#MIL ABM1201
abbygaylebernardo · 4 years
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“A beautiful body perishes, but a work of art dies not.” - Leonardo da Vinci
My name is Abby Gayle G. Bernardo, seventeen years old. I have one sister and I'm the oldest. I'm a grade 12 ABM student in UPHSD. I do calligraphy, painting, and I also like drawing. I love drinking iced coffee. When I was a kiddo I want to be a Flight Attendant but now I feel it just only a dream but the Arts play a large role in the expression of inner thoughts and beauty in my life right now . It encourages me to be closer to ourselves and to those around us. Though there has been a lot of uncertainty as to what the true meaning of "good art" is, how we show others what is going on in our minds and inner souls cannot be measured, evaluated, criticized or revised by someone other than ourselves.
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kcberdin · 4 years
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Cyber-attacks have developed many times since the late 1980s to use advances in information technology as a way of committing cybercrimes. In recent years, as the World Economic Forum noted in its 2018 report, the size and robustness of cyberattacks has increased rapidly: "Offensive cyber capabilities are developing faster than our ability to deal with hostile incidents."
The purpose of this propaganda is to make everyone aware of cyber-attacks.
Simply stated, a cyber-attack is an assault against another computer, multiple computers, or networks, initiated from one or more computers. Cyber-attacks can be divided into two broad types: attacks where the goal is to disable or knock the target computer offline, or attacks where the goal is to access the data of the target computer and maybe obtain admin privileges on it.
It seems like every day a massive cyber-attack happens. So, how are you trying to protect yourself? There are some easy ways to ensure that you do not fall prey to a cyber-attack, aside from getting a strong firewall and antivirus installed:
Look for a "s" in the URL (web address) of the site you are visiting to find out if it is secure. Do not click links in emails, even though you think you know who the email is from. Back up your files to a server or to a portable hard drive. Keeping your device up to date is one of your most powerful cyber-attack tools. If everything else fails, having a backup of all your files means that you will be back to normal in no time. Back to the website where you came from.
“Protect your privacy! Protect against Intrusions and Infections!”
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michaelcabisada · 4 years
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I’m Michael Freyan Cabisada, 18, and from Imus City, Cavite. I’m an ABM Senior High School student (currently studying at UPHSD – Molino) who loves to play games all the time. I’m spending much time to play, grind, learn and finish my games as part of my sadness get away. I also love seeing the streets at night and of course blue colors! As you can notice, my profile is filled with light and street themes and I tried my best to make it luxurious. I like horror and thrilling movies but not action movies. I also like pink colors as my substitute.
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nicholebatuto · 4 years
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Read to know more about me!! 💫
hi I’m nichole, 17. I am 5’4 tall and with that height I claim that I will be a flight attendant soon.. 👩🏻‍✈️✈️
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I enjoy dancing, watching movies and I guess make and edit videos but I don’t upload vlogs on my YouTube channel but maybe in the future. I love to go on a road trips, travel, style clothes, and of course shopping! 🤍 I am a born again Christian, and guess what, I also sing to give praise to our God and I am a part of youth ministry.
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I have a sister, she’s older than me and my sis and my papa works at Dubai, its hard that we are not together but sometimes we visit Dubai, it should be my third time visiting Dubai this April but covid came so... 🥴
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When I was in my past school before SHS, I was very active with extra curricular activities especially in dance contest and in drums and lyre contest, I became the band master one time which I was not sure if I will accept it because that time I don’t think that I can handle and lead the band, but unfortunately with the cooperation of my bandmates we were able to compete and perform nicely, and we even won the first place. When I transferred to UPH-Molino I was still able to join a extra curricular activity “Bb. Kasarangan” although it was my first time joining a pageant but I learned to boost up my confidence and believe in myself. Here are some photos 🤍
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“He has made everything beautiful in its time”
Ecclesiastes 3:11
“Don’t be afraid, just believe” 
 Mark 5:36
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 
 Jerimiah 29:11
These are the verses that I always keep in my mind whenever I experience some anxiety, problems, and in times of uncertainty, that we are not alone in this battle, this verses always keeps me on going. These verses also reminds me that everything happens for a reason and it has its purpose.
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altheabonifacio · 4 years
Be loud about the things that are important to you.
Im just a simple girl named Althea Bonifacio.
Oh yes, just Althea. My middle name is Ramirez.
I'm turning 18th yrs. old this october 1. And I am turning legality.
And I live in Imus the capital of Cavite.
You can call me "Thea" or just "Tey" just don't use "Boni"
Were 6 in the family and we are 4 siblings.
Im the 4th among the 4 and one of them is boy.
Im auntie now of 2 little boys.
Im just love to eat, who loves to eat everywhere.
But my friends always calls me "Kuripot"
I'm approachable and friendly but i sometimes i don't have a good mood.
You smile, I smile :)
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lizbethbecerro · 4 years
So my name is Lizbeth Becerro, a graduating ABM student from Senior High School of UPHSD-Molino. I have 2 elder sisters and 1 elder brother and they are all graduated but one of my elder sisters are already working and a resident in Canada and I’m hoping to take my college degree there and just for a trivia, all of my family’s name are on my name. I love singing but I’m not blessed to have a beautiful voice but yes, I do the cooking. Yes, I do the cleaning HAHAHAHA char🤣
So going back in my introduction, I would like to share to you one of my memorable life experience and a motivation for you.
I once experienced this kind situation in my life where in I felt I’m the unluckiest person in the world due to many problems and it feels like the darkness and sadness are eating you. Since elementary, I’m not that kind of child that really loves to play outside and I’m scared of talking to other people even I know them. So in short, I don’t really have friends that time. My mother enrolled me in a private school since it doesn’t have many students unlike in public schools. From there, I met my best friend who is no longer with me, she left me. We always do something together like doing our homework and if she needs me, I’m always there for me. But I think I just gave too much love and effort to her, nothing left for myself. She backstabbed me. It really hurts ang mag mahal ng ganito👉🏻😙👈🏻, char. Kidding aside, it really hurts when my best friend and my other friends are all together and I’m just sitting in my chair inside the classroom, holding up my tears.
I received a lot of body shaming from many people that I didn’t expect that they would say. I never want to have a problem between me and my friends so I accepted what they say even I know that it will affect my self-esteem and sometimes they just know me because I always treat them but when I need them, they are not there for me. It reached the point where in it’s too much and I realized that I should fight back to defend myself and not to let the other people take advantage of me and it begins…
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I go out in my comfort zone and start exploring something new. I start communicating with other people and luckily, some of them stayed. I found my real friends and even we are far apart from each other, we knew that we are always there silently supporting each other. I surrounded myself with positive people and I found the one who loved me at my worst and helped me to go up when I felt down. I asked God for guidance because I know that there is something beautiful and good coming that’s why he gave that experience/challenge to me. He gave me strength to continue and move forward in life. God saved me from despair, God is my savior.
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10❤️
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ariascharlene · 4 years
This video shows about Body Shaming and how to protect yourself, not criticizing and without hurting other people feelings. We are beautiful in our own way.                  
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yunaerlindabilog · 4 years
Hi Everyone! My name is Yuna Erlinda B. Bilog. I’m only 16 years old. I was born on October 20, 2003. I only have 1 brother and I’m the firstborn. I’m from Marilao, Bulacan and we just moved here in Dasmarinas, Cavite. It is hard to adjust and live in a new environment but I managed to adapt on the new changes. Because of that, I learned how to be friends with everyone and I realized back then that my only best friend is myself. I also learned to be happy and contented in my life even though I’m separated from my best friends in Bulacan. To make it clear, when we moved here in Cavite, I have learned so many life lessons and it made me strong and independent.
I’m an Accountancy, Business, and Management (ABM) student. I hate mathematics but I chose ABM because I think that I can still love mathematics. I want to be a flight attendant or businesswoman in the future. I’m not yet sure what course I will take in college. But I’m confident that whatever course I’ll take, I’m sure that I can do it. Nothing is Impossible. All you need to do is to trust and believe in yourself to be a successful one.
Charles Spurgeon said, “It is not how much we have, but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.” It means that if we want to be happy, we need to be contented on what we have whatever it is. We just need to enjoy life and just go with the flow. Let us appreciate what we have and be thankful. Don’t ask for more. If you want to be happy, just always do what makes you happy but know your limitations.
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kcberdin · 4 years
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Media and Information Literacy acknowledges the predominant role of media and information in our daily lives. Becoming a Media Literate is not about memorizing facts or figures about the media, but about learning, asking the right questions about what you are watching, reading, or listening to. Being a media literate means being able to access, analyze and evaluate the content we obtain from the media. To be an Information Literate, a person must be able to identify when information is needed and be able to find, analyze and effectively use the information required. It also facilitates access to information and expertise and the creation of knowledge societies. The importance of being a media and information literate person is especially important today. Being literate about the media will give us the edge of today's modern world. Other benefits include improving the quality of life and improving the learning environment.
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michaelcabisada · 4 years
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Seeking Validation Is Crippling You
Needing something from anyone else in the form of validation is how you can identify codependency.
Seeking Validation online only shows your insecurity. Don’t let their opinions dictate yours. Stand and decide, because the only validation you need is from yourself.
Propaganda’s source: https://dgrantsmith.com/why-seeking-validation-is-crippling-you/
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stevebalansay · 4 years
This is the way that I can express my feelings.
That is dancing
This is the way that i am more competitive than my academic.
That is the sport of volleyball
This the way that I feel freedom to myself
That is biking
And this is the way that I can be Happy
That is gaming
Hi my name is Steve Raymond Balansay.Yep that is me I know some of the people may think that I am masungit person and not active but deep inside .I'm just a shytype person because of that I have a lot of regrets because of that even all the opportunity in front of me.But there is one thing that I've never had regret. Is to have and know all of my good friends
”never regret anything because at one point it was what you wanted”
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altheabonifacio · 4 years
Cyberbullying or cyberharassment is a form of bullying or harassment using electronic means. Cyberbullying and cyberharassment are also known as online bullying.
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Low self-esteem
Hurt feelings
Trust Issues
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lizbethbecerro · 4 years
Being a media and information literate individual is very important because it gives us the ability to understand the information that we gather and also we are being mindful in giving the information to other people and we learn to think critically.
As a media and information literate, we should examine the information we have in order to know if it’s true because nowadays, fake news is a big deal. It gives misleading information to the audience or in the society; especially we are using technology to know different information. Social Media is one of the example of mediums that has many information or news from different countries and we all know that there are also a lot of fake news in various social media platform.
As a student, it is an advantage to be a media and information literate because it help us to gain more information especially there are different mediums in gathering information like television, cellphone, computers, radio, etc. We can gain new perspectives to further expand our minds and to become and open minded person. Also this can be our strength in various situations like to argument in an article or news that can lead to misinformation. We should also understand the perspective and goal of the author of the information since we have different opinions and it can stand as an eye opener to the audience like us.
We should be aware of the information that we see or we know because it can lead us to believe in something that is not really happening or not true.
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abbygaylebernardo · 4 years
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 The growth in social media has ensured that we are more connected than we have ever been in the history of human civilization. Yet our dependency on social media can harm our mental health platforms, but using them too much can make you feel more unhappy and disconnected in the long run. The constant barrage of perfectly filtered photos that appear on Instagram and other editing apps is bound to bring down the self-esteem of many people. Nowadays, a lot of people are being influenced by these different platforms of social media but do we really know the real effect of it? because there's a lot of people especially teenagers are really addicted they spend hours watching and scrolling their feeds to be updated in their applications even they have a lot of tasks. Getting not enough sleep can also lead to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety or depression when used too much or without caution. Despite that, a lot of people discover themselves their potentials and their self-confidence by expressing it on social media. 
                   In my Propaganda Poster, you can see an editorial cartoon that looks like a tried and having eyebags that cause poor sleeping quality and I’ve used bold colors to have more impact. Around there's a lot of application and devices that influence people to be used. Let's remember that using Social Media has a good and bad effect we should be aware of it.
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-Sorry for the watermarks 
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nicholebatuto · 4 years
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Plagiarism... sounds like a crime huh? just like sexism, racism and more, well it’s not a crime like robbing a bank, but it is stealing ideas and information from others, and we should take this very seriously.
What is Plagiarism? According to the Merriam-Webster online dictionary, to "plagiarize" means: to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own. ... to commit literary theft. to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source.
If you stole a money, you will be called a thief. It’s the same with Plagiarism. Have you ever stolen someone else’s work? Copied ideas from the internet for your school project? Or used a music, video or a photo without permission? If you have, then you already committed plagiarism, because it is the idea, information and work of others that they put on an effort for it because it is their original work. Plagiarism can be intentional or unintentional, sometimes its unintentional because we wouldn’t know that we have the same ideas or thoughts with others. Common knowledge shouldn’t be cited, it’s kind of hard to know when to cite but if you are in doubt, just cite your sources to avoid plagiarism.
Plagiarism can affect your future.
If you plagiarized your work, you can be punished. According to Department of Justice, means that plagiarism itself is not a crime but that plagiarism that also amounts to copyright infringement is. Such plagiarism now carries a penalty of 3-6 years imprisonment and a fine of P50,000 - P150,000 ($1,200 - $3,600), if prosecuted under the law. We wouldn’t want that to happen to us right?
This propaganda will help you prevent and avoid plagiarism. Aside from copying someone else’s ideas, you still have a chance to have a good output without committing plagiarism.
Always cite your sources and give credit to the owner, and if you do this, you should include the whole sentence, using the quotation marks with the owner’s name, and you shouldn’t change or add anything in the sentence.
Know and be familiarize with your topic and write it with your own words and opinion.
Summarize or paraphrase the content, but still, you need to include the references.
This will result as your original work, without violating any rules.
Click to watch a short video presentation of the tips to avoid plagiarism. :)
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yunaerlindabilog · 4 years
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Many people nowadays were believing easily on the fake news in the media and information. We should be aware what is the fake one and what is the real one. It is very important to know and recognize the news you were reading if it is fake or real because FAKE NEWS can ruin your mind and it can affect our lives.
George Bernard Shaw said that, "Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance." 
 It means that false knowledge or fake news is more dangerous than ignorance. Ignorance means lack of knowledge or information. But believing on fake news is worst because other than lacking of knowledge, you also have knowledge that is not real and it will make your mind and your life miserable.
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