#MS-101 Practice Test
joshscrookednipple · 2 years
Cupid Screwed Up: chapter 1
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Summary: What happens when two rivals who chants even be in the same room together get paired up as soul mates for the rest of their lives..one thing they do know is that cupid screwed up.
Pairing: Josh Kiszka/female OC
word count: 2,300
Warnings: Language, Angst, Blood, kinda cringy writing.
this is the first chapter and the longest fic i’ve ever written!! edits will probably be made soon!!
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there are three things you need to know before you read this.
1- C.U.P.I.D is a world renowned matchmaking company, and to actually matter in society you have to be paired with your match…sound familiar?
2- i was not the one who named my cat Clawdia, she named herself. don’t ask questions about it.
and probably the last and most important thing you must know..
3- i. hate. Joshua. Kiszka.
why do i hate him you may ask?
how much time do you have?
Josh Kiszka has been determined to make my life a living hell since the eighth grade, we are rivals in every sense of the word. i got a 100% on a test. he got a 101% (how is that possible..i have no clue. i’m convinced Ms. Harrison had a twisted up crush on him)
i get a date to prom he gets 2
i get sick with the flu, he gets pneumonia and gets hospitalized
the nerve of that motherfucker.
the point is he always has to one up me, and now he’s touring the world with his band great value fleet (greta van fleet but i think my name fits it better) with his two brothers who aren’t much better than him and his youngest brothers best friend, Danny Wagner, who is objectively the best and only tolerable person on that band.
Josh loves to rub his band in my face like the time he-
i’m snapped out of my thoughts by the shrieking voice that belongs to no other than my roommate maggie. me and maggie have a weird dynamic. by that i mean she annoys the living shit out of me and i hide anywhere i can to avoid speaking to her.
Maggie bounds into my room and jumps on my bed which coincidentally knocks off my colored pencils i was using to color in a sketch i was working on, which i quickly slip into my folder to avoid any teasing from my worse and more obnoxious half.
“Tara i got my match!”
“Let’s hope it’s perscription sedatives” i mumble hardly loud enough that you had to be really listening to hear what i said.
“nothing, who is it?”
that question clearly makes her excited because she sits up and slaps her hands on her knees in a child like sense.
“so you know the band greta van fleet?”
i roll my eyes.
“well i got paired with Sam Kiszka!!” she practically screams as she shoves her phone into my face with a screen that reads.
Pairing: Sam Kiszka.
great. this is absolutely fabulous. if it wasn’t bad enough having to see their band every time i open any fucking social media app, now i’ll be FORCED to interact with them. why couldn’t she be paired with Danny. he’s nice and calm. sam on the other hand is the equivalent to a drugged up hamster who was just fed three monster drinks.
“that’s so..great” i give her a forced smile and flip my phone over hoping that maybe a notification from C.U.P.I.D was blessing my phones presence.
instead all i got was a message from team snapchat.
I’m 23 years old and probably the only one 23 year old to not have been matched yet, and trust me i’m reminded of it.
at family gatherings “oh you’ll get your match eventually, you’ve always been a late bloomer”
at parties “sorry you can’t come in, only people who’ve gotten matches can”
at the grocery store when people see that i don’t have the gold plated ring on my finger. they refused me my discount for my goldfish. i was really looking forward to eating those.
maggie falls back on my bed and smiles to herself and rests her feet in my lap to which i notice she’s wearing my wool socks, and my grey sweatpants, at least she’s wearing her sweater. wait. nope that’s the sweater she got me for christmas last year. i really need a padlock on my closet. I stand up with my notebook and place it on my cluttered bedside triable before bending down to pick up my colored pencils.
“i invited him and his brothers over tonight” she hums staring up at the ceiling.
i freeze and drop the colored pencils.
“you. what?”
“i invited them over” she repeats as she sits up crossing her legs over one another “really you should thank me, im really the only person you interact with”
“that’s because i’m forced to interact with you mags.” i state before recollecting the colored pencils and placing them in a glass jar by my notebook and turn back to look at her “plus i also have to study for my midterms, you know this.”
“come on you can’t hide from them forever!! i know you left Frakenmuth because of them, but it’s time to make amends”
i huff and shake my head “i didn’t leave because of them, they’re just the reason i never wanted to come back.”
“and look where you are, back at Frankenmuth! see everything happens for a reason”
it’s true i left to pursue a career in digital art, but after that ship sank i had no choice to move back. i moved back when i got offered a internship with an amazing cartoon artist who happened to be only two years older than me. his name is Dylan and for a quarter of my life i had a huge crush on him, and he coincidentally doesn’t have a match either.
i choose to ignore her as my cat, clawdia comes strutting in and rubs her head against my feet. i smile and pick her up cradling her like she was my new born baby, which in a way she was. not the new born part though.
Maggie rolls her eyes and sits up “well they’re coming in two hours so put on something presentable, and try not to embarrass me”
“anything for you, your majesty” i give a dramatic bow as she leaves and closes my door. i look down at Clawdia with my hands on my hips.
“what should i wear, clawdia?”
she however is not much help because all she does is meow before propping her self onto my pillow before drifting off into one of her many naps of the day.
i sit on my bed and stare at my closet, i usually wear the same four articles of clothing everyday, it’s either my mom jeans that make my ass look spectacular or my black leggings, and a long sleeved form fitting V-neck and a state of michigan crew-neck. i’m assuming neither of those things will live up to maggie’s standards but i honestly don’t care. i pull on my faded mom jeans with my crew neck before pulling on warm toned wool socks and my Boston birkenstocks. good enough.
i turn and look at myself in the mirror before shifting my eyes to the messy knot that’s tied up on the top of my head. my hair is what you would describe as in between wavy and curly, never quite one or the other. i grab my brown translucent claw lip before skillfully (or so i like to think) putting it in my hair and pulling a few stray strands out. i settle for some mascara and chapstick before i hear the door open and the sound of four pairs of feet walk into our apartment.
i hear a murmur of greetings as i walk out and my breath catches in my throat when i see him. Josh definitely grew into his unruly hair, with it being once again shaved off at the sides. he always grew some facial hair, which usually is a turn off for me but for him..he definitely makes it work. but all of that doesn’t change the burning hatred i have towards him.
Tara interrupts my train of thought by dragging me over to the boys.
“This is my roommate Tara, Tara this is josh, sam, ja-“
she’s cut off by the cocky voice that sounds exactly identical to his twin brothers. jake motherfucking kiszka. “we’ve met”
jake is a cocky son of a bitch, not as much as his other half, but very very close. he had teamed up with josh in highschool to get me voted out of being prom queen. just because i accidentally broke his pencil.
i give him a tight lipped smile before i turn and see danny’s warm eyes and my face lights up.
“hey bunny” he speaks before giving me a hug
i had gotten that nickname when i refused to dissect a bunny in my freshman year biology class and made Danny do it for me.
i loop my arms around his tires and smile into his chest before mumbling just loud enough so only he could hear “why couldn’t you and sam just have came, why did you have to bring dumb and dumber”
he lets out a quiet laugh before letting go and i turn to look for maggie only to see she was clinging to sams side throwing her head back in laughter to something he said. gross. i pad my way to the couch and much to my distaste josh follows me and sits on the other side of the couch.
“so, tara have you gotten a match yet?”
“Have you”
“That’s not my question”
i roll my eyes and cross my arms. josh has also never been matched, which leaves millions of fan girls to believe they’re his possible match.
before i could respond jake and sam and danny join us
“so tara” sam starts “how’s the- what do you do- coloring?”
“i work as a intern at a illustrators office”
“so coloring” josh smiles smugly and tilts his head
i’m not even going to argue with him. nope. not happening.
instead i slam my cup down on the coffee table and go to my room before slamming the door
sam looks at maggie in confusion “what was that about”
tara sighs and shakes her head “she’s been acting different lately”
josh, being the genius he is pushes himself off the couch “i’ll go check on her”
and he did exactly that. he goes to my room right when i’m pulling down my pants and i’m left in light yellow cotton underwear with the word “wednesday” in light pink writing across the back and my crew neck
“actually it’s saturday bunny”
i scream and quickly pull on cotton shorts to try to preserve as much modesty as i possibly can and turn around as i see him roaming around my room, searching and touching everything like he’s fucking inspector gadget.
“get the hell out of my room Joshua” i say pushing on his chest in an attempt to get him out of the room. this back fires when he pushes me back into a wall and smirks down at me.
“bunny this is why you don’t have a match”
i clench my fists as i look up at him “neither do you dumbass”
he rolls his eyes at that and pinches my chin with his thumb and forefinger and tilts my head up so i can get a perfect view of his eyes.
“but unlike you bunny” he starts “people would pay their lives to fuck me and you..well you probably have to pay a guy to even get close to you”
i don’t remember what happened next, all i remember is my hand colliding across his cheek and my silver ring on my index finger cutting his cheek causing a trickle of blood flowing down his cheek.
i freeze and i’ll never forget that look in his eyes..but i’m not going to get him win. so did something completely stupid and i run my thumb along the trickle of blood and put it between his parted lips and to my surprise he actually starts sucking it, god his lips are so soft.
my cheeks are flushed pink as he pulls away and he smirks “do i make you nervous bunny”
“get. out.”
he throws me a shit eating grin before leaving and slamming the door and that’s when the tears are about to start falling when i hear another knock and i throw the door open
“Josh i said get the-“
but it’s not josh behind the door. it’s Jake. what the hell?
“i uhm-“ he starts “i heard what josh said- and i just wanted to apologize”
i roll my eyes and start closing the door but he puts his hand flat on the door to stop me. “just listen to me Tara- in highschool i was just trying to be cool- i shouldn’t have said those things. you’re not worthless or-“
“jake” i interrupt him “i’m appreciate it but please go, we can talk later okay?”
he sighs and nods before leaving and i turn out my light after closing my door and i plug my phone in when i hear a notification. THE notification. i quickly open my phone and see the notification from cupid
Hello! you have been successfully paired with your perfect match, you will meet up with your significant other at 7:30 pm december 1st at Honey B’s Eatery. down below is your perfect match.
Maybe it’s a NFL player.
Or a professional chef.
Or maybe-
Oh god no.
Pairing: Joshua Kiszka
little did i know that on the other side of Frankenmuth josh was in his bathroom after a particularly messy one night stand, leaning against the wall, looking at his phone with the same exact notification but with her name on it.
and for the first time in history they were thinking the same exact thought.
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theapprof · 2 years
Winter Short: Students Perform Best with a Pre-Test | TAPP 129
In yet another of our Winter Shorts episodes, Kevin Patton discusses his experience with Pre-Tests as a learning tool—not simply an assessment tool. Surprisingly, the use of Pre-Tests improved student scores on the regular tests.
00:00 | Introduction
01:07 | What is a Pre-Test?
07:52 | Sponsored by AAA, HAPI, and HAPS
09:25 | More Strategies for Learning the Skeleton
15:13 | Staying Connected
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Guess what? This is another one of our winter shorts! Yep, that's right, it's a shorter-than-usual episode in which I present one or two, or maybe three or four, classic, evergreen segments from previous episodes that are remastered, reconstituted, and recycled for your listening and learning pleasure. But mainly it's to give me a break for self-care over the holiday season. We'll be back to our regular programming in late January.
  What is a Pre-Test?
7 minutes
Pre-Testing isn't just for measuring prior competence before new learning starts. By itself, regardless of its use in course assessment, it's a powerful learning tool. Listen to Kevin's experience with pre-testing in his A&P courses.
★ The first of two classic segments from Pre-Testing for a Powerful Learning Boost | Episode 3
★ Other episodes & seminars related to the pre-testing concept or practice:
★ ★ Online Testing Effectiveness Data | Turning My Gray Hair Brown | TAPP 102
★ ★ Even MORE Test Answers | Normal Body Temperature? | TAPP 101
★ ★ More Quizzing About Kevin’s Wacky Testing Scheme | Book Club | TAPP 100
★ ★ Quizzed About Tests | FAQs About Patton Test Strategies | TAPP 99
★ ★ Taking Bold Steps in Teaching | Notetaking | Science Updates | TAPP 90
★ ★ Revisiting Retrieval Practice | Episode 68
★ ★ Test Frequency in the A&;P Course | Episode 33
★ ★ Long Term Learning | Five Strategies for Teaching A&P
★ ★ Testing as Teaching
Pre-Tests as Student Success Tools (more on Kevin's case study; has links to other resources)
Small Teaching: Everyday Lessons from the Science of Learning (a great book that includes some info on using pre-tests as a learning strategy)
  Sponsored by AAA, HAPI, and HAPS
90 seconds
A searchable transcript for this episode, as well as the captioned audiogram of this episode, are sponsored by the American Association for Anatomy (AAA) at anatomy.org.
★ Searchable transcript
★ Captioned audiogram 
The Master of Science in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction—the MS-HAPI—is a graduate program for A&P teachers, especially for those who already have a graduate/professional degree. A combination of science courses (enough to qualify you to teach at the college level) and courses in contemporary instructional practice, this program helps you be your best in both on-campus and remote teaching. Kevin Patton is a faculty member in this program at Northeast College of Health Sciences. Check it out!
★ northeastcollege.edu/hapi
The Human Anatomy & Physiology Society (HAPS) is a sponsor of this podcast.  You can help appreciate their support by clicking the link below and checking out the many resources and benefits found there. Watch for virtual town hall meetings and upcoming regional meetings!
★ Anatomy & Physiology Society
★ theAPprofessor.org/haps
  Are Pre-Tests Best?
6 minutes
The discussion continues, focusing on what happened in Kevin's anatomy and physiology course after he implemented his pre-test scheme.
★ Second of two classic segments, it was first heard in Nine Super Strategies for Teaching the Skeleton | Episode 10
★ Micro-Credentials & Gamification in the A&P Course | Brown & Black Skin | Refresher Tests | TAPP 87 (gamification, discussed in this segment, is elaborated further in Episode 87)
Production: Aileen Park (announcer), Andrés Rodriguez (theme composer,  recording artist), Rev.com team (transcription), Kevin Patton (writer, editor, producer, host)
  If the hyperlinks here are not active, go to TAPPradio.org to find the episode page.
★ More details at the episode page: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-129.html
★ Transcript available in the transcript box: theAPprofessor.org/podcast-episode-129.html
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★ Distribution of this episode is supported by the Northeast College of Health Sciences online graduate program in Human Anatomy & Physiology Instruction (HAPI) | northeast.edu/hapi
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Check out notes and transcript for this episode!
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kapehafuzo-blog · 5 years
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vicky-ricky · 5 years
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You, Me And Microsoft Certification Exam Questions: The Truth
Microsoft was among the https://www.testpreptraining.com/analyzing-data-with-microsoft-power-bi-da-100-exam very first suppliers to introduce IT accreditations. Back in the day, there was MCP-- Microsoft Certified Professional. You only had to pass one exam to get a certificate, and it was even sent by mail to you in a great envelope!
Then people turned their attention to Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA), Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer (MCSD), and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE) courses. Depending on the version of the examination, you were asked to pass up to 7 tests to get a certificate. Microsoft has retired the majority of these certificates, focusing instead on role-based training and cloud certificates.
Why the Cloud?
It is practically particular that in the coming years increasingly more companies will move their assets and services to the cloud. Gartner, a leading research and advisory business, anticipates that end users will spend $304.9 billion in 2021 on cloud services, 15% more than in 2020! We will require a great deal of highly certified engineers to develop, implement, and preserve all these options.
Microsoft is among the leaders in cloud options, with hundreds of products based around Azure and Office, and the average income growth of Azure services is 50% per quarter.
For nearly all paths to accreditation, Microsoft advises beginning with the AZ-900 examination: Azure Fundamentals. With this test, you will show you know all the basics around cloud services, management tools, and cloud network security features.
microsoft certification
If you want to https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=Microsoft Certification end up being an Azure Administrator, you should take the AZ-104 test: Azure Administrator Associate. It is a more hands-on path concentrating on setting up, handling, and keeping track of cloud resources.
If you invest more time coding applications, Microsoft has a lot to provide you too. You can end up being additional hints an Azure Developer Associate by taking one test: AZ-204. You can continue this course and end up being a DevOps Expert by passing the following examination: AZ-400: Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps Solutions.
Here is a video presenting the Microsoft accreditations for Azure:
Let's talk about Microsoft 365
One of the most popular courses is Modern Desktop Administrator Associate. Rather a couple of chapters talk about Microsoft Azure. You require to pass 2 exams here: MD-100 and MD-101.
If you are more thinking about the security side of IT, you need to think about earning the Microsoft 365: Security Administrator Associate certificate by passing the MS-500 exam. When again, the focus is on Microsoft Azure: Azure Active Directory with emphasis on identity management and compliance. You are expected to have a very good understanding of cloud services, security ideas, and support tools prior to attempting this exam. You need to have at least a couple of years of real-world experience around IT services.
microsoft certification course
OK, however ... how can I prepare?
Fortunately is that Microsoft offers a great deal of Azure tools free of charge and even some credits to try out advanced functions and services. It is inadequate to read a book or enjoy an online course. All these tests need you to have some hands-on experience. And do not ignore practice tests: properly designed concerns with in-depth descriptions permit you to check on your development, examine your level, and make certain you are all set to take the real examination.
You take an exam to improve your CV and to get some experience at the very same time. You are going to spend numerous hours getting prepared for a Microsoft test, and any business will value your effort and the knowledge that certificate represents, even if it ends or is replaced with another one.
Of course, however, it makes sense to update your certificates and focus on brand-new courses. Sign up with in now by passing one or more Microsoft examinations and see how your LinkedIn profile enhances!
6 ideas for passing Microsoft certification examinations
1. Develop a research study regimen.
Offer yourself some structure when it concerns studying, and prioritize your research study time. If you do not, it'll be way too easy to hesitate or disregard what you need to do.
2. Evaluation the subjects covered on the examination.
Microsoft publishes the examination descriptions for all their exams and lists their goals. Each sub-objective will likewise have a set of skills that you're going to be evaluated on, so review this page as much as possible till you're comfortable with all the topics.
3. Bear in mind while studying.
"If in doubt, write it out." Write down every technical information you see while studying for any Microsoft Certification exam.
4. Practice utilizing the technology.
Hands-on experience will be indispensable as you take the exam. Instead of attempting to address concerns about a theoretical practice you've just check out, you'll have real-life understanding of what a job does.
5. Take practice tests.
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Among the most important things you can do to prepare for your final examination is take practice examinations initially. Treat the practice tests like genuine tests so that you comprehend what your method must be when the special day comes. Expect to fail your very first practice exam. Afterwards, go through each incorrect answer to identify your locations of weak point. Find Microsoft's main practice tests here.
6. Relax on test day.
When it's time for the test, the best thing you can do is unwind, understanding that you've prepared to the best of your capability. While you need to take every question seriously, entering into the examination stressed and overwhelmed will increase your possibility of failure. Excellence is not the objective; completion is. Let yourself off the hook by comprehending that it's alright to miss a question, or sometimes guess or get puzzled by a question's wording. You can always retake the test if needed.
What if I don't pass? Never ever quit! These are not easy tests. If they were, they would not be so valuable to have. Attempt again, go through some practice concerns, and book another slot. Passing an IT test is a discovering path, so each time you take it, it will be a little much easier. All the best with your research studies!
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toysoldiers-rwby · 4 years
[SYT] 5. the leading lamb
Show Your Teeth
Characters: Fiona, Winter, May, Robyn, Joanna Rating: Mature Tags: implied abuse, hurt/comfort, parental sibling, confessions, fluff Word Count: 7,219
Summary: Three Mantle Rats are invited to an Atlesian Party. What can go wrong?
Read on Ao3
A/N: as a survive it’s very important for me to NEVER focus on the abuse itself. I try very hard to imply it and show the damage it can do but honestly I’m tired of reading stories where it’s just pain. So I try very hard to focus on the recovery and healing. I’d love feedback on this. Also check Ao3 for NSFW art lol. i forgot tumblr hates links so i think i’ll just edit it back in after a week or something to keep things organized.
Some how a shopping trip also turned into a raid on the local arcade. Fiona was winning despite what all the leaderboards was saying. Winter was cheating, she had to be. Robyn and Joanna was the better shot, they were the only ones that used range weapons a regular basis! Still Winter came in first. May should have won the batter’s game, her favorite weapon was a staff. Number One? Winter Schnee. The other three loudly cheered Fiona on as she adjusted her grip on the hammer.  
The last game was a the gold on ‘Test of the Strength.’ Sure, some of was actual strength but almost all of it was leverage. Fiona loved stealing… borrowing! Loved borrowing heavy weapons. Axes… Elm’s hammer. She almost got Marrow’s boomerang and still had two years to do it. A worker quickly stepped in as Joanna was some how about to convince the man they’ll settle the matter like adults.  
Several minutes later they had enough tickets to buy all the giant stuff animals on display. Like adults, everyone gave their tickets to the children nearby.  
Like an adult, Fiona slammed her fist on the counter and demanded the giant lion.  
“By the brothers, Fi…” Robyn mumbled a little embarrassed.
It was the fifth time she’d manage to surprise and fluster the women. Fiona wasn’t counting the smirk tugging at her lips and cute mole on her chin. The fluttering in her chest wasn’t getting worse and her hands didn’t feel cold and empty when she looked at Robyn. Fiona only hugged her stuff animal tighter.
“I won and Winter cheated! I deserve a trophy!” Fiona argued sticking her tongue out at them. In truth she just needed something to desperately keep her hands occupied. Joanna was the only one that smiled fondly at her and ruffled her hair. The other three acted disappointed.  
And to be extra annoying she refused to absorbed it and forced the group to return to Robyn’s apartment. Fiona dumped several bags of clothes onto the living room floor and then took the couch with her new best friend. May took the time to choose to pick out everyone’s outfit and will most likely buy a few more accessories when they head up to Atlas.  
“What should I name it?” Fiona asked with a grin, ears wiggling happily.  
“Childish,” Robyn said with a soft teasing bite. Fiona didn’t notice the way her eyes light up, all bright and unguarded. Or noticed Robyn’s habit of blowing her fringe out of her eyes.  
“Deviant,” May said slowly shifting through the bags. Eventually the others helped her but Fiona stayed on the couch.  
“Selfish,” Joanna added.  
“You all suck,” Fiona mumbled. She fell back, laying down on the couch and not even taking up all the space. She held up the stuff lion above her, playing with its tiny round ears as her own fluttered happily.  
Today was the most fun she had in years. And not because of the sex. A sudden shiver rolled through Fiona’s body, a flash of heat dried her mouth and warmed her cheeks. The sight of Robyn stretched out before her… The sweetness rolling off her tongue and down her chin and neck. Her ears fluttered, remembering how Robyn screamed Fiona’s name.  
Fiona buried her face against the muzzle. Trying not to groan at the memory. Robyn was her teammate, going to be her huntress partner. Not… Fiona tried to shelved her dancing heart. It was just… stress relief between friends. Casual hookups and friends with benefits weren’t unheard of when majority of Atlas’ population was asexual.  
Robyn will be her new partner. They’ll pass their combat final with flying colors and… and ideally Robyn will stay. Fiona swallowed her racing heart back down to her chest. She’d get to see those stupid eyes everyday.  
“I’ll name you… Spring.” Fiona said cuddling her trophy. Robyn glanced at her with a smirk and raised brow. “For new beginnings!” Fiona huffed and pouted at the women. Robyn’s smile eased the tension from her shoulders, looking… a lot how like Winter looks at May. Stupidly fond and earnest and Fiona had to look away with ears fluttering about.  
“You have competition now,” Joanna teased, elbowing her partner. Fiona saw a light blush on Robyn’s tanned cheeks for a second. They all turned back to the elites, noticing May holding up an outfit that wasn’t for any of them.  
“They won’t be able to do any compression for awhile,” Winter said. They, meaning the Thief. Fiona sat up, resting her chin on her trophy’s shoulder. The two elites picked out an outfit for the Thief on their last shopping trip. May shifted a little more, looking away uncomfortably.  
Fiona realized that she never saw May in anything that she didn’t want to wear. She switched between the boy’s and girl’s uniform according to her mood, wore makeup whenever she felt like it and never because it was required. Fiona always thought it was May being May, a rebellious brat tired of all the rules… the rules just never applied to her in the beginning.  
Fiona touched her ears, only being able to relate on a different level. “Scarf’s are good too,” Fiona said. Her teammates gave her a pointed look with a soft sneer. Fiona pouted at it back before Robyn playfully sat down next to her and tugged at the scarf around her neck.  
“Are you ever going to give it back?” May tried to be teasing but was still a little tense.  
“Maybe… not?” Fiona mumbled, an idea hitting her. She blushed and looked away. It was stupid and humans always got the wrong impression but it was true. “Maybe we should give it to the Thief-”  
“Glade,” May gently reminded.  
“We should give it to Glade,” Fiona corrected. “They responded pretty well to me and May so it might calm them down.” Joanna and Robyn glanced at each other a little confused. “Um… Faunus are wired differently,” Fiona answered, fidgeting a little in her seat. She never actually had to explain it to May and Winter. The pair picked up on it because they’re secretly super attentive and sweet. “We’re not hunting dogs, it works on a subconscious level and we don’t really notice it.” Fiona said. She was dancing around the subject a little because her nose was a little more sensitive than the average Faunus. Everyone had their own unique scent. Winter smelled of cool fresh air, like fresh dawn and a new beginning. May smelled of flowers, so soft it wrapped and cuddle Fiona from the inside.  
Robyn and Joanna smelled like the forest of Mistral. Deep and rich, the kind of ground you could really set roots in and grace with flowers. Every bit of them was different parts of a home Fiona would like some day. No wonder Glade snuck in earlier.  
Robyn and Joanna raised a brow. The slight movement helping Fiona realize she was quiet a little too long, “People just smell nice,” Fiona blurted out with a blush. “Familiar smells are calming while strangers are…”  
“Upsetting?” Robyn asked.  
“Kinda? It’s why May cuddles me when we need to sleep in hotels.”  
“And why they practically dragged you into Robyn’s room last night,” Joanna said with chuckled, “That’s adorable.” The three students blushed softly.  
The little lamb grumbled and shifted in her seat. Fiona didn’t tell them it was a sign of trust and acceptance in Faunus culture. So when they dropped off the clothes at the clinic and the Thief- Glade, walked into the clinic’s staff lounge with the scarf wrapped around their neck, Fiona smiled brightly, ears wiggling happily.  
They chose the grunge outfit her elites bought, subtly turtling into the scarf as they tucked their wavy pale green hair into beanie… Keeping their eyes closed until they slipped on the dark reflective shades. Was their Faunus trait their eyes? Where they nocturnal or did they have non-human eyes?  
“Thanks,” The Thief. said with a soft smile.  
“Yeah, of course,” May tried to act like Winter, stoic and aloof. It was an adorable failure that had Fiona and her group of mismatched friends snickering. She grumbled at the mismatch group and looked focused on Dr. Pietro, “Are you attending the Schnee recital tonight?”  
“Perhaps, Young Glade here has offered to help me finish my work but I will definitely attending Silvio’s birthday later this week,” Dr. Pietro said with a smile while the Thief frowned a little.  
“Glade? What am I a stray dog?”  
“We even got you a collar,” May taunted, pulling at collar of their flannel shirt. Glade only scoffed and quickly retreated back into the clinic, favoring one side over the other. Everyone noticed and gave Dr. Pietro a worried look.  
“A broken leg that never healed right. Completely unrelated to what happened this morning.” Dr. Pietro said. " We had a close call with Ms. Goodwitch and Silvio earlier but they’ll be safe. If they stay here," He stressed the last bit loudly and pointedly.  
“I promise I’ll keep you all out of trouble,” Glade yelled somewhere in the clinic.  
“Not reassuring!” Fiona yelled back as they left. She took a few dancing steps in front of the group, smiling up at her friends, “So we ready to head back to Atlas?”  
“Let’s see… Glade? Treated and recovering. Window. Fixed. Weapons?” Robyn asked.  
“Check!” Fiona smile with a flick of her wrist, a switchblade was suddenly in her hands and flicked open. The others seemed to falter a little, a quick blush appearing on everyones face and Robyn looking particularly… bothered. Fiona only brightly smiled at her until Winter cleared her throat.  
“Atlesian lesson 101?” The Schnee asked next.  
“They’re bitches,” May and Robyn answered at the same time. Fiona giggled as Winter lightly glared at them both. “Public opinion is everything,” Robyn answered. “And 102, deliver what they think they want.”  
What the Atlesians wanted from Robyn wasn’t far from who she actually was.  
Joanna cleared her throat, “An average civilian, rising to the occasion to save a brilliant mind during a sudden attack on Mantle, the charismatic hero who always gets the girl in the end,” she narrated the hard-light poster dramatically before throwing her head back and laughing.  
Thank god Winter had the foresight to drag them to Schnee Manor before the actual recital started. The only people around were servers, security, and fiends. It gave time for the Mantle Rats to get used to the environment, to the disgusting show of wealth. They had space for real trees in the city. Gated behind a wall with security cameras pointing out in every direction. Marble, chrome, rich dark oaks constructed the building and hard-light lamps advertised the Schnee emblem and tied it all with a soft blue glow.  
Then there was the hijacked hard-light poster.  
It was suppose to be displaying the poster May showed them earlier today, Weiss sinking on stage. Instead it was Robyn. Valiantly fighting Grimm in the foreground, fending off those creepy long fingers and giving Fiona time to grab Silvio as the ground erupted beneath them. Fiona tilted her head.  
It looked like a movie still.  
A very hot one Fiona would probably take for herself later but it didn’t feel right. “Is this what people see when they watch Huntsmen and Huntresses fight?” She asked softly. “Just action and adventure? Not, y’know… helping people?”  
“It always seems like saving people is the ultimate form of help. It gets rather tiresome.”  
The group turned around to see Goodwitch approaching. Her usual wear was formal enough, a lot more than the group’s casual suits and dresses. Robyn’s tie was purposely loose the top two buttons left open for that perfectly clean your-not-important-enough-for-me-to-care persona the group decided on. Just thinking about it made Fiona’s hand twitched. She wanted to pull at it for a while now. She enjoyed Robyn’s shock and flustered face and that tie… Robyn’s her teammate, not a casual fuck.  
Fiona took a slow breath and looked back up at Goodwitch who eye did bounce between the gold bird pin everyone wore on their body.  
“I’d like to formally apologize on Qrow’s behalf,” Goodwitch said a bit reluctantly. “Though I do not apologize for his absence. He’ll probably just puke all over the floor or hassle the servers.”  
"If you want to apologize stop bringing up that drunk," May said, her arm leaving the small dip of WInter’s back. Winter tried to stay relax but was glaring hard up at the Vale huntress.  
Goodwitch smile, “Best idea all day. Worse being people sneaking Grimm into the city,” She finished looking at Robyn and Fiona. The words made Fiona’s heartbeat leap into her throat. There… that was one explanation. The only reasonable. May did say something about a greater plan. Glade was the only one that acted- No. Fiona looked at Robyn, Glade was the only one that had the skill and resources to act. “James has told me you’ve looked into previous cases, Detective Hill?”  
Detect… Detective?! Fiona tried not to sputter at the title. She tried to relax her ears, stop them from sticking straight out from the sides of her head. Joanna chuckled softly beside her and ruffled her hear, unfreezing her muscles.  
“Fighting rings have started to bring in small non-Atlas Grimm to spice things up,” Robyn said. Fiona pulled her head out of the gutter, trying to focus on the conversation. Joanna set a hand on her partner’s shoulder, calming her down enough to continue civilly. “We’ve been trying to get the military involved for months.”  
“Do you think these events are related?” Goodwitch asked.  
“We put a dent in the major rings so I hope not,” Joanna whispered. “If Atlas gangs figure out how to turn Grimm into weapons…” Fiona didn’t want to think about those Imps agains.  
“We’re already seeing some bandit tribes in Anima use similar tactics,” Goodwitch informed. One reason why Atlas was so crowded and industrialized was that Solitas made living outside of proper settlements difficult. Normal citizens without a protective Aura can’t even leave the kingdom without expensive equipment. “Extort them for protection by leading the Grimm to them and leave them once the main horde arrives.”  
“They can’t all be connect,” Robyn said firmly shaking her head. “Twisted mines follow the same path every now and then.”  
Goodwitch stared at the group for a long while, then smiled sadly, “I don’t suppose I can steal you from Atlas, can I?” Goodwitch asked.  
“She’s mine,” Fiona blurted out, heart skipping a few beats as panic filled her for a second. She was so close to making things up to Winter and May. Just one last thing before they all continue with their training and studies, two years until they graduation. Robyn nudged her out of it a playful smirk comforting the little lamb. “She’s my partner for our combative final.”  
“Ridiculous,” Goodwitch said with a deep scowl, “With how you all fought, I’ll see ensure James pass the three of you and accept you two into the Academy,” She looked at the students then at the detectives. The group blinked stunned until Goodwitch raised a brow.  
“Thank you… ma’am,” Winter said softly. Even her eyes were wide.  
Goodwitch only nodded. She turned on those high heels and practically marched away, “I look forward to working with you ladies again.”  
“As long as that creepy as bird doesn’t break my shit!” Robyn called out after her. Robyn was practically bouncing, a large smile on her face as grabbed Joanna’s hands and practically bounced, “Heard that Joan! We’re Atlas students-”  
“Your an Atlas student.” Joanna said pulling her hands free and pushing them firm on Robyn’s shoulders to stop her small bounce. " We don’t have the money for both of us to attend."  
Fiona winced in sympathy, “I’m on almost five scholarships and it’s… not easy,” Fiona said softly. She needed to write essay’s attend tournaments, her workload was nearly tripped the average student’s. Another reason why she was so desperate to stay with Winter and May, another team would just hold her back. “I’m lucky i got teamed up with a perfectionist and a competitive idiot.” She nodded to Winter and May, both avoiding their gaze with an uncomfortable look. This wasn’t a conversation her elites usually hear.  
Robyn scowled, gritting her teeth. Joanna smiled and patted her head like a she was pouting puppy, “We’ll figure something out Rob… Today is still our day off, right?” She looked at May who nodded.  
“Would you two like a small tour of the manor?” Winter ask, already leading the group out of the foyer. They headed to the kitchen first, trying to walk past all the giant paintings of her family but Robyn stopped at the giant portrait. Winter tried to encourage the group to walk past but Joanna eyed the giant suit of armor and sword next to it. “My grandfather, Nicolas Schnee.”  
“I read about him,” Joanna said, “When Robyn first suggested we go to Atlas Academy I laughed at her.”  
“Yeah, I was so hurt I almost kicked you out,” Robyn mumbled. She turned towards Winter, “But you three know why we want to become Huntresses now.”  
Fiona looked at Winter who pressed her lips tight. She only turned and walked deeper into the manor, forcing the group to follow. May didn’t leave her side, pressing into her shoulder every time a server passed with a tray of empty wine glasses. Their hands brushed every so often but neither of them made a move to hold on.  
It was obvious why May joined. Winter was hung up on the fact that they only met their new friends yesterday.  
“Same as you but a little different,” Fiona said, wiggling her ears for effect. “To help everyone, Mantle is just the start-” Suddenly hear ears perked up, flicking in the direction of the private area of the manor. It sounded like glass breaking.  
“Damn it…” May mumbled. This time her hand finally slid into Winter’s, “I’ll check, you stay.”  
“No.” Winter said, voice brittle and body so taunt it was ready to snap. Fiona hung back, letting May try and calm her not-girlfriend teammate. She also stopped Robyn from springing into action.  
May stepped close, their heads leaned together to whisper as soft as possible. Fiona tried to ignore it but it was impossible with how quiet the hallways were. “You come, they come.” May said. Then her voice soften, “Please… Don’t put this all on me, Win.”  
Winter blinked. Blue eyes shinning and cracking. Fiona would never say tears were in her eyes. After another squeeze Winter finally relaxed and let go of May’s hand. “Alright… Let’s go-”  
“Stop! Please!” Silvio’s voice broke through the thick walls.  
Immediately the group broke into a sprint. Winter was the fastest and Fiona was trailing behind her after absorbing her heels. A Glyph light the hallway. Before Fiona could stop her, a Beowolf roared, crawling out of it and slashing the door opened. She could hear two kids scream and another glass breaking.  
Fiona only had a moment to take in the scene before the two kids ran towards them. Three adults and thanks to Fiona’s sensitive nose she could smell some alcohol on all their breaths. Weiss was in Winter’s arms in seconds and once Silvio stumbled out of Author Watt’s slacken grip, he was behind May.  
“Let’s go.” May shoved Winter out of the room. She fought it, eyes on her mother and father. The Beowolf slowly growling.  
“Please,” Weiss whispered. That finally broke Winter’s furious trance. She stepped back but left her Beowolf growling viciously it made Fiona’s ears twitch painfully low.  
May lead them back to kitchens, Fiona could tell by the delicious smell and the clanking pots. It was the only life in the manor, the staff singing loudly and enjoying their work until the rich snobs came in and they’d have to act pleasant. When the group came in they immediately froze, nervous. They took one look at the kids and quieted down. The singing wasn’t as loud but still lively and cheerful.  
Fiona watched some energy and return to the kids, a small weight lifting off their shoulders as Klein quickly appeared. His light brown eyes shifted from them to Winter, “Oh dear… what happened now-”  
“Nothing.” Weiss said softly.  
“Nothing new,” Silvio said with a scoff. He sat at the table, taking a dessert and stuffing it in his face before retreating into his Scroll. Klein sighed and replaced it with a fresh treat from the counter.  
Fiona looked at Winter and May who gave her a gentle pleading look. The little lamb grabbed both Joanna and Robyn’s hands, leading them out of the kitchen. “Come on, their garden has real flowers in them,” Fiona said, trying to sound cheerful for the sake of the kids. Weiss didn’t smile and Silvio didn’t look up from his Scroll.  
No one wanted to speak until they got the garden. Even then the heavy silence lingered, growing heavier as the trio watched the sunset on a bench. Finally Joanna sigh let out a loud sigh, leaning heavily into Fiona and pushing her into Robyn who easily bore the additional weight of two people.  
“Maybe we should take Goodwitch’s offer and go to Vale?” Joanna mused softly. “It’d be cheaper too. Warmer. Friendlier.”  
“But they don’t need us,” Fiona said softly.  
Robyn came back to reality. Fiona and Joanna had to right themselves as she leaned forward and rubbed her face. “That is so messed up… Not even the rich has it easy in this fucking kingdom,” She was trembling. Voice on the verge of breaking and so damn angry. When Fiona tried bending down Robyn harshly turned away.  
“I can smell you crying… sensitive nose remember?” Fiona whispered. She moved, taking Robyn’s other side so her and Joanna could sandwich Robyn in. Her hand hesitated, hovering above Robyn’s knee. Just as she was about to pull back Robyn uncurled and grabbed her hand. She held onto tightly as she leaned her head on Joanna’s shoulder and whipped away the tears with her other hand. “Now you know why they’re so protective of me… And why Winter wants to become a huntress.” Fiona said softly, rubbing comforting circles on Robyn’s skin with her thumb.  
“What’s good is being an officer if I can’t even arrest a drunk huntsmen, let alone those three,” Joanna growled. She took a deep breath. Her arm was long enough to rest heavily on Robyn and Fiona’s shoulder. It was like a loose hold, so Fiona snuggled into both of them. For a long moment they all just sat there, letting their brains turn off.  
Winter was the first to find them with a tray of food and drinks. She looked guilty but smiled seeing Fiona’s and Robyn’s hand tightly intertwine. Fiona haded how soft Winter’s voice came out, “I’m… I’m sorry you three had to see that.” She said. Fiona got up, passing the tray to Robyn and wrapping her arms tight around Winter.  
“I’m sorry we can’t do anything they deserve,” Joanna said back. The three Mantle Rats invited Winter to sit with them on the bench but Winter politely refused, withdrawing a little instead. But she was here… and May asked her not to put it all on her anymore.  
Fiona extruded a picnic blanket for them to sit on. Joanna and Robyn looked comfortable on the bench looked relaxed stretched out on the ground. After some thought, Robyn dropped her head onto Fiona’s lap. The little lamb smiled down at her, both enjoying and needing a sense of touch. Fiona selfishly let her heart beat faster, eyes wandering to Robyn lips and eyes as she played with the platinum strands of hair.  
The cowardly part of Fiona wished Robyn didn’t relax the way she did, closing her eyes and humming softly in approval. At same time she’d hope to see it more. No wonder her two elite always got grumpy whenever their morning routine was interrupted.  
“We’ve dealt with families with… similar situation,” Robyn explained, slowly turning her brain back on. “I can recommend some good therapist for your sister. Silvio too.”  
“That’d… that’d be much appreciated. You’d have to talk to May about Silvio, she’s already helping him with… other things.” Winter said softly. She hide half her face behind a drink, her eyes meeting Fiona’s for a moment then down to Robyn and Joanna. “Thank you,” She whispered into her drink.  
“Don’t thank me yet,” Robyn said with a small smile. She rolled onto her stomach and Fiona missed the warmth of her scalp and softness of her hair. “One more thing. Just pin May to the wall and fuck her already.” Winter blushed hard, coughing softly and trying to clear her throat. Joanna patted her back while Fiona giggled.  
“I… I can’t-”  
"Can’t? You practically fucking her through me," Robyn continued to press. Winter blushed harder, completely off balance and embarrassed by the topic. It was rare a sight, one that only May pulls off on a good day so Fiona jumped in.  
“Technically, I was fucking you,” Fiona corrected, lightly flicking Robyn’s nose. “Because Winter’s too sweet on May to actually fuck another person,” She leaned forward and grinning at the Schnee. Winter tried to get Fiona to submit with a hard look. When Fiona started wiggling her brows a little Winter was forced to set her drink down or risk spilling it all over their semi-formal clothes. She barely remembered they were here for an Atlesian party.  
“I don’t know if I should be upset that you two noticed before May did,” Winter grumbled softly. “But I didn’t think she liked me back until this morning.”  
Fiona tapped her chin thinking back on their years together. “Honestly… I didn’t either. You? You were so obvious! The morning routines with the hair, how protective you were over her!” The pair might have edged each other to the extremes but that also meant they were always softer and much more relaxed when together.  
“I have been hinting at it when since we were young,” Winter confessed. All the Mantle rats flinched. Joanna ran a hand through her hair, messing up the gel the Marigold styled it with.  
“Well of course May don’t realize it!” Joanna said with an annoyed sigh. “You’ve been giving her mix signals-”  
"How was this morning mixed signals?!" Winter hissed with a deepening blush.  
“Just tell her,” Robyn said waving her hand.  
“Tell who what?” May asked rounding the corner of bushes with another tray of food. “Klein wanted to make Fiona’s favorite since we haven’t snuck back in awhile.”  
“Yes!” Fiona cheered taking the tray of fruits and sweets, strawberries covered in chocolates to fluffy cream stuffed puff. After throwing one in her mouth she teasingly dangled one in front of Robyn’s face. The women rolled her eyes, taking a bite of the strawberry and watching as Fiona finished it off.  
May sneered, “Glad I haven’t missed much.”  
“They’re trying to convince me to tell you about my undying love for you,” Winter said, in her default tightly controlled and dry tone. Before anyone could act surprised May threw her head back and laughed so hard her face went a little red.  
“Yeah! Do it after Weiss’ performance.” May said with a bratty cute grin. Fiona tensed, a smile plastered to her face as she tried not to scream. Damn it May! “Announce our engagement so your father and my cousin can die of a heart attack!” She bent down, taking Winter’s hands and gently pulling her up, “Come on! Show’s starting soon and Silvio wouldn’t shut up about us grabbing front row seats.”  
Within a few minutes the the theater was full and the lights dimmed to darkness. Fiona looked around. Her eyes spotting most of the military in the booths above the crowd. Goodwitch sitting irritably next to General Ironwood. Across from them senior Clover Ebi was sitting next to the freshmen Marrow. The other Faunus was busy looking around the theater too, a determine look on his face.  
“There’s a lot of Atlas students here…” Fiona whispered a little uneasily.  
“We do have two Atlesian scientist and the one visiting from Vale with his family,” Robyn said. Fiona looked back up the balconies. Sure enough she spotted the Vale scientist with his Faunus wife and daughter.  
Unfortunately due to May and Robyn’s hassling each other, they didn’t get center seats, but from this angle Fiona was able to see just behind the curtains. At the side of the stage was a hooded figure in robs… Weiss next to them with Silvio a little ways off. Fiona strained her ears but it was too far.  
The hooded not-Schnee figure took the center of the stage and from his Scroll Silvo activated the music. A slow piano piece fitting for the rich audience. Slowly the stage lights turned on, letting Fiona’s sensitive eyes adjust while gradually getting brighter for the humans to see, piano growing louder, picking up tempo.  
“You are an ocean of waves, weaving a dream like thoughts, become a river stream,” the mysterious stranger sang. Her voice was lower than Weiss. A shock mummer spread across the crowd but the opening act wasn’t phased even as Fiona watched the military in the booths grow a little tense. They only relaxed when they realized another voice would join occasionally, Weiss standing beside Silvio, harmonizing into her mic. “Yet may the tide every change, flowing like time to the path, yours to climb.”  
Fiona turned back to the stage, ears flinching a little whenever the music was too high for her sensitive ears. Whoever the mysterious singer was, she knew how to entertain walking the stage, posing and gesturing to the audience until the easily swayed like Marrow was at the edge of his seat and the reserved ones like Vine was absolutely enthralled. Robyn looked amazed, beautiful lavender eyes wide.  
“Thou seek the light with an outstretched hand,” Slowly the opening act’s voice faded. Weiss’ voice growing louder but she hadn’t walked on stage yet, “A divine blade lies before you so command the wake of dreams, to restore the world, cut 'way the seams,”  
Then the tempo picked up yet again, a drum encouraging Fiona’s heart into a powerful and steady beat. The mysterious singer reached out the audience, “Join in our prayer, in our song of birthrights and love,” She sang loudly. Weiss’ voice slowly appeared again, matching harmonizing so perfectly it had Fiona’s ears shuttering in pleasure, “Come the sun, illuminate the sky. Pray that we may quell the dark. Light take the throne. Lost in thoughts, all alone.”  
Then the lights dimmed, the music slowed to pause. Fiona heard Robyn and Joanna catch their breath next to her. Fiona saw the mysterious singer rush to the side, encouraging Weiss onto the stage. She vigorously shook her head for a moment until Silvio whispered his own words of encouragement, gesturing to where Winter was sitting.  
With a huff and a stomp she rushed to her position, the opening act helping her on the left and then rushed to their own position on the right side. It was then she noticed the slight shaking in her hands. As Silvio increased the lighting, Fiona could see the redness in her eyes she missed before.  
Poor kid. Still having to preform after the bullshit three adults put her through. Fiona heard Robyn gasp softly, “This is all improved…” she muttered.  
The verse repeated but this time the music didn’t slow. The drums became louder, drums and violins filling Fiona with a rush as she listened to every word, “Thou seek the dark with an un-sheathed blade,” Weiss’ voice was beautiful, it sent chills down her spine and the haunting familiarity of her assistant pulled everyone in like it was story, “Now a white ivory throne beckons so obtain the fate you sow on this path be wary friend and foe.”  
The way they moved on stage, circling each other or stepping close and matching their steps was almost poetic. “May thy chosen path lead way, and grace you with virtue but surely balance awaits,” Slowly Weiss took the lead, the opening act smiling as Weiss’ hands stopped shaking. She looked directly at her sister in the front row, “So be it bliss or pain you gain beyond the route-way’s end. You’ll gain resilience and weakness. The trials, the thorn in your side becomes the greatest strength, in you.”  
The song was a message to her sister, Fiona realized with a happy smile. She looked at the older Schnee. Winter looked proud. She reached over to her partner, grabbing her hand giving it a thankful squeeze. Fiona glanced at Robyn her own hand feeling stupidly empty. Until she notice Silvio and the hooded singer nodding at each other.  
“Descend into the abyss thou see- Hey!” Weiss screamed as she was suddenly shoved into the orchestra pit. One of the musicians threw their instrument aside to catch her. The crowd gasped, all the military huntsmen and students shocked in their seats. The music changed, suddenly blaring through the speakers but the volume wasn’t enough to make Fiona flinch.  
“The future is bulletproof the after is secondary!” The opening act sang. Finally the hooded opening act ripped off their hood. Fiona’s mouth hung open as a familiar helmet and gold horns standing on stage. I promise I’ll keep you all out of trouble, Glade said before they left Mantle. “It’s time to do it now and do it loud!”  
“Are you serious!?” May screamed in the theater. Fiona looked at her elites. May was almost pulling her hair out and Winter jumped into the orchestra pit to check on her sister. Glade grinned, hard-light ears taking shape and floating above their helmet.  
They pointed at May, “Kill joys! Make some noise!”  
“Your fucking dead-”  
“Na, na, na, na, na!” Glade stomped their feet in time with the rock music. Fiona barely pushed May back into her seat as the military moved in. Thankfully it was the students first. Vine swinging in with his semblance and Elm’s massive thighs launched her off the balcony and towards the stage. But Glade only smiled, never missing a beat, “Drugs, gimme drugs, gimme drugs, I don’t need it but I’ll sell what you got,” The pair was only able to make an entrance. The Dust in Glade’s clothes glowed a bright purple. A low warping sound ran deep in the room. Vine gasp a sudden weight pulling him down with Elm. It was enough force for the pair to crash through the stage.  
The crowd sneered and laughed. “Bring what Rat in and they all come,” Someone said behind them. Fiona was pretty sure it was May’s cousin but she wasn’t about to ask the Marigold to check. Fiona only kept watching. Winter had snuck Weiss back behind the curtain and was now glaring at Silvio. It looked like she was trying to lecture them but the kids were smiling, busy watching Marrow clumsily climb onto the stage while Harriet appeared with a trail of lightning behind her.  
Fiona laughed at the nervous looking boy, “Come on Marrow!” She cheered. Glade has yet to attack anything sentient and alive so he won’t get his ass beat but humiliation can be just as painful.  
“You’re looking good for someone who almost died this morning,” Harriet taunted.  
Glade only smirked, “But I’ll take what I want form your heart and I’ll keep it in a bag, in a box, put an X on the floor!” They continued to sing. Glade bounced around, light on their feet and motioned for the pair to come at them, “Gimme more, gimme more, gimme more! Shut up and Sing it with me!”  
“Marrow…” Harriet ordered the kid.  
Marrow took a deep breath, tail straightening as he concentrated, "Stay!" He hasn’t perfected his semblance yet but Glade’s singing paused, body moving slowly but still moving.  
Harriet grinned cracking her knuckles before running forward. Just as she was about to reach them, the gravity Dust glowed bright. Harriet lost her footing but the momentum continued until she crashed into the wall. The audience laughed even harder. Robyn and Joanna roaring next to her.  
The poor freshmen couldn’t hold his semblance and dropped it, panting heavily. Just as Clover was about to step onto the stage the lights shut off. Glade reach over, throwing Clover at Marrow. With a sharp whistle a wall of ice rose up, blocking all of Ironwood’s favorite students on stage. Glade ran to the side, grabbing the blind Schnees and Watt and running out of the theater. Before they disappeared they gave Fiona a pointed look.  
The little lamb grabbed everyone and ran to the nearest side door. Klein gasped, semblance activating with a small scared sneeze and red eyes was looking at them. “Good, good, I was worried ya’ lot wouldn’t catch on,” Klein smirked, voice gruff and a little aggressive. Fiona giggled, she always like this one the best. “You… I can’t believe you’re in on this too!”  
“Don’t blame me lil’ miss,” Klein scowled and growled back up at May, “Originally we were just gonna turn off the lights and sneak Weiss out, but the lil cunt made a friend and well…” Klein gestured to the theater and the loud shouts and yells. Ironwood was demanding the lights be turned back on and the crowd was starting to panic a little, “Best get ya’ out of here, eh? Rides out back, hurry on, now.”  
Fiona new the manor well enough to get the group there. Robyn tried to stop laughing. It was a good thing Fiona was still holding her hand because she was sure Robyn would have been several halls behind them. There were other security guards around but they would see a server accidentally stumble into them or slow down the cart of food or equipment.  
“I’m glad Weiss is still being look after.” May muttered softly under her breath. That finally got Robyn to stop laughing a sobering smile aimed at her elite.  
A chauffeur waited patiently with the door opened for them. Winter didn’t jump, only gave them a small smile while the kids giggled to themselves. May was the only one still furious, “Where’s Glade?”  
“They ran off while I was lecturing Weiss and Silvio,” Winter explain. “Said something about, 'How they weren’t paid enough for that,” She finished looking pointedly at the young adopted Watts. “How long have you two been planning this?”  
“Sneaking out in the middle of the performance…” Weiss blushed and looked away. “A few… weeks?”  
“It was suppose to be during my party but… then… fuck my uncle,” Silvio huffed. The mood died a little but Silvio was still grinning. “It was so worth it.”  
“You two should have told me,” Winter said.  
“You should come around more often- Ow!” Silvio winced as both May and Weiss punched him.  
Winter took it in stride. She closed her eyes, as if concentrating to break the aloof and cool facade. She smiled, gently and earnestly leaning towards her sister and the young genius, “I guess you two will need to fill me. How exactly did two brilliant kids made a fool of the military? Hm?” They both grinned up at her.  
May acted like a grump rolling her eyes but leaning heavily into her partner side. Fiona grinned at the scene, ears fluttering happily. Robyn sneered and chuckled, fingers playing with the tips of her ears while Joanna had an arm slung around both their shoulders again.  
Fiona hadn’t realized she didn’t let go of Robyn’s hand until she was swinging their joined hands in the elevator. May set the kids up in another suite, talking a little more with the kids. Fiona and Robyn naturally gravitated to the balcony while Winter and Joanna collapsed onto the king sized bed with a deep sigh.  
“What a day…”  
“I’ll say. Fighting Grimm, sex in the changing room, a picnic and a show,” Joanna teased. The trio blushed hard and Robyn still made no move to pull their hands apart. This time she caught the women glancing at her lips. Fiona tighten her grip, fighting the urge to pull at the loose tie.  
“I’m going to live variously through you two again.” Winter said. Fiona nearly jumped and the pair looked at Winter, lounging like a cat next to a bear that was Joanna. The Schnee looked pointedly at their hands, “Just make out already.”  
“Yes, ma’am,” Robyn whispered, voice husky and slow. It sent a shiver down Fiona’s spine and she realized the women was quiet for awhile now. Fiona could almost feel just how long Robyn was holding herself back. At first the kiss was desperate and almost vicious. Fiona gasp softly when Robyn bit her lip and her tongue danced against hers. Both of Fiona’s hands was held in Robyn’s against the railing, as if this is how she wanted to take Fiona during their two rounds this morning.  
With a dazed heart Fiona followed whatever mood Robyn wanted to give. Meeting her energy as best as possible. The frenzy kiss slowed to a passionate one. Finally Robyn let her hands go and Fiona let them wrap around her neck. The kiss might have slowed but it didn’t die. Fiona only felt the warmth in her chest spread, the cold metal of the rail worth the feeling of Robyn pressed against her.  
“There’s no way you’d kiss May like that,” Joanna mumbled next to Winter. “It’d be a lot more sweet and chaste.”  
“Shut up,” Winter mumbled softly. Robyn and Fiona broke apart giggling at their banter and at each other. Fiona swallowed trying not to think too much about how she wanted to keep those lavender eyes for longer than their academic years. How Robyn’s sweetness reminded her for her elites or how that Mantle attitude reminded Fiona that she wasn’t alone in their fight.  
She didn’t want to fall but Robyn and the others were making it tempting.  
Robyn leaned in again but not for a kiss, her nose nuzzled Fiona’s cheek trying to push her head to the right but Fiona fought it for a second and took a deep breath. Lavender and a fresh spring fields filled her nose, clouding her mind in a happy daze and settling her heart into a slow dancing rhythm. When Fiona finally opened her eyes she saw May on the balcony next to them. Face red and gold eyes wide.  
“I want to do it right because…” Winter’s soft words floated through the open air. Robyn and Fiona giggled, watching May blush so hard it must have been painful but the smile on her face didn’t make her worry. Instead Fiona pulled gently pulled on that loose tie around Robyn’s neck and pull her down for a kiss.  
This kiss was slowest yet. A practiced and gentle dance as Winter continued to speak, “Because I’ve loved her since I can remember.”
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dutifullylazysalad · 4 years
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101
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Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 5th
Reading Literacy Worksheets
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 Lesson
What every teacher should know
Feb 6, 2018 - Explore Lauren McGlone's board 'Literacy - Library', followed by 361 people on Pinterest. See more ideas about classroom library, reading classroom, classroom organization.
Reading 101: A Guide to Teaching Reading and Writing
Literacy Centers 101: Pocket Chart Center Day 3 of my summer vacation and what am I doing??? Well, I did have a wonderful time today at Centre Island with my husband, kiddies and dear friends of ours.
Emergent Literacy Reading 63 IV. Emergent Literacy Writing 79 V. Mathematics 87 VI. Science 101 VII. Social Studies 107 VIII. Fine Arts 113 IX. Physical Development 117 X. Technology 122 Appendices 124.
The Certification Exam for Educators of Reading Instruction (CEERI) Teachers who complete the Reading 101 modules will learn about critical skills for proficient reading and best practices that support students’ acquisition of these skills.
In this book we have an English 101 class explaining what “literacy” means to them and the way this word has gained meaning as they have grown older and gone through many experiences. The personal stories that are shared within these pages reflect where reading and writing started for each student and the way that their literacy journey.
Reading 101 is a collaboration with the Center for Effective Reading Instruction and The International Dyslexia Association.
Learn the definitions of phonological awareness and phonemic awareness — and how these pre-reading listening skills relate to phonics.
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Phonological awareness and phonemic awareness: what's the difference?
Phonological awareness refers to a global awareness of the sound structures of speech and the ability to manipulate those structures. Phonological awareness is an umbrella term that encompasses both basic levels of awareness of speech sounds, such as rhyming, alliteration, the number of words in a sentence, and the syllables within words, as well as more advanced levels of awareness such as onset-rime awareness and full phonemic awareness.
Phonemic awareness is the most advanced level of phonological awareness. It refers to a child’s awareness of the individual phonemes — the smallest units of sound — in spoken words, and the ability to manipulate those sounds.
Phonological awareness (PA) involves a continuum of skills that develop over time and that are crucial for reading and spelling success, because they are central to learning to decode and spell printed words. Phonological awareness is especially important at the earliest stages of reading development — in pre-school, kindergarten, and first grade for typical readers.
Explicit teaching of phonological awareness in these early years can eliminate future reading problems for many students. However, struggling decoders of any age can work on phonological awareness, especially if they evidence problems in blending or segmenting phonemes.
How about phonological awareness and phonics?
Phonological awareness refers to a global awareness of sounds in spoken words, as well as the ability to manipulate those sounds.
Phonics refers to knowledge of letter sounds and the ability to apply that knowledge in decoding unfamiliar printed words.
So, phonological awareness refers to oral language and phonics refers to print. Both of these skills are very important and tend to interact in reading development, but they are distinct skills; children can have weaknesses in one of them but not the other.
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For example, a child who knows letter sounds but cannot blend the sounds to form the whole word has a phonological awareness (specifically, a phonemic awareness) problem. Conversely, a child who can orally blend sounds with ease but mixes up vowel letter sounds, reading pit for pet and set for sit, has a phonics problem.
Dr. Louisa Moats explains to a kindergarten teacher why it is critical to differentiate between the letters and sounds within a word when teaching children to read and write.
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Reading 101 is a collaboration with the Center for Effective Reading Instruction and The International Dyslexia Association.
What are the key critical reading skills, and how do we use them to comprehend? And why does background knowledge matter?
This section presents my latest thinking on comprehension with The Comprehension Process Staircase as a visual aid.
(Illustration by Sandy Gingras, whose Website is here.)
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 5th
Here's an important essay on why background knowledge matters: 'There's No Such Thing as a Reading Test' in The American Prospect by E.D. Hirsch and Robert Pondiscio (June 13, 2010)
Here are two video training modules that explain key topics on this page:
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Comprehension Process MODULE:
This 23-min SELF-PACED video explains The Comprehension Process Staircase and how to use the Quadrant Analysis Approach to images (reinforcing the comprehension process with visual analysis).
For more resources to support your work around comprehension, please check out the following:
TLC Website “Comprehension 101” page--lots of tools to download! And you can show students the Comprehension Process Staircase!
TLC Blog post on Quadrant Analysis--a detailed explanation of how to teach the Quadrant Analysis approach (which is also explained in the video)
Here's the FREE link to the Comprehension Process Module PowerPoint.
This 20-min SELF-PACED video explains the four key critical reading skills (paraphrasing, inference, vocabulary in context, and summarizing/inferring main idea) and how to teach them. NOTE: Watch The Comprehension Process MODULE before this one.
For more resources to support your work around key critical reading skills, please check out the following:
TLC Website “Comprehension 101” page--lots of tools to download!
TLC Website 'Analyzing Literature' page--ditto!
Here's the FREE link to the 4 Key Critical Reading Skills Module PowerPoint.
Here are the 4 key critical reading skills:
(AKA Literal Comprehension)
“The man fell down.”-> “He collapsed.”
Paraphrasing means “translating literally” or “putting something in your own words.” This requires you to:
Unpack vocabulary (attack roots; use prior knowledge and context clues).
Unpack syntax and grammar (unpack clauses and phrases; pay attention to punctuation).
Draw inferences from idioms.
NEW: For a useful strategy, seeHow to Paraphrase-3rd grade Practice, How to Paraphrase-MS Practice, How to Paraphrase-HS Practice. For tips on how to create critical reading questions, see How to Create Critical Reading Questions: A Recipe.
See also Rewordify.com, a powerful, free, online software that intelligently simplifies difficult English, for faster comprehension (IN OTHER WORDS, it paraphrases for you).
In other words
According to the story/passage
What does this mean?
(AKA Extended Reasoning)
“The man fell down.”-> “He must have been sick.”
Inference entails drawing a conclusion, making a prediction/guess, or figuring something out. To do this, you need facts/information, and you need to ask questions about the given information. See the comprehension process described below for more explanation.
NEW:Paraphrasing and Inference Organizer AND Quotations to Paraphrasing and Inference in the Download Zone will help students practice these skills. Also check out Character Traits: Quote and Explain and Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER, Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER MODEL, and Question-Inference-Evidence & Explanation ORGANIZER MODEL LESSON PLAN
Here's a fun way to invite students to apply their inference skills: Read 'The Conversation Piece' by Ned Guymon (which originally appeared in Ellery Queen's Mystery Magazine in 1950) and figure out what is going on in this dialogue.
Most likely
VOCABULARY IN CONTEXT“They’re not interested in being diverted from their direction with alternative routes.” The word “diverted” in this context means
A) amused B) less experienced C) taking the same route D) sent in a different direction
Vocabulary in context requires you to infer meaning of words using the context and your prior knowledge.
What does ____ mean in this context?
Based on the passage, what does ____ mean?
NOTE: At least one distractor will use an alternative meaning of the word in question. In this example, “A” is the distractor. FINDING MAIN IDEA/ARGUMENT
(AKA Summarizing)
The main idea of this passage is
The yearly festival in Pamplona, Spain, always includes the Running of the Bulls.
Running alongside the bulls as they are moved from the corral to the bullring in Pamplona, Spain, has become an exciting and dangerous sport.
The bravest runners carry newspapers with which they touch the bulls as they run through the streets.
The Running of the Bulls in Pamplona, Spain, has been going on for about three hundred years.
Finding the main idea/argument, AKA summarizing, requires you to infer the key message(s) from the text. Your ability to do this is based on how well you are able to paraphrase, infer, and determine vocabulary meaning from context. Also, you have to understand the difference between ARGUMENT and EVIDENCE. See the comprehension process described below for details.
After reading the article/passage/story…
The central idea
The theme
This passage is mostly about
The author would probably agree
The best summary
How do we use these skills to comprehend? See below. Start at the bottom.
Draw new inferences and generate more explanations. These join your prior knowledge/skills.
Ask more questions… MORE “TEXT”
Paraphrase, etc. This “text” may confirm or challenge your prior knowledge/previous inferences.
FOR EXAMPLE: If the next sentence says, 'He had had a fever all day,' your prior inference is confirmed. If, however, the next sentence is 'He should've bought the shoes with velcro straps,' you would correct your incorrect prior assumption/inference.
Draw inferences in response to your questions, and support them with explanations. These infererences and explanations join your prior knowledge/skills. FOR EXAMPLE: Given no additional information about the man who collapsed (no mention of shoelaces or attackers) and knowing that healthy people are generally able to stand up without falling down, you might infer that he fell down BECAUSE HE WAS SICK. NOTE: You will continue to think this until new information challenges your thinking.
Ask questions based on paraphrasing/translation and your prior knowledge/skills.
FOR EXAMPLE: Given the case of the falling man, you might ask, 'WHY did he collapse?' You might recall prior instances of seeing people tripping over shoelaces, fainting, or being knocked down.
^ ^
PARAPHRASE: Put the “text” in your own words. NOTE: “Text” could be almost anything: words, pictures, or a situation (e.g., reading the defense on a basketball court).
Unpack vocabulary.
Unpack grammar/syntax.
INFER from idioms.
FOR EXAMPLE: Given the text 'The man fell down,' you could paraphrase this as 'He collapsed.' For a useful strategy, see How to Paraphrase-3rd grade Practice,How to Paraphrase-MS Practice, How to Paraphrase-HS Practice in the Download Zone.
^ ^
Start here.
You approach the 'text' with your prior knowledge, which includes:
Previous experiences
Texts read/academic content knowledge
Knowledge of conventions (genre, grammar, syntax)
NOTE: If your 'prior knowledge' is incorrect, it will affect your ability to process the 'text.'
FOR EXAMPLE: If you believe that 5 times 5 is 30, then when faced with a math word problem requiring the multiplication of 5 x 5, you will not solve the problem correctly.
Reading Literacy Worksheets
For more information on strategies for teaching the 4 key critical reading skills, see Reading Comprehension Strategies Overviewin the Download Zone. For a 'Sample LESSON PLAN to LABEL CRITICAL READING QUESTIONS,' see MS English Lessons & Units. Want to review the FOUR CRITICAL READING SKILLS (paraphrasing, inference, vocabulary in context, and summarizing/inferring main idea) and teach your students how to identify test questions that deal with these skills? Check out this Sample LESSON PLAN TO LABEL CRITICAL READING QUESTIONS and HANDOUTS for the lesson. Also, see READING Home Page for other helpful subsections.
Sometimes, to demonstrate comprehension, we want students to explain quotations. Check out the Explanatory Quote Response Organizer and Explanatory Quote Response Organizer MODEL.
For additional excellent resources on reading instruction (esp. nonfiction text support), even if your state doesn't use PARCC assessments, check out the PARCC Prep page.
Literacy Libraryguided Reading 101 Lesson
IN THE DOWNLOAD ZONE for Comprehension 101:
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carolyngcoleman · 6 years
Microsoft MS-101 Exam Questions- Pass With Guarantee
Microsoft MS-101 Exam Questions- Pass With Guarantee
In this Certification, Candidate Can get Knowledge and skills about Microsoft 365 Enterprise Administrators like as, Configure MDM integration with Azure AD, Implement Cloud App Security (CAS), and Implement Azure Information Protection. After the completion of Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security Microsoft MS-101 Exam candidates will be able to manage Microsoft 365 workload (Exchange, SharePoint,…
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ms-m-astrologer · 6 years
Transiting Saturn enters Rx Zone
Timeline (current events in bold):
Tuesday, January 22, 2019, 15:43 UT - transiting Saturn enters Rx Zone, 13:54:35 Capricorn
Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 00:54 UT - transiting Saturn stations retrograde, 20:31:08 Capricorn
Wednesday, September 18, 2019, 08:47 UT - transiting Saturn stations direct, 13:54:35 Capricorn
Tuesday, December 24, 2019, 10:34 UT - transiting Saturn exits Rx Zone, 20:31:08 Capricorn
Our usual reminder by Martin Bulgerin (www dot biopscinst dot com):
Saturn retrograde is probably the least pleasant influence around. Saturn is a hard-nosed, Mr. Brass Tacks himself, the teacher with the big ruler that insists you dot all your I’s and cross all your T’s before recess. He teaches us about responsibility and claiming our authority in the world, a class (Character Building 101) many of us would rather skip. Needless to say, this kind of discipline and skill is very useful later, even though the cycle itself is rough to get through.
And in his book The Changing Sky, Steven Forrest writes more generally about transiting Saturn:
The Gift: The ability to see reality clearly and to respond to it effectively and decisively.
The Challenge: Can you push aside wishful or fearful thinking and respond to concrete issues with self-discipline, patience, and practical strategies - and if necessary, can you do it alone?
The Trap: The temptation to slip into despair and frustration when reality seems to turn against us.
The Lie: You can’t win.
This isn’t kid stuff - we’re all a little too old for the playground now. Saturn is the planet of consequences, the Lord of that misused word “karma.”
To determine your Saturn mission, first consider his natal position in your birth chart. This is the cause of what Saturn is currently up to. Ms M’s Saturn is retrograde, in Sagittarius and her 2nd House; she has some existential self-worth battles to fight.
Second, through which natal house(s) is Saturn transiting? Here’s the battlefield where we take action. Although Saturn is going to enter Ms M’s 3rd House, it will backtrack into her 2nd House during this retrograde to take care of some unfinished business. Next, check for the aspects Saturn will make to your natal or progressed planets. First priority are the Luminaries, Angles, and Nodes; next, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Lady Asteroids; next, Jupiter and Saturn. Pay particular attention to aspects made to the traditional ruler of an angle. (Ms M would therefore check in particular for Mars, Saturn, Venus, and the Sun.)
We have some specific things to work on during Saturn’s passage through Capricorn:
Develop self-reliance and self-validation
Face reality
Take the long-term views
Pass the tests of power (i.e., it comes through you, you aren’t the power)
Blend in those “missions” with the meaning of the house(s) Saturn is currently transiting, as well as any aspects Saturn will make, for a very good road map.
Finally, which of your natal houses has Capricorn on the cusp? Here is where the effects will fall. With a Cap 3rd House cusp, Ms M might look for a little more structured thought process; she may become a more disciplined thinker and writer; relationships with her siblings and neighbors could be affected.
Saturn will make only one aspect to a slower-moving planet during this part of its Zone: a sextile to Neptune/Pisces. However, the closer we get to Saturn’s retrograde station, the closer a conjunction looms between transiting Saturn and the transiting South Node. Though it won’t be exact until just after Saturn’s station,  we should begin to feel this one at some point in March. And, more ominously: the conjunction will be within one degree between April 25 and October 2. This is a very prolonged period of (excuse my “French”) shitty consequences, for everyone as an individual as well as for the entire planet.
Thursday, January 31 - Neptune/Pisces sextile Saturn/Capricorn, 14:54
First of three. Both these planets are dignified, and we have the opportunity (sextile) to bring out the best of both placements. “Brings in spiritual power and philosophical understanding,” wrote Isabel Hickey; “the inner assumptions and the outer facts are not at variance. The practical dreamer who can bring his ideas into concrete expression.” We’re really blessed that this will be in effect and guiding us (should we so choose) for most of 2019.
Planets/Points affected lie between 13:54 and 15:54 of all signs, but especially the yin signs Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Pisces; and the signs Leo and Aquarius.
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karonbill · 2 years
Latest Microsoft MS-101 Practice Test Questions
The MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security certification exam is one of the two exams required to earn the credential of a Microsoft 365 Certified: Enterprise Administrator Expert, the other one being MS-100: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services. PassQuestion provides the latest MS-101 Practice Test Questions for your success in the first attempt with good grades. It offers you the best MS-101 Practice Test Questions which can help you to prepare MS-101 Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security exam smoothly and efficiently. If you want to have an understanding of different topics, then you need to use the best available MS-101 Practice Test Questions and this can help you in getting the MS-101 exam cleared with ease.
Exam MS-101: Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security
Candidates for this exam are Microsoft 365 enterprise administrators who take part in evaluating, planning, migrating, deploying, and managing Microsoft 365 services. They perform Microsoft 365 tenant management tasks for an enterprise, including its identities, security, compliance, and supporting technologies. Candidates have a working knowledge of Microsoft 365 workloads and should have been an administrator for at least Exchange, SharePoint, Teams, and Windows 10 deployment. Candidates also have a working knowledge of networking, server administration, and IT fundamentals such as DNS, Active Directory, and PowerShell.
Skills Measured
The English language version of this exam will be updated on August 3, 2022. Implement modern device services (40-45%) Implement Microsoft 365 security and threat management (20-25%) Manage Microsoft 365 governance and compliance (35-40%)
View Online Microsoft 365 Mobility and Security MS-101 Free Questions
You have a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription. You define a retention label that has the following settings: * Retention period 7 years * Start the retention period bated on: When items were created You need to prevent the removal of the label once the label K applied to a lie What should you select in the retention label settings? A.Retain items even If users delete B.Mark items as a record C.Mark items as a regulatory record D.Retain items forever Answer: B
You have a Microsoft 365 tenant. Company policy requires that all Windows 10 devices meet the following minimum requirements: Require complex passwords. Require the encryption of data storage devices. Have Microsoft Defender Antivirus real-time protection enabled. You need to prevent devices that do not meet the requirements from accessing resources in the tenant. Which two components should you create? Each correct answer presents part of the solution. NOTE: Each correct selection is worth one point. A.a configuration policy B.a compliance policy C.a security baseline profile D.a conditional access policy E.a configuration profile Answer: B, D
You have a Microsoft 365 E5 subscription. You need to identify which users accessed Microsoft Office 365 from anonymous IP addresses during the last seven days. What should you do? A.From the Cloud App Security admin center, select Users and accounts. B.From the Microsoft 365 security center, view the Threat tracker. C.From the Microsoft 365 admin center, view the Security & compliance report. D.From the Azure Active Directory admin center, view the Risky sign-ins report. Answer: A
You need to recommend a solution for the security administrator. The solution must meet the technical requirements. What should you include in the recommendation? A.Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Privileged Identity Management B.Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) Identity Protection C.Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) conditional access policies D.Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) authentication methods Answer: B
You have a Microsoft 365 subscription that contains a Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) tenant named contoso.com. In the tenant, you create a user named User1. You need to ensure that User1 can publish retention labels from the Security & Compliance admin center. The solution must use the principle of least privilege. To which role group should you add User1? A. Security Administrator B. Records Management C. Compliance Administrator D. eDiscovery Manager Answer: B
You have a Microsoft 365 subscription. You plan to enable Microsoft Azure Information Protection. You need to ensure that only the members of a group named PilotUsers can protect content. What should you do? A. Run the Add-AadrmRoleBasedAdministrator cmdlet. B. Create an Azure Information Protection policy. C. Configure the protection activation status for Azure Information Protection. D. Run the Set-AadrmOnboardingControlPolicy cmdlet. Answer: D
You have a Microsoft 365 subscription. You recently configured a Microsoft SharePoint Online tenant in the subscription. You plan to create an alert policy. You need to ensure that an alert is generated only when malware is detected in more than five documents stored in SharePoint Online during a period of 10 minutes. What should you do first? A. Enable Microsoft Office 365 Cloud App Security. B. Deploy Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (Windows Defender ATP) C. Enable Microsoft Office 365 Analytics. Answer: B
Your company has a Microsoft 365 tenant. The company sells products online and processes credit card information. You need to be notified if a file stored in Microsoft SharePoint Online contains credit card information. The file must be removed automatically from its current location until an administrator can review its contents. What should you use? A. a Security & Compliance data loss prevention (DLP) policy B. a Microsoft Cloud App Security access policy C. a Security & Compliance retention policy D. a Microsoft Cloud App Security file policy Answer: D
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