shadandrews · 7 months
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back on my ffxiv grind....i have made it to Shadowbringers...
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lasaraconor · 13 days
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A trio of municipalities devastated by British Columbia’s 2021 floods are blasting the federal government over access to prevention funds.
The mayors of Abbotsford, Merritt and Princeton held a joint press conference Monday to vent their frustration after their applications for the federal Disaster Mitigation and Adaptation Fund (DMAF) were denied.
“We are dumbfounded as to why the federal government has chosen to abandon our communities our region and our province,” Abbotsford Mayor Ross Siemens said.
“This was the most expensive natural disaster in Canadian history, and for the first time we witnessed a nine-day closure of a key transporting corridor through the Fraser Valley.” [...]
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Tagging: @newsfromstolenland, @vague-humanoid
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bluuscreen · 3 months
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using default brushes to colour/paint is fun sometimes actually
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carriecorzetti · 10 months
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i dont think i ever posted him, surprisingly!
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neonshrike · 8 months
What Musicals the Horsemen Would Like:
Dylan: Next to Normal, Wicked
Danny: Chess, The Phantom of the Opera
Jack: Hamilton, Moulin Rouge!
Merritt: Chicago, West Side Story
Lula: Beetlejuice, Six
Henley: Hadestown, Waitress
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pleasantheartavenue · 6 months
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Here's the now you see me chibis more to come soon
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snommie · 2 years
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World's smallest firbolg bard
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lettherightrobin · 1 year
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"all human nature vigorously resists grace because grace changes us and the change is painful." -flannery o'connor
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 3 months
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"SLAYERS Held In OAKALLA," Vancouver Sun. July 3, 1934. Page 1 & 2. --- INDIANS ARE FOUND GUILTY ---- EXECUTION DATE SET --- Arrival in Vancouver Sunday of the three Indian brothers condemned to die on the gallows on October 26 for the murder of Dominion Constable Frank Gisborne, was marked by the traditional stoicism of their race. They are Eneas, Richardson and Alex George.
Under heavy guard, they were taken to Oakalla Prison Farm to await their execution.
A fourth brother, Joseph George, still is at Oakalla also charged with the slaying. Joseph was wounded in the melee at Canford Reserve near Merritt on May 23 and has been un- der medical supervision in Vancouver for some time in an endeavor to ascertain whether his deafness is likely to be permanent.
THE VERDICT The three Indian brothers, Richardson, Eneas and Alex George, were found guilty at Vernon on Saturday night of the murder of Dominion Indian Department Constable F. H. Gisborne and were sentenced by Mr. Justice Denis Murphy to hang on October 26.
Gisborne and British Columbia Police Constable Percy Carr were slain on May 23 at Canford Reserve, near Merritt, when they went to apprehend Eneas in Alex George connection with the stabbing of his wife.
According to testimony the bodies of both were thrown into the Nicola river, but only that of Gisborne has been found. Gisborne was battered to death, while, according to witnesses, Carr was still groaning when he disappeared into the fast-running stream.
Alex, the younger brother, who, it is stated, is in an advanced stage of tuberculosis, seemed to deepen in pallor, but Richardson and Eneas displayed no emotion.
From the gallery, how ever, came a hushed cry as the aged mother-in-law of Richarson and Eneas heard the sentence. Her eyes streaming with tears, she later visited the trio in Richardson George the cells, took the hand of each through the heavy bars and, in soft Indian dialect, asked a blessing on them.
EXECUTION HERE Unless an appeal, which is expected, is successful, or executive clemency is shown, the mother-in-law and her husband must now care for the 10 children of Eneas and Richardson.
The execution is scheduled to take place in Oakalla prison, Vancouver.
Mrs. Carr wife of Constable Carr, who maintained a stoic calm while the story of the slaying of her husband and his fellow officer was unfolded in court, Eneas George let loose her repressed emotions after the verdict, and wept. She embraced one of the officers who has been working tirelessly in the investigation of her husband's death.
DEFENSE PLEA Mr. Justice Murphy gave a summing up lasting three hours. The defense called no witnesses. Stuart Henderson, chief defense counsel, pleaded for a reduced verdict and declared there "was not a shred" of evidence to show premeditation. He declared that if Gisborne's gun had not jammed in the fight which ended in the slayings, then he, and not the Indians, would be facing the charge of murder.
"I ask you gentlemen to put yourselves in the place of the Indians," he pleaded, "and see if you would have done anything different than they did when they were under the belief that their brother was dead and that their own lives were in peril."
(Joseph George, a fourth brother, suffered a fractured skull in the fatal fight.)
THE PROSECUTION Attorney General Gordon Sloan declared "Society in general and police officers in particular must be protected from those who would endanger human lives and the structure which society has erected for its own defense." He described the slaying as a cold-blooded murder of a peace officer in discharge of his duty, and asked the extreme penalty.
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shadandrews · 4 months
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some FFXIV doodles.....im in deep lmaoooo
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vitatek-solutions · 3 months
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A high foaming, high detergent general purpose chlorinated
alkaline cleaner for use in breweries, beverage manufacturing
plants, and bottling operations. BrewClean Chlor-Foam is
effective for removing fat, protein, and starch from stainless
steel and glass process equipment. Made in Canada.
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As the crisis of emergency room closures continues to hinder health care at multiple BC Interior hospitals, officials in one city are taking action.
The City of Merritt is taking the drastic step of withholding tax money from the provincial government following the latest emergency department closure.
“We pay this every year at the beginning of every year. For 2023 we already paid, but for 2024 we will recalculate the 365 days of the year that we pay our taxes and then we will pull back the number of days we were closed because it was a service we didn’t get, or I would expect the government would credit us coming into the next year,” said Michael Goetz, mayor of Merritt.
The ER at the Nicola Valley Hospital has been closed 14 times this year, three this month.
“The staffing shortage that they say is the reason for these closures has to be addressed. All of these communities need emergency care,” said Merritt resident, Georgia Clement. [...]
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Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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frombooksiveread · 9 months
Narodny did not hate mechanization.  He was indifferent to it.  Being truly intelligent he hated nothing.  Also he was indifferent to the whole civilization man had developed and into which he had been born.  He had no feeling of kinship to humanity.  Outwardly, in body, he belonged to the species.  Not so in mind.  Like Loeb, a thousand years before, he considered mankind a race of crazy half-monkeys, intent upon suicide.  Now and then, out of the sea of lunatic mediocrity, a wave uplifted that held for a moment a light from the sun of truth-- but soon it sank back and the light was gone.  Quenched in the sea of stupidity.  He knew that he was one of those waves.
Abraham Merritt ~ The Last Poet and the Robots From Science Fiction: A Historical Anthology by Eric S. Rabkin
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literarymerritt · 4 months
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Thinking about Them 🥺
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rudycarter · 1 year
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Merritt's Butternut Squash Gratin Slightly sweet golden squash is topped with a savory herbed cheese-breadcrumb topping. It's been my signature dish every Thanksgiving for the last 12 years. It takes a bit of work, but it is so, so worth it. Your guests will ask you for the recipe, so be prepared.
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