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adamwatchesmovies · 3 years ago
Don’t Breathe 2 (2021)
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When Don’t Breathe left itself open for a sequel - if that’s what you think it was doing - I certainly didn’t expect an action revenge thriller follow-up. I also didn’t foresee the movie turning its monster into a hero… but crazier things have happened. It could work. All you’d need is a good story, which, unfortunately, Don’t Breathe 2 does not have.
Eight years after the events of the first film (which sets this in 2024?) the blind man (Stephen Lang) lives with 11-year-old Phoenix (Madelyn Grace), who he rescued after her home burned down. On a rare outing outside, the young girl encounters a gangster (Brendan Sexton III). He and his thugs follow her home and lay siege to the house.
Early in, there’s some not-so-subtle exposition that tells us organ trafficking has been on the rise in the area. The cooler we see in the truck that holds the thugs (played by Adam Young, Bobby Schofield, Rocci Williams, Christian Zagi, and Diaana Babnicova) basically confirms they're connected. If this makes you question the film’s quality, hold on. That tie isn’t all it seems and there are much bigger issues to worry about.
In what is either an attempt to make us cheer for someone we previously feared or a demonstration that taking care of Phoenix - essentially the replacement daughter he was asking for - has softened him up, the blind man has changed in significant ways. Not physically mind you. This movie often feels like it’s the villains from Green Room going up against a slightly mellowed-out Jason Voorhees. When the blind man tears into someone, it gets way violent and gory, practically a necessity when every villain is as cartoonish as these thugs. On the upside, seeing tiny Madelyn Grace do her best to evade the intruders is tense. Seeing her protected without any remorse is satisfying.
And then, the film leaves the house and degenerates into absurdity. Skilled as he may be the blind man is still blind. We believed him tracking down and kidnapping that girl in 2016 but only because it happened off-screen. In this movie, he basically turns into Daredevil, only inconvenience by his blindness for brief seconds before he proceeds to turn his opponents into deli meat. What goes on in this film is straight-up impossible. I’d have a hard enough time believing a normal person - military training or not - pulling these moves. With their eyes closed? No way. And the bad guys get in on that bandwagon too. Their plan makes NO SENSE, which does make the film tonally consistent and therefore watchable in a disposable way… but come on.
Don’t Breathe 2 is a major step down from the moral ambiguity and uncertainty of the first. This is a joke by comparison, with over-the-top villains whose motivations are unbelievable, and a final act filled with as much blood as questions it doesn’t answer. Stephen Lang might be convincing in the role, he may be an imposing presence, but the humanity they give him is wasted. If you are curious nonetheless, stick around for the end credits. There’s a scene mid-way you won’t want to miss. (September 19, 2021)
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#DontBreathe2 ?#MovieReview #StephenLang #MadelynGrace Almost as good as the first, Fede Alvarez wrote a great screenplay that brings the Don't Breathe story to a (possible) end. I give the film a 3 out if 4. Full review: https://hubpages.com/entertainment/Dont-Breathe-2-Movie-Review For more, visit thesylvamoviecritic.com https://www.instagram.com/p/CSj-DPJn2fl/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wherever-i-look-blog · 4 years ago
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Don't Breathe 2 (2021) - Review/Summary (with Spoilers) | Don't Breathe 2 improves on the original while revisiting certain scenarios The Blind Man put people through in the first film. | https://tinyurl.com/yz58kvnp
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poetryxinxmotion · 8 years ago
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These two are the best of friends! #MadelynGrace #MaKylaAnne #cousins
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authorsavannagrey · 8 years ago
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Your sweet fix. 💗 #newgrandbaby #love #sweetbaby #madelyngrace
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thepeoplesmovies · 2 years ago
Win Shudder Original They Live In The Grey On DVD
Win Shudder Original They Live In The Grey On DVD #TheyLiveInTheGrey @Shudder_UK #win #MadelynGrace #MichelleKrusiec #horror
 Today 26th September sees the release of the Shudder Original  They Live In The Grey. You can win  a DVD copy of the film, courtesy of Acorn Media International. When clairvoyant social worker Claire (Michelle Krusiec – Hollywood) is handed a new child protection case, a young girl called Sophie (Madelyn Grace – Don’t Breathe 2), she notices the child is covered in scratches and bruises. Sophie…
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thatgracelady · 10 years ago
hey I adore your blog so much! what are some of your favourites? (bc I need more like yours/your taste)
Hey there anon! This is the second question this week about this! It’s about time I made a list of my favourites. This isn’t final but its a good reflection none the less I’ve tried to be as true as I can but knowing me, I’ve probably missed one or two. 
thatkindofwoman​ // Kat was one of the first people I followed here on tumblr (some four+ years ago) and I feel so lucky to be one of her early followers that has had the privilege of watching her build her incredible empire of TKOW goodness. She’s witty, heartfelt, funny, down right beautiful and will forever having you wish that you were in fact, that kind of woman. 
h-o-r-n-g-r-y​ // If your Tumblr is a window to the soul than Maja most be one of the most beautiful people on earth. Her blog is filled with the most dreamy images, music and words that will have you scrolling and dreaming for endless amounts of time. Follow her on Instagram as well for those times you just can’t get enough of the way she sees the world. 
the59thstreetbridge​ // If you’ve never heard of Julia then I don’t know what you’re doing with your life. I found her through Polyvore and fell in love. Her taste and styling is so perfect I wish she planned all of my outfits. My Pinterest is filled with so many of her Polyvore flat lays! Her Instagram account is the playing ground for her online taste coming together in the real world.
awomaninscience // Liz is an intelligent, beautiful, down to earth lady who posts “the musings of a female scientist” and who’s thing is “encouraging other women to partake in this challenging, male-dominated field while holding onto all the other things that inspire them.” Let me tell you now, she’s killing it. The only downfall to Liz’s blog is that she doesn’t have endless scrolling!
ironworthstriking​ // Peter is a designer out of Chicago with a great eye for beautiful things. He’s got a good mix of beautiful things and real world things. Peter sometimes wants to be a penguin, and also has facial hair.
tblaberge​​ // Where do I even start with Todd?? His writing always hits me right in the feels. He always has the words to express what I can’t express and has a great understanding of what it is like to have loved and lost. Todd writes books, loves Jesus and, has a beard.
alexandersattler​​ // If you’re looking for a funny bearded photographer to ad to your world, look no further. Alex has impeccable taste and takes really beautiful stills himself. He also has a beard. Need I say more?
quintencawthon​​ // Quinten runs the kind of blog that you want to scroll through with a cup of tea in your hand and the blankets pulled high on a Sunday morning. He’s intelligent, thought provoking and has kind eyes. Quinten also has facial hair.
shout out.
ink-porn // If you’re into tattoos, look no further. My favourite cousin Levi runs this diversely beautiful blog filled with ink to inspire you and make you itch to get under the needle. 
other ladies i love.
agentlewoman​    bakerie    beeslikehoney​   jrdnnwlkr   justmarialicious   littleyellowmonster   modernhepburn   nectarinejam    planstobesurprised     wolfintheforest
M xo
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thatgracelady · 10 years ago
friends and followers of thatgracelady,
I wanted to let you in on a secret, I’m moving cities in January 2015. 2,000km and across a state boarder is where I will live, in the biggest city I will have ever called home in my 22 years of living.
I am scared shitless, I know no one and have no work or accommodation figured out yet. But I do know that it is where I am meant to go.
I’ll be a broke student again but I can’t keep living in this, this apathetic resting hole I’ve found myself in.
I’m not quite ready to tell the world just yet, but I don’t know if we are ever “ready” for anything really.
With purpose and fear I plunge into the dark waters that await my courageous heart.
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