seongclb · 1 year
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imaginespazzi · 2 months
Bestie hi! Its been far too long. I'll blame it on life being occupied with work and summer travel. In fact, just had flights for my trip connecting through DFW, and ofc thought of you now ha. How are you, all well?!
Shall I start w some rambling re the amazing new fic?: Just incredible writing/work overall, no surprise and Ive so enjoyed reading.
Really looking fwd to the reunion of P's mini and his Pookie! Perhaps he can let something slip a bit about their past to Stephie? She cant be the only one wreaking havoc with her mouth for once ha. The one year contract- how dare you 😅 I ached at all the parts referencing A's wishes for a partner. And P flinching at just the word family! Im still here trying to wrap my head around A ever not wanting to marry P, but I know youll end up connecting the dots beautifully (and remedying this outrage lol). Currently torn on whether youre evil enough to have P upset Stephie at any point in this 😐 the way it would kill everyone The flashbacks are always impeccable (painful)!
Other news/notes: P looked and did great at her appearances. That stylist really gets her and is phenomenal! Those idiots in love (affectionate) together in MT 😊. Azzi dear, the nails again, please.. the shorter hair is cute. Whew, that Hannah Hidalgo mess. Yikes yikes yikes. No girl. Though I did at least appreciate the numerous funny tweets that whole thing managed to create (and good clap backs). The recommendation is prob late now, I meant to mention a while back - saw 'Power of the Dream' and thought it was a good watch. So much respect for the players it covered. Boy, are we gonna need the WBB girlie pops to step up in a big way again this fall. Ugh
Thats all from me. Have the very best Wednesday! -☕️
Ah bestieeee hi I missed you! It has been a while and I'm glad to see that you're back <3 I'm doing pretty good babes, how's everything with you? I'm assuming there was no wife-sighting while flying through Dallas but just know I'm still rooting for the two of you!
YAY! I'm so glad you're liking it so far! Drew and Stephie's are gonna be like that one tiktok sounds where it's like "who are you?" "bitch i'm the owner of this house" but yeah it's gonna fun.
Liiiisteeeen Stephie can't be happy and joyful the whole time and Paige can be a bit of an idiot so like...it just writes itself you know? (The answer is yes btw I am absolutely evil enough if I choose to be)
ALL HAIL BRITTANY fr like thank god for that woman because she's really saving Paige from herself let's be honest. Also her makeup team is flawless.
THE NAILS lmao listen once was coincidence, twice? Oh Pazzi....
Ugh yeah that's so unfortunately like I really was and wanted to continue rooting for her but that shit's just gross and honestly lowkey made me kinda sad cause how are you like that in the year 2024 but I guess that's just life.
Ooooh I've been meaning to watch power of the dream and now that you're recommending it, I definitely will!
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bastardtetsu · 4 years
still thinking about partnering with MT bokuto..... he is just so strong he just lift,, like even if u have no partnering experience as long as ur not doing anything too complex you have nothing to worry about if ur with him, he knows what he’s doing n he would never let u fall. just get ready 2 b ~airborne~
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writingbywatson · 3 years
Genshin Boys With A Dense Crush (Part 2)
Here is part 2~ so, the reason why I didn't include Bennett and Razor is the fact that I can never write for them, like IDK why but its just very hard for me. So yeah, sorry about that. Part 1 (Albedo, Childe and Diluc)
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Dense + Dense = more dense
It was painfully obvious that Chongyun likes you but for some reason, he can’t quite figure that out for himself
But everyone around them knows
Xingqiu is actually on the road to writing a book about the two of you
Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei are betting on how long until Chongyun realizes his feelings
Chongyun doesn’t know why he likes to see you every day, wants to have meals with you, and why he gets uncomfortable when he sees you with another person and smiling at them
Maybe it was the work of g-
“Oh I like them” -Chongyun one day when he woke up
He consulted his best friend Xingqiu about this and Xingqiu just placed his books down and said “dear archons finally, it was getting very painful to watch”
So the two started planning a cute little confession scenario
Somewhere Xinyan and Yan Fei are crying because they lost the best but Yan Fei is arguing that betting was illegal and has no ground in the law… Yan Fei, you betted with your conscience please stop
The pair of best friends decided to go with a simple type of confession because less is more in Xingqiu’s books
It was going so well, a cute dinner and all of that
“I like you Y/N, can we be more than that?”
Oh is that Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao, and Yan Fei spying on both of you from the bushes? Why, yes indeed.
“You want to be best friends Chongyun? But don’t you have Xingqiu as your best friend already?” - you with your ever so innocent voice and expression
Chongyun is frozen in place
Xingqiu, Xiangling, Xinyan, Hu Tao and Yan Fei are betting again this time how many times will Chongyun get a friendzone
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Someone revive him
He can’t take your dense nature anymore
This is Kaeya after all everything he does allude to something so WHY WON'T YOU GET IT STILL
“Oh, Kaeya? You like someone!? Can you introduce me to them?” - you asking excitedly upon hearing his and Rosaria’s conversation
Kaeya was pretty sure he was describing you
Rosaria is holding back her laugh, she can't breathe… SOMEONE SAVE HER
“I love them but this dense attitude is too much!” - Kaeya as he slams his fist on top of Diluc’s bar
“Have you tried wooing them?” - Diluc as his wiping a glass down, he's so nonchalant about this situation LMAO
“HAVE I TRIED?” - Kaeya sounding very offended
“How about getting a white bed sheet and painting “will you marry me Y/N” on it?” - Rosaria
“Yeah, they leave me no ch-”
“Sit down, don’t embarrass yourself like a child” - Diluc pushing his brother down to sit
“Just confess, normally… like… a normal person” - Diluc
Kaeya decided that in two days time he was going to confess to you, two days because he needed to make sure it was perfect
But the moment he saw you laughing with some random guy all the planning was thrown out the window
“Meet me in front of the church when the sun rises” - Kaeya to you when he passes by you at the corridor of the headquarters
When you arrived, he made you stand at the flight of stairs in front of the church while he went down
He kneeled with his right knee touching the ground and he pulled a very neatly folded white sheet from his pocket
He unraveled it and wrote, “WILL YOU MARRY ME Y/N?”
But even before you can react a thunderous shouting can be heard and a chuckle
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I’m going to try but still little info on this new pyro husband
Thoma is a very understanding boy
He likes you so much that he's willing to wait
But damn has he been waiting long
He decided he was going to confess to you today as well!
“Y/N! I like you!” - Thoma
“I like you too! You are like my best friend!” - you
Every time this happens Thoma stress eats.
Ayaka is giggling because he has never seen her friend like this
He's trying his best for you to like him, he cooks for you, takes care of you, guards you, protects you…
“You know the festival is ongoing” -Ayato as he watches his sister’s friend mop around like a puppy who has been kicked. “Why don’t you try confessing properly and straight-forwardly there?”
That gave him an idea
He dragged to the talisman-wishing thing and told you that you two should make one
When the both of you were done, you should each other what you made and to your surprise, Thoma made a drawing of the both of you holding hands
“It’s not us being best friends forever” - he clarified
“It’s me hoping to spend many more years beside you as your lover.”
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Barbatos aka Venti the Bard has been singing a lot of love songs lately
Especially when you were in the audience watching
He always likes your smile especially when you were watching him
So when the two of you were strolling around near the church of Monstad
He decided that he was going to confess today
Years of being alone and he finally get what Vanessa told him about meeting the right person
“Y/N, I love you-”
“Aww, Venti, I love you too!”
“Really?!” - Venti very excitedly
“Yeah! I love you as a friend! We’re like besties!”
Dvalin felt that
Andrius felt that
Hell even Vanessa felt that from Celestia
“Oh I got to go, bestie, I have something to do! See you tomorrow!”
Lately, the winds of Monstad have been depressing?
“I don’t understand! I thought they liked me back!” Venti his chugging his alcohol while Diluc looked at him in irritation
Diluc wants to kick him out but Venti is Monstad’s archon so he decided against it
“Venti! There you are!” - you
Venti hears your voice and because his drunk his happy instead of upset
He throws himself at you in an attempt of a sloppy hug
“Y/N! I love you~”
“I love you too, we are fr-”
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When Xiao first had these feelings he was confused
He lived a long life and this was the first time in his life where when he sees someone his chest becomes constricted and warm
“Xiao! Do you like traveler!?” - you excitedly
Xiao felt a tightening in his chest not that good type but am i being stab right now type of tightening
His answer would usually be along the lines of no and he can’t have relationships with mortals
He usually has a lot more patience with you compared to others but hearing you say that he looks good with someone else just made something in him snap
He didn’t mean to shout at you nor did he mean it when he said you should leave him alone
That’s why he's waiting for you at Wangshun Inn, his loneliness grew into worry when after 2 days you weren’t back yet
Upon eavesdropping around he also found out that no one has seen you and your last known location was Mt. Hulao and he immediately began to worry because that place was prohibited to humans
“Are you looking for someone?” - Mountain Sharper appeared behind Xiao as he reached the top of Mt. Hulao. “Are you looking for a mortal perhaps?”
“How did-”
“-That mortal is pretty noisy, they don’t stop talking and they know you.”
Oh, the warm feeling in his chest is back because they were talking about him which means that they weren’t angry at him!
“Where are they!?” Xiao would realize and I swear to you his ready to break every amber rock around Mt.Hulao
“Calm down, they are currently collecting Qingxin flowers”
Right on cue, “XIAO!? IS THAT YOU!?” he heard your voice from behind him, when he saw you, he immediately rushes to you and hugs you
“What are you doing here!?” Xiao would ask, his voice was raised only because of relief
“Oh, I got lost! And Moon Sharper here saw me, we ended up chatting and I guess I forgot the time, he shared so many stories about y- WHY DO YOU LOOK LIKE THAT ARE YOU HURT!?”
“I’m alright… I just… I m-miss…”
Moon Sharper is just looking at this scene and he knows he's about to spill the hottest tea next time the adeptus (idk plural form okay) have a dinner party
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At first glance, it might look like that he isn’t affected at all
But internal his boiling
“You’ll make a great husband someday Xingqiu, I know it! Your future wife would be so happy!”
“I want you to be my wife though”
“What was that?”
He knows he needs to move so he can win your heart but how can he when you were dodging every advance he makes
What is more frustrating is that YOU ARE NOT EVEN DOING IT ON PURPOSE
As an author he wants to experience romance first hand, so he tries to be romantic about it but this was frustrating
He decided to pull his last technique from his sleeves
He lent you a very romantic book and between one of the pages he inserted a paper that read “I wish for you to be my muse.”
If that doesn’t work Xingqiu is going to ask you to fight him
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Zhongli, Rex Lapis aka Morax has lived thousands of years
Yet this is the first time he encountered someone so dense at first he taught you were just kidding and pretending but when he described what he likes in someone which was pertaining to you
You simply said “WOW THEY SOUND WONDERFUL AND YOU MUST REALLY LIKE THEM BECAUSE YOU SOUND SO IN LOVE” at his face with genuine awe, there was no sign of you being flustered and whatnot
Hu Tao was there to witness this and the younger female had a good laugh when she witnessed this
Zhongli is now praying to Guizhong for help and patience
He first wondered if the reason for such behavior was because you dislike him but it wasn’t the case because you would always smile when you see him
Which makes his knees very weak
In heaven, all the dead gods are laughing at him
He has lived for so many years and yet he doesn’t know what to do because he wants to spend years with you
But a part of him says this isn’t right because his an immortal and you were a mortal, someday him being a former god would drive an enigma in the future
That’s why he was also hesitating on his part
“Zhongli, look-look! A merchant from Monstad gave me a Cecilia!” - you snapping him from his thought, he's a tall man so you had to tip-toe to put the flower in his hair
“There you look even prettier now!” - you smiling up to him
As you were withdrawing your hand, Zhongli grabs it and places it in front of his lips
“I love you Y/N”
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So S/O is in the army right? Well after four years of dating, S/O is called away from the skelies to go to another country with no exact date of when they'd be coming back. S/O sends a postcard every month to let them know they're okay.
How would the skelies, MT sans and MF sans react to coming home from work and opening the door, only to have S/O give them a hug and say "Guess who's back?"
Undertale Sans - He's barely awake and honestly think he is still dreaming, so he's not reacting much when you're taking him in your arms. It's only when he realises you are really touching him that he gasps in shock and hugs back. He is so happy.
Undertale Papyrus - "NYEEEEEEEEEEEEEH????" You get the googly eyes of bewilderment. Papyrus drops a huge box he was holding which crashes on the ground in a broken glass sound and he's running to hug you. He's already telling everything that happened while you were not here, all in one breath, and it's just feel nice to hear him again.
Underswap Sans - You're surprising him at work. He's doing a night shift at the police station for Christmas, since everyone has someone except him, since his brother has a partner now, and he is quite sad, looking at the emptiness filling some paperwork. When you enter the room, he suddenly throws all the papers in the air and jumps in your arms, shrieking with excitement. He's not letting you go. Also, his boss gives him authorisation to leave because he knew S/O was coming and S/O had prepared Christmas on their own just for him. Blue is almost crying now.
Underswap Papyrus - Once he's done being in shock, he straight up cries like a baby. Knowing you are far away and might potentially never come back is a big thing to bear for a skeleton which is usually very close from his S/O and he is just relieved and happy everytime he gets to see you again. He won't let you go for the rest of the week.
Underfell Sans - "Ya're shitting me" His grins widens as he jumps into your arms to kiss you. Red is so relieved you're finally back. He's not really good on his own. His only regret is that he didn't have time to clean the house and it's pretty much a warfield of trash. Woops.
Underfell Papyrus - He knows something is not right. There's light in the house, and he lives alone, and it can't be Doomfanger. He growls menacingly. Does one of his idiot rival try to sneak on him again? He takes a bone and enters the house on his gards. When you jump from the living room entry, he shrieks, lots of red bones flying all around him ready to pin you to the wall. Then he recognises you and everything disappear as he's trying to get his composure back. "OBVIOUSLY I KNEW YOU WERE THERE. THE GREAT AND TERRIBLE PAPYRUS WOULD NEVER BE SURPRISED BY SUCH CHILDISH JAPPERY." Of course. There's a moment of silence. "SO ARE YOU GOING TO HUG ME OR ARE YOU JUST PLANNING STANDING THERE?" His cheeks are so red. You can't stop teasing him all week about this. He hates it.
Horrortale Sans - When you're not here, Oak adopts the lone wolf style, half in the house, half in the woods. So before coming, you told Willow to lock him up in the house. You can hear him argue with his brother about this in the kitchen, but it stops right away when you enters the room. Oak's red eye do this :
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oAnd then he starts to purr so loudly the entire house is vibrating. It's not powerful enough to be an earthquake, but god, it's the loudest you never heard him do that. As you are expecting, Oak is locking you straight into his hoodie and he will be clingy for at least several days. He's never letting you go again (for at least several days).
Horrortale Papyrus - He thought Oak was just doing something bad in the kitchen and stomps angrily, but then he saw you and... "NYOO HOO HOO HOO HOO HOOOOOOOOO". Oh boy. Willow is overwhelmed and collapses in your arms in tears. You're not sure how many time he said he is happy to see you, you lost the count after thirty times.
Swapfell Sans - "I SWEAR TO ASGORE, RUS IF YOU FORGOT TO FRICKING SWITCH OFF THE FRICKING LIGHTS AGAIN I'M GOING TO BREAK ALL OF YOUR BO-" He stops in the living-room, speechless. He takes a few moments to acknowledge you're here again, then he quickly comes to hug you, then stands back and goes back to his usual cold self. You can't stop smiling. You never thought he would loose his cool like that.
Swapfell Papyrus - You find him very focus on something. When you knock of the door, he jumps out of his bones and quickly closes his hoodie, then turns towards you. Rus looks trapped and very uncomfortable. You're looking at him, wary. "Rus, what were you doing?" "n-nothing?" "Ruuuuus...?" He gulps. Then he opens his hoodie and a dozen rubber chickens falls down on the ground. He looks like a guilty child. You're still confused about what he was planning, but fine.
Mafiatale Sans - So... Since you were not home, he kinda brought a guy here to interview him, and when you're entering the room, your boyfriend is facing a naked human, tied in what you think is a very erotic pose and you're in shock. Demon is in shock too. "b-babe i swear it's not what it looks like. we're... uh... repeating a theater scene." You lift an eyebrow. Demon is sweating. Well, that's not how you were expecting this to go.
Mafiafell Sans - You froze in the corridor when your hear this : "yeah, ya're the only gi'l of my life. i could burn th'world for ya. here ya can have some of my bacon. you're the light of m'life ya know." You stomps in the room, angry... and finds Fangs sitting in the couch, facing his dog wearing a bib on the other side of the sofa table, while they are sharing a romantic candle McDonalds meal. You're speechless, he's speechless, only the dog is happy to see you. Fangs won't even cross your eyes. He's so embarrassed omg.
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seattlesea · 3 years
Songs I Listen to While Writing Sorted by Genre/Type of Scene
(Some songs will be in more than one category)
Romance Scenes- we fell in love in october by girl in red Strawberries and Cigarettes by Troye Sivan Fool by Cavetown Call Me by 90sFlav Girls by girl in red 3AM by Finding Hope Dream Girl by Anna of the North Stay by Zedd & Alessia Cara Somebody To Tell Me by Tyler Glenn Secrets by One Republic Paris by The Chainsmokers Safe and Sound by Capital Cities Wild Heart by Bleachers A Thousand Years by Christina Perri Fire on Fire by Sam Smith Angel With a Shotgun by The Cab She Looks So Perfect by 5 Seconds of Summer Jet Pack Blues by Fall Out Boy Trade Mistakes by Panic! At The Disco When the Day Met the Night by Panic! At The Disco Moral of the Story by Ashe We Can’t Be Friends by Dream Koala Public Making Out Is Like Ugh by DNE Moon River by Audrey Hepburn Mystery of Love by Sufjan Stevens Alewife by Clairo Girls Like Girls by Hayley Kiyoko Futile Devices (Doveman Remix) by Sufjan Stevens  Midnight Love by girl in red
Calm Scenes- Call Me by 90sFlav 5:32 by The Deli Crush by Esthie Coffee Breath by Sofia Mills Santa Monica Dream by Angus & Julia Stone Fool by Cavetown Golden Hour by Jonathon Morali Crosses by José González Death Bed by Powfu (Beat Only) 3AM by Finding Hope Waterloo Sunset by The Kinks Shy Girl by Kedam Counting Stars by One Republic Kaleidoscope Eyes by Panic! At The Disco She Had The World by Panic! At The Disco This Is Home by Cavetown Lua by Bright Eyes Sweater Weather by The Neighborhood Bedroom by Litany FLAMIN HOT CHEETOS by Clairo Will She Come Back by girl in red To All Of You by Syd Matters
Sad/Emotional Scenes- Obstacles by Syd Matters Runaway by Aurora Cancer by My Chemical Romance Unsteady by X Ambassadors State of Dreaming by MARINA Raquel y Sergio Juntos by Ivan M. Lacamera Coming Home by Falling in Reverse Spanish Sahara by Foals I’m Bad at Life by Falling in Reverse 7 Years by Lukas Graham Lost It All by Black Veil Brides Teen Idle by MARINA Hall of Fame by The Script Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish 21 Guns by Green Day Pirate Love Song by Black Heart Shatter Me by Lindsey Stirling Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap Dollhouse by Melanie Martinez The Light Behind Your Eyes by My Chemical Romance Helena (So Long and Goodnight) by My Chemical Romance Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance I Don’t Love You by My Chemical Romance The Ghost of You by My Chemical Romance Bishop Knife Trick by Fall Out Boy Indomitable by Casey Lee Williams The End of All Things by Panic! At The Disco Always by Panic! At The Disco Impossible Year by Panic! At The Disco Dying in LA by Panic! At The Disco Northern Downpour by Panic! At The Disco Far Too Young To Die by Panic! At The Disco This Is Gospel by Panic! At The Disco House of Memories by Panic! At The Disco Moral of the Story by Ashe Reason to Stay by Sody Anchor by Novo Amor Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde Mt. Washington by Local Natives Mountains by Message To Bears
Action/Fight Scenes- Finish Line by Skillet I Ran (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens Another One Bites The Dust (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens Back From the Dead by Skillet Never Give In by Black Veil Brides The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy DESTROYA by My Chemical Romance Warriors by Imagine Dragons Bella Ciao by Manu Pilas What’s Up Danger by Blackway & Black Caviar The Resistance by Skillet Feel Invincible by Skillet In The End by Black Veil Brides Days Are Numbered by Black Veil Brides Fallen Angels by Black Veil Brides Caffeine by Casey Lee Williams This Will Be The Day by Casey Lee Williams 300 Violin Orchestra by Jorge Quintero Radioactive by Imagine Dragons Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons Silent Running (Epic Trailer Version) by Hidden Citizens I’d Love to Change the World (Matstubs Remix) by Jetta  Tommy’s Theme by NOISIA The Sharpest Lives by My Chemical Romance Mama by My Chemical Romance My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark (Light ‘Em Up) by Fall Out Boy The Carpal Tunnel of Love by Fall Out Boy Young and Menace by Fall Out Boy
Happy/Fun Scenes- Tongue Tied by Grouplove Bang! by AJR 100 Bad Days by AJR Wasted by Tiësto 3 Nights by Dominic Fike City in a Garden by Fall Out Boy I Took a Pill in Ibiza (SeeB Remix) by Mike Posner  Safe and Sound by Capital Cities Collar Full by Panic! At The Disco Ahead By a Century by The Tragically Hip American Idiot by Green Day Superhero by The Script Wild Things by Alessia Cara Here’s To Never Growing Up by Avril Lavigne Do It All The Time by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me Burn by Ellie Goulding Move To Miami by Enrique Iglesias & Pitbull Mad Hatter by Melanie Martinez King of the World by Young Rising Sons Bulletproof Heart by My Chemical Romance Na Na Na by My Chemical Romance Miss Missing You by Fall Out Boy Where Did The Party Go by Fall Out Boy Sunshine Riptide by Fall Out Boy Last of the Real Ones by Fall Out Boy Wilson (Expensive Mistakes) by Fall Out Boy Time To Dance by Panic! At The Disco Crazy=Genius by Panic! At The Disco The Overpass by Panic! At The Disco Roaring 20s by Panic! At The Disco Victorious by Panic! At The Disco LA Devotee by Panic! At The Disco Don’t Threaten Me With a Good Time by Panic! At The Disco Something Good by alt-j Hollywood by MARINA
Badass/Dark Scenes- Pretty Waste by Bones UK Bubblegum Bitch by MARINA Born For This by The Score Kings & Queens by Ava Max Castle by Halsey Caffeine by Casey Lee Williams Heaven Knows by The Pretty Reckless Joan of Arc by In This Moment Believer by Imagine Dragons Sand Storm by Apashe you should see me in a crown by Billie Eilish Power & Control by MARINA Fancy by Iggy Azalea Look What You Made Me Do by Taylor Swift Empire of Our Own by RAIGN Revolution by Unsecret & Ruelle Unstoppable by The Score Control by Halsey Gasoline by Halsey Tag, You’re It by Melanie Martinez  Up In The Air by Thirty Seconds To Mars So What by P!NK Do It Like A Dude by Jessie J Ready For It? by Taylor Swift Teenagers by My Chemical Romance Centuries by Fall Out Boy I Don’t Care by Fall Out Boy Rat a Tat by Fall Out Boy Stay Frosty Royal Milk Tea by Fall Out Boy Champion by Fall Out Boy Thnks fr the Mmrs by Fall Out Boy One Thing by Casey Lee Williams I May Fall by Casey Lee Williams This Life Is Mine by Casey Lee Williams Let’s Kill Tonight by Panic! At The Disco Girls/Girls/Boys by Panic! At The Disco The Good, The Bad, and The Dirty by Panic! At The Disco Mount Everest by Labrinth Legendary by Skillet Homewrecker by MARINA Modern Day Cain by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me
That One Vibin’ Scene- When I RIP by Labrinth Sweatin’ Somethin’ Awful by Okey Dokey Wasted by Tiësto Leave Me Alone by I Don’t Know How But They Found Me Piano Fire by Sparklehorse Blinding Lights by The Weeknd Good News by Ocean Park Standoff Hey There Delilah by Plain White T’s East of Eden by Zella Day Hazy Shade of Winter by The Bangles (or the Gerard Way cover) 5:15 by Bridgit Mendler Here by Alessia Cara Joan of Arc by In This Moment Mr. Doctor Man by Palaye Royale Cool For a Second by Yumi Zouma Counting Stars by One Republic Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood Ho Hey by The Lumineers We Can’t Be Friends by Dream Koala Public Making Out Is Like Ugh by DNE Sober II (Melodrama) by Lorde North by Sleeping at Last 400 Lux by Lorde No. 1 Party Anthem by Arctic Monkeys Still Don’t Know My Name by Labrinth Primadonna by MARINA dontmakemefallinlove by Cuco
That ‘Holy Shit I Can’t Believe That Just Happened’ Scene- All For Us by Labrinth (or the Zendaya version) Raquel y Sergio Juntos by Ivan M. Lacamera Forever by Labrinth Coming Home by Falling in Reverse Superheroes by Falling in Reverse (also works really well for cliffhanger-ending scenes) Carry On by Falling in Reverse The Thunder Rolls by Garth Brooks (if you don’t like country music, listen to the All That Remains cover) Zombie by The Cranberries Obstacles by Syd Matters Glory and Gore by Lorde Empire of Our Own by RAIGN When It’s All Over by RAIGN Hide and Seek by Imogen Heap
The Cinematic Teen Experience Scene- Amsterdam by Imagine Dragons Midnight City by M83 Running Up That Hill by Kate Bush (Meg Myers’ cover does better with the category though) Good News by Ocean Park Standoff Circles by Post Malone Rollercoaster by Bleachers Bad Idea! by girl in red Mr. Brightside by The Killers Fireflies by Owl City Undercover Martyn by Two Door Cinema Club Check Yes Juliet by We The Kings The Kids From Yesterday by My Chemical Romance I’m Not Okay by My Chemical Romance Fourth of July by Fall Out Boy Tip Toe by Imagine Dragons Someone To You by Banners Gone Gone Gone by Phillip Phillips Make You Mine by PUBLIC Out of my League by Fitz and The Tantrums Perks of Being a Sunflower by Soft Glas A World Alone by Lorde Wetsuit by The Vaccines Bored to Death by blink-182 There’s a Place by The All-American Rejects 18 by Anabor Mother by Smallpools Tompkins Square Park by Mumford and Sons 400 Lux by Lorde The Horse by Beach Fossils Ribs by Lorde Can I Call You Tonight? by Dayglow Hot Rod by Dayglow Marlboro Nights by Lonely God Under Stars by Aurora Sweet Disposition by The Temper Trap Do Not Wat by Wallows Cold Cold Man by Saint Motel Forget Her by girl in red Buzzcut Season by Lorde A World Alone by Lorde Time to Pretend by MGMT Kids by MGMT Bags by Clairo My Tears Are Becoming a Sea by M83 Talia by King Princess (or the girl in red cover) Maybe by girl in red
And yeah that’s all I have for now. If you want any other categories just ask cause I’ll probably make a part two anyways. 
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Saturday [Sunday] 13 May 1838
8 ½
12 ¼
all ready in 1 ¾ hour – very fine morning F58 ½° at 8 ½ - breakfast in about ½ hour and then inking over accounts till 11 – and went out about 11 ½ - A- up early this morning wrote up her journal and copied mine of yesterday – went direct (the garçon of the hotel just shewed us to the door) to the house of M. Vandenschrik , Rue de Paris a riche particulier to see his picture – mentioned to us by Madame Venue Desterdiu (mistress of the hotel de Suède) as one of the best collections in Europe, worth many thousand of florins – a woman opened the porte cochère guichet, and shewed us in to a gentleman whom we soon found was the propriétaire of the house and pictures a connoisseur and amateur of gout inné – he cried for a picture as a baby – and his mother used to buy him pictures for toys – his school altogether flamande (Flemish and Dutch) – 1st shewed us into 2 nice rooms rez de chaussée of good modern pictures a host of Dutch and Flemish names I am not artist enough to note or remember – then into his gallery built exprès of the old Flemish masters – lighted from the top – sides a darkish grey – all the pictures everywhere in handsome gilt frames placed in boxes covered with crimson merinos, and suspended by dark coloured cords from an iron sort of continued curtain-rodding fixed round the top of the room .:. every picture moveable at a slight tough and no nails driven – very good effect – at the top of the gallery 2 Vandykes a merchant and a duke of Neuborg? the only picture that remained to him of his fathers’ collection – some good Sneyders – a few Rembrandts’ – a few pictures of Rubens – asked M. V- which was his favourite picture – he seemed to say a waterfall by Ruysdal – I did not see much in it to fascinate me – but when he opened the [?] of the collection a charming Rubens – St. Catherine immediately being beheaded – the executor gone, and 2 angels come the one taking up the body, the other the head, to carry them to Mt. Sinai (on the top of which the present convent is dedicated to St. Catherine) – the wheel on which she was placed had broken without hurting her, and parts of the broken wheel lie in the near corner of the picture – the composition, drawing, and colouring are equally excellent? the feet seem still not dead – the back and blending neck are incomparable – the head – the face of clam placid expression is yet quite dead – this pictures was painted by R- immediately after his return from Italy and was in the même accord (same account or bill as) as the erection of the cross (the companion of the family’s descent from the X) in the cathedral at Antwerp – this St. Catherine formed a sort of table to the erection of the X and was sold about 100 years ago by the cathedral in order with the price of it to erect a fine marble altar piece for the larger picture – it passed thro’ various hands and came into the possession of M. V- I think he said a year or 2 ago – the gush of blood from the neck of the tronc very good – but said I could not comprehend the white streak, as if the blood and water? this said V- was poésie – to mark his virginity! – I stood for several minutes
before this picture probably apologizing for detaining Mr. V- but probably giving him a real pleasure – the picture is really charming – I saw without observing a great many cards on the top of the sort of table-frame in which the picture is shut up – It never occurred to me to leave my own card – nor, in fact, had I one with me – regretted we had not more time to spare – M. V- civil – très poli – on leaving him said there ought to be some charity box or some means of enabling one to do some little good – said this gently and civilly – Indeed I did not then quite know enough about M. V- to be certain what to do – going to give the servant something but she had closed the door (guichet of the porte cochère) – on returning to the Inn A- said she had seen the several cards – among the rest, those of Sir ---- and Lady Ramsay – I had thanked Mr. V- très poliement -  he said he hoped to have the same civility should he be in England – of which I, of course, replied he might feel quite assured – 1 25 hour at M. V-s’ i.e. from 11 ¾ to 1 10 – from M. V-‘s to the botanic garden in 5 minutes at 1 ¼ and sauntering about there till 2 20 – not very large, but very nicely kept, pretty garden – and very good serres – unluckily the jardinière chef was away, and we had only a boy domestique with us who knew nothing of plants without tickets – mespilus palam Xisti (Throps’ evergreen thorn) border hedges, instead of box, 18in. to 3ft. high – very pretty – pretty mass of rhododendrons, and ditto ditto juniperus Sabina, and ditto ditto of paeonia (peonies) – Icosandria class xii.  monogynia prunus cerasus our common large leaved  laurel
Digynia Spirea ulmaria what I call at home meadow sweet
spirea filipendula
Ditto laevigata, in flower (white) very pretty
Sempervivum tectorum, house leek.
Adonis vernalis, pheasants’ eye
Ajuga reptaus, bugloss, the pretty common blue flowering plant that forms the bordering creeping along the meer walk struck on entering the garden with the pretty effect of 3 clumps of spruces and filling up in interstices, on each side of the middle clump a clump of purple beeches – these clumps margin the water prettily surmounted by 3 little flower bed terraces with green slopes between them, and down to the water – right on entering the garden very pretty thing in pink flower – a mass of pink, that our boy called flox veronica – from the garden sauntered to the grande place and very fine town hall  (a florid gothic lofty, apparently 3 stories high + 2 of basement and cellars + 4 stories in the roof? – the corners finished in round towers with each a florid gothic high turret or minaret and 1 at each end on the ridge of the roof – stood gazing a few minutes – then went into the fine cathedral 4 fine aisles – whitewashed – lofty – fine church – here too a fine oak-carved pulpit – a conversion of St. Paul thrown from his horse but rather different from tat at Malines – M. V- told us this morning, in explaining an interior of Antwerp cathedral as it was 2 centuries ago, that the then pulpit was still in the cathedral and of great historic interest tho’ plain in itself – the present fine oak-carved pulpit was taken from the church of the Jesuits – this interior taken before the present floor of the cathedral raised 3 or 4 ft. in consequence of inundations whenever the tide rose very high – came back to the hotel at 3 ¼ - paid all – had up the mistress of the hotel a nice sort of person window of a M. Desterdiu – Hotel de Suède Rue de Diest n°46 – very good hotel – got her to write me out  a bill for the 2 servants – dinner 3/. supper 2/50 breakfast 1/50 – she sent for a bottle of best (red) called Peterman – for which offered to pay 1fr. but she would return me in French and Belgian all the copper she had = 5 sols – like the common table been better - § off from the hotel de Suéde Louvain (had been very comfortable there) at 4pm – immediately after passing the barrier (out of the town) drove over the chemin de fer railroad, sunk in the sand below us – the chemin de fer nowhere comes into the town, but has its stations just outside –
§ Madame Desterdiu gives nothing to the post boys but something to eat – at other Inns they have some times as much as 2 fr. a piece given - .:. they will not bring people to her house if they can help it – take then to the hotel Sauvage – the hotel de Cologne n’existe plus –
fine country about Louvain – horizon closed in by amphitheatre of wooded or cultivated hill – very light sandy land all along, at, and from Antwerp here – from Louvain to Tirlemont 2 1/4p. of undulating or hilly road – good pavé – but begged to go on the parterre – the dust better than noise and jolting – trees on each side the road poplars and none of them large – Scotch fir plantations along the ridge of hill (left) have a good effect – very fine rich country – good villages and churches – Tirlemont a good town. 2 large good grandes places, and 2 large good churches – drove to the poste – 22 minutes in changing horses – nowhere ½ so long – leaving the town, just out of the old barrier gate (right) the 3 ancient tumuli all in a line – very close together – on the top of 2 of them, 3 or 4 young poplars – both sides of the road, just out of the town, and near and far all along good villages with good churches fine rich country and for the last ½ hour (from 7 to 7 ½) the avenue of the road finely closed –(terminated) by the clocher to one of the coaches of St. Troud [Sint- Truiden]– (the trees along the road latterly young poplars) except a very few young elms  - the roads in this country generally sunk more or less below the level of the adjoining ground – from 2 or 3 to 8 or 9ft. deep – what became of all the stuff that must have been removed? why thus sink the roads – for a better foundation? all about Brussels and everywhere the same – alight at the hotel de l’Europe à St. Troud [Sint-Truiden] in the grande place at 7 ½ sometime arranging about rooms and nourriture –not many English s’arrêtent ici – but very well off at last au 2nde Oddy and George sur le même palier – Supper ready for us all soon after 8 – (about 8 10) – have not enjoyed a meal so much since landing – the servants, too, it seems had a very good supper – we had fried sausages and eggs – hot roast veal – cold mutton and ditto beef and excellent salad – supped on the 2 first, and on the salad with cheese and bread and butter afterwards – had no wine de la maison, but finished our Brussels bottle of vin muscat de lunel – then A- and I at our Journals and have just written so far now at 10 50 pm
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renjunthings · 4 years
heart attack.
previous. meet the characters! part 2. next.
disclaimer: do not take this seriously.
another favorite cousin
johnny's dorm buddy
gets teased a lot bc he doesn't have a gf yet
vv cool to hangout with
bring him around so he could laugh at jokes,, even the bad ones
best friends with hyuck even though he's a year older
protective of you/treats you like a little sister
the vv handsome cousin
everyone has a crush on him
he looks like he hates everyone but he is a sweetheart
you him and mark always jamming to whatever they learnt in the guitar
gives the best comforts
the weird cousin when u were younger but became the campus heartthrob when ur older
questionable but his looks rlly says otherwise
istg one time when you were 5, he looked at yoi weirdly and told xiaojun "look at that weird looking boy"
he's kinda okay now that he's grown but there are times where he just crank up
literally moodmaker
the best friend cousin
conspiracy theories are your thing
literally joined at the hip
you have similar habits thus making ur other relatives call you "the twins"
they find it freaky at how u guys just,,, influence each other, adapting to each others mannerisms
one things different tho, he is more aggressive than u r
jaemin's boyfriend
vv sweet
whenever jaem requests boba/coffee, he always buy one for you
u both tease jaemin all the time sometimes
asks u how's jaemin doing whenever they have a small fight
pretty boy is worried for his baby
the handsome next door neighbor
bestfriends w mark and renjun
renjun and him always hangout after classes
is close w ur fam
ur parents love him
ur dad taught him how to drive (cs his father is away from work)
ur fam teases u w him
"he ur boyfriend yet?"
even when he is around
and u hate it more when gets cocky and teases u w them
its like hot seat everytime
u tryna deny cs u don't want them to know maybe u do have a crush on the next door cutie
ur vv gay cousin
matching gucci slides (ten and yangyang r jealous)
likes to gossip w u esp bout hyuck
"he comes here everday, he must've been trying to get ur attention"
"wtf nana he's here for renjun?? they always hangout"
"yeah renjun keeps thirdwheeling you guys :("
#1 shipper ig lmao
vv boujee too
second to renjun amongst closest cousins
yall be twinning w ur outfits
ur fave one was when u two had personalized bucket hats he wears it almost everyday
he's ur ride or die kind of cousin
u srsly become weird and chaotic when w him
u guys hangout whenever renjun is w hyuck or u have though mt of a brilliant plan
baby cousin :(
fr he is literally the words laugh and giggles
mischievous and cunning but his cuteness lets him get away w things
attached to jisung 24/7
he likes to dress himself as cool and edgy but he breaks character everytime he smiles or laugh
ur his fave noona
u treat him food sometimes and he cooks you food he had learnt in return
ur baby brother
vv innocent looking
but sometimes get mischievous bc of chenle's influence
he easily gets guilty tho
u love to tease him like babying him in public
the floofiest kid fuck im crying
previous. meet the characters! part 2. next.
[nct and wayv as your relative but donghyuck as your neighbor crush!au]
a/n: this series will be updated from time to time depending on what prompt comes into my mind. you may request/suggest situations too.
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vongerstenberg · 5 years
Pokémon Yellow: Pikachu ONLY Challenge!
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Growing up, Pokémon was just getting hot while I was in 5th grade. I watched the Saturday morning cartoon, played the CCG with my bro, and faced off on Game Boy against friends. Often mocked as being a "kiddie" franchise, I could have cared less and could still care less. Fun game, solid entry level RPG all things considered. Being able to run a Game Boy Advanced emulator on my phone has afforded me the time to squeeze in a revisit of Pokémon: Yellow Edition in my free time (Which currently comes at a premium with a 5 month old around! :D) What's not to love? You get Pikachu right off the bat, he follows you around the game, you can check in on his mood, and get to play through the story more like the way the cartoon played out.
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To make this more challenging on myself since at this point the straight up gameplay is all I care to do (the side quest of collecting 150 digital animals has minimal appeal to me at this stage of my gaming "career"), I am going through the game only using my initial Pokémon to do any/all fighting. If he is knocked out in a fight, I reset, reload, and try again. I decided that Pikachu, being my champion, needed an appropriate nickname. I settled on "Mouse Lord". I will of course be picking up a handful of other Pokémon along the way so I have a means to use the HMs Cut, Fly, Surf, and Strength. These are essential for progressing through the game and can't be learned by Mouse Lord.
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Pallet Town & Viridian City
The start of the game is pretty ho-hum. I named my nemesis "Fart". He heckles you throughout the game, so he deserves the name of a lowly troll. Fart seemed appropriate. The first two fights against Fart weren't too rough. A potion was needed on the first one for some HP insurance, but by the time I faced him again I could hold my own just fine.
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Pewter City
The fight in the Pewter City Gym against Brock is one of the two actually challenging gym battles in this entire self challenge. Having all Rock/Ground types, I had to tail whip 2 to 3 times before Quick Attack could do any significant damage. Coupled with a healthy stock pile of potions, I was able to clean house and win. Only took one attempt.
Once I found the TM for the move "Body Slam", I swapped that with "Quick Attack". Body Slam has a high accuracy and relatively high damage rating. The PP of 15 was not preferred  but not a deal breaker. This gave me the ability to do some damage to enemies that Electric type attacks don't work on. The most time laborious part of only using one Pokémon that only has one normal type attack is running back to Poké Centers all the time to recharge PP. More time consuming than actually "challenging".
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Mt. Moon
Strolled into the first cave of the game at level 22, which was more than sufficient against the early game Pokémon. Every RPG has caves, and every cave in every RPG generally sucks. Caves usually take you to where you need to go or give you a nice reward for grinding through. This cave provides passage to Cerulean City and the next Gym. Encounters with Geodude and Onix were pretty common, but I could run away from wild fights. Trainer fights I wasn't willing to gloss over. Lots of Ground and Rock Type battles meant lots of returning topside on foot to the Poké Center to recharge PP. Body Slam came in handy hear in combo again with Tail Whip to lower opponent's defenses, but only having 15 PP in Body Slam didn't get me through nearly enough battles. I found an Ether hidden under a rock which allowed me to restore some PP to Body Slam, but I ultimately JUST cleared the cave finishing the final mandatory battle with Team Rocket depleting the last of the PP in both Thundershock and Body Slam. Kind of a big deal because exhausting those skills mid battle would have meant starting over from my last save. I attribute all of the one hit KOs in my final battle to the Helix Fossil. It led me to victory.
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Cerulean City
Misty had nothing to offer up against Mouse Lord's lightning fury! The trainer battle just before Misty, Mouse Lord learned Thunderbolt which assured one hit KOs on both of Misty's Pokémon. Next!
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Vermilion City
A quick run down to the S.S. Anne to rub the Sea Captain's back and be given HM 01, "Cut"... Which I could not graciously accept because my inventory was full. Thanks to newer versions of Pokémon, I had completely forgotten how limited my inventory was in this early edition of the game. I went on a TM tossing tear in the Captain's cabin. Once given HM 01, I taught it to an aptly named Bulbasaur named "Cutman" I was gifted by an NPC. The Vermilion City gym although obnoxious with the trip switch puzzle, wasn't challenging at all. Another case of Tail Whips combined with Body Slams on trainers and a one hit on LT. Surge. Upon leaving the gym I was gifted a Squirtle by a sad sack of an NPC which gave me an effort free Pokémon to teach Surf to later on.
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Rock Tunnel
I didn't waste time getting the HM "Flash", let alone teaching it to Mouse Lord. The side quest needed to earn Flash required catching some quantity of Pokémon. Wasn't worth it. I just went in and felt around in the dark for awhile till I found my way out. I had a healthy supply of escape ropes just in case. I accidentally rubbed up against a few trainers and ran from all wild encounters.
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Celadon Gym
Pulped the mass of plant Pokémon with Body Slam in this Gym. Chump Gym. Mouse Lord leveled in the high 40s at this point. I have been making sure I hit the vast majority of the trainer battles along the way to maximize XP gained. So far, the XP gained has been overkill for using just the one Pokémon. Pikachu is a glass cannon to begin with, but my opponents seldom get a chance to land a blow. At this point, I'm starting to feel like the "Gotta catch 'em all!" mind set has no place in this game.
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Team Rocket Hideout & Pokemon Tower
The little arrows that make you slowly spin across the floor in Team Rocket's Hideout, easily the most obnoxious "challenge" so far in this run.. Boss battles were no problem here, still clipping along with minimal resistance. Giovanni, easy peasy. At this point Mouse Lord was leveling in the low 50s. 
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The Pokémon Tower was not too bad, but getting nailed with confusion every few trainer battles wore my patience down quickly. Not being able to swap to a "sane" fighter made the tower take far longer than it should have. I didn't want to run from the chance to pick up some more XP though, so I put my head down and powered through. Did this a bit out of order.. had to return after completing the fight in the Silph Co. tower with the Silph Scope to actually "complete" the tower. Whoops.
Silph Co. & Saffron City Gym
Teleported to every room on every floor of the Silph Co. Tower to make sure I cleared all trainer battles. I had to make a few trips to the Poké Center to recharge PP and HP. Team Rocket and Giovanni were once again a cake walk. Nothing of any interest to report really. At this point, the Pikachu only challenge is turning into kind of a grind. Starting to feel a little bit like I'm playing Diablo minus the hope for fun and exciting drops.
Fighting Dojo in Saffron also a non event. Completed all fights in the Dojo for XP and for a Pokemon I could eventually teach strength to. Picked the Hitmonlee and named him "Toejam" for funsies.
Saffron Gym wasn't too rough, but wasn't completely forgiving. Confusion got in my way again here, wasn't able to always one hit in all of the bouts. Needed to make one trip out to heal, which took over 5 minutes to remember the teleporter pattern (Also, running the emulator at accelerated speed caused me to fumble more than anything else. Being stubborn  I refused to slow the emulator down and just kept going onto the wrong teleporter pad.). This, honestly, kicked my butt more than the floor arrows that make you slowly spin across the floor..
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Fuchsia City
Finally cashed in my bike voucher out of necessity. The bike path was the one place I didn't fight many of the trainers. I've been playing with accelerated emulation so I could get through the game faster than normal. A replay of an RPG really requires accelerated emulation for the grinds. I flew down the path so fast, redirecting wasn't really an option. I went with the flow rather than fighting the current.
Koga wasn't a problem at all. At this point I was around level 60. Everything is still turning up Mouse Lord. Safari Zone I ran from everything and went straight for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.
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Seafoam Islands
I tried to catch the Articuno that was hiding in the cave here so I could have a luxury pokemon to fly on. At level 65, I couldn't delicately damage it enough to capture it. I knocked it out, took the 1500 some points in XP, and went on my way. The only thing legendary about this Pokémon was the whooping it received from Mouse Lord.
I wound up using a master ball on a spearow eventually just so I had something to teach fly to. Didn't really need fly at this point because without doing side challenges and just playing the game straight up, it can be rather linear. I did however want a means to fly back to the prime shops Celadon to stock up on choice combat items.
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Cinnabar Island
At this point, Mouse Lord was leveling in at just almost 70. Waltzed through the Pokemon Mansion for the Secret Key, then on to the Gym. Blaine wasn't too bad, he did manage to get some hits in but I didn't need to reach for a potion at all. Going in I did skip the trainer fights and answer the quiz questions for funsies. I got them all right of course. I am for reals, a Pokémon Master.
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Viridian City & Power Plant
I went straight to the gym thinking it would continue to be a cake walk, I couldn't have been more wrong! Finally, a true challenge! Giovanni actually brought his "A" game to a brawl for the first time this entire game. Giovanni's Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Rhydon DESTROYED me. Being ground types, I had to rely on Body Slam. Every attack from these three was Earthquake, which forced me to heal. I had to leave, level up a bit, and try again. Still, the best I could do was make it to the Rhydon.
Rhydon would use earth quake and take me down to 20 HP, I would use a Hyper Potion, and repeat. I figured, he will run out of PP, I'll wait out the storm and go on the offensive.  Fun Fact: Somehow he doesn't run out of PP for Earthquake EVER. 
I flew over to the power plant to clear it out and level some more. I thought I could capture the Zappdos to have as a super cool ride, but no dice. I took the XP and carried on again.. I flew on my Spearrow (weak @$$ ride) to celadon city to stock up on some defense X. When I went back to Viridian, I used my stat pumping items while fighting the Dugtrio in round one then healed up and carried on. This plus the extra levels (now level 78) allowed me to hold my own and win like a boss.
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Victory Road & The Final Four!
Another bland encounter with my rival Fart begins the final chapter of this Pikachu only challenge. This guy is a total turd. I'm always happy to slap him around. The path down victory road was not particularly challenging. I ran from the wild encounters to preserve PP, and wound up using an escape rope once to recover PP at a Poké Center. I didn't want to waste the Max Ethers I had on hand just in case I needed them on the Final Four.
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In the caves of victory road I encountered a Moltres, the last of the three legendary birds. At this point, I was mostly over trying to catch one for the sake of having a Cadillac of all flying Pokémon to ride on the back of. Instead, I ripped him to pieces with Mouse Lords unwavering rage.
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The trickiest part of the Final Four was the necessity of having two Max Ethers on hand. I needed to rebuff both Body Slam and Thunderbolt after the first three battles. Since you fight 5 battles back to back with a total of 26 Pokémon of mixed types back to back, running out of PP using only a single Pokémon is the hardest part. There is nothing amazing to comment on from the fights because they were relatively lackluster. I beat the final portion of the game over a five minutes span while standing in my kitchen talking to my wife. As I was watching the credits scroll, she wandered over and looks at my phone, then looks at me "You were playing Pokémon while we were talking?". I proudly say "Yes." The last battles were so uneventful, that I was able to hold a discussion while owning. The sign of a true pro.
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The final battle with Fart was an absolute non event. The real take away from all of this is that the game is completely doable with only a single Pokémon used to fight all battles. The trainer battles alone give you the XP you need to level up that one Pokémon into a power house, a force to be reckoned with. The core game doesn't necessitate the capturing of all possible Pokémon, it's largely just franchise immersion.
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That being said, I still had a blast playing through the game! Brought me back to the days when the franchise was first breaking out and was all the rage. Epilogue: Mewtwo
Having crushed all opposition, I went up against the only truly worthy opponent in the game: Mewtwo. Quite a bit of back and forth in this fight! Every time Mewtwo was able to get off a powerful psychic attack, I was left reaching for Hyper Potions. We had around 7 rounds of combat and I ultimately prevailed, but definitely had a few close calls. With no opponents left to challenge me, this run is as complete as it can be.
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highschoolharrier · 5 years
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Louisiana Mid-Season Rankings
Were coming up on the St. Joseph Invite this coming Saturday which means we are roughly halfway to the end of the season in Louisiana. Let’s take a look at an updated top 5 rankings and what they mean for the postseason.
Times have been rough this year as Southeast Louisiana has been unseasonably hot. Winning times and team averages so far this year won’t win any beauty pageants but the next 3 weeks generally produces the top times/team performances in the state outside of BR and Northshore Championships in November.
Girls Top 5 Teams
1) St. Joseph (5A)- After the past few years it would be weird to see another team atop the rankings. They currently have a lead of almost a minute and a half over the next squad for best average. Last year the squad finished 10th at NXR and this squad is comparable to that team, so another top 10 finish should be in store.
2) Vandebilt (4A)- They are as we thought, the next best team to SJA through mid-season. An 8 point win over Mandeville at the Christian Brothers Invite keeps them in the closest position to SJA. Should be the runaway favorite for the state title in 4A.
3) Mandeville (5A)- Currently the next best 5A squad after SJA who shouldn’t have a problem winning state. They don’t have a wide enough gap to feel too safe though, as a few programs are on their heels for runner-up.
4) Fontainebleau (5A)- Took 3rd at Christian Brothers to Vandy and Mandeville.
5) Mt. Carmel (5A)- MCA was only 31 points behind Mandeville at Christian Brothers last week so is still a serious contender for a podium finish in 5A.
Girls Top 5 Individuals
1) Isabelle Brown SR, SJA 5A- Clearly the top runner after a 21 second victory at the Round Table run with an 18:07.
2) Ansley Long JR, Cedar Creek 1A- With only times from North LA meets, it is difficult to see how she stacks up against South LA runners, but has won both her races convincingly.  She should be racing the SJA Invite this week so that will help determine a lot. Ran 18:21 at Choudrant.
3) Maddie Gardener SO, SJA 5A- Runner up at Round Table Run in 18:28.
4) Virginia Dirks SR, SJA 5A- 3rd at Round Table Run in 18:33
5) Isabelle Russel FR, Benton 5A- Went 1 for 2 against Storm Burton of Caddo Magnet but had a bigger margin of victory out of the two, though Burton won the last matchup. Once again they are from North LA so it’s difficult to compare to the South.
Boys Top 5 Teams
1) Catholic High (5A)- Pretty straightforward considering their #5 is ahead of most teams #1. They should end the season slightly ahead of where they were last year. In terms of what that means for NXR, a top 12 finish would be great (11th is the highest finish by a LA school on the boys side by St. Paul’s in 2013 which had 2 good low sticks that season), although Catholic shouldn’t be disappointed with a top 15 finish considering they were 18th last year.
2) St. Paul’s (5A)- Get the nod over Ruston this time based on times although determining which team is actually better will be tough but there should be a bit more info once we can measure matchups against common teams.
3) Ruston (5A)- The Bearcats are making a serious run for the podium this year which has great timing as most of 5A is in a serious down year outside of Catholic. Biggest weakness is their 5th being over a minute back from their #1, although Ayim is a competitor for the individual title so it may not be as bad as it looks.
4) Mandeville (5A)- We knew Mandeville would make a jump this year and they have, although in order to finish on the podium they will need great pack running at state or a low stick to break out. They have the best 1-5 spread of all competitive teams not named Catholic.
5) Brother Martin (5A)- Only 1 runner in the top 7 this year has returned and found their way into the top 7 this season, so to be 5th right now is a testament to their depth.
Boys Top 5 Individuals
1) Will Dart SR, Loyola 3A- Did not compete much last year after sitting out for as a transfer, but has hit the season hard so far with a strong 15:31 5k at the Marcus Invite in Texas. Clear favorite for 3A and could be a top 10-15 individual at NXR should he decide to race.
2) Louden Boudreaux JR, Belle Chasse 4A- Boudreaux has been winning races by large margins with fast times in the 90+ degree heat that hasn’t yet gone away. Did get down to 15:17 at Highland but could see sub 15 by the end of the year. Could be a top 20-25 individual at NXR should be choose to race.
3) Collins Walker SR, Cedar Creek 1A- Took second to Dart over Ayim at Cedar Creek and was closer to Dart than Ayim was to him. 
4) Evan Pardo JR, St. Paul’s 5A- Currently sporting the second fastest 3 mile time in the state with a 15:30. Certainly should be close to sub 15:15 by the end of the year, setting himself up for a great senior year. Has gone 1 for 2 against Owen Simon of Catholic head to head.
5) William Ayim SR, Ruston 5A- After taking two years off from running. Ayim has come back strong. He ran away from the field at Holy Cross winning by 25 seconds.
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Monday 30 June 1834
4 ¾
10 ¾
Two kisses last night before getting into my own bed. Fine morning F62° at 5 ¾ - asked for the book of the maitre de poste and in spite of his telling me it was not worth while wrote as following ‘Le 29 Juin 1834, Madame Lister, dame Anglaise, allant de Paris à Geneva, se plaint de l’insolence du postilion Michel, allemand qui l’a conduit de St Laurent jusqu’a Morey’. Off from Morey at 6 18 - very fine ascent from M- along the narrow beautiful gorge - cheval du report from Poligny to Montrond, Champignole [Champagnole] to St. Laurent, St. L- to Morey or Morez, but only had it from M- to Rousses [Les Rousses] - from 6 40 to 7 walked up  the mountain - very fine green wooded rocky gorge - at Rousses [Les Rousses] at 7 47 - nice little post house and Inn (might sleep there very well) opposite Douane – shewed the 3 passports but nothing said about our baggage – care not what we take out – would be particular enough about what we brought in – breakfast at 9 – before and after wrote our yesterday – Rousses [Les Rousses] a small but good village off at 10 7-  at 10 20 got out and walked 10 minutes up the hill – then in 5 or 6 minutes more pass the road (left) leading to the new Swiss road along the lake to Geneva – the postboy said the distance was the same as the road we were going and many travellers now went that way - But why hurry down to Switzerland and the flat road along its lake, in preface to lingering along the Jura, and enjoying the matchless 1st view of the Leman waters?  at 11 ¼ enter the fine winding deep valley which leads to La Vattaye [La Vattay] at 11 57 – a single house (la poste) very nice bedrooms, good-house -  might have slept and eaten there very comfortably – 24 minutes here. Miss W- all the while on the pot has very often two motions a day she was sickish and peewee as usual but Noyau afterwards in the carriage did her good - La V- beautifully situated in little high-situated plain embossed in fir forest and high hoary fir-sprinkled rocks - still winding along the same fine valley (vide line 6 above) till 12 ¾ when on reaching the top of the pass, the rich plain, the lake (or rather the Rhone from soon after its quitting the lake) with its magnificent screen of mountains and Mont Blanc, burst upon our view - the celebrity of this view is deserved - I don’t remember having ever seen a finer - in 5 minutes the drag was put on, and the postboy had also tied fast the wheel with ropes, and we began the descent which lasted till 2 26 when having passed thro’ the main part of the town of Gex, we had one steepish street and then disencumbered the wheel and 4 minutes  afterwards stopt at la poste (at the far end of the town) a nice little Inn where, so nice was the garden at the back, and so fine the air, and the view, and so comfortable the bedroom we were in, we thought we could spend a few quiet days very well -  A- being ready for something to eat, had a nice (cold) picked trout and lay down all the while (1/2 hour) - Gex a goodish little country town – no inquiry about passport. Off again at 3 - fine rich plain - very good road but so flat, could see nothing but the trees and hedges and yellow corn (only observed 3 or 4 patches of vine) close alongside, except the mountain and Mont Black ½ way up the horizon - fine wheat dead ripe - at Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] (Voltaire’s chateau) at 3 50 - one of the women servants shewed us his chamber - nothing particular except a  sort of mausolée to his memory in the fire-place - a brick-floored, 2 windows, nice enough, not large room opening into the hall or salle à manger where V- used to entertain his friends - 3 or 4 minutes sufficient for seeing this - then saw the gardens - the fine view of Mt. B- finer said the man (aetatis 71 but looking much younger the son of V-‘s gardener) then the view people go for to the little height above, the village of the great Sacconex [Le Grand-Saconnex] - and saw the hornbeam
 avenue (the trees planted quite close, 6 or 8 in. distant and meeting at the top - from 3 to 4 yards wide?) Voltaire used to walk in, and where his cabinet d’étude was (in the garden) when he to be out of the way, and the Elm (fine tall, straight, large Elm) he planted - it was when the cabinet d’étude was that stood the mausolée or moment that bare the inscriptions to his memory - erected by comte de Beudet and destroyed in the night by some people, 8 or 9 years ago, du temps Charles X and suspected to be Jesuits - on the death of V- (made a marquis by the King of Prussia) his heirs sold the village chateau and all property to Cte. Beudet (aetatis now 86) to whose family the property had belonged before V- bought it - V- pulled down the  old chateau and built the present house - the gardener told at full length the story of the désagrément between V- and Gibbon and G-‘s imprudence in getting to see him and their being reconciled and afterwards friends - on V-‘s finding that G- had succeeded by stratagem, he sent his servant after him to ask for 12 sols for having seen the bête - G- gave 24 sols, said he had paid for twice, and would come again the next day - (he had before written some pretty complimentary verses) so V- overcome received him en ami the next day, asked a party to meet him and they were good friends ever afterwards - after seeing the gardener went to the old gardener’s house - saw V-s cane, [cap.] 3 little silver inkstands and book of seals, given to the gardener (when V- went to Paris the last time) because he was then the errand boy and went to the post - this book curious - under each seal (in V-‘s writing) the name and sometimes place of the owner with occasional short remarks - such as ‘fou de Lyon’ etc put together these seals and remarks that the boy might know which letters would be received and which not - for all the above things including the manuscript account of V- last journey written by his secretary our English general Cockburn offered £150 in vain - the gardener’s children (2 married daughters? or 1 son and a daughter?) may dispose of these things as they like - they are the old man’s living while he does live, tho’ he is and always has been C.te de Beudet’s service - Off from Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] at 4 ¾ - had been 55 minutes there – Miss W- bought a lithograph of the chamber and chateau 3/. and little bust of V- made of the garden earth and baked, probably at the neighbouring pottery just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - for 1/. - offered the man a 5 fr. piece - saw he did not think it enough and gave a 2 fr. piece more for which he thanked me - F- a near good village - the French Swiss boundary is somewhere just out of Ferney [Ferney-Voltaire] - stopt at 5 10 at the police at the Great Saconnex, a good village or little town? And shew my English foreign office passport determined to put the other 2 away – shewed passport again on entering Geneva – left it, and they gave me a ticket to be signed by me before receiving back my passport – all this particularity in consequence of the late affair at Lyons - Alighted at the large, new, handsome hotel des Bergues at 5 40 – bargained for apartment au 1er.  a little salon and 3 single bedded room all looking on to the Rhone and a room for George at 12/. a day -dinner and vin order for 2 selves 8/. and breakfast (for [ditto] not including strawberries) 2/. servants at 8/. a day for the 2 - much better off than I expected, but the man (just come here from Thun) saw that I knew what I was about - very handsome                            (bridge angle a strong abutment against the current) just opposite us finished only 6 weeks ago - buildings along the Quai all new and arcaded and handsome the town quite changed in this quarter - new and very handsome - beautiful view over the water and the mountains from our windows - dinner at 7 ¾ - very good – sat talking over dessert and bottle of Lunel of which however I only took ½ a wine glass, better pleased with very weak vin ordinaire and water - before dinner we had been to the Post Office and got our letters (3 for A-) and 1 for me dated Thursday 19 June,3 pages and directed from Paris ‘Geneve’ and wrote on  the back ‘parti à Geneve en Swisse poste restante’ ends,  from my aunt Shibden – better account of herself – begs us not to hurry home – all going on well in and outdoors – my father pretty well ditto Marian -  Miss W- of Cliff Hill takes it ill A- never told her of coming abroad tho’ it had been publically talked of so long – what a nonsense! 2 of A-‘s letters from her sister – her eyes still bad – to be confined the beginning of October -  one from Washington – Mr Lamplugh Hird will give for 3 years £60 for Lidgate and 17DW and SW. £20 a year for the remainder of the land – Mr H- likely to be a permanent tenant – wants alternations for which SW would allow £40 –advises the agreeing – thinks the place would be well let - to pay p.c. for furniture on the valuation of an appraisement A- and I do not want the H-s and do not accept the terms offered. Ten minutes with her tonight she was tired said I was long about it that I gave her no dinky dinky that is seminal flow and I excused myself and came away to my own bed. Very fine day F70° at 10 ¾ pm
all the way from Poligny, where began the ascent of the Jura, the chalets of stone, neat, pretty little white buildings (cottage establishing) far too spruce and good to be as picturesque as the Swiss.
Miss W- thought I meant to go to the top of the Mt. Blanc and she certainly would go with me - the old gardener said 2 English gentlemen were lost in the attempt last year.
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