thelreads · 6 years
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I was only fucking joking! You did really stab him holy shit what the hell is happening
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Holy shit, is this guy some sort of medusa? Just, Instead of turning people to stone he can paralyze them for a certain amount of time? Holy hell, that would explain how he was capable of killing so many heroes, he just freeze them on place and chop-chop goes the blade.
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thelreads · 6 years
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No Mer-man, they just don’t want to end up getting on Stain’s way. I’m sure that I wouldn’t want to go out if someone was just going around stabbing anything that moved, even if this person was supposed to be on my side.
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So, there’s a pattern, his modus operandi is to attack around five heroes, and then move on to the next location. There must be a reason for this exact number of victims... He already showed that he isn’t afraid of no hero, so it can’t be because of the sudden increase on patrols...Maybe there’s a personal reason for it, but if that’s the case I don’t think I’ll try to guess it now. It’s too early for this sort of theory, I don’t have nearly enough information about him to do it.
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So, Stain is just getting started. The body count is about to rise, and please, for the love of God Ida, try to not be part of it.
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thelreads · 6 years
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holy shit
Even Stain, the guy that goes around chopping motherfuckers in half for a living, got afraid for one moment there, and I can’t blame him. Holy fucking shit, do I need to do a “Shigaraki’s scary as fuck moments”? I think I need to do it.
I don’t even wanna pend too much time writing about exactly what motivates Shigaraki’s so-called convictions, if even there is a reason, or if he just wants to do it for the lolz. I don’t want to keep looking at this goddamn panel any longer.
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thelreads · 6 years
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ouch. That must have hurt like hell.
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Wait, already? Well, time surely goes by fast when you’re beating the shit out of a kid.
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See Midoriya?! Gran Torino, one of the most powerful pro heroes we saw until now, was impressed by your performance on this fight. You analyzed his moves, predicted his next moves, and almost managed to get him with a surprise attack. If it wasn’t for the huge difference in experience you would surely got him.
But even so, it was a really amazing stunt you pulled out, and if you keep practicing it, you’ll be able to use it in no time. That technique surely will come in hand when Shigaraki starts to make his move... 
And, if my calculations are correctly, I must be around the halfway point for this chapter. I think I’ll stop here and get back to it tomorrow. I have the day off, so I’ll see if I can make some time for this chapter during the evening, if not, I’ll be back at night.
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thelreads · 6 years
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Jumping over his opponent to get his back. That was exactly what Bakugo did to Midoriya back on that training exercise, and the he did the same thing again on the sports festival against Todoroki. Midoriya is taking what he saw as a good technique and just adapted it to his own quirk.
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Ha, get rekt, warwick davis
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thelreads · 6 years
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what the hell do you mean by “there’s still a chance”? You just said that he always maim at least four heroes before moving on. The hell Ida, are you even paying attention or are you so blind by your thirst for vengeance that you’re starting to lose your grip on reality?
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Ida please, don’t that ever again. You’re better than this, kid.
Oh god... This will end on blood, and I’m afraid it wont be Stain’s.
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thelreads · 6 years
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Aaaaand there we have it. He really wants Shigaraki on his side. Even he can identify the potential of a strong quirk like that.
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That moment when you’re a crazy as fuck psychopath, but even you know that the guy dressed like a early 2000′s edgy anti-hero is too messed up to be of any help.
But, Mistman is still insisting on inviting him to the company’s Christmas party. I guess that seeing one of your colleagues being pined to the floor by a murder with a big-ass sword didn’t tipped him to the fact that this may be a bad idea.
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Oh please god, take me the next page because I don’t want to see this thing any longer.
Stain is going back to Hosu, where Ida currently is... Oh god, it’s coming, I can feel it. The moment draws near...
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thelreads · 6 years
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Right, you just go ahead on your self-righteous ramble about how you’re doing society any good by killing honest, hard-working innocents because they don’t fit your definition of “hero”.
You see, I kinda agree with Stain that a hero must do good without waiting for an reward, but that being said, I know that in this society this sort of thinking is impossible. People need to work to survive, and with super-powered criminals going around, there’s no way for one to be a part-time hero.
If stain really wanted to do any good, he would be targeting villains, as some sort of dark vigilante, instead of doing the exactly opposite of what he claims to be doing.
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Oh, so there’s a limit for his paralyzing gaze. Or maybe with enough will-power one can break free from it?
Anyway, whatever it is that allowed Shigaraki to free himself it doesn’t matter for now, because The Edgy-minator just made a grave mistake: He threatened Shigaraki’s favorite hand.
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So, we have some parallels again, don’t we? Both Shigaraki and Midoriya have a lot of potential, but they lacked the motivation to actually go ahead and fulfill their dreams. Midoriya wanted to become the greatest hero to ever live, and Shigaraki wanted to set the world on fire, but they were satisfied with they way things were going. That is, until All might pushed them forward.
I guess this will also be the breakthrough that Shigaraki needed. The realization of what he wants to do, and why he wants to do it.
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thelreads · 6 years
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They aren’t that damaging because he doesn’t want to put you into a hospital bed, he just wants to tire you out to push you to your limit. You already showed a lot of potential by figuring out a solution for your quirk’s problem in such a short notice, now he wants you to keep going and to master that technique.
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I have to nothing to say here, I just everybody to appreciate this image of Midoriya sliding under the couch.
So majestic...
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You know what Gran Torino? In the time you took to finish saying that I bet that he already got ready to fight back.
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thelreads · 6 years
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“...you aren’t allowed to die, got it? If you do, you lose the match” -Gran Torino, probably.
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I won’t do that joke again... Nope... Won’t do it... Just know that I thought about it. Even now, while i type this, the echos of that line go through my head, tempting me to post the same joke I used two chapters ago...
But anyway, back to the chapter. It seems like a easy challenge, if we consider that Midoriya almost got him last time. But back then he didn’t need to concentrate really hard on not dying.
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And that was the last thing he saw before getting thwacked in the head by a child-sized boot. Before he hit the floor he already had exploded, realizing all his contained energy, taking the building and the adjacent houses in a massive explosion.
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thelreads · 6 years
And there we go, the start of another training session between Midoriya and Gran Torino, this time while using One for All trough out his whole body, Time to test if this new method will give the desired results. This is Chapter 49: Midoriya and Shigaraki.
No, seriously, what? Not “Midoriya vs. Gran Torino - The rematch” or somthing like that? Shigaraki? Are we going to be focusing on that goddamn psychopath with a hand fetish?
Oh god...
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And here we go. Gran Torino let go of his cane, time to get dangerous again.
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Sure, spreading all that power through out your body was one thing, but keeping it in place without letting it destroy you is another. One misstep and that power could destroy something important, like a vital organ instead of a bone.
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Gran torino, please, we don’t even know if he’ll be alive for the next 20 seconds, and you want him to keep this for three minutes?
Jesus, the smoll Madman is being trained by a even shorter Madman.
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thelreads · 6 years
And that’s the end of the chapter. Christ, every time I think that Shigaraki can’t get anymore creepier he goes ahead and one-ups himself. More fuel for my nightmares I guess. Yay.
Midoriya made a lot of progress on this chapter. He finally found a way to put his quirk under control. Sure, it isn’t a permanent solution, seeing as he can only use 5% of his power, but he didn’t broke a single bone in his sparring against Gran Torino, so I’ll mark this as a victory on my books.
Gran Torino would also agree with me. Whatever works for Midoriya will do for now. And sure, it’s not perfect, but holy hell, he came up and implemented a new way of thinking and using his quirk in the span of one day. This kids is way too smart , and someday he’ll be a terrifying opponent to go against.
Speaking of Terrifying... Shigaraki got some focus this chapter, and that’s his first meaningful contribution to the story since the USJ siege. And dear God, he was just as disturbing as I remembered him. They are trying to paint him as future arch-nemesis to Midoriya, and I’m totally down for it. Their worldviews are so conflicting that the moment they really end up clashing will be glorious.
And Stain was there too. Being himself, and in a surprising inversion of the roles, trying to recruit Shigaraki to his emo band. Meanwhile, Ida is starting his crusade to ban all types of distasteful music and the musical groups that dare to play this sort of genre, starting by Stain’s.
Today there isn’t one character sheet per see...
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Today we have three! Heck yeah!
Okay, not exactly, but we got at least some explanation about three of the pro heroes we saw last chapter.
Starting by the one at the top. Gunghead. The gun hero. The one with gun-arms that use his gun-powers to, ironically, not shot people. The one that has medium-to-long range quirk specializes on close-combat. I wonder how many shot he can use before needing to “reload”, and how long it takes for his power to recharge. But, nonetheless, the perfect choice for Uraraka.
The next one is Goro- I mean, Fourth kind. This one I get being specialized on hand-to-hand combat. Unless he wants to rip out one arm and throw it as a projectile on the villains. But he’s more than a brute, he’s also a strategist, and that makes him a good choice for Kirishima and his twin. They both rely too much on raw strength, they need to learn to come up with a plan to take down harder foes.
And the last one, Uwabami, the Medusa. Her quirk is having snakes for hair.
I mean, that’s not a natural thing, and I can see how it would be classified as a quirk, but... I don’t know, I guess I was hoping for more. Still, she has enhanced perception of her surroundings, and sure, she may not be the front line on a fight, but she is the one responsible for coordinating her team towards the targets. I want to see what kind of stuff she can teach Momo and Kendo.
And that’s it for now. Midoriya and Gran Torino are fighting some more, Shigaraki finally made a new friend to help him be more sociable, and Ida is trying to locate Stain to give him the party invitation. Will those three meet and become a inseparable group whose friendship will last forever? Will Ida’s investigations reveal how can one person can buy a microwave and have it delivered next day? Find out, next time on Chapter 50: Midoriya vs. Jeff Bezos, the battle for Amazon.
And just a head’s up, this weekend I’ll be out of town, visiting my grandparents, so I won’t be able to do another chapter. I’ll be visiting the blog and answering any ask that shows up on my inbox thou. Livebloggin will resume Monday if everything goes right and my grandma doesn’t turn me into a blob, incapable of reaching the keyboard due to the massive amount of food I was served.
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thelreads · 6 years
So, apparently I suck at estimating the required time for me finish up my obligations. Goddammit. But fear not, the time has come for us to finish the chapter.
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You know what Midoriya? I for one am glad that you actually missed your target. Jesus Christ you cut his face with just the air around your punch.
But, Papa Smurf over there couldn’t be happier that you got that close.
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Breakfast > Everything else, as it should be on any work of fiction or in real life.
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I was about to ask about the villains, seeming as Shigaraki shares the title of the chapter with Midoriya. So, we’re back to Hand-man and his edgy friends, let’s see if Stain’s lesson on motivation and ideals will stick, or if he’ll need to stab Shigaraki first.
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thelreads · 6 years
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What the hell! He dodged it on the last second? How did he changed his trajectory mid-air and-
You know what, I won’t question it. You had more time than Midoriya is alive to master everything there is to know about your own quirk. This surely wasn’t the first time you did a move like this.
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Before Midoriya could even process what just happened, Gran Torino was back into action, to give him a good ol’ beating. I swear, this guy’s speed go from absurdly fast to S U P E R  S O N I C every other jump he makes. I think he may have been going easy on Midoriya, but now he needed to step up his game.
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thelreads · 6 years
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And he misses... But it was really close. Way closer that one would expect for a second fight against such an experienced opponent.
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Gran Torino gets ready for a counter-attack. He wants to break his concentration again to turn off One for All. The training must be harsh and unforgiving.
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Don’t get too cooky little one, this adorable dork won’t go down so easily. He already must have something in mind to keep on fighting a little longer.
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thelreads · 6 years
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Yep, called it. No surprises here.
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Gran Torino was caught on a though spot. He didn’t expected Midoriya to get back on track with his quirk that quickly.
Look at that Fierce Cinnamon roll He punched something without snapping his arm like a twig. I’m so proud of how far he has come...
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