soapyakships · 1 day
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mizuena catcore
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mocakola · 3 days
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mizuena but... they're cats yahooo yippieee! 🎀🎨🐈
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nicenever · 2 days
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seems like I never posted this here
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tom-is-online · 3 days
(doodle req) can you pls pls pls draw mizuki im on my hands and knees begging
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I have been very obsessed with the kitty set for too long so i drew her again, Kitty Mizuki be upon ye my friend
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asterloid · 2 days
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tex-now · 1 day
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Mostly niigo textposts
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kiruikii · 2 days
it seems like rui is your favorite pjsk character so what if you drew your second favoritw!!
Ughhhhh.. they r all so cool idk who to choose....,,,....,
probabbly Mizuki tho...,,.
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(took me way too long to even start this one)
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correctproseka · 2 days
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Rui and the 4 Zukis that are all the same 2 cards trained and untrained right next to each other
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dgiterart · 9 hours
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noname-nonartist · 3 days
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᧔ ⑅ ᧓ day 24-34! ᧔ ⑅ ᧓
mizukis to make up for me taking a break starting from sept 11 🫶
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pjsk-headcanons · 2 days
mizuki grew up deep in the internet of the 2010's. i'm talking vine, gacha life, (screenshots of) peak tumblr, fandom wikis, and those stupid random youtube videos that somehow everybody saw
- 🧚‍♀️ anon
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ampheenix · 2 days
If we stayed connected, would I be forced to change?
TAGS: mizuena, getting together, flirting, texting, fluff and angst, 5k
Wait a second. Ena froze.
There was… there was no way she had accidentally posted that sketch of Mizuki on her social media account, was there? That was insane, she would never make such a stupid mistake, so matter how sleep-addled her brain was.
Please let it be posted to the art account, please let it be posted to the art account, Ena begged to herself. That she could deal with - hardly anyone would see it anyway, she thought bitterly.
Terrified thoughts roaring in her mind, she opened the app, frantically wishing that her internet would load faster, fuck!
And then… it loaded… and Ena sat there, aghast.
Or, Ena accidentally uploads an incredibly detailed sketch of Mizuki to her public social media, instead of the Nightcord server.
…and it’s not nearly as disastrous as she’d expected.
Mizuki had been acting… different, lately.
Ena chewed on the end of her pencil, brows furrowed in suspicion.
She had always been the teasing type, but she seemed to have upped the ante as of late. A little wink here, a little smirk there, just a touch more flirty than the usual. And especially with Ena.
The most irritating thing about it was that no one in Nightcord had even noticed the subtle changes in her behaviour – or if they had, they hadn’t said anything, which was even worse!
Maybe she was just being paranoid, or overthinking it… but agh, it was so obvious!! Why wasn’t anyone pointing it out, raising an eyebrow, anything?!
Hell, the other day… all of them were in voice chat and in response to Ena making a comment about how tired her hands were from sketching, and how she wished they would cramp up less, Mizuki had been all “and here I thought you were good with your hands!”
That playful tone, commented with a flirty wink as she rested her chin on her hand, had made Ena’s mouth drop open immediately.
Then, after a brief factory reset, she had complained with a hint of pink in her cheeks, being all “ha ha, very funny!! My hands are actually so sore, the least you could do is appreciate my efforts… and at least I’m meeting my deadlines, unlike you!”
And sure, Mizuki said stuff like that all the time, but – argh!
Ena buried her head in her hands, flushing madly. It was different now, for some reason!! And she just couldn’t put her finger on why exactly!
Well, whatever, Ena huffed to herself.
There was no use thinking so hard about it, and stress was bad for the skin, so unless she wanted to break out she needed her thoughts to shut up.
With a tired sigh, Ena ran a hand through her hair, mussing up the silky brown strands. She attempted to turn her train of thought back to the drawing she was supposed to be working on.
Right, so she had a basic head-and-torso draft here… But, hmmm, maybe she could try using this perspective instead, to highlight the silhouette and make it stand out more…
She erased guidelines and pencilled in soft features, bright eyes and a head tilted just so, a hand raised in the beginnings of a wave, fingers delicately posed.
Ena lost herself in the sketch, pencil strokes filling the page. Absent mindedly, she added a touch of lace there on the skirt, soft lips raised in a hint of a smile, long legs, a cute bow and long-lashed eyes…
A black fineliner captured the details, the way light pink strands cascaded in a ponytail over her shoulder, creamy skin and soft cheekbones, a freckle on her elbow and chipped nail polish on her ring finger…
Before she knew it, the birds outside her window were singing, the sky was starting to lighten outside, and the subject of her thoughts was staring out at her from the page.
Ena nibbled on her lip, frustrated now. Well… at the very least, it had turned out an excellent piece. Considering she saw Mizuki so often, it wasn’t a surprise Ena had captured her essence so perfectly.
Maybe… Eugh, it would no doubt be embarrassing, but it really was such a great sketch…
Before Ena could think too hard about it (her spur-of-the-moment decision likely influenced by the bags under her eyes and lack of sleep in her brain) she was pulling up the camera app on her phone and snapping a photo.
Within a moment, it was uploaded to the Nightcord server.
“Practice sketch!” Ena hurriedly typed after. She couldn’t let Mizuki get a big head, after all. She had just happened to draw her by mistake, it’s not like she had put a lot of effort in or anything!
And with those comforting lies, Ena was out for the count – she hadn’t had caffeine at all in the past six hours, it was a wonder she’d lasted so long really… and she could already feel her eyes starting to droop.
Stretching her arms back and letting out a huge yawn, she stumbled into her bed, barely managing to yank the covers over her head before plummeting into dreamland.
When she awoke, hours later, it was to the sound of loud dinging.
Head still heavy on the pillow and eyes sealed shut with exhaustion, Ena raised an arm and slapped the snooze button on her clock – so sue her, she wanted some more sleep after an all-nighter.
But for some reason, the dinging didn’t stop. Already irritated, Ena managed to sit up in her bed, rubbing at her sandy eyes. God, why wouldn’t it shut up? She was so tired, shit… maybe this was her karma for her terrible sleep schedule…
Blinking bleary eyes, Ena’s vision slowly came into focus, enough for her to recognize her phone vibrating on her desk. She didn’t remember setting an alarm on there… was someone calling her?
Suddenly, Ena felt wide awake, shoving back her covers as she jumped to her feet. Because that dinging… that was her social media notification tone, wasn’t it?
Oh god… was Mizuki annoyed that she had tried drawing her? Did they all hate her sketch or something? Ena didn’t think she’d said anything weird, all she’d done was send the image on the group chat.
Ena grabbed her phone and collapsed into her desk chair, sinking into the soft cushions  with a sense of dread as it unlocked. Huh, it was noon already? Wait- wait a minute, 99+ notifications on her home screen, what the hell?!
All of them read the same way, pretty much. So-and-so liked and commented on her post, which would be fine, except she hadn’t posted on her social media last night.
Wait a second.
Ena’s mind froze, going into overdrive.
There was… there was no way she had accidentally posted that sketch of Mizuki on her social media account, was there? That was insane, out of the damn question, she would never make such a stupid mistake no matter how sleep-addled her brain was!
Please let it be posted to the art account, please let it be posted to the art account, Ena begged to herself. That she could deal with - hardly anyone would see it anyway, she thought bitterly.
Terrified thoughts roaring in her mind, she opened the app, frantically wishing that her internet would load faster, dammit!
And then… it loaded… and Ena sat there, aghast.
Because of all the horrible nightmare scenarios that had been rocketing around her mind, this- this hadn’t even been on the list, it made no sense, it- what the fuck???
Because yeah, she had accidentally uploaded her art on her social media, the one that actually had followers, the one where she posted cute selfies of herself.
Which ordinarily, would be the most humiliating experience ever, as it would probably get like fifty likes and one or two nice comments made out of pity, and Ena would never live it down.
But… her art of Mizuki, which she had posted on her public social media…
It had gone viral. Insanely viral. A level of viral that none of her selfies, although popular, had ever reached.
A shaky, disbelieving smile started to spread across Ena’s face as she read the comment section, filled with praise to the point where it was ridiculous. People… people loved all the small details in her drawing, the care taken with each line, the small additions of colour that really brought life to the sketch…
They’d noticed how much effort she’d put into making Mizuki feel real. In not drawing her as some generic airbrushed cute girl, but depicting her as a living, breathing person.
Ena could hardly believe it. She scrolled and scrolled through the comments, looking for one backhanded compliment, one negative remark, literally anything.
Sure, there were a handful of toxic comments as per usual, but the amount of people responding to those comments and arguing with them, calling them out on their bullshit and cutting them down….
With a jolt, Ena realized tears were prickling in her eyes. She sniffed, rubbing at her eyes with her sleeve and hardly able to believe any of it, smile bright enough to light up the sky, because-
Her dad had been wrong. So, so wrong.
And she’d finally proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt, or so it felt like it. People LOVED her art, they really did! This was proof!
There was just one thing niggling at the back of Ena’s mind, as although all these strangers adoring her art and heaping praise upon it was the best feeling in the world…
Well, there were three people’s opinions that she valued more than any stranger’s.
A lump of anxiety in the back of her throat (but a small, unshakeable smile still on her face despite it), she exited the app and opened up Nightcord.
There were 3 unread messages in their group chat, and… 1 DM from Mizuki.
Steeling herself, Ena opened the group chat first.
10:09 AM
K: @enanan, your drawing of mizuki seems to have really taken off! I’m glad :)
10:32 AM
Yuki: It’s a good sketch. Better than her usual art. I’m not surprised.
10:35 AM
K: I wonder why it was posted at 5am though? perhaps she stayed up all night
K: if you did, hope you’re having a good sleep, ena
K: you deserve it after your hard work
Ena initially felt her smile brighten from Kanade’s kind words – supportive, as always. As she read, her lips twisted at Mafuyu’s backhanded compliment, but oh well… that was practically a standing ovation, coming from her.
Ena typed back a quick appreciative response, not letting Yuki’s snide words slide but still appreciating the compliment overall.
 And then… Mizuki.
Her finger hovered over the chat button, paralysed by indecision. She almost.. didn’t want to know what her best friend thought of her sketch. Everyone else loved it, but- well, what if Mizuki hated it?
What if she was irritated that Ena hadn’t asked first before drawing her, or was annoyed that she hadn’t gotten it quite right? Or angry that she had posted it publicly without asking??
Lost in a turmoil of negative thoughts, Ena didn’t notice her finger accidentally touching the screen and opening the chat. She jolted with surprise, eyes immediately darting to read the screen.
5:32 AM
Amia: :)
Wh- what the hell is that supposed to mean?!?!
All anxiety immediately left Ena’s mind, scowling as she typed back a response.
1:13 PM
Enanan: What the hell is that supposed to mean ?! (╬▔皿▔)╯
Just say u love my drawing or say u hate it like a normal person u weirdo
Minutes passed without a response, despite Amia’s status remaining stubbornly bright green and online. What gives?
Ena felt indecision return to her thoughts.
Maybe… shit, she really should have asked first!!
1:20 PM
Enanan: btw sorry I didn’t ask u first or anything, I actually didn’t mean to post it
I was so sleep deprived I accidentally did that instead of sending it to the gc lmao
Ena fidgeted as she sat back in her chair, glancing to where the sketch sat on her desk. It looked the same as it had last night, still maybe one of the best pieces she’d drawn… well, if Mizuki didn’t like it, that was her loss!
Ena huffed to herself, folding her arms. It really didn’t matter that much, it was just a drawing. Maybe she should just go back to sleep, or something…
Then, she heard her phone ding with the Nightcord notification tone, and she instantly grabbed her phone, nearly throttling it in her hands as she willed it to unlocked faster.
1:25 PM
Amia: oh
that makes sense, u would never post ur art to ur selfie acc on purpose
Ena hesitated before responding.
Something felt… off, for some reason.
Mizuki wasn’t using emojis, and maybe it was just the lack of tone indicators but – it felt like she was upset about something.
1:26 PM
well duh!! (ノ`Д)ノ
still so shocked it blew up like that tho
guess ppl loved the way I drew u lol
Ena typed that last sentence with a sense of boldness, wondering if Mizuki would pick up what she was putting down.
That she had tried really, really hard to capture Mizuki in her element, and that the main reason people loved it was that she had succeeded.
Anyway, she had absolutely no clue what Mizuki was seemingly upset about… hopefully it wasn’t because of her.
1:28 PM
Amia: mmm
congrats on that, ur art’s finally getting loads of attention even tho it was on accident haha
Ena frowned. Okay, now she was sure something was wrong.
1:29 PM
Enanan: hey are u allg?
I might just be overthinking but u sound upset
R u jealous now that I’m famous ♪(´▽`)
1:30 PM
Amia: you WISH
Just u wait one of my edits is gonna become “that one edit” on tiktok any day now
( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Ena let out a sigh of relief. Okay, phew, maybe Mizuki was just tired or something, or maybe she had been overthinking this entire time.
1:31 PM
Amia: and btw dw, I’m fine
was just surprised ig
1:31 PM
Enanan: surprised at what?
With a shock, Ena realizes something, scrolling up their messages.
Mizuki’s odd tone started after… after Ena had told her posting the drawing publicly had been an accident.
Was she disappointed? Shit, Ena hadn’t meant to like, imply something about her appearance or anything like that, Mizuki was stunning both in-person and within the drawing and she knew it.
1:31 PM
Amia: doesn’t matter
ur art rocks
it’s about time ppl noticed :3
Ena didn’t want to assume… maybe she hadn’t even said anything wrong.
Mizuki seemed fine now, so she shouldn’t push it.
1:32 PM
Enanan: since when r u this supportive
ur always saying my art would be nothing w/out ur editing skills (*  ̄︿ ̄)
1:33 PM
Amia: and it would be
the sketch u posted today didn’t need any editing tho
srsly it’s actually so good ^0^
even yuki thought so, that’s how yk it’s genuine lmao
Ena smiled with pride, cheeks flushing. So Mizuki had liked her sketch after all… well, of course she did. Mizuki always liked her art – although she made fun of it too much for Ena’s liking.
1:35 PM
Enanan: stop ur being too nice its weirding me out
ur right abt the yuki part thoo (* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
and anyways idk what ur on abt, my art is always better w ur editing
yin and yang or whatever
1:36 PM
Amia: look who’s being weirdly nice NOW
1:36 PM
u always make me say the stupidest things w/out realizing omfg
1:36 PM
Amia: o(*°▽°*)o
all part of the charm
Ena let out a light laugh as she rolled her eyes, resting her head on her hand.
1:37 PM
Enanan: please, what charm
You’re about as charming as a stink bug (¬_¬ )
1:38 PM
Amia: ur so cruel enaaaaa
can’t believe I’m friends w you(︶^︶)
I gotta say tho, I’m surprised how many details u got right on ur sketch
I mean u even got the freckle on my elbow (=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆
Ena paused, feeling her cheeks redden. Well that was embarrassing, Mizuki had noticed? Jeez, it wasn’t like it was on purpose…
1:40 PM
Enanan: well what were u expecting, I’m an artist
It’s my job to notice those thingsss
Amia: sure but like wow, to that extent? surpassed my expectations enanan, didn’t know u were so observant ~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
u even drew my fave ribbon with the fraying on the side, and the exact shade of nail polish I wear ~ impressive!
Ena buried her head in her hands, EXTREMELY regretting the level of detail she’d put into the sketch. Mizuki would never let it go now, ugh… this was humiliating…
1:43 PM
Enanan: keep talking that way and I won’t be sketching u again anytime soon
1:44 PM
Amia: awww am I embarrassing u
it’s not MY fault u drew me so well
then again the source material  was gorgeous already so it’s not like it could’ve turned out bad in the first place <3
Ena let out a heavy sigh… Mizuki was kind of right, in a way. She was stunning, after all, it’d have been difficult to mess up a drawing with her as the subject.
1:45 PM
Enanan: should’ve known you’d get a big ego from this…
1:45 PM
Amia: you didn’t deny it
1:46 PM
Enanan: …
Stfu  ̄へ ̄
1:46 PM
Amia: HAHAHA I KNEW IT (≧∇≦)
Ena bit her lip, considering. A small, teasing smile started to creep across her face.
1:46 PM
Enanan: I don’t get why ur surprised honestly
 Ur literally gorgeous
1:49 PM
Amia: ur being sarcastic aren’t u… ur so cruel enanan ~(>_<。)\
Ena frowned.
1:49 PM
Enanan: no I’m not u dummy
Ur cute and u own it, idk why ur always trying to get me to admit that
1:50 PM
Amia: oh stop being silly, ik ur not being srs
There’s no need to be so mean ( ˘︹˘ )
Ena’s frown deepened. What? Ugh, since when was Mizuki so bad at just taking the compliment?
Then again, it was true that Ena rarely, if ever, complimented her… well, she didn’t state it aloud, anyway. Mizuki always knew what she meant whenever she was being stubborn about admitting something, so there never any need to say the praise out loud.
Had she really never outright given Mizuki praise before? Ena’s brows furrowed.
This was embarrassing, but… she should keep pushing, otherwise she’d feel like a bad friend.
1:51 PM
Enanan: jeez, ur so bad at taking a compliment
my sketch reflected how pretty u are u dummy, I didn’t put so much effort into it just for u to refuse to admit ur cute all of a sudden
Ena waited for a response, feeling her cheeks warm. Why was Mizuki taking so long to respond?
The three dots indicating her friend typing appeared at the beginning of the screen for a few seconds, and then vanished.
Ena raised an eyebrow.
The three dots appeared once more, then… gone.
After what felt like ages, a new message finally popped up.
1:59 PM
Amia: well obviously I know I’m cute, but it took me off guard to hear you say it yourself, enanan (〜 ̄▽ ̄)〜 so bold!
2:00 PM
Enanan: idk I just realized I’d never actually told u upfront and I felt like an asshole
jeez, don’t tell me ur getting an even bigger head now…
2:01 PM
Amia: aha, so that’s it! I was wondering why you were being so honest, it’s unlike you
And how can I not get a big head when I’m told how pretty I am by my dear Enanan? ~
O(* ̄▽ ̄*)o
2:01 PM
Enanan: I’m always honest, screw you!!
Ena felt heat spread across her face despite her annoyance, smiling like an idiot. What was all this about “dear Enanan?” Mizuki was so embarrassing, god.
Not seeing her friend typing, she swiped off the app, going to check her social media again.
Ena’s eyes promptly bugged out of her head. IT HAD DOUBLED IN LIKES?! This was insane… at this rate, she wouldn’t be surprised if her friends from her old art class stumbled across it.
She swiped back to her chat with Mizuki, typing out a message.
2:04 PM
Enanan: good god, did u see my social media
It’s blowing up now even more than before
maybe I should draw u more often lmao
2:05 PM
Amia: I did see it, it’s only natural it should blow up so much when I’m the subject :3
as they say in the west, u should draw me like one of ur french girls enanan – bet that would get loads of likes too ( •̀ ω •́ )✧
Almost instantaneously, heat blossomed across Ena’s cheeks, and she buried her head in her hands for what felt like the third time in the last fifteen minutes. Mizuki, damn it – how was she not embarrassed, making jokes like that?!
2:07 PM
Enanan: you are incorrigible
2:07 PM
Amia: I don’t know the meaning of the word >:)
Ena let out a laugh, tapping away on her phone.
2:08 PM
Enanan: anyway, last time I checked if I drew you like “one of my french girls” I’d get banned u idiot
2:08 PM
Amia: oh, so if that wasn’t a problem, you’d do it then?
2:10 PM
Enanan: I’m not even going to respond to that
ur the worst
I never see u teasing K or yuki like that (*  ̄︿ ̄)
There was a suspicious silence for a few minutes, while Ena slowly realized something.
Why was it only her that was the subject of Mizuki’s ruthless flirting?
2:15 PM
Amia: why, they’re nowhere near as fun to tease, enanan ♪(´▽`)
And besides, if I tried flirting with yuki like that, I think I wouldn’t survive it – she’d give me a look so icy-cold I’d freeze 〒▽〒
Well, that made sense… but was that really all there was to it? Ena paused, hesitant.
2:16 PM
Enanan: guess that makes sense
I actually have no idea how kanade would react if u tried that on her
she might just stare at u silently
2:17 PM
Amia: I wouldn’t dare tease kanade like that, I have too much respect for her :3
2:18 PM
Enanan: don’t think I didn’t miss that implication…
what a shame, guess if u don’t respect me I won’t be able to draw u again
2:19 PM
2:19 PM
Enanan: nope, too late
ur loss
2:19 PM
Amia: (;´д`)ゞ
why have u forsaken me..
2:20 PM
Enanan: if u don’t want me to be mean, then don’t insult me to my face!! >:(
2:20 PM
Amia: I take it back… I respect you so, so much enanan, I am but a humble servant before her queen o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ
2:20 PM
Enanan: that’s more like it
2:20 PM
Amia: all I can do is kneel before ur throne and kiss ur feet in apology (;′⌒`)
Ena grimaced.
2:21 PM
Enanan: ok ew no need to go that far
2:21 PM
Amia: well, perhaps in apology I could kiss somewhere else then (○` 3′○)
Almost instantaneously, heat spread like a rash across her cheeks. God, Ena didn’t know how much more of this she could take.
2:21 Pm
Enanan: I am actually going to scalp you
2:21 PM
Amia: …on the cheek, of course!
gosh, ur so dirty minded! :0
Flushing, Ena bit her lip in hesitation, before finally addressing the elephant in the room that only appeared to be visible to her.
2:22 PM
Enanan: okay seriously, what is it with the teasing?? (╬▔皿▔)╯
I swear ur doing it way more than u used to
and the others don’t even notice for some reason- literally why?!
2:22 PM
Amia: I already told u why! It’s fun :3
2:23 PM
Enanan: what, do u just love flustering me or smth?? Is that ur idea of fun ( ˘︹˘ )
For some reason, after that, Mizuki stopped responding for a while. Ena fully thought her friend had gone to eat lunch or something, and turned back to her sketch.
Then, after what felt like ages, her phone pinged.
2:59 PM
Amia: maybe
I mean, I didn’t realize u got so flustered purely by my silly teasing (╯▽╰ )
Ena shoved her sketchbook to the side, grip tightening on her phone. Her cheeks felt hot all of a sudden, as she realized that Mizuki had no idea that her flirting had been having such an effect on her.
And now she knew just how flustered she’d been!! Ena grimaced- this was humiliating. She instantly went into damage control mode.
2:59 PM
Enanan: I don’t get that flustered, don’t flatter urself ( ˘︹˘ )
I get like… idk
The normal amount of flustered
whatever that is
Ena worried at her lip, anxiety making her throat feel tight. That response was fine, right? Mizuki wasn’t going to think she was weird, was she?
Her eyes didn’t stray from the three dots bouncing on the bottom of the screen, finally relenting when a message came through.
3:02 PM
Amia: real slick ena <3
ur not falling for me are u (=•ω<=)ρ⌒☆
Mizuki had completely gotten the wrong idea, how embarrassing!! Jeez, there was no coming back from this one… Humiliated, Ena tried to swallow down the lump in her throat, and with a jolt, realized that tears were starting to well up in her eyes.
She was… she was a bit too invested. Why did she care so much about this? Why did she feel so damn anxious? It was embarrassing, but- but not that embarrassing.
Ena leaned back in her chair as she pushed her phone away, hands fisted tightly in her skirt. Her gaze was heavy as it rested on the floor. Her thoughts began to unravel like a ball of thread.
There was no way Mizuki’s joke just now was true, was there? Ena’s deathgrip on her skirt tightened. That was silly, there was just no way- like sure, she cared about her, Mizuki was her best friend after all, but falling for her? Pfft.
Plus, Ena wasn’t gay. She hadn’t really had any crushes on guys before, but that was normal, wasn’t it? She hadn’t liked any girls either, so it evened out.
She was straight, she always had been, jeez. Mizuki was just making some stupid joke.
So why was Ena… why was she close to tears? Her lip was nearly being worried to pieces, humiliation spreading in scarlet across her cheeks, and all the while her heart, it- it hurt.
She felt physical pain in her chest, along with a sense of despair. Ena let out a heavy sob, and then another one, breath starting to come faster.
She- god, she really did like Mizuki, didn’t she. She liked her best friend.
Which meant she was one of them, and that she was… hell, she was practically a pervert. Disgusting. She let out a choked cry, fingers digging into her arms.
They were such close friends, fuck, had Ena been creeping on her this entire time? She was- she was disgusting, sickening, and such an awful person- why was Mizuki even friends with her? She definitely wouldn’t be after this mess.
Mizuki was going to find out the truth, and then she was going to lose her. Slowly but surely, tears started to trickle down Ena’s cheeks, as her arms came up, cradling her head as she rocked back and forth.
What was she going to do?
In the midst of a breakdown, she barely heard the buzz of her phone. She scrabbled at her desk for it, grabbing it and pulling it to her chest as her eyes frantically scanned the screen.
3:15 PM
Amia: enaaaaa where did u go 💔
when I said falling I didn’t mean literally fall, did u lose consciousness lmao
Ena let out a strangled sound that was half-sob, half-laughter. She scrubbed at her tears with her sleeve, watching as her best friend continued to type.
3:16 PM
Amia: or is it true that u have fallen for me after all ~( ̄▽ ̄)~*
wow maybe ur so in love that u fainted after seeing my message
well my dear enanan, just say the word and we can elope togetherヽ( ̄ω ̄( ̄ω ̄〃)ゝ
Maybe… maybe Mizuki wouldn’t be as disgusted as she’d thought. She’d always been open-minded, after all.
Ena’s nails dug into her skin, as she squeezed her eyes tight shut, trying to get the pain to distract her from her stupid, stupid thoughts. That was ridiculous, she had to play it safe. She couldn’t risk it.
How to respond, how to respond…
3:18 PM
Enanan:  please, I wouldn’t marry you even if u held a gun to my head
you’d probably try to make me do all the chores and spend all your time sewing
3:18 PM
Amia: I’m not hearing a no! (* ̄▽ ̄*)
and wow, u wound me… if anything, you’d make me do all the work and spend ur time preening in front of a mirror like a peacock! :3
Ena let out a stunned snort, a watery smile returning to her face. Mizuki wasn’t wrong.
3:19 PM
Enanan: well, even if we eloped I doubt ur the romantic type
I’d probably divorce u within a week bc you’d love ur outfit mannequin more than me
 ̄へ ̄
3:19 PM
Amia: lies and slander!!
I would be SO romantic
3:19 PM
Enanan: yeah right
3:19 PM
Amia: well, that’s rich coming from u considering I was able to fluster u with my teasing (★ ω ★)
3:20 PM
Enanan: that’s different
3:20 PM
Amia: how exactly? :3
Ena clenched her jaw, frustrated. God, why was Mizuki pushing this subject so much? Why couldn’t they just move on and forget all of that had ever happened?
3:20 PM
Enanan: it just is
Ur my best friend it makes sense that you’d tease me like that, even if it drives me insane(╬▔皿▔)╯
3:20 PM
Amia: enaaaaa ur so dense
I’m not teasing u like that just bc ur my best friend
( ˘︹˘ )
What was Mizuki on about now? Ena knew the teasing wasn’t because “she had funny reactions,” there were plenty of people Mizuki could tease if that was the case, so why her?
3:21 PM
Enanan: well then why
Just be honest u dunce >:(
3:21 PM
Amia: u want me to be honest?
idk if I can be :>
maybe first u should be honest about why my teasing flusters u so much
Slowly, Ena’s eyes widened, static filling her head. What the hell. What the actual hell was this. Did Mizuki know?
Had Mizuki known the whole time, even though Ena had only realized a few minutes ago?
With dawning realization, she scrolled back up and reread her friend’s messages, but this time in a different light.
Mizuki… Mizuki couldn’t be honest about why she was teasing her, just like how Ena couldn’t be honest about why the teasing had flustered her. Did that mean…?
She took the leap, fingers shaking slightly.
3:23 PM
Enanan: mizuki
be honest rn
yk I won’t judge u for anything
If Ena was right, the situation was very, very mixed. Because on one hand, they’d both like eachother… like that… and the sheer idea had vicious butterflies attacking her stomach.
But on the other, it would mean Ena liked girls.
And she- she didn’t really know what to think about that. Or even where to begin thinking about that.
There was silence from Mizuki for a while, as she waited with bated breath. It was the longest twenty minutes of Ena’s life.
Her heart jumped in her throat as she finally saw that her friend was typing. Come on, come on… she couldn’t remember the last time she’d been this high-strung. Then the typing animation disappeared, and she slumped.
And after a twenty agonizing minutes that seemed to drag on for hours, she glared at her screen. Because Mizuki’s icon had changed to the little grey circle that indicated she was offline.
What the fuck?! Ena finally had the courage to make a move, hating herself all the while, and this was all she got?!
Fuming, she tossed her phone to the side, letting out a frustrated sound. She had given her the perfect opening! The stage was set, for god’s sake!
Maybe… shit, what if she’d misread the situation completely? Did Mizuki think she was weird? Was that why she was being ghosted?
Ena was sick of this. She needed to do something, anything, or she was going to lose it. Her eyes scanned her room, searching for a distraction.
Maybe she could try out a new makeup look? Try and style that pink skirt that was stubbornly refusing to pair with her other clothes? Or…
Her stomach grumbled, obnoxiously loudly, and she rolled her eyes. Okay, maybe should take care of her basic bodily functions first.
Everything else could wait.
And if Mizuki didn’t text back by nightfall, she was going to break into her stupidly pretty best friend’s house and force her at knifepoint to type out a response.
(This is chapter 1! Next and final chapter out soon <3)
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rasazys-ramblings · 2 days
Mizuki: Aoyagi-kun! You gotta be more confident! Kohane: Yeah! You gotta be yourself! Touya: PICK ONE! I CAN’T DO BOTH!
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mizuki-memes-daily · 2 days
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tomboyyyaoi · 3 months
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i think often about how mizuki used to cover her mirror....
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