#Magnum PI 4.17 review
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magnumdays · 3 years ago
Magnum PI - 4.17 - ‘Remember Me Tomorrow’ review
This ep. was sure hard to find! So glad we got such a great community helping each other out with getting access (@vix-has-arrived sure saved the day today!). But that’s why the review is a bit late!
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What I loved most about this episode:
Higgins & Ella being adorable.
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Drunk-ish Magnum teasing Higgy on the phone.
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Rick & Suzie and Rick being all “I’ll just be there for her on her terms” which really is the sweetest thing.
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Magnum helping the old guy set up a video call and reassuring him! The rest of their interactions were nice too, but this last one was my fave! 
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But I loved all of it, really such a feel good episode and I’m not even mad we only had like two tiny Magnum/Higgins interactions because the rest was so good and their moments, short as they were, were super them. 
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Nor did I miss the Ferrari or not getting too many outdoors scenes (well, I’d have loved some beach vibes as it snow here yesterday and spring is def. not in the air here in Sweden!) It was a bit of a different episode, and while different sometimes is just don’t do it for me, this worked really well (for me at least).
(I wonder if this was supposed to be Jay’s episode to direct though, because he’s got separate scenes from everyone? but then something changed with the other director and they had to switch? Because he directed next week’s right?)
Anyways, the episode really tugged on my heartstrings. I’m a sucker for throwing a kid in the mix and Ella was just such a a sweetheart (and might be wearing my Miggy-colored glasses but couldn’t she totally low-key be mistaken for Juliet and Magnum’s daughter?)
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So, yeah, they had me just by adding the cute kid with a sad story. Also her dad... 
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 I was worried he’d ask for Juliet’s phone number there at the end (and I’d want him to have it and take her out even though we’ve been there and done with Ethan but I liked him and I liked that Dad felt like more of a real person in one episode than E did for most of his time on the show.)
Also, here I think they were really clever in how they had Higgins be all “I’d have thrown myself into a case to not have to deal with the fact that I was dying and leaving my loved ones behind” during this end bit. It was true, sweet and I think really helpful for the dad to hear. Also a reminder on how she deals with emotions...
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Backing up a little, the case was kind of interesting even if it was more about the interactions between Higgy and Ella and the motive and ending was a bit... odd and sudden. 
Like lady has affair with guy, decides to be with him she’s going to kill his whole family because he won’t leave his wife, does the deed with a totally traceable gun, then he comes home and is horrified and thus she kills him too. Then she has enough presence of mind to grab stuff to make it look like a robbery but is dumb enough to dump stolen stuff + the gun like close enough another neighbor, who sees and takes it? Her husband, whose gun it was, is not suspicious at all of his gun being missing and also dose not realize she’s gone totally cray-cray and killed 3 people? Or he did notice and that’s why they’re divorced? 
Then, after having kept this all secret for five years and not gotten caught, Higgy coming to ask about the affair, rather than lie some more, she knocks Juliet out and then decides to end her own life as well as Higgy’s by turning the stove on and just letting the gas poison them? Like IDK, this lady is not very consistent in how she kills folks. Also, why not lie and send Juliet on her merry way and then run? Or kill herself in a smarter way? Or kill Higgy for reals? Or leave her to be poisoned while she runs off to escape the police? It just felt a tad bit like weird and inconsistent. 
Also poor Higgy’s head!
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(frying pan - and that sound effect of pan vs. head... like brain surgery next if that was real life. And then carbon monoxide poisoning? Higgy had a rough day.) 
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I might have preferred some more clues. Or like maybe Ella having some sort of revelation instead of it just being who the gun belonged to. It was very...we have 4 minutes left, let’s wrap this up of them.
(Also, I’m assuming no one called Magnum about the whole Higgy not picking up while with the killer because I feel like he’d have had feels if that had happened. I would have loved to have seen his reaction to it though...)
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Loved him being all  Fun Higgins and Sweet Higgins (also we got Fun Magnum and Sweet/Sharing Magnum). Side note: Sometimes I remember to be impressed by actors, like we see acting so much on TV and stuff it feels like a ‘normal’ thing, but Jay being low-key drunk-happy-teasing and that actually translating - I’m impressed. Because playing drunk-ish but not plastered is hard (I’ve attempted it with mediocre success.)
I do have one question - Ella’s mom died two years ago - how did the neighbor have pen smudges on his hand still? Or was it just Juliet seeing he was left handed and he just always have pen smudges? Who writes by hand anymore enough to have pen smudges? IDK, I was just a little like ‘wait what?’ at this point.
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(That is a pen smudge on his hand right?? I guess maybe they changed the timeline or something? Perhaps the arrival of the letter originally was meant to be what made Ella investigate again?)
Magnum bringing the old guy a steak - that’s my boy! Old people get terrible food at most places so that really would be a kind and appreciated thing to do.
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I wonder if the old guy is the funeral we’re getting next week? Or someone else is kicking the bucket?
(They’re very...diplomatic about the Vietnam war aren’t they.)
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As previously mentioned, I did like Suzie not being all “let’s play happy family” as soon a she got back. I mean she’s not wrong, their kid should come first, even if you know, maybe she should have gone with like a ‘we need to focus on figuring out how to be parents before we figure our feelings out’ because like the logic of if we never start we can never end/break up...yeah, I guess, sure, but also not? 
We shall see where it goes, but I do feel quite sure about my prediction of a dramatic finale baby birth. I would love like a kidnapped/in trouble Magnum and Suzie and the rest of the gang teaming up to get them back and we get another Rick/Juliet moment (or possibly one where they both kind of go off the deep end thinking their person is dead. We know they both have those tendencies.)
Last thing. Anyone know what happened to Jay’s arm?
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He’s got a pretty serious “band-aid” and no one mentions it in-show but I noticed so, just thought I’d ask since I know some of you keep more track of the actors than I do!
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