#Makoto even put in Yuma’s document to never let Yuma anywhere near the kitchens
sakura-code · 1 year
How much does makoto care for Yuma
In the misfit arc
When they meet or call each other does he ask questions like “are you sleeping well”?,”have you eaten”?,”are you taking your medication”?(if Yuma does?) etc.has mokoto take care of him physically and mentally when he gets the chance?
I can’t help but imagining it
Oh, absolutely! He would act like a worried parent a lot (despite being technically younger than Yuma by biological age) to Yuma.
He started reaching out to Yuma after he realized Amaterasu’s and Peacekeeper’s true intentions with Yuma. He started inviting him to his apartment a lot to provide him a more relaxing environment for him, like to vent his emotions or give him the nourishment he needs or take care of him when he’s sick or check on him in general. He’s also the only one at the time who actually understands and take consideration of Yuma’s feelings about Amaterasu’s and the Peacekeepers’ actions and the result of the murderers and mysteries being made so.
He’s also the one who encourages and pushes Yuma to run away from Amaterasu and find his own life. He helped him to run away from Amaterasu without too much issues. He’s the one who makes sure both Amaterasu and the Peacekeepers are stopped from looking for the Death Detective and “take care of” any people who knew who the Death Detective really was. He is the one who provided the resources like medications, a phone that wouldn’t be able to be hacked by Amaterasu and the Peacekeepers (with the only contact being Makoto himself), a bag of stuff like a blanket, extra clothes and pjs, hygiene kits, and food, and money. He even forged documents so Yuma can go under a fake identity as “Yuma Kokohead” so he doesn’t have to worry about anyone else finding him, and get a job to provide himself.
I know I said they end up separated once Yuma left, but in truth, they still stay connected through Yuma’s unique phone to text him if he is okay, and meeting one-on-one occasionally when Yuma needed to restock on medications or check on him (since Makoto doesn’t trust anybody to end up backstabbing them and get Yuma sent back to Amaterasu). He was absolutely ecstatic to see how happy Yuma is becoming overtime as he worked for the Nocturnal Detective Agency and become close with the detective family, and he then began to help the Agency behind the scene as well like try to keep the Peacekeepers off their tail. There’s even a funny yet wholesome moment I have where when Makoto meets the Nocturnal Detective Agency for the first time, he acts like an ecstatic parent meeting their child’s friends for the first time (shaking their hands and rambling excitedly on finally personally meeting Yuma’s close friends/family that helped and made Yuma’s life so much better, all while there is like guns being pointed at everyone’s head).
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