#Magna Genome
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Decoding Magna™ Biomolecular Interactions
In the world of scientific research and drug discovery, knowledge biomolecular interactions is critical for unravelling the complexities of biological structures. These interactions play a pivotal function in diverse cell tactics, from sign transduction to gene regulation. One of the most advanced equipment for decoding those interactions is MAGNA™ Biomolecular Interactions era advanced by using Depixus. In this blog, we’ll discover how this contemporary era is revolutionising the field and what it approach for the destiny of biomedical studies.
The Importance of Biomolecular Interactions
Biomolecular interactions seek advice from the numerous methods wherein molecules inside a mobile interact with every other. These interactions can dictate cell features, impact disorder mechanisms, and effect healing consequences. Understanding how proteins, nucleic acids, and other biomolecules interact is important for identifying new drug targets and designing greater effective treatments.
For years, researchers have sought methods to better examine these interactions to benefit insights into how they affect organic systems. Traditional methods, even as treasured, frequently fall quick in phrases of resolution and complexity. This is wherein MAGNA™ Biomolecular Interactions technology comes into play.
Unveiling Magna™ Technology
MAGNA™ Technology represents a sizable development within the have a look at of biomolecular interactions. Developed by using Depixus, this brand new technology presents an unparalleled level of detail and accuracy in studying how biomolecules engage inside their native environments.
Magna Interaction is on the coronary heart of this generation, offering a comprehensive platform to explore and visualise the dynamic interactions among proteins, nucleic acids, and different biomolecules. By leveraging superior techniques and proprietary algorithms, MAGNA™ allows researchers to seize high-decision interplay information, which is critical for information complex biological techniques.
Here’s how Depixus Magna™ Technology sticks out in the field:
1. Enhanced Resolution and Sensitivity
MAGNA™ Technology gives an extraordinary level of decision when reading biomolecular interactions. By utilising current detection methods and excessive-throughput abilities, researchers can acquire particular interplay profiles that screen previously unseen components of biomolecular conduct.
2. Comprehensive Interaction Mapping
One of the key features of MAGNA™ is its capacity to create special maps of biomolecular interactions. These maps help scientists apprehend how different molecules within a cell engage with one another, presenting insights into cell pathways, signalling networks, and gene law mechanisms.
3. Integration with MAGNA Genome
MAGNA™ is designed to seamlessly combine with the MAGNA Genome, imparting a holistic view of biomolecular interactions inside the context of genomic statistics. This integration lets in researchers to correlate interplay information with genetic statistics, leading to a deeper knowledge of ways genetic versions influence biomolecular interactions and sickness states.
4. Versatility and Application
The versatility of Depixus Technology makes it applicable to a extensive variety of studies areas. Whether reading protein-protein interactions, protein-DNA interactions, or RNA interactions, MAGNA™ can be adapted to various experimental setups and biological structures. This flexibility ensures that researchers can tailor their research to address unique scientific questions and demanding situations.
5. Impact on Drug Discovery and Development
The capability to decode biomolecular interactions with excessive precision has widespread implications for drug discovery and improvement. Understanding the special interactions between drug targets and their partners permits scientists to layout extra centred and powerful treatments.
For example, by utilising MAGNA™ Biomolecular Interactions generation, researchers can pick out capability drug goals with extra accuracy and check how capability pills engage with those targets. This knowledge can lead to the development of medication that are extra powerful and have fewer aspect results.
Moreover, the mixing of interaction data with genomic records can find new therapeutic opportunities by means of revealing how genetic versions influence drug reaction and ailment susceptibility.
6. Future Directions and Innovations
As Depixus Magna™ Technology continues to adapt, future advancements are probable to enhance its skills even similarly. Innovations in detection methods, records analysis algorithms, and integration with different omics technology will retain to push the boundaries of what’s feasible in biomolecular interaction research.
Researchers can assume even extra insights into complex organic structures, leading to new discoveries and improvements in customised medication. The continued development of MAGNA™ Technology promises to transform the landscape of biomedical studies and drug discovery.
MAGNA™ Biomolecular Interactions technology by way of Depixus represents a breakthrough inside the take a look at of biomolecular interactions. By providing more advantageous decision, complete interplay mapping, and integration with genomic records, MAGNA™ is poised to drive sizeable improvements in medical studies and drug improvement.
As we continue to unlock the mysteries of biomolecular interactions, Depixus stays at the forefront, offering present day tools and technology to guide the clinical community.
To study extra about how Depixus Magna™ Technology can decorate your studies, contact us today.
Reposted Blog Post URL: https://hubpages.com/health/magnatm-biomolecular-interactions
#Magna Technology#MAGNA™ Biomolecular Interactions#Magna Interaction#Depixus Technology#Magna Genome#Depixus Magna™ Technology
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Har du någonsin känt att din självkänsla påverkas av håravfall?
Det är en vanlig oro för många, och jag förstår verkligen hur frustrerande det kan kännas.
Men vad om jag säger att det finns en lösning som kan hjälpa dig återfå ditt självförtroende?
Magna RX+ har blivit ett hett ämne bland dem som söker förbättra sin hårväxt och få tillbaka den där fylliga frisyren.
I denna recension kommer vi att gå igenom hur magna rx verkligen kan göra skillnad, så häng med!
Magna Rx: En Nyckel Till Förbättrad Manlig Hälsa
Vi har alla haft våra stunder av osäkerhet, eller hur?
Kanske har du märkt att energin har minskat.
Eller att intresset för intima stunder inte är som det brukade vara.
Det kan kännas frustrerande och ensamt.
Men låt mig berätta om Magna RX.
Det här är inte bara en produkt; det är en möjlighet.
Vad Är Magna RX?
Magna RX är en naturlig kosttillskott som lovar att förbättra manlig hälsa på flera nivåer.
Den innehåller en blandning av örter och näringsämnen som syftar till att öka libido, förbättra uthållighet och stödja den allmänna sexuella funktionen.
Jag vet vad du tänker – "Fungerar det verkligen?"
Låt oss ta en titt på vad användarna säger.
"Jag var skeptisk i början, men efter några veckor med Magna RX kände jag mig som ny igen! Min energi är tillbaka, och jag känner mig mer självsäker än någonsin." — Erik, 45 år
"Det här produkten gjorde skillnad för mig. Jag hade problem med min libido, men nu känns allt mycket bättre!" — Johan, 38 år
Dessa berättelser är verkliga exempel på hur Magna RX kan göra skillnad i livet för många män.
Hur Fungerar Magna RX?
Så hur fungerar det?
Jo, Magna RX arbetar genom att kombinera kraftfulla ingredienser som ginseng och maca rot.
Dessa naturliga komponenter har använts i århundraden för sina hälsofrämjande egenskaper.
Ginseng: Känd för sina energigivande effekter.
Maca Rot: Hjälper till med hormonbalans och libido.
Zink: Viktigt för testosteronproduktionen.
Tillsammans skapar dessa ingredienser en synergi som kan ge dig den boost du behöver.
Fördelarna Med Att Välja Magna RX
Att välja Magna RX handlar inte bara om att förbättra sexuella funktioner. Det handlar också om ett helhetsgrepp på din hälsa:
Ökad energi
Förbättrad självkänsla
Bättre humör
Naturliga ingredienser utan biverkningar
Jag tror starkt på vikten av naturliga lösningar. När vi ger kroppen de rätta verktygen kan vi se fantastiska resultat.
Varför Välja Magna RX Framför Andra Produkter?
Det finns många alternativ där ute, men varför skulle just Magna RX vara ditt val?
Här är några anledningar:
Naturliga Ingredienser: Ingen kemi här.
Positiva Recensioner: Många användare vittnar om dess effektivitet.
Ingen Återhämtningstid: Du kan fortsätta ditt liv utan avbrott.
Varje gång jag hör från någon som fått positiva resultat blir jag inspirerad. Det visar verkligen kraften hos denna produkt.
En Enkel Lösning För Ditt Välbefinnande
Att ta steget mot bättre manlig hälsa behöver inte vara komplicerat eller skrämmande. Med Magna RX får du en enkel lösning som passar in i din vardag utan krångel.
Som med alla kosttillskott rekommenderar jag alltid att prata med läkare innan du börjar använda nya produkter, särskilt om du har underliggande hälsoproblem eller tar mediciner.
Men kom ihåg: förändring börjar med dig!
Sammanfattning Av Din Resa Mot Bättre Hälsa
Om du vill återfå kontrollen över din manliga hälsa och välbefinnande så är detta vägen framåt:
Prova Magna RX
Känn skillnaden
Återfå självförtroendet
Du förtjänar att må bra och känna dig bra i alla aspekter av ditt liv!
Vad är Magna RX+ och hur fungerar det?
Magna RX+ är ett kosttillskott som syftar till att förbättra manlig hälsa och prestation. Det innehåller naturliga ingredienser som påstås stödja libido och sexuell funktion. Genom att öka blodflödet och energinivåerna kan det ge bättre resultat.
Vilka ingredienser ingår i Magna RX+?
Magna RX+ innehåller en blandning av örter, vitaminer och mineraler. Vanliga ingredienser inkluderar ginseng, maca, och vissa aminosyror. Dessa komponenter arbetar tillsammans för att förbättra kroppens naturliga funktioner.
Är Magna RX+ säkert att använda?
Generellt sett anses Magna RX+ vara säkert för de flesta män. Men om du har underliggande hälsoproblem eller tar mediciner, är det klokt att prata med en läkare innan du börjar ta det.
Hur lång tid tar det att se resultat från Magna RX+?
Resultaten varierar från person till person. Vissa användare rapporterar förbättringar inom några veckor, medan andra kan behöva flera månader för att märka skillnad. Tålamod är nyckeln här.
Kan jag ta Magna RX+ tillsammans med andra kosttillskott?
Ja, men var försiktig. Om du tar andra tillskott eller mediciner, kolla alltid med din läkare först för att undvika eventuella interaktioner.
Finns det några biverkningar av Magna RX+?
De flesta användare upplever inga biverkningar. Men vissa kan känna milda symptom som huvudvärk eller magbesvär. Om du upplever något obehag bör du sluta ta produkten och kontakta en läkare.
Hur ska jag ta Magna RX+ för bästa resultat?
Det rekommenderas ofta att ta två kapslar dagligen med vatten, helst i samband med måltid. Följ alltid instruktionerna på etiketten för bästa möjliga resultat.
Var kan jag köpa Magna RX+?
Magna RX+ finns vanligtvis online via olika återförsäljare samt på vissa hälsokostbutiker. Se till att köpa från en pålitlig källa för att säkerställa kvaliteten.
Vad säger andra användare om Magna RX+?
Många användare rapporterar positiva erfarenheter och ökad sexuell lust samt energi efter användning av produkten. Det finns också recensioner som ger insikter om vad man kan förvänta sig.
Är det värt pengarna?
Det beror på dina behov och mål. Många anser att resultaten är värda investeringen, särskilt om de söker sätt att förbättra sin manliga hälsa naturligt.
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Fwd: Postdoc: KU_Belgium.PDF_PhD.PlantAdaptiveEvolution
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Postdoc: KU_Belgium.PDF_PhD.PlantAdaptiveEvolution > Date: 24 August 2024 at 05:11:49 BST > To: [email protected] > > > > Postdoc position on microclimate ecology and adaptive potential of two > forest herbs > > The Division of Ecology, Evolution and Biodiversity Conservation of KU > Leuven (Belgium) is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher to > work on the MICROMICS project: “microclimate- and genomics-informed > distribution modelling to improve predictions of species’ range > dynamics and extinction risk under environmental change”. The > postdoctoral candidate will, under the supervision of Prof. Hanne De Kort > and Prof. Koenraad Van Meerbeek, focus on the role of microclimate in > shaping adaptive evolution (adaptability) and plant dispersal dynamics > using extensive field and genetic data. All data have already been > collected and will be used to explore relationships between genetic > variation and microclimate. Please contact [email protected] for > more information. > > PhD position – can epigenetic variation increase evolutionary potential? > > The Phd candidate will be among the first to join a team of researchers > addressing how epigenetic variation and environmental stressors interact > to shape natural mutation rate variation. This position, under the > supervision of Hanne De Kort, will involve sequence-evolve-resequence > experiments with Daphnia magna as a versatile study system. By > re-sequencing the genome after multiple generations, the rate at which > new mutations and epigenetic signals arise can be monitored. We will > also explore to what extent temperature and landscape characteristics > drive natural mutation rate variation, and whether the same processes > might be relevant to other species. Please find more information at > > https://ift.tt/NKUlsYe, and contact > [email protected] if you are interested in this position. > > PhD position on epigenetic ecotoxicology > > The PhD candidate will be among the first to join a team of researchers > from KU Leuven, Ghent University and Sciensano, addressing how > epigenetic variation and environmental stressors interact to shape > natural mutation rate variation. This position, under the supervision > of prof. Hanne De Kort, will focus on the genotoxicity of BPA > and of BGs in Daphnia magna, an ideal ecological study system for > sequence-evolve-resequence experiments. Such experiments will reveal > epigenetic and genetic signals specifically associated with pollutants, > and how these signals alter evolution in response to heat stress. In > combination, the impact of pollution will be studied on multi-trophic > systems with algae and Daphnia, to verify whether conclusions > hold in more complex ecological systems. Please find more information at > https://ift.tt/1zbqSQr, > and contact [email protected] if you are interested in this > position. > > > Hanne De Kort
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Michigan becoming a hub for artificial intelligence inventions
Michigan has the largest number of artificial intelligence and machine learning patents issued in the Midwest since 2010 with the Detroit area ranking among the top nine regions for innovation across the country, according to a new report. The Detroit-Warren-Dearborn metropolitan area had 896 AI patents issued, making it the ninth-most innovative U.S. metro, according to CommercialCafe, a commercial real estate Internet listing service. While Silicon Valley in California far surpasses any other metro area for AI patents, metro Detroit held its own on the list largely because of the presence of the automotive industry and related suppliers, in addition to the growing startup network in Detroit, the report said. "Because the U.S. is home to several global leaders in both automotive and key automation technologies, markets like the Detroit metro area are intriguing to both investors and innovators worldwide," the October report said. "With nearly 900 AI and ML patents at the close of 2022, the Detroit MSA ranked as the ninth-most innovative metro in the U.S. — and continues to show that the Motor City inventive spirit remains strong." The companies topping the list of AI/ML patents were Ford Global Technologies with 321 patents, GM Global Technology Operations with 296 and Magna Electronics with 53 patents issued. Specifically, CommercialCafe cited the partnership between Google and Ford Motor Co. to convert the 105-year-old Michigan Central train station and surrounding neighborhood into the Michigan Central Innovation District as a hub for mobility and entrepreneurship. As part of the mobility-focused, smart city project, Google agreed to provide cloud technology, as well as work force development training to high school students and job seekers in the Detroit area, the report said. In addition to Ford, General Motors and Stellantis have established mobility and software engineering projects in Michigan in recent years, bringing Silicon Valley closer to home, it said. Ford could not be reached for comment. A GM spokesperson said the company was unable to comment on patent filings or their intended use "due to the competitive nature of the space." A growing startup center Alan Taub, director of the University of Michigan's Michigan Materials Research Institute, said an increased interest in startups is also leading to a more competitive mobility market, which is why Michigan is seeing more AI patents. "The technology revolutions of connected vehicles, self-driving vehicles and electric vehicles are moving at an unprecedented rate for the industry," Taub said. "And with the introduction of new startups, all of a sudden intellectual property moved from sort of the bare minimum to a major part of the strategy of companies. … I think if you just do a historical look at the number of patents around mobility, it has skyrocketed, because they're much more valuable, and it's a much more hyper-competitive space." HostingAdvice.com, a web-hosting information site, recently ranked Detroit as one of the top 13 cities drawing startups away from Silicon Valley. Detroit ranked No. 6 on the list, citing the city's economic resiliency after the 2008 financial crisis and the city's business-friendly tax environment. In the 2022 Global Startup Ecosystem Report by Startup Genome, an innovation policy advisory and research firm based in San Francisco, Detroit was ranked the No. 1 city in the U.S. for emerging startup ecosystems. Henry Liu, an engineering professor and director of Mcity, UM's mobility testing facility, said AI is becoming an essential part of autonomous vehicles. "AI is going to transform every aspect of mobility, not only just the vehicle, but the infrastructure, the manufacturing of the vehicles, and in service to people," Liu said. A typical use of AI in mobility is in self-driving vehicles. Liu used the example of a Tesla, which has eight cameras and 12 sensors that feed information about the traffic, pedestrians and other vehicles to the control system. In the past, the development of…
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AHIDG06 - Magna Palace 309 2022/12/30 (Fri.) Release in ComicMarket 101 @ 東京ビッグサイト 東M-21a "秋葉原重工" Price: 1500JPY
Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc. · AHIDG06 - Magna Palace 309
Magna Palace 309 by SUSHI-Genome (Yebisu303 + 909state)
01. Copperhead 02. Hidden Cabinet 03. Saratoga 04. Blowout 05. Lucy 06. Satara Compose: SUSHI-Genome (Yebisu303 + 909state) Mastering: Hedonist [ Katana Bits ] Design: Takayuki Kamiya Special Thanks: MOGRA Bandcamp Direction: Takayuki Kamiya ©2022 Akihabara Heavy Industry Inc.
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jetlag teaser
note: this genuinely doesn’t contribute to the plot that much, but it’s a post-apocalyptical society, and i like the way it turned out.
it’s actually a bit of a prologue, but it’s just a few lines at the beginning, and it’s a short story, so i’m just calling it a teaser :-)
tw/cw: mention of poverty, mention of famine, bees
and yes, i posted an intro to this weeks ago and then... anyway i have content for you now!
The year is 2083, and honeybees have almost gone extinct. Thankfully, scientists Becky J. Albert and Hasan Jha have successfully modified a honeybee genome to be more resilient to environmental circumstances-exactly what they need to survive the age of pollution and anthropocentrism. After the pair is awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry, these bees are distributed around the globe, and economies are booming due to the surplus in food.
One and a half months later, the bees have destroyed most crops, causing poverty and famine to rampage like never before. Our story begins here.
maybe i will post more i do not know :p
taglist (let me know to be +/-): @opes-magnas @writing-is-a-martial-art @lothricroselle14
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Matoran Morphology Section 1b
Before I go into detail on the different types of matoran I will be cataloging, I would like to record some basic, mostly universal facts about matoran biology. The scope of matoran diversity is incredibly vast and complicated, so none of the “rules” I present here are completely universal. However, they have been proven by millennia of data to be correct the vast majority of the time.
The Matoran Form: Matoran are small beings with a standard agoroid body type: that is to say, they are bipedal with a generally upright posture and have two legs, two arms, and one head, connected by a substantial torso. Every matoran has a “true” biomechanical body, often referred to as the “emergency mode” body, which contains their vital organics. Under normal circumstances, this body is encased within and connected to an additional “outer” body made primarily of mechanical parts and tough muscle fiber. Matoran can survive separated from their outer body, however, it is usually attached to them from the moment of their creation and is intended to stay on for the entirety of their lifetime. Though the inner body is fairly delicate, the outer body is designed to be robust, modular, and comparatively easier to safely modify or rebuild than the bodies of most biomechanical beings. This modularity has led to a wide array of diversity in matoran body types, with each regional population of the matoran world developing a unique style by making tiny self-modifications over thousands of years. Hence this study. Although height is by far the most variable factor of the matoran form, all matoran who have not transformed into toa are under 1 bio tall.
Life Cycle and Aging: Before the great rejoining, matoran were typically created using machines, which were once located deep underground within Mata-Nui's body underneath both continents and most large islands. The machine would scan the genomes and body schematics of a group of matoran (anywhere from 3 to 18) and, with the authorization of a turaga, use that data to generate new matoran, complete with outer bodies. As a failsafe, matoran are capable of reproducing without a machine through a few different methods (which are likely to become the standard now that most of the machines were lost in the Great Rejoining). The length of a natural matoran lifespan is unknown, but it is estimated to be on the order of tens if not hundreds of thousands of years. Matoran do age; older matoran’s bodies will display decreased strength and obvious wear and tear. However, as of yet there are no documented cases of a matoran dying from age-related complications. Rather, most matoran deaths result from violence or work accidents.
Elements and Color: Every matoran belongs to one of fifteen elemental types: the seven primary elements (excluding shadow) and eight secondary elements of Mata-Nui’s universe. Note that this set of elements is distinct from the eight elemental tribes of Spherus Magna. Each matoran draws energy from the presence of their element to sustain their own life force, and each matoran also has inherent traits specific to their element (for instance: Ta-matoran, the matoran of fire, are resistant to heat and cannot be burned). A matoran’s elemental affiliation has no correlation with their body structure, save that some elements happen to be more common in certain regions where specific body types developed. Each matoran will be marked as a member of their elemental tribe by the color of their body components. Matoran coloration is actually directly caused by the presence of their elemental energy, not by the inherent color of their components; if a part is properly integrated into the matoran body, it will turn a color appropriate to that matoran and their element even if it was a different color before being attached. Matoran coloration can be categorized as follows:
Structural color: There are some colors that matoran of all elements commonly exhibit. These colors typically show up on structural components and don’t make up a large fraction of the matoran’s visible armor surface; however, they have been known to have a much larger presence in certain body models. By far the most common structural color is a dark gray; the other known ones are black, light gray, tan, blue, and red.
Elemental color: every matoran element has a small set of colors attached to it. Usually this set can be further categorized into one or two primary colors and multiple secondary colors. The vast majority of color on a matoran’s body will be made up of one or two colors from their element’s set. Chances are at least one of these colors will be one of the primary colors for their element; however, there are rare cases where a matoran exhibits only secondary colors for their element. (example: the elemental colors of ice are white (the primary color), silver, light blue, and light gray. A ko-matoran might be white and light blue.)
Unique color: For unknown reasons, some matoran (under 5% of the total population) exhibit a unique color that doesn’t belong to their elemental set. This color rarely takes up a large amount of space on the body, but they are still extremely noticeable. Matoran with unique colors stand out from others of their element and are considered by some matoran to be cool or attractive. (example: a ga-matoran with a primarily blue color scheme might have some yellow components.)
Eyeglow: Every matoran has a unique color that their eyes and heartlight glow under normal circumstances. A matoran’s eyeglow color usually does not correlate directly to element or body type. However, for unknown reasons, populations of matoran of the same element that hail from the same region will often have the same color of eyeglow. The glow of a matoran’s eyes will often be turned off to conserve energy if the matoran’s body is damaged or not functioning properly, but the glow of the heartlight will always be visible.
Notable Exceptions and Special Rules:
Av-matoran, the matoran of light, are one massive exception to the facts listed above. They are so unique that they will be covered in their own section of this study, where I will discuss their quirks more in-depth.
Some matoran have had their inner “emergency mode” body irretrievably lost or modified at some point in their lives. There is one particular population of matoran where almost none of them have an intact inner body; they will also be covered in other sections of this study
All Onu-Matoran (matoran of earth) have green eyeglow. It’s thought that this has something to do with their natural night-vision.
All Ko-matoran (matoran of ice) have a cool, pale, blue eyeglow. The exact shade can vary from light blue to something almost purple.
Fusion and Transformation Abilities: With the help of specific external conditions, matoran are capable of transforming into different bodily forms. All of the forms mentioned below fall under the umbrella of the matoran species, but this study does not aim to discuss them within its main body. nevertheless, we will mention them here. Like many other biomechanical beings, matoran can temporarily combine their own bodies and minds with others of their kind to become beings called fusions. In the case of matoran, six matoran of different elements must come together to create a fusion known as a matoran nui. If they are given the elemental energy to do so by an outside source, individual matoran are also capable of permanently transforming into a being known as a toa, considered by some to be the next stage in the matoran life cycle. Toa are the designated warriors and protectors of the matoran species. They are always significantly taller and stronger than their previous matoran form, are capable of using great and noble kanohi masks, and have access to elemental powers beyond the passive abilities most matoran have. In the transformation into a toa, the separation between a matoran’s inner and outer bodies disappears; toa instead have a single body structure that is built for durability. After having been a toa for some length of time, a toa can choose to give away their accumulated elemental power and use the release of energy to accomplish some task, usually to transform up to 6 more matoran into toa. After giving up their power, the toa will transform again into a Turaga. Turaga are the designated leaders of matoran society. They are the most physically weak of the matoran transformation stages, are usually only slightly taller than their old matoran form, are capable of using noble kanohi and some diminished elemental powers, and they often appear to be older than the matoran around them (though this isn’t always the case). It’s thought that all of the excess elemental energy that flows through their body is diverted into boosting their mental functions, though this hypothesis or the effectiveness of such a system hasn’t been proven. Despite toa and turaga being thought of as advanced stages of the matoran life cycle, the vast majority of matoran never become toa. It’s been hypothesized that only specific matoran who are destined for it even possess the physical potential to become toa; however, there is little data to support this view. One final note of interest is that a matoran’s transformations into toa or turaga appear to reset their age; a frail, worn out matoran will gain a sturdy new toa body that shows no signs of age-related wear, and despite the apparent fragility of the turaga form, the same applies for a toa to turaga transformation.
Chronicler’s notes: this is a collection of information originally found in section 1 of Scholar Tavi’s study on Matoran Morphology. I have separated it here, as it’s kind of tangential to the original purpose of the study.
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RT @ahi_inc: AHIDG06 - SUSHI-Genome (Yebisu303 + 909state) - Magna Palace 309 2022/12/30 (Fri.) Release in ComicMarket 101 @ 東京ビッグサイト 東M-21a "秋葉原重工" Price: 1500JPY #ahi_jp #秋葉原重工 #C101 #コミケ101 https://t.co/vuvWPQBDLJ — wat / loopdrive (@shugoh) Dec 24, 2022 via Twitter
— RT @ahi_inc: AHIDG06 - SUSHI-Genome (Yebisu303 + 909state) - Magna Palace 309 2022/12/30 (Fri.) Release in ComicMarket 101 @ 東京ビッグサイト 東M-21a "秋葉原重工" Price: 1500JPY #ahi_jp #秋葉原重工 #C101 #コミケ101 https://t.co/vuvWPQBDLJ — wat / loopdrive (@shugoh) Dec 24, 2022 via Twitter
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Integrating MAGNA with Dynamic Genomics
In the rapidly evolving field of genomics, the convergence of advanced technologies has paved the way for groundbreaking discoveries. One such innovation, MAGNA technology, is revolutionizing how we understand biomolecular interactions at a dynamic level. This blog explores the integration of MAGNA with dynamic genomics, highlighting its implications and potential.
Understanding Dynamic Genomics
Dynamic genomics represents a paradigm shift in genetic research, moving beyond static sequences to analyze real-time interactions within the genome. It delves into the dynamics of gene expression, regulatory mechanisms, and environmental influences, providing a holistic view of biological systems.
The Role of MAGNA Technology
At the forefront of this revolution is MAGNA technology, a cutting-edge platform developed by Depixus. MAGNA enables high-throughput analysis of molecular interactions in real-time, capturing dynamic changes with unparalleled precision. By integrating MAGNA with dynamic genomics, researchers can uncover temporal patterns, regulatory networks, and disease mechanisms that were once elusive.
Applications in Biomedical Research
The synergy between MAGNA and dynamic genomics holds immense promise across various biomedical domains. In cancer research, for instance, MAGNA can elucidate how gene expression profiles evolve over time, offering insights into tumor progression and treatment responses. In infectious diseases, it can track pathogen-host interactions dynamically, aiding in the development of targeted therapies.
Advancing Precision Medicine
Precision medicine relies on understanding individual variability in genes, environment, and lifestyle. MAGNA’s ability to capture dynamic genomic interactions enhances our ability to tailor treatments based on real-time data. This personalized approach holds potential in predicting disease risks, optimizing drug efficacy, and ultimately improving patient outcomes.
Future Directions and Innovations
Looking ahead, the integration of MAGNA with dynamic genomics is poised to drive further innovations. Future developments may include enhanced computational models to analyze complex datasets, advancements in single-cell genomics to uncover cellular heterogeneity, and applications in synthetic biology for designing precise genetic circuits.
In conclusion, the integration of MAGNA technology with dynamic genomics represents a significant leap forward in understanding biomolecular interactions at a dynamic level. This synergy not only accelerates biomedical research but also opens new avenues for precision medicine and personalized therapies. As we navigate the complexities of the genomic landscape, Depixus continues to lead the charge with innovative solutions that empower researchers worldwide.
To discover how MAGNA technology can revolutionize your research, explore Depixus for further details.
Reposted Blog Post URL: https://petrickzagblogger.wordpress.com/2024/07/25/integrating-magna-with-dynamic-genomics/
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Art by: SheilaGrace
Shelia’s DA Page
Active File – Z030650
Dr. Annabel Doren – Chief Bio-scientist for the Council of Five.
There is a lot that can be said about the good doctor, one of the few members of the council’s workforce that has a public persona, Doctor Doren is known to the scientific community as a well-known researcher and bio-scientist, specializing in the fields of Biochemistry and genetics. Her knowledge and resources have allowed her to create cures to several Zoonotic diseases namely the dreaded rabies virus, which was responsible for numerous death tolls.
Though much of her public life is an open book, born in Savannah Central, raised by a loving family, went to school and graduated from Zootopia University Magna cum laude and went to work for one of the premiere biotechnologies companies in Zootopia, Kai Ren Medical. Her private persona is a much-guarded secret even from those that know her.
In addition to working for Kai Ren Medical, she works for the Council of Five and acting as one-third of the council's premier scientific staff. She cultivated the process that allowed the mildly toxic Midnicampum Holicithias flower to become a cerebral disinhibitor. After it’s use by Dawn Bellwether and the subsequent events known as “The Savage Case”, Dr. Doren’s team was tasked with further refinements to the process in an effort to make a viable combat drug for use with infantry troops on the battlefield.
Her various experiments yielded a number of derivatives each displaying various effects on the mammalian brain. After the collapse of the council of five during the “Plague Incident”, she struck out on her own using the narcotic variant called “Rush” to further fund her research. After being brought back into the fold by Sidney Ridgeway, her research changed focus and begun on trying to tap into the limitless potential of the Zootopian genome through forced evolution experiments. The outcome of that program is currently unknown.
Dr. Doren is extremely intelligent and cunning, and will often appear ruthless. However it has been noticed at times she has elicited empathy for some of her more unfortunate subjects, especially those of her latest research program prompted by Sidney Ridgeway. However, despite this “latent empathy” on her part, she is to be regarded as extremely dangerous. That being said, it still should be the goal of the Bureau to seek her capture at the nearest opportunity as she could reveal the inner workings of the scientific secrets of both the council and Sidney Ridgeway’s Majestic 12.
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Fwd: Graduate position: UKonstanz.DaphniaPopulationGenetics
Begin forwarded message: > From: [email protected] > Subject: Graduate position: UKonstanz.DaphniaPopulationGenetics > Date: 6 March 2021 at 06:32:35 GMT > To: [email protected] > > > > PhD project - Effect of nutrients on population genetic diversity and > host microbiomes of Daphnia metaorganisms > > The water flea Daphnia is a popular model system to study evolution, > ecology, and development. Daphnia are globally widespread in freshwaters, > have short generation times, and clonal lineages can be maintained in > the laboratory, which facilitates experimental evolution and laboratory > assays of genes and traits that drive evolution over time. Here we are > employing an existing mesocosm setup to study the effects of nutrient > availability and community composition on population genetics and host > microbiomes of Daphnia pulex and Daphnia magna to better understand the > dynamics of abiotic and biotic factors on species success and survival (in > collaboration with Jelena Pantel, https://ift.tt/3c8hQvW). > Briefly, selected genotypes of both Daphnia species are exposed in > combination and alone to increased/decreased nutrient levels to assess > how community composition affect patterns of genotype diversity and > the microbiome within and between species. Importantly, this is a > multigeneration experiment where selection effects from one generation > to the next can be tracked. Further, the opportunity for manipulative > experiments is provided (e.g., provisioning of selected microbes to assess > probiotic effects, effect of additional stressor, etc.). The project > aims to measure genotype/allele frequencies using whole genome pool > sequencing, assess microbiome dynamics through marker gene sequencing, > and to collect a suite of physiological parameters to assess how external > factors shape species survival/dynamics. The project is a collaborative > effort between the Becks, Meyer, and Voolstra labs, integrated in the > doctoral program of University of Konstanz and the Research Training > Group R3 (https://ift.tt/2XZKdai). The DFG Research Training > Group R3 Resilience of Lake Ecosystems at the University of Konstanz > studies the response, resilience, reversibility of aquatic ecosystems > to changing abiotic and biotic conditions using Lake Constance. > > Requirements: > > MSc degree in Molecular Biology, Genetics/Genomics, Microbiology, > Limnology, or a related discipline. > > Interest in in Ecology, Evolution, Genomics, Metaorganisms. > > Experience in molecular work and bioinformatics analysis is a plus. > > High proficiency in spoken and written English is expected. > > Last final exam (Master Degree or equivalent) must have taken place no > longer than six years ago > > Applicants must not have resided in Germany for more than 15 months > prior to the nomination. > > Application: > > To apply, send the following documents as a single PDF file to > [email protected] until 31th March 2021. > > Cover letter, including statement of motivation (1 page) > > Curriculum vitae (including list of publications) > > Certificates of education > > 2 letters of recommendation from faculty using the form found at > https://ift.tt/1mk19RG > (can be handed in at a later timepoint) > > Further details: > > Details on the DAAD Graduate School Scholarship Program, > the application procedure and eligibility criteria: > https://ift.tt/2zoHOeV > > Starting date: as soon as possible, latest by second quarter of 2021 > > -- > Prof. Dr. Lutz Becks Limnological Institute University of > Konstanz Mainaustraße 252 78464 Konstanz / Egg Germany Mail: > [email protected] Phone: 07531 88 2828 > > "[email protected]" > via IFTTT
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June 2021 Report on Global Automotive Metal Market Overview, Size, Share and Trends 2021-2026
Under COVID-19 Outbreak, how the Automotive Metal Industry will develop is also analyzed in detail in Chapter 1.7 of the report. In Chapter 2.4, we analyzed industry trends in the context of COVID-19. In Chapter 3.5, we analyzed the impact of COVID-19 on the product industry chain based on the upstream and downstream markets. In Chapters 6 to 10 of the report, we analyze the impact of COVID-19 on various regions and major countries. In chapter 13.5, the impact of COVID-19 on the future development of the industry is pointed out.
A holistic study of the market is made by considering a variety of factors, from demographics conditions and business cycles in a particular country to market-specific microeconomic impacts. The study found the shift in market paradigms in terms of regional competitive advantage and the competitive landscape of major players.
Key players in the global Automotive Metal market covered in Chapter 4: Schaeffler AG ArcelorMittal SA Essar Steel Limited ThyssenKrupp AG Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal GKN plc Tata Steel Alcoa Corporation Voestalpine AG Benteler International POSCO Gestamp Magna International Inc. United States Steel Corporation
ALSO READ : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global--polylysine-sales-market-outlook-industry-analysis-and-prospect-2021-2021-05-03
In Chapter 11 and 13.3, on the basis of types, the Automotive Metal market from 2015 to 2026 is primarily split into: Aluminum Steel Magnesium Others
In Chapter 12 and 13.4, on the basis of applications, the Automotive Metal market from 2015 to 2026 covers: Body structure Power train Suspension Others
ALSO READ : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/covid-19-outbreak-global-agriculture-genomics-industry-market-by-type-by-application-by-segmentation-by-region-and-by-country-2021-2021-05-04
Geographically, the detailed analysis of consumption, revenue, market share and growth rate, historic and forecast (2015-2026) of the following regions are covered in Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13: North America (Covered in Chapter 6 and 13) United States Canada Mexico Europe (Covered in Chapter 7 and 13) Germany UK France Italy Spain Russia Others Asia-Pacific (Covered in Chapter 8 and 13) China Japan South Korea Australia India Southeast Asia Others Middle East and Africa (Covered in Chapter 9 and 13) Saudi Arabia UAE Egypt Nigeria South Africa Others South America (Covered in Chapter 10 and 13) Brazil Argentina Columbia Chile Others
ALSO READ : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-distributed-antenna-system-das-market-by-type-by-application-by-segmentation-by-region-and-by-country-2021-2021-05-05
Years considered for this report: Historical Years: 2015-2019 Base Year: 2019 Estimated Year: 2020 Forecast Period: 2020-2026
Table of Content
1 Report Overview 1.1 Study Scope 1.2 Key Market Segments 1.3 Regulatory Scenario by Region/Country 1.4 Market Investment Scenario Strategic 1.5 Market Analysis by Type 1.5.1 Global Automotive Metal Market Share by Type (2020-2026) 1.5.2 Aluminum 1.5.3 Steel 1.5.4 Magnesium 1.5.5 Others 1.6 Market by Application 1.6.1 Global Automotive Metal Market Share by Application (2020-2026) 1.6.2 Body structure 1.6.3 Power train 1.6.4 Suspension 1.6.5 Others 1.7 Automotive Metal Industry Development Trends under COVID-19 Outbreak 1.7.1 Global COVID-19 Status Overview 1.7.2 Influence of COVID-19 Outbreak on Automotive Metal Industry Development
ALSO READ : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-steer-axle-hubs-market-size-share-value-and-competitive-landscape-2021---2026-2021-05-06
2. Global Market Growth Trends 2.1 Industry Trends 2.1.1 SWOT Analysis 2.1.2 Porter’s Five Forces Analysis 2.2 Potential Market and Growth Potential Analysis 2.3 Industry News and Policies by Regions 2.3.1 Industry News 2.3.2 Industry Policies 2.4 Industry Trends Under COVID-19
ALSO READ : http://www.marketwatch.com/story/global-ibre-optic-sensors-market-size-share-value-and-competitive-landscape-2024-2021-05-07
3 Value Chain of Automotive Metal Market 3.1 Value Chain Status 3.2 Automotive Metal Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis 3.2.1 Production Process Analysis 3.2.2 Manufacturing Cost Structure of Automotive Metal 3.2.3 Labor Cost of Automotive Metal Labor Cost of Automotive Metal Under COVID-19 3.3 Sales and Marketing Model Analysis 3.4 Downstream Major Customer Analysis (by Region) 3.5 Value Chain Status Under COVID-19
….. continued
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Condé Nast Owns Everything
Condé Nast really has it out for you. You tried to be a successful writer because they told you in school that your stories are so interesting! and your spelling is perfect and your grammar is impeccable and your syntax, urgh, it's absolutely sublime and that this is your true calling. After being shoved into the real world, you realized no one gave a shit. And that's to be expected. You already knew you lived in a civilization of markets and profit ambitions and decisions governed by sales figures and ad revenue. You have your own voice of course, but according to market research, your voice isn’t what the people want. And Condé Nast owns everything now.
Of course, they've owned all magazines since the beginning of time. That needn't have been said. But it's too late now; those words have already been charged to my account. Condé Nast owns all writing, all fonts, all copyrights and intellectual property rights, undisputed. This is normal.
Condé Nast owns all fiction and non-fiction publications: novels, short stories, poetry, spark notes, textbooks, how-to guides, cookbooks, history books, biographies and memoirs. Dead lives are owned and monetized by Condé Nast, all quotations.
Condé Nast owns the Bible and the Qur'an, the Rigveda, the Upanishads, the Ramayana, the Dhammapada. They own the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and every bill and law that has ever come and gone. All the contents of the former Library of Congress. They own the Magna Carta and the Communist Manifesto. The Emancipation Proclamation. The Vatican Secret Archives. The State Archive of the Russian Federation. The Historical Archives of China. The Charter of the United Nations. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The Treaty of Versailles. The Geneva Conventions. News Corp. Al-Jazeera. The Associated Press. The International Bureau of Weights and Measures. The Human Genome. The Rosetta Stone. Internet Protocol. The Gregorian Calendar, all maps of the Earth, and all telescopic images of the universe.
Condé Nast owns all the scientific journals. Ph.Ds. and post-doctoral candidates regularly grovel at executive feet, begging to have their works published: new proofs, cures for diseases. They’re willing to do whatever it takes, suck whoever’s dick needs sucking, to make sure their families, mortgages, and insurmountable student loans are fed.
Condé Nast owns the insignificant and trivial: the nonsensical work jargon written on legal pads and Post-it notes, the monthly newsletters that secretaries collate and distribute around the office exuberantly. Every letter sent home to mom and dad from college or addressed to Santa on Christmas. Condé Nast snatches up the schoolwork of all children, a high priority for them. Editors appropriate kindergarteners' first written words on contracts disguised as worksheets. Condé Nast copyrights all material children should ever produce in their likely-to-be insignificant lives, their first letter A scrawled on the dotted line as proof.
The Writer is a privileged position in society. Industries are built around memorable pseudonyms and their famous combinations of words are memorized by the world. Those lucky few who do become Writers don't write what's in their hearts or minds. They write based on trends and surveys for the publication to which they're assigned. The Writer becomes their genre, their aesthetic assigned from birth. Original ideas are no longer required. Creativity is no longer required. Just produce content no one wants to write: that's the function of the Writer now. Condé Nast has seen to that. Nothing is published for the world to read unless they say so. A story is tailor-made for every publication. The Writer doesn't matter, the content doesn't matter either, just the mentions, the market, the audience Condé Nast made for themselves, from themselves.
Millions of editors are bred to read through the unending reams of paper that shoot through Condé Nast's doors, classifying and cataloguing each piece of paper, one by one, filing it away, scanning it into the massive underground databases: unvisited, restricted libraries made from the abundant silica of the Earth, repurposed to store information, an unimaginable quantity of bytes beneath massive editorial city-factories where forests used to grow.
Editors-at-large spend their time studying images. They scoop up used paper and photographs into huge piles, raiding homes and schools and offices. They take pictures of etchings and frescos and graffiti using specially-made cameras, which send jpegs to Condé Nast that are then automatically deleted from the device they were sent from. They work to discern whether or not symbols and shapes of various natures are glyphic. They look around from time to time at the objects in their own lives. Are they glyphs? Condé Nast's editors-at-large wonder. At what point do the three-dimensional objects become glyph, become copyright, their only existential question. All known objects can be transposed two-dimensionally, made wingding, they recall. There is no limit to what can be glyphed. When it was discovered that sound waves could be considered glyphic, they became copyrighted too. So did video. Any sound or motion or wavelength shape that conveyed language was seized and repurposed to be governed by the mass media company.
People don't write or speak much anymore because Condé Nast bills them for every word written. Every piece of paper, every writing tool, every eyeball has an imbedded nano-chip used to tell Condé Nast when their glyphs are being transacted. Every month, an invoice comes in from Condé Nast detailing how much you owe them, payable by credit card, online bank transfer, or the Condé Nast Pay app. People don't have the kind of money it takes to write. They wonder what it was like in the past, when words were free, like when water was free--what a concept! Even a leisurely walk becomes expensive if one were to look at all the advertisements. It's expensive to the consumer to be sold products, to read all the hazard signs put up by the government. Most people have forgotten how to write or speak, or never learned at all, living uncreative lives of silence in order to make ends meet.
A child decided they want to be a Writer when they grow up because their parents loved their writing and they're told they're good at it in school, but when they grew up, they realized that there’s no place for them, the Writers’ Circle was inaccessible. They couldn’t afford to do it on their own, characters have come to cost so much, so the child instead became an editor at Condé Nast, sitting at a cubicle in an office floor filled with ten thousand occupied cubicles, reading through what others had written. They sit there now, quite old, wearing glasses because of the strain of reading their whole life, a permanent hunchback, a thin cardigan worn to barely stay warm in a cold arena-sized office-floor home, emaciated except for their sitter’s paunch. Ninety-nine percent of the time, the writing that passes across their desk is of no significance or interest, but every once in a while, they'll see something a child had written, like in crayon or on construction paper, several shakily-written pages detailing a fantastic story played out in the child's mind at recess or at home after school one day, and the old editor smiles, remembers to themselves when they were inspired to write in this way, the mind frame they used to possess, but then the editor wonders if the child was severely beaten by their parents, punished for writing behind their backs, costing them precious money on that month's expenses. The pot-bellied editor sadly scans the item and slips it down into the bin, falling down to the underground libraries where pale goblin-like clerks file the papers away, some place, no one really knew where to find them again.
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Differential gene transcription across the life cycle in Daphnia magna using a new all genome custom-made microarray.
Pubmed: http://dlvr.it/QTTBQm
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El PSOE promueve una reforma constitucional federal, mientras los partidos de Cataluña Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) y la Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (CUP) presionan al presidente catalán, Carles Puigdemont, para que no demore la declaración unilateral de independencia.
Las claras posiciones de la Comisión Europea y de las políticas europeas en la Cámara de Bruselas contrarias a la declaración unilateral de independencia están agrietando al partido del president de la Generalitat.
Cataluña superficie de 32.113 Km2, es una región grande comparada con el resto de las Comunidades Autónomas.[1]Tiene una población de 7.441.176 habitantes, es decir es la 2º Comunidad de España en cuanto a población se refiere. Presenta una densidad de población de 232 habitantes por Km2, muy superior a la densidad de población de España y a la del resto de las Comunidades Autónomas .
Con 7,5 millones de habitantes de los más de 46 millones que hay en España, Cataluña es una de las comunidades autónomas más ricas e industrializadas del país y aporta casi el 20 por ciento de su producto interno bruto (PIB). Aunque tiene el 16 por ciento de la población.[2]
Aúna asi en las últimas horas los mercados ya la castigaron a los bancos catalanes por la eventual declaración de independencia. El Ibex perdió 2.9 por ciento, en la mayor caída en un día desde el Brexit el miércoles, y se recuperó el jueves tras los anuncios de que varias empresas estaban moviendo sus sedes de Barcelona. Oryzon Genomics, que se dedica a la biotecnología, transfirió su dirección fiscal a Madrid, y sus acciones ganaron 20 por ciento, reflejando lo que piensan los mercados. Eurona Telecom hizo lo mismo y sus acciones subieron 7.4% por ciento Sabadell ya dijo que se irá a Alicante y su acción subió 6.6 por ciento. La pura sugerencia de Caixabank que seguiría ese camino, elevó en más de 4 por ciento sus acciones.[3]
Como dato relevante estos hechos muestran como Cataluña pierde todos sus grandes bancos en ocho años. En 2009, en territorio catalán había 11 grandes entidades financieras. Con la salida del Sabadell y CaixaBank ya no queda ninguna.Al quedar fuera de la Eurozona, Cataluña perdería la red de seguridad que supone el Banco Central Europeo (BCE), que durante la crisis rescató a varias entidades españolas.[4]
Según el gobierno catalán, su región aporta a las arcas españolas más de lo que recibe a cambio. En concreto, 16.000 millones de euros (unos US$18.766 millones), lo que supone un 8% de su PIB.
Comprobando las cifras de desempleo en Cataluña, vemos que tiene un porcentaje de paro del 13,2% de la población activa, una tasa inferior a la nacional, y que es la 8ª Comunidad Autónoma en el ranking, de menor a mayor, de paro de las Comunidades Autónomas. Su PIB es de 211.915M.€ euros, lo que la sitúa como la primera economía de España por volumen de PIB. En cuanto al PIB per cápita, que es un buen índicador de la calidad de vida, en Cataluña en 2016, fue de 28.590€ euros, frente a los 24.100€ euros de PIB per cápita en España. Esta cifra supone que sus habitantes están entre los que tienen mejor nivel de vida de España, ya que ocupa el 4º puesto en el ranking de PIB Per cápita de las Comunidades Autónomas.
En 2016 su deuda pública fue de 75.118 millones de euros, un 35,3% de su PIB y su deuda per cápita de 10.095€ euros por habitante. Si ordenamos las Comunidades Autónomas, de menor a mayor deuda, vemos que Cataluña se encuentra en la 4ª posición de la tabla de Comunidades Autónomas y en la 17ª posición en cuanto a deuda por habitante se refiere.La tasa de variación anual del IPC de Cataluña en agosto de 2017 ha sido del 2% 1 decima superior a la del mes anterior. Estos datos debemos compararlos con los del IPC de España, donde la tasa de variación anual del IPC de septiembre de 2017 fue del 1,8%.
Según el Ministerio de Empleo, Catalunya cuenta con el mayor número de pensionistas en España, 1,7 millones, con una pensión media de 958 euros.6
Según el Ministerio de Hacienda, el saldo fiscal relativo (lo que aporta Cataluña a la solidaridad regional) en 2014, último año disponible, fue de 9.892 millones de euros, menos de la mitad que Madrid (19.205). Por su parte, la Generalitat sitúa el déficit fiscal de Catalunya en 14.623 millones de euros en el año 2012, cifra que equivale al 7,5% del PIB catalán.
Según los últimos datos difundidos por el Banco de España, Catalunya sigue siendo la comunidad autónoma más endeudada en cifras absolutas, con un total de 76.727 millones. En el último año la factura ha subido un 3%. El grueso del endeudamiento (52.499 millones de euros) es con el Estado. El resto se reparte en más de 8.000 millones que debe a la banca y más de 5.000 millones a inversores en emisiones de deuda de la Generalitat que aún no han vencido.
Sus exportaciones suponen un 25,6% del total nacional, y sus importaciones un 28,5%. Su sector industrial tiene un peso del 22,7% en el conjunto nacional, y recibe un 24,1% de los turistas extranjeros que llegan al país.
Los partidos de Cataluña Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) y la Candidatura d'Unitat Popular (CUP) presionan al presidente catalán, Carles Puigdemont, para que no demore la declaración unilateral de independencia. En el plano politico la CUP, pidió este jueves al Govern que dejara de trabajar con La Caixa, el Banco Sabadell y el BBVA. Un boicot en toda regla a las tres grandes entidades bancarias de Cataluña después de que Sabadell decidiera cambiar su sede social de Barcelona a Alicante y que CaixaBank estudie hacerlo a Palma este viernes.
A este boicot se suma también otro objetivo de la CUP: controlar puertos y aeropuertos para hacer efectiva la desconexión con España, porque cree que no vale con una simple declaración de independencia en el Parlament. "Este Parlamento ha hecho muchísimas declaraciones que después han quedado en papel mojado o sin efectividad. Uno de los elementos pasa por el control del territorio", ha dicho, poniendo como ejemplo de ese control el dominio de los puertos y aeropuertos, señala el organo maximo del partido.
Para los analistas europeos, el Govern es consciente de que una proclamación de independencia con 2,2 millones podría ser poco consistente, pero la falta de alternativas que ofrece Rajoy les deja muy poca salida, según afirman. Es en esta tesitura cuando la declaración de independencia gana peso, aún reconociendo que un paso así activaría, ahora sí, la aplicación del artículo 155 de la Constitución de forma inmediata. Calculan, incluso, que el Gobierno pueda forzar una convocatoria electoral con la Generalitat suspendida. Un escenario que, de rebote, podría empujar a ERC a reeditar la coalición de JxSí que los republicanos no desean.8
En su propio partido la coordinadora general del PDeCAT, Marta Pascal, señaló en una entrevista de la cadena SER sobre la declaración de independencia que "preocupa poco el tiempo, pero sí la palabra dada, que tenemos un compromiso, pero a su vez, que no queremos perder a nadie, y sobre todo que no queremos perder la complicidad internacional". Esas "decisiones irreparables" o como lo ha denominado el ministro de Educación y portavoz del Gobierno, Íñigo Méndez de Vigo, esos "pasos irreversibles en la mala dirección" se concentran en la declaración unilateral de independencia, que en teoría Puigdemont pretende llevar a la Cámara catalana el próximo martes. Por este motivo, el ministro portavoz insistió en que el president "vuelva a la legalidad y se sitúe en el orden constitucional para que podamos hablar y dialogar".
"Es importante cerrar esa brecha en el Parlament de Cataluña. Sería importante volver al diálogo donde se quebró la legalidad en las jornadas del 6 y 7 de septiembre", cuando se aprobaron las leyes de referéndum y de transitoriedad, declaró Méndez de Vigo. 7
En La actual situación política, el independentismo ha proscrito el aprendizaje de la lengua española en Cataluña . Entonces el catastrófico resultado no ha sido otro que la existencia de un creciente sector en la población española, dentro y fuera de las mal llamadas nacionalidades "históricas", que odia la idea de España o lo ignora todo sobre ella. 9
Desde hace tiempo esto se conjuga con la propuesta del PSOE que apunta a un modelo territorial que ponga orden al Estado de las autonomías en cuestión de competencias y financiación. Con una reforma que fomente «la participación ciudadana» y mejore «la representatividad de los electos». Y que reduzca «los aforamientos» y asegure «la independencia de la Justicia».
Según el PSOE, el sistema de las autonomías «necesita una actualización que incorpore una perspectiva federal» de modo que las competencias queden bien delimitadas, asegure la financiación de las regiones, reforme el Senado y reconozca las «singularidades» de algunas comunidades. La fórmula de Sánchez pasa por el federalismo.
Sin embargo esta reforma de la Carta Magna requiere que dos tercios del Congreso lo aprueben, un referéndum, la disolución de las cortes para la convocatoria de elecciones y un nuevo refrendo de dos tercios de la Cámara Baja. Un consenso que no existe, y que esta muy lejano.11
Las claras posiciones de la Comisión Europea y de las políticas europeas en la Cámara de Bruselas contrarias a la declaración unilateral de i ndependencia están agrietando al partido del president de la Generalitat, Carles Puigdemont. La correlación de la política de la coalición en Cataluña, la división interna antes mencionada y la negociación del PP con el PSOE por la reforma constitucional son las nueva etapas que se proyectan en estas horas tan aciagas.
Alvaro Fontana
[1] http://www.dw.com/es/tensi%C3%B3n-en-espa%C3%B1a-tras-la-represi%C3%B3n-en-catalu%C3%B1a/a-40772428
http://www.vanguardia.com.mx/articulo/el-lado-oscuro-del-separatismo 3
https://elpais.com/economia/2017/10/07/actualidad/1507379459_447237.html 4
https://www.elconfidencial.com/espana/cataluna/2017-10-06/independencia-cataluna-cup-caixa-boicot-sabadell-bbva_1456690/ 5
http://www.eldiario.es/economia/economia-catalana_0_693981278.html 6
7 http://www.eldiario.es/politica/Gobierno-PDeCAT-declaracion-unilateral-independencia_0_694331388.html
http://www.eldiario.es/catalunya/politica/Puigdemont-Movilizacion-internacional-encauzar-independencia_0_692931445.html 9
http://www.expansion.com/actualidadeconomica/analisis/2017/10/02/59d2285a22601d69428b45cf.html 9
http://www.abc.es/espana/20141012/abci-psoe-reforma-constitucion-federal-201410071159.html 11
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Parasitism drives host genome evolution: Insights from the Pasteuria ramosa-Daphnia magna system.
#pubmed http://dlvr.it/PrFdV1
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