
“Mhm, tengo mi propio Gordon Ramsey( Mhm , I got my own Gordon Ramsey )you joke
“No no, Soy mejor que eso(I’m better than that)he says .
“oh is that so ,Yo seré el juez de eso(I’ll be the judge of that) “ you tell him.
“Cariño, recibí una llamada del tío( Baby I got a call from uncle), he probably talking about business “ he says . “That’s fine you can answer “ you tell him.
Miles starts talking with his uncle , basically talking about business and other stuff . You usually work him , since you guys are duo “Mrs. Prowler and Mr. Prowler. From then till now , you have experienced all of that job has for offer and you don’t have want that while your pregnant.
He hangs up the phone and really starts cooking . “Baby I got an assistant “ he smiles . “Uncle Aaron chose her and the assistant starts tomorrow “ he says . “That’s good that means you don’t have to worry about hiring “ you say
“Yup and that’s what I like ,Estoy de vuelta en el negocio, cariño(Im back in business baby). “ he says you smile.
“Alright business man how’s the cooking going “ you ask him .
“My bad , ill start now ,No puedo matarte de hambre (I can't starve you) “ he jokes
“At least you know “ you told him.
He cooked and you guys would eat dinner together .
But little did miles know that tommorow he got an assitant from ....
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𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @not-aya @html-nae @khamanix
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cieloclercs · 1 year
expecting — fernando alonso
genre. social media au requested. yes pairings. fernando alonso x fem!reader warnings. language, fluff, age gap
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liked by lewishamilton, charles_leclerc and 1,547,065 others
tagged: fernandoalo_oficial
y/n_y/l/n baby alonso coming soon… 💗
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lance_stroll congratulations y/n! i can’t wait to meet the little one 🤍
y/n_y/l/n he or she can’t wait to meet uncle lance either! <33
lance_stroll i’d also like to say i was actually the first person to know about nando jr… @/fernandoalo_oficial suck on that
fernandoalo_oficial Cabrón, I will push you off the track
y/n_y/l/n @/fernandoalo_oficial babe, be nice to your teammate
y/n_y/l/n @/lance_stroll ONLY because i needed someone to help me with the surprise…don’t flatter yourself, lancelot 🫶
chloestroll congratulations lovely! ❤️
y/n_y/l/n thank you, chlo! <3
astonmartinf1 We’ve got the contract drafted up for baby Nando 😉
y/n_y/l/n future world champ? 😏
username nando jr 2043 incoming…
fernandoalo_oficial Os quiero tanto a los dos, mis milagros / I love you both so much, my miracles 🤍
y/n_y/l/n nosotros también te queremos bebé / we love you too baby 🥹
carlossainz55 felicidades y/n ❤️
y/n_y/l/n muchas gracias carlitos 🫶
username y/n and fernando having a baby was NOT on my 2023 bingo card
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liked by astonmartinf1, estebanocon and 3,275,937 others
tagged: y/n_y/l/n
fernandoalo_oficial La mejor sorpresita ❤️ Mamá y papá te quieren mucho, mi ángel. No podemos esperar a conocerte x
The best little surprise ❤️ Mummy and Daddy love you so much, my angel. We can’t wait to meet you x
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lewishamilton Congratulations, mate!
*fernandoalo_oficial liked this comment
lancestroll aren’t you a little old to be a dad?
fernandoalo_oficial @/y/n_y/l/n Sort him out please
lancestroll seriously, congratulations old man
y/n_y/l/n te amo infinitamente / love you endlessly 🤍
fernandoalo_oficial Muchas gracias por hacerme este bonito regalo / Thank you so much for giving me this beautiful gift 🤍
carlossainz55 estoy deseando conocer a nando! / can’t wait to meet baby nando ❤️
*fernandoalo_oficial and y/n_y/l/n liked this comment
username i am SOBBING
username omg we’re gonna get dad fernando content 🥹
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requests are open! send something in if you’d like <3
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xochiquetza3autora · 2 months
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-¡Dios mío! ¡hijo! ¿De verdad me estás diciendo que quieres follarme?
-Sí mamá, mucho y dejarte embarazada también… ¿Me vas a dejar?
-Oh cariño, yo también lo quiero mucho. Mi fantasía es tener a tus bebés en mi vientre.
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Hii!! This is my first time ever requesting 😭 but i was wondering if you could do something with earth42 miles and the reader both being the prowler?!! Love the work btw😻
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A/N: Heyyyy I love this idea and thank your for requesting of course I can <3
WARNING: I don't speak Spanish so I will be using google translate, lol. However, if anyone is a translator and can help me out please do!
You and Miles have been best friends since babies, given both of your parents were good friends.
As yall grew older yall started dating
When his dad died it crushed you almost just as much as it crushed him.
Miles didn't even show up to the funeral. He was in denial that his father was actually gone.
As time passed he would start canceling hangouts and dates because he had to take care of some "business" with his uncle.
He kept doing it so much to the point where you were fed up and took it into your own hands to find out what was going on.
So when school was out you followed him to his destination. Which looked like his garage?...
You ended up finding out this whole time that Miles and his uncle were in this whole "Prowler" scheme together and Miles was instructed to do all these dangerous murders missions by himself.
So you went up to his room and waited for him to come, so you could obviously confront him about it.
And there he is. Jumping through the window. So casually that you know he does it all the time.
" Hi., Miles"
He jumps startled at your unexpected appearance.
"¡Maldita mamá no me asustes así! ¡Y qué estás haciendo aquí!"
"Care to explain why you're jumping through your own window at 3am?" You question already knowing the answer just trying to see what he's gonna come up with.
He gives you that look knowing that you know what he's been up to.
"Bebé, escúchame yo-."
"YOU'RE THE PROWLER? AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME SHIT? THE FUCK KINDA BOYFRIEND ARE YOU MILES?" You are now angry, rage immediately taking over you.
"I did it to protect you, this is a dangerous job and I can't have you involved in this. No puedo perderte como lo perdí ma." He states in an almost whispering tone looking down at you.
"But that's the issue. I CAN help you, Miles, you can't keep doing this alone, just let me help you, por favor eres mi corazón y quiero ayudar! You plead to him. Your throat choking back sobs. Tears falling down your face.
He quickly opens his arms wide to trap you in a bear hug.
"Ok ok mami. Deja de llorar está bien. Puedes ayudarme shh está bien
• Even though you guys technically are partners now, he'll make you stay behind on certain missions depending on how dangerous they are. He'll be damned if he lets you get seriously injured.
• He's always patching you up and taking care of you every time you get hurt
"Oww Miles! That one hurt worse than the others"
He chuckles at your pouting
"Lo siento mami tienes una más solo sé una buena chica y respira estarás bien"
• He definitely designs your costume for you, out of your favorite colors and a heart symbol, which represents his love for you (awhhhhh ^-^)
• Kisses before you leave for missions because its a way of saying "I love you"
• If Aaron tries to make you go on a mission and makes Miles stay back he gets angry and flips out, and definitely doesn't do it
"¿Qué quieres decir? ¡Joder, no! ¡Ella no puede estar jodidamente sola, no! ¡No me importa!"
• In conclusion, yall are a great duo!
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deepinsideyourbeing · 4 months
Vi un TikTok de una mamá diciendo que nadie te prepara para la manera en la que te explota el corazón al momento de darle el primer bañito a tu bebe y bueno yo soy solo humana... Enzo x reader?❤️
Fluff ♡
-Dejame a mí- insistís.
-No, no tenés que hacer fuerza.
No podés enojarte, ¿no? Durante toda la relación y especialmente en el embarazo Enzo siempre te cuidó, pero desde que regresaron del hospital se volvió todavía más atento y está presente hasta en los detalles más microscópicos, probablemente mimándote más que a la bebé.
Sumergís tus dedos en el agua de la pequeña bañera para comprobar que la temperatura sea ideal, asegurándote también de tener a mano el resto de los productos necesarios, y hacés un gesto para que Enzo se aproxime. Toma a la bebé con cuidado y se acerca con pasos lentos hasta la ducha, aceptando tu ayuda cuando necesita arrodillarse.
-No llores, no llores, no llores- suplican ambos cuando los pies de la pequeña rozan el agua. No llora y tampoco se queja, para alivio de ambos, porque está concentrada en el rostro de Enzo –y las muecas ridículas que hace- e ignora lo que sucede en la habitación.
Recogés con tus manos pequeñas cantidades de agua para bañar delicadamente el cuerpo de tu hija, acariciando en un principio la suave piel de sus pies y sus pequeñas piernas. Ella te dedica dos o tres miradas que parecen ser de confusión y emite algún que otro sonido que endulza tus oídos y los de Enzo, que es puro sonrisas y orgullo.
-¿Le ponemos el conjuntito blanco de ositos? Y le sacamos fotos con el jazmín.
Asentís aún concentrada en humedecer el cabello oscuro de la pequeña, sin lugar a dudas heredado de su padre, y luego mojás tus manos para poder lavar su dulce rostro. Jurás que te está sonriendo, independientemente de si es posible o no, y no podés evitar acariciar su nariz y las comisuras de sus labios mientras mordés los tuyos para contener la emoción.
-A veces tenés buenas ideas.
-¿Esta no fue una buena idea?- señala a la bebé y le arrojás unas gotas de agua en el rostro para borrar su mueca burlona.
-¿Los Vogrincic siempre hacen chistes tan malos?
-Vos también sos Vogrincic.
-No de nacimiento, así que tengo mejor sentido del humor- negás-. Y ella fue mi idea.
 -Entonces el próximo puede ser idea mía.
Suelta una carcajada estrepitosa, sólo porque sabe que el sonido no molestará a la pequeña, y esquiva el golpe que dirigís a su brazo. La bebé se queja en sus manos, como si reclamara los segundos de atención que no le brindan, por lo que ambos vuelven a la tarea del baño y se apresuran para evitar que sienta frío.
Sólo cuando la envuelven en una toalla y te sentás en la cama para vestirla Enzo te permite sostenerla unos segundos, confiando en que gracias a la posición tu cuerpo no se encontrará tan exigido y que el esfuerzo no será demasiado agotador.
.A vos también te quiero sacar fotos- besa tu mejilla-. ¿Querés?
-Estoy hecha un desastre.
-Nada que ver- se arrodilla entre tus piernas-. Estás más hermosa que nunca.
¿Qué pasa que hoy estoy escribiendo sobre bebés y embarazos? *mira el calendario* Ah, sí, cierto. Es la fecha y también las ganas que tengo de regalarle un par de hijos a Enzo 😔
taglist: @madame-fear @creative-heart @delusionalgirlplace @chiquititamia @llorented @recaltiente @lastflowrr ♡
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unforgettble420 · 1 year
hello love, may I request miles42! with a sick reader? Like since the morning she's been quiet and sluggish and she can barely stay awake? And she feels even worse cuz she's been working a lot and hasn't been sleeping well so she's already exhausted plus the fatigue from being sick and she almost passes out during lunch so Miles makes her skip the rest of school so that he can take care of her at home? Can we get a lil Momma Rio as well??
OMG YESSS🙈🙈 42!miles does smth to me😮‍💨
<!warnings! Not to much warnings except for the shitty Spanish😭 maybe smth Abt y/n kinda panicking! !Warnings!>
not proof read
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The flu had been going around school so at some point u were bound to get it. When u got the flu it was always the worst, miles was aware of this and right as he saw u cough he knew u were sick
“ bebé it’s ok mi mamá te ama” (babe it’s ok my mom loves you)
“ miles -cough- I don’t wanna bother your mom she already does so much -cough-”
After miles had brought (forced) you back to he’s place he’s mom had already made some soup “oh cariño, ¿cómo has estado?” (oh honey how have u been?) she pulled you into a big hug “has miles been treating you well?” She half whispered “MAMI!”
You giggled at the little interaction, after enjoying ms.morals soup you realized you had a big project due in science!
You started panicking a little, of course miles had noticed you freaking out “y/n u ok?” He asked with a worried expression
“No. I forgot about my science project and I’m already failing that class and if I miss another assignment I might have to do it next semester and I literally can’t do that it my mom will flip-”
Miles put hes hand on top of yours “cariño, it is ok we can work more on your project after you rest, u need to rest first. Ok?” Seeing how worried miles was about you made u feel better
For the rest of the day you spent watching movies with miles and eventually falling asleep…
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