verus-animus · 2 years
Finally Home
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"Uuuggh.... fuuuck... that's gonna hurt for at least a few hours..." A deep groan escaped from my mouth as I rubbed the pain in the back of my head. Having him fly across the room and slam his head on the hard concrete floor was definitely not in the plan, but at least everything else had been successful.
You see, for years and years I had been lusting over this one handsome hunk that frequented the gym I went to. Damien, as I later managed to find out his name, wasn't just any normal gymgoer. No, he was beyond that and more. The way he easily lifted those weights with his huge biceps, the tension of his massive quads as he ran on the treadmill, and the short breaks he took between each set to give everyone around him a prideful flex show... He was a god among gods... at least in my eyes.
Some might have called me obssessed, but I just found myself mesmerized by everything he did, everything he said, and everything he was. I loved the way his tall muscular body moved, I loved the way his deep accented voice sounded, and I even loved the way his pungent after workout musk smelled (Yes, I might have broken into his locker a few times just to bask in that wonderful scent of his...).
At first I really thought I was just in love with him, but I quickly realized it was something more than that, something more possessive. I didn't want to be with him. No, I wanted to be him. I wanted... no yearned to parade around with that wonderfully fit body, to watch myself flex with those massively thick biceps, and to simply own all that he possessed and had worked hard for. The very thoughts would make me quickly chub up and I'd often be forced to release a big load in the gym toilets while imagining running my hands across that chiseled flesh of Damien.
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That's why I've spent the last seven months browsing through every book in the library, every website on the net, and every tattered research paper I could get my hands upon to find some way to actually make my desire come true. It took countless sleepless nights and an almost empty bank account, until I finally found what I was looking for. All that was required was the right place, right time, and right person...
I wasn't going to risk anything, so after finding out where he lived, what time he usually went to the gym, and when he would most likely come back home, I immediately put my plan into action. Yes, I broke into his apartment. Yes, I smeared chicken blood all over his living room floor to draw a glyph and lit incense sticks everywhere. And yes, I sat in the middle of it all naked and drenched in chicken blood, while clutching a piece of dry wood with runes carved on it in my hand.
You would think I had gone mad at this point, but you have no idea the dedication and yearning I had felt to actually make this go through. Patiently I sat there and waited for him, minutes and hours went by, but I was just as ready for the moment he would be back.
And when I could finally hear the entrance door to his apartment unlock, and saw the shocked expression on his handsome face as he found a complete stranger sitting in the middle of his living room floor, I immediately brought the unusual dry wood high up in the air and split it into two. Almost instantaneous an intense burning pain washed all over me, followed by the horrific sight of my physical body being engulfed in sweltering purple fire. A pile of ashes and flesh pieces was all that was left, as I now found myself hovering above the glyph in some sort of hazy non-physical state.
Not letting the opportunity pass me by, I immediately focused my form towards Damien's body and flung myself against him. A look of absolute terror was plastered on his face, as the words "Oh fuck" left his mouth. A wide gaping mouth that turned out to be the perfect entrance for me to slam myself straight into. The very force of my invasion however caused him to suddenly be flung backwards and across the living room.
I was rapidly forcing myself down into his gagging throat, and quickly filling him up with all of my essence. I could feel him starting to fight back, but I had no intention of giving him that chance. Immediately I pushed down even deeper and found his core. It was warm, livid, and pulsating... and I wasted no time completely enveloping it and absorbing it into myself. I could feel all his memories, dreams, and desires wash over me. If I wanted to become Damien, I had to go all the way.
One the outside, Damien's face was red and exhausted, as his expressions went from ones of pain and anguish to pleasure and joy. For a few brief minutes he closed his eyes and just laid there on the floor in eerie tranquil.
Until they finally opened again with me in complete control.
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I tried to push myself back up, only to fall back down on the floor with a heavy thud. As much power and strength that flowed through my new bigger body now, I found myself beyond exhausted. Not only that, but my broad muscular back was now drenched in sweat, as were my armpits with my new wonderfully pungent musk.
Accepting that I wasn't getting up from this floor anytime soon, especially with this pounding headache in the back of my head, I decided to enjoy my new self right there and then. With one rugged hand shoved deep down in my gym shorts and squeezing my new engorged manhood, the other massive arm was busily being kissed, flexed, and having its wet armpit being worshipped.
Basking in my new perfect body and identity, I spent the rest of the evening filling the apartment with groans of my deep accented voice, and my stomach with pounds after pounds of my sticky white Damien cream...
I was finally who and where I had always meant to be, with the perfect body, life, and identity.
Finally I was home.
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petew21-blog · 1 month
Hulky Captain Thor
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(more of a fanfic, not too erotic, transformation)
Meet & Greet your heroes and win a prize!
You were so excited to be able to go to that event. Your mom wasn't sure if it was a good idea to go, but gave you an ultimátum. If you would apply for the art contest and win, she wouldn't stop you.
Guess what. You won. Along with 50 other people. The contest had one rule to follow. It had to be a combination of all the Avengers. And you actually thought your sculpture made up of the symbol of those heroes had a chance to win.
You were nervous. You were standing in the Avengers tower. The room was full of people waiting for their favourite heroes. Some were actually angry because they found out that only Captain America, Hulk and Thor would arrive. The rest were on a secret mission. These three probably weren't allowed because of their destructive powers. Or to make sure everyone was safe. Who knows
They entered the room. Fans cheered. You did too. They all pushed more closer to the stage to get a closer view.
Dr. Banner was holding an envelope with the winner. You thought that Captain America was probably suppose to read it out loud. But Thor rushed in and took it out of Banner's hands. Captain America looked at Thor like a parent scolding him. But Thor proceeded
Thor:"Ok, hi everybody. We are here today to announce a winner of this art show. The winner gets to take a photo with the three of us and wins a check with a lot of money. And their statue will be displayed here in the tower"
They wheeled in the winning art piece covered to not spoil to everyone who won or not. But the size could already tell a lot. Some people started actually crying
Thor:"And the winner is... Oh... I can't read that. Well the owner of this statue!!!" he pulled of the white sheet and there it was. It was your statue.
You held up your hand and heard yourself scream:"That's mine!" You were now lead to the front and asked about your name just to confirm.
Steve:"All right everybody. Don't be sad now. We still got a great programme ahead and we wouldn't want you to miss it. Now please go and enjoy the delicious bufet in the hall below this room
The fans left the room. Only you were now here with the three Avengers and some guards
You couldn't believe your eyes. There they were. Right in front of you. Ready to take a photo with you
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"Am I dreaming?"
Dr Banner:"No. This is real, kid. And we're just only three normal people. Only I had a massive gamma radiation exposure, Steve here had the super soldier serum injected and Thor is a god from Asfard"
Steve:"Bruce, don't make him more stressed"
Bruce:"Sorry. No need to worry, kid. We may not be normal but we won't hurt you"
A voice on the helipad screamed:"I might" a wave of energy swept all of you on the floor. You heard shots fired from the guard. You looked up and saw someone. A villain who you didn't know. He stopped the bullets fired at him with some energy control powers, absorbing the kinetic energy. And then he fired that energy back at them. Killing them all instantly
Thor:"Steve, protect the kid" thor threw his hammer, but the villain was able to change slightly the trajectory of Mjolnir absorbing just a tiny bit of that energy. That energy now didn't push Thor away, but pulled him closer. The villain now had him in his grip holding him by the neck, choking him.
Hulk was allready in his form rushing to them. The villain stopped his movement. It looked like it cost him a great deal of concentration to not let him go
Villain:"Don't you superheroes never learn?"
Thor:"What do you want?"
Steve asked you if you were OK and told you to hide. He then ran out the side to probably surprise the villain
Villain:"Finally someone asked. I'll just take your powers" he finished the sentence and as he did a stream of light left Thor's body and poured into the villain. He looked at Thor with a smile. He let go of him and suddenly Mjolnir flew close to him but not directly into his hand. "Well this is gonna be handy. Look Thor, even your hammer doesn't recognise you" Thor was on the ground, choking. When suddenly Mjolnir flew right at Thor knocking him out.
Steve's shield swiftly flew through the air punching the villain who did not expect that. He had to let go of Hulk, so he started moving again towards the villain
Hulk took the villain and threw him off the building
Steve:"Hulk no. He has Thor's powers now"
We couldn't see him for a second, but then he entered the scene attached with the energy powers to Mjolnir. He probably isn't worthy of the hammer, but the hammer is confused about his powers
Villain:"Rude" the villain noticed you hiding in the back. "We got a stalker among us" and then Mjolnir was flying towards you. Captain got close to you to push you out of the way, while being hit by Mjolnir at the same time.
Hulk rushed at the villain again. He was stopped a few inches in front of him. Not being able to move.
Villain:"All this energy stored inside of you. You're the one I need" he had his hand on Hulk's head. The same light that went from Thor was coming out of Hulk now, but it was a green light. But this time both of them were radiating. The villain looked like this time the energy was way too much for him to withstand.
Captain America got in front of you. He probably expected all the radiation that might be released to be absorbed through him and not you
Then, what could be described like an imploding star, the last rays of light came from Hulk, entering the villain and all of them were poured out in one single beam towards Captain America. He was holding it with his shield to protect himself and to protect you. But the shield couldn't hold that power anymore and moved. The second wave hit Captain America. He was holding on for very long, standing in one place, but move slightly to the side after absorbing way too much energy.
And then you were hit.
You woke up in a hospital. You opened your eyes and saw your mom on one side of the bed. Then on the other side there were all three of them. Hulk, Captain America and Thor. Only Thor was now dressed in normal clothes and Dr. Banner looked happier then ever. Probably not because you woke up
"What happened?" you asked
Steve:"You were hit by the energy waves form that villain. We're glad you're ok"
You:"What happened to him?"
Dr. Banner:"He couldn't withstand the volume of energy and simply evaporated."
You:"And what about your powers? Did you get them back?"
Thor looked really angry right now. He didn't have his Mjolnir with him
Steve:"Unfortunately Thor is powerless for now and so is Hulk"
Dr. Banner:"I'm kind of happy. For the first time since the exposure I feel like I don't have to control myself"
You:"And you? Do you still have your powers?"
Steve:"Yeah I still got mine, but I had to be in the hospital for a while too. Look, kid. We don't know what happened to you. We have to observe you for a couple of days."
A week later you were sent home
You woke up extremely sweaty. You felt different. Better actually. You got up. "Why does everything seem so small?"
You looked down. You were now much taller then before and then you noticed your torso underneath your shirt. You wanted to slowly take it off, but instead your ripped it off yourself. Revealing a muscular chest
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You:"Holy shit! I'm ripped! And hairy. What?" You aproached the mirror. Your body looked like it had a puberty boost it seemed to lack before.
Then you realised. "I absorbed a bit of Captain America's powers. No freaking way. I'm a super soldier!"
And then you noticed the hair. It seemed longer. And lighter. Maybe a side effect
You started doing poses. You never expected to be so ripped. Ever. Now you have the body like Captain America. Tall, ripped, hot and mature
You looked down below your waistline:"Yep, everything is bigger"
You continued in doing poses, pretending to be another hero joining the Avengers. Your biceps were massive. Along with the rest of your figure. You are so tall now. As you inspected the body, you were curious to see if EVERYTHING changed. You pulled those pants down. "Wooow. I am definitely a super soldier now. Damn. How will someone be able to handle having inside? And it's not even hard"
You noticed your face features changed from your normal ones. And then you saw those Captain America eyes. You were changing into Steve's copy
"Yep. I have to go to the Avengers tower"
You arrived to the building going to the reception. Your clothes didn't fit you anymore. So you had to take your dad's. You noticed your reflection in the mirror behind the receptionist. A muscular guy looking like Steve Rogers. Your face was smooth before you left the house. Now a light beard was starting to appear. You shrugged it off and approached the receptionist.
"Hi. I need to see the Avengers"
Receptionist:"What is the purpose of your visit?"
You:"Well over a week ago I won the Art contest to meet the Avengers"
Receptionist:"Right. You mean the contest for high school students? Sure, mister. Aren't you a bit too old for entering that contest?"
"Yeah. I know I don't look like it, but I absorbed Steve Rogers powers and now I'm starting to look like him. I know I look around 40, but I'm 18. And I know you don't want any trouble with Tony Stark so you'll call him, please?"
"I'll let you pass through and call them"
You:"You would be very kind" You lifted headed to the elevator.
It took you up to the top floor
Bht when the door opened Tony Stark was there ready in his suit. Steve Rogers behind him
You:"I'm not here to hurt anyone. I'm the kid from the art contest. But I turned into Steve Rogers kinda-copy"
Tony:"Is there a super soldier serum stand somewhere or is this very unlikely to happen?"
Steve:"Is that you, kid?"
You:"Yes, captain. I woke up like this today."
Steve:"You must have absorbed some of our powers. You look a lot like me. Not a perfect copy, but yeah"
You:"Yeah. I didn't do anything while this... but I must say sir You have some fine"
Steve:"Let's not go to that subject"
Behind you a SHIELD team appeared
You:"What is this?"
Tony:"We don't know you and we don't know if you'll be dangerous. We need to be sure and send you to a place where they'll make sure you don't hurt anyone"
Steve:"Tony, we didn't agree on this"
You:"I'm not going anywhere" you felt a wave of rage sweeping over you"
No way you were gonna be locked up somewhere. You turned around and started beating the soldiers. They were flying in the air. Your reflexes were so tightened right now. And your endurance. Iron Man's suit fired at you. You avoided the blow and hid behind the wall. You noticed Mjolnir sitting on the ground. Thor probably doesn't have his powers too and no one can lift it now.
You had a crazy idea. You ran out of your hiding toward Mjolnir. Steve was shouting at you, while Iron Man's suit shot stuff that tried to trap you. Some goo got on your shoes and was sticking to the ground. You were close to Mjolnir, you could almost touch it. But your legs were trapped in the goo now.
You could feel the power from Mjolnir radiating. It was at your fingertips.
And it moved. You were now holding Mjolnir
You could feel changes in your body. The previously short beard was now growing. And so were the hair that turned more blonde now.
You could feel your body becoming larger. Probably the combination of Captain America and Thor's muscle phrames.
Your clothes started to change as well
And the lightings. You could feel them inside of you
Mjolnir felt the pressence of both powers inside of you. And it transformed you
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You broke the goo at your feet and looked angry at Tony
Tony:"We really need you to come with us now"
You:"No. I said I'm not going anywhere" you got up and headed straight to the helipad. You had to hope that you can manage Thor's flying with Mjolnir on first try
Steve shouted at you while you were running:"Kid! Take this. Return it later" and threw you his shield. That surprised you, but you took it and ran of the ledge of the helipad
Tony:"Why the hell would you give him your vibranium shield"
Steve:"He's me and Thor now combined. The kid is gonna need it. And you saw that Mjolnir accepted him. He's worthy. So hopefully I did a good thing"
Tony:"Jarvis, contact Nick Fury. We got a big problem"
You were now on the edge of New York near a forest. What was happening to you? Are you gonna keep changing? Does this ever stop?
Then a small gang approached you. "Yo, is this some kind of a lame costume for that stupid Comic con?"
You:"Stay out of my way"
Leader:"No one talks to me like that. Motherfucker"
A shot fired from a gun he pulled very fast. You thought it was Captain's or Thor's powers, but you looked at the spot where he fired. It was green.
Rage builded up in you. But this time. You couldn't contain it
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5 minutes later
You sat on the bloody ground. You weren't like Hulk. Hulk turns into a being that can't be controled by Banner. You knew exactly what you were doing
You cried. You just killed 5 human beings
Someone came close to you
"Tears are not gonna bring them back to life, kid"
The man:"Look. I know you didn't want that before, but we can help you"
You:"You can reverse this?"
The man:"No, I can help you how to use this power for good." You looked up and saw Nick Fury, all in black.
The man next to you woke up. For a human he was massive. But a human couldn't handle you now with all the final transformations that took place after the encounter with Nick Fury.
Thank god ykur guy wasn't from Earth. Atleast you had someone to enjoy this body with. He really likes riding your green shaft.
He hugged you and put his hand on your chest:"Morning big guy"
Coms:"Hulky Captain Thor? We need you in action again"
You:"On it. Prepare my suit"
You to the guy:"Sorry, gotta go and Smash some rebels"
The guy smiled and threw of the sheets revealing his massive ass. "Maybe wanna Smash this thing first?"
You:"They can wait. This ass won't"
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Message from Inbox
I’d love to transform into a mix of Captain America, the hulk and Thor. Would you like to help your hulky Captain Thor out?
Sorry for it being so long. I kinda wanted the origin to feel believable but made it too long. Also had a bit of trouble with photos.
Hope you like it
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nofatclips · 3 months
Orpheus Beach (The Go-Betweens cover) by The Clientele
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the-volunteer-host · 1 year
Triple fun
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Malachi and Loram were waiting for the full moon to be in position to shine through the window to the study. Everything was prepared for the summoning, nothing to fancy just a small incubus that's what the plan was.
So far, they had merged their bodies several times before and even though this was a quite lustful experience each and every time it always felt like something was missing.
When the moon stood in place the runes on the floor started to shimmer blue. Just seconds later he was there, didn't look all to demonic thought Malachi to himself when he realized he looked like a horned version of Loram. "Probably because he drew the summoning circle" he thought to himself. All the while Loram couldn't take his eyes of the being that had just appeared before them.
"I am Zakli, why did you summon me?" said the horned being without looking all too pleased about the situation.
"We need you with us" replied Loram.
Zakli crossed his arms before his muscular chest and tilted his head a little to the side. "You need an Incubus, well why didn't you say so right away." A mischievous grin showed on his lips.
"Not that simple though" said Malachi the blond guy who had slowly been moving towards Loram from the back. At first Loram felt the other man’s breath on his neck and then it began. Malachi moved closer than what should be possible. He shoved his left arm straight into Loram’s back side and from there into the other man’s arm.
Pleasure was showing on Loram’s face, he didn't want to wait any longer, so he leaped backwards and pushed himself and Malachi onto a chair.
The spectacle that Zakli was watching clearly entertained him. At first the two man who had summoned him stumbled backwards a few steps. However, when Loram’s legs touched those of Malachi they became one. The same thing happened to their hips and lower body. While both men were already sporting quite the physique now, they became more muscular as one. More hair manifested on Loram’s chest, and their joint arms were quite even more muscular than Zakli’s.
It was also quite clear that this process not only aroused Zakli but also the merging ones, since they were sporting quite the bulge below their leather jock strap.
"Wait I want to watch us enter him" said the blond man interrupting the process half way. It was quite the sight there: A hunk with half of another guy somehow coming out of his back looking over his shoulder.
Loram gestured for Zakli to come closer and take a seat before them, which he did. Just a few words of magic and a wave of a hand later Zakli’s backside began to glow in the same blue as the summoning circle had glowed before. Pleased, Loram lifted one of the legs he shared with Malachi and slowly shoved it into Zakli’s glowing back side.
The feeling was arousing for all three of them, not even Zakli had ever felt something like this, merging with mortals - Especially ones that merged among themselves already.
While Loram was enjoying doing this very slowly his friend Malachi was not that patient. Malachi seized control of their joined left arm and hand and grabbed straight into their leather strap and began rubbing their joined cock. This caught Loram off guard who let out a loud moan, but it aroused Zakli even more, he felt it all even though the merge had only just begun. Zakli felt his own dick twitch according to the rubbing Malachi was giving theirs and it was driving him mad.
It was time to test if this small connection worked both ways, so Zakli reached into his pants and gave his own dick a few strong jerks, which was instantly commented by loud moans from two mouths behind him. The smirk in his face returned.
"A game of lust with an incubus, you mortals have no idea what you are in for." Said Zakli before stemming his feet against the floor and shoving himself backwards with all the strength he found.
His back absorbed all of Loram and Malachi’s leg without any resistance, however he could feel them being added to his own leg right away. But this all went so fast there was no time to enjoy every bit of this, he needed it all now. Next his back side touched their chest, which made his chest swell up immediately.
An evasive reflex made Loram try to back off which made him hammer his head straight into Malachi’s head. While a viewer could have expected a broken nose on Malachi’s end from the sheer force, none of it happened. Their merge just finished and for a very short moment a light brown haired bearded man sat there, Lorachi as he had called himself on past occasions.
But the merging continued no time to adjust to the new perspective and joined mind this fast. Now it was just seconds, Zakli’s head and Lorachi’s collided and became one, their entire bodies seamlessly merged into a new being. Zakli’s left arm was holding his own dick and now merged into Lorachi’s arm which was holding "their" dick.
Everything went into place within sheer seconds. After a few moments of heavy breathing the new man was still holding on to his very new and very impressive cock. He was leaking so much precum, not even the incubus that was part of him had ever felt that horny.
The process was so forced and fast that everything felt overwhelming to say the least.
"Time for a test I'd say" said the new man and began jerking off his new toy, while the three voices in his head more and more went into unison over their moaning and felt pleasure.
Once again heavy breathing was filling the room when he came all over his chest with the first shot landing straight in his moaning open mouth.
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corruptedcaps · 1 year
A Bad Conscience
Courtney had always been the center of attention. As a cheerleader, she strutted around her high school with her perfectly styled hair and designer outfits, surrounded by a clique of admiring girls and boys. Her beauty was undeniable, and her popularity was unmatched. But Courtney had a dark side. She was a cruel bully who would taunt and belittle anyone who didn't fit into her definition of cool or who didn’t give her the right amount of respect.
One fateful night, 20 years ago, Courtney's life was cut short in a car accident on her way home from a party. But even in death, Courtney couldn't bear to be ignored. She had always been the center of attention, and she refused to fade away into nothingness. It was what kept her from moving on.
So, Courtney began to haunt her high school and the town she grew up in. She floated through the halls, watched as new generations of students went about their days, and followed the lives of her former friends and enemies.
But no one could see or hear her. She was just a ghost, invisible and ignored. It was frustrating for someone who had always craved attention, but it also gave her the perfect opportunity to spy on people without consequence. She learned all about the lurid side of her town and all the seedy gossip. It was like her own personal soap opera. But like a soap opera she grew bored of it over time.
She started to explore her limits as a ghost. Over time she found she could move objects, with a substantial amount of effort though. However it allowed her to begin reading books of dark magic and paranormal beings like herself. She learned that she could possess a body if they wore something that she had worn in life. Unfortunately her parents had long gotten rid of her things. But there was one thing left.
She stared at the wooden frame that hung up in the hall next to the trophy cabinet with the little plaque underneath it commemorating her time as head cheerleader. In the frame itself was her pristine cheerleader outfit, pink, white, and tight. She needed someone to wear it, then she would be able to be able to live again but who would ever steal and then wear the outfit of a dead cheerleader?
As she was deep in thought she heard a snoring sound coming from the nearby library. She had thought everyone had gone home for the day but seemingly not. Floating in she found a girl asleep on the ground on top of an open book.
Courtney knew it was Ash, a new student who had been struggling to fit in. She had watched as the girl was bullied and excluded, just as she had once done to so many others. Ash would hide away in the library away from others all the time but this time she had seemingly hid too long and fell asleep.
Courtney looked at her with disdain. Courtney had no time for people she perceived as weak and Ash certainly filled that bill. Courtney had even less respect for girls like her in death. Why should they get to live while she had to die?
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“Such a waste of a life.” Courtney said aloud and to her surprise Ash jolted awake.
“Hello?” Ash asked into the air. Courtney froze. Had Ash heard her? No one ever hears her. She had to test it out.
“I said it’s a waste that you’re in here while life is passing you by out there.” Courtney said startling Ash who looked around trying to see where the voice was coming from.
“W-who are you?” Ash asked now very nervous. Courtney was delighted someone could finally hear her, even if it was the dorky Ash. This would bring her one step closer to getting back her life but she had to play this smart. She couldn’t exactly tell her she was a deceased decades old cheerleader.
“I’m your conscience. The part of your conscious you’ve buried away anyway.” Courtney said hoping this would work. To her delight Ash seemed to become less tense.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to bury you away.” She said apologizing. Courtney rolled her eyes at how much of a pushover this girl was. Although she realized this would work to her advantage. She knew she could get Ash to wear the uniform but also knew even a wimp like her would need some convincing. She just needed to make her into a girl that didn’t care about consequences.
She floated around Ash, whispering into her ear, "That’s ok, you can make it up to me by listening and doing exactly what I say understand?”
Ash didn't know why her conscience sounded different to her own voice or had a bratty tone but she couldn’t deny how confident it sounded and persuasive it was. Maybe she could learn from it.
“First things first, you need to dress better. No not that outfit, yessss that one. You’ll look so much hotter in that.” Courtney said in her ear that night as Ash online shopped on her laptop. Ash was staring at an outfit she’d never have thought of wearing a million years but Courtney was hard to say no to.
“The hotter you look the more people will respect you. The more respect you have the more power you wield.” Courtney purred and Ash found herself shivering with hearing the words.
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“You really think I could have some sort of… power just by wearing some nice clothes?” Ash said as she closed her laptop after ordering the dress and got ready for bed.
“Absolutely. Hot girls get to do what they want. Doesn’t that sound like power? Don’t you deserve that?” Courtney said to her.
“It does sound good…” Ash said as she drifted off to sleep. Courtney meanwhile spend the rest of the night whispering in the girl’s mind bitchy words of affirmation. Courtney would make her into the perfect puppet.
The next day Ash woke up feeling well rested. She had the most amazing dreams where everyone at school looked up to her and either wanted her or wanted to be her. It felt good but more than that it felt natural. Why shouldn’t she be the most popular girl in school? She resolved to listen to her conscious explicitly from now on.
"You need to wear more makeup. And you need to start talking to the right people. The popular crowd. That's where you belong." Courtney began and Ash nodded in agreement. She couldn’t wait to get started. Thankfully her outfit arrived overnight and she poured herself into its tight bratty design.
Only last night she would have been apprehensive about wearing something so revealing but now she wore it proudly. Now with a little makeup on and a brush of comb through her hair and she looked and felt better than she had in years. She stood looking at herself vainly, as Courtney whispered in her ear some more.
“You look so fucking hawt.” Courtney said causing a pleasurable shiver to course through Ash’s body.
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“I do don’t I?” Ash responded feeling confident about herself for once.
Over the next week Ash made a big impact on the rest of the student body. Each day she came in she turned heads for all the right reasons.
She developed her own little clique of girls outside of the hierarchy of popularity, a clique she could control and boss around. It made her increasing horny the more bitchy she became.
"You're doing great, Ash," Courtney whispered. "You look amazing. But if you’re gonna become the most popular girl in school you’re going to have to get better friends. You need to hang out with the popular crowd," she said. "That's where the real power is."
Ash would have been hesitant if Courtney wasn’t whispering in her head nightly, turning her into the formidable and attention seeking girl she was now.
It was surprisingly easy for Ash to ditch the only friends she had ever had, to her all that mattered now was climbing the social ladder. Plus her conscious felt like the only friend she needed. It always knew exactly what to do.
Even more astounding though was it’s ability to know the sordid little secrets that everyone was hiding. Of course Ash couldn’t have known that her conscious was a ghost who had been collecting juicy gossip for years but then again she didn’t really care why she knew that Chad was cheating on Aimee or that Samantha had a pill problem or that Louise was secretly gay. All that mattered was how she used the information and she used it to elevate herself to the top of the hierarchy in record time.
Ash became like Courtney with each passing moment and it truly felt like they were becoming one. Ash would now do and say things Courtney was about to suggest unprompted. Courtney felt like she was in charge once again. There was just one final step.
“I don’t know about this, it seems a little far even for me.” Ash said staring at the framed uniform hanging up in the gym.
“It’s your final step to becoming the queen of the school.” Courtney whisper with eager anticipation.
“It would look incredible on me but why do I have to take this Courtney girl’s cheerleader uniform, why can’t I just get a new one?” Ash asked worried for the first time in weeks.
“Because I was the ultimate bitch, I oozed power and respect. Putting on my uniform will complete your transformation into the new mean queen everyone will fear.” Courtney said no longer hiding her true identity. A fact that seemed to finally make her corporeal to Ash who shrieked and jumped back when she saw the girl materialize before her.
“Wait you haven’t been my conscience all this time? You’re this head cheerleader? You’re Courtney?” Ash said backing up against the wall.
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“I guess the cats out of the bag. I’ve been moulding you into the perfect bitch and I must say even I’m surprised how well you’ve turned out but now it’s time for your graduation to the big leagues. Put on my uniform and we can become one, the ultimate goddess.” Courtney smirked as she advanced on Ash.
“You turned me into this vain narcissistic slut?! You made me into this dangerous wet dream and you think I’ll just rollover and let you take my body? Not a chance!” Ash said defiant but Courtney simply smiled and put her hand around Ash’s head and pulled her close.
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“That’s exactly what you’re going to do because you love what you’ve become. You love the power you have over other people. How they love and fear you in equal measure. Not only do you know you’re nothing without my guidance, you know how much bigger of a bitch you can be with me inside you.” Courtney teased and Ash knew she was right.
“But you can stop this right now,” Courtney continued. “Our connection to one another is why you can now see me, why you can feel my soft hands on your neck and while you can feel this.”
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Courtney pressed her lips against Ash’s and ran her tongue down her chin. Ash moaned softly enjoying the invasion. “Yessss I want you Courtney. I want you inside me, controlling me, using my body as you please. I want to become the queen on this pathetic school, a walking goddess!” Ash yelled as she pushed Courtney off of her and pulled the frame off the wall causing the glass to shatter and the uniform to be exposed.
Ash ripped off her clothes and hungrily pulled on the cheerleading outfit. It fit her perfectly and she lovingly ran her hands across the fabric. Courtney pushed her against the wall and kissed her deeply. As she did her ghostly form melted into Ash’s body and the two girls merged into one. This new girl’s bones cracked and freaked as the best attributes of each girl became dominant.
Ash’s bigger tits looked natural paired with Courtney’s tanned skin. Courtney’s thick full lips looked perfect on the same face as Ash’s piercing eyes. Ash’s taller frame took on Courtney’s well maintained muscles and athleticism. In short, this new girl was perfection.
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She wanted to see herself, her new self and out of instinct she flicked her wrist and commanded the broken frame and glass to float off the ground and resemble. She smirked to herself, realizing that some of Courtney’s ghostly abilities merged over as well.
“Oh I’m going to have so much fun tomorrow when everyone gets a look at me. Who knows maybe one day they’ll be a shrine to me up on the walls. Who am I kidding, this whole school will be a shrine to me once I’m done with it. Ashley High School certainly had a ring to it.” She said to herself with a cackle as she flicked her hair back and strutted down the hallway.
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Reading isn’t important because it helps get you a job. It’s important because it gives you room to exist beyond the reality you’re given. Reading makes the world better. It is how humans merge. How minds connect. Dreams. Empathy. Understanding. Escape. Reading is love in action.
Matt Haig
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yeowninefive · 19 days
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cloud-kaiju · 4 months
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Mattress fusion form of Medley, the fusion hero cos sometimes you just love your bed too much.
"Morning After" Story below by @lulu-the-kaiju
Megan raised a soft right hand to block the morning light from shining directly into her eyes. The glare was intense, bouncing off some insidiously placed window across the street, so she raised her other right hand to help. With the intrusive sunbeam temporarily thwarted, she smiled to herself and snake her left hands down to pull the comforter up over her head. Only when doing so exposed her stomach, never mind her legs and tail, did she begin to parse that something might be afoot.
Megan stifled a yawn, bleary eye blinking, and rolled onto her side to glance at her partner, “That was some night, we really–”
An empty view, save for the legs of a bedstand, scattered with strewn clothes, drew her up short. Had Frankie snuck off early? And for that matter, why was she on the floor? She could've sworn her bed hadn't been repossessed, but then....
"Oh." Megan realized she was laying on the floor and must’ve absorbed the bed in the night. Her massive, rotund body sank comfortably into itself, tail flicking inquisitively, as she explored the new form with all four soft arms, from pillowy bosoms to quilted belly, “Wait, how did I– wait, where did she–”
Four arms. Medley didn’t usually have four arms, and neither did her date from the night before. The big purple sheep-shark blinked at pieces clicked together in her mind. Neither Frankie nor Megan were visible from her vantage point in the small apartment bedroom…
“So, we’re Medley after all then? The new super that absorbs everything? I owe Cal ten bucks.” She mumbled with surprising excitement.
A blush rushed to her cheeks, “Wh– hey, no! We’re just– I’m just Megan, we’re not–… wow, this secret identity thing is gonna be harder than I thought.”
"Yeah, yeah, sure, I won't tell anyone," Medley yawned, stretching limbs out in six different, alien directions, “So we’re a superhero then, eh?”
"Yup." She laid her head back down on the floor, the built-in padding comfier than any pillow either of them had ever used.
“We should go fight some crime, y’know? Save the day! We’re huge!”
Medley turned her head back away from the windows hostile glare, “Truuue, but we’re also really comfy like this. And kinda hungry. And it’s cold outside.”
“Those… are all very good points we just made.”
“We make a very convincing argument.”
“We do.”
Medley, in full agreement with herself, grabbed the nearest cellphone off her nightstand and searched up the nearest diner that would deliver breakfast.
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fanterfane · 6 months
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Blending Beyond the Bounds! (Commission)
Commission for IcarasMkII! Their OCs, a perverted blue haired rambunctious bunny boi named Izzy and a bratty shy housecat girl named Nia fused! After getting fused together, the two of them literally can't keep it in their pants! Despite how much they should probably try to fix this, Izzy is adamant about enjoying the moment, much to Nia's chagrin. Regardless, she can't help but admit that it does feel good to be fused together like this... Here's a question to ponder though, is it really even still masturbation if it's two people in one body? Or is it a kind of self sex...? A love of oneself that's so pure and intense it becomes a passionate romance. Wait... isn't that just narcissism? ...Anyway, this was originally finished in November 2023!
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hysteriaww · 5 months
Hi ! It's going to sound weird but....
How do you think Kai would have influenced Luke's personality if Luke actually won during the merge ?
I know Kai was stronger, but let's say Luke wins.
He was already pretty strong since he was able to break Liv out of the spell she was trying to do. He was stronger than his sister. He would have won if they were to do the merge. I don't exactly remember how powerful he was but I suppose he was fairly quite good with magic.
And magical powers aside, he has quite a strong personality. He's fed up with the Mystic Falls gang bullshit. He was not even that scared of Kai. I mean, he knew his brother was a freaking threat, but he did not hesitate to go on his own and do the merge with Kai. Even when Kai didn't want to do it Luke was like "Hey bitch, you scared I could win ?"
I don't think Luke really thought he could win or maybe he did, anyway he just wanted it to end. He wanted to project his sisters.
So, with Kai's personality inside of him, what would he be like ? I think that guy would at least find a way to end that Gemini tradition crap about the merge, and the lives of the whole coven linked to the leader.
Apart from that I don't know.
That would not be as fun as seeing Kai struggle with new emotions 🤣 but I want to see Luke being even more badass you know.
Yup, really long question sorry not sorry. X)
This is a very interesting question! Tho I have wondered what Jo would be like if she merged w Kai & won, I've never wondered about Luke until now... I think it could be a very compelling arc for him & the gemini coven. Here's what I think would happen! (I wrote a whole ass mini-fanfic in my answer lmfao):
Fresh after the merge: Luke would initially act & feel almost exactly like same old Luke, except maybe he'd rightfully be a bit more grim, traumatized and world-weary after defeating Kai. Liv & Jo would be concerned but he'd tell them not to worry bc he just needs some time to recover & leading the coven rn is more important than his mental health anyway (aka the FIRST Red Flag). Liv & Jo would disagree but let it go for now to avoid stressing him out.
First few months as leader: I think Luke's first order of business would be to undo the damage Joshua did as a terrible coven leader. That might mean overturning fucked up coven laws, etc. but Joshua doesn't like this, so he gets his supporters in the coven to back him & veto Luke's changes. Meanwhile, Luke's own coven support is growing bc I do believe he'd be a MUCH better leader than Joshua, so old man's resentment grows more. Eventually, it reaches a point where Luke feels boxed in like he can't make any real GOOD change bc of Joshua's puppets & THAT is when... the whispers of Kai's voice begin to awaken in Luke's mind. Uh-oh...
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Conflict resolution 101: The part of Luke that's in control tries to be diplomatic about getting rid of Joshua's supporters but it just. doesn't. work. The assholes are FLUENT in gemini bureaucracy bc they've been around longer so they outmaneuver Luke constantly. That's when Kai begins suggesting some... less diplomatic solutions, including the idea that Joshua's supporters wouldn't be such a problem if JOSHUA was gone. Luke spends a long time rejecting this & literally warring with himself, so Liv & Jo are like "dude are u ok" and in a moment of weakness he admits his idea about taking joshua out. They're shocked, but after a sec, they're like "wait this is the same man who tried to off his own kids more than once. Uk what? yes lets do it." And suddenly all 3 (ahem, 4) Parker kids are plotting to put dad in a magical coma (hmm does that sound familiar? I wonder which sibling's idea this was...) so he can't influence his supporters anymore. And the siblings succeed! Joshua's out! but it becomes their lil secret, hidden from the coven...
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A Good Ol' Frame Job: Lo and behold, Joshua's supporters still stay loyal to the man in a coma instead of Luke! Liv & Jo are like "it's fine luke, dad isn't gonna wake up so eventually they'll have no choice but to listen to you" but KAI isn't convinced... and neither is Luke. Diplomacy didn't work, sleeping beauty-ing joshua didn't work, so now he needs to play dirty. He doesn't jump to violence or anything - he simply frames a few of them for crimes they didn't commit. Snakey, but simple. Only problem is... Luke can't recall if this idea was his own, or Kai's...... bc they're both equally likely to have thought of it. Kai's influence is growing... So when Jo & Liv come to him like "wow crazy how those supporters got revealed as criminals right? That worked out conveniently," Luke goes w the safest option & says "haaa yea what a coincidence! no idea how that happened" ......and now he's lying to his sisters (Big Red Flag #2)
Calm before the storm: Now that joshua's remaining supporters (who haven't been framed) are very few, Luke doesn't face much resistance anymore & he actually succeeds at reforming a lot of fucked up gemini practices & making positive change. Maybe he even succeeds at eliminating the merge altogether! Luke's flying high, believing he's a true protector of the geminis & the best leader and savior (which, to be fair, he rly is better than the shitty leaders before him)! Kai's influence here is very sneaky bc some of Luke's old sense of humor comes back to him, with some new hints of cockiness that weren't there before. Luke's golden boy charm & Kai's cockiness creates the perfect politician cocktail & liv and jo appreciate the good he's done for geminis but also lowkey resent the big-headed self-important persona he's growing.
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But THEN there's trouble in paradise: joshua's leftover supporters find a piece of evidence that proves Luke framed the others & they threaten Luke w it, deducing that he also had smthg to do w Joshua's coma. They order him to step down but he can't do that. Not now, when he's finally *this* close to changing the coven for good! These pricks will wake joshua & bring the old laws back! No, he can't let that happen, he can't let it- ....Luke snaps. He blacks out, then wakes up in horror to realize he violently killed. them. all. He panics, calling Jo & Liv for help BUT to cover his ass, he lies & says he had to kill them bc they found out about "all 3 of them" cursing Joshua... while choosing not to mention how they also discovered his frame jobs. Liv & Jo are horrified yet they help him cover this up bc he's falsely led them to believe their asses are also on the line for cursing joshua... but then Jo notices some of them were killed in very "Kai" ways (bled to death from their spleens getting cut out, etc.) & Liv finds the piece of evidence they had that links Luke to the frame jobs...... the 2 of them realize Luke is not in control anymore.
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The Climax: Liv & Jo confront Luke, asking him to step down but warning him that they'll MAKE him if he doesn't agree. He doesn't agree. A fight ensues & Luke is pretty OP despite the 2 v. 1. Luke gets *this* close to killing them (while Kai cheers him on), but then says SIKE and kills JOSHUA's comatose body instead, shocking everyone. Jo, Liv AND Kai are like "wha- why?!" & Luke the politician diabolically reveals that he can't bring himself to kill them - but he can frame them for Joshua's death & turn the coven against them.... OR he can frame the dead supporters for Joshua's death & save his sisters, IF Liv & Jo stay loyal to his cause. At this ultimatum, Jo & Liv finally give up, saying they'd rather get framed or killed than let him rule the coven like this. The Kai in Luke gets triggered by their abandonment bc he's a gOoD LEADER can't u SEE?! Kai's increased presence & Luke's increased lack of control make his SIPHONING manifest for the first time & he unintentionally starts siphoning the sisters. And Luke gets triggered by them trying to overthrow him bc he's the OnLy one who can PROTECT the coven!! Just like he protected Jo & Liv from Kai!! At this point the sisters' resentment RLY comes out like "WE DIDNT ASK YOU TO!! YOU chose to merge to protect us WITHOUT ASKING what WE wanted!! U literally knocked out Jo when she was ABOUT to merge! You protected us bc that's what U wanted, not US. And now the coven doesn't need to be protected BY you anymore, it needs to be protected FROM you!!" Like a bucket of ice water, Luke realizes he's siphoning his sisters rn. He has become Kai. They're right. He is not in control anymore. He steps away & realizes the whole coven itself is broken. The best way to save it is to take the ruling family nonsense out of it & free everyone. He agrees to step down & Jo & Liv help him break the coven link altogether and they free the coven! For a moment, it seems like Kai is going to stop them, but then even the Kai in his mind realizes the coven fucked him over his whole life & he'd much rather see it gone. So all 4 kids unite in Sibling Solidarity and liberate the coven!
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Epilogue: Luke gets therapy & that means Kai begrudgingly gets it too bc he's stuck in luke's head. They both start healing & finding a medium ground of how to share space in luke's head. Kai even uses Luke to apologize to Liv & Jo for his own crimes. I'd like to think he'd even get Luke to go to Bonnie and apologize on his behalf & maybe help her out whenever he can, tho i don't think it would be sexual, bc in canon the merge didn't change kai's sexuality so i doubt it would change luke's. But yea I think bonnie would still at least have a new ally in luke thanks to the Kai in him xD
THE END lol I hope my impromptu mini-fanfic here answered your question ahaahaha thank you for asking!!!
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2022dirt · 11 days
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Someone merged an RV and a Volkswagen Beetle together.
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picsfortheday · 1 year
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mergeman · 1 year
This is my first time using AI images let me know what you think
The deceased farmer could only morn as he spent year after year watching the land he had worked so hard for crumble to time. He had lived a full life to the ripe old age of 92, had six kids who in turn had kids, who they themselves had kids of their own.
None of these descendants though had visited the farm in the 79 years since he had passed, so the ghost could only watch as his lives work slowly disintegrated.
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That was until she came along. The old specter could feel his blood in her veins and became excited to see her on his land. She had been coming for just over 2 years now but she did nothing but take sketches and wonder the old property. The farmer wanting to know what her plans were got closer then he ever had before only to discover she was drawing rows and rows of ugly little homes! He tried everything in his power to knock the sketch book from her hands. Growing more and more frustrated at his impotence the normally calm ghost let loose all of his anger and rushed at the young woman.
Claire's POV
It was another hot day on this god forsaken piece of shit land, my grand inheritance from my Great Uncle.
ugh..... Shivers
That was weird its been hot and dry all day long, where did that frigged blast of cold air come from? I crossed my arms as I became aware that I might not be alone out here.
"Hello?" I called out into the summer void
Was the last thing I heard before my body spasmed.
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It was just a moment and then I was picking myself up off the dusty ground. I stumbled as I tried to find my balance, my body seemed heavy and bloated.
I called out again. "hello? who are you? show yourself"
Mine! It's Mine, and you will not have it!
I doubled over as wave after wave of pain washed over me. I scrambled to find my cell phone in the dusty earth.
It was hidden underneath the fallen sketches. I grabbed it and hit redial so it would call my fiancé Trevor. After the 3rd ring I hear a deep male voice say hey babe.
"Trevor you gotta come here now. Somethings wron....wrong... wi... wit.... with me!" My voice was cracking under the strain of the pain.
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"Babe ill be ri" click
I look in horror as my finger hits the end call button.
Then something controlled my arm and threw the phone into the nearby bushes.
It's Mine, not yours! You will not take it!
Oh My Fucking God. The Voice Was In My Head!!!!!
Who the fuck are you? I thought at (it/him?)
No girl is gonna curse at me on my own land!
Oh I can now feel him invading me, changing me.
Get the hell out of me you fucking piece of shit.
I could feel him moving around stretching me from the inside. No mattered what I tried nothing seemed to stop him.
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I was helpless as my body grew more masculine. Hair sprouted on my boobs which in turn were quickly changed into an impressive set of pecs. My torso widened and my arms got heavy with the added muscles.
Mine, I want it all, You'll never take my land
I could see him now! He's just an old man.
I use my will to push at him, but nothing seems to work!
In fact the more I push the less like myself I feel.
Get out of me you old codger.
My body kept changing as I could feel him taking me over piece by piece.
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Most of what was me is fading fast. He was winning. Hell even if I could somehow remove him would i be stuck like this or return to normal?
These questions danced in my head as the last of me was being consumed.
Yes!! Mine It's all Mine, They will never take away our land again!
With the last of what's me I could feel the old bastard be consumed by someone else. No this was something new. No Someone new!
My bodies last bit of femineity died as my clit sealed up and reformed into a cock worthy of the man I'd become.
Everything was on fire as a bright flash.
Clive's POV
Fuck, I'm gettin old, I know 45 is not that old but when you've been working to restore your families farm for the last 25 years it sure takes a toll. What started it as a dilapidated farm is now one of the richest ranches in the state
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It would have been harder without my husband Trevor, he has been my rock, and my right hand ever his folks kicked him out and he came to me to be my farm hand.
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Now 17 years later we've adopted 6 kids and life couldn't be more hectic or fun. I owe it all to my Inheritance.
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spookyfartduck · 10 months
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ultram0th · 1 year
31 Days of Derek Hale
Day 09: Merge
Info │ 01 │ 02 │ 03 │ 04 │ 05 │ 06 │ 07 │ 08 │ 09
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“You’re the worst alpha I’ve ever had!” Peter yelled, throwing his hands up in the air dramatically.
Derek snarled in response, baring his massive werewolf fangs. “I wouldn’t have to be so hard on you if you weren’t so damn stupid!” he countered.
The two werewolves continued to argue and yell at each other, their bellowing voices echoing throughout the house and making peace nearly impossible. 
Meanwhile, Stiles rubbed at his temples in irritation as he tried to read some articles for his college classes, irked that he couldn’t get any studying done with the werewolves’ dick measuring contest going on in the background. Worse was that ever since Peter miraculously came back from the dead, he and Derek seemed to be at each other’s throats constantly.
“You’re the most selfish member of the pack!” Derek growled, puffing out his chest as he tried to threaten the older werewolf. “I should’ve kicked your ass out a long time ago!”
Peter, being the drama queen that he was, rolled his eyes exaggeratedly. “Oh please, Pup,” he spat. “You have no clue what the hell you’re doing. Shit, your little pack would fall apart if it wasn’t for my help.”
The two men kept yelling at each other, ruining any semblance of tranquility as they puffed out their chests in what could be described as a “Bro Off”. Both of them would bark and yell, yet neither one of them dared to throw the first punch.
Finally, Stiles slammed his book shut, over their childish behavior. “Will both of you shut the fuck up?!” he cried.
Derek and Peter both froze to stare at him in bewilderment.
“He started it,” Derek muttered, gesturing at Peter heatedly.
“I don’t care who started it!” Stiles exclaimed. “We’re all in the same pack, so if the two of you could figure out a way to be closer, that’d be perfect!”
As soon as the words left Stiles’s full lips, an electric quality appeared in the air, making the hairs on the werewolves’ arms stand at attention. Before anyone could ask what was going on, Derek and Peter felt themselves moving towards one another, their limbs acting on their own accord.
Against their will, Derek and Peter both raised their arms and seemingly embraced one another in a hug, the two of them wearing worried expressions on their handsome faces as they desperately tried to regain control of their bodies. Even Stiles was shocked, his jaw hanging low as he watched the two werewolves hug one another.
Then something else happened.
Derek was the taller one, and it seemed as if Peter’s smaller (yet still muscled) body melted into Derek’s larger one. As the werewolves merged together, their muscles appeared to combine, becoming larger and much more defined. Their arms combined, becoming larger with much bigger biceps than before. Pecs protruded out in front of their bodies, capped by large, nubby nipples that were twice the size of their respective ones. Even their clothes seemed to merge together, taking Peter’s blue button down and Derek’s white tank, morphing them into a blue and white muscle tank top that served to show off their large muscles.
Derek and Peter were stunned silent as their heads positioned themselves upon broadened shoulders, sitting side by side.
When the changes finally ceased, standing where the two werewolves previously argued with one another, was a two-headed muscle beast. Derek and Peter stared in shock and horror as they used the buff arm that they could control to feel around their shared body, blushing when they could feel the exact same sensations.
“Wh-what happened to us?!” Derek panicked, taking an awkward step forward as if he could pull himself away from his shared body. All that served to do was make his new body stumble, Peter in control of the other leg.
Even Stiles was stunned silent, unable to wrap his head around what was happening. Moments before, Derek and Peter had been arguing, and then they were sharing a body that was twice the size of their normal ones.
Peter felt around his shared body in disbelief, bristling when he noted the obscene size of his enlarged muscles. “H-how did this happen?!” he gasped, unable to wrap his head around the fact that he and his nephew shared an over-muscled body.
Stiles shook his head in disbelief. “All I meant for you two to be closer, not this!” he hurriedly cried. 
The two-headed werewolf struggled to stalk forward, each one of them using the leg that they controlled.
“You better figure out a way to fix this!” Derek growled. “How the fuck can I be expected to perform my alpha duties with this dumbass attached to me? And how can I be expected to be with my boyfriend when I’m sharing a body…” He trailed off when his thoughts were clouded over with Peter’s.
Derek turned his head to glare at Peter’s, who attempted to look away, but given their unwanted proximity, the attempt was moot.
“Really?”  Derek growled, anger bubbling up in his gut.
Peter blushed, but tried his hardest to look unbothered. “He’s kinda cute,” he muttered under his breath, referencing his secret crush on Stiles, which Derek could pick up on thanks to their shared body.
Both of the werewolves flinched when they felt a throbbing in their pants. They each used the arm they controlled to yank down their pants, revealing the twin cocks that they possessed. Both of the impressive members stood at perfect attention, directed straight towards the shocked human.
Derek and Peter sniffed at the air, surprised at the heat radiating off of Stiles.
“Really?” they both asked in unison, shocked at the fact that Stiles seemed to be turned on. 
Stiles shrugged cheekily. “Well, I love Derek, but I also think that Peter is hot, in a weird sorta way,” he admitted, blushing.
Derek and Peter sighed, their shared shoulders rising and falling with the action.
Derek used his arm to scratch at the back of his head. “Well,” he mumbled, “I guess we could try to make this work…”
Peter looked downward at the two cocks that were attached to his and Derek’s shared body. “I hope that Stiles can take two at a time,” he said.
Stiles eagerly nodded. “I can look up some stretches!” he rushed, already looking forward to getting fucked by his new two-headed boyfriend.
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scroopl · 1 month
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Making Brass
surprisingly was asked to draw my liquid metal dragons as an art trade with The Mad Astronaut!  thanks to this, these dragons have actual names! the zinc dragon is Sphal and the copper one is Cyprus! might actually draw these two again sometime!
Posted using PostyBirb
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