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crinformativa-blog · 7 months ago
Confirmado: Habrá puentes peatonales en la Ruta Nacional 32
#Ruta32 Confirmado: Habrá puentes peatonales en la Ruta Nacional 32. #Infraestructura #SeguridadVial #Ruta32 #MOPT #CostaRica
CR Informativa | [email protected] MOPT Anuncia Mejoras en el Proyecto de Ampliación El Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT) ha anunciado mejoras significativas en el diseño original del proyecto de ampliación de la Ruta Nacional 32. Estas mejoras incluyen la incorporación de una mayor cantidad de puentes peatonales, financiados con recursos del Fondo de Avales. En una…
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sparrowsortadrawzzz · 1 year ago
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𝐚 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐢𝐬 𝐧𝐢𝐜𝐞, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐲! ^^
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jayninjago · 1 year ago
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moku-and-his-madness · 1 year ago
I noticed you having a conversation about dnd on my dash 👀 (<- currently running an in sys dnd game)
YEP!!! (oh thats cool as fuck)
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evan-on-the-internet · 5 months ago
Guys please. Guys. Guys. Guys please. I beg.
She's so cool. Please. Trust.
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Sanders Sides OT4 Names
Glossary Masterpost
A list of the shipnames of Sanders Sides pairings that include four characters! Orange is included with temporary shipnames until we know more about him, as has been voted in this poll! Ordered by however it made sense to me.
Many of these I have come up with as I haven’t found any already existing ones. If you have any additions, please feel free to send an ask, message or submissions!
1) Patton / Roman / Logan / Virgil - LAMP, CALM, PolySanders
!! PolySanders can also refer to DLAMPR. Here is a poll I run about who Fanders thought the shipname referred to. !!
2) Patton / Roman / Logan / Janus - DLMP, Royaliloceit, Logincaliceit, Moraloginceit, Rologicaliceit, Moloroceit
3) Patton / Roman / Logan / Remus - LMPR, Rologicalimus, Rolomoduke
4) Patton / Roman / Logan / Thomas - PLMT, Mologincemas, Logincalimas
5) Patton / Roman / Logan / Nico - PLMN, Logincalico
6) Patton / Roman / Logan / King - KLMP, Logincalking
7) Patton / Roman / Logan / Orange - POLM, LOMP, MOLP, Moloronge, Logincalirange
8) Patton / Roman / Virgil / Janus - DAMP, Anaroyaliceit, Anaromoceit, Anamoroceit, Prinxiemoceit
9) Patton / Roman / Virgil / Remus - RAMP, Anaroyalimus
10) Patton / Roman / Virgil / Thomas - TAMP, Anaroyalimas
11) Patton / Roman / Virgil / Nico - NAMP, Anaroyalico
12) Patton / Roman / Virgil / King - KAMP, Anaroyaliking
13) Patton / Roman / Virgil / Orange - MARO, ROMA, Anaromorange
14) Patton / Roman / Janus / Remus - DMPR, Royaliceitmus
15) Patton / Roman / Janus / Thomas - PMDT, Royaliceitmas
16) Patton / Roman / Janus / Nico - PMND, DMNP, Royaliceitco
17) Patton / Roman / Janus / King - PMDK, Royalikingceit
18) Patton / Roman / Janus / Orange - MOPD, Royaliceitange
19) Patton / Roman / Remus / Thomas - PRMT, Intruroyalimas
20) Patton / Roman / Remus / Nico - PRMN, Intruroyalico
21) Patton / Roman / Remus / King - PRMK, Intruroyaliking
22) Patton / Roman / Remus / Orange - PROM, Intruroyalityrange
23) Patton / Roman / Thomas / Nico - PMTN, Royalimasco
24) Patton / Roman / Thomas / King - PMTK, Royalikingmas
25) Patton / Roman / Thomas / Orange - MOPT, Royaliangemas
26) Patton / Roman / Nico / King - PMNK, Royalikingco
27) Patton / Roman / Nico / Orange - PNOM, Royaliangeco
28) Patton / Roman / King / Orange - KOMP, Royalikingange
29) Patton / Logan / Virgil / Janus - DLAM, Analogicaliceit, Anloceitality
30) Patton / Logan / Virgil / Remus - LAMR, Intruanalogicality, Analogicalimus, Analomoduke
31) Patton / Logan / Virgil / Thomas - MALT, Analogicalimas
32) Patton / Logan / Virgil / Nico - MALN, Analogicalico
33) Patton / Logan / Virgil / King - KALM, Analogicaliking
34) Patton / Logan / Virgil / Orange - MOLA, Analogicaliange
35) Patton / Logan / Janus / Remus - DLMR, DRLM, Intruloceitality, Intrulogicaliceit, Intrulomoceit, Logicaliceitmus
36) Patton / Logan / Janus / Thomas - MLDT, Lopdeet, Moloceitmas
37) Patton / Logan / Janus / Nico - MLDN, Moloceitco
38) Patton / Logan / Janus / King - MLDK, Molokingceit
39) Patton / Logan / Janus / Orange - MOLD, Molorangeceit
40) Patton / Logan / Remus / Thomas - MLRT, Intrumolomas, Molomasmus
41) Patton / Logan / Remus / Nico - MLRN, Intrumoloco
42) Patton / Logan / Remus / King - MLRK, Intrumoloking
43) Patton / Logan / Remus / Orange - MORL, Intrumolorange
44) Patton / Logan / Thomas / Nico - MLTN, Logicalimasco
45) Patton / Logan / Thomas / King - MLTK, Logicalikingmas
46) Patton / Logan / Thomas / Orange - MOLT, Logicalimasange
47) Patton / Logan / Nico / King - MLNK, Logicalikingco
48) Patton / Logan / Nico / Orange - NOLM, Logicalicorange
49) Patton / Logan / King / Orange - MOLK, Logicalikingange
50) Patton / Virgil / Janus / Remus - DAMR, Moxceitmus, Intruanamoceit, Intrumoxceit, Anamoceitmus, Modukexieceit, Moxieceitmus
51) Patton / Virgil / Janus / Thomas - DAMT, Moxceitmas, Anamoceitmas
52) Patton / Virgil / Janus / Nico - DAMN, Moxceitco, Anamoceitco
53) Patton / Virgil / Janus / King - KAMD, Moxceitking, Anamokingceit
54) Patton / Virgil / Janus / Orange - DOMA, Moxceitange, Anamorangeceit
55) Patton / Virgil / Remus / Thomas - MART, Anaintrualimas
56) Patton / Virgil / Remus / Nico - MARN, Anaintrualico
57) Patton / Virgil / Remus / King - MARK, Anaintrualiking
58) Patton / Virgil / Remus / Orange - MORA, Anaintrualiange
59) Patton / Virgil / Thomas / Nico - MATN, Moxiemasco
60) Patton / Virgil / Thomas / King - KAMT, Moxiekingmas
61) Patton / Virgil / Thomas / Orange - ATOM, Moxiemasange
62) Patton / Virgil / Nico / King - MANK, Moxiekingco
63) Patton / Virgil / Nico / Orange - MONA, Moxiecorange
64) Patton / Virgil / King / Orange - MOKA, Moxiekingange
65) Patton / Janus / Remus / Thomas - MDRT, Moceitmasmus
66) Patton / Janus / Remus / Nico - MDRN, Moceitmusco
67) Patton / Janus / Remus / King - MDRK, Mokingceitmus
68) Patton / Janus / Remus / Orange - DORM, Moceitangemus
69) Patton / Janus / Thomas / Nico - MDTN, Moceitmasco
70) Patton / Janus / Thomas / King - MDTK, Mokingceitmas
71) Patton / Janus / Thomas / Orange - MODT, Moceitangemas
72) Patton / Janus / Nico / King - MDNK, Mokingceitco
73) Patton / Janus / Nico / Orange - NOMD, Moceitcorange
74) Patton / Janus / King / Orange - KOMD, Mokingceitange
75) Patton / Remus / Thomas / Nico - MRTN, Intrualimasco
76) Patton / Remus / Thomas / King - MRTK, Intrualikingmas
77) Patton / Remus / Thomas / Orange - MORT, Intrualiangemas
78) Patton / Remus / Nico / King - MRNK, Intrualikingco
79) Patton / Remus / Nico / Orange - NORM, Intrualicorange
80) Patton / Remus / King / Orange - KORM, Intrualikingange
81) Patton / Thomas / Nico / King - MTNK, Thomocoking
82) Patton / Thomas / Nico / Orange - TOMN, Thomocorange
83) Patton / Thomas / King / Orange - KOMT, Thomorangeking
84) Patton / Nico / King / Orange - MONK, Mocorangeking
85) Roman / Logan / Virgil / Janus - DLAP, PLAD, Anaroloceit, Analoginceit, Analoroceit
86) Roman / Logan / Virgil / Remus - LARP, Intruloprinxiety, Anarolomus
87) Roman / Logan / Virgil / Thomas - PLAT, Analogincemas
88) Roman / Logan / Virgil / Nico - PLAN, Analoginco
89) Roman / Logan / Virgil / King - KLAP, Analoginceking
90) Roman / Logan / Virgil / Orange - POLA, Analogincerange
91) Roman / Logan / Janus / Remus - DLPR, Remromloceit, Roloceitmus
92) Roman / Logan / Janus / Thomas - PLDT, Roloceitmas
93) Roman / Logan / Janus / Nico - PLDN, Rolococeit
94) Roman / Logan / Janus / King - PLDK, Rolokingceit
95) Roman / Logan / Janus / Orange - PLOD, Roloceitange, Rolorangeceit
96) Roman / Logan / Remus / Thomas - PRTL, Intrulogincemas
97) Roman / Logan / Remus / Nico - PRNL, Intruloginco
98) Roman / Logan / Remus / King - PRKL, Intruloginceking
99) Roman / Logan / Remus / Orange - PROL, Intrulogincerange
100) Roman / Logan / Thomas / Nico - PLTN, Rolomasco
101) Roman / Logan / Thomas / King - PLTK, Rolomasking
102) Roman / Logan / Thomas / Orange - PLOT, Rolomasange
103) Roman / Logan / Nico / King - PLNK, Rolocoking
104) Roman / Logan / Nico / Orange - PLON, Rolocorange
105) Roman / Logan / King / Orange - PLOK, Rolorangeking
106) Roman / Virgil / Janus / Remus - DAPR, Prinxceitmus, Anaroceitmus
107) Roman / Virgil / Janus / Thomas - PADT, Thomroanxceit, Prinxceitmas
108) Roman / Virgil / Janus / Nico - DANP, Prinxceitco
109) Roman / Virgil / Janus / King - DANK, Prinxceitking
110) Roman / Virgil / Janus / Orange - ODAN, Prinxceitange
111) Roman / Virgil / Remus / Thomas - PART, Intruprinxmas
112) Roman / Virgil / Remus / Nico - PRAN, Intrupinxco
113) Roman / Virgil / Remus / King - PARK, Intruprinxking
114) Roman / Virgil / Remus / Orange - PARO - Intruprinxange
115) Roman / Virgil / Thomas / Nico - PANT, Prinxcomas
116) Roman / Virgil / Thomas / King - PAKT, Prinxkingmas
117) Roman / Virgil / Thomas / Orange - PATO, Prinxmasange
118) Roman / Virgil / Nico / King - PANK, Prinxkingco
119) Roman / Virgil / Nico / Orange - PANO, Prinxcorange
120) Roman / Virgil / King / Orange - KAPO, Prinxkingange
121) Roman / Janus / Remus / Thomas - PDRT, Intruroceitmas
122) Roman / Janus / Remus / Nico - PDRN, Intrurococeit
123) Roman / Janus / Remus / King - PDRK, Intrurokingceit
124) Roman / Janus / Remus / Orange - PORD, Intruroceitange, Intruroranceit
125) Roman / Janus / Thomas / Nico - PDTN, Roceitmasco
126) Roman / Janus / Thomas / King - PDTK, Rokingceitmas
127) Roman / Janus / Thomas / Orange - PODT, Roceitmasange
128) Roman / Janus / Nico / King - PDNK, Rokingceitco
129) Roman / Janus / Nico / Orange - POND, Roceitcorange
130) Roman / Janus / King / Orange - KOPD, Rorangekingceit
131) Roman / Remus / Thomas / Nico - PRTN, Intruromasco
132) Roman / Remus / Thomas / King - PRTK, Intrurokingmas
133) Roman / Remus / Thomas / Orange - PORT, Intrurorangemas
134) Roman / Remus / Nico / King - PRNK, Intrurocoking
135) Roman / Remus / Nico / Orange - NORP, PORN, Intrurocorange
136) Roman / Remus / King / Orange - KROP, Intrurorangeking
137) Roman / Thomas / Nico / King - PTNK, Rocokingmas
138) Roman / Thomas / Nico / Orange - PONT, Rocorangemas
139) Roman / Thomas / King / Orange - KOPT, Rorangekingmas
140) Roman / Nico / King / Orange - PONK, Rocorangeking
141) Logan / Virgil / Janus / Remus - DLAR, Anaintruloceit, Analodemus, Analoceitmus, Intruanaloceit
142) Logan / Virgil / Janus / Thomas - DALT, Analoceitmas
143) Logan / Virgil / Janus / Nico - DALN, Analococeit
144) Logan / Virgil / Janus / King - DALK, Analokingceit
145) Logan / Virgil / Janus / Orange - DOLA, Analorangeceit
146) Logan / Virgil / Remus / Thomas - LART, Analodukemas, Anaintrulomas
147) Logan / Virgil / Remus / Nico - LARN, Anaintruloco
148) Logan / Virgil / Remus / King - LARK, Anaintruloking
149) Logan / Virgil / Remus / Orange - LARO, ORAL, Anaintrulorange
150) Logan / Virgil / Thomas / Nico - LANT, Analocomas
151) Logan / Virgil / Thomas / King - KALT, Analokingmas
152) Logan / Virgil / Thomas / Orange - ALTO, Analorangemas
153) Logan / Virgil / Nico / King - LANK, Analocoking
154) Logan / Virgil / Nico / Orange - LONA, Analocorange
155) Logan / Virgil / King / Orange - LOKA, Analorangeking
156) Logan / Janus / Remus / Thomas - LDRT, Intruloceitmas
157) Logan / Janus / Remus / Nico - LDRN, Intrulococeit
158) Logan / Janus / Remus / King - LDRK, Intrulokingceit
159) Logan / Janus / Remus / Orange - LORD, Intrulorangeceit
160) Logan / Janus / Thomas / Nico - LDTN, Lococeitmas
161) Logan / Janus / Thomas / King - LDTK, Lokingceitmas
162) Logan / Janus / Thomas / Orange - TOLD, Lorangeceitmas
163) Logan / Janus / Nico / King - LDKN, Locokingceit
164) Logan / Janus / Nico / Orange - LOND, Locorangeceit
165) Logan / Janus / King / Orange - KOLD, Lorangekingceit
166) Logan / Remus / Thomas / Nico - LRTN, Intrulocomas
167) Logan / Remus / Thomas / King - LRTK, Intrulokingmas
168) Logan / Remus / Thomas / Orange - LORT, Intrulorangemas
169) Logan / Remus / Nico / King - LRNK, Intrulocoking
170) Logan / Remus / Nico / Orange - LORN, Intrulocorange
171) Logan / Remus / King / Orange - LORK, Intrulorangeking
172) Logan / Thomas / Nico / King - LTNK, Locokingmas
173) Logan / Thomas / Nico / Orange - LONT, Locorangemas
174) Logan / Thomas / King / Orange - KOLT, Lorangekingmas
175) Logan / Nico / King / Orange - LONK, Locorangemas
176) Virgil / Janus / Remus / Thomas - DART, Thviceitmus
177) Virgil / Janus / Remus / Nico - DARN, Intruanacoceit
178) Virgil / Janus / Remus / King - DARK, Intruanakingceit
179) Virgil / Janus / Remus / Orange - ROAD, Intruanaorangeceit
180) Virgil / Janus / Thomas / Nico - DANT, Anacoceitmas
181) Virgil / Janus / Thomas / King - DAKT, Anakingceitmas
182) Virgil / Janus / Thomas / Orange - TOAD, Anaorangeceitmas
183) Virgil / Janus / Nico / King - DANK, Anakingcoceit
184) Virgil / Janus / Nico / Orange - DONA, Anacorangeceit
185) Virgil / Janus / King / Orange - KODA, Anaorangekingceit
186) Virgil / Remus / Thomas / Nico - RANT, Intruanacomas
187) Virgil / Remus / Thomas / King - RAKT, Intruanakingmas
188) Virgil / Remus / Thomas / Orange - TARO, Intruanaorangemas
189) Virgil / Remus / Nico / King - RANK, Intruanakingco
190) Virgil / Remus / Nico / Orange - RONA, Intruanacorange
191) Virgil / Remus / King / Orange - KARO, Intruanakingange
192) Virgil / Thomas / Nico / King - TANK, Anakingcomas
193) Virgil / Thomas / Nico / Orange - TONA, Anacorangemas
194) Virgil / Thomas / King / Orange - TAKO, Anakingangemas
195) Virgil / Nico / King / Orange - NOKA, Anakingcorange
196) Janus / Remus / Thomas / Nico - DRTN, Dukeceitmasco
197) Janus / Remus / Thomas / King - DRTK, Dukekingceitmas
198) Janus / Remus / Thomas / Orange - DORT, Dukeangeceitmas
199) Janus / Remus / Nico / King - DRNK, Dukeceitkingco
200) Janus / Remus / Nico / Orange - DORN, Dukeceitcorange
201) Janus / Remus / King / Orange - DORK, Dukekingceitange
202) Janus / Thomas / Nico / King - DTNK, Thomceitkingco
203) Janus / Thomas / Nico / Orange - DONT, Thomangeceitco
204) Janus / Thomas / King / Orange - DOKT, Thomkingceitange
205) Janus / Nico / King / Orange - DONK, Kingceitcorange
206) Remus / Thomas / Nico / King - RTNK, Intrumascoking
207) Remus / Thomas / Nico / Orange - TORN, Intrucorangemas
208) Remus / Thomas / King / Orange - KORT, Intrukingmasange
209) Remus / Nico / King / Orange - KORN, Intrukingcorange
210) Thomas / Nico / King / Orange - TONK, Thomkingcorange
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look-at-these-places · 1 year ago
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unfortunately the photograph was not of high enough resolution to see what was written on that statue. All I could see was the top word ending in "-sesp" and the second word ending in "-mort"... sort of? I'm not certain of that, it might be "-mopts". Below that looks like some kind of date range. I can't tell the first number, but the second one looks like "19_8". Maybe. Not certain lol
44°19'58"N 2°09'31''E, 235m
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laedicion · 2 years ago
MOPT explica en congreso el desarrollo de la obra pública en El Salvador
El Ministro de Obras Públicas y de Transporte (MOPT), Romeo Rodríguez Herrera, expuso en el Congreso Internacional de Cemento y Concreto 2023, realizado en el país,  el desarrollo de la obra pública en El Salvador, donde citó los diferentes proyectos ejecutados, en construcción y a realizar en el país, de cara a su desarrollo y el bienestar de la población. El evento contó con la participación…
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figtrad · 1 month ago
Fans think Nike is trolling Patrick Mahomes with the new Ag Gols Mopt advertisement
Fans think Nike took a shot Patrick Mahomes Following the brand new Philadelphia AG Gols advertisement Super Bowl LixThe The commercial was dropped after the Kansas City Chiefs were defeated in the big game on Sunday, February 7, celebrating the new NFL champions with the help of Kermit the Frog – WHO Mahomes (25). In comparison Over the years. The famous song in the clip is featured by the…
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gamistuff · 1 month ago
Fans think Nike is trolling Patrick Mahomes with the new Ag Gols Mopt advertisement
Fans think Nike took a shot Patrick Mahomes Following the brand new Philadelphia AG Gols advertisement Super Bowl LixThe The commercial was dropped after the Kansas City Chiefs were defeated in the big game on Sunday, February 7, celebrating the new NFL champions with the help of Kermit the Frog – WHO Mahomes (25). In comparison Over the years. The famous song in the clip is featured by the…
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damindf · 1 month ago
Fans think Nike is trolling Patrick Mahomes with the new Ag Gols Mopt advertisement
Fans think Nike took a shot Patrick Mahomes Following the brand new Philadelphia AG Gols advertisement Super Bowl LixThe The commercial was dropped after the Kansas City Chiefs were defeated in the big game on Sunday, February 7, celebrating the new NFL champions with the help of Kermit the Frog – WHO Mahomes (25). In comparison Over the years. The famous song in the clip is featured by the…
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crinformativa-blog · 7 months ago
MOPT abre recepción de solicitudes para ayudas comunales 2024-2025
#ObrasPúblicasyTransportes MOPT abre recepción de solicitudes para ayudas comunales 2024-2025. #MOPT #AyudasComunales #Construcción #CostaRica #SolicitudGratuita
CR Informativa | [email protected] San José, 29 de agosto del 2024. – El Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT) ha anunciado la apertura del período de recepción de solicitudes de materiales de construcción para ayudas comunales correspondientes al ciclo 2024-2025. Las solicitudes se recibirán desde hoy hasta el 20 de diciembre de 2024. Las comunidades organizadas e…
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playapotrero · 4 months ago
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NOTICIAS | MOPT has announced that the Liberia International Airport (LIR) will continue to be closed for the immediate need of fixes to the tarmac. As this may be an inconvenience and let down to many, this is for everyone’s safety. If you happen to be affected by the airport closer and are in Costa Rica for a few more days, please consider contributing to those in need that have lost all their belongings and moreover are in need of food. There are many donation points to drop items in need and many groups organized to reach out to in order to help in these efforts. Thank you in advance for your patience, your kindness, and the love that you are sharing with the community.
- More on weather updates: https://u.pe/info/weather-alert-update-from-cne/
- More on charity details: https://u.pe/info/donations-and-support-for-flood-affected-communities/
- More on closure details, including a message from the Sub-Director of Civil Aviation General Direction (DGAC) : https://u.pe/info/runway-closure-notification/
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markdigitalcr · 11 months ago
El Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes (MOPT) planea proyectos de mejora en la salida de la Circunvalación, hacia Ruta 27 y el paso a desnivel en Hatillo 8. Este segundo es un proyecto que se encuentra en análisis por parte de las autoridades del MOPT con el objetivo de que se inicie a mitad de año. Batalla brindó detalles sobre las medidas que tomarán para garantizar una mayor fluidez del tránsito en la salida de Circunvalación. El MOPT habilitó este miércoles una rampa de ingreso más amplia, con dos carriles de aceleración, para salir de la carretera General Cañas, en Ruta 1, hacia Circunvalación.
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netserviceproviders · 1 year ago
Ranksnet is Now in Your Area
Ranks ITT a concern of RANCON group acquired ISP license from Ministry of Post & Telecommunication (MoPT) in 2001 and we started our operations in the same year. Later in the year of 2009 we acquired IPTSP license and started as IPTSP Provider. In January 2022 Ranks ITT rebranded its home internet service as “RANKS NET”.
More info: https://ranksnetbd.com/
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moreteadventuretour · 2 years ago
Atv adventure tours costa rica
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The first stop on the ATV tour is La Mano del Morete, the highest point in the area. Here, you will be treated to a panoramic view of the famous whale tail formation (subject to weather conditions). The awe-inspiring sight of the whale tail merging with the vast ocean is a sight to behold. Take a moment to soak in the beauty and capture stunning photographs to cherish forever.
The Waterfall of San Luis: Nature's Beauty
Continuing the adventure, the tour proceeds to the magnificent Waterfall of San Luis. Located just a few kilometers from La Mano del Morete, this waterfall is often referred to as "beauty" by the locals. A short walk amidst the natural surroundings will lead you to the waterfall. You can choose to admire the serene atmosphere or even take a refreshing dip in the crystal-clear waters. It's an experience that truly connects you with nature.
Devil's Waterfall: A Majestic Wonder
The next destination on the tour is the Devil's Waterfall, situated approximately 30 kilometers away. As you ride through the countryside, you'll witness stunning vistas of coffee and banana plantations. The Devil's Waterfall, known as "Diablo waterfall" by the locals, is a sight thatleaves visitors in awe. Its cascading waters and the surrounding lush greenery create a picturesque setting. Take a moment to appreciate the power and beauty of this majestic wonder. The tour allows you to fully immerse yourself in the natural wonders of Uvita.
Safety First: Registered and Insured ATVs
At UvitaATV Tours, your safety is our top priority. We ensure that all our ATVs are duly registered and insured with the relevant authorities of Costa Rica, including the Ministry of Public Transportation (MOPT) and the National Insurance Institute (INS). Our experienced guides will provide you with safety instructions and guidelines to ensure a secure and enjoyable journey throughout the tour.
Our services
Atv adventure tours
Atv adventure tours costa rica
Atv in costa rica
Atv rental costa rica
Atv tour costa rica
Atv tours costa rica
Atv tours in uvita costa rica 
Atv tours near me 
Atv uvita costa rica 
An ATV tourin Uvita, Costa Rica, is a thrilling and unforgettable experience that allows you to explore the region's natural wonders in a unique way. From the highest point with panoramic views to the captivating waterfalls, every moment of the tour is filled with excitement and awe-inspiring beauty. Immerse yourself in the lush landscapes, breathe in the fresh air, and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Can I participate in the ATV tour if I have no prior riding experience?
Absolutely! Before the tour, a training session is available to enhance your driving skills and ensure your safety.
What should I wear for the ATV tour?
It is recommended to wear light clothing and comfortable shoes. Don't forget to bring your swimsuit, repellent, sunscreen, water shoes, and towels.
Is the ATV tour suitable for children?
The ATV tour is suitable for participants of all ages. However, there may be age restrictions for driving the ATVs, so it's best to inquire beforehand.
Are snacks and water provided during the tour?
Yes, we provide spring water, fresh fruits, and our famous homemade cookies. As a delightful surprise, you'll also have the opportunity to taste our grandfather's traditional coconut rum recipe.
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