#MXM Powder
findroleplay · 4 months
hi everyone! i'm gotten an itch for a supernatural period piece ocxoc rp set in 1700s france inspired by watching one clip from franklin on apple tv! give me powdered wigs, corsets, war drama, and witchcraft!
the plot idea i have in my head is a young member of a high class family goes on a hunt to prove their worth to their peers, discovers and spares a wounded forest spirit, resulting in a relationship that shatters and changes both their perceptions of the other side.
i would prefer to play the forest spirit. mxf, mxm, fxf, all ships are good with me! i am 24, so please be 20+ for themes of nsfw, violence, and general dark themes.
i like to write on discord more than anything, but i can do tumblr if it comes down to it. i'm a literate, novella writer, but i tend to match my parther's length. if you're interested in making a plot with me and screaming about our ocs ooc, engage with this post and i'll find you!
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tr1pp1nr3dd · 17 days
Oc RP starter/ req!
Oc rp starter, TW/CW: Substance abuse, nsfw, possible violence
MXM only!
If you’d like to continue ur this then add my discord @ wrennipo0 or send your reply here!
It was late. Cheap party lights and too- loud music flooded through the shoddy house that Percy had become accustomed to the last few weeks. He turned his head at the sight of something in his peripheral, and let out an amused scoff when he saw one of his roomates- Achilles, with his hand held flat and a bump of cocaine piled in the back of it. He grinned, and raised an eyebrow. “Is this your way of asking me to marry you?” He joked, but Achilles just raised an eyebrow right back at him and nudged his hand closer.
“Huh? I can’t hear you, music’s too loud!” He replied, barely loud enough over the thumping beats vibrating through the thin walls of the house.
“I- fuck it, man. Nevermind.” He muttered, before pulling his curly hair behind his ears and lowering his head to clear the powder clean off the back of Achilles’ hand. Once he had, Achilles grinned and slung his other arm over his shoulder, leaning closer so he could speak into his ear.
“Attaboy, Perc.” He hummed, and Percy rolled when he picked up what he liked to call his ‘bedroom voice’ over the music that flooded through every nook and cranny in the cramped building.
He stood from his place on the couch, startling Achilles from his hazy mindset and gesturing for him to follow, which he did without question. His eyes didn’t miss when Achilles snagged a red solo cup from a pretty girl in his peripheral and offered a cheerful salute, because of course he would.
He stopped once they’d gotten out back and sat on the patio steps, taking a deep breath and tipping his head back.
“This is so boring, man.” Percy groaned, and Achilles settled beside him and took a long sip from the cup, the slightest expression of distaste following once he pulled away.
“Go fuck, then. I’m not stopping you.” Was his roommate‘s muttered response, a shrug tugging at his shoulders.
“Yeah you are, you’d probably ask to tag along.” He kind- of joked, and Achilles shoved into his shoulder with his own.
“Kill yourself.” Achilles deadpanned, and Percy failed to stifle his snort.
“ ‘Kay.” He hummed, then glanced back and he heard the back door open from behind them. He nudged Achilles with his elbow and gestured for him to look back. Looks were exchanged, a silent conversation that ended in seconds.
“Fine as hell.”
“Oh no yeah absolutely, smash.”
Did they say that too loud?
(Reply with your character and send a photo for reference! As for me, Percy is the one on the left (longer hair, freckles), and Achilles is the one on the right! (Emo Idk how else to describe him. You can ship your character with one, or both of them! The other photos are also Percy and another one of my ocs, just to show his build and color scheme! (Haven’t drawn one up for Achilles yet but just ask if you’d like to know!)
Ignore my bipolar art style por favor
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bangtaninborderland · 11 months
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Genre: f!reader x bts || smut, 18+ || 12.4K words
Warning: oral (m receiving), d/s themes, 4some, mxm, d@ddy kink, choking, hair pulling, spanking (kind of?), hand jobs, fingering, nippl3 play,
A/N: I’m so sorry this took me so long I’ve started university and it’s overwhelming, I also was evicted so I’m house hunting at the moment, this was kind of difficult to write because although it was in JKs perspective for the most part it was hard to write other scenes where he wasn’t present so forgive the changing around, I really have moments where I feel like I’m failing you all with this story I just hope some of you can find enjoyment from it! This is a very wordy chapter it’s very dialogue heavy but it was a necessary evil!!
Send me your confessions and questions! They really help encourage me to write!
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Jungkook was pulled from the dredges of sleep by a hand shaking him, he opened his eyes squinting to make out the figure in front of him.
“It’s me.”
Jungkook recognised your voice, pulling back the covers without a second thought. Yn didn’t hesitate before crawling under the sheets and cuddling up to Jungkook.
They fell asleep like that, entwined with one another for a few more hours until they were both woken up by the sound of the others walking around.
“Good morning,” Jungkook mumbled, having woken up a few minutes earlier he was more aware. “How did you sleep baby?”
YN groaned, shrugging her shoulders. “Everything is wrong.”
“What do you mean?” Jungkook frowned, looking over the small frame lying on his chest. “What’s wrong?”
“The date with Jimin last night felt so awkward, Tae won’t talk to him, I can only comfort Taehyung to an extent.” She sighs, looking up at Jungkook with teary eyes. “It’s so frustrating”
And he understood, it was overwhelming being around confrontation especially when you loved both involved. “They will work it out, we just have to give them time. Tell me more about your date?”
“It was probably the worst date yet and I don’t know if it’s because of me or him, it’s probably my fault but I felt like he was holding back from being himself.” Jungkook watched the way YN picked at the skin around her fingers, a telltale sign of anxiousness. Despite his own aversion to conflict, he hated seeing her so stressed so silently he made a promise to do all he could to help the situation.
Jungkook the fixer if you would.
“Knowing Hyung he probably just didn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable. I think you should talk to him about it, maybe do so whilst Tae is around so he can see you two being okay. Maybe it will help him figure his own feelings out?” Jungkook hoped he was at least half right.
YN nodded, leaning into Jungkook's chest a little more before pushing the blankets off herself. “I can’t relax until things are okay. Let’s go have breakfast.”
Now that was something Jungkook could get behind wholeheartedly, food made everything better. “Let’s go.”
The cam boy wasn’t surprised to see most of the other housemates awake and active downstairs, considering the lack of obligation here everyone usually woke up by midday unless they had a late night. “Good morning.” Seokjin sang from his place at the table, laptop and coffee in front of him as Yoongi was stirring something Divine-smelling in a pot on the stove.
“What’s that Hyung?” Jungkook asked, peering over Yoongis’ shoulder as YN went off to greet both Namjoon and Hoseok who were sitting opposite to Seokjin.
“Nothing for you.” Yoongi huffed, sprinkling some chilli powder into the soup. “Can’t you cook?”
“Not as good as you.” Jungkook grinned, flattery got you everywhere.
“Fine but tomorrow you’re making me breakfast.”
Jungkook raised an eyebrow, hands wrapping around Yoongis’ waist. “Hyung, are you sure you want that?”
“Baby I’ve seen you cook, you just love it when Hyung takes care of you.” Yoongi grins, Jungkook flushing an unflattering shade of red.
“Hyung!” Jungkook whined. “Shut up.”
Yoongi laughed in response, amused by the younger antics.
“Has anyone seen Tae or Jimin this morning? Do you know if they have spoken?” Jungkook can hear the hushed conversation happening at the table.
“We haven’t.” Jimin mumbles as he walks into the kitchen, clad in a tracksuit which although Jungkook admits is hot definitely raises alarm bells. Jimin rarely lets himself be seen in a state of anything less than perfect.
“What’s wrong?” The youngest detaches himself from Yoongi, opting to take the open seat next to Jimin.
“Taehyung won't talk to me, I even tried to knock on his door but it was silent. Can one of you at least check on him?” Jimin asks, eyeing YN.
“I think we should give him some space.” Jin mumbles, sipping at his still-steaming coffee.
Jimin huffs, sinking into his chair and opening his phone. The table falls silent for a few minutes before jimin stands forcing his chair away with a squeak. “What the fuck.”
“What’s wrong?” Hoseok jumps up, rushing around to Jimin's side to see whatever upset him. “Oh my god.”
“What?” Everyone around the table asks.
“Check Twitter,” Hoseok tells everyone, an almost funny montage of phone grabbing occurs before everyone sees exactly what jimin does.
“What the fuck. Jimin are you okay?” Yoongi huffs, his face unable to hide his disgust at what he sees.
“What’s going on?” Taehyung rubs his eyes, avoiding looking towards Jimin as he joins the crowd.
“Here” YN holds out her phone to the masseuse who sits on the chair before reading through the thousands of posts tagged #GetJiminOut
“Oh.” Taehyung gasped, leaning forward on the table as he scrolled through Twitter, finally clicking on a video.
The room quietens as the sound from the video grows louder, a clear replay of the scene from the night before, the short screaming match that erupted as Yoongi and YN joined the house, a video of taehyung and YN both crying alongside a sniffling Jungkook hidden away in a bedroom, a babbling jimin explaining everything to his Hyung.
The first to speak after it ended was a confused seokjin. “I didn’t think they would air things like that, in fact, I’m sure the contract I signed had a clause about anything too personal being cut out to protect our privacy. My dick being on camera is one thing but this is something else.”
“Maybe I should just leave.” Jimin mumbles, it almost goes amiss, almost.
“What? No!” Yn shouts, Jungkook can’t help but shake his head, agreeing with her protest. “You can’t leave Jimin you haven’t done anything wrong.”
“I hurt you all and that isn’t okay. Clearly, everyone online agrees.” Jimin pointed to the phone with a sadness in his eyes that Jungkook had never seen before.
“Hyung don’t be silly.” The youngest chimed in. “This is just a misunderstanding. I think we should talk to Sejin and ask about it because this shouldn’t have been aired if what Jin Hyung said was right.”
“I think Jungkook is right.” Yoongi agreed, a hand rubbing Jimin's back. “Let’s talk to him first and see what’s happening but for now don’t look at the comments okay?”
Jungkook watched Taehyung, his usual bubbly, opinionated self was rather quiet. Jungkook could understand, it wasn’t like the situation between them would magically resolve itself, even Jungkook was still a little emotionally bruised from the events of the previous night but Taehyung and Jimin were closer, the closest if he were to be honest.
“I’ll go and get Sejin, everyone else grab your coffee and sit at the table.” Hoseok huffed, pushing his chair in before walking off to slide his slippers on. “I have a feeling this is going to be a long fucking day.”
Jungkook overheard his mumble and couldn’t help but agree as he went to finish the coffee that had been abandoned. “Tae do you want a drink?”
It took the other a few seconds to register the question but eventually, he nodded. “I think there’s some herbal tea left, can I have some of that?”
“Of course.” Jungkook smiled back, pottering away at the coffee machine as Yoongi was stirring the pot of soup.
Yoongi looked at him with a frown. “You okay bun?”
“Huh?” Jungkook mumbled back, his tongue peeking out the corner of his mouth as he focused on making the perfect drinks for everyone.
“I said are you okay?” Yoongi repeated as he placed the pots into the sink to be washed. “You seem just as off as Taehyung.”
“Yn came to me this morning and mentioned how difficult things felt and it’s true.” Jungkook shrugged, it wasn’t some massive revelation but everyone in the house had found it harder as time went on, the rules and the cameras becoming something that although he didn’t acknowledge it, still managed to annoy him at times. “I’m just thinking a lot Hyung, ignore me.”
“If there’s something on your mind then talk to me.” Yoongi reached out to touch the younger.
“I just want everyone to be okay, it’s hard seeing jimin and taehyung like this. I guess the image I had in my head of how this would end, of what would happen after this ended, I don't think it’s going to come true.” He sighed, pouring the coffee into 7 cups plus an extra for Sejin and of course Taehyung's tea.
“And what did you imagine?” Seokjin asked from behind the pair, making them both jump a little, causing Jungkook to spill some of the coffee. “Sorry.” He smiled grabbing a cloth. “Here let me help.”
“It sounds stupid Hyung,” Jungkook mumbled stepping aside enough to allow seokjin to wipe up the spillage. “It’s too unrealistic.”
“Nothing is too unrealistic, yes there are things that may seem out of reach, things that have minuscule chances of happening but there’s never anything that is truly 100% unrealistic.” Seokjin was always ready to reassure and comfort, always had the wisest of words and how he said them only made Jungkook's stomach flutter. “So once again, tell Hyung.”
“I thought we would all be together, even Hobi Hyung. Maybe living in another house like this. Yeah, we would all go to work and have our friends and family and whatever and maybe some of us would keep our own apartments but essentially we would all be together at least some of the time…” he huffs. “ even if it was just as friends.”
“So now there’s tension between Tae and Jimin you think that what you wanted is suddenly impossible? I have every faith that things will be okay between them, people argue all the time, especially those that love each other.” Jin picks up two of the cups, nodding towards the others. “Now grab those let us go and get this sorted and then later on we can try and talk to everyone okay? Yoongi, I'll send Jimin to help you bring over the soup.
The other man grunted, placing a kiss on Jungkook's shoulder before moving to dish out the soup.
“Here’s yours,” Jungkook explained to Namjoon as he set the brown mug down in front of him. “Let me know if you need more sugar.”
“Thanks,” Namjoon smirked at the younger. “Do you need any help in the kitchen?”
“No it’s all done, Yoongi Hyung is just making the food.” He declined as he sat down, Namjoon on his right and YN on his left.
“Are you okay?” She asked him, resting her head on his shoulder. “You look a little stressed.”
“I’m okay, just want everything to work out.”
“It will.” Namjoon added, something about the surety in his voice comforted Jungkook.
“I think so too.” YN added in a whisper, closing her eyes only to reopen them as Jimin and Yoongi brought out the food.
Hoseok slipped back inside, taking his shoes off before taking a seat at the table. “Well?” Taehyung asked.
“He’s just finishing up some things and then he will be right In.” He pointed to the bowl in front of him. “Is this mine?”
“No, I just put it there for fun.” Yoongi deadpanned. “Of course it’s yours.”
“Oh.” He blushed. “Thank you.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but watch Jimin, his eyes had little bags forming under them. He wasn’t exactly focused on the conversation at the table, his gaze was unfocused as he stared at his bowl, not making any attempt to eat.
“Jimin are you okay?” Namjoon asked as he reached for some tissues.
“I’m fine.” He brushed the question off, picking up his spoon. “Thank you for the food Hyung.”
“Jimin you don’t have to be okay with this, those comments weren’t okay.” Yn added her voice not wavering, Jungkook loved her assertiveness. “That private moment shouldn’t have been aired.”
Taehyung remained quiet but the look of conflict on his face was growing. Jungkook knew, he just knew, that taehyung wanted to say something but something held him back.
Breakfast was quiet, sad and lifeless. The main sounds are the clacking of silverware and the occasional slurp of coffee. Although it didn’t necessarily feel awkward it still felt weird - wrong. Jungkook hated admitting that it was different, that there had been a shift, not just between taehyung and jimin but between everyone, no one had anything to say. The silence ate away at jungkook but he didn’t say anything, couldn’t.
True to his word Sejin arrived just after breakfast had been cleared away and truth be told Jungkook was relieved because it meant they finally had to talk to each other.
“So what exactly is going on?” Sejin asked, sitting down at the head of the table.
“You don’t know?” Taehyung asked. “The footage of me and jimin last night was aired.”
“I’m aware of that.” Sejin nodded. “The production team felt like it would be good to show the viewers that there are things going on behind the sex. A lot of viewers have called for the show to give more insight into your relationship.”
“With all due respect that’s bullshit.” Yn argues. “this was supposed to be about sex, not about our personal feelings for one another. Will this conversation be aired to?”
“No, you don’t have to worry about that, to be honest, I wasn’t aware of what was being released until I saw the clip last night.” Sejin took off his glasses, rubbing a hand over his face. “We will do our best to have the comments removed and I think you should all put out your own personal messages”
“That’s not good enough.” Jimin protests. “I have a reputation outside of this show and now every single person thinks I’m a lying cheater. How is putting out a statement supposed to fix that?”
Jungkook watched in bewilderment. He had never been too bothered with their relationship being shown on camera. Admittedly up until now it had only been conversations that pertained to the prompts or the eliminations, there wasn’t much of the romance show but seeing how stressed and upset it made everyone definitely changed that feeling for him. They would all have to be a little more careful with what they chose to discuss in the open rooms.
“I understand what you’re saying. If I had been consulted before it was aired I would have asked you all how you felt about it but I wasn’t. I cannot go back and change the fact the footage was released but I will make sure to review any additional content.” Sejin promised with a weak smile. “How would you like us to rectify this situation?”
Jungkook looked towards Jimin as did everyone else, it was him who had suffered the most from the footage being released. The strew of comments wishing Taehyung well only served to show he was the one with all the support out of the two. Not that there were sides to be picked.
“I want taehyung to take my place.” Jimin said, causing Taehyung's face to tense up. “I want to let taehyung take my place.”
“That’s not possible Jimin, you know it’s run off YN's choice.” Sejin declined softly. “Is there anything else?”
“With all due respect that’s bullshit.” The dom huffed. “YN can decide between us then, make it a game I’m sure the viewers will love that.”
Jungkook could already see the disagreement in YN's face, being out on the spot was never an enviable position even more so when it was to choose between two people you cared about.
“I can’t choose that Jimin.” YN mumbled sadly with a shake of her head.”I won’t choose between you it’s no-“
“I’m going to leave.” Taehyung stood up cutting Yn off. “I can’t do this.”
“Taehyung you should be here for this conversation you can’t just hide in your room.” Jungkook frowned, they needed to talk through this.
“No Jungkook.” Taehyung shook his head. “I’m going to leave the show.”
The atmosphere changed instantly, from the calming quietness to an uproar of disagreement. “You can’t leave.” Jungkook defended. “You can’t.”
“I’m not in the competition and me being here isn’t helping anyone. Those comments are going to keep happening and I can’t be here knowing I caused that.”
“Tae what?” Jimin took a few steps towards him, still leaving some space between them. “You didn’t cause any of this.”
“I did. I overreacted, I let my emotions get the better of me because I was jealous.” He argued back.
“Taehyung, I think you should reconsider this, we can put out statements and remove the footage although it’s already been aired we can prevent it from spreading further. There’s no need for anyone to leave or swap places.” Sejin remained calm, taking a much more professional stance on the matter.
Jungkook hated it, hated the tears that had formed in YNs eyes, hated the worry Namjoon wore, fucking hated the desperation in jimins voice. “You didn’t overreact Tae you were upset.” Jungkook whined, overwhelmed by the idea of losing one of the people he loved.
Hoseok shuffled closer to him, wrapping Jungkook in a comforting hug as Yoongi did the same to YN.
“You’re saying that because you don’t want me to feel upset.” Taehyung argued back.
“He's saying it because it’s true.” Seokjin said. “Your leaving isn’t going to change anything but it will cause hurt.”
“Being here hurts me.”
“I’m sorry Taehyung. I can’t do anything other than apologise but I promise you I will earn your trust back I will do whatever it takes to make this better.” Jimin pleaded.
“Don’t.” Taehyung's voice broke. “Please don’t.”
“You can’t just leave Tae.” Namjoon stepped forward. “That’s not how we work.”
“You can’t say that when you don’t even spend time with me. Most of the time you’re with Hoseok Hyung and even when you aren’t you spend your time with YN or seokjin Hyung.” Taehyung exasperated.
“That’s not true.” Namjoon shook his head.
“It kind of is Namjoon-ah.” Yoongi piped up. “Yesterday before everything happened me and YN were talking about how everyone kind of has cliques, you’re with Hoseok pretty much all the time you aren’t with YN. Up until yesterday Jimin and Taehyung spent every waking moment together, even Seokjin Hyung, Jungkook and myself spend more time together than I do with anyone else except YN.”
“I think we are getting sidetracked here, you’re more than welcome to have this conversation amongst yourself in the room without cameras but I think we should address the current issues first. Taehyung, are you going to stay?” Sejin turned to face the masseuse.
Jungkook held his breath as he awaited Taehyung's answer. In the time he had been here although he had fallen in love with Yoongi, seokjin and YN he had also grown to adore Taehyung and Jimin, their trio being the youngest men in the house allowed them to understand each other a little more, taehyung was his best friend whilst jimin, as much as he hated to say it was someone who took care of him with a careful hand, teasing him whilst also reassuring him about his worries and insecurities. He couldn’t bear to see either of them leave.
“I need some time to think about it,” Taehyung responded, gaze focused on the floor.
Jungkook understood though, the look of worry on everyone’s face at the thought of him genuinely wanting to leave was an unpleasant sight to see and would have only made Taehyung feel worse.
Sejin sighed, clearly displeased with Taehyung's answer but still not pushing. “Okay well, how about we give you 24 hours?
Jungkook ignored the way his heart panged as Taehyung nodded, this wasn’t about him.
“Okay, now jimin.” The man perked up as he heard his name. “ is there anything we can do other than making a statement and deleting the footage.”
“Clearly not.” It wasn’t often that Jimin was angry, the man could feign annoyance but Jungkook could count on one hand the amount of times he had seen the other genuinely angry. “It's already been released everyone has probably seen it by now.”
“If you come up with anything let us know okay? I’m going to go and get started on an official statement, damage control and all that.” Sejin stood, making his way to the door when Jin got up and trailed behind him.
Jungkook was too far away to hear whatever they were discussing but judging from the look on Jin's face it was serious.
“That wasn’t exactly helpful, Namjoon huffed as he stood, grabbing a few empty coffee cups as he moved to the kitchen.
“Taehyung you can’t seriously leave.” Jungkook cut to the chase. “I know that this sucks but it was a misunderstanding.”
“Jungkook-“ Hoseok started, trying to keep the situation calm.
“No.” Jungkook shook his head. “We have been in here for 5 weeks and yeah we have had our issues but we have stuck it out no one is leaving over a fucking misunderstanding.”
“It’s not just a misunderstanding kook it’s the hate jimin will continuously get. Not to mention the way it feels knowing a moment I was truly hurt in has been shared across the world.” Taehyung explained, his voice calm despite the younger obvious frustration.
“We will make it better, the statement will help.” Jungkook all but pleaded. “Just please stay.”
“Kook.” Jimin called. “Give him time okay? Let’s not pressure him.”
“How about we go into the unrecorded room and have the conversation we started to have earlier? Regardless of Taehyung staying, we need to have this conversation.” Yoongi asked.
“I’ll go get Jin Hyung and meet you there.” Jungkook needed a break away from everyone, all the stress and emotions feeling suffocating.
“I’ll come too.” Yn tugged his hand into hers, leading him outside. “Are you okay?”
“I don’t know.” He offered honestly. “I feel like everything is falling apart, it’s just getting worse.”
“I don’t think Taehyung will leave. I think he’s just trying to do the best thing for jimin.” Jungkook understands her argument, Taehyung's first reason for wanting to leave was to spare jimin from any unnecessary hate but still, his theory was flawed.
“Yeah, but it’s clear that Jimin Hyung doesn’t want him to leave.”
“We need to make them talk.” Yn decided.
“Yes, we do.” Seokjin agreed from behind them, making them both stutter In surprise as neither heard him approach. “We are going to lock them in the restroom.”
“We are what now?” YN asked, ignoring an already smiling Jungkook.
“We are going to lock them in a restroom and then we will leave them there until they kiss and make up,” Seokjin explains, dangling the key in front of them.
“This is what you were talking to Sejin about?” Jungkook asked, reaching forward for the key only to have his hands swatted away.
“Amongst other things.” The therapist smiles. “Let’s go inside.”
“Oh, we actually came to find you because we are going to have a house meeting in the camera-less room.” YN warned, linking her other hand with seokjin.
Jungkook noted the way she smiled when she was finally between them both, the contact reassuring him.
“I think it will do us some good to talk. I think everyone needs to just stay calm and be honest about their emotions.” Seokjin gave Jungkook a pointed look before his face softened into a smile.
It wasn’t that Jungkook was bad with emotions per se, it was more so that he felt everything so strongly he oftentimes couldn’t manage it.
The house was quiet as the trio made their way to the unrecorded room, clearly the conversation they were about to have hadn’t started yet.
Jungkook was surprised to see jimin and taehyung sitting on the same couch with Hoseok between them. Namjoon and yoongi were both on chairs brought in from the kitchen leaving the empty loveseat for himself, seokjin and YN.
Yn fit comfortably beneath the two, once again resting her head against Jungkook's shoulder. He let himself think it was for her comfort more than his.
“Now we are all here…” Yoongi crossed his legs. “Earlier I mentioned how there is clearly a divide between us and it isn’t helping.”
“It’s true. It’s like we are segregated into groups half the time.” Yn nods in agreement.
“So we are going to do something I haven’t done since I was a kid.” Yoongi huffs, standing to grab the small, fake, decoration plant. “It’s simple, If you have the plant you talk. It doesn’t matter about what, but if you aren’t holding the plant you shut up. Understood?”
Jungkook held back a chuckle at the seriousness of his tone, even seokjin was hiding a smile behind the hand he rested his face on.
Once a few yesses had been spoken yoongi sat again. “Who wants to go first?”
No one spoke for a few minutes, the idea of baring your most heartfelt emotions and concerns wasn’t always the easiest task so Jungkook felt extremely proud when Hoseok stood up, holding a hand out for the plant. “I’ll go.”
“Great.” Yoongi smiled at him.
The dominant sat back down, staring at the plant for a second before starting. “I think at first it was a little hard to connect with some of you. Seokjin Hyung and Taehyungie especially. Not to mention how everything started with jimin.” He gave the other a bitter grin. “Although I like to think we are in a better place now… I guess I stuck by Namjoon because it was easier to, us being the same as was the perfect reason to spend a lot of time together. Knowing that a few of you feel things for me, romantically, made me feel like I had to do my best not to hurt your feelings because I don’t reciprocate that and that pushed me away further, or I pushed myself away from connecting with you all. I don’t really share much about myself but I think in a way that’s always been the case, it’s easier for me to express my happiest feelings rather than focusing on the difficulties but I think in order to break the border I've kind of set around myself, which I do recognise makes me seem unapproachable at times, I have to be more honest and open so I’ll try to do that. I want you all in my life for a long time and taehyung id be really sad that you left because I'd like to spend more time with you. “
Hoseok finished, leaving the room in a settled kind of silence as everyone processed what he said, even Jungkook wasn’t prepared to hear such vulnerable words. He was definitely in awe.
“Does anyone wanna say anything?” Seokjin asked.
“I think we are okay hyung,” Jimin mumbled, Hoseok grinned in response, his tense shoulders relaxing.
“If I stay we should spend more time together.” Taehyung smiled, Hoseok leaning in to give him a hug.
“Okay who's next.” Yoongi asked, slipping the plant from Hoseok's hand. “Anyone?”
“I’ll go.” Yn speaks up, Jungkook reaching to pass her the plant to save her from getting up.
“Thank you.” She whispers to him, a smile on her lips that makes him wish he could kiss her.
“You’re welcome.” He smiles back. “Go ahead.”
“Right.” She laughs. “I think so far I’ve been pretty open. I think I just want to say that I love and care for you all. It’s hard when there are arguments but I know it isn’t completely avoidable. I just hope we can always work it out, I’ve been thinking a lot about how things will work outside of the show but I can’t imagine living without any of you, that even means for a few weeks.” She looks at taehyung, letting him know that the comment was made for his sake. “I try to spend time with you all equally but I know lately that hasn’t been the case for a lot of us so I’ll try to be mindful of that.” She sat back with a satisfied smile, although she hadn’t said much Jungkook understood the hidden message of hope for a united future.
“I think it’s harder for those of us not in the competition anymore,” Jungkook answered before thinning, blushing as everyone turned their attention to him although his eyes were focused on her. “You understandably have to spend more time with those who are in the competition but it makes the rest of us feel like bystanders and although we kind of are it does suck. We already have rules placed on how we can interact with you but outside of that it’s though you limit yourself to spending most time with those who are in the running.”
“Oh.” She frowns. “I guess that makes sense, I don’t do it intentionally. It’s hard because I still have to make eliminations every week and although we agreed not to let feelings interfere with it, it’s hard not to. I don’t want to make anyone a “loser” I want to see you all win but that’s impossible so I try to make the fairest choice and that does usually involves me spending as much time with Jimin, Yoongi and Namjoon as possible. I’ll try to make sure I'm not just sticking around those still in the competition. “
“None of you are bystanders.” Namjoon disagrees quickly. “The show, the house, nothing would be the same without any of you.”
“Yn is there anything else you want to add?” Jungkook prompts, what she had told him about the date with jimin was important.
She slowly catches on to what he’s referencing and looks down. “The date with jimin last night felt awkward because of the issues we had at home, I don’t want that to be the case in the future. I want to be able to enjoy my time with all of you.”
“Did I make it awkward?” Jimin asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“You didn’t do anything on purpose, I think just the idea that taehyung and jungkook were back home upset made it really hard to enjoy the date. I want a re-do when we get out of here. This time with all four of us.”
“Yeah cause the rest of us don’t matter, ageist.” Seokjin snorts, followed by Yoongi and Namjoon laughing.
“Shut up, all of you.” YN scolds with a roll of her eyes. “Someone take this plant.”
“I’ll go.” Namjoon offered, holding his hand out and thanking YN quietly as she placed the decoration in his hand. “You all know when we started I was quite reserved, shy if you will. It made it hard for me to open up not just sexually but also emotionally so I ended up spending more or less of my free time with Hoseok and I think that’s because he’s my age and it was easy to find similarities with him. I never realised I was excluding a lot of you from getting to know me more but now I think of it I can’t recall a lot of time I’ve spent with Taehyung or Seokjin, the same goes for Yoongi and jungkook. I’d say I spent more time with jimin, yn and Hoseok out of everyone and that’s a shame but I promise I will make more of an effort because I enjoy being around you all immensely. Hearing your laughter or bickering when I'm struggling with something school-related gives me this burst of energy I didn’t know I needed. I care about a lot of you, I love a few of you, so I will make sure to show that. I do find it hard sometimes because school-related things are piling up but please just come and talk to me if you see me because sometimes I can truly be oblivious but I do want to spend time with you all.”
“We know you’re struggling a lot with school, just remember we are all here for you if you need support Namjoon-ah.” Yoongi smiled. “I know it’s not always easy to open up but we care about you and don’t want you to feel like you have to hide. If you want us to be around you more then that’s okay but you have to do the same. If you see us spend time with us.”
“I will Hyung. I feel like we really messed up with this communication thing.” Namjoon chuckled half-heartedly. “I’m happy we are all talking. Who’s next?”
“Ah, I guess I’ll go.” Seokjin stood, reaching out for the plant. “I can’t believe you’re making us hold a plant in order to speak as though we couldn’t be civilised without it.”
“I’m the new therapist, let me work.” Yoongi shushed, seokjin rolling his eyes. “Continue.”
“So kind of you.” Seokjin huffed, looking around the room for a second. “I’m the eldest here, sometimes that feels like I'm the most responsible. It makes it hard to share my emotions because I want to be someone you can all go to when you need to talk and I'm afraid if I do share those feelings you’ll become hesitant to. Maybe that is the actual therapist In me but I take on responsibility a lot of time for everyone’s emotions as I want you all to be okay. It was hard to see the situation with Taehyungie and Jimin because I felt helpless. Nevertheless, it’s not right of me to expect you all to be honest and open when I rarely do the same. I’m always spending time with at least one of you but a lot of the time is filled with trivial things and rather better spent building better bonds with you all.”
“You don’t always have to be okay Hyung we just want you to be yourself, just because you’re a therapist it doesn’t mean that you aren’t anything more. I’m a masseuse but I don’t give out massages every day all day because I also need to exist as a human being. You shouldn’t be forcing yourself to hide emotions that are important. We want to comfort you when you’re sad and laugh with you when you’re happy.” Taehyung spoke for the entire group, every one of them nodding in agreement. “You aren’t perfect, you’re human so act like one.”
“You made Hyung sound like an animal.” Jungkook laughed, earning a swat to the head from seokjin. “Sorry sorry, but yes you should open up to us more.”
“I will work on it. It will take a little time but I’ll try. Yoongi how about you go next?” Seokjin asks, holding the plant out.
Yoongi knew he was under no pressure to accept the chance to talk but he did, reaching a hand out lazily. “We need to stop sticking in little groups, even if we just plan an hour in the day to spend with one another. If we don’t there will be tension and that’s not good for anyone. As for my own feelings, it’s a little harder.” He lets out a breathy laugh. “I felt alone when I first came here, very lonely in fact but it’s not like that anymore and I can’t tell you all just how grateful I am for that. You each gave me a piece of brightness that I didn’t know I needed. I don’t want to copy anyone else in what they said but I think from here on out my life would be lacking if I didn’t have all of you.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but smile at the way a deep blush ran down yoongis neck. “I think spending more time together as a group will actually be great.” Jungkook nods, refusing to think about the fact their next “group” day could be 7 instead of 8.
“I agree with jungkook.” Jimin smiled. “I’m proud of you hyung.”
Yoongi brushes him off with a wave of his hand. “Who’s next?”
Jimin looked between both Jungkook and Taehyung, the youngest taking a deep breath when the eldest of the trio raised his hand. “Me.”
“Take it away.” Seokjin laughed as jimin nestled the plant carefully in his palms as though it were real.
“I listened to all of you speak and didn’t really know what I’d say. You all said the things that had been on my mind but there is one thing, or at least one person I want-“ he shakes his head. “Need, to apologise too.”
He turns his body fully towards Taehyung. “I can’t tell you I'm sorry enough times but I want you to know that whether or not you stay you’ll always be someone very important to me. I could have handled the situation differently and I know I should have but at the same time I made a mistake and I am only human. I hope you choose to stay, if you want to stay but don’t want to deal with me I promise to leave you alone and give you space but I truly hope you won’t make that choice. You’re not just my puppy Taehyung you’re one of, if not my best friend and you’re someone I would love the honour of calling my boyfriend one day.”
Jimin watched taehyung for a moment before turning back to the rest of the room.
“I wasn’t sure when jungkook and YN initially brought the idea of a poly relationship but over time I’ve grown to be so fond of all of you, I can’t imagine spending days or weeks without you, without jungkook shoving me and taehyung apart when he wants to sit in the middle, without yoongi hyung complaining about whatever it is you ask but doing it anyway, jin hyung cooking despite the fact he cursed us all for ‘ruining his kitchen’, without YN coming to sit beside me when she can tell I'm not okay, Hoseok annoying me 24/7 just by existing and Namjoon hyung by feeding me the most random pieces of worldly information - half of which I don’t even want to think about how he found.” He laughs, brushing back a few strands of his hair.
“Without all of you, I lose something precious not just because of who you are but because of who you have helped me to be. And YN.” Jimin looks at her with a sad smile. “I really could not give a fuck if I win or not, prize money be damned vote me out next just don’t stress, I won the moment I met all of you.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but force back tears at the overflow of emotions he felt, jimin was always good with words but hearing how much he loved every single one of them made something inside of jungkook swell.
“You all ruined my kitchen and those of you that try to say you haven’t fucked in there are liars because I’ve watched the footage.” Jin scowls. “But jimin I do admire your bravery to admit how you feel, I’m proud to have watched your growth over the past few weeks because it has been tremendous. Maybe you could help me cook next time because I do know you aren’t useless at it would be nice to have you around.”
“You just propositioned me into cooking with you because you don’t want to do all the work.” Jimin laughed, eyes crinkling in a way that made him look beautiful.
“Anyway.” Seokjin diverted the topic, ignoring jimin. “Anyone else?”
“I want to see you all succeed but I love you all and it’s because of how much you care more about our relationship than you do winning a prize in a fuck fest.” Yn added with a wave of her hands, almost smacking Jungkook in his face.
Jimin laughed at him. “Okay okay who’s left just jungkook and Tae-“
The fun atmosphere grows tense once again as jimin wordlessly hands out the plant, waiting for anyone to take it.
Jungkook takes pity on them both, pulling the now warm pot into his hands. “I can’t believe you’re making us do this.” Jungkook groans at Yoongi before straightening up. “I have worried a lot the past few weeks but nothing like the past 24 hours. It’s hard being around conflict but I know it isn’t unavoidable I just have this worry things will fall apart once we leave. We are together now because we have to be. After all, some of you are in the competition and the rest of us decided to stay but what happens when we don’t have those things keeping us here? I don’t want the show to end and this all becomes a memory, we all become a memory. It’s stupid when I say this because I know how unrealistic it is but I had this hope that we would leave here and get a house in Seoul, maybe some of us would keep our own apartments and whatever but essentially we would have a place where we could all exist together. I’m scared for the future, really scared.” He took a deep breath, “it felt so fucking good to get that out.”
“Wow, kook that’s a lot.” Yn starts from beside him, a hand coming to rub at his arm comfortingly.
“I don’t think that it’s unrealistic to think about the possibility that we could live together, it’s not like we haven’t been doing that already for the past few weeks. It’s only normal for you to want to keep things the same when you’ve grown attached to it.” Namjoon adds.
“Being scared, although normal, isn’t worth it. I'm not going anywhere.” Jimin declares, shuffling over to hug Jungkook.
“Same here.” Yn and seokjin respond at the same time, followed by a few other grunts and quiet yesses.
“We can’t control the future but I know I’ll do my best to make whatever we have work.” Hoseok smiles brightly, washing away Jungkook's fears.
“Thank you, Hyung. Taehyung are you ready?” Jungkook reaches out the plant to him, not completely surprised by the way Taehyung looks at it doubtfully.
“I don’t know what to say.” He whispers without looking up. “All my emotions feel like a mess right now, I don’t want to leave because I’ll miss you all, because I don’t want to think about how it will feel without you all but I’m hurt and I’m scared and I fucking hate the way people are being mean to jimin because I got overly emotional and I don’t know how to be here and deal with that. I never thought the feeling was a bad thing, never thought it would be an overwhelming thing but it is. When I saw the messages on jimins phone my heart shattered, not because I thought he had been sexual with someone else but because I thought he cared about someone else in the way he does me.”
“Tae I do-“Jimin starts
“Wait, let me finish.” Taehyung stops him. “I ran up to the bedroom without letting him have a chance to explain but whilst I was there crying I realised that it was not just Jimin I didn’t want to have feelings for someone outside of those in the house, it’s all of you and as much as I want to say I’m okay with it I’m not because it's not just scary it’s terrifying. I couldn’t handle the idea of jimin hurting me alone… can’t stomach the idea that I could get hurt by seven people or that I could hurt seven people, people that I care about.”
The room goes silent spare for the silent sounds of breathing, Taehyung's confession being the saddest among them all. It’s seokjin who clears his throat first “Earlier on Hoseok said something I'd like to remind you of, we cannot control the future, thinking about the possibility of hurting others, or being hurt yourself, isn’t going to solve anything. The truth is we will upset each other but we are human and we make mistakes, we learn from them. When you care for someone you learn to forgive them, communication is key. I truly hope from the bottom of my heart you stay in Taehyung. As your hyung I’m asking you to stay, as someone who would like to know you and love you, I hope that you choose to stay.”
If anyone notices the way Jungkook brushed away the tears staining his face, they thankfully, don’t say anything. “Your emotions are valid hyung, you feeling sad about what you saw is okay. I think we just have to be more open with each other now. All of us have jobs that require us being intimate with other people, some of us more than others but there's a difference between that and the intimacy we share with one another and we have to remember that going forward.”
“Thank you.” Taehyung stands up to pull the younger into an embrace, Jungkook goes easily, letting himself be engulfed in Taehyung's arms. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Jungkook mumbles into his neck, pulling apart only when it feels right.
“I think this has been both successful and exhausting, we should all eat and watch movies on the couch. Everyone in?” Yn stands, holding out her hand.
Yoongi is quick to cross the room and take it, letting her pull him out of the room, everyone else following behind them.
Jungkook only noticed Taehyung and jimin missing when he went to sit down, deciding quietly he would check they were both okay. He was still lingering outside the door when he heard taehyung speak. “Hey.”
“Oh,” Jimin replied, Jungkook nearly facepalmed at the awkwardness of the pair.
“Sorry, I just- you didn’t say what you’d miss about me.” Without looking around the corner Jungkook could hear the pout in his tone.
“Fuck- everything.” Jimin groaned, his voice wavering. “Everything about you I'd miss. You can’t leave me Tae.”
“I won’t-I won’t okay just please don’t love someone else the way you love me.” Taehyung pleaded, at that jungkook stepped away.
They deserved privacy, he was just happy to hear them talking.
He was welcomed into hoseoks open arms, the Dom pulling him in for a hug the second he came within reach. “Are they okay?”
Jungkook nodded back with a smile, they would all be okay.
They ploughed through a low-budget rom-com that left Jungkook both cringed out and sad before Sejin returned to the house, a cameraman behind him.
With everyone gathered on the couches at his request, Sejin begins to explain his conversation with the producers and editors. “We think it’s best if you all make a video statement just explaining things are okay between you all, Taehyung you don’t have to be in it if you don’t want to be I know you’re still undecided about your place here and that’s okay but if you do chose to stay showing a United front will probably prevent any more comments, at least the majority of them. It’s not something you have to do but it’s an option I think you should consider.”
“If we do I’d like to be in it.” Taehyung responds, picking up a pillow from beside him to cradle it.
“I don’t see it making things any worse, I’m happy to do it. Everyone else?” Jimin asks.
“Are you sure it won’t make more people aware of what happened?” Jungkook asked curiously.
“I doubt it kook.” YN calmed him. “People already know, this way we can just show them it was a misunderstanding and it hasn’t badly affected us and jimin isn’t some villain.”
“Okay then I’m in.” Jungkook nodded, slumping against Yoongi.
“Okay, whenever you’re ready we will roll the cameras. Do you want some time to figure out what to say?” Sejin asks, placing his hands on his hips.
The sight makes Jungkook laugh, sometimes Sejin remind him of the old lady who would run the fruit stalls at home. “I think we should talk from the heart.” He manages our, in between his light chuckles.
Namjoon looks at him with a confused expression on his face, trying to figure out whatever has tickled the younger into a hushed laughing fit. “I agree, if we rehearse it people will probably make comments and say we are just forcing it.”
“Okay then, unplanned it is.”
Jungkook couldn’t help himself at the opportunity to make a joke. “Just like taehyungie hyung then.”
“Hey!” Taehyung shouted, throwing a pillow at Jungkook. “I told you that in confidence”
The room broke out into a fit of laughter as Jungkook dodged the pillow only for it to directly whack Hoseok in his face. “You brat!” Hoseok jumps back surprised, his eyes darting between Jungkook and Taehyung as though deciding who to blame. “oh you’re both gonna get it after this.”
The dark promise in Hoseoks words and the dominant glint to his gaze goes straight to Jungkooks dick, even though it was most definitely not the time to get a semi he couldn’t help it, not when he with thinking about the different ways Hoseok could bend him over in a hundred different places all over the house.
“ngkook?” He started back as Namjoon waved his hand in his face. “Are you with us?”
“Yeah sorry.” He laughed, rolling his eyes at the knowing look Taehyung sent him. “Are we starting?”
“Yeah, whenever you’re ready.” Yn answers softly.
The camera is positioned so that none of them have to move from their current positions, all of them fall into a somewhat serious state as the cameraman signals the recording has started.
They all look around at each other, silently deciding who should speak before Taehyung sits forward, clearing his throat. “We are aware that there was a private moment aired last night and although it was a situation we hoped would have been kept as private it was not, this was a miscommunication between ourselves and the production crew but more so this was a miscommunication between us as a group. You know we say we are in an affinity, I think for some of the viewers you compare that to a relationship but it isn’t the same, I’m not here to give you a detailed explanation of the bond we share but what jimin did was not cheating. Yes, I was upset over it because I felt like I had my trust betrayed but once we spoke about it and I understood I came to realise it wasn’t like that. I regret how I responded initially because Jimin is a good person and didn’t deserve me thinking the worst of him, despite how it all looked I should have listened to him before making my own assumptions. I’m asking all of you to stop sending him hate, I don’t want that, I care about him and I love him and although you may think you’re helping me it’s actually a huge disservice to me and it disappoints me greatly. Thank you for watching and I hope you keep sending us your support.”
Jungkook looks at him in awe, those he loves never fail to surprise him with their kindness, maturity and knowledge.
“When I woke up to see those comments I couldn’t understand why there was so much hate and anger towards jimin over a situation that was between us eight, like Taehyung Hyung said I hope you can all find some kindness within you. Things are okay between us, we’ve spent time talking together and we are happy with what we have and who we have.” Jungkook adds firmly, although taehyung had worded it softly Jungkook wanted to reaffirm it with no room for misunderstanding, he wouldn’t sit back and watch those he loved to be hated on carelessly.
“I’m thankful for the support and love you’ve already shown us all, please know I would never do anything to intentionally hurt those love. I’m not perfect, I made a mistake and that’s something I will work on but please don’t send me any more comments that contain negativity and anger. This truly was a situation that should have stayed between us and I wish it did but in a way, it has brought us all closer and helped clear up a lot of things we have been meaning to talk about so in a way I’m grateful for this situation. I hope I can keep being a jimin you all cheer for.” Jimin shot Taehyung a smile and Jungkook couldn’t help but smile a little too, he was always at peace when those around him were happy.
“Well, I think that’s it.” Yn smiles as no one else attempts to talk. “This was a misunderstanding and some of the comments have been unnecessary and honestly inhumane. If you have sent any message containing mean words you should all be reflecting on how you could be a better, mature, person, I’m grateful for those of you who were loving and kind. I hope we can all move forward and enjoy the last few weeks of the show!” She finished cheerily as though she hasn’t just told a few thousand people to basically grow the fuck up.
The cameras cut and Sejin applauds them for being so professional and honest about the situation. With a promise to make sure no private moments are aired he makes to leave, only to be pulled back by taehyung.
“I’ve decided I’m going to stay.” He declares, arms already open for the bodies that move to hug him at the relieving news.
“That’s good to hear Taehyung, I’ll inform the crew. I’m happy you’re staying.” Sejin smiles, walking with determination as he heads back to his little caravan.
“You’re really staying?” Jimin asks taehyung with a nudge once everyone has pulled away, despite Jungkook still lingering at Taehyung's side.
The masseuse smiles. “I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to.”
“Okay now that’s all over we need to eat, I am not making lunch so one of you degenerates can do it.” Yoongi huffs a laugh throwing himself on the couch carelessly.
“Degenerates?” Yn asks.
“Not you baby.” Yoongi teases.
“If you’re gonna fuck go somewhere else, I’ll get jealous.” Seokjin interrupts shamelessly, causing YN to look away as her cheeks heat up.
God Jungkook wants to fuck her.
“You’re shameful.” Yoongi chides. “So who’s cooking?”
“I’ll make something.” Hoseok offers. “Jimin?”
“Huh?” Jimin raises an eyebrow.
Hoseok me lips thin out into a straight line. “Help?”
“Oh,” he contemplates for a second before shrugging. “Okay.”
Jungkook waited for them to leave the room before commenting on it. “Well, that was fucking weird.”
“Yeah it was.” Taehyung scrunches up his face. “If they get to go and secretly fuck I want to do it too.”
“Tae!” Hoseok shouts as he rushes in to grab his phone, leaving just as quickly.
“If they get to go and make porn I want to do it too.”
“You kind of already are.” Namjoon hums. “We are all porn stars at this point.”
“You did not have to ruin my joke like that.” Jungkook complains. “I’m going upstairs, to Yoongi's room. Feel free to join me. I will be naked.” He turns on his heels, taking the stairs two at a time.
Jungkook wasn’t waiting long before both Yoongi and seokjin burst through the door, both of them trying to come in at the same time. Jungoook couldn’t help throwing his head back in laughter as they glared at each other.
Seokjin sat beside Yoongi on the bed, not before dropping a kiss on the cam boy's head. “You did good today with the talk Yoongi.”
“It was his idea.” Yoongi gestures to Seokjin beside him with a nod of his head. “He just didn’t want to take the lead because he swore to stop therapising us all.”
“I told you everything would be okay.” Seokjin smiles as he places another kiss on the youngest's lips.
“You did. Hyungs made it better” Jungkook giggled.
“Hyungs will always make it better,” Yoongi reassured, sliding a hand up the younger leg.
The door clicked open and they both pulled away just enough to glance at the door, not entirely shocked to see taehyung standing there with his head down. “Hey Tae.” Seokjin called out, making the younger look up.
“Is it okay if I-“ he doesn’t finish before Jungkook is already up, crossing the small space between the bed and the door to kiss him, Taehyung's body hitting the wall with a light thud.
Jungkook can feel the sets of eyes on them as he reaches up to grab at Taehyung's hair, pulling his head back a little to give him better access to his neck.
It doesn’t take long before taehyung starts making soft noises, nails digging into Jungkook's hips.
“Fuck.” Yoongi groans, unable to stop himself from joining the pair. He manages to pull Jungkook back with relatively no complaint from the cam boy other than a protesting whine that was silenced just as quickly as it surfaces when Yoongi engulfs his mouth in a sloppy kiss.
He moves away after a few seconds, reaching around to grab taehyung and pull him closer, kissing him the same way he did Jungkook.
The noise of surprise that Taehyung begins to make morphs into a throaty moan, one that has Jungkook almost begging to suck his cock.
Before he can understand what’s happening, too caught up in watching the way Yoongi moulds taehyung to his will, he is being pulled into Seokjin's arms his back pressed flush against Seokjin's chest.
“You like watching them, baby? Like seeing how good Taehyung is for his hyung?” The therapist whispers before licking a stripe up the younger's neck.
“Yes.” Jungkook whines, his hand edging to palm at his hard cock before it’s pulled away. “Please”
“What do you think Tae, should Jungkook get to touch?” Yoongi asks the boy, although he’s already dazing as Yoongi continues to rub his hand over Taehyungs member.
“Y-yeah.” The masseuse stutters, eyes glazed as he nods. “Wanna kiss.”
“You hear him jungkookie, it’s rude to leave your hyungs waiting.” Seokjin releases him with a little nudge towards where both Yoongi and Taehyung are pushed against the wall.
No matter how many times Jungkook kisses taehyung he can never stop his heart from jumping nor calm the butterflies in his stomach. “Is this okay?” He asks as he carefully holds Taehyung's face in his palms.
Taehyung doesn’t answer, instead, he pushes himself forward against Jungkook causing the younger frame to falter backwards a few steps, taehyung's long fingers wrapped around the camboy's throat as he licked inside of his mouth.
“Fuck they are perfect.” Yoongi groans, shuffling over to Seokjin. His eyes glued on the scene in front of him, taehyung and Jungkook both fighting for dominance in their kiss.
“You seem to have your own problem.” Seokjin motions to the obvious bulge in Yoongi's pants. “Want some help there?”
“Are you offering?” Yoongi clicks his tongue, already pushing seokjin towards the bed.
“I mean I would but it seems like you have other ideas.” Jin teased as Yoongi pulled at his waistband. “Want your mouth full?”
“Shut up.” Yoongi smiles as Seokjins cock springs free. “Seems like you have a problem too Hyung.”
“You better fix it then baby.” Seokjin instructs, dropping his head on the mattress, his fingers threading through the doctor's hair.
“Whatever you want.” Yoongi mumbles, carefully taking Seokjin's length in its entirety causing the elder to curse.
Jungkook couldn’t stop himself from turning to look, practically ready to cum at the sight of his two eldest boyfriends wrapped up in each other.
“Tae?” Jungkook pulls the other back in.
“Hm?” Taehyung humms.
“Let me suck your dick.”
Namjoon only looks at YN for a few seconds before pulling her into his lap and kissing her, something which she reciprocates tenfold, her hands coming up to grip at him wherever she can reach.
They have never made out this desperately, the kisses becoming eager and sloppy as though they are the only thing sustaining the pair.
Namjoon didn’t mind, he didn’t mind the way she bit his lips or the way she ground her hips down on his growing member.
“Is this for your prompt?” She giggles between kisses, lifting her arms up so he can pull her shirt off with ease. “Sofa sex?”
He snorts. “Definitely not that.”
“Then?” She pulls back before diving into the crook of his neck, leaving marks that will definitely last at least a few hours.
“Stop trying to get answers out of me baby.” He chided, pulling her up to face him by her hair. “That's not how this works.”
“How does it work then Daddy?” She teases, grinding down once again despite the way his fingers are tangled in her hair.
“I’d rather show you.” Namjoon rasped, dragging his teeth along her jaw.
“F-fuck Namjoon .” Yn groaned, letting her body fall into his touch as he took her nipple into his mouth, flicking the sensitive bud repeatedly with his tongue. “What’s gotten into you?”
“Just need you.” He huffs, his mouth making its way to her other nipple.
She can’t help but clench her pussy around nothing, the stimulation not enough to provide her any real pleasure but enough to have her yearning for more. “J-joon.”
“What’s wrong baby? You want to stop?” He pulls back immediately, hands dropping to rest on YN's hips.
She shakes her head. “Want more, I can’t- haven’t cum in a while.”
“Oh, sweet girl. Need daddy to help you cum?” He asks with a light slap to her ass cheek.
She jolts in surprise from the sudden contact. “Please- want you to fill me up.”
“Fuck.” He groans throwing his head back before standing up, YN hooked on his front. He manoeuvres them around until she is lying on her back, his frame trapping her in place. “Can never say no to you. Let Daddy help you get undressed.”
Removing the rest of her clothes was a fast affair, her pants slipping off with ease. The faint wet patch on her underwear only made Namjoon grow harder.
He took his own clothes off, leaving just his T-shirt. “Spread your legs for me pretty.”
She does so without words, her legs parting to make room for him. He makes quick work of stretching her open for his cock, pushing in one finger and then two.
“I can take more.” YN groans, her hips thrusting upwards as though searching for friction.
Namjoon bites back a smile at how eager she is, it was nice to see her so responsive, it meant he was doing it right. “Patience baby.”
“But daddy I’m empty.” She pouts as he slides his fingers out bringing them up to her mouth.
“Taste.” He instructs, his throbbing cock bobbing between his legs as she swirls her tongue around the digits before taking them into her mouth completely, the sounds of her sucking are obscene and if he wasn’t so focused on her he would probably be embarrassed by the fact that there were at least two people able to hear what they were doing.
Namjoon pulls his fingers away, using the saliva on them to coat his dick. “Are you ready?”
“Yes.” Yn pleads. “Just fuck me.”
He slides inside of her slowly, cursing at the way she clenches around his cock. “So big.”
“You feel so good around me.” He moans, speeding his thrusts up a little more.
“H-harder.” Yn stuttered out under his thrust. “Please Daddy.”
Namjoon grinned, unable to not fall in love with the way she asked so nicely. “Like I said, I can never say no to you.”
He sped up immediately. The slapping of skin and loud, unashamed moans flood the house.
“We don’t have to stand here you know we can go back to the living room it won’t burn.” Hoseok eyed jimin, the man’s eyes glued to watching the meat in the pan.
Jimin looked at the dom with wide eyes shaking his head as he pointed to his ear. “Be quiet and listen.”
“I thought we were past you being rude.” Hoseok frowns.
Jimin sighs. “Hyung, just listen.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes before going quiet, eyes widening at the soft moans that could be heard coming from the living room. “Oh.”
“I think it’s Namjoon with her.” Jimin giggles, turning the heat down low enough for it to keep the food warm but not enough for it to burn. “You know if you weren’t so stuck up we could have fun, you’d look good on your knees.”
Hoseok rolled his eyes, jimins playful tone couldn’t hide the subtle message in his words. “If you want me to suck your dick maybe ask nicely.”
“No. I want you to beg to suck my dick.” Jimin corrected.
“I’m not doing that. Go fuck yourself with a wooden spoon.” Hoseok laughs, he should be used to this side of Jimin by now, he moves to sit at the table only stopping when jimins hand wraps around his wrist.
“Fucking hell fine.” The dom rolls his eyes. “Everyone else is getting off in the house and I want to fucking orgasm preferably not by my own means.”
“Awh jimin doesn’t wanna fuck his hand.” Hoseok teases, taking a few steps back to stand directly in front of the other. “Fine but hands only.”
“Why not your mouth?” Jimin argues back. “My dick not good enough?”
“You haven’t been good enough to earn it, I’m not that evil though.” Hoseok grins. “You can have my hand.”
“Whatever.” Jimin huffs. “Are you gonna….?” He gestures to his pants.
“Pillow princess,” Hoseok complains but pushes Jimin backwards a little until he is perched on the table. “Tell me if you want to stop, okay?”
“Okay.” Jimin agrees, both of them a little more serious.
“Okay what?” Hoseok prompts, finger hooked on Jimin's waistband.
“Okay Hyung.” Jimin huffs, an attitude to his tone that Hoseok wishes he could train out of him.
Jimin helps Hoseok get his pants down, just enough for his cock to be out.
Hoseok holds his hand out underneath Jimin's mouth. “Spit.”
“You do it.” Jimin scowls. “You’re the dom right.”
“As if you could ever be submissive enough for me to be your dom.” hoseok tuts playfully.
Jimin doesn’t make an attempt at a comeback, he just follows Hoseok's past direction, a wad of spit landing in the others’ hand.
Jimin hissed as Hoseok's hand wrapped tightly around the head of his dick. “Fuck.”
“Faster?” Hoseok asks, his free hand coming to play with Jimins sensitive nipples.
“Please” Jimin groans, the sound of Namjoon and YNS moans playing in his head on repeat.
“Good boy asking nicely.” Hoseok praises, his hand tightening as he speeds his hand up, Jimins grunts and groans sounding beautiful at his touch.
“I can’t- I need more.” Jimin explains, beads of sweat forming across his forehead. “Not enough.”
Hoseok tuts, the pad of his thumb drawing circles on the head of Jimin’s cock.
“Fuck please just stop being a fucking tease.” Jimin all but screamed.
“Whatever you wish princess.” The dom released his nipples, instead bringing his free hand to massage Jimin’s balls as he fucked his cock into his hand.
“Fuck, fuck.” Jimin choked out a moan . “Don’t stop”
“Gonna cum for me?” Hoseok asks, bending over to spit directly on his cock before continuing his strokes. “Make a mess for me Jimin.”
“I’m close-close.” Jimin grips the man’s arm, nails digging in as his orgasm brinks on the edge of explosion.
With a few more strokes Jimin is coming into Hoseoks' hand with a shudder, his chest heaving as he tries to catch his breath.
“Want me to take care of you?” Jimin offers through a series of pants.
“It’s okay, let me go get you a cloth to clean up okay? I don’t think anyone would forgive us if we used the sink.” Hoseok smiled, quickly dipping out of the room.
Jimin can’t really do anything but wait for the other to return which seems to take long enough for everyone else to resurface. He tries to pull his pants back up in time but his hands are a little too slow as someone rounds the corner.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Jin shouts. “I am not eating whatever food you made.”
“Yeah sorry Jimin you’re a great cook but absolutely no way.” Namjoon grimaces from the doorway.
Jimin cut Hoseok a look, the man standing there with a proud smile on his face. “It is not what it looks like.”
“Kind of looks like you were-“ Seokjin stops as he looks over to Hoseok deciding against whatever he was going to say “You know what, you take care of them, Namjoon let’s go and find a menu.”
Once they were alone again Hoseok stepped closer, sliding a packet of wipes to him. “Are you okay?”
“That was embarrassing.” Jimin half chuckles.
“Sorry I should have been more aware, that was careless of me.” Hoseok apologises, his voice holding a layer of sincerity Jimin had never heard directed at him before. “Do you want me to run you a bath?”
Jimin shakes his head. “I’m not one of your subs. I'm fine but thanks.” He throws out the wipes and flicks off the pan where the meat is left to go cold before heading for the stairs.
Maybe if something inside Hoseok didn’t hurt at the way jimin brushed him off he would have noticed Jungkook watching from the doorway but he didn’t, instead he followed up behind jimin only after giving it enough time for the other to be in the shower.
Jungkook had only ever seen Hoseok upset a few times, he was sure this was one of them.
“You okay?” Yn asks as she steps past him, hair damp. “You looked kind of hazy.”
“Oh I’m fine just Hobi Hyung, I think jimin was upset and in turn upset him.” Jungkook explained. “I didn’t see much so I’m not sure.”
“I’m sure it will be fine whatever it is, let them talk it out. If not they have us.” She always knew how to reassure him . “Want a water?”
“I’m okay I’m gonna go and find Jin Hyung.” He waited for her nod before walking off, seokjin nestled on the couch with his laptop balanced on one knee.
“Hyung?” Jungkook called out. “Can I ask you something?”
“Sure?” Seokjin asked, closing his laptop screen halfway. “What’s wrong?”
“Earlier when we were- well you know….” He trailed off. “I thought of you and Yoongi Hyung as my boyfriends, I know we don’t say we are in a relationship because what we have is different but I want to be able to call you that.” Jungkook watched as the therapist's face morphed into something unreadable, slightly regretting his decision to bring it up. “Nevermi-“
“I’d love to be your boyfriend.” Seokjin hushed Jungkook. “I’d love for you to call me that,
Yoongi too.”
“I want to call jimin my boyfriend and Tae.” Jungkook adds on. “Maybe Namjoon… definitely want to be YN's boyfriend.”
“She has a few of those.” Seokjin laughs. “I know what you want baby, but I’m okay with you calling me your boyfriend. Only if I get to call you that too.”
“You can.” Jungkook grins, his head bobbing up and down. “I’m your boyfriend.”
“He’s my boyfriend actually.” Yoongi scowls playfully. “But he can be yours too only if you’ll be mine.”
“Be your what?” Yn asks, setting her now full glass on the small table.
“Boyfriend.” Yoongi supplies, opening his arms for her. She sits in his lap, pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Be my boyfriend too kook.” Yn reaches out a hand to him.
“Yeah same.” Taehyung throws himself between the four of them, smelling lightly of his shampoo. “Let’s all be boyfriends.”
“And girlfriend” Jungkook reminds.
“Yeah and very important non-boyfriend friend dom for Hoseok” Namjoon sits beside Yoongi lifting YN's legs, resting them across his lap
“So I can just call you all my boyfriends and girlfriend?” Jungkook double-checks, heart on the verge of bursting with how much love he feels for those around him.
“Yeah.” They all agree in unison. “Also what are we gonna eat for dinner.”
“Let’s wait for Jimin and Hoseok so they can help us decide. Does someone wanna choose a movie to watch?” Namjoon asks. “I would find one but I’m still banned.”
“You’re banned because you chose a fourth or uncut documentary on how the pyramids were built. I couldn’t even understand it.” Taehyung huffed, causing the others to laugh.
“You just don’t understand.” Namjoon protests. “It was interesting.”
“Hobi hyung fell asleep in like 15 minutes” Taehyung reminded them. It had been funny at the time, all of them had fallen asleep at least two hours before it had finished. “Jungkook can’t choose either because he always picks those horror movies.”
“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep after the last one. Who chooses to watch the human centipede whilst eating Chinese food?” Yoongi grimaces at the mere thought of the situation.
“You all just have soft stomachs.” Jungkook pouts.
The conversation flows between them like that for close to an hour before both Jimin and Hoseok rejoin the group, both of them taking opposite ends of the couch.
“What’s did I miss?” Hoseok asks. “Did you decide what to eat?”
Jin shakes his head. “We were waiting for you two, we have to choose food and a movie..”
“Sorry.” Jimin mumbles. “Can we watch the notebook?”
A few protests arise but Jungkook sides with Jimin. “Let’s watch it. It’s a good movie.”
Jimin sends him a look of thanks, Jungkook remembers Jimin saying how he always watched that movie on his sad days to give him an excuse to cry. He was sure it was whatever happened with Hoseok but he wouldn’t pry, not today, it’s already been a long day.
They settled down thirty minutes later, a pizza shared between them whilst they watched the notebook followed by a spontaneous order of ice cream.
Despite whatever issues they had Jungkook was sure his heart would never feel as full as it did when he was with them which is the very reason he made a silent promise, a silent prayer to whatever was out there to keep them together.
Because even if he didn’t say it like he does now, he loves them and he knows, for once he knows undeniably, he is loved too.
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ficswithluv · 4 years
Week 46 Masterlist
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This week was all about the brilliant fics that have been inspired by other brilliant works! We’ve paid homage to a little of everything! Hogwarts AUs, fairy tales, movies, tv shows, anime, and video games, we’ve got something for everyone. We’ve got a massive, diverse rec list for you this week, so check them all out! 
Criteria for recommendations:
Can be any member
Must be based on movies, books, tv shows, anime and video games
Can be NSFW or SFW
Can be x reader/OC or mxm
Fics recommended by followers:
Romancing the Tome by @kpopfanfictrash | myg | Indiana Jones
Neon Seoul by @readyplayerhobi | pjm | Blade Runner/Cyberpunk 2077💌
Seven Seas by readyplayerhobi | kth | Aquaman 💌
Heraklion Station by readyplayerhobi | pjm | Alien 💌
Rigor Mortis by readyplayerhobi | jjk | Resident Evil 💌
Deus Ex Machina by readyplayerhobi | jjk | Detroit: Become Human 💌
Night Stalker by readyplayerhobi | jhs | Blade 💌
Insert Quippy Title Here by readyplayerhobi | pjm | Deadpool 💌
Wraith by @gimmesumsuga | myg | The Shining 
Cinnabar by @jincherie | jjk | Strawberry Shortcake
Oh, Little Red by jincherie | myg + pjm | Red Riding Hood
Perfidy by @yminie | jhs | The Babysitter
Club Zombie by @floralseokjin | ksj | iZombie
Spotless Minds by @yoonia | jhs | Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Minds
The Half-Lycan by yoonia | kth | Red Riding Hood
Matters of the Heart by @hobidreams | jhs | Jane Eyre 💌
The Nutcracker by @miamorjoon | kth | The Nutcracker 💌
Blood to Spare by @yoon-kooks | pjm | Fire Emblem 
Gold Embers Touch the Blue Veil by @magicalsalamander | ksj | Avatar: TLA
Flowers that Speak Poetry by magicalsalamander | ksj | Mademoiselle Butterfly
Euphoria by @jeonsweetpea | jjk | Detroit: Become Human 💌
Blood Runs Pure by @opaljm | pjm | Hogwarts 💌
Oreos & Electroshock Couples Therapy by @ladyartemesia | jjk | Brooklyn 99 💌
The Swan’s Death by @jjkxla | jjk | Swan Lake
Shadows by @pasteljeon | jjk | Venom
Beauty and the Beast by @guksthighs | jjk | Beauty and the Beast
Blackthorn Creek by @randombtsprincessa | pjm | Beauty and the Beast 💌
Me, My Ghost, and I by @baepsaesbae | pjm | Jibaku Shōnen Hanako-kun
Under the Sea by @bloomsuga | pjm | The Little Mermaid
The Proposal by @hansolmates | jjk | The Proposal
Ego by @luxekook | jjk | Hogwarts 💌
Make You Scream by luxekook | ksj | Monsters, Inc 💌
Powdered Moonstone and Fairy Dust by @nahfamily | kth + jjk | Hogwarts
White Chocolate Fudge by @gukyi | ksj | Hogwarts
Interconnection by gukyi | myg | Hogwarts
Plant Boy by gukyi | jhs | Hogwarts
Tutor by gukyi | knj | Hogwarts
Boats Against the Current by gukyi | pjm | Hogwarts
Love Guaranteed by gukyi | kth | Hogwarts
Do You Want Me (Dead?) by gukyi | jjk | Hogwarts
The Leather Loafers by @jimlingss | ksj | Cinderella
Flames and Floe by jimlingss | myg | Avatar: TLA
A Piece of Moonlight by jimlingss | jjk | Mulan
Wartime Child by @ktheist | jjk | Hogwarts
Sub Rosa by jincherie | jjk | The Thing
Copper Scales and Blue Wings by magicalsalamander | knj | Hogwarts
Not by the Moon by @rookiegukie | jhs | Twilight/Teen Wolf 💌
Push and Pull by @bangtanloverboys | pjm | Avatar: TLA
New Romantics by @cupofteaguk | jjk | Hogwarts
Adventure Time au by @joonkookiemonster | jjk | Adventure Time
So You Wanna be the Best by readyplayerhobi | jjk | Pokemon 💌
Everythinggoes by @vantaenims | knj | Before Sunrise
Magic in your Fingertips by @guksheart | jjk | Hogwarts 💌
Romance Writer Kim Namjoon by @bangtiddies | knj | Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun 💌
Tangled Webs by @hobiance | jjk | Spiderman 
Athair Lusa by @wwilloww | vmin | The Fairy Dance 💌
Lost and Found by @fortunexkookie | jhs | Peter Pan
Sewer Rat by fortunexkookie | ksj | Vampire: The Masquerade
A Serpent’s Flower by jimlingss and @dovechim | pjm | Hogwarts
Opposites Attract by kpopfanfictrash | pjm | Hogwarts
Hyfr by @minflix | jhs | She’s the Man
2.1 out of 5.0 by @minflix | myg | Black Mirror
Jung Hoseok and the Magic to Happiness by readyplayerhobi | jhs | Hogwarts 💌
Sugar & Spice by @divine-bangtan | kth + jjk | Kiki’s Delivery Service
Hellblazer by @jungkookiebus | jjk | Constantine 💌
Mystery Gang Unsolved by jincherie | kth | Buzzfeed Unsolved
Drift by yminie | jjk | Tokyo Drift
Falcon by @bangtanlalaland | jjk | Mirror’s Edge 💌
A Sword of Tarnished Silver by @baepsaetan | yoonkook | The Witcher
Airplane pt 2 by @xjoonchildx | jjk | Carmen Sandiago 💌
Blood Bounty by @lemonjoonah | myg + kth | Anastasia
Acatalepsy by @1kook | jjk | Bird Box
Peach Parfait by @jamaisjoons | ksj | Food Wars 💌
Sanitarium by @lthyl | kth | Harley Quinn
Down the Rabbit Hole by lthyl | pjm + kth + jjk | Alice in Wonderland
Cool Girl by @gimmeyoon | knj | Uglies 💌
Dark Side by @luffles424 | knj + jjk | Star Wars 💌
Santa Baby by @peekaboongi​ | knj | Rise of the Guardians 💌
Brothers Conflict by @ditttiii​ | ot7 | Brothers Conflict 💌
The Prince with the Ugly Heart by @daydreamindollie | jjk | Beauty and the Beast 💌
Crosscurrents by @kimtaehyunq | jhs | The Little Mermaid 💌
Soleil Chaser by magicalsalamander | jhs | Game of Thrones
Opal Eyes of the White Fang by magicalsalamander | jjk | Hogwarts
Part of Your World by readyplayerhobi | pjm | The Little Mermaid 💌
A Royal Exchange by hansolmates | jjk | She’s the Man
Thank you to everyone who recommended these fics!
Join us for our next round of recommendations on Monday. Recommendations will open at 8am KST!
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honeymoonjin · 4 years
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ot7 x reader || ᴡᴏʀᴅ ᴄᴏᴜɴᴛ: 5.1k || ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: smut - rated 18+
Sick of unsatisfying hookups, boring relationships or the company of your own hand? Apply today for the chance to be on bangasm.com’s very first reality show! Seven attractive young gentlemen will be vying for your choice of who is best in bed. All from different backgrounds, these men claim they’ll be able to rock your world, so don’t hesitate! Apply now!
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted as the Lady in the first season of The Gentlemen.
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banner designer @jamaisjoons​ 
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: sexually explicit content, oral (f receiving), public sex, filmed sex, watching porn w the bros, fingering, jk being a little shit, voyeurism, mxm, dom!jk but also sub!jk because we love the duality, orgasm control, handjob, camming : )
also please be aware, further down there is a link to a 4 second clip from twitter that inspired one of the scenes. that’s what the link is, it’s not hugely graphic but please use your discretion.
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It’s almost midday by the time you wake up. From outside your bedroom, the faint echoes of conversation remind you of just where you’d gone to sleep the night before. Of what you’d done the night before.
You dress quickly in some jean shorts and a loose shirt, wincing at the slight twinge between your legs, a welcome ache for what pleasure it had brought you. In the hallway upstairs, the collective hum of conversation is clearer, and you follow it down the stairs and to the kitchen, where six of the seven men are sharing breakfast at the dining table together, two waiting places still remaining.
You take the seat between Jungkook and Yoongi when the younger man greets you first, eyes wide as he pats the space. The other men glance up, conversations drifting off to greet you good morning.
The seat directly across from you is empty, Taehyung and Jimin at the chairs adjacent while Hoseok and Namjoon take the heads of the table. “Where’s Jin?” you ask in surprise.
“Jin?” Hoseok questions with a salacious smile. “Judging by the noises Jimin heard last night, you were the one who saw him last."
Your cheeks heat, and though you want to curl up in embarrassment, you can't help your eyes from automatically darting over to Jimin.
In a loose silk shirt the same gunmetal silver as the cutlery, Jimin's blue hair stands out even more than usual, as well as the smokey eyeshadow that frames his intense stare.
"I'm sorry," you say awkwardly. "I- Well, I guess that'll probably be a regular occurrence one way or another."
"Keeping me up at night with your shameless moaning?" he questions with a raised brow.
Out of everyone at the table staring at you, it's his gaze which burns at your cheeks the most, making you drop his gaze, eyes down on the empty plate in front of you. "I meant more, um, having sex in general, since that's the point of the show. But... sorry."
"Just try and be quieter next time," Jungkook suggests cheerily from beside you. The other members laugh, resuming their conversations or going back for more breakfast, but Jungkook's attention lingers on you for a moment longer, before he stands up abruptly.
"Jungkookie, where are you going?" Taehyung calls out, twisting in his chair to watch as Jungkook steps into the kitchen, disappearing through the open door of the walk-in pantry. Jungkook doesn't answer, but the rummaging sounds of plastic give his purpose away.
"Wow," Yoongi drawls with an unimpressed frown, "I prepare all this food for you and he still needs to go fossicking for more."
The attention sufficiently off you, you lean in to Yoongi's side. "I'm just going to grab a drink from the kitchen, do you want anything?"
Yoongi shakes his head distractedly, more focused on buttering every last edge of the toast in his hand. Getting up, you let the blood finally leave your cheeks and your heart rate slow down. No point worrying about something you couldn't really help.
In the kitchen, you can see easily across to the dining table, Taehyung's and Jimin's backs to you as you look through the refrigerator for something to drink.
The options are decently impressive, and you stare indecisively that the fridge beeps at you for being left open too long. Settling on some milk to make coffee, you turn and almost drop the carton at what greets you.
Crouched below the kitchen island innocuously, out of view of the boys, is Jungkook, grinning toothily at you, with a finger to his mouth in the universal 'be quiet' signal.
Your eyes widen, but as you look out across the bench to the dining room, nobody has noticed. Biting your lip, you grab a mug, turn the electric jug on and slowly walk over to where he is, standing so that his bent knees brush your shins.
Though nobody is paying you a lick of attention, you pretend to drop a spoon onto the ground before dropping below the level of the bench yourself, face-to-face with Jungkook.
"What are you doing?" you hiss quietly, the sound barely louder than your lips moving.
"You have to practice being quiet," he says cheekily. "So let me eat you out while you make some coffee."
"You're crazy," you whisper, but your eyes are entranced by the tip of his tongue as he licks his lips. "Fuck, okay."
Ignoring his shiteating grin of victory, you grab the teaspoon and stand up again, reaching for the jar of coffee crystals. A minute sigh leaves your mouth when nimble fingers run up your thigh, over your shorts and begin fiddling with the button. Fuck, were you really doing this?
Your eyes dart up, fearing you've been caught, but Hoseok is smiling at you unawares, pointing at the jar in your hands.
"Could you make me a cup too? I can come get it-"
"No," you blurt, swallowing as Jungkook's hands don't falter, reaching around to grasp at the meat of your ass from inside your shorts. "I'm already up, I don't mind."
You inhale through your nose as Jungkook flicks the sensitive skin on the inside of your thigh, voice a low murmur that only you can hear. "Selfish girl, ask if the others want a coffee too," he instructs.
Your head feels funny, a combination of dizzy and hyper-focused. "Does anyone else want a cup too? It's just the instant stuff."
You get a few moments break from Jungkook's roaming hands for the time it takes you to go fetch three more mugs, Namjoon and Yoongi also wanting a drink. The second you step back to the kitchen island, however, it's like the boy is making up for lost time.
Without hesitation he's undoing the button and the zip, pulling your shorts and panties down to your knees, a hand pushing your leg open wider so it doesn't drop to the floor.
Fully bared, you bite down harshly on your tongue, shaky fingers undoing the top of the jar as a hot mouth descends upon you, devouring you like it's his last meal.
Jungkook is good with his tongue, but he's merciless, not holding back even as he has to grip onto your knees to stop them from buckling.
You feel unbelievably exposed, and with the casual stream of conversation continuing on just a few metres away, every touch feels electrified. Out of all the guys, Jungkook's hair is the longest, and you can feel it tickling your thighs and lower abdomen, a strong arm wrapping around to hold you close to him.
Though it's definitely far too quiet for the others to hear, the faintest sound of slurping feels like thunder in your ears, and as he sucks at your folds, tongue driving in deep inside you like he's licking the inside of a wrapper, you press your lips together to hold back a moan.
Getting spoonfuls of ground coffee into each of the four mugs is a game of its own when long, narrow fingers find their way inside you, three at once slipping in your pussy, still stretched out from last night.
Clearly knowing thrusting them would be too loud, Jungkook instead just crooks them inside you, dragging them over your g-spot like he's coaxing an orgasm out of you.
You focus on your task, letting the challenge of not spilling the dark powder anchor you, but all too soon the sound of the electric kettle reaching boiling point fills the room, and you know that once you reach over and pour the drinks, there's really no other reason for you to be standing at the bench, and you couldn't exactly go back with your shorts around your ankles and Jungkook lapping up your juices enthusiastically.
The ding of the kettle gets the attention of those wanting coffee, and you send them a weak smile as you reach for it, holding the handle with one hand and each mug with the other, relaxing in relief as Jungkook pauses his assault while you're handling the boiling water.
Once the jug goes back in its place, you begin to stir the drinks as slow as you can possibly manage, Jungkook returning his ministrations with a vengeance, sucking harshly at your clit and slipping a fourth finger into you, still curling his fingers in a beckoning motion, stretching at your walls deliciously and rubbing over your g-spot every time.
You're breathing heavily, you know you are, but you tell yourself that it least it isn't moaning out loud.
Still waiting, Hoseok glances up. "Y/n, are you okay?" You nod hastily, a clipped moan escaping in place of a yes, but he's not convinced. "You can't carry all four mugs by yourself, I'll come take two."
"N-no," you defend lowly, cursing internally as your orgasm approaches even faster with eyes on you, the arousal of danger running through your veins like liquid sex.
Hoseok doesn't listen, getting up and jogging over. Behind him, the other boys are starting to get concerned too, frowning at the way you gasp for breath, eyes lidded.
"Shoot, Y/n, are you alright?" Namjoon asks, voice strained with worry. "You look like you're about to pass out."
Your head feels blurry as the realisation hits you: you're going to orgasm in front of them all, while they're waiting for their morning coffee.
As Hoseok approaches, he reaches out for the mugs, but his hands freeze halfway. The bench is only around the level of your waist, so there's no doubt in his mind that at this distance he can see Jungkook's head between your legs.
Rather than looking at Hoseok's face, you make the mistake of glancing down, and it's the obscene sight of Jungkook's head of black locks bobbing between your legs that sends you over the edge.
"What is she- Y/n?"
Your knees buckle but Jungkook keeps you steady, so you lean forward instead, covering your face with your hands as a powerful orgasm rocks through you, the moans impossible to hold back as Jungkook gives up on being quiet, fucking you through the orgasm with his fingers and tongue.
"How good is that coffee?"
"It's not the coffee, Tae."
Once the white behind your eyelids settle, you let out a weak embarrassed moan, hearing the self-satisfied chuckle of Jungkook beneath you, licking you clean and lifting your shorts and panties, dressing you like nothing had ever happened.
Though of course, every single person in the room just watched you have an orgasm in the kitchen, and there was no pretending like nothing had happened.
Ignoring the loud buzz of confusion at the table, and the awkward cough of Hoseok as he took three mugs to the table, you bat away Jungkook's hands and sink down, sitting on the floor with your back to the island bench, face in your hands still.
"I can't fucking believe you did that," you pant out morosely, your pussy still clenching rhythmically with aftershocks of pleasure.
Jungkook licks his lips like the cat that got the cream. "You loved it," he retorts. "Did you think I wouldn't notice that you came the moment Hoseok noticed what was going on?"
"Fuck you."
"You didn't even have to," he chimes cheerily, standing up and going to join the others shamelessly.
You take a few more moments to compose yourself, letting Jungkook take most of the heat. Once the jibes begin to settle and your legs don't feel so wobbly, you stand up again and grab the remaining cup of coffee, taking a sip and making your way back to the table with flushed cheeks.
"So, we're just gonna pretend like that didn't happen?" Taehyung asks in bewilderment.
"I would prefer if you did, yes," you answer calmly, reaching out for a slice of cold toast.
He blinks. "Okay."
For a few blissful moments, the seven of you return to your normal conversations, Jungkook resting a smug hand on your thigh as he chats away happily.
"Morning!" a sing-song voice calls out, and you all glance up to see Seokjin arriving, broad grin on his face.
After a moment, Taehyung lets out a yawn and the spell is broken, everyone going back to what they were doing before.
Visibly disappointed, Seokjin's shoulders sink. "Morning," he repeats again insistently. "Is no one gonna ask how I slept? Or what I did last night? Seriously?"
"That's old news, hyung," Taehyung explains matter-of-factly.
"How can it be old news already? I only just got up."
"And you missed a lot," Jungkook replies. "Besides, hyung, I'm worried about your diet. It tastes like you aren't eating enough leafy greens."
In the chaos that ensues, you couldn't tell who goes redder - you, or Seokjin.
“It’s kinda strange now that I’m here,” Hoseok comments. “I’m so used to being go-go all the time with work, and chores, and hobbies, and now it’s just...waiting around for food and sex.” 
Taehyung chuckles, head resting back against the couch as he sits cross-legged on the lush carpet. “I’m not mad about it.”
After you had gone up to have a shower and reclaim a bit of your dignity, the group had dissipated. Jimin had apparently left to “take some business calls,” Jungkook had decided to break in the indoor gym (you could all hear the odd grunt and clang of equipment from the lounge area), and Namjoon had recently announced he was going outside for a walk around the backyard. The others had initially suspected he was making excuses for going to the Confessional Booth, but Jin had snuck out to the outdoor dining area and reported back that the younger man was “walking around with his hands in his pockets like a nerdy cryptid.”
Now, the remaining five of you chill on the couches, chatting away as Yoongi scrolls aimlessly through Netflix. You share a couch with him, Yoongi with his legs crossed and the remote resting on his knee, you spread out in the space between, toes almost touching his thigh. Across from you, Hoseok and Jin have chosen to both stretch out, Hoseok leaning back against Jin, with the older man’s legs on either side. Occasionally one of them will reach down to pat Taehyung’s head or rub his shoulder, Tae responding with a hum or grunt of approval.
It was strange how some individuals in the house had gotten closer faster than others. You knew Namjoon was still struggling with feeling like he wasn’t on par with the others, and Jimin clearly felt most comfortable with a strict boundary line that he maintained on his own terms, but on the other side of things, Hoseok and Jin were finding comfort in the casual skinship. You can’t help but wonder how things might progress as the game goes on. 
“There’s nothing,” Yoongi announces with a frown. “Let’s find something else.”
“What else?” Hoseok asks, pouting glumly. “If I’m honest, I don’t even watch most movies and TV shows these days. When I watch something, it’s usually just porn to get inspiration for scenes.” 
Taehyung sits up abruptly, dislodging Jin’s hand from lazily stroking his hair. “Then let’s watch porn.”
Yoongi scoffs out a laugh, before realizing Taehyung is serious. "What; looking for some inspiration yourself?"
The younger boy ignores the jibe, getting up off the floor to steal the remote, going to the internet browser on the SmartTV function.
Jin lets out a laugh hearty enough to jostle Hoseok as he watches Taehyung type each key painstakingly.
"Is the porn meant to be you edging us?" the eldest retorts.
"Shut up, hyung," Tae answers without looking away from the television, finally clicking the button to load the site.
"Ah, you reckon we'd get sued if we used some other porn website instead?" Jin jokes. "Afraid of getting kicked off the show for jacking off to PornHub?"
"Shut up, hyung," Taehyung repeats insistently, navigating to the search bar of the familiar site. He types more carefully this time, brow furrowed and lip pinched between his teeth in focus. "He goes live on a different site, but cross-uploads all his videos here too."
gukked97. ENTER.
"Taehyung..." Yoongi starts slowly, uncrossing his legs to lean forward. "We shouldn't be watching his stuff without him here."
Once the page loads, and Taehyung clicks on the first result, your breath catches.
Earlier that morning, when Jungkook had gone down on you in the kitchen, he'd still been fully dressed, and so far he'd been wearing exclusively sweatpants and hoodies in the house.
Here, though, he's bared to you in 1080p quality, countless thumbnails of him filling the page in rows and rows, each one a week apart.
In most, he has a hand around his cock, usually leaning back on his bed with his head tipped back in pleasure. His cock appears a bit smaller than Jin's, but it fits in his hand so beautifully, arching in a gentle curve so that the head taps at his lower abdomen, which is defined in hard lines, revealing the muscular body of a gym bunny. Considering it was only the second day and he was already working out, it seemed his physical condition was important to him.
The thought of you all sitting and stalking his account while he's in the room down the hall, unawares, has you biting your lip in guilt, but as Taehyung keeps scrolling, seemingly searching for something specific, you can't help but glue your eyes to the TV.
While most of the thumbnails are him jerking off, in various states of desperation, if you watch carefully you can catch flashes of colour.
Jungkook with bright spots of red wax over his chest, a second figure visible only as a torso beside his lying body. Jungkook in a bathroom, filmed in the shower as he holds the detachable head to his cock. Jungkook in pink thigh-high stockings, holding his cock in sweater paws. Jungkook bending a girl over a table, holding her green scarf like it's a leash and thrusting into her.
Seeing him in so many different scenarios has your mouth watering, and you shift in your seat minutely, hoping nobody notices the attempt to receive some friction.
The other protests have died down, too, and you watch Hoseok sit up suddenly, turning to give Jin's crotch a bewildered look, before tucking his own legs up and folding his arms across his lap.
Beside you, Yoongi's eyes are dark, mouth slightly parted and lips shiny from where he'd licked at them.
"Let me just find my favorite," Taehyung says to break the silence, clearly the most unaffected of you. The dates change, going back to earlier vids, until he lands on a video, dated 30 December 2018. "Picture this: I'd been a shitty mood all day. It was my birthday, but I'd been stuck at the mall all day because my grandma wanted to buy a cell phone and she-"
"How is this at all relevant?" Yoongi interrupts impatiently.
Jin snickers. "You just want him to hurry up and play the video, don't you?"
"So what if I do?" Yoongi complains mulishly.
You look back over at the TV, partially covered by Taehyung's frame. The thumbnail, selected with a yellow frame, seems relatively innocuous at first, the side profile of Jungkook on a couch, what looks like a gaming controller in his hands. The title of the video is pretty tame too, ‘ready player one ;)’, but that’s when you notice the hand on his thigh, coming from behind the camera. 
Taehyung clicks on the video, settling back onto the floor in front of Jin and Hoseok as he waits for it to load, scrolling through almost twenty minutes of Jungkook chatting to the camera, eyes darting down to read comments, looking entirely at-home. It’s clear to you that the camera is hand-held, and every now and again Jungkook looks up past the lens, listening to something the person holding the camera is saying. 
“The point is,” the younger man explains as he fast-forwards, “Jungkook uploaded this on my birthday and the guy sou- oh, here we go - sounds like me.” 
There’s a weird energy in the room once Taehyung resumes playing the video. It seems wrong to have it playing out loud on the television, like you were breaking some taboo, but at the same time, nobody wanted to protest. In the video, Jungkook’s wearing a baggy white t-shirt and some loose black shorts, something that clearly he was most comfortable in judging by what you’d seen him in the past few days. If you strain, you can still hear him working out down the hall, and everything feels a little too real, the memory of him between your thighs making you shiver. 
Taehyung’s skipped a long way into the stream, the wide palm of the cameraman having slid up from Jungkook’s thigh to be palming his crotch directly, and his voice comes as a low murmur into the room, the volume on the television turned down.
“...for me? Keep playing your game, baby boy, you only get to cum once you win.” Taehyung is right; the voice is starkly similar to his, that same musical resonance in a deep timbre. You think Taehyung’s is nicer; still, the idea of Taehyung being behind that camera is affecting you just as much as it’s affecting the rest of the men in the room. 
Everyone’s gone deadly silent, Yoongi making no barbed remarks, Jin without a quip. It’s clear from the way Jungkook writhes that the man is pressing him with a decent amount of force, but his strangled moans prove he’s loving it, hands wavering as they smash at the buttons, the noise from the video game sounding even more faint. 
The man behind the camera doesn’t seem too interested in playing fair. Just as Jungkook bites down hard on his lip, panting but managing to focus, the tanned hand slips under the waistband of his shorts, not pulling his cock out but rather jerking him from beneath the fabric, making the boy shudder, a broken moan louder than any sound before.
As you watch, you have the urge to press a hand to yourself, wanting to relieve some friction, but instead you just clench hard, rubbing your thighs together. Yoongi glances over when you move, his pink lips parted, Adam’s apple bobbing in his throat like he’s parched. It shocks you to see him so affected by the video, eyes hazed over with lust and fingers clutching at the fabric of the couch. On the opposite side, the other three men are in similar predicaments, Hoseok looking calm but clearly aroused, Jin bright red as he palms himself almost unconsciously, and Taehyung with a dreamy smile on his face, breaths shallow. 
The Jungkook on screen lets out a frustrated whine when he loses the game, letting the controller hang limply on his thighs. His head lolls to the side, making eye contact with the recorder before lowering his gaze to stare pleadingly down the lens, and you hear Yoongi hiss a breath in the moment their gazes connect through the screen, Jungkook  staring out into the audience with blown irises and bottom lip red from being bitten. 
“You lost again, hm?” the voice calls out, dripping with mock sympathy. Jungkook swallows and nods, hips shifting against the hand that’s now stilled between his legs. A chuckle echoes from behind the camera. “Your viewers are telling me they want to see you cum, baby boy. Play one more round. Don’t disappoint us.”
Jungkook whines, but obediently sets up another game, sitting up and furrowing his brow to focus. Slipping out of Jungkook’s shorts, the hand instead pushes down the elastic waistband, freeing his cock. Jungkook sighs throatily at the open air on his length, a glossy bead of precum running down the side, collected by a single finger. 
“Should I go easy on him, guys?” The voice pauses for a minute, trailing a single fingertip up and down the underside of Jungkook’s cock as the boy pants and tries to stay focused on the game. A bemused hum comes from behind the camera. “It’s your lucky day, baby boy. Taebybaby says you should get to cum because it’s his birthday today.”
Taehyung’s face splits in a boxy grin, eyes crinkling as he jabs a finger towards the television, where the on-screen Jungkook sighs in relief, wishing the user a happy birthday. “That’s me!” he calls out, turning around to stare accusingly at Yoongi. “See? The background context was important.” 
On the television, Jungkook’s given up on the game, controller tossed to the side and head thrown back as the hand wraps around him, using the slick of his precum to jerk him off rapidly, clearly wanting to draw a quick orgasm out of the boy. 
It’s pure sin, the way his thighs tense and the sliver of stomach where his shirt has ridden up flexes, hips jerking and moans pouring out of him in a constant, wanton stream. 
“Are you serious?” Jungkook says calmly, and you frown, before realising it’s not the Jungkook on the screen that’s spoken. 
Whirling around, you see the real Jungkook leaning against the doorway, shirt clinging with sweat and a towel slung over his shoulders. “My own viewing party and I wasn’t invited.”
“I’m so sorry,” Taehyung gushes with wide eyes, wincing as the volume from the TV increases, the toned body jerking as streaks of cum are milked from his cock, running down the hand of the cameraman. Taehyung fumbles for the remote as the on-screen Jungkook cries in pleasure, turning the TV off completely with shaky hands. “We weren’t- It just- We were just watching,” Taehyung finishes. “I’m sorry.”
Jungkook holds a hard stare for a few agonising moments, before breaking into a hearty chuckle. “Hey, I put them on the internet for everyone to see, people watching is the whole point. I hope you all enjoyed the show.” He grimaces. “That was such an old one though. Scoot over, Y/n; I’ll find you all a good one.”
You choke on air with the mention of your name, still feeling like you’d been caught red-handed. Or, red-cheeked rather. You blush violently as you stand up on shaky legs. There’s no way, if he played another video, that you would be able to resist the urge to slip a hand down your shorts, and you’d gotten off in public enough for one day. “I, uh, need to go water my plants,” you stammer, “I almost forgot. Y-You guys go ahead.”
Not wanting to wait for Jungkook’s reaction, you rush past him, feeling his hands attempting to hold you for a moment, before giving up when you don’t stop. 
So flustered from the situation you’d just run from, you stumble up the stairs blindly, not noticing the figure that opens his door at the same time, watching in curiosity as you rush into your bedroom and slam your door shut, collapsing on your bed with a groan. 
“Where have you been all day?” you ask conversationally as Namjoon takes a seat next to you with his bowl of fried rice. 
“Out and about,” he answers loftily, avoiding your gaze. The two of you are sitting in the private, unfilmed lounge across the stairs. It’s strange; you’ve only been here two days but the constant presence of cameras has become so easy to grow accustomed to that in this room, it feels weirdly empty and stagnant. Still, there’s a relief in feeling like you have a break from being watched. 
“Out and about,” you repeat, unconvinced, “you know we aren’t allowed to leave the property, right?”
Namjoon smiles down at his food. “The gardens are really gorgeous. I went to explore for a bit and ended up staying outside to soak up the sun and the nature.” 
You bite your lip. He’d been the one that had suggested the two of you go eat in this room. “Struggling with the cameras, still?”
He looks up, finally, eyes crinkled with a rueful smile. “I guess I still feel a little silly to be here. I know my whole thing is that I’m inexperienced, but… Really feels like I’m doomed to fail here.” 
You put your spoon down slowly. “Namjoon… Experience isn’t the only thing that matters, you know? I’m not gonna vote you out immediately just because you can’t, I don’t know, fuck me while doing a cartwheel or some shit like that. I said the other night that all of you as people are important too. Don’t distance yourself just because you’re worried about going home.”
He nods slowly, though he doesn’t seem entirely comforted. “I still only have a one-in-seven chance of winning this thing.”
“So do the rest of them,” you point out, gesturing back the way you came. “And if you like to run the numbers, you have a higher chance of staying than being sent home every week except the last.” You push your food aside, scooting around to sit beside Namjoon instead of across from him. “Honestly, Namjoon. I’m saying this away from all the cameras so you know I really mean it, but if you wanna stay, give me a chance to get to know you. Stick around.”
His chin protrudes as he tenses his jaw, deep in thought. “Y/n… Can I do something honestly too? Away from the cameras so you know I really mean it?”
“Of course,” you reply automatically, eyes widening when a broad palm comes out to hold onto yours.
Without another word, Namjoon just leans closer, the feeling of his breath on your face preceding the soft press of his lips on yours. 
Namjoon kisses much like he acts; tentative, uncertain, and a little clumsily, but endearingly so. You find yourself entranced in the reverential way he does it, a series of tiny butterfly touches instead of the deep sensual frenching you’d been exposed to in the past. It’s chaste but meaningful, and when he draws back, his cheeks are pinker than his lips, coughing lightly in embarrassment.
“Namjoon,” you whisper into the quiet of the room, no words coming to mind except his name.
“I’m sorry,” he says with a laugh. “You probably think it’s stupid. Of course the virgin would get a crush on the girl first.”
“A crush?” you question. “Namjoon, we’ve known each other for two days.”
You meant to be lightly jesting, but his face crumples, laughing again in self-deprecation. “It’s stupid,” he repeats, clearing his bowl off the table and standing up. “Sorry, just- ignore I said that.”
“Namjoon, that wasn’t what I-”
You’re interrupted by the solid finality of the door slamming shut behind him.
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I’m going to try and put excess tags in the comments, hopefully this works better than last time! Please comment on this post if you wish to be added.
(can u pls tell me if this worked if you were in the comments and if it worked if you were in the main post, i’m trying my best to work out how many tags i can actually put where! there are over 150 of you already so it’s a little tricky)
@agustdpeach @tinysweetscrown @starryskyslove @taemetiger @wildly-lost-lantern @mini-coop25 @bbbrats @crafty-babe @megahwn @sope-and-shine@kuppyjiminie @igot7-penta-seo @brooklyn11208 @taetaehooray@heathenssss @ironicarmy @mykingdomismyheaven @franklytae @ddaenggtan @scribbleseas @ex-silent-reader @lovelysky15 @0nlyours0 @houseofarmanto@xddaengx @bucky-thorin-winchester @joonadore @shi-tmp3 @latina-army@djasheyash99 @yeontanie21 @chogiyeol-utopia @swanqook @parksfilter@jungtaeyoongles @lilylovsu @kaitlynmarie1120 @karma299 @tearkth@hjordan1994 @bangtan-dreamland @sarcasmflowsinmyveins @ky-is-the-name @belatona @yoonwon17 @brilliantlybasicb @sockie-the-dumbass@pachiinso-shad
We were unable to tag the following blogs:
@risefallrise @btsphdotcom @kitty-queen-13 @saikokirastuff
@crazykpopaddict @positivelyjada @paradisetaemin  @awixxx
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kerikaaria · 3 years
Borahae Slimes Haul #3!
Okay so I got these slimes from Hobi’s birthday month back in February but... I forgot to post about it lol. I just got the slimes I ordered from Dean’s release for Yoongi, but I’ll wait a week or so before posting that one so keep an eye out if you want to see those slimes!
Check out @borahaeslimes blog, or find the shop under the same name on Instagram as well. And check out the creator's tumblr blog, @eternalseokjin where he writes quality BTS mxm fics (18+ only)!!!
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I ordered 3 slimes, and got a free sample of "Acorn Pouch" as well :) As always, Dean included some Borax powder, a few unofficial photocards and stickers, and candy. Everything was packaged great and securely.
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Piece of Peace has a really sweet, delicious scent to it that I adore. The bingsu and little charms add a really nice texture without being too overwhelming. I've found myself picking this one up a lot because I can't get enough of the smell!
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Bad, Sweet, Evil is super cool! The special clay that Dean used adds a really unique, grainy texture after it's mixed in. I love the splashes of neon nail polish that matched the theme of the music video really well! After mixed, you can still feel a few solid pieces where the hardened nail polish couldn't fully mix in, but it adds another interesting element to the slime. The smell of the clay is still pretty prominent in the overall scent, but mixes well with the rest of the scents that are very earthy.
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I love the texture that the fish bowl beads add to Blue Dream! The scent is very fresh and clean, almost relaxing to play with. I really love every slime I ordered from this one, so much that when I pull one out to play with, I usually end up grabbing for another one soon after because I can't get enough of them!
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And lastly, the free extra slime for Acorn Pouch. I love how the fuzzy balls give a unique feeling to the slime. it's fun to just squeeze :) I'm really happy Dean had some extra of this one to give me!
As always, I'm super happy with the quality of Dean's slimes! They're so creative and match all the themes he picked really well. These slimes are no longer in stock, and even the ones that I just got today are all sold out as well! I hope he's able to up the inventory for his next releases as more people realize how great his slimes are!
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jomjams · 4 years
hi ♡ so i was tagged by jay @metawin & cata @gigiesarocha (thank u so much lovelies! ♡)
relationship status: ...in a relationship snzksmzj
favorite color: blue 🌊 & green 🌿
favorite food: enchiladas (specifically enchiladas de mole) theyre so good i could eat them everyday istg also for a snack dehydrated carrot and beetroot chips with a little bit of chili powder are 👌🏼
song stuck in my head: bad intentions by transviolet
last song i listened to: gravedigger by mxms
last thing i googled: beetroot lmao bc i forgot the english word for it 🤦🏻‍♀️
dream trip: not to be basic but greece, have u seen those islands i just 😍
anything i really want: to have photoshop again 😭 pls i miss giffing 😔
im tagging @gunsmiles & @toptaps & @purnotas (if u guys feel like it and im sorry if u already did this ♡)
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blanchemacklin-blog · 5 years
Build Muscle Quickly In 3 Surprisingly Simple Steps
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solastia · 6 years
Tuqburni | 1
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Pairing: Yoongi x reader, Yoongi x Jimin (Eventually some Jimin POV)
Word Count: 4,230
Genre & Warnings: Angst, slight mxm smut. Don’t worry, it will get more explicit as we go along ;) 
Notes: This is not a healthy example of how Polyamory should work. No one should ever feel left out, and everything should be discussed thoroughly. Reader needs to learn to stand up for herself. We are here for the drama though, aren’t we ;)
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Jimin moved in today. 
You’d managed to get them to hold off for a whole month, claiming that you needed the time to get to know Jimin before he did, and they’d both agreed to that, and to keep the physical stuff limited until he moved in. It had been one very long month of awkward dinners twice a week, movie nights every Friday, and one agonizingly silent ice cream date that Yoongi had not so subtly canceled on, saying, “You guys can enjoy yourselves though.” 
You’d gotten so good at pasting a fake smile on your face as they giggled together during a meal that it was like second nature to you now. Imagining Jimin choking on his dinner helped. 
“You haven’t touched your food, are you alright?” Your thoughts are interrupted as Yoongi seems to finally remember that you exist, and he’s even looking at you with concern, go figure. 
“Yeah, great. Just trying to think of if there is anything else we need to get Jimin comfortable.” You smile stiffly at Yoongi, knowing that the man who used to pick up on any nuance in your expressions with hawk-like sharpness wouldn’t notice.
“I think we have everything we need. Thank you for thinking of me, though.” Jimin said softly. 
“We will need to upgrade the bed soon. I don’t think a Queen will be big enough for us for long.” Yoongi chuckles. 
That’s right. You were all sleeping in the same bed. And that little situation is what’s been troubling you the most. 
How was this supposed to work? What was going to happen? Who was going to sleep in the middle? They were probably going to want to fuck today since they’d only promised to keep their hands to themselves until move-in day. Were they just going to fuck or were they going to ask you to join? Were you going to have to touch Jimin? The only way you wanted to touch him was preferably with a blunt object upside his head. 
You glanced up and observed the two men. While Jimin was still shy and reserved around you, Yoongi was in high spirits. He’d been smiling and chatty for weeks now, and today he was practically bouncing with excitement. That was honestly the only thing keeping you going at this point. You loved seeing him so happy, and you didn’t want to be the one to take it away. The selfish and petty part of your brain bragged that this surely meant that you loved Yoongi more than Jimin did, and obviously that made you the better person.
 When everyone was finished eating, you shooed them off to go watch TV while you cleaned. You washed the dishes and listened to their laughter reaching you from the living room. Glancing around the house, you could see little bits of Jimin everywhere now. Anime figures on shelves, jackets and shoes by the front door, face creams and protein powders on all your counters. He’d even taken up a whole half of your closet, your stuff being squashed off to the side. 
You joined them on the couch when you were done, with you and Jimin on either side of Yoongi. He picked up your right hand and Jimin’s left and placed a delicate kiss on the back of them both, smiling to himself as you all watched the rest of the movie. 
When the credits start rolling, Yoongi shuts off the television and stands up, pulling the both of you up with him to get ready for bed. After taking turns in the bathroom, Yoongi and you go to the bedroom first, leaving Jimin to finish with his skincare routine. 
You didn’t know what else to do so you just slide into your usual spot on the right side of the bed and focus on setting your alarm for work in the morning. You breathe a little more relaxed once Yoongi slides in next to you, situating himself in the middle. You glance up as Jimin enters and Yoongi tells him to shut off the light. He’s blushing, and he meets your eyes for a second before he does as he’s told and shrouds the room in darkness. 
The bed dips slightly as Jimin takes the left side and Yoongi fluffs the blankets and pillows around, making sure everyone is covered. You maneuver onto your side, expecting Yoongi to big spoon you like usual, but he just gives a contented sigh and kisses your neck before laying flat on his back. 
“Goodnight, Princess. Night, Jiminie.” He murmurs, and you start to relax a little, hoping that he was really just that tired that he’d go right to sleep. 
It was perhaps an hour later that your hopes were dashed. 
You’d barely started to doze off because your mind was just filled with worry. You glanced at the clock and wondered what had brought you to full alertness. 
There was a gasp followed by a quiet moan. Your body felt frozen in shock. You didn’t even know why you were shocked because you’d expected them to want to have sex. You just thought you’d at least talk about things first, or that Yoongi would want to include you. Fucking in the middle of the night when they thought you were asleep didn’t feel like you were welcome at all. 
“Hyung, should we? Don’t you want to wake up Noona?” You heard Jimin whisper. You hated him, but you felt thankful at that moment. You braced yourself, expecting Yoongi to try to gently shake you awake. 
“It’s okay, Jiminie. We’re all together now. We’ll make it up to her tomorrow. But I need to make love to you right now, Jimin. It’s been so long, baby. If I don’t touch you, I’ll burst. I can’t think of anything but being inside you.” Yoongi groaned, and Jimin sighed softly as he gave in. 
You covered your mouth to quiet your sobs as the room was soon filled with quiet moans and grunts, the bed that you and Yoongi made love on so many times gently rocking as he fucked someone else right next to your “sleeping” form. 
You watched the clock and waited. After almost an hour and listening to them fuck at least twice, they finally were whispering “I love you,” and slumping back into their places. You heard them say goodnight and kiss one last time. Judging by the movements in the bed, Jimin had cuddled up to Yoongi’s back, and you were suddenly surprised when you felt Yoongi snuggle into you, spooning you like usual. He placed a soft kiss on your nape and wrapped his arm around your waist. You didn’t know whether to feel good or offended, but sleep remained elusive that night. 
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The next morning you went on with your usual routine, not wanting to bring it up unless they did. Of course, no one did. 
“You look tired, baby. Sleep okay?” Yoongi asked as he brushed your bangs out of your eyes. 
“Yup. Just need my caffeine.” You joked and took a big sip of the coffee he handed you. You wondered if he was basically trying to see if you knew, and it pissed you off that the man that claimed to hate dishonesty was keeping something from you. Not that you were much better since you weren’t telling them you knew. 
You prepared everyone breakfast, and the guys just talked about their plans for the day as you all got ready for work. You still worked with Yoongi at his company, but now as a credited producer. As of today, Jimin was one of the company’s new choreographers. A job that he should have taken a long time ago instead of getting greedy for his own fame, in your opinion.  
All of you gathered your bags for the day and headed out to the car, where you were left with another dilemma. Usually, you and Yoongi drove to work together, and your spot was in the passenger seat, but you didn’t know if you were still welcome there. You stopped walking in the driveway and leaned down, pretending the strap of your shoe was loose so they’d step ahead of you and you’d just take whatever seat was left. 
When you thought enough time had passed, you looked up, holding your breath, only to find Jimin holding the passenger door open for you. He gestured for you to enter with an awkward looking smile that you responded to with one of your own and slid inside. Jimin closed the door behind you, and you glanced at Yoongi who was watching the interaction with a soft smile. He leaned over and gave you a quick kiss on the cheek then turned on his car playlist as Jimin gets in the backseat. 
The drive to work was relatively quiet, beyond Yoongi’s music and occasional humming, and you were thrilled to finally be able to get out of the stifling environment once you arrived. The three of you walked into the building’s lobby, and Yoongi kisses Jimin goodbye right on the lips where everyone can see before he waves him off to his side of the building. You look around, hoping that no one was paying you guys much attention. You weren’t looking forward to trying to explain this situation to anyone that you worked with yet. You hadn’t even told any of your friends. You didn’t know what to say. 
You sigh and lace your fingers with Yoongi’s and let him guide you to the studio.
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You stare at your monitor, the track you were working on nothing more than moving lines on a screen and booming echoes in your ear since you can’t concentrate. You glance over at Yoongi’s side of the room and notice he’s making massive amounts of progress on his, the bobbing of his head and little smirk letting you know that he’s pleased with his work. 
You tear off your headphones and lean back into your chair with a groan. There was no way you were going to be able to get any work done today. You were so tired, and the sounds of skin slapping and men groaning were playing on a loop in your head. 
You were beyond jealous and hurt. You hated feeling like this, especially since you knew that you couldn’t complain because you’d agreed to this. You just thought that there would be more of you in this equation as well. 
You looked over at Yoongi again, and you knew what you needed. You needed to fuck him right now. You needed him to make you feel only the way he can. You need to be reminded that he loved you and still wanted you. It’s not like fucking in the studio is a new thing. You’d done it many times before. 
You get up and walk behind Yoongi’s chair and slide your hands down his shoulders, locking them in place on his chest. You lean down and kiss his neck lightly, and he looks up and smiles. 
“What’s up, babe?” He asks as he slides his headphones back. 
“Mmm, you just looked pretty, and I couldn’t resist saying hello.” You giggle, biting his earlobe and tugging on an earring. 
Yoongi chuckles and swats you away from his ear. You prop your chin on his shoulder. “You know what we haven’t done in here in a while?” You hum into his ear. 
“Oh yeah? I think I can guess, but I’m making such good progress right now I don’t want to stop while I’m on a roll. If you’re a good girl and wait for us to get home, I’ll fuck you so good you can’t walk straight for days. Alright?” He leans up and kisses you on the lips before looking back at the screen. 
You feel the hurt and rejection rising, but you decided to say fuck your pride and try one last time. 
“You sure? I’m already so wet and ready for you.” You purr, stroking his chest lightly and nipping his neck.  
"Babe, I’m never gonna finish this work if you keep doing that. I promise I’ll make it up to you. Get to work, Princess.” He laughs and pats your butt as he maneuvers you back over to your side. 
You slump into your chair as you feel yourself tearing up. Yoongi’s already put his headphones back on and is back to bobbing with the music, not a care in the world. You feel thoroughly rejected and unwanted. Either he didn’t want you anymore, or he was just too tired from fucking Jimin. You know there’s a high possibility that you are just being overdramatic, but you can’t help the way you feel. Yoongi has only turned you down once before, and that was only because you’d tried to have sex with him while the two of you were visiting his parents. 
You slide your headphones back on and throw yourself into your work, hoping that Yoongi will buy the excuse that you are exhausted when he sees your red and puffy eyes later. 
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You decide to take your lunch break a couple of hours later. Usually, you and Yoongi would head to the cafeteria together, but you didn’t even say anything to him before you left. You doubt he’d even noticed you were gone. 
You slam your tray full of food on your usual table. You had grabbed more than you could eat, thinking you could eat the pain away at least, but the first bite felt dry and bland. You mindlessly played with your food until you felt the presence of another person sliding in next to you. 
“Chin up, Buttercup. Do you need me to tell you some of my amazing jokes?” Kim Seokjin smiles down at you and bumps your shoulder. 
You chuckle and grant Jin a small smile, knowing he wouldn’t drop it unless you did. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to have lunch with Namjoonie. He’ll be here in a few. He’s been working hard on his music lately, so lunch and bedtime are my only chances to see him. I can’t wait until that group has their comeback so my husband can come back.” Jin guffaws, his laugh alone causing you to have your first genuine smile of the day. 
“You and Yoongi are working on that album too, right?” He asks, before shoveling an admirably large amount of food in his mouth. 
“Yeah. It’s going well. With Yoongi, me, and Namjoon all working on it, this should be the album of the century.” You laugh and take a few bites for show. 
“Don’t forget to take some time off for the weekend. It’s your guy’s third anniversary tomorrow, right? You were able to get the tickets you wanted?” Jin asks innocently, and you suck in a breath. 
“Yeah. It’s that, alright. We’ll see. We’ve been so busy...with...work.” You didn’t think you sounded that convincing. 
“I heard there was a new choreographer, too. You should point him out to me if you see him come in. I’m dying of curiosity because Namjoon says that Yoongi didn’t tell him anything before hiring him and I heard the girls whispering that he’s a God on my way over here.” 
You see a flash of blonde in a sea of black near the food line and sigh. 
“You already know him, Jin. Everyone does.” You gesture towards the line, and he stares in that direction. 
“But...but...that's...” He stuttered
“Park Fucking Jimin.” Jin actually growled. 
“Yuppppp.” You answer, shoving another forkful in your mouth. 
“He’s back? Why didn’t anyone tell us he was back? Does Yoongi know? Wait, of course he knows, it’s his company. Did you know?” He stares down at you, disbelief and rage written all over his face. 
You remember when Jimin had left so many years ago, Yoongi’s best friend and the companies Vice President Kim Namjoon and his husband Seokjin, had been so involved in helping you put Yoongi back together again. You’d grown close to Seokjin after Yoongi had put himself in the hospital and had to go under two weeks of suicide watch. He’d helped you around the hospital with food and checking on Yoongi, and you’d become great friends in the years that followed. You dared to say that he was probably your best friend. So it was understandable how concerned he was. 
“He’s been back for a couple months now. He...moved in yesterday.” You muttered quietly. 
“Moved in? As in, moved into your house? Why would he move into your house?” Jin’s voice was starting to rise in volume, and you glanced around to make sure no one was listening. 
“Because I guess we’re a trio now.” 
“Like, all dating each other? My mind is blowing up right now. Why would Yoongi do that to you? You agreed to this?” 
“Yeah, technically. I guess.” 
“That’s why you look sad, though. Am I right?” 
“Yeah. I can never hide anything from you, Jinnie.” I chuckle mirthlessly. “I’m just...I don’t know. Scared. Worried for me. Worried for Yoongi. I’m not sure what I’m doing.” You sigh and push the food on your plate around. 
“If it’s making you sad I don’t think you should do this, though,” Jin says quietly.
“I know. But Jin, he’s so happy. Yoongi has been so happy since I agreed to bring Jimin into the relationship with us. I feel so weird all the time, and I’m so scared, but then I see how absolutely glowing he is and I think that might make it all worth it in the end.” 
“I’ve always loved how much you care for him and how selfless you are. I know that you probably won’t take my advice, but just be careful. I don’t want to see anyone hurt, least of all a sweetheart like you. I don’t know what Yoongi is doing, but I do know that he really cares about you.” Jin sighs and pats your hair. 
“That’s the thing, Jin. I'm not selfless at all. I'm selfish as hell. I’m doing my best to hold onto him, no matter what. I can’t lose him. If it means I have to share him, I will. But I can’t give him up.” Your hand clenches around your fork in anger, and you glance up at Jin with tears building in your eyes. 
“Oh, sweetheart. My heart is hurting so much for you. I don’t know what I can say to help, because the situation is so complicated. But, just know that if you need someone, I’m here. Me and Joonie both. There’s a guest room if you need it or an ear if you need that.” 
“Thanks, Jin. I appreciate that more than you know.” You lean into the side hug he gives you, and a deep chuckle fills the silence. 
“Can you stop trying to steal my husband? I swear, I walk into the most intimate situations with you two.” Namjoon smirks as he plops down across from Jin. 
“Never. Not until the most handsome man in the world is mine.” You declare. Jin laughs loudly, and Namjoon rolls his eyes. He glances between the two of you, his eyes widening a bit when he takes notice of your eyes.
“Have you been crying? What’s up?” Namjoon asks. 
“Noona, can I sit with you?” A quiet voice interrupts right as you were about to explain a less complicated version to Namjoon. You flinch when you realize who the voice belongs to. 
“Of course. Sit.” You answer Jimin softly, the fake smile that you’d become a pro at making its appearance again.
“Park Jimin?” Namjoon exclaimed, food falling unattractively from his mouth. 
“Hello, hyungs! I missed you!” Jimin smiles so sweetly, and Namjoon is practically choking on his food. Jin answers Jimin with a tight smile of his own, his hand reaching under the table to squeeze mine in comfort. 
“Jimin. Nice to see you again. Are you here to stay?” Seokjin asked, passive aggressiveness oozing from his very pores. 
Jimin flinched slightly, but to his credit, he didn’t look surprised. He appeared to be somewhat resigned. 
“Yes. I know you all must not like me very much right now, but I swear that I’m so sorry. I’ve already talked to Yoongi and Y/N about how sorry I am.” Jimin looks near tears. Namjoon is patting him on the back in comfort, ever the sucker for cute things. Jin huffs and looks down his nose at him. 
“We’ll see. I think you’re all going about this the wrong way, but you’re all adults so I can’t tell you what to do. Just be careful, don’t hurt Yoongi again. We’ll accept you back into the fold because that’s what they want, but you have to be prepared to work for everyone’s trust back. And if you make Y/N cry, I will gut you like a fish and make Jimin jjigae, got it?” Jin’s voice is deadly soft and quiet. An infrequent enough occasion to make even Jimin’s eyes widen in surprise. 
“Yes, hyung.” Jimin whispers. 
“Fantastic. Let’s all eat in peace, then. Conflict gives you indigestion!” Jin declares and shoves almost an entire hamburger into his mouth. 
You do as your told and eat heartily, feeling much better now that you know you have someone on your side. You pretend you don’t notice Jimin frequently glancing your way. If he thought you were going to stand up for him or something, he’d be waiting a long ass time. 
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When the three of you finally got home that evening, you were so exhausted. Both physically and mentally. All you wanted was to relax, have a beer, and be thoroughly fucked. 
You kicked off your shoes and walked to the kitchen, pulling out three beers. You bring the boys their bottles as they lounged on the couch and took a few sips of yours before you remembered you still had to make plans for tomorrow. 
“Mm, Yoongi baby? We have a problem for tomorrow.” You say, not really sure how to go about it. Should you guys include Jimin in your anniversary dinner too? You really hoped not. You wanted at least one thing to yourself. You wondered what Yoongi has been planning. He usually had everything planned out weeks in advance. 
“I am existing off coffee fumes right now, do you think you can bring up this problem tomorrow?” Yoongi groaned and leaned his head on Jimin’s shoulder without looking at you. Jimin was watching you curiously, and it made you feel almost humiliated. 
“I mean, I guess. I just thought I should know about the plans for tomorrow, so we know how everything is going to work.” You mutter quietly. 
“Plans? Why, what’s tomorrow?” Yoongi yawned and glanced at you for a second before looking back at the television. 
Your mouth opened and closed several times in shock. Anniversaries were his thing. He was the one that always remembered every significant date, every holiday, every minor occasion that he thought warranted a celebration. He even gave you flowers on the anniversary of the day he first kissed you and took you out to celebrate the day you agreed to move in with him. This was the first time he’d ever forgotten anything. 
“Its...uh. Nothing. Don’t worry about it, babe. Just got confused, I guess. I’m drained, so I’m going to take a bath and head to bed, okay?” You say as you walk into the kitchen and pick up the card filled with tickets to a basketball game he’d been looking forward to. 
“Alright. Night, Princess.” He yelled, not even getting up to give you a hug or a kiss or the promised fuck from earlier.
You clench your jaw and toss the card into the trash bin and head to the bathroom. 
At least with the water running, they couldn’t hear you cry. 
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the-fitsquad · 7 years
Microsoft Great Plains 7.5 On Pervasive SQL Migration To Windows 2008 Server Notes
Guide To Choosing An Workplace Chair
Dave Evans develops Linux NTP Server synchronisation systems to guarantee precise time on PC’s and personal computer networks. International Business Foundation stated, Motives for Hong Kong overpowering London workplace rental value is supposedly powered by rising prime rents on the back of healthful requirement and anabsence of space.” Workplace and apartment costs in Hong Kong are anticipated to rise even much more by 2015. If you are going to be tackling a decorating interior design and style workplace furnishings companies in chennai project soon, set a deadline for the moment that you will cease looking and start off decorating. Our dual socket workstation provides you the functionality and flexibility of an HPC method since this workstation has two processors. I feel a decent i7 and a minimum of a Quadro 2000 (i would not advocate a decrease graphics card than this, otherwise CAD operate will be tedious, but try to go larger if possible) need to suffice.
There is also no reason why you could not have a second personal computer system with a 4k capable graphics card a committed 4k monitor (TVs have a tendency to consist of colour correction firmware that may possibly seriously detriment the look of the footage displayed on various brands of TVs due to variations in color calibrations) or a Television that has a menu selection to disable automatic color correction, to deal with the 4k colour grading and other image adjustment jobs, to finalize the video editing of your project, and make the footage appear as close to the vision you have in thoughts, within the limitations of the offered technology and your wallet (I do my video editing on a shoestring budget, and I can not afford even a 2k monitor without having automatic color correction, so I devote far too much time tweaking the color correction settings to get the look I want on two distinct TVs).
Established in 1995, Workstation Office Furniture has a showroom and a factory in Port Elizabeth. The first Microsoft Surface was the inaugural Windows RT device, along with a few tablets by the likes of Dell, ASUS, and Samsung. You could also set it up with dual Quadro M6000 24GB graphics cards, which can be combined to power the production of VR content material. Like all HP workstations, the Z620 is made to satisfy the ever-expanding demands of experts who operate with large and complicated datasets, complex 3D models, call for multiple displays, or for companies that just require a higher-functionality and reputable technique for their workers. Glass office desks make the workplace appear a lot more spacious. The Eames workplace chair was designed with these complaints in thoughts and how to tackle them.
Numerous shoppers get no further than the price tags when comparing workstations to a Computer Even though the typical Windows-based laptop fees amongst $500 and $1,500, the average workstation runs between $1,500 and $three,000, producing it about twice as pricey. The provider failed to connect to the Logical Disk Management Administrative service. 1. HP Remote Graphics Software requires Windows and an net connection. 1 of the most crucial factors to appear for when buying for mobile workstations is ISV certification. CAD workstations are typically equipped with Error-Correcting Code Memory, RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks), SSD (Strong State Drives), and Optimized GPU to supply this durability. Newer Zx40 series workstations can use the Z Turbo as a boot device, but I suspect most users will want to configure the system with the Z Turbo as a secondary drive.
Manageability: Most workstations will offer you tool-cost-free access to the elements with their circumstances getting designed to suit 24×7 workflows (that indicates further fans). Tough Drive: The CAD Workstations have been very carefully equipped with quickly accessible difficult drives to store information permanently and are accessible in 1TB HDD, 250 GB SSD and 512 GB M.two ULTRA SSD & two TB HDD. Meant as a personal computer workstation, it had louvers and an integrated ventilation system, as well as a host of built-in characteristics typical of the ergonomic desk. Reduce down on the totem pole is the Z4, which has a single CPU socket (supports up to a 10-core Xeon W2155), can pack in up to 256GB of RAM by means of 8 DIMM slots and up to a Quadro P6000 graphics card. Supplying the industry’s highest rack density of eight Blade PCs in a 3U rack space,ClearCube employs sophisticated thermal styles and cooling to provide the most recent Intel desktop processors for energy customers.
As opposed to Intel, AMD CPUs at present are not capable of processing as a lot of IPC (Guidelines Per Cycle) as their Intel counterparts. • Get storage cabinets (either built-in on your function desk or wall-mounted) and filing cabinets to preserve books, manuals, documents, and further office supplies. The requested search operation is only supported for base searches. Rolling Stools with Back help are plush comfy, flexible and better furniture that can be utilized in workplace, garden, home, pubs, restaurants and so on. Get an alert with the newest advertisements for “office workstations” in Toronto (GTA). No matter what scenario you discover your self in, we’ve identified the very best gaming desks in every size category. VMware Workstation Pro runs on normal x86-based hardware with 64-bit Intel and AMD processors and on 64-bit Windows or Linux host operating systems.
A common WhisperStation configuration characteristics ultra-quiet fans and high efficiency energy supply, internal soundproofing, AMD Opteron or Intel Xeon processors, NVIDIA® Quadro® Specialist graphics, and NVIDIA Tesla® GPUs for computation. Again, 4 added CPU cores and the quicker Sandy Bridge architecture give the Z820 a significant performance lead more than the Z800, and a simply staggering 1 over the single-socket systems. You could use either cork-board or magnetic sheets as multi-objective workplace storage on your workstations. The excellent news even though, Windows ten Mobile develop 15250 has now been made available for users as component of the Windows Insider plan, and it now brings 3 new functions. It’s a fine line to stroll, and I consider it really is a testament to HP’s technical provenance that they are able to succeed in the workstation company today.
The important to cleaning print heads on HP Z Series printers is to be able to know what is in fact incorrect with the printheads at any given time. It is estimated that at least 80% of the time spent by the average workplace worker is spent seated at their desk or workstation. Our graphics workstations can be configured to focus on multi-threaded processing to speed up your rendering time utilizing a single of the several 3D rendering software program applications available to pros. Alternatively of deciding on normal partitioning configurations, it pays to consult with the needs of your workers to design workstations that fit your firm. Insufficient NVRAM sources exist to complete the requested service. Later generation workstations employed 32-bit and 64-bit RISC processors, which provided higher performance than the CISC processors employed in private computer systems.
But CPU rendering is no longer the only game in town, and the focus can be shifted somewhat in favor of the graphics card. In addition, given that the machine was designed as a workstation employed by graphic professionals and video editors it was not intended to replace higher end gaming machines. EUROCOM X8100 Leopard utilizes MXM-IIIb (Mobile PCI Express Module) for straightforward upgradeability to new generation of graphics technology. Steel is one hundred% recyclable, creating it a excellent decision for ergonomic workplace gear and furnishings. I’m not a fan of OSx but the a single issue I have missed every single time I’ve utilized a Windows based laptop is the outstanding touchpad on the MacBook Pro. A Volume Shadow Copy Service component encountered an unexpected error. Our Showroom positioned in Los Angeles, CA characteristics a collection of modern day workplace furnishings designs – from our Italian office furniture collection to our distinctive, contemporary workstations.
To start the competition evenly spread Glo Germ powder or lotion on the competing desks, workstations or sinks (greatest if you do this ahead of class or when the teams are not watching). Mobile workstations are specifically configured to mimic as far as is attainable the computing energy of a desktop CAD workstation and as such HP EliteBook mobile workstations incorporate higher end processors, higher personal computer memory capacity and also CAD certified graphic cards. If you will be functioning with 3D models, we advise employing a workstation NVIDIA Quadro card. What follows is the cache version of a Webpage which documented the personal computer to brain interface which the NSA has and continues to topic this author to. And like a lot of other Webpages which have documented this technology as it applies to some government agency, this Webpage has now also been removed…” – James F. Marino (FASCISM — ‘9-11′ — Thoughts Control The Mother Of All Black Operations – Intel Continues To Have Internet sites Documenting NSA Computer To Brain Interface Removed From The World wide web).
Ideal for pros with heavy information-processing demands. The majority of tiny element computer workstations might be self-assembled and therefore are quite resilient. Developing extremely strong workstation PCs and custom servers for AutoCAD, Revit, Adobe Suite, and GPU computing applications is our passion. So, let’s take a look at HP’s Z-Series workstations. Numerous laptop desks and workstations are manufactured from Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF). Laptop-Aided Style, or just CAD, describes the use of laptop software to assist in the creation, modification, analysis or optimization of a style. DeltaV Workstation hardware is configured to provide the optimum cost overall performance answer. To reduce feasible router concerns I connect my Comcast SB5120 cable modem directly to my machine (both are windows 7×64, 1 house a single pro).
Ahead of you begin contacting decorators, interior design and style office furnishings manufacturers in chennai gather colors, measurements, fabrics, carpets and photographs of items that you like. A great workplace chair need to accommodate a quantity of distinct tilt possibilities to accommodate distinct seating positions throughout the day. CAD has elevated the complexity of drafting applications although enhancing the productivity of drafters. The HP Z6, on the other hand, offers up to 384 GB of memory as effectively as dual M.two slots for HP Z Turbo Drive PCIe SSDs. The key to our good results is designing the specifications of these workstations in collaboration with each customer to make sure that the machine is completely match for goal and represents the greatest achievable worth.
Whilst a mobile PAW enables many essential scenarios, like function from house, remote access software program can potentially be vulnerable to attack and utilised to compromise a PAW. A simple tip for House Workplace flexibility – the base of the Deluxe workstation is offered as a stand-alone piece of furnishings with an IsoGuarded© strong oak top surface, which can be employed for common filing inside your house, whilst also blending in as a helpful general storage cupboard in the hall, boot room or utility room or even as a tv stand. B) Non-guest (residence or city) accounts: describe all charges and payments of non-guests. 10, 2013 – HP nowadays announced the expansion of its Z portfolio of professional workstation and display goods, like the world’s 1st workstation Ultrabook-the HP ZBook 14-and the industry’s first line of workstations to offer Intel’s Thunderbolt technology for high-speed information transfer.
Animation for films and video games is the key target market for HP’s Z-series workstations. But Cinema 4D is 1 of the pieces of software that is most closely related with skilled-high quality 3D style work. The HP Z Turbo Drive G2 is exactly the very same SSD you get in most HP Z Workstations and plenty quickly sufficient for normal CAD workflows. Available in a assortment of types and shapes, one particular of our stunning corner desks will support you maximise the space you have. The simple notion behind an ergonomic chair is that it enables you to sit at your desk or workstation for extended periods of time, if you do not use an ergonomic chair then you could endure lengthy term impacts to your skeletal wellness. In layman’s terms, its ultimate aim is to make Windows ten significantly much more versatile, permitting it to be installed on a wider selection of devices without becoming primarily based on specific, pre-current solution variants.
Delivering help for up to 8 cores of processing energy, the HP Z420 in no way slows you down. In numerous firms, current “legacy systems” such as mainframes, Novell networks, minicomputers, and a variety of databases, are getting integrated into an intranet. Modest, side-by-side workstations are excellent for these who perform on computers and don’t need to have significantly space for dealing with customers. When it comes to picking a workstation that delivers uncompromising functionality, there is simply no contest. Overall performance is vital to organization accomplishment so make positive you take a appear at the fantastic Fujitsu Celsius and Lenovo Thinkstation ranges. Protect corporate content by restricting access to Workstation VM settings like drag-and-drop, copy-and-paste and connections to USB devices.
Computer desks come in numerous sizes ranging from compact carts with wheels to expansive U-shaped models that supply lots of workspace. Our HP ZBook 17 is VR Prepared with the most recent Intel® processors2 and NVIDIA® Quadro® P4000 or P5000 graphics cards. I’d jump at the likelihood to share a few thoughts and (UI) designs I discovered beneficial although organizing a website extensive desktop first—while clearly as yet creating it mobile down to mobile screens. The cashier has to separate out the amount this article of the initial bank and the spot the remaining money, cheques received in a specially designed front workplace cash envelope. Unfollow dual xeon workstation dual core to quit obtaining updates on your eBay feed. This normal ATX full tower homes no fewer than two CPUs and a lot more attributes than you can shake a stick at. The X499 is one of the most versatile and upgradeable computers that we make and is excellent worth for funds in the efficiency workstation category.
The massive CPU shroud has no much less than six separate fans for cooling both the processors and system memory. Our GP100 line supports up to four Tesla P100 PCIe GPU cards in a compact 4U chassis, and with GPU-accelerated modules that outperform CPU systems by up to 20x, our GPU workstations pack a strong punch. If you don’t want it for higher-intensity tasks, and you happen to be merely taking your workstation from workplace to customers to house and back, then the HP ZBook 14 G2 provides a strong balance of style, function, and efficiency. These personal workstations can improve organization and save space in any atmosphere. For rendering, there is currently no quicker CPU out there and with eight cores per chip and elevated memory bandwidth by way of a quad channel controller we count on a related response from most simulation software program.
Head Position: Reduce time spent looking down, such as reading or writing on a desk surface or utilizing a laptop. The workstation-class applications the DL380z is meant to tackle are engineering, computer aided design and style, digital media, oil and gas exploration, and other higher-finish applications that need significantly more computing and graphic power than the common office programs. ◆清理C:UserstpoAppDataLocalMicrosoftWindowsTemporary Net FilesContent.IE5以下各資料夾內上網留下的檔案。 Even though all efforts are produced to verify pricing, product specifications and other errors, inadvertent errors do occur from time to time and HP reserves the right to decline orders arising from such errors. Laptop computer systems and tablets do not have the adjustability of a desktop laptop when adjusting keyboard, mouse and monitor.
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kerikaaria · 3 years
Borahae Slimes Haul #3!
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This was from April... and Dean has already released his next set of slimes (which I received and LOVED getting to play with last night!). And I don't have any time because I have work and need to finish packing to move in 3 days so I'm making this post on mobile while I work 😅
Support Dean's slime shop, BorahaeSlimes on Etsy, and view its blog here on tumblr, @borahaeslimes . If you're 18+ and enjoy BTS mxm, then visit his writing blog @eternalseokjin for some high quality fics!
HERE WE GO! And please ignore my computer and mess in the background lol
As always, packaging was super secure and everything arrived perfectly and safely! I bought Genius Lab, Min Holly, and Nevermind Me. The package came with the usual goodies--photocards and stickers, candy, one of those extra heart charms Dean is still trying to finish getting rid of (lol), plenty of borax powder, and a thank you card (which I apparently forgot to take a picture of lol)!
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Genius Lab is a GORGEOUS silver slime with black elastic pieces and music notes as add-ins. The elastic especially gives it a really cool feel when you stretch the slime! It smells kinda musky but also kinda clean, and it just smells really nice but not overpowering.
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Min Holly is so cool! It was my first time playing with a butter slime and oh my gosh I loved it! It's so soft and smooth and just really fun. It legit smells like grass and earth, so for a nature lover like me it smells wonderful! The charms are also super cute. Unfortunately this one does stain your hands a bit yellow. But that washes off with some soap and water no problem! Just be more careful than I was to not stain your clear slimes by playing with them after this one! My poor Nevermind Me now has a yellow tint to it v.v
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This gorgeous crunch bomb came with some extra beads and blocks just in case you can't take too much crunch! It's such a gorgeous clear purple with plentiful sparkles, and is very fun to play with (until my hands start hurting because I can only take so much crunch lol). The smell is very crisp and I find it relaxing :)
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The extra slime was a basic pastel green slime. Not much to talk about really, but I think it's always good to have a small one on hand for when you just need something quick!
As always, everything was amazing and well thought out. I love how creative Dean gets with his slimes! After I get settled into my new house, I am EXCITED to write a review of all seven slimes from the BTS anniversary release!!!!
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kerikaaria · 4 years
My Borahae Slimes order!
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I received my package yesterday (technically, but I accidentally had it sent to my previous address, where my sister luckily still lives so she brought it over for me today lol). And I can’t tell you how EXCITED I was to try all these slimes! 
The extra goodies that came with the slimes were an extra small pink bingsu slime, two photocards (of course Taegi because Dean knows me and loves me lol), some candy, a thank you card with some notes about the slime, an extra charm, a small bag of borax powder (which definitely came in handy!) and his business card.
You can shop for these, and more slimes, at Dean’s Etsy store here!
(Click to read the rest of the review and see more pictures!) 
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A Full Moon Night is based off of Jin’s solo, “Moon.” I tilted the jar for this picture so you could see all the little sequins that settled to the bottom. Also in this picture is the extra slime I got. 
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It’s such a pretty shade of sparkly blue and has a really nice, light scent that reminds me of a rainy night. This slime was slightly under activated and sticky when it arrived, but that was nothing a borax solution couldn’t fix :)
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Here’s the little pink bingsu slime after I played with it a bit. I’ve found that I really enjoy the texture of these slimes :)
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Overlay Me On Your Heart, based off of Jimin’s solo, “Filter,” was also a bit under activated (except for the blue portion) but again, a little borax solution fixed that in no time. These colors are so pretty and it has such a nice clean, pleasant smell. 
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I mixed the pink and blue together to see what that purple shade would be before combining them all into one.
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It’s not too easy to see in the picture, but when it’s all mixed together, there’s little specks of pink and blue scattered throughout from the glitter, and the purple is a bit of a deeper shade than it was before. Still really pretty and fun :D
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And of course, there’s Winter Bear! It’s based off of V’s solo song he released last year. The main base is a snowfizz slime, then the clear slime with cute little bears in it, and a crystal-looking bingsu slime all compliment the theme really well. And then the adorable sparkly blue teddy bear is just perfect!
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When it’s all mixed together it looks almost just like snow, and the texture is really satisfying to play with :) The smell really reminds me of winter as well - those cold days when there’s a layer of snow on the ground and you swear you can smell the temperature.
Basically I love these slimes and if you like BTS and slime, then you should DEFINITELY check out Dean’s shop! Which again, can be found RIGHT HERE! You can also find the blog for the shop at @borahaeslimes​.
Also, visit his main blog @eternalseokjin​ to read his great fics! He writes almost exclusively mxm fics, and the majority ARE NSFW so proceed with caution~ 
(I’m definitely high on the list of his top fangirls because I love basically everything he writes. So if you’re 18 or older then you should definitely check out his fics while you’re waiting for your slime to arrive!
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blanchemacklin-blog · 5 years
Muscle Building - What I Need recognize To Build Muscles
MXM Ultra Force Reviews - http://mxmultraforce.com/. Playing basketball has a lot of health benefits for completed using information technology alike. The major search engines things about how a child can stay healthy with a basketball ring. Let me explain. You see, from professional baseball, where we played roughly 162 games in just 180 days or so (not to mention in the scalding hot sun most of the time) undertaking the following : quickly sinks in that weight training every day simply will not work! Because important when your workout itself is the time spent abroad from the fitness center recovering. Really should be fact, MXM Ultra Force Review over 60% almost all muscle growth occurs however, you sleeping throughout the night. Last time I checked I never got in the good workout while I had become sleeping. More to say I haven't had some productive muscle building nights regardless of! And MXM Ultra Force Reviews you should to, provided you're getting adequate sleep (as we talked about in an earlier blog) and you really are nutrition is supporting advertising while you're awake.
Once you have you protein and glucose, it is just a matter of adding the powder to shaker and drink. 2 scoops 1 powders provides the best results here. Eating fish is a powerful technique to fuel system if you are attempting testosterone boost build up muscle. The fish contains omega-3. Omega-3s help muscle mass to get increasingly associated with insulin, that will help to fuel the storage of aminos, and glycogen which can held in muscles. It's well-known that testosterone levels drop as men age. Athleticism and sexuality decline. Men take tongkat to turnaround for the their biological clocks, as we say. There are no side effects, and this herb can be utilized around the field of as a male enhancement supplement. Over time, are able to move the decision of the more three scoops. Once you're at that point, may possibly be time start considering cycling off for per month (yes - you ought to cycle associated with ALL pre workout supplements! We discuss this in our Cycle Jack3d page). A strength training program having a good diet are for you to stay healthy and increase muscle fast. More important than the particular weight training is strategy. Working out requires energy. You get that from eating correct way foods. A healthy diet is key. Without it, no amount exercise shows results.
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blanchemacklin-blog · 5 years
Somanabolic Muscle Maximizer
Reps and sets- 5 x several.Do not go up in weight up until you get all 5 teams of 5 repetitions!This is a good start point! About every 8th week I'd deload and take a light week additionally your joints can heal a tiny amount of. I would do 5 x 10 with about 60% with the you did on your heavy the days! For this purpose, the nitric oxide supplements or NO created. It is now widely available both in retail or online markets ever remarkable was discovered to be beneficial for muscle builders. Nitric oxide supplements increase strength and endurance during workouts giving the user motivation to keep his do exercises. It also aids in delivering the right nutrients towards the different limbs. It's well-known that testosterone levels drop as men age. Athleticism and sexuality decline. Men take tongkat to turn back the their biological clocks, so to speak. There are no side effects, and this herb works extremely well around the earth as a male enhancement supplement. Let's focus on protein. Handful of basic protein for MXM Ultra Force Reviews muscle building, it can be doesn't go for MXM Ultra Force Male Enhancement it alone. You can easily a lot of protein certainly not work out, you won't build muscle, although could be wondering build unwanted fat. If you eat a regarding meat, most likely already get plenty of protein. Other good samples of protine include fish like tuna and MXM Ultra Force salmon, chicken, turkey, egg whites, soy products, and meat powder. Another aspect is that of building muscle group. You see all of the large body builders in a fitness center and they always regarding the different supplements employ. Some work for that guy, some the other guy. There are plenty of reasons for making use of supplements during a workout session. They can elevate your endurance, your strength, or both. The fact is that the supplements cause you to be build more muscle by pushing system to the limits. Implies is more muscle fibers will be torn as well as more muscle get laid down. Not only are pre-workout supplements important so are vitamins, minerals, and protein powder. All of these play an important part if you try to build serious muscle group. The HIIT approach flies in the facial skin of older approaches to cardio, which deal with concepts like optimum testosterone boost burning fat zones and stuff like that. But this is truly a more effective way to build muscle and burn fat on your direction to awesome abs and also an enviable body. If you have any doubts, compare the typical marathon runner (long, slow distance) to the typical sprinter (short bursts of high-intensity effort). One particular has the kind of body you want? You will have to you'll want to you are drinking sufficient amount water in order to digest your foods. The reason is that water eliminates toxins in your body, and makes you fit and robust.
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