#Mag 189
tumb1rprincess · 2 months
Georgie and Melanie are okay, yay! I know they’re still not the biggest fans of Jon, but at least they’ll change up the dynamic of the group a bit. And Melanie teasing Jon for his tendency to faint and calling him “the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy” had me laughing. She actually sounds kind of happy, despite everything.
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a-mag-meme-a-day · 1 year
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Meme for @a-mag-a-day Day 196
MAG 189 - Peers
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it was a great moment for me when I realized Jon being called "The Ceaseless Watcher's Special Little Boy" is cannon and not just fan base shenanigans
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flowersfrombefore · 11 days
Jon getting made fun of by his ex, his exes new girlfriend who hates him, and his current boyfriend is quite possibly the funniest interaction in the show. He’s already having the worst day ever and now they’re calling him the ceaseless watchers special boy
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ratsbypaulzindel · 2 years
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did you know that literally her
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wretchedbroth · 1 year
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This year's tmatober prompts :) Ignore the fact I'm already behind schedule <3
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fractal-voidling · 2 months
MAG189 - ########-29 │ Peers
"Eldritch popularity contest" 💀
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chaoticpinetree · 2 years
Akjhgdhjhgdhd 'Ceaseless Watcher's special little boy' I DIDN'T KNOW THAT WAS CANON I thought the fandom came up with that one! I cannotttt
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a-mag-a-day · 1 year
Date: May 1st, 2023
Episode of the day: MAG 189 Peers
"MELANIE: [Sarcastically] Everyone is so excited to see the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy."
MAG 189 transcript
MAG 189 Wiki
MAG 189 on YouTube
TW's can be found in the transcripts
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lycanlovingvampyre · 1 year
MAG 189 Relisten
Activity on my first listen: mowing the lawn.
MARTIN: "It’s the final battle, right? We climb the tower, take out the bad guy, figure out how to change the world back, and back in time for tea." No Martin, after this episode there are still 11 left! (Martin seems so stressed.)
MARTIN: "Yeah. They did roll out the red carpet, didn’t they? Must be nice getting the star treatment." JON: "I’d hardly call flooding Oxford Street with blood, the 'star treatment'." Sooo, the "red" carpet was literally blood? (Also, reminds me of The Shining). Martin is so snippy in this one. Been a while since he last did that, like to this extent.
MARTIN: [Amused] "Seriously? Stage fright? The great Archivist, master of all he surveys can’t handle a bit of public attention?" And boyfriend of said master of all he surveys also seems pretty scared and on edge. It fits his character that he gets nervous and is irritated easily because of that. Still, shitty way to treat Jon.
JON: "You don’t need to be sarcastic, okay?" MARTIN: "You’re right, I’m sorry. If it’s any consolation, I’m scared too." I'm happy it got to that though. Jon calling him out and Martin realizing, it's wrong and apologizing.
JON: "Yes. Except one of the contestants is also planning to try and murder the judge." MARTIN: "… Um. [Searchingly] Maybe it hasn’t realised?" It has not, Eye's too dumb for it, you're good to go!
Oh no, Martin's getting worked up again... That was an ugly, ugly fight. If it can even be called a fight, it was mostly just Martin being all angry and yelling around. And I'm kind of disappointed that Martin still reacts so annoyed whenever Jon has to make a statement. It's a physical need of Jon and reacting to physical needs like that is horrible. At least the two of them get some space now and Martin can go cool off somewhere.
"The light takes on a crimson tinge as he passes an office dried with gore, and turns away from a back room where three men in fine suits laugh among themselves as they weave their pile of nooses." That's Tim, right? The laughter we can hear in the background, that's his uncredited cameo and neither Alex nor Jon knew about it at the time.
"He takes his place, marvelling again at how comfortable the seat is, how well it seems to fit," Forget the Lonely, join the Eye! We have comfortable chairs!
I don't quite get this statement, what is it a metaphor for? What is that pit? What it it about that minister, who seems to care about people in a way (or at least recognizes their suffering), but is ashamed of being wealthy while others starve?
MARTIN: [Brightly] "All good?" JON: "Yes. Just, uh… Left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth." MARTIN: "Oh great! Fantastic!" Martin is so bad at this xD Why? He could keep it together during MAG 118 when confronting Elias while Melanie searched the office for evidence. He kept Peter on the hook for several months! And now he's, what, too giddy to try to act normal?
Hmm, when Georgie and Melanie pulled Jon into the tunnels there was the same sound effect we hear when Jon smites someone, even if only for a brief moment.
JON: "Likewise, I… oh… Ooo…" MELANIE: "Oh, I know that sound. He’s going pale, right? Five quid says he’s about to collapse again." JON: [Archly] "I am not going to collapse. What do you mean again?" MELANIE: "Oh come on. You do it all the time." Yeah, Jon's "hobbies", getting kidnapped and collapsing. Sounds fun!
JON: [Brokenly] "I do not – I’m just feeling a little bit woozy alright? I ca-can’t quite think straight. Like at, um… um, Martin, you remember?" GEORGIE: "Is this what you were talking about?" MARTIN: "Yeah, if something messes with his connection, he can get a little… vague." JON: "I don’t like being discussed like I’m not here." I mean... Jon tried to tell what happened to him at Salesa’s and couldn't, then asked Martin what it was like. Georgie asks Martin, if this is what he was talking about (It makes sense to ask Martin, cause it was him they have spoken to earlier. How would Jon know what Georgie means, he certainly can't Know it here.) and Martin explains what Jon just couldn't put into words. I wouldn't have seen this as "discussing me like I'm not here". But I understand, there are people out there, who are really bothered by this. Friends of mine are like that. He tries to tell something, doesn't quite know how to proceed, she chimes in and says just straight out what he wanted to say and he get's all angry for being interrupted and having the story told for him. I don't know, I wouldn't mind that, I'd see it as a "Oh good, I don't have to explain everything, others already get it."
MELANIE: "It’s fine, Georgie. You can use the “c” word." MARTIN: "E-Excuse me?" GEORGIE: "Fine. We’ve got, sort of a… cult." Yeah, same Martin. This being a British show I thought it would be the word with an N instead of the L xD
GEORGIE: "When the world started to change, it just didn’t hit me and Melanie. Not, not really." ... Not really!!!^^
MELANIE: "There was nowhere to go back to, so I told her about the tunnels. Turns out, not only were they still here, they actually do a decent job of hiding things. When you aren’t painting a huge target on our backs." Mrrrrrhhh, until know this could have been excused as the Slaughter's influence, but Melanie still want to pin everything on Jon!
GEORGIE: "How could we not? The entire city knows you were there." MELANIE: [Sarcastically] "Everyone is so excited to see the Ceaseless Watcher’s special little boy." [GIGGLES] Okay, the entire city knows, but how did they learn about it? Do... the things here in London speak with actual words and they overheard them talking? Bit unspectacular... I'd like to think that every single screen in London now live-broadcasts Jon, as long as he is in London on the surface.
Heh, Jon laughing at Martin getting owned by Melanie XD Serves him a bit right after this episode ^^''
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spacedemodulator · 1 year
MAG 189, Peers
So much to love in this episode!
Alex's announcement of the impending hiatus, which raises the stakes.
Martin, so impatient to get his murder on that he sounds like a child being told to wait for dessert.
Jon, giving a statement that's the audio equivalent of a Ralph Steadman painting. But it's also a tragic self-portrait of a man paralyzed by doubt. Fear and Loathing in Lost London....
And the cherry on top: Melanie and Georgie, accidental cult leaders! That moment when you hear the entire fandom do a double-take and go "Hurrrr?" like a dog that's heard a bag of chips open in another room of the house.
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Redemption Round One - Match Six
In Round One, Killing Floor received 100 votes and Peers got only 34 votes!
MAG 030 - Killing Floor | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Statement of David Laylow, regarding his time working at an industrial abattoir near Dalston.
MAG 189 - Peers | Spotify - Acast - YT | Wiki | Transcript
Considerations of governmental oversight. Recorded by The Archivist in Situ.
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find-me-in-hell · 1 year
three cheers for the return of the lesbians
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mamahersh · 2 years
MAG 189: Gotta say, Martin getting actually pissed over something was kinda entertaining. Also, once again, rather unsubtle social commentary, though a least a little bit nuanced.
Martin that was incredibly unsubtle.
> "And Jon, no tape recorders".
Now Georgie, I know that you weren't here and that Melanie is an incredibly biased source, but I would like to inform you that generally Jon can't actually control the tape recorders. It's like trying to tell him to stop getting kidnapped in Season 3, it's generally out of his control.
And then the midseason break happened! I was tempted to listen to this one yesterday, and then listen to the next two only today. But I have a schedule, irregardless of the actual contents of the episodes. Admittedly, if we're hitting the tunnels now, I think thematically (despite the break) this actually worked out to a good division of episodes.
MAG 190:I'm going to strangle Georgie.... I might not strangle her.
Really entertaining tunnels episode, gotta be honest. However, if I have to listen to Jon going back to getting raked over the coals for things he has no control over I will reach through the screen and strangle some bitches. But yeah, is it bad that I was happy to hear Georgie actually apologize for the shit she put Jon through in S4? Or at least acknowledged that she had generally fucked up with how she judged Jon without knowing the whole story? Made me feel things that Jon was so... forgiving? See I don't know if forgiving is the right word here, because to forgive someone you have to agree that they did something wrong, and I don't think Jon actually thought Georgie did anything wrong in S4. I know at the time he was saddened and somewhat bitter about her leaving, but I think over the course of the season he convinced himself that it was for the best and that she was completely in the right. He turned it around on himself at least once on tape when he asked if he had made the wrong choice to come back from the coma. After he found out that everyone would have been freed if he had died, he couldn't answer Martin if he would have gone through with it if he had Known that earlier.
Anyways, Jon's going to make me strangle him too at this rate for suicidal ideation and self esteem lower than mine.
MAG 191: Not a lot to say, characters are reiterating and finalizing their positions to each other: Jon and Martin promising to make the hard choices despite their inclinations. Melanie and Georgie realizing that to make hope a reality they need to help Jon and Martin even if they don't like Jon (Melanie) or think the risk would normally be too great (Georgie). And an... ominous little aside where Martin realizes they'll need to move on sooner rather than later.
I would assume next stop is the Panopticon, so I’m excited to see how the initial confrontation goes. Admittedly, I would assume most people generally assumed that this moment coming so soon in “Act 3″ of Season 5 meant that it wasn’t going to go as hoped. Can’t have nice things in Hell and all that! Because here’s the thing, I think that what Jonny specializes in during this season is recreating a literal “Hell on Earth” scenario. You remove the literal concepts of Truth, Beauty, and Goodness from the equation, dump everyone into horrors of their own making, and you get S5 of TMA. I mean, in C.S. Lewis’ “The Great Divorce”, we catch a glimpse of what Lewis’s take on Hell might be like: Humanity divorced completely from God and left to their own devices. Arguably, while S5′s stated intentions are nothing like that, in many cases people’s Fears are manifested in a way that are spurred on by their faults.
Anyways, see you all tomorrow to find out if I actually can reach through the internet to strangle my blorbos from my podcasts.
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flowersfrombefore · 11 days
If I was in TMA I also would have joined a cult for Georgie
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Ok so my internet went out and I wasn't able to post
Here are my thoughts on mag 188 and 189
This one was unsettling, which I think was the point. Also, I didn't know the eye ate people but ok
I didn't know the whole "ceaseless watchers special little boy" thing was a direct quote from melanie, and it just made it that much better when i heard it for the first time
Also, Melanie and Georgie!!! Woooooo!!!
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