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The Times asks "Are big nuclear reactors really the right thing for the UK?
Nuclear minister Andrew Bowie had a case to hail it a “majormilestone”, with Julia Pyke, Sizewell’s joint managing director,calling it a “significant moment” for the project and for UK “energysecurity”. Even so, there is still a long way to go. The project willcost £30 billion-plus, with the PM yet to make a final investmentdecision. Sizewell uses the same European pressurised reactor…
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Summer sleep over with Elijah. Some swimming pool football. First ever solo ride to the mini mart to get slushes and to the park. #majormilestone #july2023
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Photo of two incredibly happy ladies after going swimming at LC2 yesterday 🏊🏻♀️🧜♀️🌊💧!! It was my first time swimming in over 3 years, and the first time I’ve been tube free in 13 years, so a major milestone. It was an absolutely incredible experience, and made me very emotional. I’ve always been far more mobile and capable in the water. I was a Team GB swimmer who trained for the Paralympics. On land, I’ve always felt clumsy, awkward, weak, pained. In the water, I am strong, graceful, capable... I am free. I thought I’d lost that feeling forever... getting it back was, just, amazing. There’s no stopping me now; I’m going to be in the pool as often as possible! I have to say a big thank you to my very brave mummy @caroline.davies350 for taking me 💖 it meant everything! And I’m really impressed that she actually let me convince her to go on the big slide 🙈😂! This girl is once again a mermaid 🧜♀️! #iwentswimming #firsttimeinthreeyears #tubefree #firsttimeinthirteenyears #majormilestone #ilovedit #palliativecarewarrior #swimming🏊 #swimmingmakesmehappy #waterisfreedom #thisgirlcan #imamermaidnow #thankyoumummy❤️ #ilovemymummy❤️ (at LC Swansea) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bwr4COvlxOP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4tizzuumkp3c
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Wow this week we hit a #MAJORMILESTONE for our not so little Facebook Group Can you believe it WE NOW HAVE 50+ THOUSAND Members!l So thankful the Lord has brought us all together to learn how He speaks to us in Dreams, Visions, Symbols & More! Thank you for your continued support and contributions to make this group what it is today. We have so many exciting things on the horizon and glad you will be able to go forward to us on our journey. Last but most certainly not least, I’d also like to acknowledge my amazing #DREAMTeam Admins for volunteering of their time and talents to make this ministry vibrant and impactful. I am so blessed to be surrounded by a great team willing to lay their lives down to minister to people all over the world who are dreaming! You Rock! #JoinUs #DREAMSpeak http://bit.ly/2s7uozK
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@history which magflightrise was first which biggest was it stored? justwonder sothe compositionof produced vehicles where //// how many got a magflight in total count and howdidit change inthe years which were teh majormilestones I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophis tication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Baby AWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@history which magflightrise was first which biggest
wasit stored? justwonder sothe compositionof produced vehicles where
//// how many got a magflight in total count and howdidit change inthe years which were teh majormilestones
I am Christian KISS
BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/
Inquiry@BabyAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212…
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Running European Convertibles Off U.S. Roads __ Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift
hope you had a great weekend coming up why GM is making no apologies but firstlet’s get you caught up with the latest headlineswe’ll begin with trade pricey European convertibles are among the vehicles thatcould become even more rare on American roads if President Donald Trump’sproposal to slap tariffs on imported cars takes effect on Friday Trumpthreatened to impose a 20% import tariffs on vehicles assembled in theEuropean Union one auto executive telling Reuters quote the tariffs ifthey materialize would call into question the business case for manyniche models we currently sell in the United States the executive goes on tosay convertibles are a particular headache with brexit and US tariffs thismarket could shrink further brexit refers to the UK’s pending exit from theEuropean Union the executive said convertibles may not disappear if carmakers can forge alliances to share production costs or design vehicles thatare less expensive to build alongside high-volume models convertible sales arealready dwindling in the US according to LMC automotive sales fell from 177thousand in 2012 to 127 thousand in 2017 that’s a drop of more than 28 percentLMC projects a further drop to 113,000 drag tops by 2019 and that’s evenwithout a tariff increase people who over the UK take a ride with uber everyweek in a new ad campaign uber tells citizens of one of its largest marketsthat its service is safe for riders and lucrative for drivers but as bloombergreports this week the ride-hailing companies fate too will be in the handsof a much smaller audience a judge in central London where ubers long-awaitedhearing begins today the company will argue that it is fit and proper to holda license in the English capital this after thecity’s Transport Authority Transport for London refused to extend lubbersoperating permit last September Faraday future a struggling Chinesebacked electric carmaker based in Silicon Valley says it’s beenapproved to receive two billion dollars in equity funding that approval from theCommittee on foreign investment in the United States the panel reviewspotential foreign investment to ensure it does not compromise national securityin a tweet Faraday lists Hong kong-based Evergrandehealth as a new strategic investor Faraday calls the funding a majormilestone and uses the hashtag FF 91 a reference to its first productionvehicle and women in Saudi Arabia hit the roads on Sunday marking the officialend of the world’s last ban on female drivers General Motors CEO Mary Barrahas often talked about the rapidly evolving auto world we are seeing morechange in the next five to ten years in the last 50 to stay ahead of the changethe automaker is transforming its century-old business through data andnew technologies and now it’s helping its dealers to do the same for exampleGM is rolling out a slew of tools that promise dealers the kinds of insightsinto their business operations that are typically the domain of third-partyvendors however many retailers have voiced concerns over their car makersgrowing initiatives as well as the pace of change nonetheless GM North AmericaPresident Alan Beatty says with so much technology coming at a dealer today thecompany felt it needed to take a leadership role in helping out itsretailers figure things out things are moving fast everyone wouldlike to say you know can you slow it down but we can’t apologize for thatbecause the whole world is moving particularly fast we’re just in a reallygreat position because we’ve got the tools to captwo lies on and so I think the dealers are you know accepting the challengeaccepting the opportunity and I do believe that in the future for dealerprofitability after sales and adjacencies are going to be criticallyimportant among the tools GM is set to launch a program called on track itworks through OnStar in the company says it will take the burden off dealers totrack the location mileage and maintenance needs of service loners formore with baby see today’s print issue of automotive news if you’re a dealerchances are you’ve read this our fixed ops journal we’ve been publishing it forthree years and now automotive news is holding its first fix ops journal forumit takes place Thursday August 9th in Atlanta the forum will focus onchallenges that affect franchise dealerships parts and servicedepartments such as employee compensation recruitment and shopcapacity to learn more and register for the event visit Auto news. com slash fojforum that wraps up today’s newscast thanks for watchingtake careyou
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/05/running-european-convertibles-off-u-s-roads-__-automotive-news-tv-car-news-auto-news-first-shift-2/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/177770689786
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Running European Convertibles Off U.S. Roads __ Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift
hope you had a great weekend coming up why GM is making no apologies but firstlet’s get you caught up with the latest headlineswe’ll begin with trade pricey European convertibles are among the vehicles thatcould become even more rare on American roads if President Donald Trump’sproposal to slap tariffs on imported cars takes effect on Friday Trumpthreatened to impose a 20% import tariffs on vehicles assembled in theEuropean Union one auto executive telling Reuters quote the tariffs ifthey materialize would call into question the business case for manyniche models we currently sell in the United States the executive goes on tosay convertibles are a particular headache with brexit and US tariffs thismarket could shrink further brexit refers to the UK’s pending exit from theEuropean Union the executive said convertibles may not disappear if carmakers can forge alliances to share production costs or design vehicles thatare less expensive to build alongside high-volume models convertible sales arealready dwindling in the US according to LMC automotive sales fell from 177thousand in 2012 to 127 thousand in 2017 that’s a drop of more than 28 percentLMC projects a further drop to 113,000 drag tops by 2019 and that’s evenwithout a tariff increase people who over the UK take a ride with uber everyweek in a new ad campaign uber tells citizens of one of its largest marketsthat its service is safe for riders and lucrative for drivers but as bloombergreports this week the ride-hailing companies fate too will be in the handsof a much smaller audience a judge in central London where ubers long-awaitedhearing begins today the company will argue that it is fit and proper to holda license in the English capital this after thecity’s Transport Authority Transport for London refused to extend lubbersoperating permit last September Faraday future a struggling Chinesebacked electric carmaker based in Silicon Valley says it’s beenapproved to receive two billion dollars in equity funding that approval from theCommittee on foreign investment in the United States the panel reviewspotential foreign investment to ensure it does not compromise national securityin a tweet Faraday lists Hong kong-based Evergrandehealth as a new strategic investor Faraday calls the funding a majormilestone and uses the hashtag FF 91 a reference to its first productionvehicle and women in Saudi Arabia hit the roads on Sunday marking the officialend of the world’s last ban on female drivers General Motors CEO Mary Barrahas often talked about the rapidly evolving auto world we are seeing morechange in the next five to ten years in the last 50 to stay ahead of the changethe automaker is transforming its century-old business through data andnew technologies and now it’s helping its dealers to do the same for exampleGM is rolling out a slew of tools that promise dealers the kinds of insightsinto their business operations that are typically the domain of third-partyvendors however many retailers have voiced concerns over their car makersgrowing initiatives as well as the pace of change nonetheless GM North AmericaPresident Alan Beatty says with so much technology coming at a dealer today thecompany felt it needed to take a leadership role in helping out itsretailers figure things out things are moving fast everyone wouldlike to say you know can you slow it down but we can’t apologize for thatbecause the whole world is moving particularly fast we’re just in a reallygreat position because we’ve got the tools to captwo lies on and so I think the dealers are you know accepting the challengeaccepting the opportunity and I do believe that in the future for dealerprofitability after sales and adjacencies are going to be criticallyimportant among the tools GM is set to launch a program called on track itworks through OnStar in the company says it will take the burden off dealers totrack the location mileage and maintenance needs of service loners formore with baby see today’s print issue of automotive news if you’re a dealerchances are you’ve read this our fixed ops journal we’ve been publishing it forthree years and now automotive news is holding its first fix ops journal forumit takes place Thursday August 9th in Atlanta the forum will focus onchallenges that affect franchise dealerships parts and servicedepartments such as employee compensation recruitment and shopcapacity to learn more and register for the event visit Auto news. com slash fojforum that wraps up today’s newscast thanks for watchingtake careyou
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/09/05/running-european-convertibles-off-u-s-roads-__-automotive-news-tv-car-news-auto-news-first-shift-2/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/09/running-european-convertibles-off-us.html
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@876mediaent @mobays__finest @rockstarent.ja yeah, 300 followers! A massive thank you to everyone who's taken the time to follow me and check out my content #876beatsAndrecords #876news #876MediaEntertainment #876MediaEnt #waltmusic876 #guerillas #876 #majormilestone #400followersplease #thankyou #thankyouforthelove #thanksforthelove #thanksforthesupport
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made it to 29,000 words in my novel today!
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how many got a magflight in total count and howdidit change inthe years I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #I NTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
how many got a magflight in total count and howdidit change inthe years which were teh majormilestones
I am Christian KISS
BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/
Inquiry@BabyAWACS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64
Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
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Running European Convertibles Off U.S. Roads __ Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift
hope you had a great weekend coming up why GM is making no apologies but firstlet’s get you caught up with the latest headlineswe’ll begin with trade pricey European convertibles are among the vehicles thatcould become even more rare on American roads if President Donald Trump’sproposal to slap tariffs on imported cars takes effect on Friday Trumpthreatened to impose a 20% import tariffs on vehicles assembled in theEuropean Union one auto executive telling Reuters quote the tariffs ifthey materialize would call into question the business case for manyniche models we currently sell in the United States the executive goes on tosay convertibles are a particular headache with brexit and US tariffs thismarket could shrink further brexit refers to the UK’s pending exit from theEuropean Union the executive said convertibles may not disappear if carmakers can forge alliances to share production costs or design vehicles thatare less expensive to build alongside high-volume models convertible sales arealready dwindling in the US according to LMC automotive sales fell from 177thousand in 2012 to 127 thousand in 2017 that’s a drop of more than 28 percentLMC projects a further drop to 113,000 drag tops by 2019 and that’s evenwithout a tariff increase people who over the UK take a ride with uber everyweek in a new ad campaign uber tells citizens of one of its largest marketsthat its service is safe for riders and lucrative for drivers but as bloombergreports this week the ride-hailing companies fate too will be in the handsof a much smaller audience a judge in central London where ubers long-awaitedhearing begins today the company will argue that it is fit and proper to holda license in the English capital this after thecity’s Transport Authority Transport for London refused to extend lubbersoperating permit last September Faraday future a struggling Chinesebacked electric carmaker based in Silicon Valley says it’s beenapproved to receive two billion dollars in equity funding that approval from theCommittee on foreign investment in the United States the panel reviewspotential foreign investment to ensure it does not compromise national securityin a tweet Faraday lists Hong kong-based Evergrandehealth as a new strategic investor Faraday calls the funding a majormilestone and uses the hashtag FF 91 a reference to its first productionvehicle and women in Saudi Arabia hit the roads on Sunday marking the officialend of the world’s last ban on female drivers General Motors CEO Mary Barrahas often talked about the rapidly evolving auto world we are seeing morechange in the next five to ten years in the last 50 to stay ahead of the changethe automaker is transforming its century-old business through data andnew technologies and now it’s helping its dealers to do the same for exampleGM is rolling out a slew of tools that promise dealers the kinds of insightsinto their business operations that are typically the domain of third-partyvendors however many retailers have voiced concerns over their car makersgrowing initiatives as well as the pace of change nonetheless GM North AmericaPresident Alan Beatty says with so much technology coming at a dealer today thecompany felt it needed to take a leadership role in helping out itsretailers figure things out things are moving fast everyone wouldlike to say you know can you slow it down but we can’t apologize for thatbecause the whole world is moving particularly fast we’re just in a reallygreat position because we’ve got the tools to captwo lies on and so I think the dealers are you know accepting the challengeaccepting the opportunity and I do believe that in the future for dealerprofitability after sales and adjacencies are going to be criticallyimportant among the tools GM is set to launch a program called on track itworks through OnStar in the company says it will take the burden off dealers totrack the location mileage and maintenance needs of service loners formore with baby see today’s print issue of automotive news if you’re a dealerchances are you’ve read this our fixed ops journal we’ve been publishing it forthree years and now automotive news is holding its first fix ops journal forumit takes place Thursday August 9th in Atlanta the forum will focus onchallenges that affect franchise dealerships parts and servicedepartments such as employee compensation recruitment and shopcapacity to learn more and register for the event visit Auto news. com slash fojforum that wraps up today’s newscast thanks for watchingtake careyou
featureBoxVar = ""; from Auto Detailing Services (480)233-1529 Call or Text Now https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/02/running-european-convertibles-off-u-s-roads-__-automotive-news-tv-car-news-auto-news-first-shift/ from Auto Dealing Services https://cardetailingphx.tumblr.com/post/176564656366
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Running European Convertibles Off U.S. Roads __ Automotive News TV/CAR NEWS / Auto News/First Shift
hope you had a great weekend coming up why GM is making no apologies but firstlet’s get you caught up with the latest headlineswe’ll begin with trade pricey European convertibles are among the vehicles thatcould become even more rare on American roads if President Donald Trump’sproposal to slap tariffs on imported cars takes effect on Friday Trumpthreatened to impose a 20% import tariffs on vehicles assembled in theEuropean Union one auto executive telling Reuters quote the tariffs ifthey materialize would call into question the business case for manyniche models we currently sell in the United States the executive goes on tosay convertibles are a particular headache with brexit and US tariffs thismarket could shrink further brexit refers to the UK’s pending exit from theEuropean Union the executive said convertibles may not disappear if carmakers can forge alliances to share production costs or design vehicles thatare less expensive to build alongside high-volume models convertible sales arealready dwindling in the US according to LMC automotive sales fell from 177thousand in 2012 to 127 thousand in 2017 that’s a drop of more than 28 percentLMC projects a further drop to 113,000 drag tops by 2019 and that’s evenwithout a tariff increase people who over the UK take a ride with uber everyweek in a new ad campaign uber tells citizens of one of its largest marketsthat its service is safe for riders and lucrative for drivers but as bloombergreports this week the ride-hailing companies fate too will be in the handsof a much smaller audience a judge in central London where ubers long-awaitedhearing begins today the company will argue that it is fit and proper to holda license in the English capital this after thecity’s Transport Authority Transport for London refused to extend lubbersoperating permit last September Faraday future a struggling Chinesebacked electric carmaker based in Silicon Valley says it’s beenapproved to receive two billion dollars in equity funding that approval from theCommittee on foreign investment in the United States the panel reviewspotential foreign investment to ensure it does not compromise national securityin a tweet Faraday lists Hong kong-based Evergrandehealth as a new strategic investor Faraday calls the funding a majormilestone and uses the hashtag FF 91 a reference to its first productionvehicle and women in Saudi Arabia hit the roads on Sunday marking the officialend of the world’s last ban on female drivers General Motors CEO Mary Barrahas often talked about the rapidly evolving auto world we are seeing morechange in the next five to ten years in the last 50 to stay ahead of the changethe automaker is transforming its century-old business through data andnew technologies and now it’s helping its dealers to do the same for exampleGM is rolling out a slew of tools that promise dealers the kinds of insightsinto their business operations that are typically the domain of third-partyvendors however many retailers have voiced concerns over their car makersgrowing initiatives as well as the pace of change nonetheless GM North AmericaPresident Alan Beatty says with so much technology coming at a dealer today thecompany felt it needed to take a leadership role in helping out itsretailers figure things out things are moving fast everyone wouldlike to say you know can you slow it down but we can’t apologize for thatbecause the whole world is moving particularly fast we’re just in a reallygreat position because we’ve got the tools to captwo lies on and so I think the dealers are you know accepting the challengeaccepting the opportunity and I do believe that in the future for dealerprofitability after sales and adjacencies are going to be criticallyimportant among the tools GM is set to launch a program called on track itworks through OnStar in the company says it will take the burden off dealers totrack the location mileage and maintenance needs of service loners formore with baby see today’s print issue of automotive news if you’re a dealerchances are you’ve read this our fixed ops journal we’ve been publishing it forthree years and now automotive news is holding its first fix ops journal forumit takes place Thursday August 9th in Atlanta the forum will focus onchallenges that affect franchise dealerships parts and servicedepartments such as employee compensation recruitment and shopcapacity to learn more and register for the event visit Auto news. com slash fojforum that wraps up today’s newscast thanks for watchingtake careyou
//<![CDATA[ featureBoxVar = ""; //]]> source https://cardetailingphoenix.com/index.php/2018/08/02/running-european-convertibles-off-u-s-roads-__-automotive-news-tv-car-news-auto-news-first-shift/ from Auto Dealing Services http://cardetailingphx.blogspot.com/2018/08/running-european-convertibles-off-us.html
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