sablelab · 6 years
Magical Walk
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SYNOPSIS: Sam’s thoughts turn to the hill he and Caitriona had climbed together in the early stages of their relationship called  North Berwick Law. This definitely was a significant night or else he wouldn’t have called it “MAGICAL.”  
This is my account as to what may have happened. This short story is featured in my multi chapter story Three Days in the Highlands.
Sam had meticulously thought out what he wanted to do on this weekend away in the Highlands long before they had left Glasgow. It had always been his intention to make climbing Mount Schiehallion the highlight of their stay in the Highlands and given that the conditions on the mountain were indeed perfect, Sam was somewhat relieved.  If they had to turn back because the weather had deteriorated then that would throw his picnic plans into disarray and he would then need a plan B. Surreptitiously he mentally crossed his fingers because he knew that once they reached the top the view would be spectacular.  
He wanted his love to have a fantastic day and that was his aim for Caitriona with her first Munro bagging.  He hoped that today would be just, if not more memorable than their first hill climb together … the one that had been the catalyst for a relationship that had blossomed and grew into a love as deep as the deepest ocean. He clasped Caitriona’s hand a little tighter as pictures of their first hill climb and the spectacular view … metaphorically and physically … suddenly resonated in his mind.
The first time they had climbed a mountain was some time ago when Caitriona had initially come to Glasgow and on the spur of the moment he had taken her hill climbing on North Berwick Law in East Lothian in order to get to know each other a little better away from the set in those early days.  He was a climbing fanatic and although she was ill prepared that night for what he had in mind, he refused to let Cait’s bad choice of footwear stop her assent to the top. If he had to drag her up the mountain caveman like then he would, but he was positive that Caitriona Balfe had the tenacity and resolve to do it all on her own despite her footwear.
Sam smiled to himself as he could still hear that conversation they’d had in his mind when he’d asked Cait to go on what constituted a first date … their first date … hill climbing with him. It was a good test for him for any date with a girl as he was not sure that every girl would particularly like to be dragged up a mountain, but it was a good indication to find out if they did. Although Caitriona had been reluctant at first, he had managed to bring her around to his way of thinking and she had passed with flying colours.  That night he just knew that she was the one. This gorgeous woman who had been thrust into the world of Outlander as he had been was a conundrum. Ms Balfe was circumspect, but there had been many an occasion when she had let her guard down and this intrigued him. He wanted to get to know her better not just as his co-star but on a deeper more visceral level. Cait challenged him like none other before her and it was what he found so fascinating about her.  
Her voice danced around in his mind as he remembered her words and her expressions on the night he’d asked her to go climbing. He could still picture Caitriona’s smile and the twinkle in her eyes as she accepted his proposition and all it involved. He loved that about her … she was up for anything and that night she proved it in spades.
“You’re so very into this climbing aren’t you Sam?”
“Aye … I love it and so will you too once you start. Come with me tonight.”
“But … these are the only shoes I bought with me.”
“No Problem … I will be most impressed if you can go hill climbing in those boots Caitriona.  Are you up for a challenge?”
“Are you goading me Heughan?”
“Who me?  Why no, of course not … but …”
“Okay … You’re on. I’ll go with you Mr Totally Outdoors.”
“You’re a brave woman Balfe.  I’m impressed.  It will be fun.”
“Who for? … You?...Or me?”
“Why both of us of course.”
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It was certainly magical for him and he was taken with Caitriona from that moment forward.  In fact he was very attracted to this very feminine tomboy who would hill climb in heels. It was a spur of the moment decision, and one he had thanked his lucky stars that she had risen to the challenge with.  And boom … he was totally hooked. He couldn’t believe that his new co-star would even contemplate a hike up a mountain, two hours drive away from Glasgow, then spend time in his company for dinner and drinks afterwards and then spend another two hours on the drive back to her flat.   He’d tried to hide his immense pleasure that Caitriona would even consider this as a first date as such, a get to know you type of date but a date nonetheless.  He was over the moon with anticipation at what might unfold when they were alone together.
However, in retrospect, the look on their faces on the selfie he’d taken at the summit under the monument at the top … Live for the Moment … really said it all. It was indeed serendipity. They were both smiling and so happy looking.  They were wedged up against the monument with Cait on her derrière her feet resting on his thigh showing the soles of her boots in which she had conquered the hill climb and him smiling like the cat that had swallowed all the cream.  She’d also given him a quick little smooch just before that selfie was taken and if he looked close enough he could still see the evidence of her lipstick shade on his lips. Each time he looked at the photo he couldn’t help but remember what it felt like to have Caitriona Balfe kiss him on the lips
He’d captured a perfect moment in time for posterity of them grinning joyfully at what they had achieved that night. This indeed had been a magical night on so many levels and without really knowing, that night had also been the beginning of their enduring love affair.  The fact that Caitriona had climbed in her high-heeled boots was testament to the mettle of this wonderful woman.  He could hardly believe his good fortune at having their paths cross in the way that they did. He never expected to find the right woman that was his equal. Caitriona Balfe was everything and more than he never knew that he wanted or needed in his life.  She was the epitome of class, smart, beautiful and funny.  They just melded together. He fell more and more in love with her each and every day thereafter.
Ahhh … and THAT kiss … That kiss had been magical just like that night and the amazing woman with him.
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It had hit him hard in the plexus without even knowing what was happening to him for he had fallen hard for his co star.  He knew that Caitriona was the one and the climb on North Berwick Law was the sealing of the deal. If Cait had been able to climb like she did with no complaints whatsoever and to be totally enamoured with his company he knew that she was a keeper and he would try everything in his power to make her realise that they were meant to be.  They had conversed so easily on the way up.  They’d laughed and joked around and when Caitriona had gotten a little tired of walking, he’d piggybacked her part of the way up the hill. She was no weight at all and he’d consciously jiggled her around a bit, which only encouraged Cait to grab onto his shoulders a little firmer and lock her legs more tightly around his waist while his hands cupped her delectable backside feeling the roundness of her butt cheeks nestled in the palms of his hands.  It was fun but it was torturous at the same time.  When Caitriona had linked her hands around his neck her head had fallen closer to his cheek and her hair had brushed his face as she giggled in merriment. Then when he smelt the perfume of her tresses and the essence of her scent, it made his heart accelerate in leaps and bounds.  
Perhaps Cait had felt the change in his body for she had asked him to put her down soon after that lapse in control. Now that he thought back on it perhaps she too had felt something special in that moment that had scared her a little as well, because his reaction to her had certainly scared the living daylights out of him. Caitriona Balfe was the epitome of a classic beauty. She was unpretentious and self effacing. Cait played down her looks but when she was dressed up she was a knockout … a goddess in his eyes, but that night hill climbing she was more beautiful than all the stars in the night sky. So natural and carefree and inwardly stunning, her beauty oozed out of her pores from the inside out. Everything from the sparkle in her eyes to her laughter made her a woman of immense beauty to him and that night she was glowing in his eyes.
Despite the battle going on in his brain at his escalating feelings for this woman, it seemed like in no time at all that they had reached the top of North Berwick Law. They had laughed and talked about everything under the sun until they had solved the problems of the world.  Caitriona had a similar outlook on life and knowing that she too was involved in a cancer charity showed how similar they were on so many levels.  They had talked about family and he had run past her his ideas for fundraising for a charity that was close to his heart.  He had no idea until then that she too was involved in a charity of a similar nature and when it involved children with cancer something just went boom in his heart.  Caitriona was so unassuming, a quiet achiever that worked so tirelessly for charities even before she became patron of World Child Cancer.  That was in fact how she was discovered for modelling… giving out charity bags for underprivileged in Ireland as a teenager.  She had a kind soul and he gravitated to that in her.  
The climb to the top had been enlightening and he had learnt a lot about Caitriona as a person and what he learnt thrilled him no end.  They had talked for hours and never ran out of conversation, they engaged easily in repartee, they were at ease with one another and the time had passed in the blink of an eye.  They were comfortable together and somehow after the night their deep bond had been formed and had never wavered.  He had never met a woman like Caitriona Balfe and there was no way in the world that he was ever going to lose her.  
Once they had reached the top of the mountain Cait had taken in the magical view looking down over the town below, the rolling crop fields and the tranquil sea but when she had turned her head to look at him the look on her face took his breath away.  Her hair was cascading around her beautiful face while her smile was radiant and said it all.  She was happy, exhilarated and in awe of what she was seeing.  Little did she know but that was exactly how he was feeling too. It was as if he was rooted to the place where he was standing.  Caitriona had then caught him completely off guard again as she came to where he was standing, threw her arms around his waist and kissed him on the lips.
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The touch of her mouth to his knocked the stuffing out of him but when his brain finally went into gear his lips responded. His arms tightened around her body drawing her closer to his torso as his lips gently nipped hers again and again until they locked on Cait’s with delicious intent. He deepened the kiss and Caitriona followed his lead. Their heads aligned and their mouths changed position as time seemed to stand still. They kissed until they became breathless … it was then they had to break away. Cait shyly loosened her arms and he reluctantly let her go. The kiss had changed everything. He tried to act nonchalantly and not place too much emphasis on what had just occurred between them … but they both knew that the earth had somehow shifted on its axis with that kiss although they didn’t want to admit it. Inwardly though he was doing cartwheels with happiness and hoped that this moment would last forever.
“Thank you Sam for bring me up here.  It is the most beautiful sight I have ever seen.”
“Me too Caitriona … Me too.”
“I’m so glad that I decided to come with you, I’ve had the best time ever.”
“And I’m so glad that you did. I congratulate you for making the climb in those boots. It’s a feat on its own.”
“Why thank you Heughan … You do know how to flatter a girl.”
“Any time Balfe.  You know where to find me if you want to climb me … Ah, with me again.”
“Hmm … well next time I won’t wear my boots then.”
“Good idea.”
He couldn’t help the double entendre of his words and judging by Caitriona’s smile she was not fazed. She had understood and nothing had been lost in translation. They had stayed a little while longer admiring the night time view, the setting sun and twinkling stars before reluctantly making the journey back down the hill.    
North Berwick Law was quite steep especially coming down in the moonlight and with Caitriona in heels the going was a little tricky, but he remembered just what he’d done as if it was yesterday.  He’d held her hand and the touch of her smooth skin entwined in his large hand had sent a jolt of lightning through his body, but it was nothing compared to the feeling he felt when he’d placed his arm protectively around Caitriona’s waist a couple of times to prevent her from tripping up on a loose rock on the downhill slope. Purely for balance he’d said to himself at the time.  However, the feel of Cait’s slender waist under his protective arm had felt so good and the gentle surreptitious squeeze under the guise of keeping her steady made him smile.  He knew at that moment he wanted to know just what was under that jacket and jumper she wore and he knew that he wanted to feel her soft, warm, pliant skin under his hands and explore her flesh with a lover’s touch with his fingers. He’d nearly stumbled himself as these thoughts ran amuck in his brain. It was little wonder that they had made it safely down the slope at all. He’d been well and truly sucked into a vortex where Ms Balfe was concerned and he would have laid her down then and there in the grass and made love to her under the stars. Their unsolicited kiss at the apex had affected him more than he wanted to admit.  He was smitten with Caitriona Balfe and judging by her participation and the spontaneity of initiating that kiss, she was equally taken with him too. She was a complete mixture of so many amazing things packaged up in one person. 
At the same time Sam was pensive, Cait too was lost in her own thoughts of a gorgeous guy, who was extremely talented, funny and above all kind. He was a kindred spirit and tonight he had left his mark on her in the most adorable way. Sam Heughan was a special man and one she wanted to know better. There was depth to this layered man and she wanted to pull away the layers to find the prize waiting for her in the hidden core of this most marvellous human being.
They were so comfortable together in each other’s company and had fallen easily into a camaraderie and a strong relationship both on and off the set.  Somehow after the night, their deep bond had been formed and had never wavered since then. He had never met a woman like Caitriona Balfe and there was no way in the world that he was ever going to lose her.
Caitriona had noticed that Sam had been a little distracted. She brought his hand up to her lips and kissed his knuckles.
“Penny for your thoughts babe.”
Sam immediately reacted to her touch. “What?”
“Honey … you were off with the fairies somewhere.”
“I was … wasn’t I?” He smiled and hugged her to his side. “Just thinking about our first hill climb together and wondering if today will be any similar.”
“That was certainly a magical night Sam. I remember it just as much as you do no doubt.”
“Aye … that it was Cait … Magical. And what about those high heeled boots you were wearing?”
“I’ve still got those boots I’ll have you know… They’re a little worn now but they are still very comfortable.”
“They must have been for you to climb up North Berwick Law. That’s no easy feat.”
“You know I couldn’t resist the invitation to go hill climbing, especially not when you made it sound like a challenge.”
Sam laughed.  “It was my darling and you passed with flying colours.”
Caitriona hit him playfully in the ribs. “So is today another challenge?”
“No.  Today is just for lovers.”
“I thought that was the night.”
“That ‘tis … hold that thought, but so too is today.  We might be the only ones up on Mount Schiehallion and after all it is not called the Fairy Hill for nothing.”
“Ohhh …”
“It’s a magical place too and today I get to show it to you.”
Having reached the Audi, Sam dropped his arm from around Caitriona’s waist and opened the door to the car. They exchanged glances before he leaned down and placed a tender kiss to Cait’s mouth before closing the door once she was seated. Jumping in the driver’s seat on the opposite side of the car, he turned the engine over and the Audi Q5 purred to life.
“Lead on Macduff … I can’t wait to bag my first Munro.”
“I think the correct quotation from Shakespeare’s Macbeth is “Lay on, Macduff, and damned be him who first cries ‘Hold! Enough!’” He stated with mischievous mirth in his voice.
“Shut up Heughan and just drive.”
Their combined laughter echoed in the interior of the car as Sam did what he was told to do. He headed back across the bridge then turned the Audi on the road towards Mount Schiehallion and the adventure that lay ahead.
Caitriona Balfe is still THAT girl!!!
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