#Magi*Mari: Singer of the worlds song!
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theabyssalmuses-archived · 5 years ago
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what up I got bored and decided to find some nice sounding songs that sorta maybe fit with my muses...yay!! Or maybe they’re just tracks I use to refill my muse for them? who knows
In no particular order, here they are under the cut-! 
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Cu Chulainn Alter.  Bro just listen to that guitar..and those drums!! this is like...the moment after you’ve pissed him and he’s towering over you with that scary look on his face...it fits so good I think..and sounds nice. 
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Tamamo Cat. Does this video need any explanation? Like...really? Does it? Exactly. 
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For Queen of Sheba: THIS.   Ok no just kidding. What I think would actually fit would be...something like this honestly. Look, it has that lighthearted bounciness with a bit of a silly tone...it’s playful and light, it’s a nice song. it fits fdsfsdfs
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Jessica Minami! OCs can have little a tracks too, as a treat. Anyway i’m stuck between THIS and THIS.  Both fit Jessica’s upbeat energies, but in different ways. While the first is lighthearted and bouncy (which fit well), the other is energetic and kinda intense...which also fits!! So let’s just say both? yeah?  
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Merlin...well, he gets this. A surprisingly dramatic tune, with a heavy, loaded beat...but somehow, it fits perfectly...despite his lighthearted demeanor...Merlin himself is quite a heavy existence in concept..and his words are almost always loaded in some way, no?  A surprising song for a surprising man. 
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and as a bonus, Magi*Mari gets THIS.  Maybe a little cheap of me? yeah. probably. But come on,,, it had to be done. 
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My darling UTAU Teto gets THIS song, and while it may be a little cheap of me to use a song she sings...this is like..the definitive Teto Song. I could talk for a good half hour about how perfect of a song this is for her OK ?? ok (hmu if you wanna hear that btw)
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Monika gets... this song. Hah. I bet you thought i’d use ‘Your Reality’ right? Yeah, me too, but i decided to not be cheap this time. Anyway, this song has a similiar kind of message but a bouncier kind of feeling, so i like it alot and it still fits! plus it’s a really good song!! yeah!! 
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haruatori · 4 years ago
Common list of misconceptions
Had great fun learning about these, maybe now I will remember it better:
Fortune cookies, despite being associated with Chinese cuisine in the United States, were invented in Japan and introduced to the US by the Japanese.[11] The cookies are extremely rare in China, where they are seen as symbols of American cuisine.[12]
The United States does not require police officers to identify themselves as police in the case of a sting or other undercover work, and police officers may lie when engaged in such work.[25] Claiming entrapment as a defense instead focuses on whether the defendant was induced by undue pressure (such as threats) or deception from law enforcement to commit crimes they would not have otherwise committed.[26]
Parody singer "Weird Al" Yankovic did not write or perform most of the songs and comedy sketches attributed to him or "Weird Al Yankovich" on the Internet.[48]
The forbidden fruit mentioned in the Book of Genesis is never identified as an apple,[51] a misconception widely depicted in Western art.The original Hebrew texts mention only tree and fruit. Early Latin translations use the word mali, which can mean either "evil" or "apple" depending on if the A is short or long respectively, although the difference in vowel length had already vanished from speech in Latin at the time. In early Germanic languages the word "apple" and its cognates usually simply meant "fruit". German and French artists commonly depict the fruit as an apple from the 12th century onwards, and John Milton's Areopagitica from 1644 explicitly mentions the fruit as an apple.[52] Jewish scholars have suggested that the fruit could have been a grape, a fig, an apricot, or an etrog.[53]
The Bible does not say that exactly three magi came to visit the baby Jesus, nor that they were kings, or rode on camels, or that their names were Casper, Melchior, and Balthazar, nor what color their skin was. Three magi are inferred because three gifts are described, but we only know that they were plural (at least 2); there could have been many more and probably an entourage accompanied them on their journey. The artistic depictions of the nativity have almost always depicted three magi since the 3rd century.[57] The Bible only specifies an upper limit of 2 years for the interval between the birth and the visit (Matthew 2:16), and artistic depictions and the closeness of the traditional dates of December 25 and January 6 encourage the popular assumption that the visit took place in the same season as the birth, but later traditions varied, with the visit taken as occurring up to two years later. The association of magi with kings comes from efforts to tie the visit to prophecies in the Book of Isaiah.[58]
No Biblical or historical evidence supports Mary Magdalene having been a prostitute.[59]
The idea that Mary Magdalene was a prostitute before she met Jesus is not found in the Bible or in any of the other earliest Christian writings. The misconception likely arose due to a conflation between Mary Magdalene, Mary of Bethany (who anoints Jesus's feet in John 11:1–12), and the unnamed "sinful woman" who anoints Jesus's feet in Luke 7:36–50.[59]
The Quran does not promise martyrs 72 virgins in heaven. It does mention companions, houri, to all people—martyr or not—in heaven, but no number is specified. The source for the 72 virgins is a hadith in Sunan al-Tirmidhi by Imam Tirmidhi.[74][75] Hadiths are sayings and acts of the prophet Muhammad as reported by others, and as such they are not part of the Quran itself. Muslims are not meant to necessarily believe all hadiths, and that applies particularly to those hadiths that are weakly sourced, such as this one.[76] Furthermore, the correct translation of this particular hadith is a matter of debate.[74] In the same collection of Sunni hadiths, however, the following is judged strong (hasan sahih): "There are six things with Allah for the martyr. He is forgiven with the first flow of blood (he suffers), he is shown his place in Paradise, he is protected from punishment in the grave, secured from the greatest terror, the crown of dignity is placed upon his head—and its gems are better than the world and what is in it—he is married to seventy two wives among wide-eyed houris (Al-Huril-'Ayn) of Paradise, and he may intercede for seventy of his close relatives."[77]
Ancient Greek and Roman sculptures were originally painted bright colors; they only appear white today because the original pigments have deteriorated. Some well-preserved statues still bear traces of their original coloration.[127][128]
The accused at the Salem witch trials in North America were not burned at the stake; about 15 died in prison, 19 were hanged and one was pressed to death.[172]
Marie Antoinette did not say "let them eat cake" when she heard that the French peasantry were starving due to a shortage of bread. The phrase was first published in Rousseau's Confessions when Marie was only nine years old and most scholars believe that Rousseau coined it himself, or that it was said by Maria Theresa, the wife of Louis XIV. Even Rousseau (or Maria Theresa) did not use the exact words but actually Qu'ils mangent de la brioche, meaning "Let them eat brioche" (a rich type of bread). Marie Antoinette was a target of attacks from radical jacobins; therefore, political activists attributed the phrase "let them eat cake" to her, to promulgate an image of her as disconnected from her subjects.[173]
Napoleon Bonaparte was not short. He was actually slightly taller than the average Frenchman of his time.[180] After his death in 1821, the French emperor's height was recorded as 5 feet 2 inches in French feet, which in English measurements is 5 feet 7 inches (1.70 m).[181] He was actually nicknamed le Petit Caporal (The Little Corporal) as a term of endearment.[182] Napoleon was often accompanied by his imperial guard, who were selected for their height[183]—this may have contributed to a perception that he was comparatively short.
There was no widespread outbreak of panic across the United States in response to Orson Welles's 1938 radio adaptation of H.G. Wells's The War of the Worlds. Only a very small share of the radio audience was even listening to it, and isolated reports of scattered incidents and increased call volume to emergency services were played up the next day by newspapers, eager to discredit radio as a competitor for advertising. Both Welles and CBS, which had initially reacted apologetically, later came to realize that the myth benefited them and actively embraced it in later years.[200]
Rosa Parks was not sitting in the front ("white") section of the bus during the event that made her famous and incited the Montgomery bus boycott. Rather, she was sitting in the front of the back ("colored") section of the bus, where African Americans were expected to sit, but refused to give up her seat to a white man who asked for it (which was also the expected action of African Americans at the time).
Although popularly known as the "red telephone", the Moscow–Washington hotline was never a telephone line, nor were red phones used. The first implementation of the hotline used teletype equipment, which was replaced by facsimile (fax) machines in 1988. Since 2008, the hotline has been a secure computer link over which the two countries exchange emails.[220] Moreover, the hotline links the Kremlin to the Pentagon, not the White House.[221]
Bulls are not enraged by the color red, used in capes by professional matadors. Cattle are dichromats, so red does not stand out as a bright color. It is not the color of the cape, but the perceived threat by the matador that incites it to charge.[238]
Dogs do not sweat by salivating[239] Dogs actually do have sweat glands and not only on their tongues; they sweat mainly through their footpads. However, dogs do primarily regulate their body temperature through panting.[240] (See also: Dog anatomy).
Bats are not blind. While about 70 percent of bat species, mainly in the microbat family, use echolocation to navigate, all bat species have eyes and are capable of sight. In addition, almost all bats in the megabat or fruit bat family cannot echolocate and have excellent night vision.[244]
The notion that goldfish have a memory span of just a few seconds is false.[250][251] It is much longer, counted in months.
There is no such thing as an "alpha" in a wolf pack. An early study that coined the term "alpha wolf" had only observed unrelated adult wolves living in captivity. In the wild, wolf packs operate more like human families: there is no defined sense of rank, parents are in charge until the young grow up and start their own families, younger wolves do not overthrow an "alpha" to become the new leader, and social dominance fights are situational.[254][255]
Mice do not have a special appetite for cheese, and will eat it only for lack of better options. Mice actually favor sweet, sugary foods. It is unclear where the myth came from.[260]
Sunflowers do not always point to the sun. Flowering sunflowers face a fixed direction (often east) all day long, but not necessarily the sun.[287] However, in an earlier developmental stage, before the appearance of flower heads, the immature buds do track the sun (a phenomenon called phototropism) and the fixed alignment of the mature flowers toward a certain direction is often the result.[288]
Petroleum does not originate from dinosaurs but rather bacteria and algae.[308]
No human genome (nor any mammalian genome for that matter) has ever been completely sequenced. As of 2017, by some estimates, between 4% to 9% of the human genome had not been sequenced.[311]
Trickle-down theory of economics does not work.[325]
Waking sleepwalkers does not harm them. While it is true that a person may be confused or disoriented for a short time after awakening, this does not cause them further harm. In contrast, sleepwalkers may injure themselves if they trip over objects or lose their balance while sleepwalking.[332]
Stretching before or after exercise does not reduce muscle soreness.[338]
Exercise-induced muscle soreness is not caused by lactic acid buildup.[339] Muscular lactic acid levels during and after exercise do not correlate with soreness;[340] exercise-induced muscle soreness is thought to be due to microtrauma from an unaccustomed or strenuous exercise, against which the body adapts with repeated bouts of the same exercise.[341]
Shaving does not cause terminal hair to grow back thicker (more dense) or darker. This belief is due to hair that has never been cut having a tapered end, whereas, after cutting, the edge is blunt and therefore thicker than the tapered ends; the sharper, unworn edges make the cut hair appear thicker and feel coarser. That short hairs are less flexible than longer hairs also contributes to this effect.[355]
A person's hair and fingernails do not continue to grow after death. Rather, the skin dries and shrinks away from the bases of hairs and nails, giving the appearance of growth.[356]
Acne is mostly caused by genetics, rather than lack of hygiene, eating fatty food, or other personal habits.[360]
The order in which different types of alcoholic beverages are consumed ("Grape or grain but never the twain" and "Beer before liquor never sicker; liquor before beer in the clear") does not affect intoxication or create adverse side effects.[381]
Hand size does not predict human penis size,[385] but finger length ratio may.[386]
There is no physiological basis for the belief that having sex in the days leading up to a sporting event or contest is detrimental to performance.[390] In fact it has been suggested that sex prior to sports activity can elevate male testosterone level, which could potentially enhance performance.[391]
Glass does not flow at room temperature as a high-viscosity liquid.[442] Although glass shares some molecular properties found in liquids, glass at room temperature is an amorphous solid that only begins to flow above the glass transition temperature,[443] though the exact nature of the glass transition is not considered settled among scientists.[444] Panes of stained glass windows are often thicker at the bottom than at the top, and this has been cited as an example of the slow flow of glass over centuries. However, this unevenness is due to the window manufacturing processes used at the time.[443][444] No such distortion is observed in other glass objects, such as sculptures or optical instruments, that are of similar or even greater age.[443][444][445]
Most diamonds are not formed from highly compressed coal. More than 99 percent of diamonds ever mined have formed in the conditions of extreme heat and pressure about 140 kilometers (87 mi) below the earth's surface. Coal is formed from prehistoric plants buried much closer to the surface, and is unlikely to migrate below 3.2 kilometers (2.0 mi) through common geological processes. Most diamonds that have been dated are older than the first land plants, and are therefore older than coal. It is possible that diamonds can form from coal in subduction zones and in meteoroid impacts, but diamonds formed in this way are rare and the carbon source is more likely carbonate rocks and organic carbon in sediments, rather than coal.[446]
Although the Greek philosopher Pythagoras is most famous today for his alleged mathematical discoveries,[452][453] classical historians dispute whether he himself ever actually made any significant contributions to the field.[450][451] He cannot have been the first to discover his famous theorem, because it was known and used by the Babylonians and Indians centuries before Pythagoras,[454][455][456][457] but it is possible that he may have been the first one to introduce it to the Greeks.[458][456]
There is no scientific evidence for the existence of "photographic" memory in adults (the ability to remember images with so high a precision as to mimic a camera),[478] but some young children have eidetic memory.[479] Many people have claimed to have a photographic memory, but those people have been shown to have good memories as a result of mnemonic devices rather than a natural capacity for detailed memory encoding.[480] There are rare cases of individuals with exceptional memory, but none of them has a memory that mimics that of a camera.
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(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zNZ4gdlHIBg)
04-4-2017 bande son interdite par youtube changement bande son
14-03-2016 MISE A JOUR,BONJOUR,Je vous demande d'enlever l'interdiction sur la bande son de la chanteuse interprété par MADAME ginette RENO,En effet mon diaporama est un hommage à ginette reno voir titre de la video merci de faire le nécessaire très amicalement MARTINE ANCIAUX 12-07-2015 mise à jour Ajoutée5 juil.2013MusiqueLa chanteuse Ginette Reno MARTINE ANCIAUX,photographe d’art,créatricedel photo-peinture, Martine ANCIAUX creatorphotopainting.,artphotographer, THOMAS André,m'a fait découvrir Ginette Reno,et j'ai immédiatement apprécié sa magnifique voix. THOMAS ANDRE,écrivain,poète,Ginette Reno,née à Montréal.chanteuse,actrice québécoise,internationalement connu,et reconnu,depuis 1962.grandes chansons de Ginette Reno,Roger,J'aime Guy,La dernière valse, Aimez-lesi fort,Dans la vie,Je t'offrirai, croissants de soleil,La vie,À ma manière,Toi le poète,J'ai besoin d'un ami,Ça va mieux,tu es là,Je ne suis qu'une chanson,Quand on se donne,Rouge, Un homme ça tient chaud,J'ai besoin de parler,Paris Québec,De plus en plus fragile,Ma fille, Ceux qui s'en vont,La deuxième voix,L'essentiel,Remixer ma vie,Y'a des enfants, "Galaxies",L'hymne à l'amour,Laissez-moi rev'nir sur terre1996. duo avec Jean-Pierre Ferland,un très gros succès avec la chanson,T'es mon amour,t'es ma maîtresse, en 1975, Ginette Reno,auteurs,compositeurs,Jean Robitaille,Lee Gagnon,Diane Juster, Luc Plamondon,Michel Jourdan,Francis Lai,Didier Barbelivien,Gérard Layani,la parolière Québécoise Martine Pratte signe une chanson relatant sa vie:J'ai soixante-deux ans, 29 mars 2009,Ginette disque d'or,disque platine 2011, nouvel album"La musique en moi", écrit et composé notamment parDidier Barbelivien Diane Juste .Officier de l'Ordre du Canada1981,Chevalier de l'Ordre national du Québec2004.cette star,c'est GINETTE RENO. ©MADAME GINETTE RENO POEME THOMAS ANDRE© Une chanteuse avec une voix magique, Une femme à la personnalité fantastique, Une interprète, hors du commun, de la chanson française, Admirant le mot, et l'encensant avec son accent d'expression française.
Une grande dame de la chanson internationale, Cultivant la particularité de chanter, dans la langue de Shakespeare et celle de Molière, Libérant des harmoniques dans ces 2 langues internationales, A vous faire sentir le terme et en être fière.
Sur scène, elle vous envoûte, Et vous vous sentez subjugué, Par ces chansons, qui tracent la route, Celle de la poésie, celle de l'accord conjugué,
En offrant une symbiose, un équilibre, Entre la note, et le verbe, Comme lors d'une tirade, où l'on exulte un proverbe, Lançant à la foule d'une voix libre.
Les textes de ces auteurs, Comme ces fabuleux acteurs, Qui par une réplique, emplissent le monde du son, Celui de l'art, et du talent à l'unisson.
Je me souviens encore le jour où je vous ai vue, A cette émission de variétés de Michel Drucker à la télévision, Le lendemain, chez le disquaire, je me suis rendu, Et là de vos disques, j'en fis l'acquisition.
Depuis ce jour là j'ai voulu vous voir sur scène, Malheureusement, la vie n'est pas une mise en scène, Et rares sont ceux qui peuvent exaucer les envies, Mais, c'est pour cela, que ce sont nos vies.
Aussi dès que je peux sur mes textes poétiques, Embellis, par les photos&photos-peintures de Martine Anciaux magnifiques, Je greffe sur mes diaporamas une chanson de la grande Ginette Reno, Et comme par magie, l'ensemble se marie, au son de la voix de Ginette Reno. translated by Google translation © MADAME GINETTE RENO POEME THOMAS ANDRE ©
A singer with a magical voice, A woman at the fantastic personality, An interpreter, unusual, French chanson, Admiring the word, and burning incense with its French-speaking accent.
A great lady of the international song Cultivating the particularity to sing in the language of Shakespeare and of Molière, Releasing harmonics in these two international languages, To make you feel the term and be proud.
On stage, she bewitches you, And you feel overwhelmed, For these songs, which trace the road, That of poetry, that of the combined agreement
By offering a symbiosis, a balance, Between the note and the verb, As in a tirade, where one rejoices a proverb, Throwing the crowd a free vote.
The texts of these authors, As these fabulous actors, Who by reply, fill the world of sound, That of art, and talent in unison.
I still remember the day I saw you, To this variety show of Michel Drucker on TV The next day at the record, I went, And then your discs, I made the acquisition.
Since that day I wanted to see you on stage, Unfortunately, life is not staged, And there are few who can fulfill the desires, But that's why, it's our lives.
As soon as I can about my poems, Embellished by photos & photo-paintings of Martine Anciaux beautiful, I graft on my slideshows to a song by the great Ginette Reno, And like magic, all married to the sound of the voice of Ginette Reno.
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thomasandrepoemes · 8 years ago
1-2-2017 mise à jour Sans Public l'Art ne s'appellerait plus l'Art mais Introspection THOMAS ANDRE, auteur, écrivain ,poète, http://thomasandre.orgfree.com/poemes.html, MARTINE ANCIAUX, photographe d’art,et créatrice de la photo-peinture, photo painting, Martine ANCIAUX creator of the photo painting. new art of the photo painting, art photographer, http://www.anciaux-photos.fr, http://www.anciauxmartine.com Un hommage à la chanson françaises, aux beaux textes, à la poésie, aux belles photos et aux très belles photos -peintures, et aux très grands et grandes interprètes de la chanson.
Lorsque les vers motivent des notes, Alors on atteint une certaine symbiose, Qui crée par les mots et les notes, Une communion et on peut atteindre le grandiose. THOMAS André
Une chanteuse avec une voix magique, Une femme à la personnalité fantastique, Une interprète, hors du commun, de la chanson française, Admirant le mot, et l’encensant avec son accent d’expression française.
Une grande dame de la chanson internationale, Cultivant la particularité de chanter, dans la langue de Shakespeare et celle de Molière, Libérant des harmoniques dans ces 2 langues internationales, A vous faire sentir le terme et en être fière.
Sur scène, elle vous envoûte, Et vous vous sentez subjugué, Par ces chansons, qui tracent la route, Celle de la poésie, celle de l’accord conjugué,
En offrant une symbiose, un équilibre, Entre la note, et le verbe, Comme lors d’une tirade, où l’on exulte un proverbe, Lançant à la foule d’une voix libre.
Les textes de ces auteurs, Comme ces fabuleux acteurs, Qui par une réplique, emplissent le monde du son, Celui de l’art, et du talent à l’unisson.
Je me souviens encore le jour où je vous ai vue, A cette émission de variétés de Michel Drucker à la télévision, Le lendemain, chez le disquaire, je me suis rendu, Et là de vos disques, j’en fis l’acquisition.
Depuis ce jour là j’ai voulu vous voir sur scène, Malheureusement, la vie n’est pas une mise en scène, Et rares sont ceux qui peuvent exaucer les envies, Mais, c’est pour cela, que ce sont nos vies.
Aussi dès que je peux sur mes textes poétiques, Embellis, par les photos&photos-peintures de Martine Anciaux magnifiques, Je greffe sur mes diaporamas une chanson de la grande Ginette Reno, Et comme par magie, l’ensemble se marie, au son de la voix de Ginette Reno. translated by Google translation © MADAME GINETTE RENO POEM THOMAS ANDRE © A singer with a magical voice, A woman at the fantastic personality, An interpreter uncommon, French chanson, Admiring the word, and the incensing with his French-speaking accent.
A great lady of the international song Cultivating the particularity to sing in the language of Shakespeare and of Molière, Releasing harmonics in these two international languages, To make you feel the term and be proud.
On stage she captivates you, And you feel overwhelmed, For these songs, which trace the road, That of poetry, that of the combined agreement,
By offering a symbiosis, balance, Between the note and the words, As in a tirade, where one rejoices a proverb, Throwing the crowd a free vote.
The texts of these authors, As these fabulous actors, Who by a reply, fill the world of sound, That of art, and talent in unison.
I still remember the day I saw you, To this variety show of Michel Drucker on TV The next day, the record store, I realized, And then your discs, I made the acquisition.
Since that day I wanted to see you on stage, Unfortunately, life is not staged, And there are few who can fulfill the desires, But that's why, it's our lives.
As soon as I can on my poems, Embellished by the photos & photo-paintings of Martine Anciaux beautiful, I graft on my slide a song by the great Ginette Reno, And like magic, all married to the sound of the voice of Ginette Reno.
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3-2-2017 Dans ce pays si beau que l'on nomme le CANADA, région du QUEBEC VIVENT NOS COUSINS AVEC LEURS ACCENTs TYPIQUEs ET NOTRE LANGUE FRANCAISE commune et culture de notre patrimoine A TOUS AMICALEMENT MARTINE ANCIAUX MARTINE ANCIAUX, photographe d’art,et créatrice de la photo-peinture, photo painting,Martine ANCIAUX creator of the photo painting. new art of the photo painting, art photographer,http://www.anciaux-photos.fr, http://www.anciauxmartine.com,En 2008 j'ai exposé à Montréal que j'ai visité ainsi qu'Ottawa et Toronto et les Chutes du Niagara, J'ai pu découvrir ces villes Montréal avec ses mots si beaux, et cette poésie dont la langue française a le secret, une diversité fantastique du port, et son embarcation sur le saint laurent,son charme, son magnifique jardin botanique, le biodome, le vélodrome, le centre ville et les boutiques, sa formidable cathèdrale, Un accent français différent de nos cousins, et qui chante différemment du marseillais, et toutes ces chanteuses canadiennes formidables que sont Ginette Reno,Celine Dion,Fabienne Thibeault,Diane Tell ,et j'en oublie,ainsi que ces chanteurs poètes Charlebois,Garou,Félix Leclerc Gilles Vigneault, et ce petit bonheur, et toute cette littérature canadienne de langue française, et anglaise, une telle richesse dans ce grand pays que jacques Cartier découvra, et qui fut longtemps français, avant de devenir sujet britannique. Une seule chose manquait c'était le soleil, nous avons eus presque que de la pluie, nous étions comme ils disent dans la queue de deux cyclones. HOMMAGE A GINETTE RENO STAR DE LA CHANSON FRANCAISE PAR LE MOT AMERICAINE PAR LE RYTHME; ©MADAME GINETTE RENO POEME THOMAS ANDRE©
Une chanteuse avec une voix magique, Une femme à la personnalité fantastique, Une interprète, hors du commun, de la chanson française, Admirant le mot, et l'encensant avec son accent d'expression française.
Une grande dame de la chanson internationale, Cultivant la particularité de chanter, dans la langue de Shakespeare et celle de Molière, Libérant des harmoniques dans ces 2 langues internationales, A vous faire sentir le terme et en être fière.
Sur scène, elle vous envoûte, Et vous vous sentez subjugué, Par ces chansons, qui tracent la route, Celle de la poésie, celle de l'accord conjugué,
En offrant une symbiose, un équilibre, Entre la note, et le verbe, Comme lors d'une tirade, où l'on exulte un proverbe, Lançant à la foule d'une voix libre.
Les textes de ces auteurs, Comme ces fabuleux acteurs, Qui par une réplique, emplissent le monde du son, Celui de l'art, et du talent à l'unisson.
Je me souviens encore le jour où je vous ai vue, A cette émission de variétés de Michel Drucker à la télévision, Le lendemain, chez le disquaire, je me suis rendu, Et là de vos disques, j'en fis l'acquisition.
Depuis ce jour là j'ai voulu vous voir sur scène, Malheureusement, la vie n'est pas une mise en scène, Et rares sont ceux qui peuvent exaucer les envies, Mais, c'est pour cela, que ce sont nos vies.
Aussi dès que je peux sur mes textes poétiques, Embellis, par les photos&photos-peintures de Martine Anciaux magnifiques, Je greffe sur mes diaporamas une chanson de la grande Ginette Reno, Et comme par magie, l'ensemble se marie, au son de la voix de Ginette Reno. TRANSLATED BY GOOGLE TRANSLATION © MADAME GINETTE RENO POEME THOMAS ANDRE ©
A singer with a magical voice, A woman at the fantastic personality, An interpreter, unusual, French chanson, Admiring the word, and burning incense with its French-speaking accent.
A great lady of the international song Cultivating the particularity to sing in the language of Shakespeare and of Molière, Releasing harmonics in these two international languages, To make you feel the term and be proud.
On stage, she bewitches you, And you feel overwhelmed, For these songs, which trace the road, That of poetry, that of the combined agreement
By offering a symbiosis, a balance, Between the note and the verb, As in a tirade, where one rejoices a proverb, Throwing the crowd a free vote.
The texts of these authors, As these fabulous actors, Who by reply, fill the world of sound, That of art, and talent in unison.
I still remember the day I saw you, To this variety show of Michel Drucker on TV The next day at the record, I went, And then your discs, I made the acquisition.
Since that day I wanted to see you on stage, Unfortunately, life is not staged, And there are few who can fulfill the desires, But that's why, it's our lives.
As soon as I can about my poems, Embellished by photos & photo-paintings of Martine Anciaux beautiful, I graft on my slideshows to a song by the great Ginette Reno, And like magic, all married to the sound of the voice of Ginette Reno.
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