#Maarten Tierelantijn
sims2snfkggh · 5 years
The Voetsol Legacy generation #4: The Robinson family (Luca, Cody and Lore)
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The second Robinson-household of generation 4 includes Luca, Cody en Lore. When her kids were younger, Luca’s kids had a father - Maarten. It was so statisfying to see how sweet Maarten was with Cody, despite his temper. He often was impatient and even though Luca wanted to help him with that, she was too sweet and patient. Maarten knew exactly how to handle very tantrum Cody had. 
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Short after Cody, Lore was born. She was a little shy girl that didn’t like to be put in the spotlight, but loved her brother. It rememinded Luca of herself when she was a kid. (Even though she’s super friendly, outgoing and spontanious.) Luca and Maarten would have loved to get more kids. Luca was so proud that she was the first of her siblings that had a kid: the first two kids of generation 5. And she wouldn’t have been more proud to raise them together with Maarten.
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When they just fell in love, at first they didn’t think it was a big deal that Maarten was such a lot older than Luca. It’s the woman that has to carry the child, after all. If it had been to them, they would’ve had lots of more babies. But unfortunately Maarten’s left the earth a lot older than everyone would have thought.
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Cody was so sad about it...
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At this moment, almost 12 years later, both Cody and Lore are almost young adults. Lore’s social skills grew and she became an insider, but sometimes in a wrong way. With her dastartly mind, she lost the charming character she had as a toddler. As a kid and a teen, she had periods of sadness. Even though her mum started dating some guy again, she never wanted to have a ‘new dad’. And Luca, of course, accepted that.
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Her one year older brother Cody stayed as hot-headed als he was as a toddler. Running became his angermanagement, which did worked out perfectly combined with his active personality. Getting along with other Sims wasn’t hard for him and he had many friends in high school. That been said: Cody was ready for adulthood.
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That day Luca decided to throw a new year’s eve party, didn’t bother him at all. He wasn’t such a family-Sim as his mum, but was fine with it. There was booze, after all!
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And Luca? She was happy with the fact she invited her father Tijmen, the last generation 3 Sim that alive, as well as her 2 brothers and 2 sisters with their spouses and kids. Also, she invited some second cousins. Because yea, she’s family oriënted after all, right?
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Loek Robinson, an outgoing goofball who loves outdoors and aspires to be a friend of the world (just like Luca), is Tijmen’s oldest son. Next to him: his youngest brother Twan Robinson.
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Twan remains the Benjamin of the family, so Loek often gives him parenting advice. However, there’s one big difference between their early youth: since Loek’s and Twan’s sons are born on the same day, Twan gives Loek some advice in return every now and then. 
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Beside Loek, Luca and Twan there’s the twin: Fleur and Joy. Even though they’re both adults, they are the most irresponsible of Tijmen’s 6 kids. Fleur likes Sims and parties, and also likes games like ‘Don’t Wake The Llama!’. 
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Bram finds the game very tensioning. It makes him squint.
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And at the point all of the sticks collapses, everyone’s done with the game. Bram’s pissed off, and Fleur decides one thing: playing a game with a kid every now and then is one thing. But having kids of her own? Not her thing.
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A good time to go home, maybe? Nah. If it’s up to Twan, he’d stay up all night! He’s still all so excided about this confetti they bought for new year’s eve. Tijmen finds it all quite cute.
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But Fleur’s twin sister Joy? She’s a little less of a party animal today, it seems. (But above all: she’s just lazy.)
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sims2snfkggh · 5 years
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Suus and Rob got engaged. They celebrated this during while their son Joey was asleep. At least... they thought so. Also, they conceived a baby brother/sister for Joey. GENERATION 5′S #10 BABY IS ON IT’S WAY! (And nope, it wasn’t even me: it was Mc Command.)
Also, their niece Eva grew up to a toddler. And she’s hella cute! Too bad her parents Maarten and Nancy are not really competent parents. Maarten’s unflirty and erratic. Nancy’s mean, gloomy and least but not least: she hates children. There’s so much stress at this household every time Eva cries! Live’s not easy when your parents don’t understand what you need: the only thing she really wants, is a little love. Look at those little cheeks!
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sims2snfkggh · 5 years
The Voetsol Legacy generation #4: Fleur & Joy (pt. 2)
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It’s one of the last days of the summer and Fleur and Joy are taking the last preparations for Tijmen’s ‘goodbye party’. Joy did the dishes and Fleur made ice cream.
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Twan’s wife Nancy arranged all of the food for everyone. She’s a cooks perfect master pieces, so everyone had a nice meal when they arrived.
Since Tijmen was a musician, he knew a lot of Sims. Since Luca did the guestlist, they mainly invited family. Not only their own partners and kids, but also their own nieces and nephews Tijmen’s brother and sister. They invited a lot of family, even a lot of family members they hadn’t seen in years, like the kids of Tijmen’s brothers and sister.
Tijmen was a triplet with Max and Ot, so they invited their kids too: Isabel Kibo and Ludo Robinson (Max’s kids) and Britt, Jesse and Rob (Ot’s kids). They also invited Maarten, Nancy and Eva. Surprisinly enough Nancy (van Dijk) didn’t come.
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In the end Luca decided to invite Cody and Lore as well, because Luca thought it became time she shared a little more of her feelings with her so grown up kids.
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There even was a bonfire, so they could finish the remembrance with some music - just like their father would have liked them to.
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Fleur felt all zen with the camp fire in their backyard. She reminisced old holidaystories with her brothers and sisters, which was quite amusing.
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Fleur plead for the stereo to get outside. She noticed she’s not the only one who loved some music at the party: Cody knew some awesome moves, too! Fleur suddenly realizes Cody is her favourite nephew, and promises herself to time with him more often.
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Their nephew Ludo cried very hard when he saw the thumbstone. Loek found it kinda funny, because all the memories he had of Ludo, weren’t that good: he was mean, would always pick a fight and was super slobby. 
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Joy on the other hand didn’t care about the stories she heard about this ‘Ludo’. She never really met him, or she couldn’t remember. She didn’t care for his mean actions, though, because she has a gift for turning insults into jokes with a little payback aspect. Ludo laughed about her a few times and was impressed. He didn’t understand why his niece didn’t work in the entertaining career.
Ludo: “You would be a good stand-up comedian, you know.”
Joy: “Oh well. I don’t think I am really responsible enough to even háve a job."
Ludo: “I can see, now you’ve spoken out that state of mind.”
Joy: “So, what do you do for a living?”
Ludo: “I make art.”
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At the end of the evening, Fleur en Joy stood in front of their fathers thumbstone.
Joy: “Dad, do you think we threw a good party?”
Fleur: *Sigh.* “O Joy, we should set his spirit free.”
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Joy tried to contain her laughter and looked to her sister with the most serious face she had.
Fleur: “Don’t laugh. I think we should prevent his ghost haunting on our lot. Or house. Or neighbourhood... --”
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Joy: “-- Is that so? Well, how do we do that?”
Fleur: “We should tell him so, then.”
Joy: “Okay, let’s do it.”
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And so we did.
Bye, Tijmen...
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sims2snfkggh · 5 years
The Voetsol Legacy generation #4: Maarten, Nancy & Eva
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One of the less known kids in town is Eva. Her father, Maarten Tierelantijn, is the only son Olivia Tierelantijn ever gave birth to. He is a cheerful Sim who wants to be a 'friend of the world'. Unfortunately he’s also erratic, which is unhandy from time to time.
Maarten fell in love with Nancy's party animal spirit and they live together in the VoetsolxTierelantijn founders house from generation 2 & 3, because Maarten just never really moved out when he grew up and Olivia, his mum, is the oldest kid from Mees and Wendy.
Actually it’s a bit weird when you think this, because this house was build for 8 Sims and they are only with 3 Sims. Nancy's gregorious but also mean and gloomy, which means she’s depressed very often. On top of this, she hates children. It’s really confusing how they ever got Eva, since Maarten is unflirty. Maybe it was some erratic move from Maarten when both he and Nancy were very drunk? 
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It’s such a pity, though, because Eva’s such a cute little girl! She always tries to make jokes and is really silly. Also, she’s fond of the friends that come to visit for her parents every now and then.
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The other side, which isn’t seen by the neighbours at all, is that Eva’s left alone a lot. Whenever Maarten’s at work, Eva’s very sad because he’s the only one who fulfills her needs. Her mum works night shifts as an mixologist and often sleeps during the day. Even if her mum is up, she’s busy dealing with her own shit and ignores Eva. When she gets attention from Nancy, it’s often because she’d done something wrong. Life isn’t easy with such a depressed mum that also hates children.
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Maarten has been obsessed with the universe since he was a little kid. He knew his great grandmother Roos was an astronaut and there are stories that say Roos had seen aliens during her job. Maarten had always known he wanted to travel in the universe grew up. 
Maarten, however, isn’t that self-assured and brave, so he gets paranoia every now and then. Could it be that aliens live amongst us?
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Eva finally gets diner when her father gets home. Her mum is a mixologist and tries too much of those drinks every now and then, which makes her forget about her daughter.
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Whenever they forget to put her in, Eva crawls up to the first level very often to take a nap in the old chair from her grandma’s brother Max, who used to live here back then.
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Throughout the years, Eva grows up to be a very independent kid. She questions everything and wants to learn a lot. One day she runs into Jake, who appears to live a few streets ahead of her. 
Eva’s just really a funny kid who likes to make a laugh out of everything, but in the mean time she knows her mum is too late for work. Again.
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Nancy laughs at the children politely but it’s not like she cares. She takes off to work and leaves Eva at home. All alone.
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Eva and Jake get along very well. Eva’s a very enthousiastic and cheerfull kid that has good social skills, but underneath she is way too independent for her age. She is young, but understands she has to fight a hard battle for some positive attention from her parents.
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Jake is too young to understand what’s going on with Eva, especially since he’s living with such warm and loving parents. He finds a good friend in that silly girl, who is also not too girly for football!
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Inside Eva's house they find out they're family: Eva's grandmother and Jakes grandfather were brother and sister! Jake is very fascinated by the pictures that are still on the wall for some reason.
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Also Jake’s a little bit surprised Eva has to do the dishes all by herself.
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Nothing was said about that fact, but they both knew one thing: Eva came over at Jakes house more than the other way around, since Jake had all these things to play with. They had such fun together!
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Jesse and Jacqui are used to Jake’s best friend. Sometimes, it’s almost like she lives here as well. It’s a standard thing to count on Eva with a meal, because she stays for dinner so much.
 Jesse gets jealous of the attention Jake gives Eva, sometimes. It’s weird to see his son grows up so fast and he prefers to play with peers instead of his father. 
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Jacqui likes Eva, too. She’d secretly wanted more kids, but she’s too old already. She often fantasises about what life would have looked like when she’d run into Jesse earlier in her life.
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Yep, Eva does shit that aren’t acceptable every now and then, but Jake’s okay with that.
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Years and years go by and he knows one thing: they’ll always be there for each other
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sims2snfkggh · 5 years
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So, I decided to take a few hours and re-invent my biggest family tree in my Sims 4 game: the Voetsol’s family tree:
O, how I love the Plum Tree App!
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