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reidsbookclub · 2 years ago
This is the Hotch I imagine when I read this and it’s making me weak at the knees
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I Can See You | Part One
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18+ Aaron Hotchner x Reader
Summary: Entering a secret relationship with her boss is something she always imagined, but never something she thought could happen.
Warnings: age gap, boss/subordinate relationship, secret relationship, sneaking around, office sex - Oral (fem receiving), canon typical violence (case mentioning rape and murder) mentions of Foyet, Aarons scars and Haley. Food mention, Smut - oral (mostly male receiving, light female receiving) unprotected p in v, creampies.
Word Count: 10.7k
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It wasn’t supposed to be like this. 
When she joined the FBI and applied to the behavioural analysis unit, she thought her mind would be plagued with unsubs and victims and heartbreak. She was so sure that seeing horrific images and knowing disgusting details would haunt her in her sleep and eclipse her daydreams. And sure, they do bother her, it is hard to stomach sometimes… but there were upsides to this job. Very handsome, very muscular and very delicious, upsides. 
She works in the bullpen, she doesn’t see much action, she just files a bunch of reports. She talks to leads on the phone, she consults on cases that VICAP has marked as ones to watch and once a week she brings a couple boxes worth of files up to her boss to give him a rundown on what’s going on. A lot of this Job used to be JJ’s, back when she was the Media Liaison but now that she’s an SSA, keeping track of requests of assistance from police precincts across the United States has fallen onto her plate. 
Talking to Agent Hotchner once a week was both a blessing and a curse. She had her meetings with him Fridays at 4:30PM unless he was away on a case, then it was bumped to the morning after he returned at 8AM. That’s what she has to do this morning. All last week they were in Ohio, they returned around midday on Saturday, had the rest of the weekend off and were scheduled to meet at the round table Monday at 10. 
She wakes up extra early, she has the longest shower of her life so she can wash her hair and shave everything. Then she puts on her makeup and does her hair all nice and she picks an outfit that was equally pretty and professional. It’s exhausting, but she’d do absolutely anything to look good for her boss. Even if it’s wrong and she knows nothing will happen, a girl can dream. 
And she does dream about him. All the time, both awake and asleep. She imagines him walking past her in the hallway, their knuckles brushing ever so lightly because he’d do anything just for the chance to touch her. She imagines him calling her up to his office but instead of asking her to take a seat in the chairs in front of his desk, he sits her on the desk itself, legs open just wide enough for him to stand between them and look down at her. He’d run his finger along her jaw, to her chin so he can force her to look up at him. He’d talk to her in a mere whisper, asking if she’s been good, if she’s done all her work and if she deserves a reward… she gets lost in her daydreams at her desk and before she knows it, he’s standing at the railing in front of his office, calling her name. 
“Are you coming?” 
“Yes sir,” she rushes to her feet, soothes out her dress and grabs her things. “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s alright,” he truly doesn’t mind. He lets her enter his office first, he follows and shuts the door behind himself. “It’s early on a Monday, I’m sure you had fun this weekend?” 
“Not really,” she shakes her head and then swallows sharply. “I uh, I have the reports ready for you, I was expecting to do them Friday, I can’t believe that last case went on 6 days.” 
“It was a tough one,” Hotch agrees, making his way back over to his desk and taking a seat. 
She follows his lead, taking a seat in front of his desk in one of the nice upholstered chairs. She crosses her ankles and sits as straight as she can, her breathing is rigid and she feels so awkward around him all the time. He’s too handsome for a job like this. 
“Are you okay?” He asks, knowing by her body language that something is up. 
She nods, furrowing her brow, she just keeps nodding, unable to find the words. “Yeah. Yeah, no I’m fine. Sorry. I don’t know why I always do this with you.” 
He smirks, leans back in his chair and tries his hardest not to laugh. He’s too good at his job not to know. “I thought you wanted to be a profiler?” 
“Okay,” she nervously pushes that comment to the side and cracks open her file. “I’ve gone through all the cases, I assigned the non-urgent ones to our bullpen agents and then I listed the ones you guys should look into by importance. At the top of the list we have what I think is a family annihilator in Utah who has gotten two families so far in the last 3 weeks. There’s a serial killer in Boston, he killed a man on the 4th of May and then again on the 7th of June. I don't suspect he’ll move to 3 until July, but we never know, he could speed up the process. And then there’s a string of rapes at the colleges in California: CalTech, Berkley, Stanford, Cal-State, but the last vic was murdered in her dorm room in Irvine. I’m not sure if it’s because she saw him this time or if he’s just getting braver.” 
“Why do you think that?” 
“Well, the 4 girls who have come forward so far say he was in a ski mask, so either she saw him this time and he didn’t want her to tell the sketch artist or he just wanted to move to murder. Either way, she’s dead and now that he’s killed he might not be able to stop.” 
“Okay. We’ll brief the family annihilator to the team at 10 but if you hear anything more about this college rapest, you call me,” Hotch says as he goes to stand up. He moves around the desk and takes a seat on the corner. “What can you tell me about our next case?” 
She sighs, “Not much. First, he killed a mother and her 3 daughters were killed, no sexual assault on any of them but there was semen found at the scene so he clearly got off on what he did… I had it ran through CODIS and we didn’t get any matches so he hasn’t been arrested for prior offences. In the second family there was no DNA on the scene but again, he killed another single mother and her son and daughter this time.” 
“Okay. Any connection between the moms?” 
She shakes her head, “Not that I could find. I did however notice that the one daughter from the first murder has a cousin on her dad's side and he played t-ball with the son from the second murder. I don’t have anything else. I’m sure Garcia will be able to get deeper than I can.” 
“You’ve done a wonderful job,” he compliments. “You’ve been a great asset to the whole floor, we haven’t been this organized since 2009.” 
Her body heats up with the smallest of compliments, overjoyed with praise, she smirks and fidgets in her seat. “Thank you, Sir.” 
“You don’t have to call me Sir all the time,” he assures her. “Unless you like it.” 
Her eyes widen, she’s so sure this is another one of her daydreams. “Excuse me?”
“I see the way you look at me, I’m not oblivious.” 
“Sir, I-I-I-” she says it again, going to defend herself but she doesn’t know what else to say.
“You want me.” 
She’s quick to stand up, “I don’t know what’s happening here so I’m going to go.” 
“Wait,” he stalls her. “Please, I didn’t mean to upset you, I just… I’ve noticed how you always dress the nicest on the days we meet and you wear this perfume that I know is well above your pay grade. You get nervous, your brow sweats and your breathing changes. Those are all the telltale signs of a crush. I’m just less obvious in the way I feel about you.” 
“I’m almost positive I’m dreaming right now,” she jokes, unable to believe this is happening. 
“You’re not,” he reaches out for her hand and draws her in closer. From where he’s sitting on the desk, he’s just her height now. 
She stares into his deep brown eyes and swoons. “Hotch…” 
“I want to see where this could go,” he whispers. “We could keep it just between us, no one has to know. I won’t treat you any differently, I promise."
She quickly leans in, taking her chance to kiss him. Their lips touch, his hand comes up to cup her cheek and she can’t help herself from holding his sides, inside his suit jacket. She melts into him. This is everything she’s ever wanted and more. When she pulls back, she stares at him again, “where did this come from?” 
“I really don’t know,” he admits. “I’m always excited to meet with you no matter how terrible the cases are, I enjoy getting to see you in the halls and I smile when you text me. I think you’re wonderful.” 
“Are you sure you just haven’t been single too long,” she teases. “I hear them talk. You dated a woman named Beth, 3 years ago and haven’t even hinted about going on a date since… are you sure you’re not just lonely?” 
“I’m sure,” he nods. “I like you but I don’t want this to ruin how we get our jobs done.” 
“It won’t,” she’s quick to assure him. “I can keep a secret. I can do my job and I can meet you where ever you want for whatever you want.” 
“Whatever I want, huh?” He teases, brushing her hair behind her ear. 
She nods again, more eagerly this time. “Anything, sir.” 
He hums, “I do like the sound of that.” 
“I knew you would, that’s why I keep saying it,” she teases him right back. “I told you I wanted to be a profiler.” 
“So that’s all it takes, huh? I tell you I like you and suddenly you’re comfortable around me?” 
“Mhm,” she nods, biting back a smile. “I was afraid of embarrassing myself before… I honestly don’t know what I’m going to do when I have to brief the team on the new case in an hour.” 
“Just pretend this was another one of your daydreams, I know you can behave yourself for me, can’t you?” 
She nods again, “I’ll be the most professional girl in the world for you.” 
“That’s what I like to hear,” he coos. “And maybe when I get home I can give you a reward.” 
She tries so hard not to moan then and there, “Sounds good, sir.” 
His thumb brushes over her cheekbone, and he tilts his head to the side slightly. She’s never noticed how long his lashes are, but she’s noticing now that he’s staring at her with the biggest puppy dog eyes, “tell me now if you’re 100% sure about this, if you’re not, if this isn’t something you want to do I can back off and I’ll never mention it again. I came on a little too strong, but I’ve been thinking about being with you for a while now. I don’t want you to only say yes because I’m your boss.”
“Aaron,” she uses his real name so that he knows just how serious she is. “I would love nothing more than to sneak around and be with you at work and maybe have some dates outside of work and to be yours. Even if it’s just something casual and fun and for a little bit of time until you tire of me—
“I won’t,” he cuts her off.
“Either way, I want this,” she says quite firmly. “I want you.” 
“Oh yeah, god I can’t even tell you how badly I’ve wished this would happen, I can’t believe it is happening,” she admits, the words just falling from her lips. 
“Well, it is,” he smirks. 
“Can I kiss you again?” 
He nods, pulling her in closer once more, pressing his lips to hers gently at first. She wraps her arms around his back, feeling how warm he is under his jacket and how muscley his back is. The kiss heats up a bit, his hand slips around to the nape of her neck and his other hand rests on her lower back. She can tell he wants to go lower, to cup her ass and pull her flush against him. But he doesn’t, he’s got a semblance of control left as his tongue explores hers for the first time. 
Months and months of dressing up and looking pretty for him, making sure her work was done perfectly and being as nice as humanly possible to him paid off. It paid off so well. Kissing him like this in his office with the blinds closed was better than winning the lottery, honestly. Having his hands on her, his tongue in her mouth, knowing there would be a lot more where this came from… she felt like the luckiest woman in the world. 
And this was just the beginning. 
She went from dressing up once a week to wearing her prettiest outfits every day. She had no idea what days he’d be in the office, she didn’t know how fast they were going to go with this thing they’ve started. She’s never done this before. Sure, she’s had plenty of boyfriends but she’s never had a casual and secret relationship with her boss… she’s seen it in movies, she’s read about it in books, but in practice? She has no idea what to expect. 
Needless to say, she’s been wearing lots of skirts and pretty blouses, she went home that night he came on to her and searched her underwear drawers for her nicest lingerie… but she hated everything she owned. So, she went shopping. She even went as fast as explaining her situation to the sales lady so she could help her out. 
“Is this for a date or an anniversary?” She asked, simply wanting to help.
“Uh…” she struggles to find an answer for her. So she just tells her the truth. “My boss admitted he thinks I’m beautiful and wants to start a casual thing and so I want to be prepared if anything… sexy happens in the office.” 
“Oh,” she’s surprised by that but by the look on her face, she’s excited for her. “Is he older?” 
She nods, “Yeah he’s in his 50s but he’s very handsome you’d have no idea how old he is unless he told you… and we work in a serious field, so like, I have to wear very professional clothes but I want pretty underwear under my suits in case something happens.”
“And do you have a budget?” 
“I don’t want to spend more than like 2, 3 hundred,” she confirms. “Can you help me?” 
“Gladly,” she smiles, dragging Y/N through the store and tossing her pair after pair of bras and panties as well as lace body suits, garter belts and thigh-high stockings. She has so many things by the time she gets to the dressing room, she’s so overwhelmed but the lady knew exactly what she was doing. 
Trying them on, she’s never felt so hot in her whole life. She has no shame opening the curtain and showing the sales assistant, who tightens straps and re-situates her boobs in the bras. “You look hot… hot enough for an affair with your boss.” 
“Oh, he’s not married,” she corrects her. “He got divorced in 2007… he’s been single for years, he said he’s never had the confidence to hit on an employee before but apparently because I’m so obvious with my crush on him, he’s confident enough to start something.” 
“Mhm, they all say that,” she’s hesitant to believe it. 
“No, I think he’s being serious, I mean, in our job its kinda hard to lie to each other—
“What do you do?” 
“I consult on criminal cases,” she simplifies it so she doesn’t know she’s an FBI agent. 
“Oh, oooh,” she’s really surprised. “Do you have darker dress shirts that these pieces won’t be seen underneath?” 
“Yeah, I have a lot of darker blouses and dresses, I mostly wear black and grey,” she shares. Catching a glimpse of herself in the mirror, she turns to the side, admiring herself. “I love this.” 
“You’ve looked amazing in everything.”
“I’ll take them all,” she gives in, not caring how much she’s about to spend if the end result is Aaron Hotchner being unable to resist her. She wants to render him speechless, have him wanting to rip everything off her and even put on a little show when she eventually has to redress. 
This was going to be fun. 
He texts her work phone in the middle of the night on Thursday. 
“We finished the case. Can you meet with me in the morning to talk about California?” 
She sees it when she wakes up. Anxiety bubbles in her stomach, seeing him again was going to be interesting. She has just enough time to shower, moisturize, do her makeup, and get all dressed up in a new lingerie set and thigh-high stockings and slips a dress over top. She goes over the case on her subway ride into Quantico and she sits in his office promptly at 8am, before Hotch even arrives. 
When he gets in she knows it because the bullpen goes quiet. The morning mingling dies down as he climbs the few sets leading to his office and then picks up again once his door is shut. He drops his suitcase on the couch by his filing cabinet, shakes off his coat and starts unbuttoning his cuffs to push his sleeves up his forearms. “Good morning.” 
“Morning… how are you?” 
“Tired,” he admits, already reaching for the blinds to twist them closed. “How are you?” 
“I’m okay,” she says, hoping he believes her. “I don’t really have any updates on the case in California, we haven’t had any more college campus rapes or murders, he normally takes a week or 2 off between victims.” 
“You know that’s not why I invited you in here,” he teases, already at the last blind. Once he’s done he turns to her,  “Come here.” 
She puts the file down on the other chair and stands carefully, making sure her dress is still neatly laying against her body. “I know… I just, I don’t know what to expect from you anymore, that’s all.”
He places his hands on her shoulders and soothes down her arms, holding her by her elbows and staring into her eyes, “I want to see you when I get back from my cases, that’s all.” 
“It’s too bad I can’t come with you,” she teases with a smile. “I’d be able to keep you company and help you destress.” 
He laughs, “Everyone would catch on to us if we did that.” 
“I know,” she sighs. A girl can dream, though. “Was it a hard case?” 
He shakes his head, “Not necessarily.” 
“That’s good, at least,” she tries so hard to keep the conversation going but she doesn’t know what else to say other than asking him questions. 
“Have any other cases popped up that you think we should look into?” He asks. 
She shakes her head, “it’s been a pretty tame week, I’ve referred a couple cases to agents around the office and they’re all handling them well. I’ve had a few phone calls from different precincts asking for advice so I helped where I could and sent them up the chain of command where I couldn't. Nothing to worry about.” 
“You take such good care of this place while I’m away,” he compliments, his hands now on her waist, travelling lower. “do you remember what I said on Monday?” 
She nods, “that I’d be rewarded for my good work… but I have a question.”
“Okay?” He smirks, amused. 
“What happens if I do a terrible job?” 
“Oh,” he wasn’t expecting that. “Well, then you’d be punished.” 
She hums, thinking about it. “Good to know.” 
“Is that something you’d want?” 
She shrugs, “I’m not sure, I haven’t seen what it’s like to be rewarded for my good behaviour yet, sir.” 
“You’re a bit of a brat, aren’t you?” 
“Mhm,” she has no shame in it. “I have no idea what to expect with all of this, I might as well have some fun while it lasts.” 
“Do you want to discuss expectations and limits, would that ease your mind?” 
She nods, “very much so.” 
“You’re allowed to say no, encouraged to, even. This isn’t all about me. Yes, I want you, yes I’d love to take you right here on my desk but I care about you feeling safe and secure. If you rather only mess around at hotels or your apartment, I’m okay with that, too. On nights my son is with his aunt or a friend, you can come to my house, if he’s home I can’t do anything with you. Unless, maybe on the phone but even then, I have to be quiet.” 
“That’s understandable.” 
“What we do together should be fun,” he reminds her. “A lot of this job isn’t. If you need to destress, I’m willing to take whichever role you need from me—
“Aaron Hotchner’s a switch?” She can’t help cutting him off, she’s too surprised. 
He nods. “Giving my power away is sometimes the best way for me to feel normal and okay again.” 
She’s quick to touch his face, dragging her hands down his neck and resting them on his chest, she stares between his lips and his eyes repeatedly. “You let me know when you need that, I want to be just as accommodating to you as you want to be for me.” 
“Thank you,” he says, leaning in to share a sweet kiss with her, he rests his forehead on hers. “I’ve always known you’d be special to me, I just didn’t know to what extent we’d take this, if ever.” 
She smiles, “I wished something would happen so often that it finally did.”
He pulls her in even closer so their bodies are flush together, “tell me… how should I reward you?” 
“Do I have options, sir?” 
He groans, knowing just how fun this is going to be for him. “You could pleasure me, I could pleasure you… what do you consider a reward?” 
“You’re gonna make me say it?” She suddenly feels bashful, shy even. 
He nods, “I need to know, pretty girl, what do you consider a reward?” 
“Anything you’re willing to give me, sir.” 
He backs away from her then, “On the desk,” he orders. 
She walks around him, pushes his laptop and files further up the cherry wood and sits on the edge of his desk, awaiting further instruction. He moves back to the door, locking it as quietly as humanly possible, so as not to alert anyone outside. When he returns to her, he places his hands on her knees, tracing along her inner thighs to get her to spread her legs just enough for him to stand between them. His fingers reach the lace at the top of her stockings and he smirks, “Are you wearing a garter belt?” 
“You tell me,” she teases. 
He pushes the hem of her dress up, and she leans to each side allowing him to push the dress all the way up to her hips so he can see the black little number she put on just for him. “Well, aren’t you pretty.” 
“You like, sir?” 
He looks at her with so much hunger in his eyes, he takes a seat in his chair and takes a better look between her legs. He reaches under his seat, dropping it as low as it can go until he’s at eye level with her pussy, he traces his fingers along the inside of her thighs and then hooks his arms around them, hauling her to the very edge of the desk. He kisses from her right knee all the way down to the seam of her panties, over her underwear and up to her left knee. “Is this what you wanted?” 
She nods, “Please?” 
“please what?” 
“Please, sir.” 
He hums against her, loops his finger under her panties and pulls them to the side. He kisses her bare pussy first before spreading her lips with his fingers and licks at her. She tosses her head back, holding in a moan but fuck, it feels so good. 
“Can I— oh my god, can I touch, can I—
“Spit it out,” he looks up at her, brow raised, wondering what she wants. 
“Your hair, can I grip your hair or will I mess it up for the rest of the day?” 
“I don’t care how my hair looks,” he laughs. “Do your worst.” 
As soon as he returns, she wastes no time running her fingers through his hair. His tongue flicks back and forth on her clit impossibly fast, then he drags his tongue along her folds as if he was making out with her cunt. It felt way too good for her to be this quiet but with the number of people just past the glass windows of his office, she had no other choice. 
She makes little gasps and sighs, she grips his hair tighter and grinds against his face, enjoying her reward to the fullest. She was going to be the best damn Media Liaison the team had ever fucking seen if this is what she gets out of it. She could feel the electricity coursing through her veins, she was becoming addicted to each and every motion he made with his tongue and then he added a finger. 
She stared at his hands long enough, imagined in a hundred different ways how good it would feel to ride them, suck on them, interlock their hands while he held them over her head and fucked her 6 ways to Sunday. 
This was more than she ever imagined. 
He knows exactly what he’s doing either through previous practice or a natural-born talent, either way, she’s right on the edge of orgasm with the curl of his middle finger. She starts to squeeze her legs closed when she gets close, his free hand comes up to grip her thigh in an attempt to push them open again. He looks up at her through his lashes, watching her reach her peak. 
Her breathing picks up right then, she’s so careful not to be loud but god, she wants to scream it feels so good. It comes rushing over her all at once, he keeps going as she rides it out and then it all feels like too much. She grips his hair tighter and pulls him back, “holy fuck?” She pants. 
He smirks. “You’re so pretty when you cum,” he teases, retracting his finger from inside her, he places it inside his mouth and sucks her juices off with a groan. “Taste good too, sweet thing.” 
“Thank you,” she manages to say while still catching her breath. Her head spinning, and her legs feel wobbly, too. 
He moves her panties back over her, making sure she’s just as put together now as she was when she arrived. “Now you know what I mean by rewarding your good behaviour.” 
Her hand is still in his hair, she moves to cup his cheek instead, “Yes, sir, I’m going to be so good for you.” 
“I don’t doubt it,” he says, slowly standing. That’s when she notices how hard he is. Her hand trails down his chest, towards his belt, “you don’t have to deal with that.” 
“I want to,” she practically begs with her eyes. “How can I help?” 
“If I cum now I’m going to be useless for the rest of the day,” he admits, “we can handle it later.” 
“Okay,” she doesn’t push, respecting his boundary. “You call me in here when you need me.” 
“I will… now if anyone asks, you filed something wrong and I gave you trouble for it, that’s what you say if they ask,” he orders, having thought of everything. 
She nods, agreeing with the story. He backs up a bit, giving her the room to hop off his desk and stand again. She doesn’t feel totally secure on her feet yet but luckily her desk wasn’t too far away. He cups her cheek and quickly pulls her in for a kiss, she can taste herself on his tongue. It gets hot and heavy quite quick, she pulls him flush against herself and he absentmindedly grinds against her before he pulls back, he can’t go any further right now. 
He sighs, resting his forehead against hers, “I want to, believe me, but I can’t. We’ll figure out a way to get together later, I promise.” 
“Alright,” she believes him. “I should get back to my desk now.” 
He nods and lets her slip past him. She gives him the smallest smile before opening the door and heading out of the room. Back to her desk, she goes.
Back at her desk now, she works on her files and answers the phone a million times while the main team drinks coffee and jokes around with each other. Hotch has a few more visitors to his office, he keeps the door open the whole time and he stares at her through his now-opened blinds. She feels like she’s on fire every time she catches his glances, she always catches them too, like now that they’ve hooked up she has a stronger radar and can tell exactly when he’s looking. 
She wanders over to the little kitchenette, makes herself a coffee and is about to head back to her desk when Anderson pops up with a shit-eating grin, blocking her way out.
“What was with you being in there for an hour with the blinds closed?”Anderson asks in a whisper. 
“Oh, I filed something wrong and he’s not having a good day so he went off on me,” she lies, pretty convincingly. “I might have to stay back and refile a few things tonight.” 
“Boo,” Anderson sulks, “I was going to see if you wanted to come out with the office gang?” 
She sighs, she would really love to but she can’t. Not if Hotch is home. “I’d really love to, but I can’t. Maybe sometime this weekend?” 
“Yeah, I’ll text you,” he agrees, backing up and out of her way, about to skip away. “Have fun with your files.” 
“You know I won’t,” she cheerfully calls back to him. 
Just as she arrives back at her desk, Hotch comes out of his office, file in hand, and walks down the steps towards her. He drops the file on her desk, “can you go over this one again, please?” 
“Absolutely, sir,” she nods, giving him a small smile. “Sorry again for messing them up, I don’t know what was going through my head this week.” 
“It’s fine, just don’t let it happen again,” he orders, playing the role perfectly. 
She swallows sharply, nodding along, “It won’t.” 
He walks past her, on his way over to make a coffee for himself. She opens the file and there’s a blue sticky note stuck to the inside of the file. “Meet me tonight” and the address to a hotel, room number and instructions to check in under the name “Lewis” 
She’s quick to take it out of the file, fold it up and tuck it into her bra for safekeeping. 
She stays late that night, she doesn’t leave the office until 7:30 when she sees Hotch through his office window, putting his suit jacket back on. She grabs her purse, her phone and her badge and she heads out first, knowing she won’t beat him there.
She takes a taxi to the hotel, makes her way to the front desk and asks, “I’m checking in, the name on the account is Lewis? Should be a queen or king bed, my partner might’ve already checked in as well?” 
“Yes, Mrs. Lewis, he has… you’re in room 902, penthouse,” the concierge confirms. She runs the plastic key through the reader, activating it and then hands it to her. “Have a good evening.” 
“Thank you, you too,” she can’t help but smile. 
She heads up the elevator to the top floor, gobsmacked that this is really happening. He booked the best room in the hotel for them just to fuck… she was sure she’s just been in one long dream where everything good happens to her. 
When the elevator doors open, Aaron is down the hall from her, leaning against the doorframe. “You made it.” 
She laughs, shaking her head with a smile, she’s so overwhelmed with feelings for him. She quickly walks to him, watches him stand up straight and engulf her in his arms before bringing her in for a heated kiss. He wastes no time now that they’re free from the confines of the FBI, he pushes her up against the door, trails kisses down the side of her neck and lightly sucks at the pulse point, making her moan. 
She has the room key in her hand still, she reaches back and slams it against the card reader and he quickly pushes the door open. Walking backwards is tough, but he gets her into the room, she throws her purse to the side and then it’s her turn to push him against the door and kiss his neck. She pushes his suit jacket off his shoulders and he lets it fall to the floor, she starts unbuttoning his shirt and he unzips her dress all the way. 
She’s able to undo all the buttons and tug his shirt out of his pants, “What are you going to do to me tonight?” She teases, running her hands down his bare chest, towards his belt. 
“Ruin you,” he growls, his voice so low and dark it makes her whole body tingle. “Make it so you can’t even touch yourself without thinking of me.” 
“You accomplished that a long time ago,” she admits, taking a step back from him, he attempts to pull her back in but she pushes back. She needs the space to let her dress drop to the floor. She steps out of it and kicks it to the side, now she’s just in her new lingerie and her heels. 
He pulls his arms out of his shirt, tossing it to the floor too. She steps back in closer, unfastening his belt and working on his zipper. “I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve wished this would happen, Sir.” 
“You can call me Aaron, you know?” 
She looks up at him and lightly tips her head to the side, “You don’t really want that, do you, Sir?” 
“You’re a mouthy little thing,” He teases before he reaches out for her and tosses her over his shoulder, making her squeal in surprise. He smacks her ass lightly before walking her into the room and throwing her down on the bed. 
She has a chance to look around the room to see just how big and cool it is. She’s never been in a penthouse suite before… he’s clearly already been in the room seeing as the lights are dimmed and the fireplace is on and there’s a bottle of champagne in an ice bucket on the ottoman at the foot of the bed. “Holy shit?” 
“What? Can’t I treat my best girl to a good view?” 
She looks back at him, watching him kick out of his shoe and slip his dress pants all the way down. She sucks in a shaky breath and her mouth opens to speak but words escape her. He’s the view. He has the softest sprinting of chest hair, he’s muscled but he also has a bit of a tummy cause he eats mostly fast food when on a case and spends a lot of his time in the air or in a car. He doesn’t work out as much as he wants to, but that didn’t matter because his arms are still jacked and his thighs are thick… he looks delicious. 
She gets to her knees and kneels on the edge of the bed, pulling him closer she runs her hands down his chest, avoiding eye contact while she takes him all in. He has scars littered around his chest down to his underwear line and it breaks her heart a little. She knew the story. Everyone knew it. He was attacked by The Reaper in 2009, just months before his ex-wife was murdered and he then killed the guy with his own bare hands… she sighs, looking up into his eyes, “You’re so handsome, you know that, right?” 
He gives her a little smile. “Thank you.” 
“I mean it,” she cups his face gently with one hand. “Is this why you haven’t dated?” 
He nods, “Explaining it to Beth was really hard… I kept my shirt on most of the time.” 
“You don’t have to explain anything to me,” she says. Not because she already knows but because it doesn’t affect anything between them, going forward. 
He leans in and kisses her again, helping her lay back against the bed he crawls between her legs and lightly rests his chest against hers. She instantly loves this. Feeling him everywhere, his tongue on hers, his big hand cradling her head and the pressure of his body pressed against her own. She wraps her legs around him, holding him there and he grinds down on her. She always thought he’d be well endowed and from the feeling of his budge against her, she knew she was right. She runs her hands over his shoulders, gripping at his skin, she traces her nails down his back. 
He nips at her lip, pulling gently and then he places his hand beside her head, pushing himself up so he hovers over her. “Are you on any kind of birth control?” 
“Uh, yeah… what time is it?” She asks, turning her head to see his Rolex on his wrist. It’s almost 8:30 now. “I need to take it in half an hour actually.” 
“You can take it earlier, it doesn’t affect you if you’re within 5 hours before or after but it’s better to do it before,” he explains as he pulls away from her. 
“Okay, I didn’t realize I was hooking up with Reid,” she teases. “Can you get me my purse?” 
“I can,” he gets off the bed and retrieves her purse from where it was flung by the door. Before he brings it over to her he stops by the mini bar and grabs her a tiny bottle of water. 
He hands her the purse and watches her dig out the little blister pack, she pops out a tiny red-ish pill and he cracks open the bottle of water for her. “Thank you,” she gives him a little smile before she takes it. She swallows it down and then hands him back the bottle. “I also haven’t had sex in a while, so, if you don’t want to use a condom I’m completely safe and very willing.” 
He moves her purse back to the floor with a smirk, “very willing…” he teases her. “You keep mentioning all these dreams you had about me, are you ever going to tell me one so I can make it come true.” 
“You already did this morning,” she smiles, pulling him back onto the bed so they’re both kneeling, facing each other. She wraps her arms loosely around his neck, resting her forearms on his shoulders and she sighs. “All I wanted was you.”
he wraps his arms around her waist and pulls her in as close as possible. “Now you have me,” he leans in and kisses her lips, her nose and then her forehead. “All of me.” 
“Show me,” she whispers, “give it all to me.”
He lays her back down against the bed and starts to kiss down her neck to her chest, he nibbles at her skin, sucking gently so he doesn’t leave any marks but he really wants to. He wants everyone to see it and know she’s taken. He keeps kissing lower and lower until he’s at her stomach. He finally takes a moment to look at her lingerie and smirk. “This is very pretty, by the way.” 
“I got it for you,” she admits. 
“I don't want you spending money for me,” he says, disappointed. 
“It was more for me. I want to look nice and I didn’t feel pretty in anything I already owned. Sue me,” she retorts. 
He just shakes his head, she was too mouthy for her own good. Kneeling between her legs he reaches for the clips on her garter belt and releases her stockings. He tosses her heels to the floor and then slowly, he lifts her leg and starts to slide the nylon sock all the way off. Replacing where it once lay with more kisses, down to her knee and then he lets her leg fall back to the mattress to repeat his actions with the other. 
She loves watching him like this, he treats her body like it’s the most delicate thing in the world. He worships her. Kneeling between her legs like she’s the alter and he’s trying to find faith, she is his new religion but his touch is heaven. 
He pulls her panties all the way off, her garter says around her waist and he reaches behind her back to undo her bra. He peels it off of her and flings all 4 items to the floor then returns to her, he hovers there for a moment and then leans in to lick at her nipple, making her gasp. He sucks it into his mouth, palming the other with his huge hand, she thought she had pretty decently sized boobs until she saw how big his hands still looked on them. She moans when he sucks on the nipple and then lets it go, he gently blows over it, making her shiver to her core. 
“Do you want me to go down on you again or just get right to it?” 
“Fuck, don’t make me choose?” She looks at him like he’s crazy. “I mean, if I really got a choice I’d be going down on you to make up for this morning.” 
He laughs, “You want my cock that bad?” 
She nods, “dreamed about it, actually.” Remembering how he asked to know more about these dreams of hers, she decides to tell him. “I want to spend an afternoon under your desk with your cock down my throat. I want you to answer the phone and try and keep your composure, I want Anderson to come in and ask if you’ve seen me and watch you try and tell him no when I’m right in front of you, about to make you cum again. Maybe even rub my dumb little cunt on your shoe, polish the leather with my damp panties, and if I’m lucky, have a few orgasms myself while I cockwarm you.” 
He can’t believe all that just came out of her mouth. He simply wraps his arms around her and rolls them over so she’s now on top, “do whatever you want to me.” 
She kisses him deeply, feeling down his chest to his boxers, she grips his cock through the fabric and starts to stroke him gently. She kisses his neck and down his chest, paying a loving amount of attention to his scars on her way down. She takes a deep breath before she pulls his boxers down and frees him finally, watching how his erection stands tall and smacks against his stomach, he’s so much bigger than she imagined. 
She kisses both of his hip bones and the tip of his cock before licking it from base to tip. Staring him in his glossy eyes the whole time. “This is my specialty,” she teases before taking his cock down her throat in one go and making him reach out and grip her hair a bit too tight, but it felt good. 
She hollowed out her cheeks as she sucked back up to the tip, leaving her lips together and gliding them down to the base and licking back up to start it all over again. Swirling her tongue at random times and flicking his slit to really drive him crazy. 
“Sweet fucking Christ,” Aaron groans, trying his hardest to stay moderately quiet, but almost failing miserably when the tip hit the back of her throat. 
She gags only a little, her eyes water and she tries her best to breathe through her nose. Whatever doesn’t fit in her mouth, she jerks off to the best of her ability but he’s so thick even her hand doesn’t quite wrap around him completely. 
“Baby, baby,” he rushes out, getting her to pull off. “I’m too close.” 
With her lips swollen and spit dripping down her chin she looks at him, confused, “Do you not want me to swallow?” 
“No, no, I mean, yeah, sometime in the future, but I’m not a spring chicken, I’m not going to be able to fuck you if I finish now,” he explains. 
She pouts but she understands, “You wanna fuck me that bad?” 
He manages to laugh, “Yeah, I do.” He sits up, resting on his one forearm, he reaches out and cups her cheek, “Like you, I’ve been thinking about this for a while.” 
She hums, straddles his hips and pulls him up to a sitting position. Chest to chest again, she runs her fingers through his hair and lightly kisses him once, twice, and a third time. “I want you to show me.”
“Lay back against the pillow,” he orders and she’s quick to listen. She lays on the bed the correct way, resting her head on the soft feather pillow. She watches him push his boxers all the way off and then spreads her legs wide enough for him to once again kneel between them. He rubs his thumb over her clit, noticing how wet she is from a bit of kissing and sucking his dick. “Let me just—“ he says as he leans down and has a little taste. 
He sucks on her clit and lets it go with a pop, then he kisses back up her body, slowly pressing himself against her. He grinds against her, wraps his arms around her and cradles her there. He buries his face in her neck, kissing her as his cock rubs against her pussy this time. She reaches between them, helping him angle his cock at her opening and then he slips in slowly. She lets out a shocked gasp, in disbelief at how intense the stretch is. 
“You’re taking me so well,” he praises. “Fuck, you’re tight.” 
She swoons, hearing his deep voice, feeling him everywhere… it’s everything she’s ever dreamed of. With one hand still stuck between her and the mattress, he frees the other and grabs ahold of her thigh, pushing her leg up, he looks between them and moans. Watching himself as he pulls out gently and pushes back in ever so slightly, wanting her to get used to the stretch. The last thing he wants to do is hurt her. But he wants to go faster, he needs it. He craves it and it’s written all over his face. 
“Fuck me,” she whispers, “please, please sir, I need it.” 
He drops his head back down to the crook of her neck with a groan, thrusting into her a bit harder, he starts to snap his hips against hers at a quicker pace. Being in a hotel room, on a floor with only 4 rooms total, she doesn’t feel bad as she lets out a loud moan. She tosses her head back against the pillow even further, her nails grip his back and scratch him slightly. He’s still holding one of her thighs up, his hand cupped in her knee pit, pushing it up as far as it can go as he pile-drives into her. 
She grips his hair at the nape of his neck and pulls him out of hiding, “kiss me,” she begs. He slams his mouth against hers, the two of them immediately clashing tongues and breathing heavily into the other's mouth. It’s so heated, so intense, she feels him so deep inside her, hot skin on top of her, wet tongue in her mouth. It’s so much. It’s everything. 
He pulls his hand out from underneath her and slows his thrusts momentarily. He reaches for another pillow and stuffs it under her, arching her back so he slams past her G-spot with each thrust. He lets go of her other leg and she immediately wraps them around him, he picks up his thrusts again, now using one hand to hold himself up and the other snakes down her stomach to rub her clit with his thumb. 
She moans again, pulling him back in for a kiss because if she doesn’t do something with her mouth she’s going to go insane. He’s much deeper now that she’s at a different angle, his quick thrusts cause him to pour against her cervix over and over again making her let out little breathy moans. 
Suddenly, as if all at once, she’s right on the edge, “Aaron, Aaron,” she chants his name. “oh my god, right there, right there,” is all she can say as her orgasm bursts through her, causing her legs to quake and her grip to tighten. Her nails dig into his skin, he hisses and pulls away from kissing her, stops rubbing her clit and fucks her even faster as he chases his own orgasm. 
With her legs still locked around him, he has the idea she wants him to finish inside and so he does. With a deep moan, he thrusts one last time, cumming deep inside her, breathing heavily against her neck, he drops down against her body. Hot and sweaty, exhausted and euphoric, he manages to laugh, “Holy fuck?” 
“Yeah,” is all she can say. Also still out of breath from it all. 
She gently runs her fingers over his back, he keeps kissing her neck, the two of them sweetly recovering together as if that wasn’t the dirtiest sex either of them has had in a while. 
“Thank you,” she whispers, running her fingers through his hair at the nape of his neck. “That was amazing.” 
He snuggles into her more, wrapping his arms back around her, “Yeah, it was…” 
“Are you going to fall asleep on me?” She asks, not even caring that he’s still inside of her too. 
He nods, “I want to, but I’ve gotta get you cleaned up.” He sighs and starts to sit up. He hovers over her one last time, brushes her hair behind her ear and he smiles. “You’re beautiful.” 
She steals a kiss instead of thanking him, letting him feel how grateful she is that way. He pulls away with an audible smooch and slowly but surely pulls out of her, watching himself the whole time. He uses his boxers to gently wipe her down, saving the sheets from a stain. Once he gets off the bed he reaches out for her, he picks her up bridal style and carries her over to the massive bathroom. 
“Holy shit?” She says as she looks around. There is a two-person shower with a waterfall feature, a bathtub big enough to swim in and his and her sinks. This room must be so expensive just for one night. 
“Did you want to take a bath?” He asks as he sets her down on her feet. 
She shakes her head, “Not this time… maybe we can come back?” 
He nods, “On a weekend maybe?” 
“I’m normally free whenever you are,” she reminds him with a smile. “But, um, can you go? I have to pee.” 
He laughs, “Really? After everything we did, you’re afraid for me to hear you pee?” 
“Yeah, I am,” she laughs a little, realizing how crazy that is. “Go, you can use it next.” She pushes him gently. 
“Fine, I’m going!” He says, closing the door behind himself and then she’s alone. 
She does her thing, checks her makeup and her hair and sighs. She’s lucky she keeps some makeup in her purse and she has a change of clothes at work because she’s not going home tonight. 
She still has her stupid garter around her waist, other than that she’s completely naked and nervous to walk back out there. She wants a shirt. Maybe he has one… she opens the door just a crack and calls for him. “Hey, Aaron?”
“Yeah?” He calls back and then appears in front of the door, changing into a new pair of boxers and a grey t-shirt. “What’s up?” 
“Do you have a shirt that would fit me, that I can borrow? And can you bring me my underwear?” 
“Yeah, of course,” he doesn’t mind at all. It takes him a second but then he returns, he has a blank white t-shirt and her underwear. “Are you okay?” 
She nods, “Yeah, thank you.” 
“I’m a little hungry, did you want food?” 
“Um… yeah, I’ll eat whatever you want to order.”
“I can get you anything, what do you want?” He restates his question. He’d really do anything for her. 
“Um… a Greek salad? And if they could put some grilled chicken in it, I’d love that… and drink, Pepsi or coke, whatever they have— I don’t mind.” 
“You got it, beautiful.” 
That makes her blush on the inside, she feels butterflies and her face heats up. She’s falling in love with him slowly but surely. Of course, she was. He’s Aaron Freaking Hotchner… who wouldn’t fall in love with him? She quickly changes and heads back out into the main room. 
It's almost 10pm, it’s dark outside, and the room is dimly lit and cozy as hell with the fake fireplace on but no heat coming out of it. The rooms are set to a perfect temperature, she can hear Aaron on the phone with room service still, so she takes a chance to look around their suite. It’s huge. There's an office, a living room with nice chairs and a piano and of course, their king-sized bed. 
She takes a seat on the mattress and reaches for the bottle of Champagne, reading it over while she waits for Aaron to come back. She feels like she’s in a movie… pretty woman or something like that. Amazing sex with a rich man, older man, in penthouse suite she didn’t have to pay for. It’s almost a bit too much. 
Aaron plops himself down on the bed beside her, smiling, “You want some?” 
“Did it come with the room?”
He nods, “I told them it was our anniversary… free things are always fun.” 
“Well, Mr. Lewis, I think we have to open it, then, don’t we?” 
“I think you’re right, Mrs. Lewis,” he teases, taking the bottle from her. He peels off the wrapping, untwists the wire and carefully pops the cork without making a huge mess. 
She hops off the bed and runs over to the little bar, she takes two champagne flutes off the shelf and returns to him with a smile. “I’ve never had expensive champagne before.” 
“It all still tastes a little like paint thinner,” he says, completely serious. 
She laughs, “When have you tasted paint thinner?” 
He smirks, “I haven’t, I just mean the taste is almost as strong as paint thinner smells- if that makes any sense?” 
“We should’ve gotten some strawberries, apparently it makes it taste better,” she shares, remembering it from Pretty Woman, yet again. 
“I know, I’ve seen the movie—
“You’ve seen pretty woman?” 
He nods, “My ex-wife took me to see it when it first opened back in the ’90s.” 
She feels a bit awkward then, gritting her teeth, “Sorry.” 
“It’s fine, it’s been long enough, it doesn’t hurt as bad anymore,” he assures her. “I’m doing better than I ever imagined I could, I have a kid who’s happy and loves me and my work life is… okay? I mean, no one wants me dead that I know of, at least. And I have you.” 
“Oh, Aaron,” she swoons, she finds a place to put her drink and she quickly cups his face. “You are the sweetest man in the world?”
“Everyones always surprised—
“It’s because of your ever-present frown at work,” she teases. “But I get it, if I had to see what you’ve seen every day for the last 20 years, I’d frown a lot too.” 
He puts his glass down too, wraps his arms around her middle and he pulls her in for a kiss. He backs her up towards the bed once more, cradling her head and back as he lays her down once more. This was going to be a long night.
She wakes up alone the next morning. He’s left her a note on the hotel stationary saying he had to get home to be there when his son woke up. He takes him to school every morning he can. She understands that, she actually finds it very charming that he’s such a good father and he cares so much that she’s not too upset about waking up alone. 
She never brought a bag with her last night, so she gets redressed in yesterday's outfit. She has a go-bag at work for when home cases keep her in the office more than 24 hours, she’ll just change into one of those outfits if she can. 
She’s in the elevator on her way down to the lobby when a text comes in, there’s been another attack in California, he’s hit U of C Davis this time and killed again. Looks like the team will be headed there this afternoon. 
When she arrives at the office, she’s in the middle of a phone call with one of the detectives in LA, she doesn’t have time to change, she just heads right to the fax machine. She gathers all the new information, files it and sends the copies to the main team's tablets and prints off a paper file for Doctor Reid. She lays them all down in the briefing room and then heads to Aaron's office. She knocks once on his open door and gets his attention, Derek and Dave are in there with him. 
“Sorry, Sir, the California College Rapist killed again, I have the case ready for briefing at the round table,” she announces. 
“We’ll be right in,” he announces, standing from his desk. He’s changed at least. In a nice grey suit with a blue tie, he looks handsome. 
“Okay,” she gives him a small smile and heads back down to the bullpen, the others are gathered at Spencer's desk, talking over coffee and donuts that one of them must’ve brought in. She cuts into their conversation when she can, “Sorry, I hate to bother you but we have a case, the others are meeting in the briefing room shortly.” 
“Okay, thanks we’ll be right in,” JJ says with a smile. 
She doesn't even remember that she’s wearing the same outfit as yesterday until Derek walks into the briefing room with the rest of the gang in tow. 
“Is that the same outfit as yesterday?” He asks, trying to tease her. 
She looks down and gets flustered, not knowing what to say. “Uh, yeah. It is.” 
“And is that a hickey?” He points to her chest, it’s just barely hidden by her dress strap. 
She looks down at it and realizes that yes, it is. She looked in the mirror at the hotel, earlier, just to check her makeup and make sure she didn’t look too fucked out and crazy. She washed it off and fixed her hair, she was going to reapply her makeup in the taxi on the way to work but she was on the phone the whole time. She didn’t even think to check for marks or bruises when she was in front of the mirror… now she’s horrified. 
“Look at you, gettin’ some on a Thursday night,” Derek teases again, making the rest of the team snicker. 
She doesn’t know what to do or say she’s just frozen with embarrassment. She never noticed Aaron standing in the doorway either. 
“Hey, enough,” Hotch raises his voice a bit. “She’s here to show us a serious case, she’s clearly been busy this morning, cut her some slack before we’re all forced into another HR seminar because of you, Derek.” 
“Right, sorry—
“Don’t apologize to me,” he references Y/N. 
“Sorry, Y/N,” Derek says with a look of true sincerity on his face. 
“It’s fine,” she brushes past it and picks up her tablet and remote. “Um, I’ve been keeping a close eye on this case in California..” 
She heads into her spiel, she’s rehearsed it in her head a number of times for when this moment came and now it’s here. She walks them through each case, all the evidence and the theories that the local cops have so far. Because it’s crossed jurisdictions, the cops didn’t consider them connected until the 4th girl came forward and yet another sketch of the same man was uploaded to VICAP. 
“He’s an anger excitation rapist, getting more daring with each case, he’s now killed twice and he thinks that by hitting a different college each time, he can evade the police,” She explains. “I’ve asked the police to keep it to themselves that we know these are all connected and they’ve brought in the 4 alive victims for both protection and so we can interview them when you arrive,” she explains. 
“You’ve done a fantastic job,” Hotch compliments her as he pushes his chair back and stands up, he gathers his files and his tablet and looks at the clock. “I had Anderson tell the pilot to ready the Jet before we sat down, wheels up in 15… Y/L/N, follow me.” 
“Yes sir,” she follows him out of the room and around the bullpen, towards his office. 
“I want you to take JJ’s old office,” he announces. “Facilities management is going to be emptying it within the next few hours and then you can move into it. These cases are delicate and I can’t have you on the floor discussing intimate details of the case, now you’ll have a whole room to yourself.” 
She feels a sense of pride rip through her, like she’s finally made it here even though she knows this is probably to do with their affair. “Thank you, sir, I really appreciate it.” 
He steps even closer to her and lowers her voice, “This isn’t a reward or a bribe to keep this thing between us quiet. I genuinely appreciate all the work you do for this team and that office has been and always will be for the Media Liaison. You deserve that office, I’m sorry it’s taken so long for you to get it.” 
“Aaron,” she smiles up at him. “Thank you.” 
He reaches out for her hand and gives it a loving squeeze, wishing he could kiss her goodbye but the blinds are open, anyone could see. And then he’s gone, brushing past her and rushing down the stairs, he meets the others in the bullpen and together they head out the double glass doors. 
She sighs. Before it was nice to watch him leave, she could stare at his butt and giggle to herself… now she’s completely enamoured with him and watching him go fills her stomach with fear. All she wants is for him to come home in one piece. To come home to her. 
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@ssamorganhotchner @hotchsdoormat thank you for your encouragement while writing this fic, its gotten so long I'm breaking it up into two parts just so i don't crash the app like I've done with my other long fics <3 hope you like it
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@ncsls0515 @stevesmunsons @reidsbookclub @sweetyyhippyy @manuosorioh @mrs-dr-reid @k-k0129 @squishyturtle @katsukis1wife @babybisexual @marsmunson86
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