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Szia! Ne haragudj, h ismeretlenül zaklatlak, de hétfőn Lisszabonba megyek a családommal, és szeretnélek megkérdezni, szted mi az amit feltétlen látni kell/ki kell próbálni/meg kell kóstolni stb. Lesz velem egy 7 éves, szóval ezt is figyelembe véve 😀 Nagyon köszönöm!
Olá @vedernagyur!
Én azt szoktam mondani, hogy Lisszabonban eltévedni a legjobb. Alfama bája felejthetetlen, számomra roppant kedves kis utcákkal rendelkezik. A Bairro Alto ugyanez, nappal teljesen más, mint éjszaka. Napközben szinte kihaltak az utcák, este viszont megtelik élettel (bár egy új szabályozás szerint este 11 után nem lehet az utcán inni). Ahol mi szeretünk enni, az a túlparton van, Casilhas-ban, ahová komppal lehet átmenni. Mindjárt a casilhasi kompállomás mellett jobbra van egy olyan étterem, amit jobbára helyiek látogatnak. Ennek megfelelően elég szakadtnak néz ki, de az ételek - ha szeretitek a tengeri herkentyűket - nagyon finomak. Én soha nem hagyom ki a hallevest, ami szerintem utolérhetetlen. Az adagok bőségesek. A halleves sajnos nem. Az étterem neve Restaurante de Farol (https://www.restaurantefarol.com/) Cascais-ba HÉV-vel lehet kimenni (a Cais do Sodré-ról indul) a végállomáson kell leszállni. A két kicsi strandja nagyon cuki (az egyik az állomás közelében található, a másikhoz, ahol egy óriáskerék is van, kicsit sétálni kell. Onnan érdemes kicsit tovább is menni, Van egy kedves kis öböl egy világítótoronnyal, remek fotótéma. Még messzebb a part mentén telálható a Boca do Inferno (a Pokol Szája), ahol nagy hullámok esetén szintén szép képeket lehet készíteni. Cascais-ból autóbusszal lehet továbbmenni Cabo da Roca-hoz (a kontinens legnyugatibb pontjához), ahol a nagy semmit lehet megtekinteni, de én imádom. Kb. fél órás buszút, a baloldalon érdemes ülni, gyönyörű onnan az óceán. Alfama-t is érdemes megnézni, itt két szép kilátó is van egymás mellett: a Miradouro de Portas do Sol és a Miradouro da Santa Luzia. Pompás kilátás nyílik a folyóra. A Cais do Sodré-n található a Time Out (az egyik fele piac, a másik sok kis étterem egy nagy közös evőhellyel. Itt kapható a város egyik legjobb fagyija is. Én a bazsalikomosat szeretem a legjobban. Híres hely még Belém, ahol a Torre de Belém, a Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Felfedezők emlékműve), a Mosteiro dos Jerónimos található, az utóbbitól nincs messze a Pastéis de Belém cukrászda, ahol az ikonikus süteményt lehet megkóstolni. Sintra is kihagyhatatlan az útikönyvek szerint, sok park és palota van ott. Az én kedvencem a lenti, 1000 éves alapokon álló régi királyi palota (Palácio Nacional de Sintra). Ha strandolni van kedvetek, megtehetitek Cascaisban, ahol védett öböl van, alig hullámzik az óceán. Ha nagy hullámokat szeretnétek, akkor Costa da Caparica lehet a célpont. Igaz, ilyenkor a víz még hideg, most 17 fokos.
Még 2 fontos dolog:
1. Mindenképpen érdemes kényelmes cipőben jönni.
2. A repülőtéren, ha lementek a metróba, odalent lehet "jegyet" váltani. Itt elektronikus jegyek vannak, értelemszerű lesz, hogy hol kell érvényesíteni. A metróból kijönni a jegy használatával lehet (ilyenkor természetesen nem von le pénzt). Nektek a Zapping-ot ajánlanám, azzal nem kell figyelnetek, hol ér véget az ún. belváros, és kb. 50 km-es körben bárhova jó. Annyival töltitek fel, amennyivel akarjátok. Egy út kicsit több, mint 1,60 euró. A metróról-metróra való átszállásnál nem kell külön érvényesíteni, nagyjából egy órás utazásra érvényes. Van ugyan Lisboa Card is, de az 24 órára 27 euróba kerül, igaz, pár múzeumba ingyenes belépést biztosít, de gőzöm sincs melyikbe lehet bemenni vele. 72 órára 54 euró.
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Autor Não Identificado, Alexandre O'Neill.Noémia Delgado e o filho Alexandre, Miradouro das Portas do Sol, Alfama, Lisboa, Portugal, 1967
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Hoje foi daqueles dias em que durante o tour a minha senhora de confiança de alfama me explica que houve bife a sério e eu os meus colegas que já sabemos quem são as anormais do bairro fico logo, ui que vai haver merda, e é mesmo quando tou a explicar o que e uma varina que começa a peixeirada pelo bairro
Voces se forem a alfama e entrarem pelas escadas do miradouro das portas do sol pelamordedeus evitem beber ginja na Dora que é a velha que apanham logo nessas escadas que a estúpida da velha ta senil e ta a perder parafusos, ela e as primas todas pela rua abaixo (excepto uma senhora que é exatamente quem eu confio). Perguntem me que eu digo vos onde veber ginja boa e inocente foda se que esta merda parece máfia já
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里斯本 Lisbon
我去的時候沒有在營運的Ascensor da Bica,是三條爬升纜車中最著名的一條路線。
另一條也蠻好拍照的Ascensor da Glória,頂端車站旁的阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿花園視野不錯,可以看到對面的城堡和教堂。
里斯本上城的阿爾坎塔拉聖伯多祿花園的視野(Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara)
比較少人搭的Ascensor da Lavra則可以抵達另一側的托雷爾休閒公園Jardim do Torel。
從這裡再慢慢散步去Miradouro dos Barros也不遠,還可以一網打盡那個大樹下的Miradouro da Senhora do Monte,和教堂前的Miradouro da Graça。
聖露西亞觀景台(Miradouro de Santa Luzia)和太陽門觀景台(Miradouro das Portas do Sol)就在隔壁,看的是面向海洋的景色。
搭乘漂亮的聖胡斯電梯塔(Elevador de Santa Justa)要排好長隊伍,上面收費的觀光平台目前關閉中,但是從卡莫爾修道院後面,可以走到低一層的免費平台。
我去聖若熱城堡(Castelo de S. Jorge)的那天起霧,應該是視野最好的地方卻碰到最不好的天氣。
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Tamara Alves | Wild orphan | Miradouro das Portas do Sol | Covilhã
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Heaphy walking tour of Lisbon
Not that many steps but my feet hurt, so pleased I opted out of a morning run. I really didn’t feel like a run when I woke up, so had a lazy start to the day. But we did do some walking.
Now I have been pondering a few things while on holiday:
1. When I started this holiday blog there was lots of new stuff that Nick and I were doing, and I think I had some witty commentary about it. But now I wonder if the blog has served its purpose, do I need to keep doing it, should I just default to doing Facebook posts? Especially as it seems tumblr is nagging people about logging in.
2. Do I really like cities? Don’t get me wrong Lisbon is cool but is walking down crowded hot streets, forgetting which way to look for traffic - relaxing?
3. Do I need to try a beach holiday? I think going to Pacific Islands for work has made me concerned about things that other people don’t seem to worry about, maybe I need to just chill and head to the beach. Well we do have Hawaii booked for Nicks birthday next year, so we will give that a go.
4. I need to stop being lazy, I have a 54km event with 2,000m elevation in Dec, getting fit doesn’t just happen. Will have to set an alarm and get up tomorrow morning.
Nick’s toe hasn’t fallen off but I think he was pleased to be seated at 4pm after we started about a bit before 10am on our little walking tour. It is looking better, but still swells up with walking, but is only sore if he knocks it - yes I know the solution to that too but for some reason it is drawn to hard objects, the cobbled footpaths don’t help.
So we have a had a day and a bit in Lisbon and we have done more than I had thought we would. Today we crossed, the Carmo Archeological Museum, the Cathedral of Lisbon, Miradouro das Portas do Sol and the Monastery of São Vicente off the list, and visited a different Lidl store with a bigger range of cheese.
We headed back to Miradouro das Portas do Sol for sunset, it doesn’t face the right direction but the feet’s were protesting any more walking and the sky was pretty. Two huge (well one huge and one large) cruise boats in the port today - maybe a cruise holiday and worth trying? Hmmm, think will do the canal boat trip first (2026).
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Alfama District of Lisbon: Guide for Traveling in 2024
One of the Lisbon neighborhoods you should definitely visit on your 2024 trip is Alfama: the oldest and most authentic neighborhood in the city. Read here everything you need to know about Alfama-from its rich history to the best places to eat, drink, and soak up the culture. And then there's why you should put this on your list.
Overview of Alfama: the oldest district of Lisbon
Why Alfama Should Be on Your Agenda
Traditionally, the Alfama quarter is called the soul of Lisbon. Indeed, only a few quarters survived from the 1755 earthquake, and it maintains all its medieval charm, narrow streets, and Moorish influences. This district has such a special way of showing its historical depth: along its narrow streets are alleys, tiny squares, and historic buildings.
Don't miss: If you want to visit Alfama and travelling from the UK then you must apply for a Portugal visa also If you are UK Citizen then you no need to apply for Portugal visa
A Short History of Alfama
Alfama through the Ages: From the Moors to Today
Alfama was originally settled by Moors. Its history is very deep. Alfama is derived from the Arabic word for "hot springs" - "al-hamma." The district has developed through history but retained all its Arab origins in its architecture and design.
Alfama: Portuguese History in Cultural Significance
Alfama is rich in tradition, especially with regard to Fado, or Portugal's soulful and melancholic music. Stepping through Alfama feels as if walking in a living museum-to witness history and tradition blend into the present-day life of the Portuguese.
Alfama's Narrow Streets, exploring
What makes Alfama special?
Alfama does come alive, however, in its labyrinthine streets best discovered on foot. Cars cannot make their way through these narrow lanes, so put on your good walking shoes and get lost in the charms of the district.
Stunning Buildings and Old Structures
The architecture of Alfama is always a hodgepodge of Moorish, Gothic, and Baroque styles. Large swathes of buildings are covered with beautiful pastel-hued Portuguese ceramic tiles, or azulejos, which give the quarter a special flair.
Secrets of Alfama: hidden corners
Alfama is full of mysteries except from the best-known attractions. Discover some tiny cafés, local artisan shops, and hidden views from which to enjoy a wonderful city panorama.
Don't Miss: Portugal visit visa application form | Portuguese tourist visa UK
Main Attractions in Alfama
São Jorge Castle: the Historic Wonder
This confers fantastic views over the city, dominating Lisbon's skyline; originally a Moorish creation, this has become one of Alfama's more famous landmarks.
Miradouros: The Best Viewing Platforms in Alfama
There are, of course many beautiful miradouros - scenic viewpoints in Lisbon. Alfama contains two of the best examples: the Miradouro de Santa Luzia and the Miradouro das Portas do Sol-a must-see for views over the River Tagus and the red rooftops of the city.
Lisbon Cathedral: Transition of the Gothic to Romanesque Style
The Lisbon Cathedral is actually one of the oldest religious buildings in town. It reflects the differing architectural styles-a reflection of the history and diversification of the city.
The Fado Houses: Experience the Traditional Portuguese Music
Born in Alfama, a traditional Fado house is the only place where everywhere is likely to live up to its promise. Spend an evening listening to soulful sounds and savor Portuguese cuisine in local haunts like Clube de Fado and Tasca do Chico.
Don't Miss: Portugal visa required documents
What to Eat in Alfama
True Portuguese Gastronomy in Alfama
From fresh seafood dishes to traditional hearty stews, an impressive variety of Portuguese dishes exists in Alfama. High-class restaurants and small local taverns complement each other.
Popular Alfama Restaurants
For a truly unforgettable dining experience try Restaurante Santo António de Alfama or O Pitéu da Graça, which serve the finest in Portuguese cuisine.
Best Places for Local Food
To sample something seriously local, venture out to the smaller eateries, like Pastéis de Bacalhau, where you might even get to taste Portugal's most famous codfish cakes.
Best Time To Visit Alfama :
weather and seasonal highlights
Spring or early autumn would probably be best to visit Alfama because the weather is warm enough to be pleasant and enjoy some discoveries; summer days get horribly hot, and winter is usually pretty mild but a lot with rain.
The Lisbon Festas: June Vibrancy of Alfama's Festival
If you arrive in June, don't miss Festas de Lisboa, that very warm festivity which invades the streets of Alfama with music, stalls with food, and parades for Saint Anthony.
How to get to Alfama:
Transportation tips for travelers
Alfama is pretty accessible by Lisbon's world-famous Tram 28, which winds along the narrow streets of this district. And, of course, quite fine just to walk about. Just be prepared for some pretty steep hills!
Trams, Walking Tours, and Access
If walking is not up one's alley, no worries: the tedium of several walks and tuk-tuks will be rich in history and several secrets about Alfama.
Where to Stay in Alfama
Top Hotels and Accommodations
With all types of accommodations, from the highly luxurious to comfortable guesthouses, Alfama has it all: Memmo Alfama Hotel allows beautiful views, while in Alfama Patio Hostel, the offer is many times cheaper.
Sweet guesthouses and boutique hotels
Boutique hotels like the historic charm of Solar dos Mouros can offer an ever-comforting place for a far more personalized experience.
Safety Precautions for Every Visitor in Alfama
Cross Safely Through the Narrow Alfama Streets
Generally, Alfama is safe, though, like most tourist destinations, they do have a problem with pickpocketing, and it's worse in crowded locations.
Also see, 8 Reasons to Visit Portugal in Winter – Does it Snow?
Shopping in Alfama
Local Artisan Shops and Souvenirs
Alfama is indeed full of unique shops where one can find all these handmade crafts, traditional ceramics, and authentic Portuguese souvenirs to bring back home.
Nights in Alfama
Top Bars and Nighttime Entertainment
But aside from this, Alfama is a place of much history. The best places for a nightlife include: enjoy Ginjinha in some of the local bars or live Fado performances in Alfama.
Experience Fado in Night
For an unforgettable night, visit any of the Fado houses, such as Mesa de Frades or Parreirinha de Alfama, and listen to their absolutely soulful sounds of pure Fado.
Cultural Heritage at Alfama
Do's and don'ts when visiting Alfama
And visiting the Alfama district is not acceptable to offend locals. They greet them with a "Bom dia" (Good morning) and never make noise in residential areas.
Sustainable Tourism in Alfama
How to be a Responsible Visitor in Alfama
So sustainable tourism would maintain the beauty of Alfama. One should use environmentally friendly accommodations, patronize the local operators, and avoid crowding those hotspots.
This is a mystic, historical, and cultural district, so expect some unique memories. You will either enjoy electric views from the miradouros, absorb the fado music, or discover secret streets within Alfama. Don't forget to add it to your plans for 2024 in Lisbon!
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Lisbon Attractions
Lisbon is one of Europe's oldest and most beautiful cities. It has recently gained a reputation for its lovely streets, authentic trams, architecture, and delectable food, and can now rival Barcelona or Venice. Plan a 3-day Lisbon city trip to Portugal's capital and enjoy the following Lisbon things to do to have a guaranteed good time.
1. Santa Justa Elevator
The Santa Justa Lift is a 45-meter-high, well-known lift in Lisbon that was created to connect two neighborhoods. When it first opened in 1902, it saved the citizens of Lisbon from a difficult climb uphill.
2. Take a stroll across Lisbon's Main Square.
Praca do Comercio is Lisbon's major square, where commodities were once unloaded directly from the river. The "Door to Lisbon" - Arco da Rua Augusta, the massive arch opposite the river, leads to the shopping promenade and the absolute center of Lisbon. It is a 5-minute walk from the Santa Justa elevator.
3. Pink Street
Make your way to Lisbon's former Red Light District, which is now a popular nightlife destination. In 2011, new restaurants, bars, and a pink street were introduced to breathe fresh air into this part of town. It has become one of the more popular things to do in Lisbon, so arriving early for an empty pink street is suggested.
4. Tram 28 to Alfama is a must-see in Lisbon!
Return to this neighboring tram stop to enjoy the historic tram 28 route. These yellow trams, dating from 1930, gliding up the uphill streets are part of what makes Lisbon so appealing. A single tram ticket costs 3 EUR.
5. Alfama - The Finest of Lisbon
A little maze of cobblestone lanes, colorful houses, and some of the city's best architecture. Most people consider this to be the most picturesque area of the city, with the antique trams running along the small streets.
6. Sunset at a viewpoint
There are several viewpoints throughout Lisbon, particularly in Alfama. Miradouro de Santa Luzia and Miradouro das Portas do Sol are two nearby places. Take note of the lovely blue tiles on the wall in Santa Luzia's garden.
7. Explore Sintra – Favorite thing to do on a Lisbon city journey
Sintra's homes and palaces open at 9:30 a.m., and Pena Palace, especially in the summer, fills up quickly. Take the train to Sintra from Rossio station in the morning, preferably at 7:40 a.m., to get to Pena Palace when it opens.
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Member @pasion_por_splash @world_bestvehicle @pasion_por_hdr @fever_splash @passion_in_splash @fever_locomotion @hart_splash @mylife_hdr @cb_colorsplash @solo_splash @splash_of_spain @lucky_csplash @hdr_photogram @hdr_transports @Fotofanatics_hdr @pic_eye @gallery_of_all @yes_hdr @total_vehicles @turkobjectif_hdr @lucky_transports @guruhdr @hdr_stronger @la_bwsplash @ig_monumentalworld_splash @editmoments_splash @vehiclesgrafias @ig_monumentalworld_transport @colorsplash_of_our_world_ @pasion_por_navarra @asi_es_hdr @myplanet_hdr VIP Member @_vision_world @phoenix_hdr @hdr_professional @hdr_stop @club_hdr @coolworld_hdr.@think_splash @think_hdr @exciting_vehicles_shotz King Member. @tudo_hdr Admin @portugalalive 🇵🇹📸 @shots_hdr (em Miradouro das Portas Do Sol Observation Deck) https://www.instagram.com/p/Co5cMbItK0T/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Hello! Elnézést, hogy így a semmiből rád írok, de hátha.... Holnaptól hétfőig Lisszabonban leszek a 10 éves lányommal, és ha van kedved/időd írni, minden tippet, ötletet nagyon hálásan vennék - hova érdemes menni sétálni, mi egy jó étterem/büfé, mit kell megnézni, akármi. Nagyon köszi, ha írsz akár csak egy bármit!!!
Van itt egy rövid leírás: https://www.tumblr.com/hazakmegemberek/750199719306952704/
Én azt szoktam mondani, hogy Lisszabonban eltévedni a legjobb. Alfama bája felejthetetlen, számomra roppant kedves kis utcákkal rendelkezik. A Bairro Alto ugyanez, nappal teljesen más, mint éjszaka. Napközben szinte kihaltak az utcák, este viszont megtelik élettel (bár egy új szabályozás szerint este 11 után nem lehet az utcán inni). Ahol mi szeretünk enni, az a túlparton van, Casilhas-ban, ahová komppal lehet átmenni. Mindjárt a casilhasi kompállomás mellett jobbra van egy olyan étterem, amit jobbára helyiek látogatnak. Ennek megfelelően elég szakadtnak néz ki, de az ételek - ha szeretitek a tengeri herkentyűket - nagyon finomak. Én soha nem hagyom ki a hallevest, ami szerintem utolérhetetlen. Az adagok bőségesek. A halleves sajnos nem. Az étterem neve Restaurante de Farol (https://www.restaurantefarol.com/)
Cascais-ba HÉV-vel lehet kimenni (a Cais do Sodré-ról indul) a végállomáson kell leszállni. A két kicsi strandja nagyon cuki (az egyik az állomás közelében található, a másikhoz, ahol egy óriáskerék is van, kicsit sétálni kell. Onnan érdemes kicsit tovább is menni, Van egy kedves kis öböl egy világítótoronnyal, remek fotótéma. Még messzebb a part mentén telálható a Boca do Inferno (a Pokol Szája), ahol nagy hullámok esetén szintén szép képeket lehet készíteni. Cascais-ból autóbusszal lehet továbbmenni Cabo da Roca-hoz (a kontinens legnyugatibb pontjához), ahol a nagy semmit lehet megtekinteni, de én imádom. Kb. fél órás buszút, a baloldalon érdemes ülni, gyönyörű onnan az óceán.
Alfama-t is érdemes megnézni, itt két szép kilátó is van egymás mellett: a Miradouro de Portas do Sol és a Miradouro da Santa Luzia. Pompás kilátás nyílik a folyóra. A Cais do Sodré-n található a Time Out (az egyik fele piac, a másik sok kis étterem egy nagy közös evőhellyel. Itt kapható a város egyik legjobb fagyija is. Én a bazsalikomosat szeretem a legjobban.
Híres hely még Belém, ahol a Torre de Belém, a Padrão dos Descobrimentos (Felfedezők emlékműve), a Mosteiro dos Jerónimos található, az utóbbitól nincs messze a Pastéis de Belém cukrászda, ahol az ikonikus süteményt lehet megkóstolni.
Sintra is kihagyhatatlan az útikönyvek szerint, sok park és palota van ott. Az én kedvencem a lenti, 1000 éves alapokon álló régi királyi palota (Palácio Nacional de Sintra).
Ha strandolni van kedvetek, megtehetitek Cascaisban, ahol védett öböl van, alig hullámzik az óceán. Ha nagy hullámokat szeretnétek, akkor Costa da Caparica lehet a célpont. Igaz, ilyenkor a víz még hideg, most 17 fokos.
Gyerekkel érdemes elmenni az Ocenariumba is. Ha van még kérdésed, írj nyugodtan üzenetet! ❤️
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Paquebot - Miradouro das Portas do Sol, Lisbonne - Portugal
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Olá vaidoso’s 😉
Lisboa é uma cidade de encantos mil.
Em Setembro próximo, faz 16 anos que vivo e trabalho nesta cidade. Lisboa,por meio de ruas e ruelas, becos e travessas conduz-nos a surpresas mil, nesta cidade que esconde sítios belíssimos e inimagináveis. É uma das cidades europeias com mais miradouros.
Hoje, venho mostrar-vos 3 Miradouros De Lisboa, todos eles com vistas espectaculares e soberbas, sobre a “nossa” Lisboa. O Tejo que nos abraça e dá as boas-vindas, a Ponte 25 de Abril, o elo de ligação à outra margem.
Acomoda-te, tranquilamente, aí no teu ninho e conhece vistas privilegiadas da cidade.
Miradouro De São Pedro De Alcântara (Jardim António Nobre)
Fonte da foto 📸 playocean.
Fonte da foto 📸 playocean.
Fonte da foto 📸 playocean.
Fonte da foto 📸 playocean.
Fonte da foto 📸 playocean.
O Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara (o nome verdadeiro para o registo Jardim António Nobre) situa-se no cimo da Colina de São Roque entre o Príncipe Real e o Chiado, em Lisboa.
Deste, podemos avistar a esplendorosa paisagem para a Colina do Castelo, Colina de Santo André e Colina de Sant’Ana. Reza a história, uma das melhores perspectivas de Lisboa.
A qualquer hora do dia encontramos visitantes, portugueses ou estrangeiros, curiosos com a panorâmica do miradouro e jardim, para a colina em frente a nossos olhos, o Castelo de São Jorge. No patamar inferior do miradouro, o Jardim António Nobre convida-nos a momentos mais tranquilos, relaxados e românticos. O Miradouro de São Pedro de Alcântara é um dos principais pontos turísticos de Lisboa.
Miradouro Portas do Sol
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
Fonte da foto 📸 LisbonLUX.
O Miradouro ou Largo das Portas do Sol deriva do seu nome da antiga Porta do Sol, integrada na cerca moura de Lisboa, que existia no local, arruinada pelo terramoto de 1755. Localiza-se no bairro histórico de Alfama, freguesia de Santa Maria Maior. Do Miradouro das Portas do Sol, é possível observar a Igreja de São Vicente de Fora, bem como todo o bairro típico de Alfama que se estende pelas suas ruas e ruelas estreitas até ao Rio Tejo.
Um espaço tipo varanda, a magnífica vista da cidade de Lisboa, combina num misto de emoções e vislumbre sobre as mais diversas cúpulas arquitectónicas como é o caso da Igreja de Santo Estevão, São Miguel e São Vicente de Fora, já mencionado. É na verdade, um momento de puro relaxe e descontracção, para saborear um ótimo café português (no quiosque do miradouro), acompanhado da passagem do famoso “Eléctrico 28”.
Miradouro de Santa Luzia
Fonte da foto 📸 DicasDeLisboa.
Fonte da foto 📸 DicasDeLisboa.
Fonte da foto 📸 DicasDeLisboa.
Fonte da foto 📸 DicasDeLisboa.
Fonte da foto 📸 DicasDeLisboa.
O Miradouro de Santa Luzia fica logo ali ao lado do Castelo de São Jorge, um pouco mais acima da Sé. Lisboa é conhecida como a cidade das 7 colinas. O Miradouro de Santa Luzia localiza-se num destes pontos mais altos da cidade, oferece uma vista sobre os seus lindos azulejos e vista sobre o bairro de Alfama.
O que achaste deste artigo? Qual o próximo Miradouro de Lisboa que queres conhecer, aqui no blogue?
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