#Ma'am pls
kedreeva · 8 months
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I'm so sorry, I'm absolutely losing it. I went to my neighbor's today to find out what I would need to do to care for their puppy this weekend, and This Fucking Thing appeared ajgldfkjhfg she is a turkey hen. you know, the birds who quite famously look like this
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with no feathers on their heads, or very little, mostly along the spine/top of the head... and this gal just rocks up with not only a LITTLE bit of feathering, but almost completely covered. Even her WATTLE had feathers.
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I'mc rying
i said, what the hell is going on here? and they were like
her name's Fluffy
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samaniala · 13 days
ok sooo my new obsession
(i will draw the lesbians laterrr)
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maranull · 2 months
i think i forgort how to dodge
rellana stop bulling me challenge, impossible
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departedcrown · 9 months
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𝐐𝐔𝐄𝐄𝐍 𝐀𝐔𝐋𝐄𝐀 𝐋𝐔𝐂𝐈𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐄𝐋𝐔𝐌 , do not reblog . ©
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britanniabay · 2 years
She doesn't mind repeating outfits...why not pull this one back out of the closet? If not for us, at least for Tim!
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delisae · 2 years
Not the girl in the story saying I'm fucked and people commenting "literally" "don't worry the fucking comes later"
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musecheerios · 1 year
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Why talk about milfs when you are a milf?
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i am six feet under (also bonus cao weining lol)
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I have such a massive crush on Daisy Head, it's wild.
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aristobun · 1 year
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writerdiviner · 2 years
Okay so. My boyfriend's mother is...awful. And I think my dislike for her is so strong because we have some similar placements in our birth charts. Sun, Moon and Venus. And the entire time I had no choice but to spend an extended amount of time around her, I saw what I could have been like had I allowed my childhood trauma and the abusive environment I was raised in to kind of have a chokehold on me. She's so bitter, verbally abusive and I wouldn't have put it past her to be physically abusive to her son over the years as well.
I was raised by closed minded individuals who refuse to look at their actions, take accountability for the way they treat others, or make changes based on this for the sake of saving their relationship with their family...specifically their children (or, in my case, their granddaughter/niece). There's gaslighting, there's the old "Oh, I'm so sorry I'm such a terrible parent." The deflecting. The projecting of their unhealed trauma. With my family, it was passive aggressive insults and jabs. It was the insinuation that I wouldn't amount to anything and that I was destined to end up just like my dead mother, "sick in the head" and taken over by addiction. It's just so...ugly. After being raised by people like this, I found myself face to face with the opposite side of the spectrum of abuse. This woman (his mother) would, without hesitation, tell her own son to "Shut the fuck up, I hate you." Her dogs, obviously lacking training, opened the door to our room and ate up two of my tarot decks and my $150 gaming headset; Her response? "Well he's the one who taught the dog how to open doors when she was younger." My children, who love everyone and could make friends with fucking plastic bags, were terrified of speaking to this woman. We spent the months living in her house confined to our rooms. Rushing in and out of the kitchen when we needed to eat to avoid "interrupting" her, which she made known as she turned the volume way up on her TV and let out a large, heavy sigh. A three bedroom house, this woman didn't sleep in her bed. She chose to sit her ass in a recliner in the living room as soon as she got home, slept there. Made us feel unwelcome every moment she got. Her son, who since meeting me has done some immense work on shift his mindset and aggressive reactions to most situations (something I know understand a bit more), came to me to ask me to talk him through the pain she was putting him through. I offered the advice of ceasing communication, letting go of the need to rebuttal. After a few weeks, his mother came to me crying and not understanding why her son wants nothing to do with her. I said, in the kindest way I could, that she needs to look at and really hear the way she speaks to and about him, and ask herself if it's really worth questioning the issue. I told her I couldn't imagine speaking to my children the way she spoke to her son. And she just told me about all the things she "did" for him (you know, like giving birth to him and raising him begrudgingly) and how he doesn't respect her even though she's his mother. Ah yes, the generational gap where our parents and grandparents blindly follow and agree to anything their parental figures say, even long after they've entered adulthood themselves, because "they brought them into this world and they can bring them out" and "parents just deserve respect, that's how it is." She told me she doesn't regret her choices. I kindly reminded her that choices have consequences, and that she shouldn't be surprised that her son has made the choice not to interact with her as a result of her choices to treat him like dog shit.
After about 7 months of living with this woman, several attempts to politely get her to see things through a different lens, and biting my tongue when she got snarky and I felt as if it wasn't my place, I snapped. I can only be nice and try to help so many times until I say all the things a bit sharper because I no longer give a fuck about your feelings. Needless to say, things blew up. I spit the truth out like venom about how I knew exactly what type of person she is and that her son (who was obviously there for this "conversation"), who just needed closure that his mother wasn't willing to repair their relationship after his many attempts, should just let her go because she truly doesn't care about how she makes him feel and she has no intention of healing their relationship. She didn't argue. She didn't interject, she just sat there. And when she finally decided to speak, she tried to tell us that it was my fault that their relationship wasn't able to be fixed. I cut her off immediately and said it needed to be fixed way before she even knew who I was, and it's truly pathetic that even in this moment, she still needs someone to blame because she won't take responsibility for her actions.
In the few weeks that we stayed after that (before rushing into our new home), she wouldn't speak to us but took any chance she could to try and make my children feel uncomfortable. She raised her voice at my children and I...you don't want to know how I felt in that moment. I feel awful about having my children in that environment. I know it was temporary and in the moment we didn't have many other options, but I still made sure to apologize to them and thank them for being strong and continuing to be kind through all of that.
Oh, did I mention we work for the same company? No one likes her or her attitude here either. And she has been real childish when it comes to how she acts when I'm brought up at work. We don't work in the same building thank the gods, but that doesn't stop her from running her mouth any chance she gets. I do my best not to even mention her, she thrives off of trying to bring me down.
Anyway, the point of all this was 1. to get some thoughts out of my head and 2. to tell you about what this silly goose of a woman did the other night in what I assume was an attempt to "scare me" or remind me that she's "still around."
My kids had asked to watch a movie on Sunday night. They wanted to browse Disney+ and find something. I opened up the app to see only one account (instead of the usual 3 for my kids and I) with a profile picture of Wanda Maximoff and her initials. I immediately remembered that I had logged into my account on her TV in the livingroom one day so the kids and I could watch Encanto and not be sitting on a bed (we, of course, could only do this on the day I was off and she was working, otherwise the living room was off limits). Now, being a child of Loki, I immediately changed my passwords and added the accounts back and updated my profile picture to one of Loki (MCU version of course, but I know he appreciates Tom's take on him). The picture is so funny, it's mischievous and in that moment it felt as if Loki was wanting me to say "Try me, bitch." in picture form. I chose the "log out of all devices" option, but just in case she was able to open it up...I wanted her to know she's not gonna get to me but it's cute that she's trying.
Something that kept going through my head. She obviously chose Wanda because 1. she's referred to me as a witch before (not a lie but LOL) and 2. I think she thought she was making a point, giving me a little scare, wanting me to see her as a witch who is "big and bad". If I hadn't blocked her already, I would have just loved to remind her that Wanda doesn't get what she wants by acting vengefully and, if she had paid attention to anything related to Wanda's story, she'd know that choosing Wanda's picture in an attempt to scare me just proves my point even more that she isn't winning because she's so tied up in her anger. It must be exhausting to be so bitter all the time.
But also, you're like in your high 60's so why the fuck are you trying to come at me like a jealous high school gf? It's kinda concerning. Anyway, I am going to be working on a protection and a "fuck off" spell tomorrow since I'm off. I'm so over this woman. I'd also like to point out that me circa pre-awakening would have physically fought this woman but I know my energy is better spent other ways. That's on growth, baby.
Thanks for letting me rant.
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mighticst · 2 years
lana cushing i love u
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kathrynmhahn · 4 months
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Amanda Lehan-Canto as Lady Dimitrescu If Video Games Were Real 2024
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sekaithemystic · 21 days
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totally normal about her (i need to kiss her so bad)
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remyfire · 1 year
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Gazing lustfully at sexy pinups of women together #justbestiethings
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definitelynotshouting · 3 months
divine intervention has guided my hand to the google docs (my finger slipped on the keyboard while i was debating whether i wanted to write)
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