gintama-polls · 11 months
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Gintama OP/ED Song Tournament
"Anata Magic" is the 6th opening theme (episodes 126-150).
"Beautiful Days" is the 16th opening theme. It's the 3rd opening song for Gintama° (episodes 292-303).
Songs under the cut.
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animangapolls · 7 months
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epicdogymoment · 11 months
だけど知っているんだ 魔物は心の中だよ 臆病な自分だけが答えか?
but I already know the demon is in my heart is the answer just my cowardly self?
monobright - アナタMAGIC (anata MAGIC)
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pink45 · 3 years
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hymns-to-the-night · 4 years
Monobright - Anata Magic
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*trows this before running away* Gintama Opening tier list
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tumblr2011aterehwon · 4 years
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この音楽は空気の振動ごと好き。 というか、 日高さんとの綱引きのテンションが一番張りつめて(いるように聴こえて)好き。 #音楽 #monobright #ハートビート #大文字でも小文字でも #変わらなかった #変えられなかった #気がする #知らんけど https://www.instagram.com/p/CC3YBGBA1BK/?igshid=1jljswsjui3ve
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wataruujihara · 7 years
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‪DOESデビューからの盟友モノブライトの休止ライブに行ってきた。観ながら、名曲多いな…良いバンドだな…って、深い感慨。桃野、でーさん、松っちゃん、10年お疲れ様。またなんか絡もうぜ!‬ ‪#monobright ‬
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branto · 5 years
Gintama & Monobright
Op 6 Gintama | Ending Special Ep. 101 - Ep. 150
Kintama arc | Gintama': Enchousen | ED 21
Kagura: Isn't that right, Gin-chan?
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goldenlaquer · 4 years
Hi!! 💕 I was wondering, do you have a favorite Gintama OST? Including endings and openings!!
("The God of cardboard" by MADAO is my personal favorite🙏😔✨)
Have a nice day!! 💕🌸
wat up wat up??? You have awesome taste, by the way. “The God of Cardboard” beats all this radio pop music nonsense to filth. 
Ohhhh but my favorite OST??? That’s a very hard answer ma’am. Can’t I say I love them all? I can’t possible choose just one. There’s “Mukashi no Yuujin ga Kawarazu ni iru Toiu no mo Waruku nai Mono da na...”, which never fails to get the waterworks going (we also can’t forget “Koko wa Samurai no Kuni da” for that matter). There’s “Uchuu Ichi Baka na Samurai da” when I want an epic tune to motivate me on the car ride home. All the openings and closings are fucking amazing yo. “Light Infection” by Prague (OP8) and “Sakura Mitsutsuki” by SPYAIR (OP13) are my top picks for openings. For closings, it’s “Moonwalk” by Monobright (ED 21) for happy nostalgia and “Acchi Muite” by Swimy (ED 26) for heartbreaking nostalgia. 
Have an awesome day yourself!
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gintama-polls · 11 months
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Gintama OP/ED Song Tournament
"Sayonara no Sora" is the 16th ending theme song (episodes 190-201).
"Moonwalk" is the 21st ending theme song. It's the 1st ending song for Gintama': Enchousen (episodes 253-256).
Songs under the cut.
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liliyaolenyeva666 · 4 years
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🎼 00519 「放課後ギター」。
いつかの両国国技館で催されました 「劇場版 銀魂 銀幕前夜祭り 2013」 を観ています。決して噛むことのない声優陣による 熱い小話や、主題歌をうたうグループらの演奏も然る事乍ら "Monobright" というグループの面子のひとりが かき鳴らしていました ノンリバースな "Firebird" が 格好良くって 何度も見返してしまいました。
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monstertidbits · 4 years
sorry for being predictable but 001 gintama !
this kind of predictable is very appreciated! 🥰
Favorite character: gintoki, sakamoto, hijikata, yorozuya as a whole
Least Favorite character: toujou is unnecessary and creepy and he can actually make me annoyed when he shows up so yeah
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): i dont care a lot abt any ship in gintama honestly but kyuutae, konhiji and kagusoyo are really good (+some others)
Character I find most attractive: gintoki..... 😔👊 hijikata and sacchan and all the women too
Character I would marry: kondou! sakamoto, tsukuyo, sacchan, gintoki, hasegawa.........
Character I would be best friends with: otae, kagura, shinpachi
a random thought: gintama ending 21 moonwalk by monobright is perfect in every single way
An unpopular opinion: umibouzu arc is still one of the best gintama arcs, the gintama girls deserved more screentime, kagura chapters are the best (well maybe this one isn't so unpopular), and i still have a long way before i finish this manga so i know my opinion on takasugi will change later on, but rn i dont care abt him much. Ah and sorachi definitely should have given sakamoto more screentime im mad about that
My Canon OTP: gintoki x happiness
My Non-canon OTP: kyuutae
Most Badass Character: oh fuck. gintoki? i mean breaking a sword with your teeth is so sexy
Most Epic Villain: ..........😗
Pairing I am not a fan of: okikagu bye
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): SAKAMOTO WHAT THE FUCK WENT WRONG THERE LIKE REALLY???!!! hes so funny and stupid and fun sorachi couldve EASILY thrown some short arcs or chapters with him even if they were just comedy centric... seriously why im so disappointed. He was the only character in gintama i fell for immediately when he showed up like no kidding it took one panel one page and i was sold. And Then he didnt show up for over 300 chapters after his debut fuck that
Favourite Friendship: yorozuya, gin and tama, kondou and hijikata, Plus more
Character I most identify with: sacchan i too wanna fuck gintoki so bad it could be my main character trait for like 500 chapters
Character I wish I could be: sakamoto cuz hes rich or something otose bc shes incredible and perfect and whoever fucked gintoki
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mamuflower · 6 years
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《拡散お願いいたします!》 6月23日、札幌のREVOLVERさんの会場にて、花と音楽のイベント「ハナアソビ」の開催が決まりました!!! 花と緑に囲まれたステージや会場。見て、触って、香って、飲んで、音楽聴いて、、、。新しい感覚を楽しんでいただきたいと思います! 昼は「ハーバリウムづくり」を二部制で行います。初めての方でも簡単です。 お茶を飲みながら、花を触って楽しんでもらいたいと思います。画像は参考例です。当日、早く終わった方は追加作成もできます☆ 形も数種類準備致します!! 二部には、出演者の桃野さんもハーバリウムづくりに参加いたします。 夜はお酒を飲みながら、花とグリーンに囲まれたステージを見て音楽聴いて、新たな世界を。 私の地元でもある札幌で、15年前からお知り合いのあるアーティストさんの「桃野さん」「SNARE COVER の斎藤さん」と、共演できることを心から感謝しております。 6月23日REVOLVERにて、ご予約開始いたします。 ハーバリウムづくりは先着限定です。一部と二部がありますので、予約時にはどちらかをお伝えください。 二部には桃野さんが参加いたします!もしかすると、、一部には、、、 お早めにご予約をよろしくお願い致します!「ライブチケット+ハーバリウムづくり ¥5500」 「ライブチケットまたは、ハーバリウムづくりのみ ¥3500」 #ハナアソビ #花#花と音楽#音楽#flower#ミュージック#ライブ#ハーバリウム#ハーバリウム体験 #ワークレッスン #REVOLVER#円山#札幌#snarecover #monobright #モノブライト
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anonymous-unko-blog · 7 years
Translation: Anata Magic/アナタMAGIC (Monobright)
Warning: This translation was created by someone who has only studied Japanese for 4 months. There may be mistakes. If you find a mistake, please let me know, and please include an explanation. Thanks ^^
I like listening to songs while knowing what the lyrics mean. Knowing the meaning behind the words really enhances my listening experience. Since I'm learning Japanese, I find it fun to try translating Japanese songs. Instead of trusting a translation done by some person online I know nothing about, why not try figuring out the meaning myself? Since I know the meaning of most of the words in this song, I thought I wouldn't do a completely horrible job if I tried translating it (although, I still have trouble figuring out where the sentence boundaries are in songs). Many of the translations I found online also seemed slightly off. Those are the reasons why I'm going to try translating it myself.
I'm going to try rearranging the lyrics into sentences and filling in some missing parts so the sentence is clearer to me. Of course other choices are possible, and the parts I add in might not fit the context, formality, etc. Just don't take it too seriously.
Link to lyrics (I made a few corrections) This video's Chinese translation was used for reference
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、(僕は)素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ Translation: I forget about the world, tears, and strength, (and) want to be sung to by the lovely you. Notes: According to this, the passive form of 歌う should be 歌われる, the subject (は) should be the one being sung to, and に marks the doer of the verb. Interpretation: Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to sing to me.
僕の歌の中には、ありふれた嘘つきだけが心を動かそうとしている Translation: Inside my songs, only cliched liars have tried to move hearts. Notes: According to this, volitional form + とする means you're attempting to do the verb (動かす). Questions: Whose heart is being moved here? Interpretation: Inside my songs, only cliched liars have tried to move people's hearts.
だけど知っているんだ Translation: But I know (probably, the sentence below)
魔物は心の中だよ Translation: Two possible interpretations here... 1. The monster is the inside of my heart. 2. There are monsters inside my heart. Interpretation: There are monsters inside my heart.
臆病な自分だけが答え(です)か? Translation: Is only my cowardly self the answer? Interpretation: Is being cowardly the only answer?
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ (repeat) Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to sing to me.
僕の歌の中には、(僕は)大人のような子供のような不安をごまかそうとしている Translation: In my songs, (I) have tried to avoid grown-up and childlike uneasiness. Notes: The な makes it seem like the phrase is modifying another noun. I'm not sure if that's the proper way to connect the two ような phrases though... Unless the first one is modifying 子供 in the second one, which is modifying 不安...?
だけど知っているんだ (repeat) But I know (probably, the sentence below)
みんなも同じ穴の中(にいる) Translation: Everyone is inside the same hole.
「一人(では)探せないよ」(は)答えだ Translation: The answer is that (one) can't search alone.
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ (repeat) Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to sing to me.
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、素敵なあなたに笑われたいよ Translation: (I) forget about the world, tears, and strength, (and) want the lovely you to laugh. Note: According to this, it looks like an intransitive verb in passive form is used to mean that the action of the doer of the verb affected you, often negatively. I'm a little confused because my dictionary says 笑う is an intransitive verb, but I see examples where it is used with を. There is an example here though where に is used to indicate what is being laughed at. Interpretation: Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to laugh.
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ (repeat) Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to sing to me.
世界も涙も強さも忘れて、素敵なあなたに笑われたいよ (repeat) Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength, I just want the lovely you to laugh.
メラメラしたいよ Translation: I want to burst into flames. Note: I'm guessing メラメラする means to burst into flames and not to make something burst into flames. Interpretation: I want to flare up with passion.
キラキラしたいよ Translation: I want to shine.
送僕には斧見えないアナタMAGIC Translation: The magic of you is not visible in myself. Note: According to this, ~に見える means to look; to seem; to appear. I don't think "does not look like me" fits here though. Interpretation: The magic of you is something that cannot be seen in myself.
table, th, td { border: 1px solid black; } Final Translation
Japanese English 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ I just want the lovely you to sing to me 僕の歌の中には ありふれた嘘つきだけが Inside my songs, only cliched liars 心を動かそうとしている Have tried to move hearts だけど知っているんだ 魔物は心の中だよ But I know there are monsters inside my heart 臆病な自分だけが答えか? Is being cowardly the only answer? 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ I just want the lovely you to sing to me 僕の歌の中には 大人のような子供のような In my songs, I have tried to avoid 不安をごまかそうとしている Grown-up and childlike uneasiness だけど知っているんだ みんなも同じ穴の中 But I know everyone is inside the same hole 一人じゃ探せないよ 答えだ The answer is that one can't search alone 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ I just want the lovely you to sing to me 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに笑われたいよ I just want the lovely you to laugh 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに歌われたいよ I just want the lovely you to sing to me 世界も涙も強さも忘れて Forgetting about the world, tears, and strength 素敵なあなたに笑われたいよ I just want the lovely you to laugh メラメラしたいよ キラキラしたいよ I want to flare up with passion, I want to shine 僕には見えないアナタMAGIC The magic of you is something that cannot be seen in myself
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20070704mo-blog · 7 years
20th Century Lover’s Orchestra
松下「もしかしてこれってmonobrightのロックバラードじゃない?って僕は思ってます。「ときめくのさ」って大人になると(というか今どき、(笑) あんまり言わないね。だからくすぐったいような、なつかしいような、いくつになっても青春しましょうよ。ってなる曲ですよ。 僕には(笑)。」
出口「現代版Sgt.Peppers lonely hearts Club Bandを意識して、60年代から続くUKロックの持つ独特の8ビート感を詰め込んでみました。 「僕と眠ろう僕と踊ろう」。事を起こせない妄想少年の恋はあなたの中にもきっとあるはず。」
ファーストアルバム『monobright one』ライナーノーツより
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