#Mafia II
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vertyd · 3 months ago
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drew some screencaps while playing mafia ii
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rvkiss · 1 month ago
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this is the true mafia
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lucagurino · 2 months ago
mafia + text posts part ??? [x]
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vilepilled · 5 months ago
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HENRY:   […]   You're   going   straight   to   hell. VITO:   What,   you're   just   figuring   that   out   now? JOE:   Don't   worry,   I'll   save   seats   for   the   both   of   yous.
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oneicedteaplz · 1 month ago
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Father Figure; Vito Scaletta, Henry Tomasino, Joe Barbaro
I always imagine how they look if they ever got a chance to have or to be with their kids. I miiight romanticized it a bit hehe. Took sooo long on finishing this (blame myself), and i hope y'all like it!!
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melis-writes · 8 months ago
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bignoseluver · 18 days ago
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lowkey been debating on posting my art for the 5 other mafia fans, there's not enough Joe art 💔
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dontbesoweirdkira · 1 year ago
Vito going from annoyed to loving your stay in his apartement and starting treating you with his wife, his obsessive tendency on the first few was very subtle toward you but it's getting more apparent by holding your hand when going out and beat up punk that disrespected you. One of his most fearful moment is for one day you just go back to your own timeline leaving him all alone
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A/N: Ugh your minddddd!! Sorry this took a few days, I got a little busy. Using a prompt from the Yandere prompt list hehehe
44. “Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
Warnings: abuse, manipulation, being held hostage,violence, slight SA and happy sunshine rainbows!!
Requests: Open 24/7
As much flack as Vito had originally given you, he’s so attached to you now.
Vito definitely is the kind of Yandere who pretends like he’s not completely obsessed with you but is actually dying for your attention.
Tsundere I believe it’s called? Yeah. That’s him.
It’s been nice having you around the house. You make him meals, help out with laundry, cleaning, and even patch him up when he comes home hurt. Not to mention very caring and understanding. You check off all the boxes his mama told him to look for in a wife, why would he ever let you go?
Besides, ever since you told him that he’d end up old and alone, he’s been on the hunt to find his perfect wife.
Apparently that perfect someone is you.
Now you were simply doing all of these things as an exchange for him letting you stay while you worked on a plan to get back home. Not because you were trying out to be his housewife.
Vito is from another time period, for him, if you're basically functioning like a married couple then you are one.
All you need now is a ring and his last name.
You didn’t pay attention to his little gestures at first. Him opening the door for you, paying for you and being protective were all chivalrous gestures most men in the 50’s would’ve done anyways. He never made it a big deal or overstepped a boundary so it didn’t really rub you wrong.
Of course Joe would tease you about Vito being completely smitten over you but it never really appeared so. Also who really pays that man any attention???
It wasn’t until Vito started becoming bolder that you started taking him seriously.
Vito would start to get visibly upset if you decided to sit across from him and not directly next to him at restaurants.
He disliked when you interacted with any man other than him. Even to the point where he would start to question your feelings for Joe, slightly accusing you of flirting.
He became a lot more physical, insisting that you’d hold his hand or have at least one of his arms around your waist at all times.
You tried to protest about how this made you feel extremely uncomfortable since this was a very intimate gesture but the man wasn’t having it. It was like arguing with a wall.
“Y/N, I know we’re only friends but I’m doing this for your protection. If other men around think you’re with me, they won’t dare lay a finger on you. Everyone knows I’m with Falcone.”
To your dismay, you dropped it. What he said kind of made sense. Women and children are off limits, especially if they belong to a family. Maybe he knew something you didn’t.
The physical contact continued but only got worse. To the point he’ll just pull you onto his lap, adjust your clothes and move your hair out of the way so he can rest his head on your neck.
“Trust me Y/N, I’m not into you. You’re not even really my type. Like I said, I just want to protect you. I need people to believe it.”
Why are you lying so hard Vito??
This soldier doesn't like it when a man disrespects a woman period!! Like y’all remember this man holding everything in him back so he wouldn’t kill the guy that hit his sister.
Mama’s boy™️
Can you imagine what happened to the man who decided it was a good idea to not only catcall you but to smack your ass???
You tried to tell Vito to forget it and that it wasn’t that big of a deal…
You spent hours trying to get the blood stains out of Vito’s bomber jacket as well as the sounds of his fists slamming that poor punk into the ground out of your head.
As much as he tried so hard to hide his one sided relationship from you, it was so obvious by this point.
Vito felt strongly about you, even if it was platonic. It was getting out of hand and causing you to look for an out.
Maybe speaking to Vito about this would help? Maybe this was all a misunderstanding and maybe this time he’d actually listen to you?
He’s a stubborn fuck that refuses to accept reality.
“Okay…since you can’t respect my wishes and this isn’t enjoyable anymore. I’m thinking about leaving and going back home. I mean that was always the plan but-“
What? You’re leaving? No no no. How could you leave your husband?
“No. You’re not going.”
Haha that’s funny…
“Um, Vito, I didn't ask you. I’m telling you. I’ll be leaving soon. Did you really think I was going to stay here forever?”
Yes. He really did. You were meant to be a part of this decade, here with him. What is so great about the future if he’s not going to be there to spend it with you?
He’s not happy, this isn’t right. Something in his brain snapped and he’s not letting you leave.
“Leaving me and going back home is all you think about, isn’t it? Always dreaming about it, always thinking about it?”
“Do you think it’s funny that I have to spend my life alone…no one to love or take care of me while you go back to your life like it’s nothing??”
“P-please calm down-“
“Oh please fuck off Y/N. There’s someone else isn't there?? Huh? You have some pretty boy waiting at home for you right now? I can make more money for you-”
“Vito! There isn’t anyone else. I’m just not supposed to be here. We weren’t ever supposed to meet. This was all a huge mistake and I’m sorry for interrupting your life. I wish I just never came here. I-I wish we never met.”
Seriously? Did you mean that? Are you going to go back and undo all of this? Can you even do that? You can’t do that, he can’t live without you. You’re meant to be together.
Taking a second to breathe and lower his tone, he spoke calmly.
“Look, I’m sorry. I gained a little crush on you and it’s admittedly gotten a bit weird. You are right and I’ll let it go. If you feel like going back home will make you happy then I will learn to live with it.”
“It’s okay Vito. Let’s just get some rest and then we can discuss this over breakfast. We’ve had a long day.”
Yeah he’ll never learn to live with it. That was his best attempt at setting down the situation. He needed alone time to think and most importantly for you to go to sleep.
It’s wrong…he can almost see the frown on his late mother’s face as he thinks up this sick plan. But he didn’t ever think about you leaving before and now he’s terrified of you doing just that.
He’d only be locking you up for a few days, that’s enough for him to break you…make you change your mind…
He’s been tought exactly how to fuck with someone in the army, how to make his enemy crumble into doing whatever he wants.
Vito could do that with you. It’ll be okay and you’ll learn to forgive him once he gives you a new fur coat or something.
“This is for the best, Y/N. It’s for our future.” He loves you and the ropes tied around your ankles are tied with care. ;)
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tallhouses · 1 year ago
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buona sera senorita kiss me goodnight <3
im love u vito
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dagonich · 1 year ago
Yes, Derek. But you weren't part of the deal.
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I wish to love myself as much as I love him XD
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veruzriti · 1 month ago
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black&white version below
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ssadmartiann · 7 months ago
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Vito Scaletta House (CC)
I just recently played through the "Mafia II" (oh, i'm in love with it) again and thought that I would like to see the main character’s house in my game. And here it is!
CC included (thanks to all the creators!!) Lot Size: 40х30 Located: Newcrest, Midtown Meadows §70,101 Playtested
Don't forget to enable "bb.moveobjects on"!
I would love to see your screenshots, so feel free to tag me @ssadmartiann
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vitoscaletta1925 · 3 months ago
@whizzwhizz got the voice actor of vito scaletta to give me a personalised message!! 😭 (my name is starr) as you guys know, i am the BIGGEST VITO FANATIC ON EARTH who does everything like vito so this means a lot to me!! even my mum is so excited to see this!
@whizzwhizz is the guy i met on instagram who first introduced me to mafia and it changed my life. i’ll never forget what he’s done for me. THANK YOU! his account on insta is @big_barbaro by the way 🙏
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lazybastardsstuff · 7 months ago
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I was bored, so here you go. Henry in a bathrobe 💤💤
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fryebitch · 1 year ago
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out for a walk in empire bay
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oneicedteaplz · 3 months ago
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Merry christmas from mafia 2 boyz and happy holidayy 🫶
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