#Makeup Artistry Showcase
candylandphotos · 1 year
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Beauty Model Photo Makeup "Unveiling Beauty: A Captivating Snapshot of Model's Elegantly Crafted Makeup ✨📸 #GlamourCaptured #MakeupMastery"
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kkanabel · 21 days
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caffeine addiction ❃ tatas ❃ chapter 6
bakugou katsuki x reader / coffee shop!au + fashion?au
⇦ previous chapter - next chapter ⇨ warnings: mentions of tatas
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This show was particularly empowering, almost. While watching it, you felt like power and pride were coursing through your veins (the same way it feels when you drink one of Katsuki’s americanos). The background music was funky and bold, and it perfectly complimented the artistry of the fashion line.
It ended up exceeding your expectations, which were already quite high. Everything about it was hypnotising to you. The minds behind this line were definitely amazing. 
At your front-row seat, you gaped as you took photos of the looks that stood out to you– ones that you’d request to take photos in. They were also the looks that you would immediately try to purchase. Which was a lot.
When the showcase of the line ended, Bakugou Masaru and Bakugou Katsuki went onto the stage and gave a low bow, smiling brightly at the audience and the surrounding cameras. 
Katsuki’s smile was blinding. You could hardly tear your eyes off of him when he looked straight at you and kept waving. The gaze was so intense that you had to turn your eyes away in fear that you might get burnt from how good-looking he is. His teeth were so straight and white. What the hell?
His smile is so boyish and relaxed. In comparison, when his face is relaxed into that regular resting bitch face of his, he looks a little scary. However, he’s still handsome nonetheless. But when he smiles? There’s something about it that could make you faint on the spot. It’s like simping over that one YA novel dude who’s a “bad boy” and never smiles, but he cracks a small smile when he finally falls in love, and then you automatically start chasing him like a crazed fangirl!
Actually, that may be the perfect metaphor to describe Bakugou Katsuki. Either way, you shake yourself out of those thoughts.
When the two left the stage, (you were absolutely not staring at Katsuki’s broad shoulders as he left) your aunt elbowed you. She raised a carefully-manicured hand to sweep back a strand of her hair behind her ear before leaning into you and placing a hand by her mouth to start whispering into your ear. “Is there something going on between you two?”
You scoff and cross your legs together, “No. If we were, I would have told you already! He’s just really attractive.”
Your aunt mirrors you and crosses her legs as well. “Of course he is! He’s the son of people I’ve been involved with!” At this admittance, your jaw drops. 
“I really want to know, but at the same time, I don’t.” You cringe at the thought of your aunt being “involved” with these people. The imagination popped into your head before you even realized it. You cursed your artistic mind for the horrid scene.
You cleared your throat and uncrossed your legs to stand up, reaching a hand out to your aunt. “Anyway, we should head backstage. I’m sure you’re excited to take photos with your uh… college… friends?”
Your aunt took your hand and laughed, not elaborating on the subject. You were thankful. 
After the show, the models were all changing back into their original clothes and removing their makeup.
When you reached the room in the building dedicated to the afterparty, you found a chair so you could swipe through the photos you got of the pieces. They were truly beautiful. You’ll put these photos into your dedicated photo album for fashion inspiration.
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Meanwhile, Bakugou Katsuki splashed his face with cold water and stared at himself in the men’s bathrooms. He watched as the water dripped down his sharp features, rolling down slowly before falling into the sink. He grabbed the paper towels and gently pat his skin dry (as per the directions of his mother– “Never rub your face dry!”).
He looked back into his reflection, leaning onto the sink counter. He sighed. He doesn’t remember the last time he’s felt this strongly about someone. Actually, he doesn’t know if he’s ever felt this way. His first girlfriend, Tanaka Ayano, made him feel a couple butterflies, but it was nowhere near this level. Right now, his stomach was swirling and he felt his chest tighten. It was almost nauseating. Did he eat something weird this morning?
The blonde felt strange. Why is his body insistent on acting like a teenage boy? It’s been years since that stage of his life! Is this what it feels like to be a late bloomer? He started cursing the higher powers above for making him feel this way. But maybe it was that one piece of slightly suspicious chicken he ate. 
Slowly leaning back and straightening his back and shoulders, Katsuki self-readjusted, listening to the satisfying popping noise of his back and his knuckles. He looked back at himself in the mirror, posing like he was the alpha male.
“You can do this. You’ve been through much worse shit. You can handle one cute girl,” he repeated in his mind. 
He was wrong.
Either way, he exited the bathroom to get ready for the upcoming photo shoot he had with the girl that drove him insane. When he approached the afterparty, his father called him out. “Katsuki, are you alright?” 
Katsuki rubbed the bridge of his nose and took in a deep breath. “Yeah, I’m just a little… stressed.” He decided not to give his father any further details, saving himself the embarrassment. 
Masaru smiled and rubbed at his son’s back. “Well, whatever it is,” he said, “it’s not good to overthink. Just take it a step at a time.” When Katsuki heard this, he slightly narrowed his eyes at his dad.
He totally knows what’s going on. 
Katsuki decided not to speak any more about the topic, though. The simple idea of his dad knowing about his schoolboy crush was enough to make him grimace. 
After you finished getting dressed into the outfit of your choice, you went back out to the picture-taking area, where you saw Katsuki. You quickly ran over to him. “Bakugou-kun! Your designs were amazing!” 
He froze for a moment when he saw you. You were dressed in a trench coat and a metallic miniskirt with this line’s signature pattern– a pattern that he spent hours poring over. The skirt and the cropped shirt under the coat were primarily his designs. The sight of you in clothes he designed made him strangely embarrassed. And turned on.
He cleared his throat. “Thanks… ‘ya look great.” He said in a gruff voice, looking away to hide his face as much as he could. "Avoid eye contact at all costs," he thought.
You smiled up at him, standing on your tiptoes, regardless of wearing platform heels (also from the collection). “Wow, it feels a little weird being closer to your eye-level in these. I'm so used to having to look up.”
With this, he looked back at you while you were attempting to breach his height on your tip toes. It was dangerously cute. Especially when you went too far on your toes and then started tipping over. He quickly put out his arm and caught you, hands landing on your waist. 
“Careful with that, short stack.” He let go of you and let you regain your balance.
You fixed your hair awkwardly but found the perfect opportunity. “Wow, Bakugou-kun.”
The man in question slightly tilted his head. “Wow, what?”
“It looks like I’m already falling for you,” you say with a straight face, watching for his reaction. The attempt at a poker face fails, however, because a bit of the laugh you were trying to hold back starts exploding out. You start snorting and wiping at a tear in your eye from laughing so hard at your own joke.
He was completely confused for a moment before he realized that you just made the worst joke in human history. “That’s the worst one I’ve heard so far,” he says, poorly containing his laugh, mostly laughing at the fact that you were so entertained by your own words.
“Oh yeah! I almost forgot– here are the clothes that your mom put out for you!” you went to a nearby rack and grabbed the clothes from it, handing Katsuki his clothes.
After a couple minutes passed while you were playing Fashion Story on your phone, making sure your fake boutique was fully stocked. When Bakugou came back out of the dressing room, you gaped. He looked like a supermodel. Better than a supermodel, in fact.
The collection perfectly suited him. It was all sharp angles and bold lines, just like him. It framed his face and his figure beautifully, and his mess of spiky blonde hair worked seamlessly with the line’s signature pattern.
He had a blazer with the pattern and wore a dress shirt underneath with a couple of the top buttons undone. The dress pants he wore fit him perfectly, sculpting his thighs and slightly flaring out at the ends. He had on a Masaki watch and a necklace with their famous logo on the chains. 
“Woah. You look amazing!” you exclaimed, immediately turning off your game and placing it into your purse which was tossed onto some random desk. “Wow. Everything suits you so well!”
He flushed under your compliments. It was one of the first times a girl has ever complimented him so boldly without having any romantic undertones. He didn’t know if he felt great that you complimented him or if he felt disappointed that you didn’t have any flirtatious inflections in your tone. It was definitely a combination of both.
He avoided eye contact with you once again.
After the both of you got dressed, you went straight to the photographer. It seemed that Mitsuki just got finished speaking to them, and her face looked sneaky and extremely suspicious. 
When she saw the two of you, she essentially squealed, calling over her two lackeys. “Masaru! Takumi! Come take a look at these two!” She put a hand over her mouth and had a wide grin on her face. “They look so beautiful!”
Masaru came up behind her and wrapped an arm around her waist, giving a gentle but knowing smile to Katsuki, who gave him a very deep frown.
You chuckled, thanking Mitsuki. “Oh, word of warning– I’m not too great at posing. So, I apologize in advance,” you said, looking at the photographer and Katsuki with an apologetic smile. 
The photographer waved you off with a smile. “No worries! I’ve got you. If you guys need any help, I can help guide you.”
You gave him a thankful smile and walked to the photo background and started posing for the photos.
The first one you did, you placed a hand on Bakugou, crossed your ankles, and looked away from him. You were using your prior knowledge from watching models do their work. You still weren’t a professional by any means, but the photographer still praised you. Katsuki, of course, was in the same boat. He was doing quite well, too. 
Mitsuki set out two other outfits for the two of you to pose in. One was an extremely colorful set– Masaki’s signature colors: bright orange, muted green, and silver. The other was an all-black set.
The two of you did great in the colorful set. The photographer placed us in simple but versatile stances, changing it up with one arm movement or leg movement once in a while. They told us to just have a regular conversation to make the photo look like it was candid.
In some of the photos, you and Katsuki were sitting down on a chair. In one, Katsuki was sitting in the chair, and you were told to “possessively wrap your arms around his neck and look fierce”. In another, Katsuki was told to place a hand on your waist and look deep into your eyes.
In the all-black set of clothing, however, is when things got extra suspicious. You recognized these pieces from the show, of course, but putting it on was an entirely different meatball.
These pieces were a little different from the other pieces in the line. Particularly, they were a bit more revealing. The fabrics would be made from organza and a sheer, mesh fabric. In particular, you were wearing a long and completely black evening gown. So, your legs were covered, but the top portion was quite exposed. The chest area was cut out to perfectly frame your… gnip gnops. 
The bottom portion of the dress was draped in multiple layers of organza fabric. When you walked, it would flow behind you and make you feel like a dark, evil princess. The sleeves were similar, made with organza that showed your skin beneath, but otherwise was sewn into a beautiful puffed sleeve that tapered at your wrist.
But the gnip gnops were another issue. 
Either way, when you saw Katsuki, you were appalled. Again. You swore that this man was carved out of marble by some random Greek artist. 
He was wearing something similar to you, an all-black outfit with a dress shirt that looked prince-like. His sleeves were puffed, like yours, but the shoulders were more pronounced. Through the organza fabric, you could see how sculpted his arms were. And they were sculpted. He’d probably be able to crush an apple with only his biceps with no problem. How is a coffee shop barista so buff?
But the part that blew you the most away was this– the entire torso was completely sheer. You could see everything. Including his extremely well-shaped abdomen. And his pecs, which you were concerned may be even bigger than your own.
You gave him a quick compliment and got back to work. It wasn’t good to be distracted by an acquaintance/to-be co-worker(?) like that. 
The posing was about the same with this set of clothing. This time, however, you noticed Katsuki was really trying to avoid looking at you. It was funny, really. He was trying his hardest not to look at your chest. 
The photographer told the two of you to just start having a conversation again while they worked magic in the background. At this point in time, Katsuki was holding you at your waist and you had your hands pressed up against his chest.
“Sorry ‘bout this. Usually, my mom gets to have some control over the creative process on some of the pieces, and she normally makes them pretty different from my dad and I’s stuff.” Katsuki muttered, still avoiding eye contact with you.
In the background, the photographer told him to place a hand under your chin. He did so, angling your face up to his. From this angle, you could see perfectly into his beautiful crimson eyes. They were mesmerizing. In your head, however, you thought, “Lord have mercy…
we must stay focused, brothers!” and tried not to get yourself lost in them.
You smiled and shook your head, saying, “No, I think these pieces are still really beautiful. I’m sorry that both of us have just officially met and we’re both already exposing our tatas to each other.”
At this, Katsuki started straight-up cackling. He still kept a hand on your chin, though. “T-Tatas!?” he struggled under laughs, trying his hardest to hold himself together.
When he was finally done laughing, he started actually making real eye contact with you for the first time today. Without himself noticing, he felt his eyes start to wander lower down your face, eyeing your lips, which were stretched into a smile.
That was the money shot. That shot ended up being the photo that changed the rest of your life.
Okay, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. It did become a mild annoyance, though.
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a/n: taglist is open! stay safe & stay hydrated, cuties <3
btw, if any of y'all want to see the fashion show i based this off of, it's the versace fall/winter show from 2021.
of course, you guys can have your own interpretation of the masaki brand, but this is how i see it :>
not edited, so please let me know if there are any typos or inconsistencies.
i fully intend for this series to be a relatively chill one, (not one where i spend hours upon hours researching-- which i already have) so i don't have an extremely detailed plan for it (i do have a general plan, tho).
i genuinely made this series because i saw a prompt for "barista sees customer drinking unhealthy amounts of caffeine and is concerned" and wrote this all on a whim. either way, thank you for all of the support! it makes me enjoy writing this series so much more. thus, i will try my hardest!
<3 thank you, guys
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lost-jams · 1 year
Brushes And Beats chapter:01
pairing: JiminxReader
genre: fluff with a pinch of angst
trope: enemies to lovers
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:That awkward moment when your nemesis tell you something that is right for you but you are too proud to take their advice:
In the glamorous world of music and entertainment, unexpected romances often take center stage. Behind the scenes, amidst the dazzling lights and flamboyant costumes, all kinds of story unfolds and I get to witness it all as a makeup artist. Every day, I had the privilege of working closely with some of the biggest stars in the industry. With my brushes in hand and an eye for detail, I would transform their faces into works of art, enhancing their natural beauty and showcasing their unique personalities on the stage and screen.
One particular pop star caught my attention from the start - a charismatic and talented individual who commanded the stage with his powerful voice and captivating performances. Little did I know that this pop star would become more than just a client, but also my nemesis. His name, Park Jimin - a renowned artist known for his remarkable talent and uncompromising attitude.
As a makeup artist, my job was to make him look flawless and ready to face the world. I pushed aside any personal feelings I had about Park and focused solely on my work, determined to provide him with the best makeup artistry possible. BUT BOY WAS HE ANNOYING with his diva-like demands and perfectionist tendencies! "It needs to be closely matched with the stage lighting and my costume," he would insist, nitpicking every small detail. Though I was fuming on the inside, I maintained my professional demeanor and ensured that his makeup was always on point.
"Oh the great Park Jimin" Fumi my work bestie passes the coffee to me as we take a break from the chaos backstage. I chuckled, knowing she shared my frustrations with the demanding pop star. "Tell me about it! It's like he expects me to read his mind and anticipate every little thing he wants". "But you know what they say, there's a thin line between love and hate," she said with a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
I couldn't help but scoff at her suggestion. "He's my nemesis, Fumi! How could I possibly fall in love with someone who constantly challenges and tests my patience?" I dismissed her words, choosing to believe that our relationship would remain strictly professional.
"COSTUME CHANGE!!" I rushed back to my station, readying myself for another round of makeup touch-ups. As Jimin sat in my chair, I couldn't help but notice a subtle change in his demeanor. His usually confident expression seemed slightly softer, and there was a glimmer of vulnerability in his eyes.
Did something happen? I thought as I delicately applied his foundation. Jimin stayed unusually quiet, his gaze focused on his reflection. His quietness was uncharacteristic. Usually, he would use this time to critique the makeup or give his input - it wasn't often that he was so subdued. But today, he was different, quieter, watching my every move with seemingly genuine curiosity. I found my hands shaking slightly as I brushed blush across his high cheekbones, my nerves suddenly getting the best of me and then I saw his smirk with his right eyebrow cocked up. Bastard
"I don't know, don't you think the competition's makeup artists do it better? No offense, of course. You still do a passable job." oooh his tone was a mix of nonchalance and veiled provocation, I wont let him get under my skin. "Interesting, given how perfect your performances always are, I would think you'd notice that my makeup artistry is always uniquely suited to enhancing that. But if you'd prefer a 'passable' job, I'm sure the competition would be glad to have you as their canvas." keep calm...keep calm..."Oh, don't get me wrong. I know a great talent when I see one. After all, I work with the best around, don't I?" IS HE MOCKING ME?!
After a tense moment of silence, I finally snap back at him, fueling the argument with a retort, "Best around, hm? Yet you're always complaining, aren't you? I wonder if being the best includes never being satisfied." Hints of frustration tinge my usually calm voice.
Jimin retorts, "And I wonder if being a makeup artist means disregarding the client's demands. I expect perfection because that's what I give onstage." I was about to snap back when the director of the shoot came back with an excited look "are we done?" I smiled and took a step back "yes, we are". Jimin stands up smoothening his clothes and intentionaly bumping my shoulder as he sneekily winks at me "see you around birdy" . Asshole.
Clubbing with Fumi was the best decision i made today, as its a friday night the club is already jam packed. We decided to sit at the bar and order drinks my mind couldn't help but go to the look on Jimin's face today he seemed kinda off. "Earth to Y/n" I realized I was in a daze "I've been calling you for 15mins, what were you thinking?" I shook my head and smiled at her "Nothing really" I laughed while she gave me a side eye "Anyways...Ugh I already feel tired, they said they might be a new face in the company and you know what that means MORE TOURS WHICH LEADS TO MORE FATIGUE AAAAA GOD WHY DID I CHOOSE THIS LINE OF WORK" hearing that reminded me of all kinds tiredness I felt when the artists go on tours and god forbid you are required to go with them but it isn't that bad if you think about it, you get to see new places and make fun memories.
"HEY WANNA DANCE?" Fumi chirped excitedly as she dragged me to the dance floor. "I want to get wasted tonight" Oooohh nooOoooh bad idea "You know we don't have a ride home" I chuckled reminding her we need to stay concious.
"Ugh i missed you bed" A sigh escapes my lips well it was a long day of work plus with all the clubbing my brain wasn't braining, my head shifted to the right as i heard a Quack sound, Ugh i know that sound all too well, it was a specific ring set for a specific person, "What does he want now?" i muttered under my breath as I picked up my phone to see the message "Hey birdy", I squint my eyes at the text "What?" I replied back. "a bit rude, do I perhaps need to remind you what happened 6 years ago" I crunch my face in annoyance "I apologized to you at least a 1000 times already" 
 Jimin replied "AND THE PICTURE STILL CIRCULATES ONLINE" i couldnt help but crack a smile at his reference serves him right  I thought to myself "Look I was still new and was still learning" I put down my phone but it buzzes again "Anyways do you have the reference of my outfit yet?" I sighed "not yet, Zara told me take it from the dry cleaners, I'll do it tomorrow" as i continued to type "So you are an errand girl now?" WHAT THE- "Isn't it her resposibility to send it to you" i sighed in fraustration "I don’t want to continue this conversation."
"I’m giving you some good advice here, you should take it. Stop picking up Zara’s dry cleaning—it’s not your job." I roll my eyes at the text, I DO NOT WANT TO ADMIT THAT HE IS RIGHT "Heard you went to a club, not sure if u managed to entice someone with your flirting skills birdy" wtf what does he think he is doing "That’s what people say about you."  The unfortunate retort falls out of my mouth. 
I try to rewind time. It doesn’t work. "Is that what you think you and I do? Flirt?" I couldn't help but say "Aren't you supposed to be the God of Flirting, thats what your fans call you" I cringe at my text maybe I shouldnt have said that "Birdy, if we were flirting, you’d know about it." I felt a weird drop inside, I smile at Jimin's response and feel a mix of relief and curiosity.
 "Oh, really? So you're saying there's nothing going on between us?" I respond playfully, unable to resist teasing him back. Despite our history and the tension that sometimes arises between us, there's always been an undeniable chemistry. But lately, I've been questioning whether it's just playful banter or something more. Not lettiing him say anything I quickly bid him goodnight with my heart thumping in my chest.
Monday came, I have a feeling it will be a nice dayy, my gut never lies.
"hey birdy"
" Birdy birdyyyy"
"No it doesn't match, I see your skills are going down"
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HE IS BEING SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS TODAY It seemed like he was determined to annoy me today. And then he added salt to the wound by criticizing my skills. I took a deep breath and reminded myself to keep calm and maintain proffesinalism, I look at the mirror and see him flashing me a mischievious grin, knowing it will rile me up and it did "Jimin, can we please focus on the task at hand? We both have work to do here." I respond calmly, trying my best to maintain my composure. Deep down, though, his teasing still gets under my skin. As the day goes on, I try to avoid engaging with him further. I focus on my tasks and give them my full attention. But every now and then, he finds a way to playfully disrupt my concentration. It's frustrating but also strangely exhilarating.
Finally its time to pack up and head home as I gather my things and prepare to leave the devil shows up with a smirk? "Ready to call it a day?" I dont have a good feeling about this as i can sense that he has something up his sleeves
I raise an eyebrow at himand playfully reply "Oh, are you trying to charm me into staying longer" he chuckels and replies "Maybe I am" my breath hitched for a moment "Well...not working, guess your charms are fading not a good look for a pop-start"
I smirk back, not willing to let him have the upper hand. "Goodbye Mr. Park" I swiftly turn around and make my way out, I stick out my hand in my back pocket for my phone but it's nowhere, "shit " I LEFT IT IN THE MAKE UP ROOM a sense of annoyance washed over me. It seemed like just another opportunity for Jimin to capitalize on my forgetfulness and tease me further. 
Taking a deep breath, I reminded myself to stay calm and not let his actions get to me. I walked back towards the makeup room, he was still there, leaning against the wall by the mirror, I tried not to pay attention to him and scaned the room "Looking for this birdy?" I looked at him wiggling my phone in his hand, I took a deep breath and stuck out my hand "phone"
"Give me my phone back, Jimin," I said firmly, trying to maintain my composure despite the frustration building up inside me. He continued to dangle it in front of me with a smug smirk on his face.
"Why so serious, Y/N? Can't you take a little joke?" he teased, enjoying every moment of this power play. I took another deep breath and looked him directly in the eye "You know, i was thinking about last night" I took a step forward while he takes one back. Thats it y/n corner him
"well you know wondering what will it be like, you know...flirting with you" His back against the wall while my right hand was on his side by his arm "Well I think i'll be traumatized" I said twirling my hair "Let me tell you what will happen" I could feel his hand on my waist "You'll be thinking about it later on, lying in bed." 
"Been thinking of my bed, have you?" I manage to reply. He blinks, a new rare expression spreading across his face. I want to slap it off. It looks like he knows something I don’t. It’s smug  and I hate it. "Jimin, your expression"
He is distracted. "What about it?" Seizing the opportunity I snatch my phone from his clutches "Its filthy"  and run away. HAH...dreaming about him NEVER though he looked kinda...hot.
to be continued...
chapter 02
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skarsgazing · 8 months
Obsidian - Chapter 2
Without question, it could be said that Mia Hastings was a morning person. She liked to wake up strictly before the sun rose as it gave her a feeling of confidence, like she had the upper hand on the massive ball of plasma. So, she was up and about at around 5:30 am.
Now, to say her apartment was a shit-hole, as she liked to describe it, would be a massive overstatement, especially in a place like New York and in a neighborhood like Tribeca. 
However, when you grow up in an acre-sized property and are part of the über-rich 2% of the world population, anything aside from that would be a definite downgrade; Despite the circumstances, Mia wasn’t particularly snobby but rather not accustomed. When you have it all handed to you, and suddenly you have to fend for yourself, it can be a bit of a trainwreck.
So she gagged as the fork left her mouth, getting a good taste of the scrambled eggs she had just finished cooking minutes ago. She sighed, giving up on her cooking journey and grabbing some yogurt instead.
 "How can you mess up scrambled eggs?" she thought, letting out a big sigh.
After the punch that the small setback had made in her ego and in the confidence juice she had for the day, she decided to go somewhere where she had more reign - her closet. 
A strapless leather-like corset, a long purposely worn-out denim skirt with a side slit–obviously, long black high-heeled boots, bracelets, earrings, rings, an obnoxiously expensive diamond-encrusted Patek Philippe watch, which she never took off, and the most ridiculously small black handbag you can imagine. Her hair, always down and in contained chaos, and her makeup subtle but visible.
Beauty always came naturally to Mia, effortlessly weaving through her life much like the privileges that accompanied her affluent background. While she, like any human, had her share of awkward years during her formative phase, her journey through adolescence was marked by a transformation akin to an unfolding flower. Mia's appearance seemed to defy the usual struggles of self-discovery, as if the art of looking good was engraved into her very being.
Her features, meticulously curated and showcased, reflected a careful grooming that hinted at a certain artistry. It was not just about wearing the right clothes or applying the perfect makeup; it was an intuitive sense of what complemented her unique attributes and emotions. Mia exuded an air of confidence, born not only from her upbringing but from an innate understanding of her physical self.
Content and playfully admiring herself in the mirror, Mia's excitement bubbled over, prompting her to almost leap from her room to the living room couch. The plush, dark-green velvet-like sofa, large enough to accommodate five people, embraced her with its inviting comfort.
A plan formulated in her mind as she dialed the familiar number on her phone, watching the also familiar name on the screen. She had decided that she didn’t want to abide by all of her father's rules and was determined to find a workaround. So, she was ideating an escape plan or something that could buy her more time - or buy her anything, for that matter.
“You realize it’s fucking early, you psycho?” a groggy voice answered on the other side of the line.
“Hi Benny,” Mia replied, unconsciously smiling at her brother’s voice. 
The Hastings family tree was a bit tangled and extensive, not worth getting into at the moment. But one thing could be said: Mia loved her older brothers, Benjamin and Sebastian, twins, in that order. 
She would say she liked Ben better, as he was less prone to lecturing her and giving her a hard time, but, in truth, she loved them both equally — even if they didn’t share the same mother, as she didn’t with any of her other siblings.
 “A curse or a blessing?” She would often think.
“Hey, doll,” Benjamin said, his voice a little muted on the phone. “What’s cracking?”
“No one says that anymore,” she pointed out, rolling her eyes. “And it’s not that early, anyway.” She quickly glanced at her watch, her eyes widening as she realized it was indeed quite late, or she was about to be quite late.
“Hey, I need a favor,” Mia continued, unconsciously rolling a piece of her hair on her finger.
She heard some movement on the other side of the line, as if Benjamin was getting out of bed—or in, she couldn’t tell. Then, a big sigh.
“Mia, my hands are tied,” he finally spoke. His tone was soft, loving, and ultimately, apologetic.
“I haven’t even told you yet,” she protested, her brows furrowing.
“Dad… you know how he is. I can’t help you much,” he said. Mia held back the impulse to hang up the phone, not wanting to let her anger control her actions.
“Benjamin, you don’t know how it is. He is—he—I need some money,” Mia left out, practically whining. “Ben, I’m dead serious.”
There was a pause on the other side of the line, and she felt the now-usual frustration growing in on her.
“Listen, I’ll go visit you soon. I can’t fight dad on this; he is… really angry,” Benjamin spoke.
“I don’t want you to visit,” Mia quickly replied, and quickly regretted. She sighed out loudly. “I’m sorry, I do want you to. I just, I can’t even use the cards,” Mia continued.
“I know, it’s fucked up. Just give him time; he’ll come around. I’m sure of it,” he said, trying to give some reassurance to his sister, even if he didn’t fully believe it.
“He won’t, he’s the devil,” she said, and she heard Benjamin audibly laugh.
“Hang in there. I’ll try to talk to him, alright?” he added.
“Thank you, Ben.” Mia let out. “Could you at least send me an Uber or something? I’m late to work.”
"An Uber? Late to work?" He responded, the surprise evident in his voice. Mia could almost tell he was raising an eyebrow as he spoke.
"Yes, stupid. That's my life now. Can you?" She said, her cheeks growing hot as she grew tired of giving explanations, and it was only the start of the goddamn day.
He reluctantly agreed, unsure of how to even use the app. When he finally did, Mia got inside the small vehicle and, to the surprise of no one, arrived at the giant building thirty minutes late.
She entered with ease, took the elevator, and clicked the heels of her boots into the floor as she walked through the busy room towards her workstation. There, she was quickly greeted by none other than the handmaid of the devil, as she now liked to refer to her.
"Late again, Amelia," Mia quickly said, interrupting the older woman as she opened her mouth to speak. "I know, I got caught up with something..."
She received a glare from Miranda and a subtle eye-twitch – she resisted the urge to smile.
"You come in here early and you leave late. Is that clear? Filming starts in two weeks, and we need to sort out all of the wardrobe. Zak's waiting for you in the fitting rooms," Miranda spoke, her tone never failing to make Mia's skin crawl, as if she was purposefully wanting her to feel like a useless worm. Mia fought the urge to roll her eyes and simply crossed her arms, concentrating on keeping her big mouth shut for once.
"Fourth floor, room 3," Miranda continued, her voice now louder as she failed to get any kind of response from Mia.
Mia threw her arms in the air, turned around managing not to say anything, and started walking towards the elevator.
"And we'll talk about the dress code later," she heard Miranda say in the distance.
"Dress code?" Mia pondered as she walked into the elevator. The last thing she needed was this little piece of freedom taken away, especially for some simpleton outfit that she wouldn't like at all. She refused in her head. No dress code.
"There you are, my little polished diamond." Zak stretched his arms out toward her, and Mia felt his warm embrace around her as he affectionately wrapped her in a hug.
"Sorry I'm late," Mia replied, still in his arms.
"I wouldn't have it any other way," he joked, his green eyes lighter in the daylight.
"I'm so hungover; it's sickening," Zak continued, now plunging himself into a chair and throwing his head back. "And we have so much to do today." He whined at Mia.
In a different scenario, Mia could've soaked in the experience with much more relish. While not well-versed in the intricacies of filmmaking, the world of crafting clothes was a familiar embrace for her. She found a peculiar liking for her father's brand, despite its undeniable connection to him. The designs, fabrics, and meticulous attention to detail spoke to her, creating a bond that stretched beyond mere family connections.
Yet, Mia had a knack for shelving her emotions. She swiftly redirected her thoughts, honing in on the challenges and prospects awaiting her in the day ahead. The vibrant atmosphere of the film set was becoming almost like a refuge, providing a momentary escape from the intricate web of her personal life.
Similarly, a wave of uncertainty coursed through Alexander's veins. While no stranger to the silver screen, this marked his debut as a producer. The dynamics were shifting; earning money differed from investing it, especially in a project of such magnitude. Insecurity wasn't a familiar companion for him, nor did the prospect of financial matters typically ruffled his feathers. Wealth, after all these years, was a resource he possessed abundantly.
However, this venture held a unique significance. It wasn't just about capital; it was about aspiration and the desire for a successful outcome. Alexander had poured time and effort into the pre-production phase, meticulously overseeing every detail. As he juggled also learning his lines for the role he'd play in the film, he extended the invitation to some close friends to join the project. Their presence, familiar and comforting, served as a constant morale booster.
A faint smile played on his lips as he observed Joel engrossed in studying his script. The tranquility of the moment shattered when the abrupt sound of a cup meeting the table echoed through the room.
"This jet lag is killing me. Can we go get a refill?" Joel sighed, gently placing the papers next to the table and standing up from his chair. 
The Swedish actor, also a close friend to Alexander, stood just shy of 6'2, shorter than him, yet his distinct frame seemed to occupy more space in the room. His hazel eyes fixed on his older friend.
"Alex?" he called, breaking Alexander from his thoughts. Alexander looked at him, realizing he had missed part of the conversation. Furrowing his brows, he leaned forward, attempting to concentrate on what Joel had just said.
"Coffee run?" Joel asked again.
"Definitely," Alexander replied, feeling fatigued from the lack of sleep of the previous night. 
His long strides made almost no sound against the polished concrete floors as he walked side by side with Joel towards the break room.
The room exuded a dim ambiance, adorned with golden industrial lights hanging from the ceiling. Along the back wall, a long carved wood bar was the centerpiece, complemented by recessed lighting illuminating it from the floor. An array of cups, coffee machines, and additives were enticingly on display.
Moving toward the bar, Alexander was greeted by a delightful sight. Standing at the wooden bar was Mia, accompanied by Zak, the head of the costume department. Alexander stopped just shy of her, the desire to reach out and touch almost overwhelming.
As Mia spun around, laughing at something Zak had just said, she bumped into Alexander. His large hand swiftly clutched her forearm, preventing her from spilling her drink. Her eyes traveled up his well-built chest, meeting his gaze.
"Careful there," he cautioned, his voice resonating with a delicious deep tone that momentarily left Mia speechless. Nodding in a daze, she couldn't find words. He looked incredibly good, donned in a casual black sweater and jeans, sleeves rolled up to reveal his smooth skin. Realizing his hand lingered a bit too long, Alexander pulled away.
Joel, catching Alexander's gaze fixed on Mia, raised his eyebrows at the unexpected behavior of his usually more reserved friend.
"Oh, hi," Zak greeted, giving the two of them an appreciative glance. "If this isn't my lucky day," he added with a playful smirk, earning a laugh from Joel.
"Hey, Mia. I had the chance to work my magic on this one during fittings earlier. Meet Joel," Zak introduced with a smile. "And this one, you already met yesterday. You were on your knees, if I remember correctly."
Following Joel's laughter, Alexander noticed Mia's lack of hesitation in response to Zak's comment. The image stirred a reaction in him, making him look away with a chuckle, trying to dispel the suggestive thoughts.
"Hi. Mia," she greeted the pair, deliberately avoiding exclusive eye contact with Alexander. He couldn't help but notice her soft lips curving as she spoke, and his eyes were drawn to the mesmerizing movement of her long earrings, casting subtle flashes of light. Almost unconsciously, his gaze traveled down her neck, appreciating the way her outfit sculpted her body perfectly. He fought to look away, once again. Observing Joel's subtle glance as well, Alexander frowned.
"Nice to finally meet you, Mia," he said, his eyes fixed on her, savoring the natural way her name sounded on his lips. Mia felt her heartbeat quicken, yet she stood confidently, not shying away from the attention, maintaining a composed exterior despite feeling like a total wreck inside.
"Long day ahead?" Joel asked, gesturing toward the two very-full cups of coffee Zak and Mia were holding.
"God, tell me about it," Zak replied, rolling his eyes and appearing somewhat annoyed. "You actors got it easy, I swear."
Alexander's smile widened. 
"Are you an actor as well?" Joel inquired, his eyes fixed on Mia, who couldn't help but notice how pretty his hazel eyes were.
"Oh no, I'm on wardrobe—kind of," Mia replied, shrugging and furrowing her brows a bit as she spoke.
"Kind of?" Alexander humored, now intrigued. 
He stretched his arm to grab a cup from behind her, leaning towards her and closing the distance between them. Not too close to make her uncomfortable, but near enough to catch the scent of her sweet perfume. After a moment, she stepped aside, clearing up space to let him prepare his drink, keenly observing his swift movements.
"Yeah, it's complicated," she paused. "But I guess I'm on wardrobe."
"Mhm," Alexander hummed, his eyebrows pressed together and a slight smirk on his face. Mia bit her lip, almost instinctively, her back pressed into the wooden bar, as she took a good look at the tall man standing close to her.
"Ah, we gotta get going," Zak interrupted, holding his wrist close to his eyes as a notification came in through his smart-watch. "But we'll see each other..." he paused to think. "At four? I think the meeting's at four, we'll see." He started to walk, gesturing towards Mia to follow along.
"It was nice meeting you," she softly said, and Alexander fought the urge to devour her right then and there. Her gentle voice echoed through his head. Mia offered Joel a warm smile, and then her eyes fixed on Alexander, who was already looking at her.
"It was nice meeting you too, Mia from wardrobe—kind of," Alexander spoke, grinning. She chuckled, and he thought it was magnificent. He then really struggled not to turn around as he heard her walk away with Zak.
"What the hell was that all about?" Joel inquired as soon as they were out of hearing range, poking at his friend.
"What was what about?" Alexander asked, taking a sip of his hot coffee.
"That," Joel replied, motioning towards the door where Mia passed seconds ago, a mocking smile on his face.
"Oh, shut up, totally unprofessional" Alexander rolled his eyes, brushing it off and half-smiling.
"Mhm," Joel continued. "If I didn't know you any better..."
"Uh-huh, if I didn't know you any better..." Alexander replied, and Joel shook his head, laughing, raising his left hand to show the ring he wore.
“Happily married, I’m afraid,” he said, smirking.
“Well, I’m happily single,” Alexander replied.
“I’m sure,” Joel teased. “I’m sure of it.”
“I truly am,” he replied, smiling but getting a bit defensive, having had this same conversation several times.
“What about the girl you were seeing, the one from London?” Joel inquired, also taking a sip of his coffee.
“Same old. It didn’t work out,” Alexander said, with a stoic expression.
But Joel knew better, knew him better. Alexander was probably the most centered person he had ever met, with a good family life and upbringing, and the dashing shine of fame hadn’t really affected him at all. However, if he had one flaw, it would be that he never stayed long enough to allow himself to fully experience intimacy and attachment with anyone.
There was this one girl, a long time ago, but it didn’t work out in the end, as he liked to say. Joel would often think that he really didn’t want to make it work, that maybe he hadn’t met the right person yet.
Joel raised his hands, giving up on the subject, and the pair went back to their secluded room.
Mia sighed in her workstation, once again left alone and managing order. Miranda had denied her entry to the famed meeting, despite Zak's suggestion that it would benefit her to start getting involved. Cursing Miranda a million times, Mia remained at her desk, matching polaroids to folders and organizing lookbooks for future reference.
As she held a photo closer to her eyes, the becoming familiar frame of Alexander caught her attention. He looked hot; there was no other way to describe it. Against a regular white backdrop, he sported military black pants, no shirt. Mia took her sweet time analyzing every detail of his well-built torso. Almost in auto-pilot, she carefully taped the photo to his folder, brushing her finger along his name.
From a young age, perhaps too young in her opinion, Mia had been aware of the effect she had on the male species. She noticed how they stumbled over their words, exchanged meaningful glances, and struggled to hold her gaze. Their eyes often wandered into the curves of her body. While she found it somewhat disgusting most of the time, she also enjoyed the knowledge that she held some kind of power over them. Right now, she yearned for that power over this particular man. For one of the first times in her life, she wanted to feel desired by him.
She heard the commotion of people leaving the conference room, and though she couldn't see clearly, she guessed the meeting was over when Zak approached her while talking to Sophie, co-head of set design, and Jeremy. A chuckle escaped her when Zak gave her a look, motioning towards the latter.
“Yeah, just planning and boring people talking,” Zak finally said upon reaching her. “You didn’t miss anything important.”
“This wasn’t so much fun either,” Mia replied, smiling.
“Yuck, I know,” he rolled his eyes. “Let’s go, we’ll cry about it tomorrow,” he motioned towards the exit.
“I… actually think I’ll stay a bit to finish this. Miranda will kill me if I don’t.”
Zak raised an eyebrow, hesitating for a moment.
“Look at you, being an obedient little mouse. Who knew…” he teased.
“Shut up,” Mia chuckled. “Maybe she’ll let me join the other meetings.”
“You know you’re kind of her boss, right? Since you own the company she works for,” he said.
“I don’t think I’m in a favorable position right now,” Mia replied, pressing her palms on the table, frustrated.
“Well, suit yourself, doll. But don’t stay too late, okay?” he said, a slight drop of concern in his voice.
“Yeah, yeah,” Mia brushed off as she continued with her tasks.
It was considerably late when Mia finally finished her work, even though a good chunk of the extra time was spent on her phone, a subtle act of protest, she thought. Putting her phone in her purse, she turned off the small lamp and made her way toward the elevator, impatiently pressing the button six times.
“Leaving?” a voice from behind made her jump. She turned to see Alexander.
“Sorry,” he quickly added, chuckling.
“It’s fine,” Mia replied, offering him a comforting smile. “Yeah, they totally exploit me, working hard, all of that.”
And Alexander thought of a few ways he could exploit her.
The elevator doors opened with a loud sound, and Mia stepped in, followed by the tall man. He pressed -1, and she pressed 0.
Alexander furrowed his brows, noticing she wasn’t headed to the underground parking. 
“Are you taking a cab home?” He inquired, almost unconsciously.
Mia looked at him, confused. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
“Mhm,” Alexander hummed. “You’re not from around here, are you?” He grinned, his eyes holding her gaze. He laughed at her confused expression.
“You can't really be walking around the city with a watch like that,” Alexander added, gesturing towards Mia’s wrist.
“Oh,” she said, realizing he was probably right. “I hadn’t thought about it.”
Alexander stretched his arm to press the button to close the doors as soon as they opened on the ground floor.
“I’ll take you home,” he said, more as a statement than as a question.
“That’s really not necessary,” Mia started, but Alexander gave her a stern look that made her snap her mouth shut instantly, an uncommon occurrence for her.
“It’s not a problem,” he added, smiling.
There was something about elevators—the noise, the limited space, God knows what—that always seemed to multiply and elevate sexual tension to the max. And God, was there tension. They stepped outside onto the parking space, and their arms brushed together as they did so, perhaps for less than a few seconds but enough to make Mia shiver. He didn’t seem to notice.
“So, why are you here so late?” Mia asked, the sound of her heels resonating in the almost empty space. “Are you having a secret affair or something?” She teased, wanting to see his reaction.
“No affairs,” he added, his lips curved into a half-smile. “I’m also a producer, so I had to stay a bit later."
“Oh, so you’re one of the big bosses,” Mia added, playfully looking at him through her lashes, testing him.
He nodded with a subtle grin on his face and started walking towards a shiny, black, Aston Martin parked up against a reserved space. He took note of how Mia didn’t even flinch when she saw the expensive car, and he started to put 2 + 2 together in his head—no reaction, the expensive watch, the way she carried herself—and it intrigued him a lot.
He unlocked it, pulling open the passenger side door for her, then grabbed her hand, easing her into the seat—taking a good and hard look at her full cleavage while she entered, before walking around to the other side, silently thanking whichever higher power for a second to breathe and clear his head.
“This girl,” he thought, shaking his head.
After she gave him her address, the car took off. Alexander didn’t need GPS, knowing the city well enough to navigate the streets with ease. He drove with one hand, palm pressed to the wheel, guiding it smoothly as they traveled through the city.
Mia nibbled on her lip, peeking at him out of the corner of her eye. Alexander’s right hand rested on his lap, violently wanting to be on hers.
“So… where are you from?” Alexander broke the ice—or the tension—taking a quick glance at her, and her bare shoulders.
“Seattle, I guess,” she replied, hesitant.
“I guess—kind of,” Alexander laughed. “You’re being very mysterious, you know that?”
Mia laughed, her eyes fixed on the way Alexander’s face changed completely as he smiled, like a beam of light illuminated him from within.
“It’s complicated,” he interrupted, teasing.
Mia hummed, and her lips curved into a smile.
“I was born there, and my family is from there, but I spent a lot of time abroad at a boarding school,” she began, surprising Alexander with her sudden honesty and openness. “And… My father got me this job, so I’m not sure of where I fit.” Mia added before giving him time to ask more questions.
He raised his eyebrows and shrugged his shoulders.
“Ah, good old nepotism,” he paused, taking a moment to look at her. “My dad got me a bunch of jobs as well; he was an established actor before me.”
“Well, my case is the other way around. He got me this as a punishment of sorts,” she complained, and Alexander almost melted at the sweet way she pouted. Then he chuckled.
“How come?” he inquired.
Mia hesitated for a moment, not wanting to get into the subject. She had an objective, after all, and it had nothing to do with her personal life. She had this obscene tendency to overshare and hadn’t noticed she had been feeding him more than she wanted.
“Okay, okay, too much about me,” she said, leaning closer to him, resting one of her elbows on the center console of the car. Alexander tensed up at the sudden closeness but kept his stoic expression, making Mia fight the urge to roll her eyes. Was he being hard to get, or was he just not interested in her?
“I want to know about the famous actor in front of me,” she said intently.
Alexander tightened his grip on the steering wheel and let out a hefty sigh, a subtle smirk playing on his face.
“I’ll bore you to death,” he replied, his tone lighthearted.
“Well, then no more information about me,” she said, sitting back in her seat. Her hand brushed against Alexander’s knee as she adjusted, causing him to catch his breath.
“That’s a shame,” he responded.
Peeking at her, he noticed she was trying to suppress a smile, gazing out the window. Instantly, he felt more at ease and confident. The car glided smoothly, hugging the sidewalk in front of her building. The air felt tense with anticipation.
Mia’s mind raced, pondering what to say.
“Thank you,” she said, turning to lean on her side against the seat. “for the ride." She continued, “It was very kind of you.”
“My pleasure. Are you okay getting in?” Alexander's tone was serious, genuinely concerned for her safety.
Delving into her small purse, she pulled out her keys and jingled them in front of his face. He nodded. “Good.”
“Well, drive safe.” She smiled, leaned over, and planted a kiss on his scruffy cheek, dangerously close to his lips. “Goodnight, Alexander.”
His lips curled up at the sound of his name from her lips, and he had to physically restrain himself from reacting.
“Goodnight, Mia.”
He leaned down slightly to watch her enter her building, not looking away until she got inside safely. He would’ve walked her to her door, but he was worried it’d seem like he was trying to sleep with her. As bad as he wanted to, he thought it would be unprofessional.
As soon as her door closed, he slammed his head back into the seat and let out a groan. Pulling away from the sidewalk, he sped the whole way home.
------------------------------------------------- Notes: I'll probably go back and edit a couple of things but I wanted to post this today cause I'll be traveling this weekend and it's been long enough already lol love y'all CC: @differentcatcat
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pipsdelhi62 · 3 months
How Do I Become a Makeup Artist After 10th?
If you're passionate about makeup and beauty and want to start a career as a makeup artist right after completing your 10th grade, PIPS Delhi is here to guide you every step of the way. Located on Devli Road, New Delhi, PIPS (Premier Institute for Professional Studies) offers comprehensive makeup learning classes that unlock your potential and help you achieve your dreams. As a newly opened institute, PIPS Delhi is dedicated to converting your bigger dreams into reality with 100% placements in more than 100 organizations. For more information, you can call us at +91-9650200473.
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Steps to Becoming a Makeup Artist After 10th
1. Research the Makeup Industry
Before diving into a career in makeup artistry, it's essential to understand the industry. Research different makeup artist roles, such as bridal makeup artist, fashion makeup artist, celebrity makeup artist, and special effects makeup artist. Understanding these roles will help you decide which path you want to pursue.
2. Enroll in a Professional Makeup Course
PIPS Delhi offers the best makeup artist courses designed for students who have completed their 10th grade. Our courses cover everything from basic makeup techniques to advanced skills, ensuring you receive a well-rounded education. The curriculum includes:
Skin Types and Tones: Learn to identify different skin types and select suitable products.
Color Theory: Understand how to use colors to enhance natural beauty.
Contouring and Highlighting: Master the art of defining facial features.
Bridal and Special Occasion Makeup: Create long-lasting, beautiful looks for special events.
Fashion and Editorial Makeup: Develop skills to work in the fashion industry.
3. Practice Regularly
Practice is crucial in makeup artistry. Use friends and family as models to hone your skills. Experiment with different looks and techniques to gain confidence and improve your proficiency.
4. Build a Portfolio
A strong portfolio is essential for showcasing your skills to potential clients and employers. Take high-quality photos of your work, focusing on before-and-after transformations. Your portfolio should demonstrate your versatility and ability to work with different styles and skin tones.
5. Gain Hands-On Experience
At PIPS Delhi, we emphasize hands-on experience. Our students participate in real-world projects, such as fashion shows, photoshoots, and weddings. This practical experience is invaluable for building your skills and confidence.
6. Network with Industry Professionals
Networking is a critical aspect of building a successful career in makeup artistry. Attend industry events, workshops, and seminars to meet other professionals. PIPS Delhi’s strong connections with leading salons, beauty parlors, and event management companies provide excellent networking opportunities for our students.
7. Stay Updated with Industry Trends
The beauty industry is constantly evolving, with new trends and techniques emerging regularly. Follow industry influencers, read beauty magazines, and participate in advanced training courses to stay updated with the latest trends.
8. Develop Business Skills
Being a successful makeup artist isn't just about technical skills; you also need strong business acumen. Learn how to market your services, manage your finances, and build a client base. PIPS Delhi offers courses that cover these essential business skills, helping you to establish a thriving career.
Why Choose PIPS Delhi?
Accredited and Reputable: PIPS Delhi is a recognized institution with a strong reputation for providing high-quality education and training in makeup artistry.
Experienced Faculty: Our faculty consists of experienced professionals who provide personalized guidance and industry insights.
Comprehensive Curriculum: Our courses cover everything from basic techniques to advanced skills, ensuring you receive a well-rounded education.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: We offer fully-equipped makeup studios and high-quality products for hands-on training.
100% Placement Assistance: We provide 100% placement assistance, helping you secure job opportunities in leading organizations.
Supportive Learning Environment: PIPS Delhi offers a supportive and nurturing learning environment where students can thrive.
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Starting a career as a makeup artist after 10th grade is an exciting journey filled with opportunities for creativity and growth. At PIPS Delhi, we are committed to helping you achieve your dreams and unlock your potential in the beauty industry. For more information about our makeup artist courses, please call us at +91-9650200473. Join us today and take the first step towards a rewarding career in makeup artistry.
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addictedgallery · 4 months
Get Your Art Fix!
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“Black and white creates a strange dreamscape that colour never can.” ~ Jack Antonoff
"Glittering Dreamscape" by Markus Klinko, 2024
Series: Glitter
Arty-Fact: In his latest series “Glitter", Markus showcases the versatility of glitter as a medium. Serving as the focal point of Fujifilm Global's 25th-anniversary campaign, this collection redefines conventional photography. Markus' visionary craftsmanship is evident in the meticulous adornment of models with shimmering makeup and the seamless integration of glitter into dynamic styling elements and captivating backgrounds. Through this series, viewers are invited into a glittering world where creativity meets glamour, offering a fresh perspective on visual storytelling where artistry and sparkle converge.
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thephantomofanastasia · 9 months
The Lion King Tour Review
I finally saw the Lion King National Tour on the 20th of May this year, which was a terrific show. Solid 8/10. 
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The Good:
The acting, singing, powerhouse performances, puppetry, costumes, and music were phenomenal. Every performer was at the top of their game in the show tonight. Lion King is not my favorite Disney story, but watching it unfold uniquely was beautiful in front of my eyes. It was very breathtaking and emotional. I prefer the stage version to the animated movie. I loved that the actors got to walk down the aisles in the house before stepping onto the stage. I’ve only seen middle school plays and musical productions do that. 
Set Design, Lighting, and Set Changes: 
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The set initially threw me off because it was very barebones and primarily used the curtain, lighting, and huge set pieces. Also, whenever a set change happened, the curtain always closed. That was distracting for me. Even though I would have liked more of a set design initially, I liked the artistry and its simplicity. The set design was a specific artistic direction, and the production relied on lighting to convey the scenes’ emotions. And I feel like the director’s decision helped stylize the show that makes sense for the version of the Lion King they were telling. I’m not a fan of strobe lighting, but it was used sparingly and effectively in the proper moments. The staging of the stampede was incredible: the use of projections and the puppetry in the upper and lower stages was so well blocked. Same with the scene where Timone falls into the waterfall. Same set design as the stampede, but they projected Mufasa dying and had Simba frozen with red lighting on him. That was a visually brilliant way to showcase Simba’s trauma without having to say anything out loud. The fighting on Pride Rock was also well done. The design of when Mufasa’s face is seen in the stars is so emotional and breathtaking! The set design isn’t rich with visual detail. It gives you just enough to know the setting, and your imagination can do the rest—one of the many things I love about theatre. I’m torn about wanting more set designs and liking what they gave us.
Adaptation and Culture: 
This piece works well as an adaptation. The creative team knew there was nothing to “fix” in the story because the one in the animated film was so good. But by adding songs from Mufasa, Samba, and Nala gave those characters more depth. And I loved how we got longer scenes between Simba and his father. 
This adaptation also works because they did something neither the animated nor “live-action” film did. They leaned into the African culture. Everything from the costumes, dance choreography, and fight choreography is from the African culture (I presume because I am not of that culture). I loved how even certain songs and dialogue are in an African dialect. It makes so much sense, and seeing another culture fully on display in a significant Disney musical is beautiful. Everything from the costumes, hairstyles, and makeup was also very stylized to fit this story’s telling. I don’t know much about African culture, but I’m pretty sure the way all the actors moved from walking, prancing, fighting, and puppetry was faithful to the culture. Everything in this show feels like it’s meant to be representational and stylized to resemble a Disney version of an African fairy-tale re-telling of Hamlet. It feels like a cultural piece that doesn’t create or reflect harmful stereotypes; instead, it promotes a different form of storytelling from a Disney musical most people know. It’s so beautiful.
The Bad: 
I hated that Scar wanted to make grown-up Nala his queen. That’s disgusting. It was only in one scene and wasn’t brought up again. That could’ve easily been cut from the show. I understand that he is the villain, but it’s gross. All of the character’s makeup had the same color pallet as their costumes and puppets. But for some reason, they dressed Timone in green and had him wear green makeup. They made absolutely no sense, and it was very distracting. It felt out of place from the rest of the show. I understand that he was representing the jungle, and I understand what they might have been going for, but that did not land for me. This is carried over from the animated film: I don’t like Timone and Pumba and Zazu as characters. I can’t forward scenes when I’m watching a live stage show. I had a negative audience experience that was incredibly disrespectful and distracting. I was sitting in row B of the orchestra, and this family behind me would not stop talking about the entire freaking show. It kept taking me out of it. So that tainted my experience a bit. I paid a lot of money to watch a performance, not to listen to someone complain about how dehydrated they were.
My Overall Thoughts: 
It’s not my favorite Disney musical of all time, but I am so happy that I was able to experience it. And I am happy about all of the adaptational changes. I wish I had a better experience as an audience member. 
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josielyndphotography · 11 months
True Norwegian Black Metal
Mayhem - Old Foresters Paristown Hall, Louisville KY
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Mayhem's live performance was an incredible experience, showcasing the apex of musical artistry and stagecraft. From the very moment they entered the stage, a charge coursed through the venue, electrifying the audience.
Mayhem's signature fusion of black metal with theatrical elements distinguished their performance. The band's members, adorned in distinctive makeup and stage attire, curated a visual art that seamlessly complemented their intense musical delivery.
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In terms of musicianship, Mayhem displayed remarkable precision and power in their performance. Their iconic compositions, such as "Freezing Moon" and "De Mysteriis Dom Sathanas," were executed flawlessly, prompting the crowd to engage in collective headbanging and moshing.
What made this performance truly exceptional was its capacity to unify a diverse audience. People of varying ages and backgrounds were drawn into a shared experience, transcending the conventional boundaries of a live concert. This ability to create a profound sense of camaraderie is an attribute rarely encountered in the realm of live music.
In conclusion, Mayhem's live show was not merely a concert but a profoundly cathartic and almost spiritual encounter. It underscored the band's enduring legacy and their capacity to push the boundaries of black metal. For those with an appreciation for immersive live music that leaves an enduring imprint on the soul, Mayhem's performance is an unequivocal imperative. The experience underscored the transformative power of live music in connecting and inspiring audiences, and I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to witness it once more.
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styleofdiamandis · 1 year
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In a captivating photoshoot for Hope ST Magazine, the enchanting Marina Diamandis graced the lens of photographer Alexander Jordan.
Styling by Hayley Caine with assistance by Kayleigh Swan, Esohe Ebohon & Justine Duffy. Makeup by Sara Hill, hair by Selena Middleton using Bumble and bumble. and manicure by Veronica Butenko.
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She effortlessly embodied elegance and sophistication in a sheer, sunshine-yellow long-sleeved blouse, carefully curated from the Spring/Summer 2015 collection of the rising fashion star, Lucas Nascimento.
The blouse featured intricate detailing and a demure round neck, accentuating Marina's natural grace and style. The sheer fabric added an element of sensuality, perfectly balancing the ensemble's sophistication with a hint of allure. The soft, sun-kissed hue complemented Marina's radiant complexion, casting a warm and inviting glow throughout the frame.
Marina's exquisite ensemble was further elevated by a pair of exquisite earrings from the renowned brand MAWI. Unfortunately, her locks concealed the earrings so we cannot see them.
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Marina exuded an aura of chic sophistication in a radiant blue printed short-sleeved top and matching bottoms, courtesy of London-based label Pavane, designed by the duo Georgina Edmonds and Fiona Ransom. While the exact ensemble from the Spring/Summer 2015 collection remained elusive, the pictured outfit showcased a similar silhouette, allowing her to channel the essence of Pavane's distinctive style.
The shiny fabric of her attire caught the light with every graceful movement, imbuing her with an air of timeless glamour. Marina's choice of look spoke to her affinity for fashion that seamlessly blends contemporary design with a touch of avant-garde flair, creating an unforgettable sartorial statement.
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Marina radiated elegance and whimsical charm as she donned a captivating ensemble from Clio Peppiatt's Spring/Summer 2015 collection. The focal point of her look was a teal-colored silk blouse, adorned with intricate embroideries that intricately danced across the fabric. The blouse was a testament to Clio‘s penchant for merging artistry with fashion, making it a perfect choice for the eclectic Marina.
Adding a touch of playful femininity to the ensemble, the set was trimmed with delicate purple ruffles, creating a harmonious contrast with the teal backdrop. This whimsical detail lent the outfit an air of enchantment, reflecting Marina's own unique sense of style.
To complement this outfit, M adorned her feet with white suede leather mules from the aforementioned Lucas Nascimento runway.
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In another photo from the shoot, we are being taken behind the scenes. Marina donned a striking metallic blue leather dress that left us all in awe.
This eye-catching ensemble, with its plunging V-neck, was no ordinary fashion choice; it was a masterpiece from Emporio Armani's Spring/Summer 2015 runway collection. Marina's ability to blend classic and contemporary styles seamlessly was once again on full display, as the metallic sheen of the dress harmonized perfectly with her unique brand of artistry.
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jaliadp · 1 year
Jalia Pettis Crowned Winner of USA Title, Secures Spot in Global Competition
Phoenix, Arizona – In an exceptional display of talent, Jalia Pettis has emerged as the victor in the Denman Stage Star USA. As a result of the remarkable achievement Jalia Pettis will represent the USA in the upcoming Global Competition solidifying her status as a leading figure in the beauty industry.
Two stylists were selected as finalists in the USA, and each were assigned fifteen minutes to showcase their best work in styling and finishing LIVE on Instagram on June 19, 2023. Pettis showcased her creativity, knowledge of product all while allowing her personality to shine through.
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Denman Stage Star has grown to be one of the world's leading creative hairstyling competitions. Each country’s winner will travel to London during the month of October and compete for that global title on October 16. 2023. The US hair community should be elated by Pettis’ triumph as she has been a force to be reckoned with relating to her skills as a Makeup Artist for the last three years. “I am deeply honored and grateful for the opportunity to represent the US on a global stage. I get to flex my muscles as a hair stylist which I don’t take lightly so I am spending the next few months preparing for that global stage,” expressed Pettis. “This win means so much to me and I plan to bring it!”
By winning the Denman Stage Star USA, Jalia Pettis has earned a coveted spot and will be afforded the opportunity to showcase her work at Salon International. In addition, she will go head-to-head against talents representing Asia, Europe, UK & Ireland. This exceptional opportunity will not only allow Pettis to showcase her skills on an international platform but also contribute to the recognition and growth of the hair industry in the United States.
As Pettis gears up for the global competition, her dedication to her craft and artistry will continue to inspire both aspiring stylist and beauty enthusiasts nationwide. Her success serves as a testament to the flourishing talent within the American hair community.
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact:
3Jay Productions LLC – [email protected] – 386.866.1114
About Jalia Pettis: An Arizona-based makeup artist, hairstylist, and educator. Her passion and ability have been recognized with numerous awards, including NAHA Makeup Artist of the Year (2022) and the International Beauty Industry Award (2020-2021). Pettis’ work spans a variety of settings, from film, television, and editorial, to creative direction and business development. In addition, she has worked with a range of clients, from internationally recognized brands to musicians, celebrities, athletes, and more. A truly multifaceted artist, Pettis excels in a broad spectrum of specialties, from clean beauty to men’s grooming, natural hair, high-octane glamor, and much more. As an educator, her goal is to equip others with the tools and self-confidence to start their industry adventure.
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sarangbe · 2 years
[  🌹  ]  𝖓𝖊𝖝𝖙 𝖌𝖊𝖓 𝖆𝖚𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖒—
SUBMITTED ON 20230207 BY 염사랑 !
NAME:  염사랑, or YEOM SARANG DATE OF BIRTH:  20030522 HEIGHT:  172 CM
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candylandphotos · 1 year
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Dramatic lipstick beauty makeup model cosmetics lipstick beauty❤️
"Captivating Confidence: The Drama of Lipstick Beauty ❤️"
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trenttrendspotter · 6 hours
Cosmoprof 2024: Tween Power and Value Innovation Lead Beauty Trends
What exciting trends emerged from the event? Take a look!
September 21, 2024
Nancy Trent
Cosmoprof 2024 at the Mandalay Bay Convention Center was a global celebration of beauty innovation, creativity, and industry expertise. The event brought together professionals, brands, and trendsetters from across the world for a dynamic showcase of the latest products, formulations, technologies, and trends shaping the future of beauty.
One of the most exciting trends emerging from the event is the growing demand for beauty products targeted at tweens. This younger demographic is stepping up as powerful consumers, because consumers of all ages are willing to spend on high-quality skincare, haircare, and makeup, whether it’s kids using their own money or adults buying it for them. Companies are offering skincare lines specifically formulated for their delicate, youthful skin while maintaining the performance standards of adult products. Optimal youthful skincare is not as simple as using less of adult products. 
Another major trend was the coupling of competitive pricing with value, as consumers continue to seek high-quality products without breaking the bank. Brands are responding with innovative offerings that provide luxury-level results at more accessible price points, reshaping the market by giving more people access to premium beauty solutions. 
Liza Rapay, Vice President and Head of Cosmoprof North America & Beauty New York, highlighted the importance of these shifts: "We had an amazing outpouring of exhibitors at Cosmoprof North America Las Vegas with a booming showcase of unique products meeting consumer demands in the market today. Some leading trends we saw coming out of this year's showcase were next-level innovation in skincare and scalp care with scientifically proven formulas, as well as female wellness becoming more mainstream. We are excited for what is to come in 2025 in both Miami and Las Vegas!"
Cosmoprof 2024 showcased not only product innovations in skincare, haircare, and cosmetics but also emphasized the industry's growing focus on sustainability and inclusivity, ensuring that beauty remains accessible and impactful for all consumers.
The future of healthy hair
The latest trend in haircare combines luxury, affordability, and all-natural ingredients to create products that not only enhance your beauty routine but also prioritize the health of your hair. With a focus on nourishing and protecting hair while being eco-conscious and cruelty-free, these brands are leading the charge in accessible, high-quality haircare.
OYA Beauty Professional brings together cutting-edge technology and nature. Their premium range of hair color, care, and styling products are infused with green tea and sea kelp, providing protection and restoring vibrancy to color-treated hair. By using clean, nature-derived ingredients, OYA makes it possible to own your artistry while maintaining healthy, radiant hair.
OKAY Pure Naturals offers an array of skin and hair care solutions that deliver results. With products crafted from all-natural, ethically sourced ingredients, OKAY Pure Naturals tackles common skin and hair concerns without the use of harsh chemicals. Their hero products, such as castor oil and turmeric soaps, showcase their dedication to high-quality care that enhances natural beauty and promotes overall wellness.
Luseta Beauty stands out by offering salon-quality haircare that’s affordable and all-natural. Known for their clean, cruelty-free formulations, Luseta Beauty's vibrant product line features shampoos, conditioners, and treatments designed for all hair types. With sulfate-free solutions that are safe for color-treated hair, Luseta focuses on nourishing and revitalizing, making luxurious haircare accessible for everyone.
Nourishment From Nature
Greek olive oil, a timeless ingredient renowned for its ability to deeply nourish, hydrate, and revitalize the skin, is long celebrated in Mediterranean beauty rituals. Olive oil is now making waves in modern bodycare for its natural potency and versatility.
Korres, a leader in natural Greek skincare, harnesses the power of pure Greek olive oil to create luxurious, results-driven products. Inspired by homeopathic remedies and combined with cutting-edge technology, Korres' head-to-toe routines offer a holistic approach to skincare. Sourced from their own farms in Greece, their olive oil is rich in antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, providing unparalleled hydration and skin regeneration. What sets Korres apart is their full-circle sustainability approach. From eco-friendly harvesting practices to recyclable packaging, the brand ensures that every step of their process is as gentle on the planet as their products are on your skin. Greek olive oil is not only an age-old beauty secret but also a key ingredient for those seeking naturally effective, sustainable skincare.
Nama Fiji is a plant-based skincare range of cellular hydration made with wild Nama “sea grapes” and other naturally derived ingredients from the Pacific to provide essential nutrition and beautiful skin. Nama is a powerhouse ingredient that provides intercellular and intracellular hydration, with naturally occurring trace minerals and antioxidants for the skin. The brand is on a mission to be a sustainable beauty brand that is building a socially responsible enterprise for our planet's future. They’re also focused on improving the livelihood of rural women & communities in Fiji through training, employment and Nama harvesting in the Fijian villages of the Yasawa Islands.
Brands Built on Creativity and Quality
In the world of beauty and personal care, innovation is the key to longevity, and these brands have proven that staying ahead of the curve leads to lasting success. From personal care to beauty brushes and skincare, these family-owned businesses have built legacies by continuously delivering quality and creativity.
Montagne Jeunesse, a UK-based, family-owned beauty company, has been a trailblazer in plant-powered, cruelty-free beauty since 1985. Renowned for their wide variety of masks designed for all skin types, Montagne Jeunesse offers consumers innovative, eco-friendly skincare solutions. With a commitment to ethical beauty, the company is a proud member of the Vegetarian Society, Cruelty-Free International, and PETA, ensuring their products align with modern values of sustainability and compassion.
Fisk Group stands as a global leader with a 50-year history of innovation in personal care and beauty. With a diverse portfolio that includes brands like Dermactin-TS, Nature's Spirit, Daggett & Ramsdell, Hair Chemist, Barielle, and Betty Beauty, Fisk Group has cemented itself as a pioneer in the industry. Operating in over 100 countries, they prioritize delivering high-quality, creative, and effective products that meet the evolving needs of consumers. Whether it’s advanced skincare or specialized hair treatments, Fisk Group's family of brands continues to set industry standards. 
Royal Brush, with over 60 years of expertise, is a name synonymous with precision and quality in both art and beauty supplies. Known for their superior-grade brushes, this family-run company has mastered the art of combining natural bristles and synthetic filaments to create durable, high-performance brushes. Their commitment to excellence is evident in their innovative use of state-of-the-art technologies, ensuring that every brush delivers the perfect balance of strength, resilience, and softness—ideal for both artistic endeavors and beauty applications.  
Changing the Way We Shop for Fragrance
The future of fragrance shopping is personalized and experiential, allowing consumers to explore scents through innovative, interactive experiences tailored to their individual preferences.
iRomaScents is revolutionizing the fragrance industry with its AI-powered technology. Their state-of-the-art fragrance dispenser and data-driven device empower consumers to find their perfect scent while enabling retailers to achieve impactful sales. The AI Wizard guides customers through a curated collection based on their preferences. Each iRomaScents device can hold up to 45 different fragrances, with the capability to control three devices simultaneously, offering up to 135 fragrances at a single station.
Taking Health Into Your Own Hands
Empower yourself with clean, natural, and herbal supplements that support your well-being from the inside out.
Earthley Wellness is transforming the way people view healthcare by offering affordable remedies and body care that are 100% clean and natural. Their products, free from preservatives, colors, flavors, added sugars, and top allergens, are formulated using herbs, organic cane-derived alcohol, vegetable-derived glycerin, and oils. Earthley Wellness is committed to providing safe, balanced, and effective products that are 100% beneficial. 
Creating a Community for Cancer Patients Through Skincare
Skincare for cancer patients and others with skin-related illnesses is not only essential but incredibly impactful. This unique brand fosters healing and support with gentle, nourishing products designed to comfort and care.
Hey Sunshine Beauty is a skincare brand that goes beyond the surface, creating a community among patients with similar stories. Founded by a cancer survivor, Hey Sunshine! Red Algae Whipped Creme is crafted with the finest nutrient-rich ingredients, packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants to nourish, soothe, and strengthen the skin. 
Transparent and Inclusive Makeup
Transparent and inclusive makeup celebrates every skin tone and type, empowering everyone to embrace their unique beauty with confidence.
Kokie Cosmetics offers a full line of products in the eye, lip, face, nail, and tool categories that help you achieve youthful, radiant skin. Enriched with vitamins and hyaluronic acid, Kokie’s formulations revitalize and nourish your skin. “Kokie” derives from the Korean word for elephant, symbolizing boldness, beauty, and unforgettable qualities. The brand stands behind quality, transparency, and inclusivity and is proudly cruelty-free and Leaping Bunny Certified.
Watier is the pioneering beauty beacon, creating formulas that enliven your unique look and individuality and make women feel even more confident, strong and beautiful. With a 50 year legacy, this proud Canadian brand continues to use Canadian ingredients to formulate innovative and sophisticated products including vegan cosmetics. 
Non-Nano Mineral UV Blockers in Sunscreen
Skincare and sun protection, especially for kids, were focal points at the trade show, with mineral sunscreen emerging as a significant trend.
Ocean Freedom is a leader in this category, offering a range of mineral sunscreens proudly made in South Africa. Developed, tested, and proven under the harsh African sun, their products provide broad-spectrum UVA and UVB protection with non-nano mineral UV blockers. Ocean Freedom’s sunscreens are fragrance-free, non-greasy, dermatologist-approved, reef-safe, sulfate-free, paraben-free, and suitable for children and adults and skin types. Founder Roxy Davis noted, “The integration of sunscreen into daily skincare routines is accelerating. New technology allows for mineral sunscreens without the white cast, a trend that will only continue to grow, eventually replacing chemical-based UV filters.”
Natural and Eco-Friendly Personal Hygiene Wellness
The intimate care space is evolving, with more brands offering safe, effective, and eco-friendly personal care products.
Hygiene Hero creates natural and organic products without harsh chemicals or toxins, empowering women to activate their self-care superpower. Founder Michelle Yeh explains how intimate skincare is gaining traction, especially with perimenopausal and menopausal women, thanks to influencers and celebrities normalizing discussions around it. The line between skincare and sexual wellness is beginning to blur.
As Cosmoprof 2024 concluded, it left a legacy of inspiration, innovation, and invaluable connections that will continue to shape the future of the beauty industry. This year’s event showcased the best in cosmetics, technology, and emerging trends, reinforcing the industry’s resilience and creativity. Attendees departed with fresh ideas, new partnerships, and a deeper understanding of the forces driving this sector forward. Cosmoprof will remain the stage for continued growth and transformation, and we eagerly anticipate the exciting developments that will emerge in 2025.
For more trends, read the latest from trendspotter Nancy Trent. 
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imbeautyschooll · 4 days
Discovering Your Passion: Beauty School in Chicago
Why Choose a Beauty School in Chicago?
Diverse Programs
Chicago’s beauty schools offer a wide range of programs, allowing you to specialize in various areas of beauty and wellness. From cosmetology to barbering, esthetics, and nail technology, you can choose a path that aligns with your passion. Many schools also offer advanced courses in makeup artistry, skincare treatments, and business management, giving you a comprehensive education that prepares you for the industry.
Experienced Instructors
One of the significant advantages of enrolling in a beauty school in Chicago is the opportunity to learn from experienced professionals. Many instructors have years of experience in the beauty industry and are eager to share their expertise. They provide hands-on training and personalized feedback, Beauty school Chicago ensuring you develop the practical skills needed to excel in your career.
State-of-the-Art Facilities
Chicago’s beauty schools are equipped with modern facilities that mirror real-world salon and spa environments. You’ll have access to the latest tools, equipment, and products used in the industry, allowing you to gain firsthand experience in a professional setting. This exposure is invaluable, as it prepares you for the fast-paced world of beauty.
Discovering Your Passion: Beauty School in Chicago
The Importance of Hands-On Experience
In the beauty industry, hands-on experience is crucial. Most beauty programs in Chicago emphasize practical training, where students work on clients under the supervision of instructors. This real-world experience helps you build confidence in your skills and develop a portfolio that showcases your work. Many schools also offer opportunities for internships or externships, Chicago beauty academy allowing you to network with professionals and gain additional experience.
Networking and Career Opportunities
Chicago is a hub for the beauty industry, with numerous salons, spas, and makeup studios. Attending beauty school in this city provides you with excellent networking opportunities. You’ll meet fellow students, industry professionals, and potential employers, all of whom can help you advance your career. Many beauty schools host job fairs, workshops, and guest speaker events, connecting students with local businesses looking for talent.
Financial Aid and Scholarships
Investing in your education can be a significant financial commitment. However, many beauty schools in Chicago offer financial aid options and scholarships to help alleviate the cost. It’s essential to explore these opportunities to make your education more affordable. Speak with the admissions team at your chosen school to learn about available financial assistance programs.
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sneha-bahekar12 · 4 days
Saree Draping by Sneha Bahekar - A Journey of Elegance
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Saree, the epitome of grace and elegance, has been a timeless symbol of Indian tradition and culture. Over the years, it has evolved into a versatile garment that can be draped in various styles to reflect the wearer’s personality and the occasion. Whether it’s a wedding, a party, or a simple festive gathering, the saree holds its charm across generations.
One person who has mastered the art of saree draping is Sneha Bahekar, a professional makeup artist with a flair for styling. Known for her impeccable attention to detail, Sneha brings out the best in every woman she dresses by combining the right draping techniques with her stunning makeup skills.
Why is Saree Draping Important?
The way a saree is draped can completely transform a person’s look. From adding a royal touch to making it chic and modern, saree draping defines the final aesthetic. It’s not just about wrapping a piece of fabric but about enhancing the wearer’s natural beauty, confidence, and charm.
Sneha Bahekar understands that saree draping is an art. The right draping style can accentuate a person’s body shape, showcase the intricate work of the saree, and match the vibe of the occasion.
Sneha Bahekar: The Expert in Saree Draping
Sneha Bahekar, a seasoned makeup artist, has a deep understanding of how to style sarees for different body types, face structures, and personal preferences. Her expertise extends beyond just draping; she knows how to combine traditional saree draping with modern trends, creating a look that is both elegant and fashion-forward.
Custom Draping: Sneha customizes the draping style based on the client’s body type and the occasion. Whether it's the graceful Nivi style, the glamorous Mermaid style, or the elegant Bengali drape, she ensures every fold falls perfectly.
Professional Touch: Along with her saree draping skills, Sneha's makeup artistry complements the entire look. She creates a seamless transition from traditional to contemporary, ensuring the makeup enhances the saree's beauty.
Occasion-Specific Styling: Be it a bride on her wedding day or a guest attending a grand celebration, Sneha tailors her draping techniques to match the significance of the occasion, adding a personal touch that makes her clients stand out.
Popular Saree Draping Styles by Sneha Bahekar
Nivi Style: The most common and classic style, where the pallu is pleated and draped over the left shoulder. Sneha adds her magic by making the pleats neat and precise, creating a sharp and polished look.
Bengali Style: This style is known for its dramatic drape and loosely pleated pallu. Sneha's version emphasizes the rich cultural feel while keeping it modern and easy to carry.
Mermaid Style: A modern twist, where the saree drapes closely around the legs, giving a mermaid-like appearance. It’s a popular style for cocktail parties and receptions, and Sneha ensures it enhances the silhouette perfectly.
Maharashtrian Style: Sneha beautifully captures the essence of Maharashtra with the Nauvari saree drape, perfect for traditional ceremonies and weddings, adding accessories that bring out the cultural essence.
Why Choose Sneha Bahekar for Your Saree Draping?
Experience and Expertise: Sneha has years of experience in the beauty industry, specializing in makeup and saree draping. She has worked with countless brides, celebrities, and women across various events, each time delivering a flawless look.
Attention to Detail: Every fold, pleat, and tuck is done with meticulous care. Sneha’s focus is on enhancing the natural beauty of the saree and the person wearing it.
Seamless Coordination with Makeup: What sets Sneha apart is her ability to combine her draping skills with her makeup artistry, creating a balanced and harmonious look.
Personalized Service: Sneha’s saree draping services are tailored to meet the needs of each client. Whether you want a traditional look or a fusion style, she will guide you in choosing the best draping method.
Sneha’s Bridal Saree Draping Services
A wedding is one of the most special occasions in a woman's life, and a bride's saree must look flawless. Sneha Bahekar offers bridal saree draping services, ensuring the bride looks picture-perfect from every angle.
From pre-wedding ceremonies like Haldi and Mehendi to the wedding day and reception, Sneha carefully plans the draping style that best complements the bride’s outfit and makeup.
Draping for Every Occasion
Sneha's expertise isn’t limited to weddings. Her saree draping services are ideal for any occasion, whether it’s a family function, festival, or a formal event. With Sneha, you get a look that’s polished, stylish, and absolutely stunning.
Saree draping is not just a skill; it’s an art that requires precision, creativity, and understanding of different body types and fabrics. Sneha Bahekar brings all of this together in her saree draping services, ensuring that every woman she styles looks confident, graceful, and absolutely beautiful.
Whether you’re looking for traditional elegance or a modern twist, Sneha is the perfect choice to help you shine on any occasion. Let her expertise in saree draping and makeup artistry create a magical look that you'll cherish forever.
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beautyschoolca · 4 days
The Benefits of Attending a Beauty School in 2024
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In today’s evolving beauty industry, attending a beauty school can be your gateway to an exciting and rewarding career. Whether you're passionate about Cosmetology, Barbering, Esthetics, or Makeup Artistry, beauty schools offer specialized training that equips you with the skills and knowledge to excel. As the beauty sector continues to expand in 2024, here are some key benefits of pursuing an education in a beauty school.
1. Diverse Career Opportunities One of the most significant benefits of attending a beauty school is the variety of career paths available. With training in Cosmetology, you can become a licensed cosmetologist capable of offering hair, skin, and nail services. Cosmetologists are versatile professionals, and beauty schools provide hands-on learning in hairstyling, makeup application, and skincare treatments.
For those more interested in men’s grooming, Barbering offers focused expertise in cutting, styling, and shaving techniques tailored to male clients. With the rising demand for modern barbershops, a career in barbering can be both financially rewarding and creatively fulfilling.
Beauty schools also cater to future skin experts with programs in Esthetics and Advanced Esthetics. While esthetics covers skincare treatments like facials and waxing, advanced esthetics dives deeper into clinical practices such as chemical peels, laser treatments, and microdermabrasion. With the growth of non-invasive skincare solutions, advanced esthetics is a booming field in 2024.
Makeup Artistry remains a popular choice for those with a passion for cosmetics. Whether you're interested in bridal makeup, special effects, or editorial work, beauty school programs provide the training to become a professional makeup artist, opening doors to various industries including fashion, film, and entertainment.
2. Hands-On Experience Beauty schools offer a practical, hands-on approach to learning, allowing students to work directly with clients in a supervised setting. Whether you're studying Cosmetology, Barbering, or Esthetics, you'll have the opportunity to apply your skills in real-world situations. This experience is invaluable for building confidence and perfecting your technique, giving you a competitive edge when entering the workforce.
3. Flexible Learning Options In 2024, many beauty schools offer flexible learning schedules, allowing students to balance their education with personal or work commitments. From full-time programs to evening and weekend classes, beauty schools are becoming more accessible to a wider range of students. This flexibility ensures that whether you're pursuing Advanced Esthetics or Makeup Artistry, you can find a program that suits your lifestyle.
4. Industry Connections and Opportunities Beauty schools are often well-connected with local salons, spas, and industry professionals. These connections provide excellent networking opportunities for students, making it easier to find internships, job placements, or mentorships after graduation. Many beauty schools also host events, competitions, and workshops where students can showcase their talents, further enhancing their visibility in the beauty industry.
5. Personal and Creative Fulfillment For many, the beauty industry is not just a career but a passion. Attending a beauty school allows you to explore your creativity while developing essential skills. Whether you're blending shades as a Makeup Artist, crafting the perfect haircut as a Barber, or providing life-changing skincare treatments as an Esthetician, the work you do can have a profound impact on clients’ confidence and well-being.
Conclusion With growing trends in skincare, hairstyling, and cosmetics, 2024 is an exciting year to pursue a career in the beauty industry. Whether you're interested in Cosmetology, Barbering, Esthetics, Advanced Esthetics, or Makeup Artistry, attending a beauty school equips you with the skills, experience, and industry connections needed to succeed. It’s a creative, fulfilling, and rewarding path for anyone passionate about beauty. Source Url : - https://beautyschoolca.weebly.com/blog/the-benefits-of-attending-a-beauty-school-in-2024
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