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club-cheongyang · 8 months ago
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lee know..? 🥹 hyunjin..? 🥹🥹
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bunchofroses07 · 1 year ago
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yunjitks · 1 year ago
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minji icons ; taehyung headers
like or reblog if you save or use. don’t repost, please.
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wintersera · 1 year ago
DAYUMN???? now i did say i won’t post idol x idol but this… this i can get down with 😈
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ithinkilikeit-reactions · 2 years ago
3 Book reviews from someone with no credentials other than the ability to read
I have been reading a lot again lately and this year I finished 3 books so far! So I wanna do a little review of the books because I think it’s fun and I really missed reading! Let me know if you’ve read these, what your thoughts were or if you have a recommendation for me!
Might contain spoilers
You’ve Reached Sam - Dustin Thao
It had been a minute since I had read a book with romance adjacent plot, I had recently watched a lot of tragic love stories in films and wanted to read something with a bit of a tragic air to it. Sam and Julie’s story is definitely tragic however I should have maybe skipped this one. The book is a Young Adult story about healing and moving on and that’s how it’s written. Young Adult is an amazing genre and considering I hadn’t been reading for a while, I thought diving in with YA book would be good for me and I thought wrong. It’s not that the story isn’t written well, it’s more that I found myself feeling slightly too old for it. I also found myself getting incredibly frustrated with the main character and some of her choices, while still understanding her loss. 
This being said, the ending was a great sense of closure for the book and main character Julie. It also had me bawling my eyes out as I’m an emotional wreck in general. 
2.5/5 Good read, just simply not for me!
My Grandmother asked me to tell you she’s sorry - Fredrik Backman
The connection between grandmother and granddaughter is something beautiful, as someone who has grown up with my grandparents surrounding me this book definitely hit me where it hurts. Elsa and her grandmother’s relationship was absolutely beautiful, even after the passing of her grandmother. I liked that Elsa didn’t regard her grandmother as a saint, learning about her wrong doings in the past and holding her accountable. There’s a beautiful sense of forgiving in this book, the residents of the apartment building all being connected to the grandmother in one way or another. Elsa’s grandmother created an entire world to make Elsa happy and it’s simply stunning. There’s a hint of found family trope in this book as well and that is simply my favorite trope ever. However, the wurse’s death had me sobbing because in my head it looked like my dog. 
4.8/5 as no book is perfect but this one nearly is
Pachinko - Minjin Lee
Now this book is another one that hits me in an emotional way. I have a Korean grandmother and know that she lived through many things in her life, she doesn’t like to talk about it and I don’t pry. This book gave me some insight however. I loved that you travel through this family nearly generation by generation, starting with Yangjin moving to Sunja, then to her sons Noa and Mozasu and then to her grandson Solomon. It’s a tragic story, Sunja’s life having never been quite easy. The first 2 parts of  this books touched me the most, Isak and Hansu’s characters being so different yet both oddly appealing. I love that Sunja grew to love Isak as he was truly her savior. While sometimes not much happened within the chapters, I found I couldn’t put the book down as I needed to know what would happen. 
It made me feel sad to see the shame people had simply being Korean yet also not being able to detest the Japanese as a lot of them grew up among them despite the things the country had done. It was interesting to see and shed a personal light onto the entire situation through the eyes of one family experiencing life this way. At many times through out this book I wanted to extend my arms and give Sunja a hug. Especially at the end, as she visits Isak’s grave to speak with him and burrying Noa’s picture next to him so that she has a sense of closure knowing her son is with him. 
4.5/5 The last part of the book didn’t keep my attention as well as the other parts. But the last chapter made my chest hurt, feeling sad that I wouldn’t get to see anything else from this family that I had been following for 500+ pages. I simply wept at the last page. 
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If you have read any of these, let me know if you shared some thoughts! I know this is a kpop writing blog but reading has been bringing me peace and I wanted to share it with you all! Might do this more often after I finished another 3 books. 
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 2 years ago
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Mue Studio, Somewhere in the World (2021).
Mue Studio (Minjin Kang and Mijoo Kim) specialises in “visual escapism” – through three-dimensional image design, art direction and photography. The studio creates digital non-places that exist between fantasy and reality, exploring how artificial places might still offer refuge and solace. These serene compositions quiet the mind through rippling pools and soothing sunsets.
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wxundedwings · 2 years ago
today i bring to you, a jinmin oneshot
you’re an angel if you say so (but you have horns for a halo)
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barelysanereviews · 2 years ago
2022 Top Hits: We're back! Sort of
Hello, 2023. Hello, same old us. We're hopping back in here to share some life updates and tell you about some movies, series, and books that made our hearts expand in 2022. How have you been, Barely Sane friends? We wish you a year of ease this 2023.
2022 was kind of a whirlwind for me. I did this thing at the start of the year where I wrote myself a hopeful letter. It kind of steered me into this path of exploration, of saying yes to new experiences. So naturally, a lot of new things happened and I didn't get to read/watch a lot of things. I also went back to taking my master's, so I died half of the year. I managed to watch 85 films and 38 shows and finish 22 books. Some of my favorites I have already shared in past posts, so the six things I'll share here are those that I haven't yet talked about.
Nobody Knows (2004) - Dir. Hirokazu Koreeda
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I always talk about Koreeda because his work always manages to exceed expectations (wellll except for Broker, which was still good! but I don't like it as much as the other Koreeda films). Nobody Knows is one of his most-known films, so I had high expectations, but the film still exceeded that. This was a tender, quiet ache, and—as what Koreeda usually does—delves deep into issues of home and family, and the mundane flawedness of humans. Koreeda captured what it's like to be a child thrust into a harsh, indifferent world, but his characters aren't resentful or full of hatred. Until the end, they choose survival—but they also choose hope. Link to more info here.
2. The Worst Person in the World (2021) - Dir. Joachim Trier
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I didn't think much about this film after I saw it, but I guess the fact that I still remember the plot months after having seen it says something. I wouldn't be friends with this girl, and I couldn't relate to some of her struggles, but I felt invested and I wanted her life to turn out fine. I also appreciated how Trier showed his unique style throughout the film, and there's even one sequence that I sometimes still think about to this day due to my curiosity about how it was shot. Not my ultimate favorite, but would recommend. Here is the synopsis.
3. Pachinko by Min Jin Lee
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There's nothing that hasn't already been said about this book, but I'm adding it to my list because it's one of the few memorable books I read last year. I found this very interesting because I didn't know a lot about the Korean diaspora in Japan. But this also tackles a lot of other things, aside from having a whole cast of characters whose depth made the story feel so real. I get that the TV adaptation changed a couple of things to make it more hopeful, because this one was tragic. It reminded me of Do Not Say We Have Nothing, which I also highly recommend.
4. Not Here to be Liked by Michelle Quach
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I usually don't read young adult romance anymore, but the premise of this one reminded me of the type of YA that I liked. The main couple had clear chemistry and I think younger readers would appreciate how it tackles feminism. Looking forward to reading more Michelle Quach!
5. Yellowjackets (Season 1)
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This one has a very interesting premise: a high school girl soccer team survives a plane crash in the 90s through (spoiler) a ~smattering~ of cannibalism and shady cult activity (spoiler). (Actually I'm not sure if this is still a spoiler since this is what it's known for). The show follows the girls before and immediately after the crash, and as adults with a dark past. This was thrilling, scary, and unpredictable, and I loved that this was executive produced by Karyn Kusama who directed Jennifer's Body. Melanie Lynskey, Christina Ricci, and Juliette Lewis, and the girl from The Book Thief are part of the main cast. And Frodo is part of season 2, so yay!
6. Street Woman Fighter (Season 1)
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I already talked about Our Beloved Summer and My Liberation Notes in another post, so I'm going to talk about a dance competition show instead to lure you into checking out Korea's reality/variety shows. Street Woman Fighter put a spotlight on the street dancers of Korea, and on top of that, the competing groups were really fun to watch. It made me want to try dancing, even though I have zero skills.
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fiercefastfabulous · 2 years ago
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Daydream 03, 2022
Cotton rag paper with archival epson inkjet pigments
39 1/2 × 31 3/5 in | 100.3 × 80.3 cm
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uj-world · 9 months ago
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Free food for millionare with not free food for someone who wants to be a millionare.
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baeksu-krp · 2 years ago
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Nome: Lee Minjin Faceclaim: Huh Yunjin, Le Sserafim Data de nascimento e idade: 08.10.1998 — 25 anos Gênero: Feminino Etnia e nacionalidade: Sul-coreana, Coreia do Sul
Moradia: Seodaemun-gu Ocupação: Gerente, Pet Shop Art & Paws Qualidades: Esforçada, Amorosa Defeitos: Cabeça quente, Teimosa User: @bks_minjin
TW: Bullying, ansiedade, doença alérgica e crises de pânico
Lee Minjin nasceu e cresceu na tranquila ilha de Ulleung-do, em uma família modesta. Desde cedo, Minjin enfrentou dificuldades, sendo alvo de bullying na escola. Determinada a superar esses obstáculos, ela se esforçou ao máximo para se destacar academicamente, buscando constantemente ser a melhor em tudo o que fazia. Seus pais, Lee Myung-do e Kim Misuk, sempre a apoiaram incondicionalmente, encorajando-a a perseguir seus sonhos.
Apesar dos desafios emocionais enfrentados na infância, Minjin mostrou-se uma estudante prodígio. Com apenas 17 anos, conquistou uma bolsa de estudos de 100% para a faculdade de administração na própria ilha. Sua determinação e dedicação resultaram em sua formatura precoce nessa área, abrindo portas para novas oportunidades.
No entanto, o amor pela vida animal sempre ardeu no coração de Minjin. Após a conclusão do curso de administração, ela decidiu seguir sua verdadeira paixão e ingressar na faculdade de medicina veterinária. O amor pelos animais, especialmente os tigres, levou-a a uma jornada de estudos e pesquisas incansáveis. Minjin se formou em veterinária em janeiro de 2023, sendo uma das mais jovens profissionais da área.
Decidida a buscar novos desafios e oportunidades, Minjin mudou-se para Seul com sua namorada, Hyerin, no início de fevereiro. Hyerin sempre foi sua melhor amiga desde a infância, e o relacionamento evoluiu para algo mais especial. Juntas, elas enfrentaram as dificuldades da vida e compartilharam sonhos e ambições.
Em Seul, Minjin encontrou um emprego como gerente na veterinária pet-shop “Art & Paws” em Mapo-gu. Embora seu papel fosse principalmente administrativo, ela aproveitava todas as oportunidades para auxiliar os veterinários e mergulhar ainda mais no mundo dos animais. Seu trabalho no pet-shop a aproximou da comunidade de defesa dos direitos dos animais, levando-a a se tornar uma ativista engajada, participando de protestos e lutando por mudanças.
No entanto, por trás de seu sucesso profissional, Minjin enfrentava desafios pessoais. Ela lidava com problemas emocionais, incluindo ansiedade generalizada e crises de pânico, que tiveram origem na infância traumática e no bullying. Além disso, Minjin sofria de psoríase emocional, uma doença de pele agravada por estresse e emoções negativas. Esses problemas exigiam seu constante esforço para cuidar de sua saúde mental e física.
Apesar das adversidades, Minjin encontrou força em sua paixão pelos animais e em seu relacionamento com Hyerin. Ela aprendeu a lidar com suas inseguranças e a buscar equilíbrio em sua vida agitada. Em busca de crescimento profissional e aprofundamento de seus conhecimentos, Minjin se prepara para iniciar uma pós-graduação em Animais Silvestres na área de medicina veterinária no segundo semestre de 2023.
Minjin luta ainda contra seus problemas emocionais e se tornou uma voz ativa na defesa dos direitos dos animais. Enquanto trabalha como gerente no pet-shop, ela buscava realizar seu sonho de ter sua própria clínica veterinária um dia. Acima de tudo, Minjin encontrou seu propósito e se esforça todos os dias para construir uma vida significativa e inspiradora, sendo uma pessoa ambivertida e que consegue criar amizades muito facilmente.
OOC: +18 Triggers: N/A Temas de interesse: Todos
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nctsplug02 · 2 years ago
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GENRE: fluff, smut, parents au, pregnancy au.
WARNINGS: the word giggle and laugh are overused in this, milf and dilf to twins (ages; 4), reader is pregnant (5 and a half months long), gentle parenting, kissing, breast play, nipple play, fingering, cum eating, oral sex (F receiving), creampie, breeding, degrading and praising.
AN| i put the actual request in my drafts and i went back to find it and it was buried all the way down under like fifty fucking other drafts. i feel like a damn hoarder, i apologize for not finishing most of them. ALSO, i know this isn’t a mark dad au request but.. just enjoy LOL! <3
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the water runs and covers up your soft moans and giggles as mark kneads your breasts. “mark,” you whine with a giggle interrupting. “i really need to make dinner and you’re keeping me from doing so!”
mark nibbles on your neck and you let out a moan as he nibbles on your sweet spot. “marrrkk, please.” you could feel marks smirk as he nibbles on your neck and kneads your breasts.
screams and something being knocked down causes you and mark to pull away.
“i said stop it!” one screams.
“and i said i don’t wanna!” the other screams.
“mommy!” they both scream and you turn around, pulling yourself from mark.
mark sighs and follows you to the living room where your four year old twins are at. “okay, what’s goin’ on?” you walk in the living room with your hands on your hips.
“mommy! minhyun was—!” your youngest says.
“mommy! minjin, he—?!” your oldest shouts over your youngest.
“okay— nuh-uh, we aren’t gonna do this.” you say making a mouth-zipping gesture.
the two grumble and then your oldest shoves your youngest. “wha—? argh!” your youngest shoves your oldest causing him to stumble back and fall on his ass.
“mommy, did you see what he did?!” your oldest whines and points to your youngest who hovers above him.
you gasp when your youngest smacks your oldest. “okay, no— no, that’s enough! mark,” you turn to your husband who watches while laughing. “stop laughing and help me pull these two apart!”
you sighs and attempt to grab your youngest before he can jump on his older brother but your hand slips from his arm and your youngest throws himself onto his eldest. you pull your youngest off your oldest and you sit the screeching boy on the couch.
you go next for your oldest but when you hover above him, he sits up and shoves you.
“ah— minhyun!” you gasp.
“alright, woah, woah. you do not do that, minhyun.” mark marches up to the boy and gentle pushes you to the side. “you do not push or hit your mommy, do you hear me?”
“i’m sorry, daddy.” the boy cries to mark but mark shakes his head. “you need to apologize to your mom, that was very disrespectful of you. i genuinely thought i raised you better than this.”
the sobbing boy turns to you and lifts his arms, you sigh and lift the crying boy up. you balance the boy on your hip and you wipe his tears.
“i—i’m sorry, mommy. i’m really sorry.” the boy hiccups and your heart melts.
“oh, honey.” you kiss his forehead. “it’s okay,” the boy still sniffles and hiccups as more tears fall down his fat cheeks. “now you know to never ever hit mommy, right?”
“mm—mhm,” the boy nods, his body jerking every time he hiccups. you bring your son and you sit him next to his older brother.
you lower yourself onto your ass and you sigh. “now, minjin, can you tell mommy why you’re upset.” your youngest nods, wiping his tears with the back of his hand. “i wanted to w—watch paw patrol b—but minhyun said no and then he hit my arm a—and grabbed the control from me.” the boy wipes more tears that spill from his eyes.
you look at your oldest who shrinks with guilt. “and, minhyun, can you tell mommy why you’re upset.” the older one bite his lip and sighs. “i really wanted to watch daniel the tiger but when i told minjin, he said no and grabbed the controller from me!”
“okay, i understand that you both aren’t agreeing on a few things. why don’t we watch a movie that we all like to watch together, yeah?”
the two boys look at each other and nod.
“alright, my loves. can you both apologize to each other and give a hug to one another?” the two nod once again and they slide off the couch, coming together and giving each other a nice hug while apologizing.
“minhyun, what you saw minjin do is something you should never ever do. not to me, not to your dad, not to anyone.” your oldest nods.
“i love you two, very very much.” you say to them and you hug them both very tightly. “my sweet sweet boys.” you whisper, giving them both a kiss on the head.
you pull away and sigh. “now, should we coco, again?” the boys nod and cheer. “alright, looks like we have an agreement! i’ll have daddy put on coco for you two and then we’re gonna go back to making dinner, alright?” the two nod and sit on the couch.
you attempt to stand but the belly weighs you down and does you no justice. “damn it.” you mumble under your breath and then you turn on your side, pushing yourself up from your knees.
“geez, mark.” mark throws his hands up in defense with his mouth open as a shocked expression. “a little help would’ve been appreciated.”
“wha— baby, im sorry.” his voice becomes whiney. “alright, i don’t need another crying child. i’ve dealt with two and i don’t think i wanna make it three.” you go back to washing the veggies that sat in a bowl in the sink.
mark scoffs with a half laugh. “well, a little to late, babe. it’s gonna be three— especially with that baby that i knocked you up with.” mark rubs your belly and you tsk. “oh, shut up!” you shove mark.
“oh, my god.” you put a hand over your mouth. “i know where my sweet angels get their shoving from.. oh, my goodness.” you sigh and rub your temples. “i am a terrible mother.”
mark smacks your ass causing you to whine and jump towards him while holding your freshly smacked ass. “don’t say that ever, again. do you hear me?” you pout and nod. “good,” mark smirks. “i’m sorry.” he giggles and rubs your ass for you.
“gimme a kiss, pretty.” mark says, pouting his lips and wrapping his arm around the back of your head and the other arm around your waist.
you push your lips out and you go to your tip-toes, meeting marks lips and smiling when feeling him smile.
“m’kay, c’mon, let’s make dinner.” mark says patting and squeezing your ass, again.
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“…mmhm, baby. and, i just wanna let you know how amazing you handled the situation. i’m so proud of you, mommy.” mark speaks to you softly while fluffing a pillow and stuffing it under your hips.
your mind is too drowsy to understand what he’s even saying, just too busy focusing on your husbands fat cock sliding back into your cunt.
“ahh’mark,” you push your hips back and mark softly giggles at you.
it was currently eleven at night, you and mark had tucked the boys to bed around 9:30 because 8 seemed a bit too early for their energies to run out.
you and mark had a short bubble bath time together but it was ruined by marks dick stabbing your back. mark suffered with blue balls while washing you and himself up before dragging you to the room and pushing you on the bed.
“nuh-uh, pretty. keep your hips down for me, alright?” you nod.
your back arches more when feeling droplets from marks wet hair drip onto your back.
“you’re so good for me, y/n.” mark says, grabbing your hips with one hand and using the other as something to hold himself above you. “so so good.” mark squeezes your hip.
“and, you’re not a bad mommy. i hear you say that again and i’ll edge you until i feel like letting you cum.”
you moan into the pillow tucked under your chin. “m—mark.. i’m gonna cum.” you pant. “already, baby?” mark chuckles and spanks your ass while slowing down his pace. “w—well, you’ve been t—teasing me all night—ngh!”
“mm,” mark bites his lip. “you have a very valid point, baby. but, i’m not sure i wanna let you cum yet.” you scowl, how could he do this? “mark, i’ve pushed two babies out of my vagina, this last one will be my third. if you don’t let me cu—!”
your rant comes to a stop when mark pinches your clit. “mhm, mhm. you were saying, baby?” you shake your head. “y—you’re so mean.” you huff.
“aww, don’t be like that. c’mon, baby, i’ll let’cha cum, go on.” mark says rubbing your clit.
an annoyed whine cranks up your throat and finally your orgasm comes.
“c—cum in me, mark. i wanna f—feel you cum in me.” mark tuts and shakes his head. “aww, baby. i’m not even close to cumming yet.”
you look back at mark with confused eyebrows and pouty lips when mark pulls out. “marrkk, why’d you—?”
mark flips you on your back and smiles widely. “beautiful.” mark bites his lips and reaches forward, his hands instantly grabbing your breasts.
“mark!” you giggle, arms squeezing together, collecting your pooling breasts. “you’re so pretty, you know that, baby?” mark says, tweaking your nipples.
“mark, stop it. just fuck me, please?” mark looks down and smirks. “you’re soaking wet, baby.” mark runs a finger down your slit and clicking his tongue on the roof of his mouth and shaking his head.
mark leans forward and takes your left breast into his mouth. “you’re so beautiful.” mark mumbles, swirling his tongue around your harden nipple and moaning softly.
mark pulls away and rubs your nipple. “i wanna fuck your tits, baby.” mark whispers and stares up at you through his lashes. “m—my— you said my titties?” mark nods with a wide smile.
you bite your lip, “well, if you really want to.” you say with a shrug and shy grin. “of course i do, baby. especially with these big’ol milkers.” your eyes almost bulge from their sockets. “milkers?! what?!”
“that’s right, baby. i know they’ll fit perfectly around my dick.” mark cups your breast from underneath and jiggles your breasts with giggles.
“you’re not gonna fuck me anymore?” mark stops with your breasts and thinks. “mm, i got it.” mark climbs off the bed and runs to the closet, he retrieves this nude toned toy and baby oil.
it was a dildo. a vibrating dildo that mark had bought off an ad on pornhub. “remember this old thing?” mark asks you, climbing on the bed and turning on the toy dildo.
“is that—?” you gasp when mark slips the buzzing toy into your cunt. “hold that there for me, baby.”
your legs begin to shake and your moans become shaky.
mark crawls up to your chest and chuckles. “it’s been so long since we’ve done this.” mark says, squeezing some baby oil onto his palms and rubbing his hands together after setting down the bottle.
“say, how long has it been since we last titty-fucked?” mark says, rubbing oil onto your breasts and between the valley of them. “i—i think it was four years ago when i was pregnant with t—geez, i’m cumming!” you let out a shaky gasp.
make giggles and shakes his head. make uses the leftover oil on his hands and holds your breasts together. a whimper slips out of marks throat when he sees how beautiful and glossy your breasts are.
“fuck, i’m so hard.” mark mutters and slips his cock between your breasts. “goodness,” he sighs. “i almost forgot how amazing this felt.”
mark looks behind him and giggles when seeing you desperately attempt to fuck yourself with the vibrating dildo.
“i’m so glad your belly isn’t that big yet otherwise we would’ve had some complications, huh?” mark asks, turning back to you.
you nod and bite your lip while holding back from cumming. “y—ye—yeahhh, that’s gr—great, mark!” you hum violently from the vibration.
mark chuckles at you and shakes his head, continuing to thrust his cock between your breasts.
“amazing, love. you’re doing so well. just sitting here and letting me fuck your tits while you fuck yourself with that plastic dick.” mark scoffs.
“m—mark?” mark hums softly, tilting his head and watching as the tip of his cock disappear and reappear from the top of your breasts. “c—can we c—cum together?”
mark chuckles with a whine. “you’re the cutest, aren’t’cha?” you look up at marks eyes and frown. “please, mark?” you plead.
“alright, alright.” mark laughs, giving in.
a few minutes past and within those few minutes, you’re creaming over the dildo with mark shooting his white ribbons on your face.
mark moans lowly and dips his head back, his hips stuttering as he tries to carry on. “f—fuck, baby. gah!” mark hisses.
mark stands on his knees and smirks when seeing your cum-covered breasts. his cum just dripping from your breasts, down the valley, off your nipples, off your chin and jaw.
mark leans forward and begins licking the cum off your breasts. you moan and grab the back of his head, pulling at his barely short strands.
due to his fresh undercut, it was useless to be pulling on his short hairs.
“mark,” you giggle, lifting your chin when mark moves up to your neck and starts sucking all over. “stop.” you place your hands on marks chest.
“‘m sorry, you just taste so good.” mark gags a bit. “uh, beside that baby oil taste.” he rubs the back of his nape.
you laugh and rub his cheek, “markie,” mark hums and nods his head into your palm. “i want you to fuck me, again. please.” mark smiles widely and nods. “anything for you, baby.”
mark finds himself below you with your legs wrapped around his waist and his hands on your hips. marks hips driving into yours while the two of you moan and hiss at the pleasuring sensation.
“you’re such a dirty slut. begging to be fucked in many positions in one night. i love it.” mark says through his gritted teeth.
“markie, i want you to cum in me.” you moan out and you reach forward, grabbing mark by the neck and bringing him down so his stomach his with your bump.
“and, i want you to cum in me, now.” you whispers in his ear.
mark whimpers and humps into you. his hips thrusting desperately forward as he whimpers wildly into your ear.
“‘m gonna put a baby in your belly.” mark groans, grabbing one of your thighs and holding it up against his ribs.
you giggle at him. “markie, i already have a baby in my belly.”
mark groans and shakes his head, suddenly releasing into you without warning. it should’ve been clear when his thrusts started to get sloppy, again.
mark breathes heavily into your neck and pulls away from you. he pulls out and groans, watching as your cunt drips with his cum.
mark looks up at you through his lashes and brings two of his fingers to your pussy, teasing your slit and then slipping them in without a problem.
“m—mark,” you gasp, closing your legs on marks hands. “c’mon, baby. keep’em open for me.” he says softly as he works your gummy walls with his fingers.
mark pulls his fingers away from your cunt and lays flat on his belly. “‘m gonna eat your pretty pussy, alright?” you nod, biting your thumb nail.
mark dives into your cunt and groans, tasting the mixture of your cum and his together. “so sweet.” mark quickly says and dives back in.
“mark.. i’m sensitive.” you whine and gasp while pulling on his long locks. “god, ‘m gonna cum, again.” you cry out and squeeze your thighs around his head.
mark pulls and grips on your thighs while sucking and lapping up your juice. his tongue slurping past your folds.
you go through one last orgasm and finally, mark falls next to you.
he’s all worn out just like you. the two of you breathing heavily. both sweating and sticky.
you whine as mark brings you into his arms. “you’re sweaty.. and sticky.. get away from me.” you heave and mark lets out a laugh. “just wanna cuddle with you, baby.”
you and mark fall in another bit of silence, leading the two of you to sleep.
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bugan3 · 2 days ago
Masked Man 2
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Couples:Namjoon X Reader
Summary:You're struggling to adjust to Korea, when an unexpected clash with a mysterious, masked man gives you the comfort you need, even though you don't know who he really is.
Content:Fluff, mystery, deception(Not infidelity), sex, namjoon!idol, Reader!salaried, dating, multi-part story, jealousy, angst.
Things in Korea had improved since that noisy encounter with the stranger, who still hadn’t revealed his full identity. After we got coffee, he told me his name was Kim. When I asked him to at least remove his mask, he refused, explaining that he was sick and didn’t want to infect me; he said he’d finish his coffee at home.
I told him about my problems at work, and he encouraged me to keep going. He suggested inviting my coworkers to dinner at the end of the month to break the ice and offered to give me Korean lessons whenever I wanted. Kim provided the comfort I desperately needed. At last, I had found someone in Korea who would listen to me, and I could listen to him.
I was at my cubicle, trying to gather the courage to speak to my coworkers. I stood up, catching the attention of the three people I shared the office with.
“Would you like to go out for dinner after work today? My treat. We’ve done great work this month.”
I spoke while bowing slightly, trying to be as respectful as possible, just as Kim had advised me.
“Oh, I’d love that. I’ve seen a restaurant nearby that comes highly recommended,” said Minjin, the youngest in the office. I smiled, thrilled that at least one out of three had agreed.
“Sure, I’ll join. We’ve only been working this whole month; we need a break,” added Hyeon, the oldest and only man in the office.
The only one left to respond was our boss, Hae.
“Alright, but this time I’ll treat you. We didn’t give you a proper welcome when you arrived. We were so busy, but now we have the time,” Hae said with a smile, which I quickly returned.
I sat back down, excited to experience what a work dinner was like. I had seen it countless times in dramas. I took out my phone and texted Kim:
—Hey! It worked! We’re going out for dinner later.
Thanks to his advice, I had found the courage to step up and make friends again.
—I’m so glad! Remember what I told you: serve the drinks and prepare the meat. That shows respect and that you want to get along — Kim replied.
We had exchanged numbers and had been texting non-stop since then, as if we both needed to share our worries. It had been a long time since I could talk to someone without fear of offending them. Maybe it was because our first encounter had been so out of the ordinary that it left no room for more anger. I felt that Kim wanted to break out of his routine; he confessed to spending too much time at work and needing a break. Knowing that we thought and felt the same made me so happy. Even though he remained a mystery, I couldn’t help but feel close to him because of how deep and easygoing he was.
—Thank you for your help ♥ — I wrote.
The dinner helped everyone relax. I made sure their glasses were always full of soju and helped Minjin prepare the meat. During dinner, she talked a lot, and I found her very likeable. Since we were closer in age, I felt comfortable around her.
“At first, when you arrived, I thought you were spoiled and nosy, but these past few days you’ve shown that you can do your job well. I hope we get to know each other better,” said Mr. Hyeon, raising his glass.
“To our new colleague,” he toasted.
We clinked glasses, and I felt happy to be getting closer to the team, though I couldn’t understand why they had formed such an impression of me when I had tried to fit in from the start. But excitement won over doubt, and I decided to enjoy the evening.
“Well, dinner was delicious, but I need to get back to my kids. It’s getting late; we should all head home,” said our boss, Hae, standing up.
We all followed her, bowing and saying goodbye as she got into her car. Mr. Hyeon also left, saying he lived nearby and would walk home. In the end, only Minjin and I were left.
“Do you live nearby?” I asked, worried about leaving her alone at night.
“Oh no, I live about 20 minutes away. Actually, I’ll take a cab. Want to share?”
She held onto my arm as if we had been friends forever, and that made me incredibly happy. However, I had to decline her invitation as she flagged down a taxi.
“Sorry, but I live a bit further, so I take the subway. It’s better for me.”
Her smile faltered a bit, and I couldn’t help but feel foolish—it was an opportunity to make a friend. However, my responsibility called. I had to get home quickly to walk Susy.
“Oh, don’t worry, I guess you’re not interested in being my friend. See you tomorrow.”
I tried to respond, to tell her that I did want to be her friend, but her words felt like an unexpected door slamming shut. She was already getting into the cab, leaving me with the answer stuck in my throat. I stood there, motionless, watching the taxi drive away, taking with it an opportunity I hadn’t known how to seize.
While walking to the subway station, the weight of doubt began to crush me. Why did it feel like no one at work wanted to get close to me? Why did they avoid me as if I were the problem? Mr. Hyeon’s comment kept echoing in my mind: “I didn’t have a good impression of you at first.” I had never done anything wrong to them; they hadn’t even given me a chance to show who I really was.
On the subway, as my mind wove absurd theories about my reputation, I felt a vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and read the message:
“I’m going to walk Mitty, should I wait for you?”
A smile immediately spread across my face. The subway doors opened, and I ran out as fast as I could. The excitement of seeing him and sharing that little routine with Kim gave me a sense of relief I didn’t know I needed.
“I’m almost home, I’ll be there in 5.”
When I arrived home, the door to the house across the street opened. There was Mrs. Lee, my neighbor, with her warm smile and that gaze that always seemed to mix worry and tenderness in equal measure.
“Oh, it’s good you’re home. I just heard that there was a violent fight between a man and a woman at the park a few days ago. Even the police got involved. Did you hear anything about it?”
My heart stopped for a moment. How could I explain to her that I had been part of that mess? Of course, I couldn’t.
“People need to be very careful these days. The world is crazy now.”
I held back a nervous laugh before responding, feeling like an actress in a play I hadn’t rehearsed.
“Of course, I’ll be careful. Although I haven’t heard anything.”
After saying goodbye, I hurried inside. I greeted Susy, who welcomed me with her usual enthusiasm, and got her ready for a walk.
Walking toward the park, I saw him. Kim was there, tall and with that naturally laid-back posture. The dim light from the streetlamps highlighted the definition of his arms, and for a moment, I caught myself admiring him. Even though I had never seen his full face, there was something irresistibly attractive about him.
“Hi, Kim. Hi, Natty.”
He turned to me with a soft smile as Susy and Natty started playing, sniffing each other like old friends. Seeing them, I let go of Susy’s leash, and he did the same. The dogs dashed off to the wide lawn, their energy contagious.
“How did dinner go? Did you manage to get closer to them?” Kim asked with genuine curiosity. His tone was so warm that it felt like he was opening a door to a safe place.
“It went well. I feel like I’m starting to earn their trust. Thank you for your help; I wouldn’t have done it without you.”
I placed my hand over his on my shoulder for a moment, reaffirming my gratitude.
“I’m glad it went well for you. I wish it were as easy at my job as just inviting people to dinner,” he replied with a tired smile that hid a deeper sadness.
“What’s troubling you about work?” I asked, trying to offer him the same support he had given me.
He paused, looking toward where the dogs were playing carelessly. He seemed to be debating whether to speak or keep it to himself. Finally, he let out a sigh and admitted:
“You could say that my coworkers and I are drifting further apart. We’ve known each other for years, but now it feels like we’re strangers. It makes me nostalgic to realize that.”
We watched the dogs play, excited, as if they had known each other forever. Their carefree wagging tails and chaotic sprints seemed to reflect a pure, instant connection. I waited in silence, giving him time to gather his thoughts.
“It’s ironic,” he began, a bitter smile on his lips. “I’m distancing myself from them too. I don’t want them to realize how much their distance affects me, but I also don’t want them to feel obligated to spend time together like we used to.”
His words lingered in the air, heavy with a weight that seemed to wear him down. When he finished, he looked at me, and in his eyes, I saw a mix of vulnerability and a hint of shame for saying it out loud.
“I understand you,” I responded, trying to ease the tension. My voice came out softer than I expected, as if stepping into sacred ground.
“Before my mom passed away, my family was very close. But when she left, my dad and I drifted apart. We each tried to heal the wound she left… but we did it alone. I never tried to reach out to him, and now I regret it. My dad passed away a few years ago too, and sometimes I think about how things could’ve been if I had told him how I felt.”
The knot I felt while confessing this to Kim was strange, but at the same time, liberating. It was the first time I had talked about it with someone, and doing it with him made me feel less alone.
“I think if you reach out to them and tell them how you feel, they’ll understand,” I continued, trying to give him some hope. “I bet they feel the same. Humans are nostalgic by nature and always seek a place to return to.”
Kim gave me a small but genuine smile, and in that moment, we shared an unspoken understanding. Having someone to confide in, even for just a moment, made the burden we carried feel lighter.
To break the melancholic air, I decided to call Susy. When she saw me, she ran toward me with all her strength, wagging her tail so enthusiastically that I could almost feel the avalanche coming. Knowing she would inevitably knock me over, I ran to hide behind Kim, using him as a human shield.
The strategy, however, didn’t work. Susy slammed into him full force, knocking him backward with me trapped underneath.
“This time it wasn’t you tackling me, but your dog. You’re both a menace,” he said with a laugh as he struggled to pin me to the ground and tease me a little more.
“If you keep teasing me, people will think we’re fighting again,” I replied, laughing, finally managing to get up with his help. The night felt lighter thanks to that silly but comforting exchange.
“I think it’s time to head home. We’ll both wake up sore tomorrow,” Kim said, dusting off his clothes.
He decided to walk me to my house. But just before we arrived, a
few steps from my door, he stopped. He looked at me as if he wanted to say something but wasn’t sure. I could feel the air change around us, the kind of moment that stays in your memory long after it’s gone.
“I’m glad I met you,” he finally said, his voice soft, almost hesitant, as if afraid to say it.
My heart skipped a beat. The way he said those words, with an honesty that reached me, left me without a reply. I simply nodded, smiling, hoping my expression was enough to convey that I felt the same way.
A figure dressed entirely in black sprinted over the fence of my garden. The intruder glanced at us for a second before vanishing into the shadows.
“Hey! What are you doing?” I shouted with all the strength my surprise and fear allowed me.
The shock rooted me to the ground, as if my legs refused to respond. The reality that someone had entered my home—my private space—felt like a direct blow to the chest. Vulnerable and powerless, I could only watch as the stranger disappeared into the darkness.
“Who was that? Was it your house?” Kim asked, alarmed, his gaze darting between the direction the intruder had gone and my pale face.
Without a word, I leaned against him, unable to stand on my own from the fright. Kim didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around me, pulling me into a protective embrace that, while it couldn’t erase the fear, made me feel I wasn’t alone in that moment.
Thanks for reading!!!
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amourjins · 6 months ago
its okay im writing pov…❤️
theres this one online friend (we used to be like really good friends and kinda freaky but now were just..eh.) i have n the way theyve been acting lately pmo cs like a few days ago we started talking again right (we didntmtalk for almost 2 weeks) sending paragrpahs n dtuff , resolving everyt ig n then not even a day later its all dry. LIKE BRO 😅😅😅😂😂😂😂💔💔💔💔 EARLIER I SENT THEM A FEW TEXTS RESPONDING TO THEIR YAPPING SESSION AND THEY DONT EVEN RESPOND. HOW THE FLYIGN FUCJK DO YOU MANAGE TO POST 938392929939299283 STORIES AND SET A NEW NOTE BT DNT HVE TIKTE TO REPLY TO ME LIKE I COULFVE SWORN A FW DAYS AHGO YOU WEERE SAYIFN HIW MUCH YOU MISSED ME??? LIKE OH OKAY…they pmo so much ❤️
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nabiiee · 1 year ago
Enchanted with you
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Character: Park wonbin x Reader, other Riize members, Minjin from newjeans, Minjeong aka winter from aespa.
W.C: 4.2k
You saw him under the cherry blossom tree with pink petal falling all around him and on his pretty black raven long hair. You felt like you had suddenly forgotten how to breath. His beauty took your breath away as soon as you had laid your almond eyes on him. You absentmindedly clicked a photo of him with your polaroid camera, which your sister, Minji had gifted you on your 17th birthday. The sound from the polaroid camera startling you as you took the printed picture from the Polaroid camera in your hands, wondering why you impulsively took a photo of this pretty stranger. As you trailed your eyes in front of you to take a glance at the said stranger, he was long gone from the spot he had been standing at. You looked around the park to find him but to your disappointment, he had already left the cherry blossom garden. You wondered if you will ever get to see him again as you longingly looked at the polaroid picture in your hand. You took more pictures of the cherry blossoms as a memory to record in your journal and only left the pink garden once you were satisfied with the amount of pictures you had taken.
At home, your mind and heart were preoccupied by the pretty stranger. What will his name be? Is he a student as well like you? Will you ever be able to meet him again? Trails of thought running in you head had prevented you from sleeping that night. You have had crushes before but nobody had this much effect on you to keep you up until the dawn and resisting your sleepiness. You had only seen him for like 10 minutes but his thought would never leave your mind. You remained awake rerunning the whole fiasco of seeing this man in your mind till dawn. You didn’t realise when you slept that night but you knew that it wasn’t enough for the normal functioning of your body as the next day you had been feeling sleepy during all of your classes. You struggled to keep your eye open as you finally gave in to the tiredness and slept in one of the classes. Well….that definitely got you in detention and you had to stay back in school for another two hours before heading home.
On your way home you saw a crowd of people surrounding a band which you assumed after hearing the sounds of guitars and drums echoing in your ears. You couldn’t see much due to your pathetic height and the amount of people surrounding around them made it quite impossible for you to look at the band. But, you had to admit that they had talent. You wiggled your way into the crowd just enough for you to look the members of the band and there he was…. The boy that haunted your mind for the past 24 hours and the one responsible for your detention. The crowd chanting his name loud when he started singing with the beautiful voice that he has. Not only was HE beautiful but also his voice was equally as beautiful as him. Through the crowds’ chanting you got to know his name…..Park Wonbin you muttered loud enough to be only heard by you. It suits him, you thought as the song was nearing the end. The crowd surrounding them went to talk with the boys, taking turns as you were left standing alone confused as to what to do.
Well standing in line to talk to Wonbin won’t be a bad idea was the thought you had in your mind as you stood there in line of girls waiting to talk to him and some even getting selfies with him. It was finally your turn. Standing in front of him you were once again mesmerised by his blinding beauty. As you opened you mouth to talk with him, his phone rang making you go silent. He answered the phone and it seemed to be some kind of emergency as you watch him muttering an apology and running to his bicycle to ride the other way and there goes your chance of talking to him.
At night you went home and drew his face on your journals and your heartfelt feeling for him well it has kind of became a habit of yours to do this every night after that day meeting him at the road and you also waited in the same spot the band had performed but no performance took place after that day. You would also visit the cherry blossom garden in hopes of meeting him again but your luck had always been low and you never got to meet him again after that. You were almost losing hopes when you saw him again that day in front of the school but you wished you had a detention instead of looking at the scene which unfolds in front of you. You saw him giving a bouquet of roses to a girl who you recognised as Kim Minjeong from another class with a pretty smile. You wished you were in her place and what would it feel like to receive roses from Wonbin, the perfect human being you had ever laid your eye on. You looked away from then unable to bear the uneasiness growing in your heart and headed home. At home, You couldn’t manage your feelings, you had felt too empty and that’s when you decided you should paint. Painting had alway been your comfort zone almost like your safe place. It makes you forget all the pain and bitter memories. You recklessly started painting the empty canvas and poured your heart into painting. After hours it was almost 11 pm when you finally finished your painting. You looked at it and you hadn’t even realised all along you had been painting Wonbin smiling under the cherry blossom tree. You were considering to tear it off and to avoid any further feelings for him as it would only result in hurting your feelings. But, it would be such a waste of talent and your time spent drawing it as well. So, you just left it to dry you tore all the paper that consists of his drawings and your feelings you had for him written in them off from your journal note neatly and folded it and kept it next to the painting as you were planning on hiding them all away in your storage room the next day and went to bed as tiredness takes over your body.
The next day, your were woken up by your Sister, Minji. She complimented your painting as soon as you opened your eyes. You sighed and confessed that you were considering throwing it away. Minji immediately refuted that idea and asked if she can use it for her art project instead to which you had agreed without much thoughts. She hugged you thankfully and left the room with your painting. Unknowingly she also took the Journal papers with her, accidentally along with the painting.
You did your morning routine half heartedly and had your breakfast. Soon after you left to your school to continue your normal day
On the other side….
Minji actually lied to you,she took your painting for an art exhibition held in her university and not for her personal art project. She knew you wouldn’t give it to her so she lied. Well a small lie wouldn’t hurt right? That’s what she thought when she hung your painting on the art hall and she also thought those journal papers were some rubbish as she hadn’t read it. So, she placed it behind the painting and went to help the other students.
Soon the exhibition has started and student started filling in the hall to look at the paintings. Wonbin being the freshmen in that university also joined his friends to looks at the different types of paintings hung in there, appreciating each one of them as he can never imagine creating such beautiful masterpieces with different colours. “Wait a minute, doesn’t that painting look like wonbin?” These were the words that immediately got his attention. As he looked at the picture he was mesmerised at the beauty of it. He wondered who painted him that beautifully. He started asking around the exhibition about the owner of the painting as everyone pointed at Minji saying she was the one who hung it there. He immediately went to her and called her. Upon looking at him Minji seemed to recognise him from somewhere but she was quite not sure where. “Have we met before? You seem familiar “ she told him as he pointed at the painting “ well you painted me. Do you know me?” Minji gasped as soon she recognised where she had seen his face. “Oh well….. it isn’t exactly my painting. Its from someone I know” she answered “who?” “I can’t answer that. It’s confidential” she said and turned away. “Can I have that painting?” He asked to which she immediately said no, “but its me in the painting so it belongs to me” he argued and crossed his hands across his chest. Minji rolled her eyes,”Fine, you can have it. She was about to throw it anyways” she told him and walked away annoyed by him. “Throw it?? But its such a pretty painting? Who dares to throw away this?” He sighed and went to pick up the painting neatly pinned to cardboard. He wondered who could have painted it. He saw a ream of paper fall to the ground as he removed the canvas from the cardboard. He picked it up and kept it in his pocket to read them later as his friends were hurrying him to go for lunch.
“Minji painted you!?” Asked Seunghan surprised when the others told him about the painting of Wonbin hung on the exhibition hall . “It wasn’t her….someone else” “Who” they all asked at the same time. “ how would I know? She wouldn’t tell. So I only have this painting and these crumbled papers” he said and threw those paper on the table. Sohee took the paper immediately and started unfolded them and gasped. “You should see this” he immediately gave those papers. Wonbin was surprised to see his drawing again but this time in pencil and along with him in the drawing he also saw another girl he couldn’t quite figure out the face of the girl as it was drawn to face wonbin in the drawing. he also found the polaroid picture of him standing under the cherry blossom tree he stood under a month ago and some quotes. He identified these papers to be from someone’s diary. He felt butterflies reading all those thing written in the diary. No one had ever made him feel these things. Sure he had a lot of fans admiring him but no one has ever made him this flustered and showed this much love for him. Now he had only three details about the owner of the painting. One, she has a crush on him. Two, Her name is Y/n which he found written at the bottom of her journal as a signature. Three, she was somehow connected to Minji but the third clue is pretty useless as Minji wouldn’t open her mouth to give out who this Y/n is. He asked the boys whether they know any Y/n but they all were as clueless as him. “Well I’m going to meet Minjeong. Did you give her the flowers I gave you yesterday?” Eunseok asked Wonbin to which he just nodded lazily thoughts fully on the owner of the painting.
Wonbin hurriedly ran to Minji as he saw her entering the cafeteria. He obviously scared the poor girl with his sudden appearance. She narrowed his eyes at him and asked him what he wanted to which he asked her to tell who painted this picture. “Why would you wanna know. Its just a painting get over it dude.” She walked away as fast as she can as she knows that you were somehow connected to this boy and that you are not the type to draw just anyone. At first she thought it was just some boy from a kdrama or boy band. She decided that she should not disclose any information about you to this stranger without your knowledge and she should have a talk with you about this tonight.
You were engrossed in your homework when you heard your sister come in through your bedroom door and calmly sat on you bed watching you carefully. She turned to her and smiled, “hey, how was your day” you asked as you continue to do your homework. “It was pretty good until this boy followed me around asking me why you had drawn a painting of him” she said and you swear your neck would have dislocated at the speed it turned towards her. “Why did draw him? Do you know who he is ?” She questioned you “I just saw him around and drew out of inspiration. You know I was just inspired by the cherry blossom and he happened to be there. that’s all” You lied through your teeth. “Then you have no problem if I disclose about you to him right? He has been asking who drew it and he keeps pestering me” she asked crossing her arms, tiredness clearly evident in her eyes. “No. That would be weird if he found out I drew him randomly. Just keep it a secret please?” You begged her to which she nodded. “By the way, how would he find out? You said it was for your personal art work?” You questioned her confused to which she nervously yawned and walked away saying how she was tired from walking the university campus all day. You shook your head and continued doing your homework.
The following days went peacefully. You would see Wonbin occasionally when he visited the campus to see Minjeong but he was always accompanied by another guy as well who was fairly taller than him. On the other hand, Wonbin had the painting hung in his bedroom wall and treasured the torn pages from your diary to read it occasionally. No matter how many times he spent reading them, they still gave him butterflies. He also constantly pestered Minji to give some clue about your identity but she never bothered to do so, even though, he sought the help of Sungchan, who is very close to Minji. This had made him hopeless. Nobody around him knows anyone named Y/n and he was desperate to find find out who she was.
……until one day, when Eunseok mentioned your name to his girlfriend, Minjeong that Wonbin had been searching for this girl named Y/n. “ you are searching for Kim Y/n? She is in Grade 11. But, I don’t know if she is the one your friend has been searching for” she saying pointing at your classroom window. As soon as the information was conveyed to Wonbin through Eunseok, he immediately rushed out of the class to your school. He somehow managed to jump up the wall of your ground and reach infront of your class without being caught by the guards. But to his disappointment, No one was in the class room, except for one girl who seemed to have injured her legs which he figured out as it was now covered in bandages. She was staring out the window so she had no clue that someone was here until he called out to her.
You immediately turned your head towards the source of the voice and was surprised to see a him in your class. “What are you doing here?” You questioned him “oh it’s you….the girl from our performance at the street, right?” To which she nodded “I’m sorry about that day, I had to leave because of some personal issue. Oh by the way, I came here for Y/n. I heard she is in your class. You know her?” Her heart stopped for a second. Why was he looking for you out of all the students? Is it because of that painting ? Questions flowed through your head as he anticipated your answer for his question. “Oh… y/n i-is on holiday. She went on a trip somewhere” you lied spontaneously without thinking. You could see the visible disappointment in his eyes. He had immediately question when she would return to which you said you weren’t sure as well and that you aren’t close with Y/n so you wouldn’t know, when in reality Y/n is you and he is talking to the one he is looking for.
He nodded sadly and was about to leave when he suddenly turn to you again. “What’s your name?” He asked as you panicked, pondering what to tell “uhh…. Its Park Jina” he smiled at you and took your notebook to sign it. “We have actually changed the performance spot. Its at XX Club. I noticed after that day you didn’t come back to any of our performances. So, please do come and support us, Jina” he smiled and left you alone. You were shocked that he remembered you and actually was kind enough to invite you again to his performances.
Your mind was haunted by his smile again and you had trouble sleeping so you went to the balcony to get some fresh air when you noticed few boys parking their motorbikes at the house located just opposite to your house. You didn’t meant to be nosy but you were curious so you just peeked at them. “Oh? Jina?? You live here?” NOW WHAT THE FUCK IS WONBIN DOING IN FRONT OF YOUR HOUSE?? He must have caught onto your confused stare as he chuckled a bit and explained from down that it was actually his friend, Sungchan’s house and they were having like a boys night or something at his house. You both continued staring at each other before you cleared your throat awkwardly ,”I have to go now. Its late and you guys have fun” you said and hurriedly went inside. Wonbin thought you were pretty cute blushing under the moonlight and then he immediately retracted that thought and reminded himself that he must stay loyal to Y/n. Poor boy didn’t even know that you were Y/n all along. On the other hand, you were hiding in your room and trying take a peek at Wonbin through the window and smiled to yourself when you caught him staring at your balcony, the place where you were standing a few minutes ago. You momentarily thought of him with Minjeong and erased the thought of him having any kind of feelings towards you, as you climbed to your bed and tried to sleep.
Few days later, Wonbin and his friends were at the café. Eunseok has brought his girlfriend, Minjeong as well to hang out. While everyone were talking with each other, Minjeong asked Wonbin whether he had found Y/n and if he had made any progress with her. “But, she is on holiday. So…. I haven’t really met her” Minjeong scrunched her eyebrows and said to wonbin that she had actually seen Y/n the campus for the past days and you hadn’t really gone to any vacation or anything. “Who told you that though?” “Park Jina from Y/n’s class” he told her to which Minjeong sighed, “Oh my god, wonbin, there is no Park Jina in that class. Someone lied to you”
Wonbin was shocked and heartbroken as you had lied to him but he wondered why would you do that to him. “She is not that kind of a person. She is our fan and….. oh yeah she also lives opposite to sungchan” Sungchan’s ears perked up at the sound of his name, “lives opposite to me? But…. Its Minji who lives there…no Jina or whatever” “Minji?” “Yeah, that’s how me and Minji got close. And yeah I remember she has a sister. Dont know her name though. Minji is so protective of her” Sungchan explained. “Am I the only one connecting the dots here or did you guys find out as well?” Anton asked which made the group of friends curiously looked in his direction. “So, my theory is that, Y/n is Jina” Wonbin groaned saying this is nonsense and why would you hide the fact that you were infact Y/n and not Jina? “Think about it, someone connected to Minji painted you. The so called Jina a.k.a Y/n lives with Minji who I, assume is Minji’s sister, who she is so protective of and that might have been the reason why she didn’t give any clues as to who Y/n is” Anton presented his theory to the group as Shotaro gasped and said that it actually makes sense. Wonbin ran out as soon as he heard it. He needed to clarify everything with you and make sure there were no misunderstandings between you two. He waited for you next to your home and came running to you as soon as he saw your figure turning into the street. You greeted Wonbin as you usually do thinking that he is here for another hangout at Sungchan’s house. “Y/n….” He called you with a slight whisper. Your eyes widened at him calling you with your real name. “I-I am not y/n” “stop lying to me y/n….all these days i have been looking for you desperately but you lied to me so casually why!?” You were shocked to see him cry. But why? Why would he cry for you? “Wonbin… I am really sorry for lying to you. Its true that I am y/n bu-“ you started explaining but he stopped you “how can you do this to me? Do you know how desperate I was about finding you? Ask your sister, she will tell you” he said and ran away without giving you a chance to explain. One thing for sure is, it hurts you to see him like this and you knew it wasn’t just some silly infatuation or crush. You loved him, but does he love you back? Well you didn’t have answer for that. Before you were sure that he doesn’t have any romantic affections towards you as he has Minjeong by his side but his actions today was confusion so you sought the help of your sister. You ran upstairs and opened the door of Minji’s bedroom. “Minji, did wonbin perhaps ask about me again?” You asked her carefully standing at the entrance of her bedroom to which the older girl sighed in annoyance “Oh please…. Don’t even get me started with that guys. He asks information on you like 24/7. At this point he is a stalker” she said and chuckled “I think he likes you Y/n-ah, I never thought people likes someone just because they painted them” she smiled at you “but, what about Minjeong? He has a girlfriend” you sadly lowered your face and plopped on her bed with you face facing the bed. “Kim Minjeong from your school? She is Eunseok’s girlfriend though, Wonbin is terribly single” you turned to face her at the speed of the lightening asking if what she told just now was real to which she nodded, confused and told how Sungchan always spills tea about his friends group to her that only Eunseok and seunghan are in a relationship though Seunghan’s girlfriend is currently studying abroad, their long distance relationship has been going strong and stable . Sohee has a crush on someone but is too much of a chicken to admit to her. While the others are hopeless in love life which included Sungchan as well but he won’t admit to it. “Minji, I have something to do now. I will be back. Bye!!” She immediately dashed out of Minji’s room to search for Wonbin. It was raining hard and she carried her umbrella with her as she headed out. She kept looking for him for around thirty minutes when she finally spotted a figure sitting next to the bus stop, drenched in the heavy rain.
He feels the rain suddenly stopped hitting him. He looked up to find you holding the umbrella above his head. He found you so pretty but he couldn’t just forgive you for what you did to him. He immediately got up and turned the other way to walk away as you grabbed his hand to stop him. He heard you apologising quietly. “I was just worried you would think I’m weird to paint you. I was embarrassed to admit it….” He turned towards you and held you cheeks in his palm. You couldn’t help but blush at the physical contact. You averted your eyes to anywhere but him as he gently asked you to look at him and only him. “Stop doing this to me….. don’t make me hopeful if you are not planning on-“ he kissed you, stopping your sentence midway. He pulled away and leaned his forehead on yours and smiled, “get your hopes up, cuz I only want you”.
That’s it guys. Did you guys like it? Comment if you guys want me to do for other members as well. See yaaa!!
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