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emeraldoodles · 2 months ago
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This is my gift to @purple-string-lights. I did a Serirei get-together prompt. It’s round 2 of a company weekend at an onsen! Reigen and Serizawa are there to catch some spirits that only come out on NYE. And this is a snapshot of them being all cute in the gardens at night.
I had so much fun researching and drawing Serizawa and Reigen in traditional outfits. I hope you like it and Happy New Year!!!
Also, thank @mp100secretspirit for organizing this event!!
Their outfits are inspired by the official 2024 & 2022 New Year's artwork.
I had a whole backstory with this prompt. But sadly, I only had time to draw just one moment from it. There was an entire plot with Yuki-onna stealing guests on NYE and inviting them to a heavenly banquet. Then the next day they would find themselves randomly stranded in the snow
And Reigen gets cursed and turns tinny (cause why not?) so Serizawa has to carry him in his robe all day. Romcom hijinks ensued.
I really wanted to include Serizawa’s power but couldn’t think of how to add it, also it would have changed the light source color.
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bonk-boink · 2 months ago
Merry Christmas @sharkaroni!!
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This is my peice for the @mp100secretspirit event! I had a lot of fun doing this, and I'm really glad I got you as my secret santa roni!! I hope you like it and I hope you have a good New Year!!
Bonus present, I made you a bunch of little age swap doodle alongside the drawing :)
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harmonytre · 2 months ago
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My @mp100secretspirit gift for @nervigg!!! This is both my first time drawing Teru and the first time I like how I've drawn Reigen, so I hope you like it! :D Backgroundless under the cut!
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barkmode · 2 months ago
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stopping for hot cocoa in the middle of holiday shopping
Merry Christmas @yukisloser !! I hope you like this and have a good new year !
& thank you to @mp100secretspirit for organizing this event
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i-want-to-do-things · 2 months ago
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Hii!!! Happy new years @uuchanjustice ! I was your @mp100secretspirit this year!
I hope you like your gift!!!!! They're chilliing n chatting :D
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caboshone · 2 months ago
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Happy holidays @latkios! I was your Secret Santa for @mp100secretspirit this year! I hope you like it! This was actually waaay out of my comfort zone, but I did my best to meet your prompts and capture the visual style of mp!
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Here's a version without the text if you want it :)
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vebirascanvas · 2 months ago
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Gift for my secret spirit, who asked for Security Guard Dimple in one of his official art outfits - I just love his mismatching colors and patterns, what an icon!
a big thanks for @mp100secretspirit for organizing such an event!
Putting it under because potential eye-strain
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Bonus sketch
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uuchanjustice · 2 months ago
Gift for @harmonytre for this year's @mp100secretspirit exchange! It's a future fic about Tome and Takenaka, and it's kind of sad, but hope you enjoy it anyway!
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margroot · 2 months ago
I was making jokes about Mob and the Body Improvement Club yesterday!! How they'd admire his personal best in some way!! This is SO perfectly timely, SO freaking happy! Oh my gosh!!
Thank you thank you THANK YOU SO MUCH ♥
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my gift for @margroot / @RuneFactoryNonsense ! the prompt was happy mob/mob having a good moment. so there she is overjoyed over a new record and being hyped up by body improvement club members :)
thank you @mp100secretspirit for hosting this incredibly fun event! i'm super happy to be a part of this <3
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anicream · 1 year ago
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Hi @just-anarchie, I was your @mp100secretspirit secret spirit this year! You said you liked serirei/serizawa so here's a moment in which umbrellas get left behind for a bit so serizawa & reigen can play in the rain. Hope you enjoy and happy holidays!! :)
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bizarre-blues · 2 months ago
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My secret santa was @mayonickel ! The request was the four main espers genderswapped
Thanks @mp100secretspirit for organizing this 💙
Bonus doodles: post snowball fight + chibis
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princeson · 4 months ago
Guess who signed up!! :^)
Tomorrow is the last day for sign ups, so if this seems like something any of you are interested in doing, you should go for it! I might end up being your secret spirit, or vice versa! ^^
Sign-ups are OPEN!
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Sign up for the exchange HERE!
Learn more about the exchange HERE! If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to the mod!
The form will close at midnight EST on October 22nd.
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finntias · 2 months ago
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@bonk-boink hello! i am your @mp100secretspirit gifter this year, here is your secret spirit gift!!! i hope you like it!
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omgiamwish · 2 months ago
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Snowmen and Such
@mp100secretspirit Here is my present for @smoarchok! I hope you enjoy it <3
About 1800 words of pure fluff. Read below, or on Ao3
Shigeo rests his arms on the wooden railing, leaning his weight against it and letting it hold him. Snowflakes fall in big clumps to join the expanse of white already carpeting the landscape. The sky is a soft gray, as far as he can see, and the light is dim despite only being late morning. Except for the soft static of snowflakes landing, the whole world is quiet.
“Hey!” Tome-san’s voice pierces the silence, but it’s not at all unwelcome. He turns to her as she joins him. “You forgot your earmuffs in the room.”
“Oh.” He takes them from her with a smile and puts them on. He hadn’t noticed how cold his ears had gotten. “Thank you, Tome-san.”
“What’re you doing out here, anyway?”
“I wanted to… to watch the snow, I guess.” He looks back to it, eyes catching on individual flakes in their descent. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this much at once. It’s really pretty.”
“Reigen-san said it snowed on the company trip you all went on last year…”
“Not this much. I’m glad I decided to come after all.”
Tome-san leans on the railing next to him. “Even though they didn’t even need you?”
Shigeo considers that. “Maybe even more because of that. And it was nice that Shishou asked if I wanted to come this time, instead of just… expecting I would.”
They watch the snow in silence for a long moment. Shigeo imagines laying down in it and letting the falling snow cover him. How long would it take? Until he was just another lump or indent in the frozen landscape? Although, as peaceful as it sounds, he probably wouldn’t like having that much snow on his face.
Tome-san thumps him on his back, breaking him out of his thoughts. “I feel like building a snowman. Wanna help?”
“Oh. Yeah!”
They leave the sanctuary of the porch and wade out into the snow. It’s only a few seconds before Tome-san gives up making her own path and walks in Shigeo’s footsteps. He doesn’t blame her; the snow is knee deep, making every step effortful. By the time they get to the flat area of what might be a lawn in warmer weather, Shigeo is breathing heavily and verging on lightheadedness. He flops onto his back like he’d imagined doing only minutes earlier.
“Hey.” Tome-san kicks his shoe. “You’re not giving up already, are you?”
“No,” Shigeo wheezes, staring at the sky and blinking hard when a snowflake lands in his eye. “I’m just… resting.”
“You’re not slacking off in your club, are you?” She kicks his shoe a few more times. He moves to kick back and she steps out of range. “Letting Sagawa do all the work?”
“I placed twelfth in this year’s marathon, you know.”
“And then you slacked off so hard, you lost a year’s progress in like. Two months. I see, I see.”
“No,” Shigeo protests, laughing. He sits up and brushes snow off his face.
Tome kneels down and starts packing together a snowball. It takes her a few tries before it stops falling apart when she tries to roll it and she laughs in triumph when she finally gets something bigger than a baseball.
Shigeo watches her push the ball around, packing snow onto the sides to keep it a little more even. He picks up some snow and tries to pack a ball of his own. It takes him a lot longer to get it rolling than it took Tome-san, and by the time he has a ball as big as his head, she’s already got a second ball of about the same size.
“Hey Mob-kun!” she calls a bit later. “Come stack these for me! Oh, and bring that over, too. That can be the head!”
Shigeo picks up the ball he’d been working on and walks over to Tome-san, taking the path she’d made with her work.
The first ball she’d made comes all the way up their hips, and the second is maybe about half that size. Shigeo puts down his own comparatively meager sized snowball and tries to lift the smaller of Tome-san’s. It takes him a few tries to get a good grip and then for the next few moments, his entire focus is on Not Dropping It. He clutches it to his chest. Leans back to distribute the weight. Staggers the few steps to his goal. Heaves it into place and holds onto the whole thing for a few seconds to make sure it won’t fall as soon as he lets go.
Then he collapses back into the snow.
Tome-san kicks his shoe.
“That was kind of impressive actually. I thought for sure you were going to use your powers. You should definitely use them for the next one, though.”
“Next… one?” Shigeo pants. Snowflakes tickle his eyelashes.
“Yeah. I want to see how big of a snowman we can make.” He hears Tome-san move around and the crunch of snow. “This one isn’t even as tall as me.”
Shigeo huffs a laugh. For awhile, he just listens to her pushing snow around. Then he sits up and looks at the snowman they’ve already made. Tome-san put the head on and packed snow into the places where the snowballs meet. It looks kind of lopsided and lumpy, stained with dirt and grass, not at all like the perfect white spheres you see in cartoons.
He kind of likes it.
Tome-san is making some weird noises, though, so he stands up and walks over to where she’s pushing ineffectually at a… very large snowball.
“Do you need help?”
“Come over and help me push!”
“With my powers?” Shigeo rests a hand on the ball. It’s about the same size as the bottom one of the complete snowman.
“No, that’s cheating.” She shifts around, digging her shoulder into it, shoes slipping on uncovered grass. “You have to- have to roll them naturally, or it doesn’t count.”
“But it’s okay to use psychic powers to stack them?”
Tome-san glares at him. “Are you going to help or not?”
He kneels beside her and braces himself against the packed snow. On three, they push together. It rolls over easily. The next few rolls are progressively less easy. They keep at it until, even with their combined efforts, they can’t get it to move.
Panting for air, they lean against the snowball, legs sprawled out before them. Shigeo is half sweaty, half freezing. Tome-san opens the top of her coat, so he expects she feels about the same.
“Do you… do you think… we can make the next one… just as big?”
Shigeo laughs, a stuttering, breathy thing.
They cannot, in fact, get the next one as big.
They get close, though, and Tome-san directs Shigeo to stack the two extremely large snowballs next to the first snowman. She rolls a third snowball for the head, no bigger than the head of the other. It sets Shigeo off to giggling.
“Wait, hold on. Look, look.” Tome-san pulls off a glove and digs her thumb into packed snow, drawing the shape of a tie on each snowman torso. “It’s-” She wheezes through laughter. “It’s Reigen-san and Serizawa-san.”
Shigeo makes an embarrassingly high-pitched noise. Shaking with renewed laughter, he packs together a snowball and places it at the feet of the snowmen. “D- Dimple,” he explains.
They both collapse into laughter, Tome-san howling with it.
“What’re you kids laughing at?”
Shishou approaches, walking in the trench of their foot prints that the still-falling snow had been working to cover and thus far only softened the edges of. Ritsu trails a few meters behind.
“Well, I guess those are some funny looking snowmen. Why is that one so much more shitty than the other though?”
“That one’s you, Shishou.”
Tome-san, who had almost regained composure, bursts into laughing again. Dimple pops into visibility to join her, and even Ritsu barks a laugh. Reigen-shishou gapes at him, baffled, or maybe betrayed, but Shigeo just grins, unrepentant.
“What the hell. Who’s the other one, then?”
“Serizawa-san, of course,” Tome-san answers, fighting giggles.
“And Dimple,” Shigeo adds, nudging said snowball with his foot.
“Hey,” Dimple complains, without heat.
“That’s kind of cute, actually,” Reigen-shishou decides.
“Nobody asked you,” Dimple mutters.
“But if you kids are getting up to this kind of stuff, you’re definitely in the mood for a snowball fight, yeah?”
Tome-san raises her eyebrows, then looks to Shigeo. He tilts his head, considering. “I don’t know Shishou, Tome-san and I are kind of tired.”
“Nonsense.” Reigen-shishou scoops some snow from the ground and starts packing it. “You kids need to lighten up. How often have you seen such great snowball weather?” He pulls back his arm, clearly aiming at Shigeo. “It’d be a shame to waste-”
A snowball hits Reigen-shishou in the head, disintegrating into a white halo. He stumbles forward with a shriek, almost face-planting in as-of-yet untouched snow.
“What’s wrong, Reigen-san,” Ritsu calls, gathering another handful of snow. “Isn’t this what you wanted?”
Reigen-shishou whips around and throws the snowball he’d intended for Shigeo at Ritsu. Ritsu doesn’t need to dodge the poorly aimed throw and doesn’t bother to. The next two snowballs hit Reigen-shishou in the chest, despite his attempts to dodge.
“Mob, Tome-chan, help me out here.”
Three snowballs hit Reigen-shishou at once.
Tome-san laughs. Her laugh cuts off into a shriek when a snowball hits her chest, right where her coat is still open.
“Mob, what the hell!”
She lunges toward him, scooping up snow to let loose over his head. He scrambles away, flinging loose snow behind him. He'd opened his own coat a bit, in the last efforts of making the snowmen, and she wastes no time in tackling him and shoving snow down his shirt.
They keep that up for awhile, shoving snow into each others faces and hair and clothes. Making to get up and run away, only to slip on the snowy ground or be tugged back down with the lightest pull. It’s Tome-san who finally calls a halt, breathing too heavily to laugh, but still smiling.
“That- that’s enough. It’s way too cold to keep doing this. Let’s go in.”
Despite her words, she doesn’t make any move to get up from where she’s sprawled in the snow. Shigeo doesn’t either, only rolling a bit to the side to get out of her personal space.
“Are you alright, Nii-san?” Ritsu calls.
“Mm.” Shigeo looks around. “Did Shishou go inside already?”
“Yeah.” Ritsu smirks. Then he steps closer holding out his hand. “We should, too. Your clothes are wet, and you’ll get sick if you stay in them too long.”
Shigeo takes Ritsu’s hand, accepting his help up. Tome-san stands by herself, brushing snow off her clothes. Dimple hovers around their heads, commenting on the fight. Together, they head inside to the warmth of the building, Serizawa-san’s questions, and Reigen-shishou’s complaining. Shigeo can’t stop smiling.
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marbleboa · 2 months ago
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My secret spirit gift for @thousand-winters! One of the prompts I got was the 7th division awkwardly hanging after World Domination arc, and I thought it was the perfect chance to illustrate my vision of a post-battle MobDonald’s run. Gotta refuel after all that, I’d imagine.
I hope you enjoy it, and happy holidays! <3
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serizawasgamecube · 2 months ago
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happy holidays @yaraneechan!! all of your prompts were really great but i super loved the teru + teru teru bōzu one (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠) please enjoy! (ps: its the right aspect ratio for a phone background, too (if its not too bright for that lmao) ;3)
thanks to @mp100secretspirit for hosting this exchange!
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