shade713 · 5 months
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Minyoon Roman Holiday AU
Again South Korea please make it happen
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yoonminnieeeeeeee · 1 year
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시간이 지나갈수록
더 망가져 가기만 해
No way, no way 또 무너지는 걸
House of cards - BTS
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ace-angel-judas · 2 years
Pairing: Hayoon/Minho
Series: BAP Additional Member AU
Synopsis: After every storm is a rainbow.
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Minho flinched slightly as he heard a scream, followed by a cry. Five kids was a mission, especially with Sulli starting to drop her midday nap and Ilhoon still being very small.
He walked into the lounge room, shaking his head. Minhyuk was crying, an obvious bite mark on his hand while Sulli was curled up on the floor, hiding her face.
"Sulli bit Minhyuk!" Taeil announced as he bounced on the couch.
"Yeah..," Minho nodded as he plucked his eldest son off the couch and opened the back door, both Taeil and Sulli quickly running outside.
Picking up Minhyuk, Minho smiled softly at him, "You alright?"
"She bites hard..," Minhyuk whined.
"Sulli's tired," Minho reasoned as he placed a bandaid over the the mark, placing his son back down.
He should really thank Sunhee for suggesting they have first aid kits in every room.
Minhyuk quickly rushed outside with his siblings, making Minho smile. Things were getting better, the routine was falling back into it's normal rhythm.
Looking at his daughter, Minseo walked into the room, a book in her hands. She was simply Hayoon all over, from the hair to the eyes, to the personality.
"Yes?" He asked softly.
"Mama is crying,"
Brows furrowed together, Minho quickly rushed to the master bedroom, worry on his face as he opened the door to their shared bathroom.
"Yoonie? Hayoon?" Minho questioned.
Hayoon was sat on the edge of the bath, tears rolling down her cheeks as she held a small, white pregnancy test in her hands. Minho wasn't entirely sure why they still had them.
"Hey," He whispered as he got onto his knees in front of her, "Yoonie, what's wrong?"
A smile spread across her face as she looked at Minho, more tears making her glasses foggy.
"Minho..," She whispered. "It's positive..,"
He snatched the stick from her hands, eyes going wide at the plus sign on the little screen. Hayoon's hands softly cupped his cheeks, making him look at her.
"I'm pregnant..," Hayoon sobbed happily, "Minho, were having another baby,"
A large grin spread across his face as the test was chucked on the floor, arms wrapping around her waist and lifting her from the bath. Hayoon laughed softly as he spun them around in the small area.
"I love you," Minho whispered as he placed her on the sink bench, "And I love every single one of our babies, including this one,"
"I love you too," Hayoon sniffled, "But we are going to need a bigger car,"
Realization dawned on Minho's face, "And a bigger house..,"
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11url · 1 year
could u do yoongi (bts) x handong (dreamcatcher) usernames ?
hiii love here you go :) let me know if youd want more!
yoongi: suganspice . minyoon . sugayoon . sugarylove . yoonggihrt
handong: dongdongie . wuhandong . handolove . nannanlvr . webzzhndng
both: minhandonggi . yoonhan . gidonggi . mindonghangi . sugaadonghan . hangime . flrhandogi
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Jméno postavy: Min Yejun Pozice: Učitel výtvarné výchovy Národnost: Korea
Backstory: Seděl sám na dřevěných prknech móla a nohy se mu houpaly ve vzduchu sotva pár centimetrů nad hladinou vody, od které se odrážely paprsky zapadajícího slunce. Muž oblečený v tričku a kraťasech se sandály na nohou, sedíc u mola s vlasy, se kterými si pohrával vítr, mohl na někoho jiného působit jako velmi osamělý, smutný obrázek. Jakoby ho namaloval nešťastný malíř, truchlící nad svým životem. Tady byl ten malíř přímo Yejun, který napohled naprázdno hleděl na hladinu jezera ve městě, kde prožil celý život. V hlavě se mu přehrávala vzpomínka za vzpomínkou a občas bylo vidět, jak se mu prudce zvedl a pak kles hrudník v hlubokém povzdechu. Truchlil nad svým životem, rozhodnut že je to naposled. Když byl Yejun dítě, bylo jasné, že nadšení pro umění zdědil po své matce k velké nevůli svého otce.
Nejen, že Yejun vypadal jako věrná kopie své matky, která zemřela u porodu a tím ji svému otci pořád připomínal, ale tohle byl další aspekt. A jeho otec nechtěl nic víc než na jeho matku zapomenout. Pocit viny? Možná. Jeho matka trpěla vážnou nemocí a jeho otec odmítal zaplatit jakoukoliv léčbu, kterou nehradila pojišťovna. První moment, kdy se tento zájem o umění projevil, byla školní exkurze do galerie, kde Yejun vydržel konverzovat o každém díle se svým učitelem nekonečně dlouho. I když nerozuměl uměleckým směrům, ani neznal jména umělců, kteří tam byli vystaveni, jeho zájem byl očividný pro všechny přítomné. Jeho otec byl však velmi patriarchální typ muže. On měl v rodině vždy hlavní a poslední slovo. Prvotní prosby malého Yejuna o umělecký kroužek přišly k ráznému zamítnutí. Velmi rychle to vzdal. Našel si jinou cestu. Jeho učitel si všiml, jaký zájem Yejun měl o výtvarné umění a nakonec se mu povedlo Yejunova otce přesvědčit. A tak začal konečně navštěvovat umělecký kroužek pod podmínkou, že bude navšetěvovat i přírodovědní kroužek. Yejun velmi nadšeně vše odkýval.
Na střední pedagogické škole se pořád věnoval umění, chtěl se stát učitelem výtvarné výchovy a být pro studenty jako byl on sám oporou, jako byl jeho učitel jemu. Pořád však musel poslouchat svého otce a připravoval se tak na právnickou vysokou školu. Pak ale přišla první životní rána. Jeho otec náhle zemřel na infarkt v práci. Yejun už byl ale dospělý v té době. Zrovna odmaturoval a byl přijatý jak na právnickou, tak uměleckou fakultu. A aby tak naplil na hrob svého otce, vybral si uměleckou fakultu. Zůstal bydlet bytě, který zdědil a kapitolu jeho otce za sebou zavřel. Bylo mu pouhých dvacetjedna let, když poznal Minyoon. Byla to holka o rok mladši než on sám a potkali se na výstavě závěrečných projektů studentů fakulty před koncem zimního semestru. Někdo by řekl, že to byla láska na první pohled. Možná i ta životní. Chodili spolu dva roky, poté ji Yejun požádal o ruku a rok na to se vzali. Plánovali si spolu budoucnost. Stěhování, psa, kočku, děti, všechno. Netrvalo tak dlouho než mu Minyoon oznámila, že je těhotná a Yejun si myslel, že sladší už život být nemůže. Našel si práci jako učitel na základní škole, kde zatím učil jen kroužek než dostudoval, ale stačilo jim to. Vzpomínka na jejich dětinské hádky ohledně jmen pro děti mu probleskla hlavou. Vzpomínka na ní bolela. Byl chladný prosincový večer a Yejun se vracel domů z práce. Cestou vyzvedl Minyoon od jejich rodičů a v rádiu hrály vánoční koledy. Minyoon hlasitě zpívala a Yejun se celou cestu musel smát. Nedával pozor.
Měl se více soustředit na cestu, než na vánoční písničky a Minyoon vedle sebe. Poslední co si z toho večera pamatuje jsou dva reflektory kamionu, který vjel do protisměru a jejich auto smetl. Přežil jen on. V mžiku přišel o ženu, dítě, budoucnost, chuť žít. Od té nehody se celou dobu ptal proč neumřel on, proč bůh neušetřil Minyoon a jejich dceru. A jizva na pravém rameni mu kruté boží cesty připomínala pokaždé, když se podíval do zrcadla. Bylo to něco, co si bude vycítat do konce svého života. Nedokázal si odpustit. Zatímco seděl u jezera, cigareta mezi jeho prsty hořela. Byl to zlozvyk, který si vypěstoval během vysoké školy a Minyoon mu za to neustále hubovala. Prý nemůže kouřit a smrdět za dýmem, když budou mít miminko. Teď už to bylo jedno. Yejun si podal životopis jako učitel výtvarné výchovy na střední škole Haneul v Seoulu, skoro na opačném konci státu a byl přijat. Zvedl se z mola, cigeratu odhodil do vody a vykročil k autu, kde ho čekal jeho bratranec, který ho měl odvézt na letiště. K čertu s tímhle prokletým městem.
Facebook: 예준
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jandyrwoman · 1 year
Gusto unta tika minyoon, pero imo raman ko e friendzone.
Im Perfection!! Pero taysa, tage kog time mag move on!
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lovefromthestars · 2 years
Vậy là hôm nay Mino của mình phải đi nghĩa vụ quân sự rồi.
Anh đi lặng lẽ, không ồn ào, nếu không vô tình lướt twitter, có lẽ đến mình còn chẳng biết.
Một lần đi như vậy, là tận 2 năm.
2 năm sẽ không còn Winner một cách trọn vẹn, 2 năm chờ đợi một full album, như là hồi năm 2 mình dùng Remember như là một điều để giải toả nỗi nhớ.
Còn Yoonie của mình nữa thôi. Nhưng thật tiếc, ngày các anh của mình hoạt động trọn vẹn 10 năm, thì họ đã không thể cùng nhau trải qua khoảnh khắc ấy nữa.
Tự nhiên dạo này mình tìm rất nhiều thứ về Winner, xong rồi mình nhận ra mọi thứ phai nhạt rất nhiều. Mình đi cùng họ hơn 6 năm, bao nhiêu thứ đọng lại, bao nhiêu lần hợp hợp tan tan, từ cái page coffee chỉ vẻn vẹn mấy người, từ những con fic gắn kết chúng mình lại, thoắt một cái, bây giờ mình chẳng còn gì nữa.
Mọi người lần lượt rời đi. Những bài đăng ít dần, những lần cập nhất mới cũng là vài tuần, vài tháng, thậm chí là vài năm trước. Mọi thứ như chỉ là hôm qua, khi mà mình, cùng Hoa hồng xanh của mình, cùng nhau khóc, cùng nhau cười, cùng nhau gọi điện đến tối mịt. Mọi thứ giờ chỉ là một thước phim thoáng qua, rồi chẳng còn gì hết.
Ngay cả mình, thời gian trôi đi mình cũng dần hết đi hứng thú. Những thứ xung quanh mình cứ đến rồi đi, đôi lúc mình thậm chí mình cũng từng có một quãng thời gian cuồng nhiệt đến vậy.
Rồi cho đến khi Suju về Việt Nam, mình nhìn thấy sự ủng hộ của những chị fan đã theo họ suốt mười mấy năm ròng, mình nghe lại những bài hát tưởng chừng đã cũ, rồi mình cứ mãi đắm chìm trong những câu chuyện nhỏ xa xưa. Mình chợt nhận ra, có lẽ mình nên đi concert của WINNER của mình một lần trong đời. Mình nên dành hết tuổi xuân chỉ còn mấy khoảng khắc ngắn ngủi của mình, dốc hết lòng mình, chỉ để tham dự và được nhìn ngắm họ một lần, hay ít nhất, là được hoà mình vào biển xanh Nebula, một màu xanh tím thuần khiết của vũ trụ. Ít nhất thì, dùng hết sức của mình, tặng cho họ một vì sao.
WINNER, hẹn gặp lại vào năm 2025 nhé. Một chặng đường rất dài, nhưng mình sẽ không bao giờ buông bỏ.
Gửi tình yêu đến WINNER, đến Song Minho của mình.
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bat-yenny · 2 years
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fatenumberfor · 3 years
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mino + seungyoon in 아이야 (iyah)
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shade713 · 2 years
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Minyoon crumbs
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cruciao · 3 years
hope someone is into minyoon because i just made a fanfic about them… check it out when you have time <3
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ace-angel-judas · 2 months
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Pairing: Hayoon x Minho
AU: Best Friend's Brother!, Rich!Minho, College!Au.
Synopsis: The last year of college was supposed to be easy for Hayoon, moving in with her doctor brother. But one flaw had presented itself in Hayoon's life, Choi Minho, her brother's best friend.
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This last year of college was going to be smooth sailing. 
Moving in with her brother would help, no longer needing to worry about a rowdy dorm mate or the cost of living. Taeil owned his apartment, as a successful emergency room doctor, he earned enough money to support the both of them. The apartment had three rooms, Taeil’s room decked out with a private bathroom but it was fine, because it meant a bathroom all to herself. 
Placing the last video game on the shelf, Hayoon sighed in relief that everything was finally unpacked. Taeil had offered for her to stay even when the year finished, until she got on her feet, found a job and started earning money. 
“I have to say, you really didn’t have a lot,” Taeil commented as he broke up the last box, “Even I had more when I finished college,” 
“The dorms were tiny and I shared with another person,” Hayoon shrugged softly, “Either way, a little goes a long way,” 
“I suppose it is cozy,” Taeil shrugged, “You don’t have to pay rent so feel free to buy yourself more stuff,” 
“I’m content with what I have,” Hayoon adjusted her glasses, “What did you want to talk to me about earlier?” 
Taeil slapped his hands on his legs, “Right, that,” 
Her brother wasn’t usually someone who beat around the bush, he was straight forward and told the truth more than he even thought about lying. 
“There’s another person moving in,” Taeil spoke. 
“Oh,” Hayoon inhaled deeply, “That’s.. Fine, I guess, is it Anna or-” 
“It’s Minho,” 
Hayoon’s face dropped, her shoulders sinking at her brother’s words. Taeil let out a nervous chuckle, crossing his arms and waiting for her to talk. 
Choi Minho was her brother’s best friend since freshmen year of high school, they had been attached at the hip despite different social standings in society. Minho was popular, he was loved by many and envied by more. 
“Minho?” Hayoon asked. 
“He’s only staying for the year too,” Taeil explained, “His dad is being a pain and either way, he’s a paramedic now, he’ll be working twelve hour shifts, you’ll hardly see him,” 
This place was rent free, Hayoon reminded herself. 
“I have no problems with Minho,” Hayoon whispered out. 
“Good, because he’s going to be here in ten minutes,” 
Maybe Hayoon should have stayed in the college dorms, because within the ten minutes of Minho being in the apartment, she wanted to throw herself out the window. 
Minho dripped with charisma, Hayoon was sure that he had been blessed by gods when he was born because no one was allowed to be this attractive. He wore a simple white shirt and loose denim jeans, his brown hair styled perfectly. Even as he smiled, Hayoon couldn’t find it in herself to be mad. 
Hayoon couldn’t help but cringe as the two bro hugged, standing beside the couch in the lounge area of the apartment. The massive window over looking the city was a bonus, Hayoon reminded herself, she could deal with Choi Minho for a year. 
“Yoonie,” Minho smiled at her, finally turning his attention to her. 
The last time she’d seen Minho had been the day after her graduation party, which was a night that Hayoon wanted to keep hidden in the back of her memory for the rest of her life. 
“Don’t call me that,” Hayoon shook her head, “No one calls me that,” 
“Yoons,” Taeil chuckled, “Cold shoulder, much,” 
“I was up late for an assignment last night,” Hayoon lied, “How’s Johnny doing?” 
“Uh, he’s doing Johnny things,” Minho shrugged, “Not overly interested in what my brother gets up to these days,”
Hayoon chuckled, “Johnny was always a sweetheart,” 
“Uh huh,” Minho clicked his tongue, clenching his jaw for a moment. 
Hayoon’s attention turned to her brother as he clapped his hands, a sheepish smile on his face. If this was another roommate, Hayoon was moving out faster than Minho could flash his too perfect teeth. 
“In other news,” Taeil exhaled, “I have to go to another city for a month,” 
“I know you get a doctor’s wage and all but that’s going to expensive driving to and from every day,” Hayoon spoke. 
“Yeah., I’m going to be staying there for the month so it’ll just be you two here for the next month,” 
Hayoon’s eyes almost popped out of her skull as she gasped, “A month?! Just the two of us?” 
“Minho’s a paramedic now!” Taeil stated, “He works twelve hour shifts, you’ll never see him!” 
Looking at the man in question, Minho shrugged slightly. 
“You both knew about this,” Hayoon pulled together the facts. 
“Yoons,” Taeil flashed his best puppy dog eyes, “It’s just Minho, he’ll be like having another me around,” 
Hayoon didn’t say anything before turning and stomping towards her room. 
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Never see Minho? 
That was a complete and utter lie. 
Taeil’s departure had meant hell on Earth for Hayoon, dealing with Choi Minho in her living space. 
Minho was everywhere. Walking into the apartment after a morning jog when Hayoon was simply trying to enjoy her morning tea, covered in sweat like some sort of Korean God. He looked even better coming home in his uniform in the middle of the night, when Hayoon was finishing up her latest work. 
Which was moments like now. 
“Have you eaten?” Minho asked as he walked into the apartment, “I got Thai,” 
“I’m fine,” Hayoon mumbled, staring at her laptop, “I had noodles,” 
“Cup noodles are not a meal, Yoonie,” Minho stated. 
Groaning, Hayoon turned and looked at him. Minho wore a thick pair of black cargo pants and a plain black shirt, the one he usually wore under his work shirt. 
“I told you not to call me Yoonie!” Hayoon groaned in frustration. 
“It’s a nickname,” Minho looked at her, arms crossing over his chest, “I’ve been calling you it since we were kids,” 
“The last time you called me that name-” 
“You drunkenly kissed me at your graduation party,” Minho stated. 
Cheeks flaming red, Hayoon grabbed her laptop and started the walk to her room. Minho just groaned, following her towards the room. Before she could slam the door closed, Minho caught the wood in his hand. 
“You can’t avoid it,” Minho huffed, “Yoonie-” 
“You’re Taeil’s best friend!” Hayoon placed the laptop down on her bed, “My mom thinks of you as another son!” 
“I could be a son in law,” Minho chuckled, leaning against the door frame. 
Flabbergasted, Hayoon couldn’t form the words that swam through her brain. Minho had always been in her life, Taeil and Minho had been best friends since elementary school and never separated. 
Hayoon had decided the day after she’d kiss Minho, she’d never come between that. 
“I’m going to bed,” Hayoon announced. 
“You need to eat something,” Minho stated as she grabbed the door, closing it. 
Once again, Minho’s hand grabbed the wood and pressed it open. In an instant, Minho was centimetres away from her face. Hayoon inhaled deeply, the slight smell of woodsy cologne making her knees weak. 
“I don’t regret that kiss, Yoonie,” Minho whispered, “I never have,” 
Eyes darting to his lips, Hayoon let out a whimper. He was so close, the taste of Minho’s lips a long forgotten memory from that night five years ago. When his fingers ghosted over her cheek, Hayoon suddenly snapped to attention. 
“Good night, Minho,” 
With that, Hayoon shut the door. 
The next morning, Minho was no where to be found. Hayoon thanked her lucky stars as she ate her breakfast in peace, a small bowl of whatever cereal Taeil kept stocked in the cupboard. For a doctor, he didn’t keep the healthiest snacks. Takis, Lucky Charms, Twinkies.. 
Taeil’s apartment was a snack haven. 
Those snacks were promptly placed into her back pack before she took off for work. 
The tech shop was small but it got a few customers, meaning that Hayoon had time to work on her assignments while it was quiet. Ailee, the daughter of the owner, never minded. She often gamed during those periods as well, her switch connected to one of the TV’s on the back wall. 
“How’s your roomie situation going?” Ailee asked as Hayoon set up her laptop, pulling out a bag of takis as she did. 
“I hate my brother,” Hayoon whispered as she waited for the laptop to boot up, “I don’t understand why he didn’t tell me Minho was moving in,” 
“Maybe because you smooched him five years ago,” Ailee giggled. 
“Taeil doesn’t know,” 
“What?” Ailee paused her game, sitting up, “Hold on, he doesn’t know you smooched his best friend?” 
“I didn’t tell him!” Hayoon looked at her friend, “A lot of things happened that night..,” 
Ailee spun around in her chair, “Uh, explain?” 
“We kissed..,” Hayoon mumbled, “We went skinny dipping-” 
“You went skinny dipping with him?!” Ailee laughed, “Hayoon!” 
“And then he slept with another girl,” 
Silence filled the shop, Hayoon sighing as she turned to her laptop again. Her phone started to buzz, Taeil’s number popping up on the screen. Picking up her phone, Hayoon answered. 
“Yoons!” Taeil’s voice called through the phone, “What time do you finish work?” 
“Um, five?” Hayoon answered before she perked up, “Are you coming?!” 
“No, I’m still working but Minho will,” 
Shoulders dropping, Hayoon whined, “I can catch the bus home,” 
“He offered and either way, he’s not working today,” Taeil spoke, “Let him drive you home, for my sake please,” 
There was a frown before Hayoon agreed and ended the phone call. 
“Minho’s picking me up..,” Hayoon whispered. 
“You mean I get to see skinny dipping rich boy!” Ailee squealed, “Oh my day just got a million times better!” 
The day was slow, Hayoon finishing two assignments and also managing to restock the shelves of the tech store. They mostly sold cheap tech and second hand consoles, there was no arguing with sweaty nerds who hadn’t showered in three weeks or helping an old woman turn on her phone. 
Until the door open and Minho came walking in. 
“Can I help you?” Ailee greeted, pausing her game. 
“I’m looking for Yoonie,” Minho stated, glancing around the store. 
“Yoonie?” Ailee giggled, spinning in her chair and looking at Hayoon as she walked out of the office door, “That’s cute,” 
“I’ll see you next week, Ailee,” Hayoon smiled as she walked out of the shop, Minho following behind her. 
Only she stopped as they stepped onto the side walk, eyes wide at the car parked. It was a sleek black chevy camaro with a blue streak up the side. Minho pressed his key, opening the door for her. 
“You getting in?” Minho asked. 
“You drive this?” Hayoon asked, “This car is worth more than my life,” 
“Yoonie,” Minho laughed, “Get in,” 
Slipping into the seat, Hayoon glanced around at the interior. The seats leather, a small screen instead of a radio. Minho got into the drivers seat, turning the key before the car roared to life. 
Ailee was going to have a field day during her next shift. 
“I forgot you have rich parents,” Hayoon mumbled under her breath. 
“Their not rich..,” Minho spoke, “We just live comfortably,” 
“So comfortable that you rent my brother’s spare room?” Hayoon looked at Minho, eyebrow raised, “Why did you move in?” 
“Didn’t really want to live with my parents anymore,” Minho shrugged, “And Johnny too? He’s becoming an asshole,” 
“Johnny’s a sweetheart,” Hayoon smiled to herself, “He was lovely-” 
“Can we not call my little brother a sweetheart?” Minho asked, gripping the steering wheel. 
“Jealous?” Hayoon joked. 
“What if I was?” 
Silence filled the car, Hayoon exhaling slowly and looking at her fingers. She suddenly felt hot, knees pressing together before looking out the car window. It was like something was in the air whenever Minho was around, her body instantly reacting to him. Pushing the thoughts away, Hayoon decided to count the streets as they passed. 
It remained silent the entire trip home, even as they walked to the elevator and arrived to the apartment. 
Before Hayoon could rush to her room, Minho’s hand softly grabbed her arm. 
“Stop running away from me,” Minho sighed, “Talk to me about this, Yoonie,” 
“Talk to you?” Hayoon turned and finally looked up into his warm brown eyes, “About what part? The kiss? The swim in the lake? Or-” 
“-How you slept with someone that was supposed to be my best friend?!” 
Minho groaned, “I didn’t sleep with her!” 
“I caught you coming out of her room!” Hayoon snapped, tears filling her eyes, “Naked!” 
“It never happened! I was so drunk, I fell asleep in the first bed I came across!”
“You could have been in my bed that night!” 
Tension filled the room, that heat filling Hayoon’s stomach again as she glanced between Minho’s eyes and lips. 
“You never told Taeil about Youngjae, did you?” 
Inhaling deeply, tears burnt Hayoon’s eyes before she pulled her arm from his grasp. Her arms wrapped around herself, marching towards her room in silence. Only Minho proved to be the most stubborn man on Earth, following right behind her. 
“I didn’t mean to upset you-” 
“Don’t talk about it!” Hayoon turned to him, tears rolling down her cheeks, “You.. You promised you’d never mention it,” 
“He abused you,” Minho cupped her cheeks, wiping the tears away, “Yoonie, you can’t ignore that,” 
She pushed his hands away, “I can! The same way I ignore the kiss and that stupid night-” 
A pair of lips suddenly pressed against her own, Hayoon going still. He tasted the same as she remembered, woodsy and warm, like a sunset over a forest. But he was gentle, thumbs brushing over the apples of her cheeks. 
“I never regretted that night,” Minho whispered as he pulled away, “I never regretted you,” 
Teeth sinking into her bottom lip, Hayoon whimpered. 
“Yoonie..,” Minho leaned in again, “Baby, please..,” 
“We can’t..,” Hayoon managed to step away from him, “We.. this can’t happen,” 
Stepping into her room, Hayoon slammed the door shut behind herself, sliding down the wood as tears ran down her cheeks. 
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One thing Hayoon loved about the apartment despite the roommate, was the amazing shower. The shared shower dorm always went cold within two minutes, leaving showers to a minimum. Hayoon could soak in the hot water for as long as she liked. 
And the bathroom was spacious too, something Hayoon was still getting used to as she looked in the mirror. She pulled the towel from her body, glancing at herself in the mirror. 
That was until the door suddenly opened, a shriek leaving her lips. 
“Oh.. fuck..,” Minho whispered, his eyes wandering down her body, “I.. Damn..,” 
“Get out!” 
She quickly slammed the bathroom door, exhaling slowly. 
It was fine, it wasn’t the first time he’d seen her naked. 
The door to the bathroom opened again, Hayoon barely pulling the towel around her body this time. She turned with wide eyes, shocked at how Minho had interrupted again. Only he looked dishevelled now, his hair slightly messy like he’d been running his fingers through it.
“Can I help you-“
“Forgive me,”
Minho’s hand grasped the back of her neck, his lips pressing against her own in a desperate kiss. Hayoon’s body suddenly felt electrified, her own lips moving back against his own.
Hands wandered to her hips, suddenly lifting her into the bathroom sink. Hayoon let out a yelp that was silenced by Minho’s searing kiss against her mouth again. Testing the waters, Hayoon softly nipped at his bottom lip, her fingers tangled in the back of his hair.
“Fuck..,” Minho groaned, pulling away only to attached his lips to her neck, “You’re so beautiful..,”
Pleasure suddenly ignited in her stomach, a low moan echoing in the bathroom as Minho sucked on the delicate skin of her neck. The hands on her hips wandered slowly, travelling up from her hips, across her stomach before cupping her breasts.
Hayoon whined, yanking the man away. She couldn’t, she couldn’t let this go any further than it had. Minho almost made a sound of pain, his eyes glassy and lips red as he stared at Hayoon.
“W-we..,” Hayoon was breathless, “This can’t h-happen,”
“Yoonie,” Minho groaned, “I’ve wanted you since that stupid graduation party,”
A shiver ran down her spine, need pooling in her stomach.
“You’re Taeil’s best friend..,” Hayoon whispered.
“I’d rather not think about your brother while your bare assed in front of me,” Minho spoke, his lips twisting in a slight smirk when Hayoon attempted to cover herself, “Yoonie.. please..,”
Biting her lip, Hayoon watched the way his eyes seemed to glimmer at the action.
“Just.. one kiss..,”
Lips attached themselves back to her own, Hayoon moaning into his mouth. Her body felt like it was on fire, pressed against Minho’s hard body.
Even as he dragged her off the bathroom sink, their lips stayed attached. Even stumbling down the hallway, almost falling through Hayoon’s bedroom door, their lips stayed locked. They barely made it to the bed before she was pulling at his clothes.
“Yoonie..,” Minho groaned, pulling away, “You said-“
“I know what I said,” Hayoon whispered, “I.. just want to feel you..,”
The clothes were gone in an instant, lips locked back together as Hayoon’s hands wandered over his body. It was no secret that Minho was in good shape, he always had been, his shoulders broad, chest firm and abs sculpted by a god themself.
As her hands wandered lower, Minho whined when they wrapped around his bare cock. He was thick, her hand barely wrapping around the appendage before she gave him a slow stroke.
“Fuck!” Minho swore, pulling away from Hayoon’s lips.
Another slow stroke had him shuttering, Hayoon’s cheeks going red as she watched his reaction.
“Is it okay?” She whispered.
“Is it okay?” Minho groaned, “I’ve spend the last five years looking up porn with cute girls wearing glasses, do you know how hard that stuff is to find?”
Hayoon’s face went a deep shade of red.
“This is more than okay..,” Minho breathed out, “If I don’t cum..,”
She swallowed thickly, Minho growling when her tongue darted over her own lips.
“You can.. put it in,” Hayoon whispered shyly.
“..Are you sure?” Minho whispered softly, “I won’t do anything you don’t want me to,”
“I’m sure..,” Hayoon whispered back, “I want this..,”
There was a slight grunt before suddenly she became filled, a loud gasp leaving her lips as Minho’s cock pressed into her waiting pussy. His hands held her hips firmly, chest rising and falling as Minho seemed to bottom out, his head thrown back in bliss.
“Fuck..,” Minho whispered, “Fuck, Hayoon.. you’re.. you’re perfect..,”
Experimentally, Hayoon decided to wiggle her hips.
“F-fucking..,” Minho groaned, pressing her hips against his own hard, “I’m trying so hard not to fuck you senseless right now, baby,”
“I’m not saying don’t, Minho,”
Hayoon couldn’t control the cry that left her chest as Minho suddenly began to pound his cock into her waiting cunt. His hands stayed firmly on her hips, holding her still as he fucked her.
This wasn’t love making, this was raw pleasure that they’d both been seeking since that kiss almost five years ago. 
She whimpered as Minho thrusted his hips again, her body moving further up on the bed. Something about the feeling Minho’s cock felt so heavenly and perfect, like it was something she had been craving for years. 
“Minho!” Hayoon cried out, her nails digging into his shoulders, “More!” 
He thrusted harder, the bed bumping against the wall and making her yelp. 
“I’ve dreamed about fucking you for years,” Minho groaned as he thrusted, “Yoonie.., you feel better than I could have imagined,” 
Her moans and whimpers continued to fill the room, not silencing even as Minho pressed a searing hot kiss to her mouth. His cock was still pistoning into her wet pussy, pleasure racking her body. 
Minho was definitely a lot better than her cheap vibrator. 
“I..,” Hayoon cried out as her body tensed, “Cumming!” 
The orgasm hit hard, her vision going black for a moment as her body shook from the sensation. Her pussy clenched around Minho’s cock, milking him as he filled her with hot cum. 
“Fuck..,” Minho panted out, hands softly massaging her body, “You’re.. Divine,” 
All Hayoon could do was whimper in return, her eyes drooping shut as sleep over took her body. 
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A series of kisses were sprinkled over Hayoon’s face, a tiny smile nestling on her lips. Minho’s hands seemed to work like magic, softly massaging her shoulders as she opened her eyes.
“I need my glasses,” Hayoon mumbled.
“You really don’t understand how sexy you look with nothing but those glasses on,” Minho chuckled as he handed her the frames.
Putting the glasses on, she quickly covered herself with the blanket. Her body was still bare from the night before, her nipples perked up from the cold morning air. Minho’s gaze lingered for a moment, until the blanket covered her skin.
“You can be naked, Yoonie,” Minho smirked.
“It’s cold,” Hayoon confessed, “About last night..,”
Hayoon trailed off as Minho passed her a mug, the sweet smell of tea filling the air. She softly took the cup, glancing between Minho and the drink.
“Three sugars with milk,” Minho nodded, “Just how you like it,”
Taking a sip, Hayoon felt her cheeks go red, “You know how I like my tea?”
“I know how you like your tea..,” Minho gave a small smile, “I also know that you like hair clips over hair ties, you hate using the dishwasher because you think it doesn’t clean the plates properly, your favourite food is anything spicy and you hate mushrooms, you wanted to study dance but picked computer science instead because it’s safer-“
“Wait,” Hayoon stopped him, “You know all this stuff?”
“Yoonie,” Minho’s hand softly cupped her leg, eyes softening as he spoke, “I’ve never forgotten a thing about you, it broke my heart the way you looked at me that day,”
Tears began to pool in her eyes, softly looking at the tea filled mug. It had hurt, when Minho had stumbled out of that room in the cabin, hickey on his neck. She’d spent years pining for him, her brother’s best friend in the whole world.
“You really didn’t sleep with her?” Hayoon whispered, “That night?”
“I swear on my life that I did not,” Minho whispered, softly wiping away the tears on her cheeks with his thumb.
“You had a hickey,” Hayoon whispered.
“That was from you, baby,”
“Come swim with me, Minho!”
A loud laugh left Hayoon’s lips as she dashed across the shore of the lake. They’d rented out the lake house for her graduation party and acceptance into college and as it turned out, Hayoon was a bit of a light weight.
“You don’t have any swimwear, Yoonie,” Minho chuckled, “Let’s get back to the cabin,”
“No, I’m going swimming,” Hayoon stated firmly, “And I don’t need swimmers,”
Minho had to do a double take as he watched Hayoon suddenly strip her clothes off, standing bare in the summer night air. She looked absolutely stunning, curves highlighted in the moonlight, breasts full and thighs that looked so soft.
“Come on!” Hayoon giggled as she grabbed his hand, “Like when we were kids!”
This was very different from when they had been children.
Minho couldn’t stop himself as Hayoon dashed into the water, a groan leaving his lips. She looked beautiful, stunning in all honesty. Yet if Taeil caught them..
He was already in the water, clothes left on the shore.
“It feels amazing,” Hayoon moaned as she floated in the water.
“Don’t go too far,” Minho softly grabbed her hips, “I don’t want you to drown,”
Hayoon turned in his embrace, their faces close and he could feel her body pressed against his own. Maybe it was the alcohol in his system or lack of blood going to his head right now, but Minho couldn’t stop thinking about the way her lips would feel.
“You’re touching me,” Hayoon purred.
“I can let go,” Minho whispered.
“I never said it was a bad thing..,” Hayoon cooed, her hands slipped over his shoulders and lacing behind his neck, “I never thanked you,”
“Thanked me for what?” Minho panted.
“Saving me from Youngjae,” Hayoon whispered.
Her lips latched themself onto his neck, a deep groan vibrating out Minho’s chest. She nibbled on his skin, tongue skimming over the area before she pulled away.
“Yoonie,” Minho whispered.
“I told you not to call me that,” Hayoon whined.
“Because it makes me feel special,”
That was all she said before her lips landed on his.
The memory floated back like a fever dream, Hayoon’s face red as she remembered it all. Minho had been trying to take care of her, possibly per Taeil’s request.
“I.. I shouldn’t have forced you to kiss me,” Hayoon covered her face, “I’m so sorry,”
“Your not apologizing about that when we just fucked each other senseless and I also busted into the bathroom to kiss you,” Minho stated, “Hayoon, I don’t regret a single thing about that night except not getting into your bed,”
She slowly looked up at him, taking in his features. His lips were slightly red, hair a mess and red marks on his neck. Despite all this, he still looked like sex on legs.
“Is.. Is that all that would have happened?” Hayoon asked, “We’d have.. done it and that’s it?”
“I would have asked you to be mine,” Minho confessed.
Hayoon frowned, “I guess that ship sailed-“
“Be mine, Hayoon,” Minho announced, “And let me be yours,” 
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The next two weeks followed without any hiccups, Hayoon fell into a routine with Minho. He’d pick her up from work if he wasn’t working, she waited up for him to arrive home and a great deal of mind blowing sex commonly followed. 
Yet it was the domestic moments like this one that Hayoon cherished, snuggled up in her bed, Minho’s fingers dragging through her hair while a movie played on the small tv. 
“We can do more than watch a movie,” Minho whispered against her shoulder. 
“Minho,” Hayoon giggled as she pulled the blanket up further, “Is that all you think about?” 
“I have the most beautiful girl in the world in my lap, of course I’m thinking about that,” 
Hayoon giggled again before he placed a kiss over her lips, eyes rolling closed as she soaked in the moment. Perhaps Minho really was a gift sent from god, because everything about him was amazing. 
“Okay,” Hayoon pulled away, “I think we need to address the elephant in the room,” 
Minho groaned. 
“Taeil comes home in a week,” Hayoon pointed out. 
“And we’ll tell him, maybe,” Minho shrugged, “Or we can keep it a secret,” 
“Taeil’s dumb but he’s not stupid,” Hayoon laughed, “We have to tell him,” 
“Worry about it later, Yoonie, he’s not home for another week,” 
Minho pressed another kiss to her lips just as the door to her room opened, Hayoon’s eyes went wide, watching as her brother suddenly appeared in the doorway. 
“Hayoon, why are your clothes in the hallway-” 
Silence filled the room, Taeil’s eyes going wide as he looked at the couple. Hayoon moved away from Minho, who froze in his place. Only the door slowly closed, Taeil disappearing into the hallway. 
“Oh no..,” Hayoon whispered.
“Shit,” Minho grabbed his shirt, “Do you think he’s mad?” 
“Minho, run,” 
The door slammed open again, Taeil yelling as Minho jumped out of the bed. Hayoon screamed as her brother slammed Minho against the wall, his fist slamming across Minho’s cheek. 
“My sister?!” Taeil yelled, “What the fuck?!” 
“Taeil, stop!” Hayoon yelled at her brother, grabbing his arm, “Let him go!” 
She was pushed away, Hayoon stumbling before she fell. Pain suddenly bloomed on her head, a cry of pain leaving her lips as she hit the bedside table. Minho and Taeil both turned, quickly scurrying to her side. 
“Yoonie!” Minho reached her first, “Baby, look at me,” 
Hayoon turned her head, “It hurts..,” 
“Yeah,” Minho pressed his hand against the cut, “Get the first aid kit!” 
Taeil left the room while Minho helped her up, walking her to the kitchen table. Her brother quickly appeared with the massive first aid kit, popping it open and looking at Minho. 
“Does she need stitches? Is it fractured? Don’t say she has a cracked skull!” Taeil panicked. 
“Give me the wipes,” Minho demanded, taking the cotton from Taeil’s hands, “This is going to sting a little,” 
Hayoon whined as Minho wiped the blood away, his face filled with relief as he looked at the wound. Taeil passed him a few more things, Minho applying a bandaid over the cut. 
“Small cut, flesh wound,” Minho softly rubbed her legs, “No stitches and no fractures,” 
“She might need an x-ray,” Taeil mumbled, “And a CT scan and maybe run bloods just to check-” 
“Now you’re overreacting,” Hayoon rolled her eyes, “I feel fine, it just hurts a little,” 
Taeil scoffed, “Who do you trust more, the doctor or paramedic?” 
“I stubbed my toe once and you made me have bed rest for a week,” Hayoon looked at her brother. 
Taeil just sighed, sitting down at the table. He looked between the two, watching the way Minho’s hands remained on her legs in a soothing way. Hayoon looked relaxed, despite the incident that just occoured. 
“Do you want to explain this to me?” Taeil asked, “I mean.., my sister and my best friend?”
“It just happened,” Hayoon whispered, “It’s not much to explain..,” 
“Well, a few ground rules- what the fuck is that?” 
Both Minho and Hayoon perked up, Hayoon’s face turning red and eyes going wide as Taeil picked up a medicine bottle from the table. Minho pursed his lips, watching as Taeil looked between the two of them. 
“The morning after pill?!” Taeil yelled. 
“You don’t know if it’s that for sure..,” Hayoon mumbled. 
“I’m a fucking doctor, Kiara!” Hayoon flinched at the use of her English name, “I prescript this shit to teenagers all the fucking time!” 
Hayoon sunk down in her seat while Minho spoke, “Would you rather we not take any precaution at all? You feel like being an uncle?” 
“Precautions would be not fucking my sister,” Taeil snapped, “Or at least use a condom! This doesn’t protect you from STDs!” 
All Hayoon could do was cover her face. 
“New rules,” Taeil snapped, “No fucking while I’m home, keep it in the bedroom and Minho, you had three months to find a new place to live,” 
“Why are you kicking me out?!” Minho exclaimed. 
“Because you fucked the landlords sister!” 
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Minho wasn’t overly thrilled about seeing his father. 
All his life, he had been an absent figure until he’d turned fifteen. Then it was non stop, trying to be moulded and shaped into the next heir of the Choi house. They came from old money, his ancestors starting from the bottom and working their way up. 
Now his father made millions, owned houses, cars, even entire towns and industries. But Minho had rejected that life, taking on the same route of his mother and wanting to help people. 
“My boy!” His father greeted as Minho stepped into the office, “You look healthy,” 
“Sir,” Minho only nodded, “You called?” 
“Your sister’s coming home from Paris,” His father announced, “We’re having a celebration to welcome her home,” 
“Right,” Minho shrugged, “What does that have to do with me?” 
“You have to be there, for Sunhee,” 
Sunhee was his adopted sister, she was all sunshines and rainbows and had been their entire life. Their mother wanted a daughter, Sunhee had been adopted not long after Johnny had been born. She was obvious soft spot of the family, their mother’s favourite and that made her immune to their father’s schemes. 
“Can I bring someone?” Minho asked. 
“Arm candy doesn’t hurt, son,” 
Minho almost knocked the man out at those words. 
“And make sure you keep your playboy brother in line,” His father grunted, “We don’t need another headline,” 
One thing made Minho happy and that was seeing Hayoon. 
She seemed to be thriving, saying goodbye to her work friend and greeting him with a hug. Minho inhaled her scent, something like chocolate cookies and cinnamon, pressing a kiss to her forehead before they slipped into the car. 
“Any reason you wanted to pick me up today?” Hayoon asked. 
“I do need to ask you something,” Minho smiled, reaching over and grabbing her hand, “Do you want to come to a party with me?” 
“A party?” Hayoon questioned. 
“Well, it’s more of a gala or ball,” Minho confessed. 
Hayoon raised an eyebrow, “Is this a rich people thing?” 
“My sister is coming home from Paris and I need a date,” Minho explained, “Figured I could take the most beautiful woman in the world,” 
Cheeks turning pink, Hayoon let out a nervous laugh, “I have nothing to wear to a rich person party,” 
“I’ll buy you a dress,” 
“Then I suppose I’ll have to come,” 
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Hayoon had never been to event like this. Her family usually held small backyard parties and occasionally a nice dinner, but something like this was out of her social class. Minho’s family had rented an entire upscale hotel for the event, everything was sparkling and gold plated, even the waiters looked like they earnt more than Hayoon ever would.
Yet Minho loved the way she looked in the sparkling lights, the blue dress hugging her body nicely as they walked into the ballroom. It framed her chest and hips but flowed freely at the bottom, complementing her figure. 
He wore a simple suit, after all, it was just his sister’s welcome home party. 
“You look beautiful,” Minho whispered, “The most beautiful person in this room,” 
“Minho, there’s literal super models here,” Hayoon whispered. 
“And you look way better than them,” Minho chuckled, “I like meat on my bones, Yoonie,” 
A blush spread across her cheeks. 
A tall male approached the two of them, Hayoon’s face lighting up as she recognized the man. He’d gotten a haircut since high school, Johnny now filled out and no longer the lanky, tall kid. 
“No way, Hayoon?” Johnny gasped, “What are you doing here?” 
“Uh, M-minho invited me,” Hayoon spoke, holding onto Minho’s arm. 
“You look stunning,” Johnny nodded, his eyes floating up and down her figure, “You single?” 
Minho rolled his eyes, “You’re obviously blind,” 
His arm wrapped protectively around her waist, Hayoon’s cheeks getting redder as a few party goers glanced their way. She quickly grabbed a glass of champagne as a waiter walked past, quickly sipping it. 
“Well, thank fuck that finally happened,” Johnny laughed. 
“Shut up,” Minho shook his head at his little brother, “Where’s Sunhee?” 
“I’m right here!” 
Hayoon jumped, eyes wide as this woman seemed to jump from nowhere. She was lean, with curly black hair and honey brown eyes. Her dress was white, all the jewelry she wore seemed to be sun themed and her smile felt like the sun. 
It was obvious that Sunhee was adopted, just by looking at the three siblings. Johnny and Minho were similar, tall, muscular with dark hair and tan skinned while Sunhee was pale, curly brown hair and freckles. 
“Oh you’re so cute,” Sunhee cooed at Hayoon, cupping her face, “And your cheeks are so squishy,” 
“Is she drunk?” Hayoon whispered, looking at Minho. 
“Nope,” Johnny chuckled as he sipped his drink, “This is just Sunhee,” 
It was the first time Hayoon had properly met the girl, while Minho had been Taeil’s friend and Johnny one of her highschool friends, Sunhee was like the diamond of the Choi family. She was protected, privately tutored and sent to France to study art. 
And that’s what she was now, a famous artist. 
“Here comes dad..,” Johnny mumbled behind his glass. 
Minho suddenly held Hayoon closer, Sunhee perking up as their father approached. Mr Choi was a tall man like his sons, older and aged yet still looking firm. Hayoon averted her eyes, like if she even glanced at him, he’d discard her like dirt on his boot.
“My boys,” Mr Choi chuckled, “And my sweet sunshine,” 
“Sir,” Minho nodded curtly. 
Johnny didn’t say anything while Sunhee beamed, “Hi father!” 
“Why don’t you two run along? I need to have words with your brother,” Mr Choi smiled, “Johnny, take Minho’s date to the bar-” 
“Hayoon stays with me,” Minho announced, “What do you want?” 
The two siblings walked away, Hayoon wished that she had gone with Johnny. But Minho’s hand on her back was a soothing presence, even though Mr Choi sent a glare her way. 
“It’s private family stuff, son,” He spoke. 
“Than it doesn’t involve me,” Minho stated. 
“You’re my hier, Minho,” Mr Choi started, “You need to start acting like one,” 
“I denounced that when I was twenty,” Minho remained strong, “Johnny’s your hier now,” 
“You’re brother’s an idiot,” He scoffed, “We’ll talk more about this tomorrow,” 
The man walked away, Hayoon shivering as the cold air he was surrounded by seemed to drag past. Minho let out a frustrated breath, leading her towards the exit. 
“We’re leaving,” Minho stated. 
“Okay,” Hayoon held his hand as she was lead to the car in the underground car park, “I didn’t know this is what things were like with your dad,”
Minho stopped as they reached the car, “He’s been like this since our mother died, nothing else matters but the family business,” 
“Hey,” Hayoon softly touched his chest, “You matter, you matter to me,” 
“I know,” Minho softly cupped her cheeks, “And that’s what is important, you,” 
Hayoon stood on her toes, placing a soft peck on Minho’s lips. He chuckled for a moment, leaning down and capturing her lips in a real kiss. Hayoon gasped as his hand grasped her hips, pressing her against the car. 
Their lips dragged across each others before Minho licked her bottom lip, making Hayoon pull away. 
“We’re in public,” Hayoon whispered sensually. 
“Yoonie,” Minho loosened his tie, eyes filled with lust, “Get in the back seat,” 
She didn’t have time to arguing, Minho opening the door before she slid inside. He was on her in moments, lips locked together and pulling at whatever clothes they could. Her body ignited with pleasure, legs spreading as Minho worked on pulling the panties from her clothed core. 
“Someone..,” Hayoon moaned between kisses, “Might see us,” 
“The windows are tinted,” Minho groaned out, “Flip over,” 
Hayoon didn’t argue, lifting her ass in the air as she turned over in the car seat. Minho’s hands worked over her fleshy ass cheeks, before a finger stroked up her waiting pussy. It pulled a moan from her lips, fingers digging into the car seat. 
“You’re wet,” Minho chuckled. 
“Minho..,” Hayoon whined, “Are you going to fuck me or not?” 
“I’m sorry, did my Yoonie just request to be fucked?” Minho teased. 
“I will get out of this car-” 
She was cut off by Minho’s cock filling her, a gasp leaving her lips as she moaned. Minho groaned too, hands grasping her hips before he began to thrust hard. 
“Minho,” Hayoon moaned loudly, now holding onto the car door, “You feel good..,” 
“Fuck, your so cute,” Minho moaned out, thrusting hard as the sound of skin against skin filled the car. 
His cock pressed against her cervix, Hayoon whimpering and clenching around him. Minho hissed, thrusting again and making her press up against the window. 
“Minho!” Hayoon moaned in delight. 
He groaned, “Just a bit more.., fuck, your so wet and you feel too good..,” 
His thrusts became rougher, the windows starting to fog up as Hayoon couldn’t keep the noises from passing her lips. The coil in her stomach pulled before she cried out, head thrown back as she came, hard. 
Minho fucked her through the orgasm, his own high following soon after. 
“Yoonie..,” Minho began to laugh, “You made a mess..,” 
“W-what?” Hayoon’s body was shaking as Minho slowly manuevered her to sit in his lap. 
Her legs were coated with wetness, the car seat covered in her own juices and cum. Hayoon slowly covered her face, shaking her head.
“I.. I’m sorry, I’ll pay for it to be cleaned!” Hayoon panicked, “I didn’t know! I’m sorry!” 
“Baby,” Minho softly cupped her chin, “I’m not mad,” 
“I..,” Hayoon panted. 
Minho softly rubbed her sides, sprinkling kisses across her nose and cheeks, “Not mad,” 
Hayoon just nodded, burrowing her face in Minho’s shoulder. 
“Is it.., because of what happened in the past?” Minho whispered. 
Hayoon only nodded. 
“I’d never do anything like that to you,” Minho whispered and kissed her hair, “I promise, I would never ever hurt you,” 
Hayoon whispered back, “I know.., I trust you,” 
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Johnny was passed out on the couch as Minho walked into the penthouse, rolling his eyes at his little brother. As the youngest, Johnny was like a loose cannon. He slept with models, he had parties and flew all over the world. 
Minho couldn’t understand it. 
His father’s study was the same as always, bare and uninviting. It was like the man lived in the place, always going through the books and computers, always on the phone. Their mother’s office had been different, filled with family photos, their achievements and trophies displayed around the room. 
Their father’s study reflected himself, cold and unloving. 
“You’re here,” His father stated. 
“You wanted to talk,” Minho shrugged as he remained standing, “Like I said, Johnny is your hier-”
“Johnny doesn’t know the bottle of a liquor bottle if it hit him in the face,” His father scoffed, “You, Minho, are my son, you always have been, you are my heir and you will take on running this family and business,” 
“I said no,” Minho snapped. 
“Because of that girl?” His father asked. 
Minho went quiet, looking up at his father. The man slapped a file on the desk, Minho snatching it up and looking at it. Photos of him and Hayoon, coming from the apartment, driving home together and a whole report on Hayoon. 
“What the fuck?” Minho questioned, “You’ve been stalking me,” 
“That girl means nothing, Minho,” His father stated roughly, “Understood?” 
“She’s the love of my life!” Minho snapped back. 
His father just laughed, “Love gets you nowhere, son, love gets you stuck with a dead wife and someone else’s son, break it off, Minho,” 
“No,” Minho snapped. 
“Well,” Sitting down in the chair, his father just chuckled, “I guess you’ll be happy when I have her scholarship to the university pulled and that brother of her’s is fired from the hospital,” 
Minho stopped, “What?” 
“I’m one of the biggest investors in that scholarship program, Minho, did you forget?” His father smirked, “And we own that hospital, it was one that your mother opened,” 
Minho exhaled deeply, “What do you want from me?” 
“Break up with the girl,” His father stated, “You can still run around and play doctor for now, start looking at good matches, be the heir that you are,” 
“And you won’t do anything to her?” Minho asked. 
“I won’t touch a hair on her head,” 
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The loft was almost furnished, Hayoon noted as she walked in the door. Minho’s place was starting to look like an actual living space, a tiny smile on her lips as she greeted him with a hug. Minho didn’t smile though, instead squeezing her tightly in his arms. 
Because it might be the last time he ever did. 
“Are you alright?” Hayoon asked as she stepped away, placing her bag down, “I bought some snacks,” 
Minho couldn’t even smile. 
“I need to tell you something,” Minho stated, keeping his eyes on the floor, “It’s important,” 
“I need to tell you something too,” Hayoon spoke, adjusting her glasses. 
“I love you,” 
“Let’s break up,” 
Silence filled the apartment, Hayoon’s felt her ears ringing as she took in what had just been said. Minho looked up straight away, watching the way Hayoon’s smile fell and her shoulders sank. 
She loved him. 
“Don’t call me that,” Hayoon took a step back, grabbing her bag, “Don’t..,’ 
Minho reached out for her, only for Hayoon to move away again, hugging herself. It was like she was guarding her heart, the one he’d just shattered into a million little pieces. 
“Hayoon..,” Minho gasped for air, “Wait.., no..,” 
“No!” Hayoon yelled, tears rolling down her cheeks as she rushed to the front door, “No, no, you don’t get to try and save yourself again, Minho,You promised you would never hurt me!” 
“I don’t mean it,” Minho whispered, “No!” 
He yelled and hit the door as she walked out, the wood thudding against his hands. Hayoon sobbed as she rushed down the hallway, straight to the elevator. 
She never should have trusted Choi Minho.
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killierkitten · 4 years
i miss winner too much...
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darlinglion · 4 years
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(っ ͡• ͜ʖ ͡•)っ🎔
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blu-archer · 4 years
A pajama day.
Right so here’s the next one. 
Flower shop and bakery AU. It’s wholesome.
No warnings.
Main Pairing: Jimin/Yoongi [because they’re wholesome]
“I vote today be a pajama day.” Jimin mumbled hoarsely as he shuffled into their dainty kitchen looking like he’d just rolled out of bed.
Tae glanced up from his seat on the table, pausing from scrolling through social media long enough to do a once over of his roommate. Quite frankly Tae had thought that Jimin had already left for work, hence why he was on top of the table instead of in the seats. Jimin was a stickler for the ‘glasses not asses’ rule and Tae liked to test the limits as long as he was sure his roommate wasn’t home. 
Jimin was usually the one to open the bakery he worked at in the morning since Jungkook -the only other front man besides the owner, Jin - was prone to over-sleeping and Jin liked to go shopping for the store as early as possible. Which left Jimin to be the opener.
This morning however seemed to have taken a different route. Jimin’s cotton candy hair was in a rat nest state, and he seemed a shade paler than usual. The dark rings under his eyes more prominent than they usually were. Not to mention that the shorter man was still – as he’d declared – in his sleep rumpled pajama’s, despite it being fifteen minutes away from when the bakery was supposed to open.
“Were you up late or something?” Tae asked with a frown, taking a sip of his tea as he watched Jimin blankly stare into their fridge.
Jimin sniffed and rubbed harshly at his nose, only succeeding in increasing the irritation. He shut the fridge with disappointment and moved to test the heat of the kettle. “Something like that. When did you boil this?”
“It should still be hot.” Tae replied, still watching Jimin with cautious eyes. “Are you okay?”
“No.” Jimin muttered with a pout, getting a clean mug and a tea bag before putting in the hot water – not even bothering to add his usual heaps of sugar or dash of milk. He collapsed into the seat next to Tae, not caring that the other was not seated in the chairs like a normal person, and promptly rested his head in his arms waiting for the tea to rest.
“Jimin, what-“
Hih’ngxsh. Hih’eeXGNshh. ESHishew. Snf.
Ahh. Taehyung winced as he watched Jimin try and fail to stifle his sudden sneezes into his sleeve barely even lifting his head from its previous position. The elders body shook with the effort behind each one only to be left looking slightly flushed and itchy when he pushed himself back upright to try stop his nose from running. 
This made a lot more sense, Jimin must have called in sick.
“Oh, poor Minmin.” Taehyung stroked Jimin’s hair. “Do you want me to call Yoongi-hyung to come over?”
“And let him see this?” Jimin asked rhetorically, congestion lingering in his speech. “No thank you.”
Tae nodded in understanding, biting his lip to stop the smile that urged to grow. He was aware that Jimin and Yoongi had only been dating for about a month, but the two had known each other since Jin had decided to set up the bakery next to Yoongi’s flower shop almost five years ago. They had surely seen each other in many different states, probably even sick, but there was obviously something different about it now. 
Now it mattered. Because they were “exclusively attracted to one another”, and for some reason that changed things.
“My mistake, do you want me to call someone else? Or get you something before I leave?”
“Can’t you stay…” Jimin pouted harder. “…for pyjama day.”
Tae gave an apologetic sigh. “I have a booking for the day, Min. I can’t cancel on them.”
He knew Jimin understood that. As a freelance photographer he really shouldn’t make a habit of turning anyone away. It was difficult to find any decent work sometimes, so he needed anything he could find. His chest ached in sympathy as he watched Jimin rub at his nose again, only to hitch and catch another double wetly into his wrist. He barely had time to try stifle them like he normally did. 
Tae slid off of the table and went to the supply closet they had in their bathroom, haling out whatever cold medicine he could find along with one of the tissue boxes that they stocked in bulk for allergy season.
He returned to see that Jimin hadn’t moved, his wrist was still raised to his face with the expression of pre-sneeze.
If there was one thing Tae could relate to with Jimin, it was the annoying fact that he was also sneezy in nature. Between the two of them they had their fair share of allergies paired with a trait of being prone to illnesses, which made it easier – or perhaps he should say more forgiving – to live together. There was an understanding.
Taehyung set everything down on the table before opening the tissue box for Jimin, smiling at his friend’s thankful eyes before moving to the kitchen cupboards to look for food.
“Do you want soup?” Tae asked. “I think we have some canned stuff, or I can order you something?”
Jimin wiped his nose with a tissue, annoyed at the tickle that still had not left him. “I’ll just heat up a can later.”
Tae hummed but dragged out a can of soup anyway. “This seems to be all that we have, I’ll put it on the stove so that you can eat something before you take some meds.” He pulled out a small pot and opened the can, listening as Jimin gave up on just wiping and ended up trying to clear his sinuses – only to induce his next fit of sneezes. “If I can get back early enough, I’ll try stop at the store and get some more stuff for you.”
With the soup being heated up Tae hesitantly left his roommate to his tea while he went to shower. he felt really bad about having to leave, but he really didn’t have a choice.
 Jimin spent a few minutes coaxing out the annoyingly ticklish sneezes that left him a teary mess, trying to catch everything into the once soft but now wet tissues. His head and throat ached with each hitch of his breath and all he wanted to do was be able to breathe normally again.
Jimin could not believe his luck.
Wednesdays had quickly become his favourite days of the week. He would arrive at the bakery just past 6:30 to open at 8. Once he had checked that all of the goods were displayed and fresh, making sure that the shop was clean and the coffee machines were on, then he’d wait. It never took long, 8:15 sharp, Yoongi would peep his head in with a single flower – often changing it with each meet up, but they were all equally beautiful and left Jimin feeling warm inside. 
It wasn’t that he didn’t see Yoongi those other days, it was just that Wednesdays held the charm of letting them have some moments alone before other staff or customers bothered either of them. In fact, despite Jimin and Yoongi not working in the same store, it sure seemed like they did at times with how well the two places worked together. More often than not the staff would be running between the back doors to make sure that orders were handed over and information shared from customers that had asked ideally for some collaborated event.
Jimin loved Wednesday’s because he and Yoongi got to relax for at least the first twenty minutes, without having the fatigue of the day wearing on him or the stress of having to multitask their work as well as socialising with everyone else. That last part was probably worse for the elder, who had never been a fan of interacting with others so much anyway. 
Jimin got to witness Yoongi being soft and gentle and hear about his days and thoughts without interruption. Even the few dates they had been on had been a bit tainted by exhaustion for the both of them, so the brief moments of peace were always a blessing – especially if Jimin got to share it with a particularly sweet flower boy.
But now he was going to miss that today.
Perhaps he should send a message to Yoongi and let him know what was happening… but then he wasn’t sure what Yoongi would do. 
Jimin had barely acknowledged his phone, only using it to message Jin a brief explanation of his absence and a quick but sincere apology. He hadn’t bothered to check the messages he was sure had come from Jungkook and was at a loss of what he should tell Yoongi. It was just a cold, he was sure. If he could try to catch and control it early he could go back to work quicker. 
Telling Yoongi would just be pointless, he decided. Jimin would be back to work in a few days but knowing his co-workers they would surely relay any information onto the florist.
It still sucked though.
After Tae had left – having forced the soup into Jimin then made sure some form of medication had been taken before leaving – Jimin had found himself bouncing between his bedroom, the lounge and the balcony overlooking the city- bundling against the cold wind every time he chose the third option.
He couldn’t seem to go back to sleep despite being tired and it was no fun trying to watch movies by himself. He wished Taehyung could have stayed, or that Jungkook could come over just so that he could have someone to cuddle with, but he couldn’t call the younger over and rob the bakery of yet another worker. No, Jimin would just suffer through the day with tea and tissues.
Eventually, after a lot of shifting and another small dose of cold meds when his sinuses had encouraged a headache to settle in again, Jimin retrieved his phone from where he had left it in his room. He perched himself on the couch and scrolled through social media, looking at pictures of old friends going out and travelling to new places. It looked like fun, but it wasn’t something that Jimin had always been too keen on. He preferred the small community that he worked and lived with and took pride in the beauty of the place he had made his home.
He paused on an image of the front of ‘Spring Day’ that had been posted on the bakeries Instagram page. From the quality of the photo Jimin could only assume it was Jungkook that had taken it – work must not be too busy then. The image showed Hoseok grinning widely as he opened up the large shop windows, becoming surrounding by flowerpots and plants hanging down from the ceiling and the vines creeping along the trellis beside him. It was a very natural and welcoming photo that Jungkook had captioned with some cheesy flower quote. Looking closer Jimin could just make out a second figure in the back that fell just out of focus. Yoongi must have been setting up some of the new stock inside while Hobi was goofing off with Jungkook.
Jimin could almost imagine the grumpy mumbling that the elder must have been doing before trying his best to stay out of the range of the camera – never wanting to be the face of the company. 
Jimin’s smile fell as he coughed openly, snuggling deeper his seat and pulling a blanket that Tae had left out over himself. His eyes trained onto the blurry figure of his boyfriend, his own vision becoming somewhat blurred and the small ache  growing in his chest only seemed to worsen.
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vellikvr · 4 years
◇ Sempiternel Longing
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Fallen Angel!Jimin x Human!Yoongi
Dynamic: Minyoon (slight sub yoongi)
Troubled college boy, Yoongi, finds a way to contact demons. In a deeply numb state of personal adversity, he conjures a fallen angel of surpassing beauty and mind. He supposes that the best time to feel will have to be in the hands of a tender, yet intimidating, black-winged immortal.
cw // implied existential crisis, implied homophobia, sexual innuendos, implied sacrilege (?), derogatories
⊱ ━━━━.⋅ εïз ⋅.━━━━ ⊰
[Part One]
“so, am I supposed to arrange some agreement?” Yoongi questions, watching the conjured immortal step around his cluttered, dark room. The space is now drenched in some sulfuric, deathly odor that makes Yoongi shiver in temporary unease.
“An agreement was already made, Yoongi,” the sultrious voice of the demoniacal echoes throughout the room. The creature leans against the wall, exposing the white collarbone. “You slit your skin to sacrifice a drop of blood. You’ve relinquished the privacy of your soul to me, and I’m now under a spiritual bond with you.”
He’s only become familiar with the practice only hours ago. He was given a ritualistic seance regarding demonic conjuring from one of his delinquent friends. The friend is a quiet consumer of the dark web markets, therefore such information could be accessed. Yoongi, overtaken by some flattened rationality, was sceptical and decided to take manners in his own hands. Guess his friend found the ritual by quite a reliable source.
“Were you in any way prepared?” the moral-torn angel chuckles menacingly.
“I wasn’t,” Yoongi admits.
“You didn’t have to say so, I could already tell.”
“Well then,” Yoongi decides to accept his fate, plopping his exhausted self on the bed. “What’s there to do with you?”
“I can only torture you, people get depleted of their sanity when around me.”
“Aren’t I already tortured in life? I’m sure you have some telepathy quirk so you must’ve figured my perspective,” He curls into his frail body, looking down at the raw, narrow gash through his pale skin. He pads it experimentally.
“I have a few quirks.”
“Mmh. spite me, then.”
The man makes his way, with subtle entitlement, to Yoongi. Yoongi had to sit up since a climbing adrenaline shakes his entire body alive. The satanic creature carries a corrupted smirk, “I’m a fallen angel— a diabolic immortal that broke all unspoken laws under my former holy God, and has been expelled from the righteous place. The seven deadly sins poisoned my once saintly blood until it became a murky black, swallowing any righteous light—
“I am a creature that can give you the unpleasantly pleasant experience of every single sin,” His unrepentant eyes are drowned in a gruesome liquid charcoal like it was made to pollute what it gazes upon. Yoongi’s reflection is all it defines, at this very moment. “I can give you hell, but like falling victim to temptation, it’ll feel temporarily heavenly.”
Yoongi can’t help but wonder all the ways sin can appear. For this demon, it’s exhibited in the black leather attire that exposes the erotically sharp collarbone, the plump lips that curl into a defiled leer, the feline eyes that only radiate crooked temptation. He is—truly—the embodiment of sin in Yoongi’s eyes.
“What’s your name?”
“Jimin,” he chuckles. “That’s all you wonder about me?”
“I really don’t care,” Yoongi lays back down and appears content rather than terrified. “I’m an individual of no morals, I’m an atheist as well.”
“Well that honors you dignity,” sarcasm drips from the demon's lips.
“It doesn’t, I’m slowly rotting in this empty place. Might as well have an audience. or someone to bring an artificial heaven to me.”
“What’s brought you to this resolution?”
Yoongi spreads his legs to stretch, and almost in a vulgar impression. “I’m a sinner, as well, I’ve fallen hopelessly victim to the lustful temptations of sex”
“Sex is natural, mere human,” Jimin scoffs.
“But I’ve let people in my bed, and I only experience the raw complications of my attraction. I draw to lust and cravings, but let there be guilt and sorrow that comes after…for I’ve let men touch me, and I’ve let them fuck me into a black desolation. It’s so good that blinking stars capture my vision for an amount of pleasurable time after I release,” Yoongi tilts his head back, showing the expanse of his neck. Jimin’s eyes draw forward at the other’s lovely facade. “I’m intoxicated by the masculine hands of a stranger, forcing me down and making me beg until depraved tears fall.
“My room still echoes reminiscent moans and cries,” Yoongi smirks. “It defines me, yet it draws me to a complicated blur, I’m guilty but will never beg forgiveness or break such a habit. It’s an addiction to feel. I might as well experience sin until my body numbs, since I don’t deserve remission under your former God,” Yoongi rubs his hands with an empty stare towards Jimin’s frown.
“You’re so depressing.”
“Heaven would spit at you,” Jimin chuckles darkly.
“I already figured, though I have no intention of crossing their gates.”
“Unfortunate how your words spite your own emotions. Men are a true gift to the world, I can admit.”
Yoongi closes his thighs together, thinking about being happily destroyed by a stranger for another night.
“They are,” he nearly moans. Jimin gets taken back by Yoongi’s transparency. He looks deliciously vulnerable to him, sprawled on his bed arching his back. No problem with the scarce protection of himself nor the diminishing sanity when sin chains him tightly. He’s a human with nothing left to drag him forward.
“My sad baby,” Jimin sweet talks. “It’s okay to be attracted to men. Men have a delectable body, personally speaking.”
“That speaks volume coming from you.”
“Fair enough, but when I tell you that it’s lovely to feel a man, I’m serious.”
Moonlight spills through the blinds, light stripes paint Yoongi’s button up shirt, but it also exposes the drained but lewd eyes of the human.
“‘Lovely’— not something I could describe really anything in my life.”
“Elaborate,” Jimin occupies his focus to Yoongi’s plants; they’re fairly well-maintained.
“Love is nothing but mere false hope,” Yoongi mumbles. “False hope that life is worth it when you fall into an intimate connection with another person. I’ve never experienced love, as you may tell by my pessimistic aspect.”
“Love and affection is life’s gratification for a mortal’s will to exist.”
“A luxury, that is,” Yoongi eyes the deathly figure sitting on the bed. The mattress dips, therefore solidifying the fact that he exists and not just a fantasy in Yoongi’s head. Jimin is incredibly attractive for a hell-bound demoniacal, it gives Yoongi an excuse for this growing desire in his chest.
“I’m deprived of love,” he finishes, trying to find that singular cue from the creature. He suddenly urges his legs together again to relieve some tension.
Jimin crawls toward the other with lidded eyes, giving an improper appearance of something vulgar but intentive, throwing Yoongi off. The innocently feline eyes barely masquerade the coarsely salacious manners that inhabit the male like an inner, quiet flame. The leather garment on his upper body drapes low to reveal a rugged chest.
“My Yoongi is lonely?” Jimin mutters under his rough throat, it voices a ripple effect in Yoongi’s veins.
Jimin couldn’t be any more attentive to Yoongi than now. The human looks like a doll in his loose wear, it reveals soft milky skin, and he’s now trembling as Jimin inches closer. Confidence seems like a false hope as much as Yoongi’s perception of love.
“I can give you love.”
Air thickens, Yoongi could barely catch a breath of obstinance in his attempted repression towards the demon. He instead feels an urge to yield to the other; he wants to experience yielding to Jimin’s seductive eyes—which is giving Yoongi whiplash. He gulps hard, swallowing really nothing.
“Yoongi looks troubled.”
“Don’t act innocent, your innocence is of mere blasphemy.” Yoongi spits, leaning back as Jimin proceeds toward him.
“‘Course you say that, and you’re right—I’m nothing innocent, but a dirty tease. I can play my way into one’s heart, and leave them crying for repentance.”
Yoongi feels so enthralled in Jimin’s attitude that rationality hits against his own temptations. Half of his thoughts are at conflict with the other.
“But you’re a little different. I play with pure souls like a game. You’re broken beyond repair. Nothing I can do but make you forget the pain.
“Plus, personally, I do find you so attractive, that it's boggling to hear you are neglected of affection,” Jimin quickly adds, sounding rather informal.
“Then do it,” Yoongi blurts.
“Do what,” Jimin smirks, knowing exactly what Yoongi demands. His claws reach out to curl Yoongi’s hair behind his ear, then strokes his cheek very lightly. The sharp claws grazing his skin sends a daring chill down his spine. He forces his eyes shut before they give away the temptations before he speaks them.
“Make me forget. I might as well experience the pleasures before I numb my way towards the end.”
“My human seems quite needy?” Jimin pursues, combing Yoongi’s hair back and lightly pushing him flat on the mattress. A huff of the human’s breath is heard clearly through the pointy ears of the demon.
“I am, should I remind you of why I never repent?” Yoongi inhales sharply when the body climbs on top of him, one thigh forcing itself between his own. Heaven won’t ever forgive him now.
“Nope, it still rings in my mind,” Jimin leers, leaning down to gently peck Yoongi’s cheek before padding the ear lobe. “Proud sinners arouse me, especially those that don’t believe in such things like demons. You must be terrified.”
Yoongi exhales a soft moan, hiking his hips up to join his crotch with Jimin’s own, but it was solely to feel the friction made from Jimin’s bulging thighs. “The—there’s no use to be terrified when we are living in a world of theory and approximation. Theory is just a falsification to maintain our sanity as people. Hell, we are just trying to be humans everyday despite an inescapable death approaching with no true, palpable understanding of its substance. I tried to believe that I was gonna reincarnate as a stray cat, but that’s just a distortion to comfort myself.”
“What’s your point now?” Jimin’s sharp index finger presses a slight indent on Yoongi’s bottom lip, dragging it down until it pops back up to its place.
“I don’t care anymore,” Yoongi mutters. “I have accepted that we just don’t know. I’m not even gonna be terrified of the inevitable truths. I’d rather not accept lies. So you shouldn’t be a thing that defies logic, cause we have no absolute logic.”
“I’ll make you afraid,” Jimin smiles tenderly but it barely disguises the wicked charm that’s magnetizing.
Yoongi huffs, finally sharing a smile of enticement. What’s there to lose?
“Make me terrified, demon.”
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