freyrsolutions · 1 year
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jowrites · 3 months
Intoxicated - Jake Sim Series
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******University Student! Jake! x University Student! Reader!******
YN is in her second year of college when she transfers to Xion, one of the most expensive and prestigious Universities there is. Being the new kid and 'fresh meat', she meets a new crowd of people who invite her into a world she has never truly belonged in. Easily making friends with the main Football team and popular crowd, she comes across the President of the top Fraternity of the University. He's mysterious and stays on the down-low, but soon grows a serious infatuation with the new girl, shocking everyone around him. Jake Sim stays hidden, has the highest grades and excells in everything he does, a top student but rarely joins in on any of the fun and watches from the side lines. He hides a dark secret that nobody knows, and as he grows closer to YN, his shell starts to unfold. Would she still want him if she finds out his secret?
TW: MDNR!!!! Seriously, this one if going to be very s e x heavy, cursing, sexual themes, more to come...
Profiles 1
Profiles 2
1 A strange first encounter (written)
2 A whole clown
3 Frikin nerds
4 New face (written)
5 She's just that likable
6 Oh, she has friends?
7 Cake & Mario Kart (written)
8 She likes sharks & food
9 It's the mental illness
10 Doing fine
11 The shell is cracking (written)
12 Obsessed
13 Who's the one losing now?
14 That's embarassing (written)
15 Been humbled
16 Is there something wrong?
17 Breaking Down (written)(AUTHORS NOTE)
18 Always defends
19 So ride or die
20 He's free
21 Changed for the better
22 You all are freaks (written)
23 Merry Chrysler
24 Pushing buttons
25 High-key toxic
26 That’s not good
27 Tied down (written)
28 Eloped
29 Out of sight, peace of mind
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soubi122 · 9 months
This is a oneshot that was collecting dust in my drafts and I finally managed to finish it - ft kakucho.
Warnings: Domestic violence, smut, pregnancy, cheating, mentions of death, slight dark content, alcohol, language, slight angst and fluff.
MDNR - MINORS, respectfully, GO AWAY.
You never thought about being this happy at a funeral. Past funerals attended were full of grief and sorrow. The person who left the earth would be someone whom you'd dearly loved or were close with, someone who you felt was taken too soon. But this was different, the funeral taking place today was for none other than your husband. What you thought would be the best thing in your life turned out to be a nightmare. 
At the funeral many people flooded the marble floors, paying their respects to the dearly departed. His large portrait was on a stand surrounded by white and yellow chrysanthemums. The sight of these flowers was too pure for the vile being that was being honored today. Strangers were coming up to you and bowing - giving their condolences for your loss. They placed small envelopes in a box, a red and gold box that you wanted to burn. He deserved none of the generosity offered today. 
The black veil that covered your face felt like a mask, obscuring your features to avoid people gauging your reactions or grief, it also hid the ugly bruises and swollen eyes. For hours you've been sitting in that cushion and in pain. Your ribs were aching, the throbbing in your head wouldn't stop, the taste of metal on your tongue was driving you mad. As the funeral was winding down, the director approached you with a warm smile, years of practice and empathy made this process easy for them. “Mrs. (L/N)? We're at the last 10 minutes - we will begin escorting the guests out.” You nodded and were about to get up and leave but a tall figure approached you. Oh god, please… no more 'sorry for loss', 'your husband was a great man' lines. You think to yourself as you look up and notice the male's features. Raven hair, a scar that ran across the right side of his face to the left eye - despite his threatening appearance, the look in his eyes was sincere. 
Remembering him as a recent acquaintance of your husband, you knew they were coming to ask about his will. Business is business after all, it will keep going even when you are laying on a metal slab or are 6ft underground. “(Y/N), I'm very sorry for your loss.”  His stern but gentle tone caught you off guard. As you were beginning to bow, he spoke again - “We will need to speak regarding your husband's affairs and assets.” Here we go…the ever looming threat of his wealth was barreling towards you already and his ashes have yet to be scattered into the wind. The vultures were ready. “His attorney will be reading the will tomorrow - I'm sure he outlined what is to be done with his assets.” The raven haired man said nothing more and bowed, taking his leave. Finally, this act was over. 
You made your way to the penthouse that you were forced to call home but now that he was gone, you welcomed the emptiness that awaited you. Kicking off your heels, you exhaled a sigh of relief and slid down to the floor - barely noticing the figure that emerged from the dark corner of your kitchen. Only when you heard the sound of a click did you notice the shadow. You began to put your hands up and stare into the dark corner, waiting for the figure to emerge. “Sorry to do this during your time of grief, but this is urgent.” The same scarred man approached you, he had a gun in hand, loaded and pointed in your direction. 
Soon more figures emerged from the dark corners of your home. How the hell did they get past security? A knot began to form in your throat as the man tilted his head, pointing towards the kitchen island and telling you to take a seat without words. You got on your feet and made your way towards the island, silently taking a seat with your hands still up. The final figure that emerged was that of a shorter male with silver hair and eyes that looked like they haven't had a good night's rest in months. The dark circles became even more prominent by the dimmed overhead lights in your kitchen. “You can put your hands down, dollface.” One of the many men spoke, his tone was that of a psychopath - to avoid invoking anyone's wrath, you put your hands down on the counter. “Your husband's assets belong to us - at tomorrow's reading, you will relinquish them without any opposition.” A third voice said and his figure stepped into the dim light. He too had silver hair but his was long and he had eyes like a feral cat. A light chuckle escapes your lips as you reach for your coat pocket. In an instant your head was pinned against the counter, making you grunt and a gun was pressed against the back of your skull. “Don't even try, gorgeous…” Long slender fingers reached for the hand that held the metal object, prying it from your hold. “It's a cigarette box…” You say quietly without moving or resisting. 
With a nod, the shorter man gave permission for them to remove the gun, allowing you to lift your head from the counter. “We will have someone accompany you to tomorrow's reading…as a safety precaution - wouldn't want you to make a break for it.” Your silence spoke volumes to them. “We can also just make you hand everything over without the attorney present.” Another voice said from behind you, his tone was much softer than the one who pinned you down. Just what the hell did your husband get into? How did they know where you lived? The only thing you could do is nod. “Kakucho, you and these three will stay with her until tomorrow's reading. Takeomi and Mochizuki will bring you some spare clothing in the morning.” The man who you assumed was Kakucho nodded. Were they really planning to spend the night here? Or did they have other plans in mind? Did they want to break you more than your husband already did? You looked at the man with the short silver hair, his eyes were empty, bare and cold. Though the veil covered your face and hid your expression, he saw right through it - the submission and fear. “They won't touch you unless you give them a reason to…” His words of reassurance did just the opposite. 
Once the rest of the men left your penthouse, the others that remained began to make themselves at home and turned on the lights. Turning to face them, you noticed that they were all dressed in suits, had wildly colored hair and two of them had neck tattoos. The more ‘normal’ looking one was the raven haired man, with the exception of his facial scar. “So, dollface…you're probably wondering what your dear ol' husband did in order for us to be here…” The male with the psychopathic tone spoke, the two diamond shaped scars on the corners of his mouth curved as he smiled wickedly at you. Never have you seen such beautiful crystal eyes on such a sinister looking man. “You're scaring her Sanzu, she'll be sleeping with an eye open now thanks to you.” The coy and playful tone of the tallest male made you look in his direction. He had clean cut short purple tresses, the neck tattoo robbed your attention from his lavender eyes and handsome smirk. If you were to stand in front of him, you were sure to get top shelf vertigo. “Mikey said not to touch her.” The third male spoke, he had almost a matching hair color to the taller man but in mullet form, he too bore a neck tattoo - wait…that hanafuda design…it can't be! Alarm bells started going off in your head, you've seen the news, heard the rumors and seen first hand at what Bonten is capable of. That life of peace that you thought you were going to have? Well it just went up in smoke. These men were probably going to torture you, rape you or throw you in a brothel to pay off whatever your husband owed them. 
It felt like your chest was about to burst, the anxiety was ravaging your nerves and mind. The shortness of breath and trembling started, when the raven haired man noticed, you were on the verge of passing out. He caught you right before the back of your head met the floor. “Hey! What's wrong?” He asked as you began to have a panic attack. A sharp pain in your chest was making it difficult to breathe or even speak. “Get her some water!” He ordered one of the others as he sat across from you on the floor. The others began bickering, yelling at each other over who scared you. There was too much noise. “I'm going to slowly remove your veil, ok? I'm not gonna hurt you.” His hands gently reached out to you and you screwed your eyes shut. Don't look at me, please…! The voice inside your head screamed, your body was too in shock to move away from him. When he removed the veil, they all went silent. “…fuck, we didn't know.” You could hear one of them say. 
All four men flinched for a split second, recalling when they slammed your head against the counter. The purple and faded yellow bruises on your face and busted lip were staring at them dead in the face. The veil wasn't so that people wouldn't see your puffy crying eyes, it was to hide the pain and evidence of domestic violence.
The silence was overwhelming, making you panic even more - your breathing struggled again, snapping them out of their daze. You felt a pair of hands intertwining themselves with yours. Despite being inside, your hands felt like ice - the warmth of his hands made you feel alive. “I need you to try and take a deep breath. Focus on my voice, squeeze my hand if you understand.” Kakucho's soft and honeyed tone traveled through your ear canal and went straight to your chest. There was a soothing bass in his voice that made you follow his directions. 
Slow and steady you began to take deep breaths, one light squeeze signaled your understanding. A second voice was now in your ear, gently he titled your head in his direction. “Slowly open your eyes and focus on me…what color are my eyes?”  When you opened your eyes, you were met with a pair of lavender orbs and a tender gaze. “T-They're…beautiful.”  You managed to stutter out, his eyes matched the taller male - were they siblings? Your comment made him smirk softly, usually when people stare into his eyes they see death. “Rindou, I think she likes you…” The taller male whispered as he noticed the slight blush on your face. Finally, you were beginning to relax and breathe normally. Who would have known that the world's most dangerous men could soothe your soul? “Here, take small sips at a time.” The man with the diamond shaped scars said to you and handed you a small glass of water. Little by little, you were able to think straight without panic or anxiety. “So you can call us by our names and trust us - my name is Ran, this is my brother Rindou.” The tall male said. “The knucklehead you see over there with the pink hair is Sanzu and finally, in front of you, you have Kakucho.” Their introduction was not needed but worthy of making you feel a little at ease. 
Kakucho released your hand and helped you get on your feet. “Please, get some rest - we need to be on time for tomorrow’s reading.” That's right, these men stated that everything your husband owned was theirs. The question slipped your tongue when you opened your mouth, “Will I be set free or sold tomorrow?” Ran stepped closer and cupped your bruised cheek, there was a flicker of uncertainty in his eyes. “That's not for us to decide.” Depending on what Bonten's king says, he will ultimately determine your fate - even after his death, your husband is still finding ways to break you. 
With your head hung low you made your way to your room. “Keep the door open, dollface.” Sanzu said as he sat on the Burrow couches and kicked his feet up on the coffee table. It made your eye twitch, your husband would have made you sit on the floor if that were you. Despite being at home, you had to be perfect, primed and ready for anything. To have such freedom and fearless nature, you envied it. 
It was useless to try and protest keeping the door open. Walking into your bedroom, you began to lay out clean clothing - the day was long, you needed the comfort of warm water to relieve the ache in your ribs, the aches on your legs and arms. Once you had everything ready, you picked up your bathrobe and went to the bathroom - quietly closing the bathroom door. You took a long hard look at yourself in the mirror, analyzing the bruises on your face, the marks across your neck and the redness in your eyes, it was over. Your life was over before it even began. That freedom you were hoping to have was now dependent on someone else. 
After filling the tub you began to slowly shed the clothing that clung to your figure. You had hairline fractures that were making it impossible to stay still during the funeral. The bruises extended down to your hips and thighs. Something no else would see. After showering you settle in the bathtub, gently laid back and stare at the ceiling and wonder if you should even continue to walk this earth…
Several minutes of staring into space, the door to your bathroom opens and in walks Kakucho. His calm demeanor was rather comforting - you were used to seeing your husband walk through that door with a scowl on his face or worse, a liquor bottle in his hands. “I’m not trying to drown myself if that’s what you’re thinking.” You say while slowly sitting up. You were surprised that they gave you this much privacy knowing that you could have called the cops or signal for help. Unfortunately, you didn’t trust the cops. That dearly beloved husband that departed this earth always had his way anytime you or someone else would call the cops. They would ask questions but your husband would pull them to the side and slip a small stack of bills in their pockets to keep them quiet. As soon as they would leave, he’d continue where he’d left off. Days would go by where you couldn’t even walk or let alone stand due to the pain. 
“Please be ready by 8:00 tomorrow, the reading is at 10:00...” He says and hands you a towel. Guessing by how they are looming over you like this, they wanted to make sure you’d be able to attend tomorrow’s reading. He was about to walk away but you pulled his sleeve and stopped him. “I need help.” You spoke meekly and avoided his eyes, as much as you didn't want to ask - you needed his help. “Oh…I won't look.” He said, closing his eyes and turned the other way as he extended his arms for you to reach out and grab. Sucking in a deep breath you braced yourself for the next painful seconds of your life. Kakucho could hear you struggle and grunt as you were struggling to get up. It was exciting to him, but he refused to indulge. With his eyes still closed, he spoke - “Your face isn't the only thing bruised, is it?” Usually they don't pry into other people's affairs but this was different. Gathering information was his specialty, but your docile nature drew him in. 
Kakucho felt compelled to at least leave you with something to take care of yourself with. Despite Bonten's reputation and crude nature there was still some sort of kindness in their subconscious. “My late husband would beat me almost everyday if something wasn't up to his standard.”  You said while wrapping yourself in a bathrobe. Maybe, just maybe they'd have a little mercy on you if you tell them the truth. “Yet he wanted me to conceive a child…and he fucked me nonstop until I couldn't walk… “ Kakucho felt his hand twitch for a second, raising your hand at a woman - it made his blood boil. Even though Bonten was involved with prostitution, their merchandise would still be protected. 
Your mother-in-law's declining health led to her asking you to bear her only son's child. It was a request made out of love. She loved you and adored you like her own daughter, yet she was completely blind to her son's true nature. Manipulative, cunning, aggressive and silver tongued - that's what he was. He tried to knock you up but had no luck. With a visit to the doctor, you'd come to find out about your infertility. This caused a maelstrom of emotions, you were glad yet heartbroken. Cursed to suffer alongside him and unable to conceive. After his mother's death the beatings worsened, the cheating began and so did the drinking.
“Did you miscarry?” Kakucho's question made you chuckle, making him open his eyes to face you. The sight in front of him was that of beauty and horror. The thin bathrobe left little to the imagination, the outline of your perky breasts made him blush. Your figure was gorgeous, your frame was perfect and your eyes almost had an ethereal glow to them. Yet the bruises on your body made him sick. How could someone do that to you? Was your love and devotion not enough for that sadistic son of a bitch? “Apparently I'm hollow…” Your hands caressed your belly as you spoke. Confusion was written all over his face. “I can't have children.” For someone who knows very little about you, he was ready to kill your husband but alas he was already dead. Someone beat him to it. 
There was little to no emotion in your voice. You accepted your infertility and begged to be divorced but he refused to let you go. He refused to see you happy, let alone happy with another man. “I know it doesn't mean much now but I'm very sorry.” Kakucho says and breaks you out of the misery spiral. For the first time in your life since your mother-in-law's death - someone actually said something sincere to you. “Thank you. Who knew strangers could provide such comfort?” You say and head to your bedroom to get dressed. Something about you made him curious. What else were you forced to endure? 
From the doorway you could see the other three males laying on the couches and nodding off to sleep. Looking back at Kakucho, you noticed his eyes never left you. There was warmth building up inside you, but the reality of it all loomed over you like a rain cloud. Yet, the urge to feel that warmth overpowered you. “Mind if I close the door?” There was a tinge of playfulness in your tone. You knew he would keep his eyes on you. He nodded and gently closed the door himself, he didn’t want to catch the attention of the others. 
Shedding the bathrobe and letting it drop to the floor, you kept eye contact with him. You could hear him swallow thickly as his eyes began to wander around your naked figure. Kakucho just about groaned as your body was on full display. The bruises, scars and cuts drew him in like a moth to a flame. He began to walk towards you and closed the distance. Seeing how you could barely lift your arms or bend over, he helped you get dressed. There was tension but as much as he wanted to act on it, he couldn’t. You were too fragile to even touch. 
Finally after helping you to bed, he stepped out of the room and left the door ajar. “I know that look…” The sound of Ran’s voice broke through the silence. Turning around, Kakucho saw that Rindou and Sanzu were asleep on the couch. Ran was sitting by the island and smirking at him. “We might need a little help tomorrow.” Kakucho says and makes a phone call. The remainder of the night was quiet, you slept peacefully for the first time in 3 years. 
*the next morning*
You felt a warm hand on your shoulder, it was gently tugging at you and waking you up. Mumbling, you turned to face Kakucho. He was standing next to your bed. “It’s time.” He says softly. Slowly sitting up you notice he was the only one with you. The others had left already, maybe they were making their way to the lawyers office…wait, what time was it? Grabbing your phone, you see that it’s 8:30 a.m.- you were late. Sensing your panic, Kakucho explained that they let you sleep in as the reading wasn’t until 10:00 a.m. 
During the car ride, you stared out the window and wondered if you would live to see the next sunrise. “Did you tell your boss about that?” You asked him and broke the silence. Apparently there was more than just a simple helping hand last night. You laid your soul bare and told him some additional information that Bonten needed to be aware of. “It’s been taken care of.” He says and keeps his eyes on the road. 
When you arrived, you made your way to the office and upon entering you saw it. Well to be exact, her. Your husband’s mistress and the wicked smirk she had on her face. She was clad in a skin tight black dress that accentuated her bust and belly, a large ‘fur’ coat, stilettos and was wearing bright red lipstick. It was a stark contrast compared to you. You were appropriately dressed like a widow, wearing black dress pants and a black blazer - it was to cover your bruises and also be comfortable during this shitty reading. You had neutral makeup on, just enough to hide the bruises and dark circles. “Well well…you showed up knowing that you ain’t getting shit. How bold of you (Y/N).” The mistress said while eyeing you up and down. Kakucho glared at her, after what you told him last night - he wanted nothing more than to wipe that smirk off her face.
In walked the lawyer about 2 minutes later, he was a very short man with gray hair and thick glasses. He carried a serious look on his face and by the creases in his face, you can tell his scowl was permanent. Clearing his throat, the lawyer sat down and confirmed that the required party was present to begin. Before he could begin with the reading, the mistress interrupted him by saying something that made you ball up your fists. “Sorry, I need to run to the ladies room. Being pregnant and all, you just can’t hold your bladder.” Her faux apologetic tone was a jab at you and your infertility. Of course she knew, your husband made it known to every prostitute he slept with. How she managed to stick him, you weren’t sure but you no longer cared enough to harbor any jealousy towards their affair. The only thing that managed to hurt you or cause you anger was the fact that she always threw your infertility in your face. It was worse when she found out she was pregnant with his child. Constant bullying and teasing by them both ensued. She was currently 4 months pregnant.
When she returned, you kept your eyes focused on the lawyer and asked him to proceed. You couldn’t stand being in the same room as her. “Very well…we are gathered here today to read the final will and testament of (Husband’s Name). ‘To my wife, (Y/N), I leave to you only one thing, my mother’s wedding ring.’ To- ” The lawyer was interrupted by the loud cackle of the other woman, she was laughing and holding her sides. Ugh, you wanted nothing more than to rip her tongue out. Kakucho placed a hand on your shoulder and snapped you out of your thoughts. “I’m sorry, oh that was too funny! Please go on.” She says and wipes tears from her eyes and calms herself.
The lawyer subtly rolls his eyes and proceeds. “As I was saying, ‘To (Mistress’s name), I leave to you all my assets and fortune as you carry our child and my bloodline.’...” Of course she was elated and smiling from ear to ear. Kakucho could see that she was only looking forward to the money and didn’t care that the man in quest had passed away. She was giggling and making a whole scene about how lucky she was and how the god’s blessed her. The lawyer kept reading the will and then the room went silent when the lawyer read the last line of your husband’s will. “In order for (Mistress) to claim any assets and fortunes, a paternity test will be required to prove that the child is the biological child of (husband’s name) no later than 1 month of the child’s birth. In the event that the child is not his, all assets and fortunes will go to his spouse, (Y/N).” As she is a floozy, you knew there was a 3% chance that it wasn’t his child. All eyes turned to look at her and her face was red. She was pissed. “How dare he question his own child?! I will prove it as soon as I am able to get the paternity test!” She yelled and huffed. To be honest, you just wanted to go home, you didn’t care who ended up with anything - Bonten was going to take it anyway.
Just then Kakucho’s cell phone rings, he lightly taps your shoulder and gives you a warm smile before he steps out of the room. The mistress caught it all. Her fires simmered when she noticed the look of what she assumed was worry on your face. “Moving on so soon (Y/N)?” She says and it looked as if she was baring her fangs at you. Maybe she could try and take Kakucho from you too. You ignored her question and asked the lawyer what needed to be done in the meanwhile as the mistress was in her 2nd trimester. He explained that you will manage all assets and issue a monthly allowance until the child is born. 
After 10 minutes, Kakucho walked back into the room and asked you not to contest the will. You figured that Bonten instructed him on how you needed to proceed. They will obtain the assets through the mistress, knowing them - it will be easier than dealing with you. You knew the ins and outs of the legal world so you may be able to contest in some sort of way. It was a little upsetting that you were being tossed aside but at the same time you were grateful that you didn’t have to continue suffering for your husbands fuck ups. 
The lawyer presents you and the mistress a document, it was to confirm that you were present at the hearing and will not contest the will. You read over the information to make sure it was all accurate, once confirmed - you signed it and returned the documents to the lawyer. The mistress was so giddy and had a shit eating smirk on her face that it made the lawyer roll his eyes again. The poor man was not having it. Once everything was signed, his assistant came to collect the documents and was personally dropping off the documents to the courthouse for filing. Everything was to be expedited and they did not want to waste any time. “(Y/N), I guess I will come by before the end of the month and drop off my things. Since I will be moving into the house and all.” She says smugly and leaves the office. You wanted to punch her in the face but had to resist the urge to upset her as she is pregnant. It’s not the baby’s fault that their mother is a fucking bitch.
Standing up, you thanked the lawyer and headed out, leaving Kakucho behind. You were so overwhelmed with emotions that you forgot about him and just wanted to go home to pack up your things. You didn’t want to leave anything personal behind for that woman to enjoy. Once you were out of sight, Kakucho placed a document on the lawyer’s desk. He didn’t say a word and let the lawyer read it to himself first. The lawyer gasped and chuckled. “I expect you will arrange a meeting within the next 2 weeks, yes?” Kakucho said and the lawyer nodded. He exited the office and headed back to headquarters. 
The next few days were a blur, you were trying to figure out what to do with your personal belongings and searching for a new place to live. Even if your husband would have left you the penthouse - you didn’t want it. There were too many bitter memories in this hellhole. Lucky for you that you set aside money for yourself and weren’t fully dependent on your husband, you were able to afford living comfortably by yourself. With some of your injuries healed or at least not as bothersome, you were able to move around a little better. It allowed you to pack and put things in storage. Luckily, Kakucho came by everyday to help you. He was extremely kind and believe it or not a great cook. In the midst of all the chaos in your life, he was slowly becoming your rock. 
There were innocent gestures that made your heart skip a beat. As much as you tried not to get attached to another man, it was hard when the man in question was treating you like an actual human and not a punching bag. 
By the end of week 2, you received a call from your husband’s lawyer - he stated that you and the mistress needed to come back down to his office for a final reading and to confirm that the paperwork was accurately filed. You asked if this was something that could be confirmed over the phone but he said no. “It is in your best interest to attend, you also need to sign an additional statement.” Great… You didn't want to see the mistress and her smug face. It was rather short notice, you had to attend tomorrow evening. Ending the call you prepared to let Kakucho know. Either way Bonten was bound to know about this right? Regardless, it was no longer your concern as the mistress would be taking hold of all your husband’s assets. 
A hard knock on your front door spooked you and you thought it was going to be none other than her as she promised to stop by. Huffing in annoyance you walk over and open the door but were caught off guard by the gentleman that stood in there. “(Y/N).” Kakucho was standing in the doorway and made a chill run down your spine. The timing was too perfect. Were they wire tapping your home? You wouldn’t be surprised. “You’re still packing?” His calm demeanor was rather soothing and welcome. Opening the door wider you let him in. “I have to.” You smile softly. 
He noticed that you were packing other things that were rather questionable and gave you an odd look. You chuckle. Kakucho was taken aback at how sweet your laugh was. He realized how much you changed, it was like night and day. On day one, you were broken and quiet - almost frail and had given up on life. Today, you are warm and vibrant. Was this the same woman? 
Throughout the day you were drinking wine and offered him some, at first he refused as he was technically on the job but you somehow got him to accept. Now you were down to the third wine bottle. Getting to know your executioner was rather endearing. Aside from Bonten being what it is, their members weren’t as bad as they seemed - well for now anyways. With the previous visit leaving a bit of tension behind, the wine was giving you the edge you needed to get closer. Who knows, this might be the last time you could sleep with someone of your choosing. Bonten might end up selling you or leaving you penniless. 
“So, why do you do this?” You ask and lean your head back on the couch. You both were sitting on the floor and leaning back against the couch. There were multiple boxes, papers, momentos and wine bottles scattered about. Kakucho picked up a photo and looked at it, exhaling as he pointed at your husband in the photograph- “To keep people like him in check.” There were various things that came to light after you asked Kakucho to elaborate. Backroom deals, gambling, fraud, prostitution and of course murder - they were all dealt with by Boten. Your husband ended up joining them as a partner after trying to move into their territory. Some things were a little familiar to you but there were other unsavory things that hit you like a truck. It made you sick. Your husband owed them money amongst other things.
All this wealth was obtained by walking on other people’s corpses. Your husband not only destroyed you but he also destroyed others. It was naive of you to think that you were the only one who was taking in his wrath. Sensing your disquiet, Kakucho opted to change the subject. “You will be set free, (Y/N).” He says softly. Turning to look at him, you noticed his eyes were glossed over - oh that innocent look on his face… It made you want to devour him. “You know you shouldn’t promise things like that.” You say coyly. You were just teasing but at the same time you meant what you said.
Taking a chance and letting the liquid courage take over, you leaned over and pressed your forehead against his. The unsteady breathing and sweet scent of alcohol only drew you in. “What are we doing?” He whispers and almost pouts when you bite your lip. “I want you to make me feel like a woman again.” You almost whimper your reply and place your hand on his chest. Oh you just made Bonten’s number 3 head spin. In the blink of an eye, his lips were on yours - hungrily devouring every breath and whimper. For once, you were enjoying getting kissed, you were enjoying the taste of alcohol on someone else’s lips and you were sinking into bliss.
You felt your heart racing, it was racing out of excitement rather than fear. His hands began to travel along your body and touched places that you never thought would make your heart skip a beat. The more heated the kiss got, the more you wanted him to lay you down already - you were desperate. 
Feeling bolder, you moved your hands south and felt the bulge that was throbbing. You breath almost caught in your throat - he felt bigger than anything you’ve ever had before, larger than your now dead husband. Wasting no time, you made haste and unbuckled his belt, you were leading. Throbbing in your hands was Kakucho’s member, oh the gods gifted him with more than just a menacing look. Leaning back away from him you took in the sight in front of you. Heavy panting, chest heaving, glossy eyes and parted lips - he was beyond handsome. You paused a little too long before you were snapped out of your daydream. 
“You’re not gonna leave me like this are you?” He pants and moves your hand in a stroking motion, sending a jolt of electricity down his shaft. Oh how he was making your brain turn into mush. Continuing your motions, you felt your core aching and in desperate need of attention. Running your thumb over his leaking slit, you felt his hips jerk and he let out the sweetest moan. “Kakucho…” You say coyly and put a little more pressure around his length. He moans a response and gazes at you. His mind was also melting and on the verge of turning into mush. “Can I…taste you?” You ask while leaning in and give his tip a kitten lick that makes his eyes roll back. He chuckles and gives you permission to devour him.
Taking him in your mouth, you taste his sweet essence and bob your head slowly up and down. Focusing on his tip, your tongue swirls around the head and he feels his vision getting hazy. He was a lot to take in, with the tip hitting the back of your throat, you had a feeling he was going to tear you apart later. To him it felt like sweet torture, you were giving him affection - something that he hasn’t felt in a long time and yet you were going so slow with your movements that he wanted nothing more than to thrust his hips up to make you gag. Hearing those husky moans and his breath hitch made your folds begin to stick to the fabric of your panties. Pleasing him like this only made butterflies run rampant in your stomach. 
Releasing his member from your mouth, you took a long lick from the base of his cock up to his flushed tip. You continued to take his length further into your mouth but not too deep, you wanted to keep him on edge and make him whine a little longer. Your jaw was getting sore but you wanted to keep going. 
Kakucho placed his hand on the back of your head and pushed you down further. It made you gag a little but you welcomed his actions. They were gentle, unlike your husband - he would force your head down until you couldn’t breathe properly or until you threw up. He would leave your throat and jaw sore for days and wouldn’t care if you could barely eat the next day. Moving your hand to his length, you start to pump his cock while sucking and it sends him into overdrive. “Ngh…(Y/N), wait! Shit, you’re gonna make me cum…” He moans and tries to pull you off but fails. You were determined to swallow his seed. 
The vibrations of your moans travel down his cock and into his core. Kakucho was getting lost in heaven. The very woman who Bonten was going to take everything from was on her knees and pleasing him. Your pace began to quicken as you felt his length twitch and the vein along his shaft pulsed. His coil was so tightly wound that the moment he felt it snap, his eyes rolled back into his skull and that numbing sensation made his toes curl. Hearing him come undone was bliss, to know that you could make a man like him melt and make him whimper - it did wonders to your ego. Your husband would always say that you were good for nothing, that you would never be able to satisfy a man and yet here you are with one of the country’s most dangerous men. You were giving him the blowjob of a lifetime.
Swallowing his thick seed, you made sure to not waste a single drop and continued to suck his sensitive tip even after he emptied himself inside your mouth. “Stop…oh fuck!” Kakucho whines and pulls your hair. Releasing his member with a pop, you smile and slowly stroke him - making his hips twitch and his whimpers louder. Nothing in the world could compare to this feeling. You felt validated and worthy of satisfying another man, you felt like a woman for the first time in years. Your husband only ever made you feel like a toy, almost as if your sole purpose in life was for him to break you. He would treat you less like a woman and even less as a human being. 
Catching his breath, Kakucho remained seated on the floor - dazed and determined on what to do to you. “Get up…” He pants and pulls you up. That tone of voice was quite authoritative. You obey and get on your feet. He takes your hand and leads you to your bedroom. “Strip…” His low tone made a chill run down your spine and you removed your clothing. He too started to remove all his clothing. When he saw that you left your undergarments on, he paused. “Everything, (Y/N).” He demanded and layed down on your bed. Feeling the cool air hit your skin, you shivered and he noticed. “Come here.” He says warmly, he was trying to reassure you. 
Seeing him in all his glory…oh how your cunt clenched instinctively. His defined muscles, the veins on his arms - it made you almost drool. Even the scar on his chest that appeared to be a bullet hole had your slick dripping. Climbing on the bed, you take place next to him and run your hands along his body. The slow and gentle touches made his member twitch. Even in its flaccid state, it still twitched and looked big. He rolled you on top of him and slid his arms underneath your thighs. The confused look on your face made him chuckle. He lifts you by your thighs and slides you up towards his face. The movement was so sudden that it made you squeak in surprise. Looking down at him, his pupils were blown as he had your pretty cunt in his face. 
“Wait…I-ngh!” You moaned out loud as he pushed your hips down and buried his face in your honeypot. He was sucking on your bundle of nerves and wasted no time in making you scream his name. Your hands quickly found solace by holding on to the headboard and your forehead was leaning against the wall. Whoever was lucky enough to be on the other side of that wall could hear you moan like a whore in heat. Kakucho snaked his hand between your thighs and slid two thick digits inside your tight walls. Pumping them in and out while sucking on your clit had your eyes rolling back and your hips grinding into his face. Hearing him slightly struggle underneath you only made your coil tighten. 
Such lewd and wet sounds echoed in the room along with your wanton moans. “Ahn…Ahn…Kakucho! It feels s’good!” You mewl and run your hands along your chest, pinching and teasing your nipples. The electricity coursing through your veins had you in a daze. Not even your husband ever bothered to eat you out before - Kakucho’s gift to you was more than anything your husband could have offered you. He curled his fingers to find your trigger, when he found it your legs were beginning to shake and your hips were stuttering. Your pitch got higher and higher as you neared total bliss. 
That unmistakable tingle that ran down your spine made you throw your head back and total ecstasy as your orgasm was ripped out of you. Kakucho didn’t stop, he kept going - he wasn’t satisfied with just one. “Ngh, s’too much!” You whine and try lifting your hips away from his face. However, the iron grip that he had on your waist made it impossible for you to escape. “Mhn…one more, just one more…” He pants from between your legs. The sound of your sweet voice kept him spellbound. He wanted to keep hearing you cry out for him. 
Your overly sensitive bundle of nerves was throbbing from the continuous stimulation. He moved lower and shoved his tongue inside your tight cavern. Kakucho wanted to taste everything, his warm and wet muscle felt like heaven. With your walls fluttering you thought you were going to lose it again. “Stop! I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna cum!” You whine pathetically, begging him to stop knowing full well that you didn’t want him to. The final push was him tracing circles on your clit with enough pressure to make your vision go white. 
Kakucho made you gush and he took it all. The obscene sounds of him slurping up your honey echoed in the room. Your whole body was shaking from the intense orgasm that you felt almost light headed. Slowly, he slid your body down and made you collapse into his chest. The energy was drained from you, barely being able to move or respond when he asked if you were ok. Only a small hum could be heard from you. Wrapping his arms around you, he placed a kiss on your head and whispered. “We’re not done yet. You wanted to feel like a woman? I’ll keep showing you…” His low tone made you smile softly and bury your face into his chest. 
The rest of the night became a blur. By the time morning came you were left disheveled, sore and satisfied. Kakucho meant what he said. All night he made you moan, scream, cum and cry out in pure bliss. He stuffed you full of his cum to the point where the sheets were beyond saving. His aftercare was even better, got you water and some light snacks for you to nibble on - even medicine for your throat. To think that this was one of the most feared men in all of Japan, last night he was more than that to you. Rolling over, you see Kakucho sleeping next to you. He looked so peaceful and innocent despite the prominent scar on his face. Seeing his chest rise and fall softly, you take a better look at the tattoo on his chest - it looks like all the higher ups have this. You recalled the man with the feline like eyes and the placement of his tattoo on his temple. The two Haitani brothers and their neck tattoos. Also, their leader - the man with the empty eyes and white hair, he had his on the nape. It would be a tattoo that you’d need to familiarize yourself with. 
Kakucho stirred in his sleep and woke up with you kissing his cheek. “Good morning…” You say softly and ask him if he’s hungry. You both opted to get up and shower…together, it ended up in another round of sex that led to skipping breakfast and diving straight into lunch. Offering him a change of clothes, he accepted - besides, the clothes were brand new and never worn. No need to worry about the mistress recognizing it and accusing you of theft of ‘her things’. 
Arriving at the lawyers office, you see that the mistress was already there. She was smiling smugly from ear to ear. When she noticed you with Kakucho, her smile faded ever so slightly - jealous that he was still with you. “So quick to move on…what a shame (Y/N). Looks like you truly don’t deserve any of (H/N)’s fortune.” You paid her no mind, you just had the best night and morning of your life. “I feel bad for you when you give birth, that baby’s gonna have a big ass head just like the mother and father…you might just tear (M/N). You might never be able to please a man again.” You say without thinking. The sudden fire in you made Kakucho almost burst out laughing. Quite the insult to a pregnant woman, she of course gasped and huffed defending her unborn baby’s head size. The poised woman was gone, you no longer had to keep appearances nor bite your tongue. 
The sound of someone clearing their throat made the room fall silent. He took a seat at this desk and went over the original will one last time before making you and the mistress review the already signed and filed documents. Both parties agreed that everything was in place. The mistress couldn’t help but keep chuckling to herself as she repeated words loud enough for you to hear. “...to my wife, I leave nothing.” It was annoying but you didn’t let her get to you - you wanted to come back home and have dinner with Kakucho. 
“Now that both parties confirmed, please note that there is a new document that was received after the filing that affects this arrangement and cannot be disputed.” He says and narrows his eyes. For a moment you felt your stomach flip - what the hell was he talking about? Did the wench take an early paternity test? It’s not like it mattered, you knew you were going to vacate the home and keep your mother-in-law’s ring. That much was certain. Acknowledging the lawyer's words, you asked him to elaborate and explain what the real reason was for you both to be here. He nodded and began to read out loud the document in his hands:
“From the University of Tokyo Hospital, below is the information requested by (Husband’s full name) on (11 Nov YYYY) and (12 Dec YYYY). The original tests and new tests administered resulted in the following:
Spermatozoa count - below 2 million per mil.
Sperm motility - below 20%
Sperm viscosity - high
Sperm morphology - abnormal
Unfortunately, both labs have confirmed that the patient is infertile. With the severe lack of sperm motility and spermatozoa count - treatment is not possible.”
Everything in the room went dead silent. You felt faint and nauseous, was this actually true? The sudden screech of the mistress startled you and she came charging at the lawyer’s desk to snatch the paper out of his hands. She was beet red and almost foaming at the mouth. Reading the document in hand she crushed the edges that she was holding and her hands were shaking. “This…this can’t be! It has to be fake!” She screams and looks at Kakucho who was biting the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling. “You probably faked this document to get in on your whore’s money!” She spits and rips the paper to shreds. The lawyer simply sighs and asks you to sign the document confirming that you were present at this hearing. Apparently your late husband amended his will one month prior to his death. When he received the first results in November he contacted his lawyer to insert a new clause. Originally he wasn’t going to leave you anything, however, due to him sleeping around not getting anyone pregnant - he grew suspicious.
With the mistress screaming like a banshee and almost attacking the lawyer, security was called to have her escorted out. The lawyer was quick to have you and Kakucho sign as a witness to all this. “Ms. (L/N), congratulations - you have all your husband’s assets and fortune. Please rest assured that the mistress will not be able to contest.” He said softly and smiled. His smile was warm, it’s as if he knew this was going to happen. How long was this information in his hands? Wait, is this why Kakucho said for you not to contest the will?
The lawyer excused himself and left the office for you to have a moment to yourself. The room was spinning and thought you were going to die. It wasn’t just the shock from the hospital results but the fact that your husband abused you and beat you non stop for being infertile when in reality he was the one shooting blanks the entire time. You began to laugh to yourself, slowly building up to a cry that made you drop to your knees. It was painful. Recalling all the times he called you hollow or less of a woman when your pregnancy tests would come out negative - it broke your heart. You were both the problem, the blame shouldn’t have been just placed on you. 
“(Y/N), there is something else I need to tell you. We did some digging and whoever was in charge of getting your fertility results a few years back royally fucked up which rendered your tests inconclusive and marked as infertile by mistake. You can have children.” Kakucho says softly and helps you stand back up. A second wave of emotions hit you and panic soon followed. You were fucking him raw yesterday and this morning like a rabbit in heat. “Kakucho…how long have you known for?!” You ask him and shove him. There was a slight pained expression on his face, he should have told you sooner. “That medicine I gave you this morning was a morning after pill. (Y/N), I’m sorry, I let myself get carried away.” At least he was honest. Last night he snuck out of your apartment to purchase the pill and would pass it off as ibuprofen or something since you were saying your throat was sore. Though he wasn’t expecting to sleep with you again in the morning he explained that he would take responsibility if the contraceptive fails. Whatever your decision would be, he will respect it and will do what he can. He made sure to explain this to you and managed to pull you in. Crying in his arms, he embraced you and did his best to calm you down.
“You didn’t sleep with me just for my husband’s assets, did you?” You ask a little broken hearted. The night you spent with him meant more to you than just sex. It was you liberating yourself once and for all from your husband. You didn’t expect to feel something more for Kakucho. Maybe it was the fact that he made you feel validated and praised you like a goddess, but it felt real. “The assets have nothing to do with what we did last night or this morning.” He assured you. 
*4 months later*
You signed off on all documents that allowed you to transfer or ‘donate’ your husband’s assets to Bonten. The head of the organization, Sano Manjiro, handed over a legal sized envelope with your name on it to you. He said nothing and walked away. “W-wait, what is this?” You ask him and he waves you off without responding. Opening the envelope you read over the information and gasp. Though you handed over everything to Bonten, they gave you something in return. Manjiro was kind enough to leave you something that the three of you could enjoy. Kakucho leaned over and placed a peck on your head. “You know, he is kind of excited to be an uncle...” 
TAGS: @anxious-chick
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sister-juniper · 1 year
Monstrance Clock (Terzo x F! OC smut)
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This is a chapter from my book "His White Eye" on both ao3 and wattpad. Basically Terzo and my OC, Lilith, have sex after a concert.
Includes smut/nsfw content!! MDNI, MDNR!!
full book on ao3 full book on wattpad
☆ Word Count: 2232 ☆
The audience cheered as the lights dimmed a little, and Terzo began to sing. The audience began to sing along too.
"To the sound of the Monstrance Clock... air is cleansed, assembled flock.."
"Black candles burn, all minds aligned...!"  Terzo sang as the music fully started.
Lilith was still all hot and bothered due to the monologue, so this song was going to have an even bigger effect on her than it normally would have back at evening service...
"To the sound of the monstrance clock, air is cleansed, assembled flock!"
"Black candles burn, all minds aligned~!"
"As the parish sighs in smoke.. enters lady, revealed of cloak!"  He sang while he looked at Lilith
Lilith looked back at him with devilish eyes and made sure to make him see her bite her lip. This made Terzo begin to feel a bit aroused too...
"To the haunting sound of the Monstrance Clock~!"
"Singing.. come together! Together as one..." 
"Come together~ for Lucifer's son!"
As the instrumental interlude played, Terzo couldn't help but get a bit lost in his thoughts as that line made him think. What would it be like if Lilith was my prime mover? What if we created the antichrist together? 
He then felt warmth rush to his crotch. Sathanas.. I need to not think of these things on stage...   Lilith noticed his slight shift in demeanor and smirked.
It was soon time for him to sing again.
"To the sound of the end of day.. mesmerized, the assembled sway!"
"Black candles burn, all minds aligned~!"
"Hypnotizing horns of ram.. paralyzing pentagram! and the eerie sound of the Monstrance Clock~!"
"Singing.." and Terzo stopped singing to let the audience sing the next few lines. He was beginning to feel a growing bulge in his pants, and he was mentally praying to satan that nobody in the audience would notice.
Thankfully, there wasn't a ton of light in the room, so it was hidden pretty well. Terzo began to cheer on the audience and get them to sing, and the audience began to scream the last part of the song.
He joined them again in the last few lines though. "Come together~ for Lucifer's son!"
The instrumental outro started to play and Terzo began to take his bows and say his final goodbyes. Meanwhile, Lilith was eyeing him up and down from the wings. She could tell he was almost done, and then she could get her hands on him...
"Thank you all for being here tonight! Don't forget, bring this back home!" Terzo said as red lights began to flash, and he exited the stage to the wings with the ghouls following behind him.
Terzo saw Lilith immediately and looked deep into her eyes with lust, she returned the gaze.
He waited for the ghouls to all walk back to their dressing rooms. Then, he grabbed Lilith by her wrist, and pulled her back to his dressing room.
He pulled his key out of his pocket, jammed it in the door, and put Lilith inside the room. He shut the door and as soon as Lilith turned around to face him, his lips were on hers. He began pressing her up against the back of the door.
"Amore.." Terzo said breathlessly "You have no idea how much I've been longing for this ever since starting that monologue..."
Lilith smiled and held his face "I know, I was blushing and giggling like a schoolgirl throughout that monologue" she chuckled before continuing "and that song just escalated all of those feelings..."
Terzo's eye gleamed at her "I could tell amorina, I saw all of your reactions on stage. You know that's what turned me on sí?"
He sighed "Tell me cara mia.. what did you think of?" Terzo said as he began to kiss Lilith's neck
Lilith's breath hitched as she felt a chill run down her spine. "Y-you.."
"mhm, of course, but what about me?" He said as he found her sweet spot and began to kiss and suck at it
"you fucking me..." she breathed out
"Yes I was thinking the same cara" he said with a sigh as his hands explored her body
Lilith's breathing began to get heavier as his hands caressed her and he left hickeys all over her neck and collarbone. 
He reached a hand under her shirt and began to play with and squeeze her breasts making her whine desperately. She tangled her fingers in his soft hair as he played with and kissed her most sensitive areas, making her grow more and more wild and desperate.
"Yes?" Terzo responded devilishly
"I need it.. I need you.. please..."
Terzo hummed in response and removed his hand from her breast and began moving it downwards at an agonizingly slow pace. He danced his fingers around her waistline which sent chills up her spine. Finally, he slipped his hand inside her pants and started rubbing small circles on her clit through her underwear.
Lilith moaned softly and threw her head back against the wall. Terzo studied her pleasured face with a smirk and began to rub a bit faster and a bit harder. She tightened her grip on his hair and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Enjoying this hm?" He said seductively
She let out a breathy "Y-yes"
He slipped his hand under her underwear, and slipped a finger inside without much warning. This caused Lilith to moan a bit louder and open her eyes widely. 
Terzo added a second finger, and began working his fingers inside of her. Making sure she is diligently prepped for what is to come later. As he rubs her sweet spot, Lilith becomes a moaning mess. She is so pleasured but also so desperate for more, she needs him.
She moves her hands to his shoulders, pushes off his jacket, and digs her fingers into his shoulders. She looks into his eyes and moans his name softly before he crashes his lips onto hers.
He kisses her intensely and speeds up the movement of his fingers inside of her. She is moaning against his mouth and she starts to feel her orgasm build. 
She breaks the kiss and lets out a loud moan. She can feel she is close...
However, Terzo can pick up on her body language, and removes his fingers from her, denying her the orgasm. Lilith whines in disappointment.
"Tsk tsk, you can't finish just yet dolcezza" He says with a smirk
She looks at him with pleading eyes as she feels his hands begin to undress her. He pulls her shirt off, unclasps her bra, pulls down her pants and underwear, and orders her to step out of them. She goes along with it willingly.
Terzo admires the beautiful sight in front of him. Her long hair is slightly messy, her cheeks are rosy, her lips are swollen from the kisses, and she has wetness dripping down her legs. She is so needy for him and it's driving him wild.
He undresses himself too. He took off his pants and underwear and unbuttoned his shirt. Lilith pushes the shirt off of him and now the two of them are both completely naked, both needy for the other.
"Follow me to the couch..." Terzo says while taking Lilith's hand and guiding her to the sofa
He sits down and motions for Lilith to sit on top of him. He has his hands on her ass and she is straddling his legs. His hard cock is mere centimeters away from her abdomen, and it is dripping with precum. Lilith moans at the sight.
The two of them lock lips again in a furious make-out and Lilith grids her clit against Terzo's length and moans into his mouth out of desperation. Terzo has a death grip on her ass that will certainly leave marks later...
She breaks the kiss breathlessly and whimpers while looking needingly at Terzo. Terzo's papal paint is smudged around his lips and his eyes are filled with pure lust and love.
"Sit on my cock amore.. ride me.." He breaths out
Lilith nods and lets out a small "mhm" in response. She lifts herself up and angles herself over his cock. She slowly lowers herself down and lets the feelings overtake her. She moans loudly as she sinks deeper and deeper on his length. Terzo follows suit with his own moan and he throws his head back against the couch. 
Finally, she takes his whole length in her and Terzo holds her close to him and waits for her to get adjusted. He kisses her lovingly and whispers praises into her ear.
"You are doing so good, taking my cock so well..." he breaths out "ti amo, amore"
"t-ti amo" Lilith says in response
After a few minutes, Lilith feels that she is fully adjusted, so she begins to rise up and down on Terzo's cock. This makes the both of them moan.
As time passes, Lilith is picking up a better pace. She is moving her hips rhythmically and rising up and down a lot quicker and easier. Not only is Lilith becoming a moaning mess on top of him, but Terzo is also a moaning mess. He is gripping her hips tightly and he has his mouth open and eyes shut. Lilith can't help but admire what she is doing to him
"Lilith.. mio amore... You are too good at this..." He says with a moan
Lilith smiles and then a moan overtakes her and she nuzzles her head into his shoulder. The pleasure is beginning to build for the both of them, and it is overtaking all of their senses.
Lilith has her hands on Terzo's hips to steady herself as she continues to ride him. She is moaning and whining into his shoulder as the feeling gets more and more intense with every movement of her hips.
Terzo leans his head against hers and moans into her ear, which only drives her more and more wild. His moans make Lilith a complete mess.
Terzo can feel his orgasm starting to build inside of him, and decides he is going to stop it before they finish. He wants to finish so badly.. but he knows it will be a lot better if he does it while completely railing her instead...
Just as Lilith starts to feel herself get close again, Terzo pulls her off of him.
"Terzo! Why'd you do that?" Lilith says with a whine. She was denied her orgasm once again.
"I want to fuck you.. we can both cum then yes?" He says with a smile
Before Lilith can fully respond, Terzo moves her and shoves her onto the couch. Lilith's head falls back to where she is lying down and Terzo climbs on top of her. She looks up and his eye is gleaming but it is more grey instead of white.. he really  means business now..
He cups her face with one of his hands and puts his other hand on her waist. He straddles her hips with his knees and lines himself up with her entrance. He looks deep into her eyes as he slides himself back inside of her.
This time, he enters her with a lot more ease and the two of them moan loudly at the sudden surge of pleasure. Terzo removes his hand from her waist and cups her other cheek with it. Their faces are now centimeters apart.
Lilith wraps her arms around his shoulders and her legs around his waist to pull him even closer to her. Their bodies are pressed against each other as Terzo fucks into her, getting rougher and rougher by the minute.
The two of them moan loudly into each other's mouths. Lilith arches her back slightly and moans his name out and the sight of it drives Terzo even more wild.
"Mmmm Terzo I-I, this feels.. mmm..." Lilith moans out
"Si... this is amazing... oh fuck..." Terzo moans in response
To make things a bit rougher, Lilith unwraps her legs from him and Terzo rises up slightly. He steadies himself on his hands and starts pounding into her. The room fills with the sounds of skin-slapping and moans. Truly an obscene thing to hear.
Lilith's face was completely flushed pink and Terzo had beads of sweat forming on his forehead. His hair was messy but that was how Lilith liked it best. She loved seeing him like this, a moaning sweaty mess with a face full of pleasure. His pleasure was her biggest turn-on.
Pretty soon the two of them begin to get close again, but this time Terzo was not going to deny either of them release. He had been fucking right into Lilith's sweet spot for a while, and she was barely able to hang on much longer.
With a loud, high-pitched moan, Lilith finally orgasmed all around Terzo's cock. Her walls fluttered and squeezed around him which caused his eyes to shoot open and for him to moan loudly.
He pulled out and released his warm cum all over her chest. He squeezed his eyes shut and moaned her name loudly as spurts of white painted her breasts.
Lilith looked up at him, breathing heavily with a small smile on her face. Terzo returned her gaze and smiled down at her before collapsing next to her.
The couple lay next to each other, catching their breaths and coming down from their intense highs.
"I love you, Terzo.." Lilith breathed out
"I love you too Lilith... I love you with my entire heart" Terzo said in response
Lilith ran a hand through his hair as he rested his head on her chest. She hoped that every show could end like this...
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cinnamongirl-drl · 1 year
Warnings: blow job, praise kink, nicknames used, like "good girl" and "princess"
-Baby I'll bring the coffee if you bring the wine
I'm in love, I'm in love-
One rainy night, the sound was relaxing, a cute couple was in their apartment, the girl was drinking coffee and the boy was having a glass of wine, their big hands, long fingers, their rings and their black nails stood out, wrapped around the glass, however the most striking thing was his scars, his skin was stapled together, he looked quite attractive.
-Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair -
Peppers played in the background, the couple shared intense looks, full of love, but with a lustful touch
"Y/n could you explain the song to me?" The boy asked, in a flirtatious tone, her blue irises looking intensely at her beautiful brown eyes.
"Oh honey, maybe I could give you a demonstration, would you like that?" she asked him in a flirtatious tone, as he treated circles on her knee with his fingertips.
"Oh that would be great, come on be a good girl" he said with a rough voice, full of lust and passion, he knew his words traveled right to the center of him, he saw his thighs clench.
She was going down slowly, she was on her knees in front of him, he fiddled with her belt for a while, you could see a growing bulge through his pants, see his girl on her knees for him, wow that caused him trouble. She rose only to kiss him, her hands trailing under her shirt so lovingly but so savagely, soon her garment was flung to the floor, no matter where she had landed.
She returned to her knees to the ground, as she lowered herself kissing her toned torso, removing her belt and pants, her boxers had a stain of pre-cum on hers, teasing him a little through they.
"Oh come on you can't do this it's unfair"
Pulling down her boxers her penis jumped out of her, it was rock hard, her delicate soft hands wrapped around the circumference of her, he thought how pretty her red polish looked. of her around her cock.
Starting to pump slowly, she moved closer to his erection, began with little cat licks at its tip, soon engulfing him and beginning to move her head, what was not covered by her mouth she held in her hand, while her free hand traced patterns. on his knee.
"O-oh shit princess you do so good, so good"
She kept working on his girth, running her tongue over its tip, going up and down, taking it deep into her throat, he looked down, she looked so pretty, her eyes filled with tears from how deep it went, her eyeliner smeared, gray tears rolling down her cheeks, mascara smudges under her eyes, very light, but to his eyes, she looked perfect, such a nice sight, she could have smeared in that second.
"G-god, good girl don't stop"
"You make me feel so good, oh shit"
To her, he looked beautiful, his white hair swept back, his eyes closed and his mouth ajar, beautiful white eyelashes fluttering with pleasure, his jaw lined and sharp, his abs contracted in pleasure, and the cutest and most obscene sounds coming out. from his mouth, his deep growls.
-Hands on your knees, I'm Angelina Jolie
Hands on your knees, Angelina Jolie
Let me put my hands on your knees, you can braid my hair-
His hands wrapped her hair in a ponytail to guide her, his rings sent a shiver brushing the nape of her neck, he increased the rhythm of his licks, his tongue circling the tip, at the same time applying a light suction, he felt his knee tremble. under his hand, a series of grunts rumbled from deep in her throat, her back arching slightly, her hips moving against his mouth, she watched his abs contract, she looked him square in the eye as he came, he reached the top. Deeper in her throat, thick white liquid with a salty taste falling straight into her throat, it felt so good.
"Shit, good girl, you did so good, you made me feel so good"
"For a moment I thought I had been in heaven"
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dhalsimxhonda · 6 months
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SUMMARY … edmond and dhalsim accidentally slipped their hands on ice , making them get hornier during their lunch break .
CW … nsfw (mdnr) , vaginal sex , vaginal fingering , oral sex, boypussy , ice play , car sex , & cursing .
CHARACTERS … edmond honda & dhalsim .
AU … street fighter 6 college au .
A/N … the draft that i left behind . i hope you guys like it just like i do !
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back from the cafeteria, dhalsim brought a coffee along with a tiramisu throughout the hallways. he entered the culinary classroom and smiled at his husband. the culinary professor turned around and lent a hand. “a natural.” edmond chuckled. “thank you for bringing them to me as i texted you about.” the yoga professor nodded and sat down next to his husband. “you deserve a nice tiramisu as a treat. the food from the cafeteria is boring. your cooking is so much better.” edmond chuckled. “you should serve the entire table soon, i bet they’ll love to eat it.” dhalsim drank his cup of water.
with chattering throughout the classroom, edmond easily drank his coffee while feeding himself his cooking. it was incredibly fun doing the work for his students. even his favorite student and yun enjoyed the session and served it to his friend group, he couldn’t be happier! “has the other student done the same?” dhalsim asked while the culinary professor giggled. “just a little bit. i allow yun to help him out. but he should learn to do it by himself to become independent!” edmond could ramble dhalsim his classroom sessions. the yoga professor smiled and looked at him like the dork that he is back in his younger days.
“i had to fix her taste with salt before i could try a small sip!” edmond frowns. “it’s awful! she has to start listening to me!” he tries to clear his mind as he looks at his husband, clearly not paying attention to his story but beauty beyond his face. “dhalsim? ya listening to me?” dhalsim snapped as he looked back, blinking back to his reality. “yes!” he replied. “let’s be fair, darling. maybe you can hire me for your test. i’m a good cook as well.” the culinary professor chuckled. “next time when i have a wonderful idea, your curry shall be next!” dhalsim went closer as he kissed edmond on the cheek. “you’re are the best man agni has ever brought to me.” he commented.
with a cup of ice, edmond could easily drink his coffee with no problems burning his tongue. he waited for a while for the coffee to cool down while bringing his conversation around. the two of them shared more conversations as their eyes locked onto each other. the culinary professor insisted as dhalsim decided to take a little sip of the coffee. before edmond could hand the cup of ice, his hands slipped as he accidentally dropped his ice, falling onto dhalsim’s body. the yoga professor let out a moan by accident as he covered his lips.
edmond quickly felt his regret but suddenly blushed. “oh god, i’m sorry!” he’s embarrassed as dhalsim laughed. “this might turn me on somehow! look at you, so embarrassed like a dog!” he giggled as he lent a hand to edmond. “no coffee for me, just ice to place on me. maybe a new technique to miss out on your class.” his voice softens. edmond smiled softly as he took a look into dhalsim’s eyes. without slipping. “you want the ice?”
“on my chest, please.” dhalsim replied. “no coffee for me to drink today.” the culinary professor smirked and carefully placed the ice onto his husband’s chest. he breathed, shivering from edmond’s doings. “mmh…” the yoga professor moaned. “place it whenever you want, darling…”
edmond focused as he pressed dhalsim’s chest. “you really know how to turn me on, dhalsim-kun.” he whispered as he listened to dhalsim’s whimpers, biting his lips like the horny husband he is. “guess it’ll have to take time to make me wet.” honda gently squeezed dhalsim’s nipples, with a devilish smile so impatiently. “shall we take it from the bathroom?” the yoga professor asked. “nah, i got something better.”
outside in the parking lot and closing the car doors from the back, both edmond and dhalsim shared their searing kisses. licking their tongues as edmond took off his husband’s clothes. dhalsim muffled inside of the culinary professor’s mouth. they pressed their bodies as they moved, quickly getting closer. edmond pinned dhalsim in the seats, lovingly kissing his belly. “darling… please touch me.”
“you want some more ice?” the culinary professor asked while biting his lips. “with that i can touch you, and press you, just like the first time.” such naughty-looking eyes between each other. the yoga master nodded with a smirk and edmond takes the ice carefully as he began to press it onto dhalsim’s belly. “mmh, edmond…” the culinary professor looked up. “yes?” dhalsim bites his lips. “keep going, you’re doing a good job, professor.” he pleaded. “such a good man, maybe shove your ice on my pussy to make me tremble, please?” edmond nodded in acceptance. “let me give you a kiss to warm you up, dhalsim-kun.”
“i know you want to keep me warm, but make me cold as you freeze me out.” the yoga professor smiled as he took honda’s messy chonmage off, brushing his hair with his fingers. dhalsim opened his legs more while the culinary professor licked his lips and placed the ice carefully onto dhalsim’s clitoris. he trembled while squeezing his husband’s shoulders while breathing. “d-darling…” he yelped while his spines shivered. “i want you to start coming when i reach my ice on wherever you desire.” edmond moved his ice around dhalsim’s pussy circularly. “yes… just like that, darling…” he moaned as he bites his lips.
edmond continued his circular touch with the ice, freezing onto the clitoris again, while it shortly melted. with another ice in his hand, he gently shoved the ice onto dhalsim’s vagina, leaving the yoga professor to howl like the good husband he is. “hah, darling!” he quavered. “too cold that it makes me feel good, please keep going until i cum…” the culinary professor nodded as he continued to go forward, licking his tongue. “oh, edmond!” the yoga professor moaned yet again while his husband began to kiss and eat out inside him, murmuring his inner pleasure.
pleading while the ice continued to melt, dhalsim could wait no more and his body trembled heavily. the culinary professor held his husband’s legs, preventing the shaking. he ensured to hold on for another minute. he tried to deepen as much as he could, but his tongue wasn’t that long. at least dhalsim remained his enjoyment for honda licking and kissing his pussy. he was free to play with it even after the ice melted.
dhalsim couldn’t handle his waiting as he continued to moan edmond’s name. he was louder than he should be as his legs shivered continuously. “edmond honda! i’m about to cum, please!” knowing that the yoga professor is about to perform his orgasm, the sumo professor on the other hand continued to kiss dhalsim’s clitoris, suddenly breaking it a second while dhalsim performed his orgasm. the yoga professor’s vision turned black while continuously to cum onto edmond while his pussy is already wet. “mm, you’re already cumming on me and the ice is gone? such a good man.” edmond smiled as dhalsim began to masturbate onto his pussy shortly. “i’m thinking maybe we should do these things more frequently. i like the ice running onto me.”
edmond chuckled as he sat next to the yoga professor. “we should. i’m having such a good time making you feel horny with me!” dhalsim smiled back. “do you want to get out of our classes and continue our horny doings?” he asked. “yeah, i seriously miss your touch already, dhalsim-kun.” but before dhalsim tried to get on top of edmond’s lap, suddenly the culinary professor’s cellphone began to ring. he sighed as dhalsim helpfully brought the vibrating phone and handed it to his husband. “hello? edmond honda speaking to you.” after accepting the call, he listened. “oh, principal bison? what brings you here?”
dhalsim waited as he heard the speaking voice of the principal of college. there is something important going on. “huh?! they seem to enjoy my food! need me to serve more for our students?” with a smile on his face, the yoga professor got off of edmond’s lap and began to put on his clothes yet again. “okay, i’ll be there as soon as possible. thanks for calling me, principal bison.”
after ending the call, edmond puts on his zori sandals since he was the only one who kept his clothes on. “we gotta go back to the classroom! i have serving foods to give out for the students.” while turning off the car and air conditioning, they both got out of the car and sighed. “maybe next time?” dhalsim asked. “we still have time to put on our pleasures at home, dhalsim-kun.”
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nottoonedin · 2 years
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My kpop x reader fanfiction hot takes
Because complaining is fun ☺️
This will all be up for discussion in the comments of course if you would like to share your own hot takes/opinions, if you'd like to debate whether one of my takes are valid or not, etc. - and if you want to be anonymous and not comment, feel free to send an anonymous message to me where I would also like you to mention if you are okay with me posting it, responding to you.
1• I think it's a clear sign of bad writing "skills" when you can't give the 'reader' or 'y/n' a personality that isn't your own. Like can we actually get creative here?? Or are you just trying to soft launch an x author ff...
2• If you're gonna be specific about certain things about the 'reader' (like afab/amab, race, pronouns, weight, hair, eyes, skin, etc.), PUHLEASE specify it thoroughly IN THE BEGINNING at the TOP of the works in a warning section or something, not at the end, with the #s, AT. THE. TOP.
3• This might be a really controversial take but.. I think reblogging your own work like 10+ times (it's cool when it's 5 or less times btw, I get we need more traction to our works) is so annoying and almost desperate looking? Especially when it's just a teaser? Idk..
4• Absolutely BEGGING people to comment and reblog. I personally don't find it that necessary (but that's me obviously) and I think even a like or an anonymous message telling me they liked my fic or something would suffice for me.. Like unless this is your job and you rely on that in some way, then begging for comments and reblogs looks desperate, awkward and a little embarrassing...
5• This is specifically for smut fics btw, mdnr (minors do not read)
This sort of goes with #2 but I hate it when people don't even slightly try to mention if there are sub/dom dynamics. And half of the time, if they do, they don't say who is what. Like I personally like to read sub!idol, dom!reader fics. And I can't tell if that's what I'm actually about to read if you don't mention it (once again) in the beginning before the fic and not at the end in the #s. Also, I will NOT let the people who just say "sub/dom dynamics" slide because that's just as bad. Unless they're saying "no sub/dom dynamics", which I have no problem with and that also needs to be mentioned.
6• This is also about smut fics, mdnr.
Noncon is r@pe ‼️ and I hate noncon‼️
7• this ALSO goes with #2 a bit with the point of properly warning your fics before the actual fic is to be read. Not adding wêēd and/or alcohol to your warnings is shitty and weird.
8• Yeah I'm still going on about the tagging thing because I cannot stress this enough. In smut fics, FUCKING PROPERLY TAG IT. I just read a fic that only had "masterbation, profanity" in the warnings and that's it.. and you wanna know what it ACTUALLY was? Borderline sexual harassment. He (the vile character of an idol they had created) forced the reader to watch p0rn that was quite frankly disgusting. I'm tryna give them a redemption point if it's an old fic but I will probably block them if I see that it's within the past year and a half or so. Edit: IT WAS LITERALLY POSTED YESTERDAY WHAT THE FUCK.
So that's it for now.
I may add more to this whenever I think of something but my wrist and head hurts because of the position I'm sitting in so I'm clocking out now.
As mentioned in the beginning, this is all up for debate in the comments or anonymous asks/messages, but please do not dm me from this post.
Have a great day y'all 💜🖤
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omcmedicalblog · 9 months
Medical Device Registration Saudi Arabia | OMC Medical
Ministry of Health:     
Ministry of Health
Regulatory Authority:          
Saudi Food & Drug Authority (SFDA)
Medical Device Regulation:          
Medical Devices Interim Regulation
Official Language:      
Class A, B, C & D
Registration Process:
Determine the device classification
Appoint an Authorized Representative
Prepare the application form and required documentation.
Submit the information for registration purposes
Provide the medical device listing information to the Medical Device National Registry (MDNR)
Submit Medical Device Marketing Authorization (MDMA)
Once approved, the device can be marketed 
Documents Required:          
Application Form
Authorized Representative
MDNR Listing
Technical File
Conformity Assessment Report
Medical Device Market Authorization Certificate
Post-market surveillance:  
Adverse events to be reported to the SFA
Applicable QMS:          
ISO 13485
Registration Timeline:         
Class A – 1 month
Class B – 2-6 months
Class C – 4-8 months
Class D – 6-12 months
Authorized Representative:          
License Validity:          
3 years
Originally Published at: https://omcmedical.com/medical-device-registration-in-saudi-arabia/
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arminsumi · 1 year
G. Satoru — さとる ⋅ fem reader
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🔞 mdni / mdnr / smut / n.sfw / 18+ content
NOTE: i took a 3 am thirst draft and made it a fucking fic wtf 🥴 i'm so dizzy over this one idk why i usually don't drool for my own smut but god damn this one is special to me. ik i post a lot about gojo atm and it's because i love him no apologies 👍
SUMMARY — making a cheeky comment leads to a long, steamy session in the bedroom with your husband, who's got a point to prove.
WARNINGS — nasty smut 🤤, rough sex, namecalling/nicknames (b*tch, good girl, baby, dirty girl, sweetheart), he's kinda mean, hubby gojo, multiple rounds, unprotected sex, multiple creampies, messy/sweaty sex, daddy kink, p*ssy kiss (1), long session (3h), overstim, dirty talk (teasing, sweet, mean), incl. aftercare, lmk if i have missed smth thank u
PLAYME — daddy
🍒 — J ⋅ reblogs and comments help a lot ! enjoy reading :)
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Your husband didn’t like that cheeky comment you made about his stamina and how fast he cums. He thought you were being pretty hypocritical, considering the fact that you cum sometimes solely because of lazy clit thumbing and shallow strokes.
“ Baby, careful what you say to me. “ he smiled at you in the kitchen, serenely washing the dishes after dinner. “ You know damn well that I could go for hours straight with no breaks. The only reason I don’t do that is because you’re too weak to handle it. ” he boasted confidently.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at him. That scepticism pissed him off so much that he stopped cleaning the dishes and violently threw the towel down. Your giggles rung sweetly in his ear while he scooped you off your feet and tossed you over his broad shoulder, strong build carrying you to the bedroom like he was on a mission.
He threw you down on the bed with the same force that he threw the towel down with, his hands quickly finding his phone and setting a stopwatch.
You were already giggling apologies, but he wasn’t listening. He tossed his phone onto the bed and dented the mattress with his weight as he climbed on top of you, feverish kisses nearly knocking the wind out of you.
“ I’m sorryh – mmf – ‘toruh – didn’t meanh ih – I’m sorryyy. ”
“ Save your sorries and spread your legs. Gonna have to be a little rough with you, angel. But you like that, huh ? Yeah ? Like it when daddy’s rough ? Mhm, I know. Probably like it when I’m pissed off like this, too.
You smiled. “ Yeahhh, I love it. ”
He smirked. “ Dirty girl. ”
Folding you in half and sinking his cock inside you, it felt like he was your enemy for a second with how he beat up your gummy walls with his mean cock; you were giggling and squirming about his playful roughness in the beginning, but now? You’re screaming, going dumb and limp. It makes him chuckle.
“ Fuck, baby, just look at you. ” he cooed, “ . . . just cumming over and over on this dick like a dumb bitch. I told you that you wouldn’t be able to handle it, didn’t I ? Uh-huh. I fucking told you so. Keep it together, it’s only been twenty minutes. Haha . . . and you were the one talking shit about my stamina ? Come on, apologize to me. Good girl. Tell daddy how sorry you are – haha, you cummin’? Yeah, ‘can feel your pussy fuckin’ pulsing ‘round me – fuck that’s good. You like it when I’m mean, don’t you ? ”
“ Y-yesss ! Love it love it s'much Sa—to—ruuuh ! ” you panted frantically, body jiggling like jelly with each harsh thrust.
“ So cute and dumb. ” he cooed tenderly, as if he wasn’t rearranging your guts and breaking the bed.
“ Feel that, sweetheart ? Feel me sweating ? I know you like it when I’m this close, ‘like it when you can feel the sweat drip off my abs ‘n rub against your tummy ? Yeah, I know. Damn dirty bitch. Nah-uh, eyes on me. ‘S only been an hour don’t zone out on me. ”
Really, the concept of time flew out of your head when you were laying there taking him.
You’re shaking, gummy walls and sweet spots being beat up by your husband’s mean, yummy cock. The pressure inside you builds and builds until it snaps, and you scream his name in such a high pitch that it almost makes his ears ring. He laughs a little, watching as you writhe, trapped under his beefy body. He relishes in the feeling of your pussy pulsing as you cum, it brings him close, too. Before you know it, he’s pumping his cream deep inside, pounding into you like he’s trying to ruin your pussy and reshape it to fit only his cock.
“ Fuckin’ takin’ it so well, angel. Now ‘gimme another round. Get on your tummy – there we go, aw your legs are numb ? I don’t care. It’s only been an hour. You can hold on longer than that, can’t you ? ”
From the back, he fucks you so sensually and deeply that the two of you sweat sweat sweat it up. He insistently bundles up with you under the covers to make it extra toasty. The smell of sex is hot and pungent in your lungs, and inhaling yours and his arousal and scent of cum drives him crazy. Bodies wet and slippery, he’s made a sloppy mess of you before but not quite like this; his cheeks dampen, his hair sticks to his forehead; there’s little rivulets of sweat running down the center line of his abs, following along his v-line. There’s an ache in your thighs, you’re getting overstimulated but it’s so good. And listening to his ragged, heavy breathing behind you just brings on another orgasm.
“ Fuck, baby, ‘wish you could see yourself from this angle. ” he groans erotically, brows finally knitting together tightly as he loses composure and succumbs to his own sensitivity. “ Oh, angel, just cum. Don’t hold it in – cum cum cum yeahhh there we go – that’s my fucking girl. Cumming so pretty on this dick. You’re so fucking beautiful, ‘m gonna cum too. Sh-shit look at all that frothing up, feel that ? ‘so gooey and nasty. Hahhh-ahah I’m cumin’ – cumminggg ~ ”
You can practically hear the hearts in his voice when he cums, vocals straining and rasping against the nape of your neck. He lets out this one last primal sound before pumping you full of another load of thick creamy cum. You can feel him pulsing and twitching. He presses his weight onto your back a little too much, you can feel the tones of his sweaty torso and how wet and hot his body is.
“ Haha . . . fuck . . . ” he runs a hand through his hair, smiling down at the pretty mess on his dick. “ Baby, you did so good for me. You okay ? Did I go too hard ? ” he asks tenderly, nuzzling the back of your neck, just listening to your shaky breaths as you come down from your high.
“ I can’t feel my legs. ” you swallow, dazed smile on your face. “ So good . . . ”
“ Aw, sorry, angel. I’ve got you, come here. Ooh – where’s my – phone – let’s see how long you endured me for. ”
“ Felt like . . . forever . . . ”
He chuckled under his breath at that and leaned off the bed, reaching for his phone that had fallen right off the edge when he was making the bed violently shake earlier.
“ Ooh ! Baby, we’ve got a new record. Three hours. ”
“ Oh my god, no wonder I can barely fucking move . . . you’re a menace. ”
He smiles cheekily, “ Wanna make it four ? ”
“ Are you crazy ?! ”
“ Yes, of course. Don’t you love me for it ? ” he coos in a sultry voice, coming to press a loving kiss to your damp cheek.
You feel his weight lift off the bed, you tiredly peek at where he’s going and – of course, like the sweet husband he is, he’s getting you a towel. You can hear his exhausted huffs of breath. There’s cream running down your slit, some smeared across your pussy and frothed up.
He comes back into the room, smiling admiringly at your sleepy body. You’re sinking into the pillows, too tired to think.
“ ‘toru . . . ”
“ Angel ? ” he hums in response, slowly starting to clean you up from the thighs up. You feel his big hands massaging the numbness out of your legs.
“ I love you. ”
He smirks and presses a kiss to your pussy from the back, making you giggle. “ Love you too, my girl. No one makes me feel better than you do. Come here. Haha, are your legs still numb ? Should I massage them more ? M'kay, sweet girl. ”
The silence is sweet and long. He's massaging your body, feeling over you like you're his little masterpiece, his little angel.
Then he breaks the silence.
“ Told you so. ” he smiles victoriously.
You groan. “ Shut up. I was just teasing when I said you had shit stamina ! ”
“ I know, but I still hated that you said it and felt the need to prove a point. ”
You snuggle into his chest, making his heart flutter like he's a boy with a crush again.
“ Yeah yeah, point proven. ”
“ Aaand what's the point ? Tell me, I wanna hear it. ” he teases.
“ You can go on for hours. ”
He smiles to himself. “ Damn right I can. Glad my good girl learned her lesson. ”
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© arminsumi
Do not plagiarize / repost / translate / copy layouts / etc.
Do not steal what I've worked hard to create.
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ovpwebnetwork · 11 months
Press Release
CONTACT: Lynn Sutfin, 517-241-2112, [email protected]
State of Michigan reminds hunters of
‘Do Not Eat Health’ advisories for Clark’s Marsh
LANSING, Mich. – With hunting season underway, the Michigan departments of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) and Natural Resources (MDNR) are reminding hunters not to eat venison from deer taken within three miles of Clark’s Marsh in Oscoda Township in Iosco County.
A Do Not Eat deer advisory remains in effect due to evidence that deer within three miles of the marsh were more likely to have various per- and polyfluorinated substances (PFAS), including perfluorooctane sulfonic acid (PFOS), in their livers and muscle tissue. The finding is included in the 2021 report PFAS levels in Michigan deer from the Oscoda area, Iosco County.
In addition, a Do Not Eat advisory for all fish and aquatic or semi-aquatic wildlife taken from Clark’s Marsh remains in place. This includes fish, aquatic and semi-aquatic mammals (including muskrats), amphibians (including frogs), mollusks (including snails), reptiles (including turtles), and arthropods (including crayfish).
PFOS are associated with several negative health effects, such as liver damage, high cholesterol and reduced fertility. The advisories for Clark’s Marsh are meant to protect the health of Michiganders.
There are three separate health advisories currently in effect for Clark’s Marsh:
A Do Not Eat fish advisory that has remained in effect since 2012.
A Do Not Eat deer advisory issued in 2018, updated in 2019 and again in 2021.The 2021 update shrank the five-mile advisory area to a three-mile advisory area.
A Do Not Eat resident aquatic and semi-aquatic wildlife advisory that has been in effect since 2019.
To see the boundaries of the Do Not Eat deer advisory, see a map of the Do Not Eat deer advisory area.
MDHHS continues to recommend people do not eat organs from any fish, deer or other wild game in the state because many chemicals, including PFAS, can accumulate in the organs of wildlife.
For more information about PFAS, visit Michigan.gov/PFASResponse.
For more information about fish and wild game consumption, visit Michigan.gov/EatSafeGame.
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jowrites · 3 months
Intoxicated - 1. A strange first encounter (written)
Main Masterlist Here
Prev. Next.
TW: MDNR!!!! Seriously, this one if going to be very s e x heavy, cursing, sexual themes, mentions of being drugged and SA, more to come...
Jake never liked parties. 
He hated crowds, loud noise, and a bunch of rowdy people he didn’t care to know. He didn’t even like being the President for the fraternity, he hated it actually. So why was he one? Simple, it looked good on resumes and was good for networking. He had a duty as the President to host parties, to pledge in the new recruits, and manage the frat boys and their events. He did his part well, everything he touched was successful. He excelled in everything, but was never satisfied in anything and just couldn’t wait for this University chapter to be over.
The party was in full swing by the time Jake came out of his room. He quickly locked his door, making his way down the hallway of the third floor where his room was. Third floor was always off limits, everyone knew that. So why did he find a girl crouched down on the floor by the steps? He didn’t recognize her, looking down and seeing her on her phone reading webtoons. Occasionally they get the newcomers who make their way in uninvited territory and usually when they see him they run off. He just stared down at the girl, her black hair tied up and he took in her attire now. She wore sweats and a crop top paired with worn out sneakers. She was definitely dragged there. 
“You’re not allowed up here,” Jake spoke, surprising the girl and making her jolt in her spot, looking up at him. 
“Oh, yeah I know,” she said. “The boys let me come up here though while they party.”
“Boys? Which boys?” He asked, raising a brow at her.
“Heeseung and Yeonjun,” she said. “Yeonjun was supposed to let me into his room but I guess he got caught up or something.”
Then it clicked. This must be the girl they were talking about in the chat. He didn’t care to ask about her or meet her officially, but something about her made him curious. Jake was intrigued.
“Your friends?” he asked, as he leaned over the railing and scanned the party below. He was high up and could tell just how packed the party was. He scanned around for his boys who all were on duty to make sure everything went smoothly. If Yeonjun didn’t make it up, it means something must be holding him up and he hopes whatever it is isn’t bad enough to bother him. 
“Yeah,” she said, going back to her phone and reading whatever it was that had her so intrigued. 
“You should be down there with everyone else,” he said.
“And what about you?” she asked back.
“I have other things to worry about,” he said.
“Oh, well good luck, I guess,” she said. 
“Sorry for taking so long, some freshman got wasted and started throwing up in the kitchen,” Yeonjun said, coming up the stairs. “Oh, Jake?”
“Ew,” the girl said, putting away her phone and standing up.
“This is your friend?” Jake asked.
“Uh, yeah, YN this is Jake our President, uhm Jake this is YN, my best friend,” he introduced the two.
“Nice to meet you,” YN waved. “By the way, I’m never coming to one of these things again.”
“What’s wrong with our party?” Jake interjected, overhearing YN’s comment to her friend.
“I just don’t like parties, especially ones like this,” she said. 
“You’re seriously so lame, but fine, fine, you can hangout in my room until we take you home,” Yeonjun walked past the two and started leading YN down the hall towards his room. YN nodded to Jake as she started to follow, as Jake began to frown.
“Jun, go back down I got it from here,” Jake ordered, stopping YN and Yeonjun in their tracks.
Jake walked over and motioned for YN to enter the room as Yeonjun unlocked it, Yeonjun frowning in confusion but walking away slowly. 
“Uhm, okay…” he trailed off. “Call me if you need anything, YN.”
Yeonjun left the two, glancing back and confused as ever. YN eyed Jake suspiciously as she took a seat on Yeonjun’s bed. Jake closed the door behind them and took a seat at his desk, picking up the stress ball on the side and tossing it in the air.
“Are you bored? Did you need anything?” YN asked, confused at the man in front of her.
“You can say that,” he said, shrugging his shoulders. “Why don’t you like parties?”
“Why don’t you?” she asked back.
“I asked first,” he said.
“They just aren’t for me, too many people,” she said. 
“Yeah,” Jake chuckled, agreeing with her. “Too crowded and rowdy.”
Jake didn’t know what it was that made him follow her here, but something about the fact that she wasn’t dressed for the occasion and was sitting reading on her phone humorously intrigued him. Plus, he kind of wanted to know what she was reading. One of his many flaws was that he just had to know everything.
“You’re a frat President, isn’t it like your job to be around people? Do things…you know, frat boys do?” she asked.
“Yeah, you can say that. I don’t have to like it, but it is part of the job,” he said.
“Then why do you do it?” she asked.
“For my future,” he said. 
“Your future?” she questioned.
“Yeah,” he said, ending it there. 
“You’re a bit odd, but hey, I’m not one to judge,” she said, holding her hands up in defense.
“I can say the same about you,” he chuckled at her. “You come to a party dressed like how you would walk around your house, and you’re sitting there reading webtoons on your phone.”
“I wanted to be comfortable,” she said. 
“Hey, I don’t blame you,” he said.
Something about the way he looked at her started making her feel a little uneasy. She was left alone in a room with a stranger. The last time this happened it didn’t end well and left her broken and traumatized. Her hands began to sweat and she started looking around for things just in case, in case she needed to defend herself. Now, she really felt like cursing Yeonjun for leaving her alone. Jake could tell something was wrong and began looking around the room as she was looking around, confused by her actions.
“Are you okay?” he asked. “Is this the first time you’ve been in your best friend's room?”
“I’m just looking,” she said, when a ding was heard from her phone and she quickly picked it up to read the text.
Yeonjun: I’m right outside, don’t worry. Jake is a good guy, he’s safe. A little odd, but you’re safe xoxo
YN sighed out in relief. Yeonjun always knew when she needed him, and he was always there to ease her worries and take her out of her mind. 
“Do you want to go for a walk?” she asked, looking up at Jake.
“A walk?”
The two of them walked in silence, down the campus and away from the party. Jake had his hands in his pocket as he trailed next to the girl who just took in her surroundings. She seemed a bit paranoid and it made Jake uneasy himself. She was glancing around and behind, any small noise she startled and hid closer to his body. He wondered if she had stalkers given who her family was.
“Is there something I should be worried about?” he asked her.
“Oh, uhm no. Sorry,” she said, looking down in embarrassment. 
She knew she had to be brave and just deal with it. But she didn’t like being out at night, that’s when bad things happen. 
It was YNs first year at college and she attended a party with some friends. Or so she thought they were friends. Her drink ended up getting spiked and her friends just left her there, at this random place with these random people who used her as a game. Her innocence was stolen from her and she just had to live with it. She went through all the protocols and her parents brought her home, getting her the help she needed to heal. But she never really healed, she just learned to live with it. Or so she thought. 
“Do you have to deal with stalkers?” he asked.
“Oh, no not really,” she said. “You know who my family is, don’t you?” 
“The guys talked about it in the chat, I don’t really know who they are but I know you come from a famous family,” he admitted, scratching the back of his neck. “I assumed you got stalked, sorry about that.”
Oh, great. So he’s just another one of these people who just care about her status. Just when she thought she could make another friend, he only cares about her status.
The two of them walked in silence again, YN picking up her pace to get out of this awkward situation. She wanted nothing more than to be home already, so that’s exactly where she led him. Jake didn’t take much notice, he sort of zoned out and was left in his thoughts. He found comfort in the silence, and he was glad she invited him out so he could leave that awful party and get some fresh air. He also noticed she smelled really good and it was intoxicating and left him wanting more of it. All of it. 
Jake didn’t know how much time had passed, but he soon found himself in front of one of the new apartment buildings, the streets being lit up around them and not being on campus anymore. He looked up at the building and around him as he watched the girl walking away towards the entrance. 
“Thanks for walking me home, Jake,” she said, not giving him another glance and waving him off.
Did he just get scammed into walking her home?
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sister-juniper · 1 year
Initiation (Terzo x F! Reader smut)
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Contains smut/nsfw content!! MDNI, MDNR!!
☆ Word Count: 2516 ☆
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It was the first day you arrived as a new Sister of Sin to the church of Satan. You were incredibly nervous.
You had heard about this place from some of your mutual friends but never expected to find yourself taking the steps to be initiated.
You walked up to the large building, rang the doorbell, and were immediately greeted by an older woman who looked around her mid-70s
"Hello! You must be Y/N. My name is Sister Imperator." the woman said as she stuck out her hand to shake yours.
"Hi yes, that is me." You said with a nervous smile
She motioned for you to follow her and then she led you down a long passageway, which led to a bigger hall. The bigger hall was massive, it was tall, had rows and rows of pews with carpet in the middle, and at the end of the long black carpet, stood a man.
The man looked to be some sort of satanic pope. He was dressed in gorgeous purple and black robes with an upside-down cross symbol on it, he also wore a pope hat with the same symbol, and to top it off, he was wearing face paint that looked sort of like a skull. He was also well.. very attractive. 
You immediately felt a chill go down your spine as he stared directly at you. If you hadn't felt small before, you sure felt small now. 
Imperator led you down the long carpet to this mystery man who then began to introduce himself.
"Hello! I am Papa Emeritus III, but you can just call me Papa yes?"
You nodded your head nervously
"You must be Y/N! Imperator has told me about you. Today we are going to be doing your initiation!" He said with a smile
Papa Terzo was heavily enamored by you. You looked so cute, so sweet, so new. All about you just excited him. He couldn't truly place his finger on why, but he knew he wanted you.
You shuddered a little under his heavy gaze. "Yes, I am Y/N. I am looking forward to my initiation Papa" you said with a small smile
"Let me tell you exactly what we will be doing today Y/N."
"First, you will receive body and blood, then I will ask you some important questions, and finally you will receive your Sister of Sin habit. Does this sound good?" Papa said with a warm smile
You sheepishly nodded "Yes Papa that sounds perfect"
He smiled a warm smile in return. She is too adorable... he thought. 
He took your hand and led you over to the steps in front of the pews. You watched Imperator leave through the door at the front of the hall with a small goodbye wave.
On the steps, you spotted a few pieces of bread on a gold plate, as well as a golden chalice filled with what you presumed was red wine. Papa then went a few steps up, but ordered you to stay on the first step.
He picked up the bread and chalice, dipped the bread into the red liquid, and put it in front of your mouth, to which you opened.
Terzo watched as your mouth took the piece of bread from his hands, all the while you looked directly up at his eyes. Sathanas in hell... what is this girl doing to me?  He thought. He soon felt a bit of warmth rush to his crotch, as he watched you take the last of the bread from his hands.
This entire time, you were incredibly nervous. Am I doing this right? Fuck I hope im not embarrassing myself... you thought.
Terzo then placed the chalice and empty plate back down onto the steps. "Very well done cara, you were excellent." he said with a warm tone. This made you feel a bit more at ease. Phew.. im not being a total mess-up. you thought. 
"Now... it is time I ask you a few important questions. Come sit with me if you will?"
You nodded your head with a slight "mhm" and followed him to sit on one of the pews.
You sat down next to him and he again looked deep into your eyes, which made another chill go down your spine.
"Okay now Y/N, it is important you all answer these questions with complete honesty yes?"  said Terzo "Sometimes your answers will matter, and sometimes they won't"
You nodded "I will, I promise"
He smiled before continuing "First question, Have you participated in religious practices before coming here?"
You shook your head "No I have not, this is my first time exploring religion. I grew up an atheist." 
He smiled "Well, I hope you will enjoy the little community we have here."
"Moving on... next question, are you fully devoted to our cause? Will you be willing to put in the work and show devotion to our church?"
You nodded "Yes, of course, I am ready for whatever comes my way"
Terzo smiled happily "Good, good."
"Okay now for our third and final question. Have you participated in the sin of lust?"
You tilted your head and cocked an eyebrow in confusion.
He chuckles "Sorry, let me be a bit more specific. Have you had sex before? Sorry if it is a personal question, but it is a big part of our church. Our community as a whole thrives on it."
You felt your cheeks turn red in embarrassment as you looked down at the floor. You were silent for a few seconds, and Terzo started to worry he made you uncomfortable.
He gently put a hand on your chin and tilted your head upwards to look at him "Is everything okay mio cara? You can answer me with honesty, I will not judge you." He said reassuringly
You sighed "N-no, I am a virgin Papa. I hope this doesn't prevent me from becoming a part of the community."
Terzo sighed and smiled "It is okay cara, is it in your desires to have sex? Or do you have no wish to change that? Either answer is okay."
You nodded slightly. His eyes were looking deeply into yours. "Yeah, I do want to. I just never got the chance, or found someone who would want to do it with me."
Terzo took your hands in his "Well, if you would want to..." he took a deep breath before continuing
"I can be the one to change that. I can help you experience the sin of lust. Only if you wish of course."
You felt your face go even redder and your eyes widened. Papa would really want to do that with me? With someone like me?  
Youbit your lip sheepishly "Are you sure you would want to do that with me? You don't have to Papa..."
He put a hand on your cheek and looked into your eyes "My sweet cara... I do want to. Don't doubt yourself, you are much more enchanting than you seem to think"
You felt warm feelings come all over you. This man was so charming and captivating, and also so sweet and reassuring. 
You smiled a small smile "Okay, I-If you want to then, I would really want that Papa"
Terzo's gaze changed to a look of lust and desire. "Well, follow me mia bella, I will show you to my quarters." He said as he stood up and reached his gloved hand out towards you
You took his hand and stood up. He led you out of the hall, up the stairs, and down a long passageway. The two of you soon reached a set of big black and purple doors, which Terzo then opened using a black skeleton key.
He threw open the door, closed it, and before you knew it, his lips were on yours.
He grabbed your waist and pressed it against his body as his lips kissed yours sensually. You moaned softly into the kiss which only made Terzo even more turned on.
He broke the kiss and gently pressed his forehead against yours. "Now mio cara, we can stop at any time. Please let me know if you are uncomfortable and we can stop immediately yes?"
You let out a small "Yes Papa"
"I will take good care of you, so don't worry, I will make sure you are at ease." He said with a smile
You smiled back in return and placed a hand on the back of his neck. Soon, his lips were on yours again.
As the two of you kissed, he slowly led you over to his bed and pushed you gently onto it. The kiss broke as you fell onto the bed and Terzo stayed standing.
You watched as he began to slowly undress. He removed his hat, shoes, gloves, and his robes, and left them in a pile at his feet. Now, he was left in only a black shirt and pants. Gosh, he looked divine...
You were now able to see his hair, which was a jet-black color and sort of long. It was parted in the middle and was a bit messy due to his hat, but that just made it look sexier in your eyes.
He removed his shirt, which then exposed his bare torso. He had a black pentagram tattoo in the middle of his chest, and he was very toned but with a small bit of belly. He had no chest hair, but a black trail of hair leading down towards his crotch. Your face went even redder at the sight.
Terzo noticed your flustered demeanor "Aww, you like what you see don't you?"
You nodded with your mouth open in a small pant. "Y-yes Papa"
"You can call me my name, Terzo, when we are alone, none of that formality is needed right now cara mia..." He said in a lustful tone
He looked deep into your eyes as he took off his pants, leaving him in only his boxers. Now, his bulge was very noticeable, and it turned you on even more.
He slowly palmed himself through his boxers while he looked at you and he let out a soft moan. His noises drove you wild...
"T-Terzo..." you breathed out
"Yes cara?" he said
"Please what bella mia?" He said innocently, but he knew damn well what you meant.
"Touch me.. I need it..." you moaned out
He chuckles "Of course"
He moves forward and motions for you to sit up. You do so, and he pulls your black sundress over your head, and slides your shoes off. You are now exposed to him in just a bra and panties, and your arousal is showing...
"Mmmm so wet for me I see..." Terzo says upon seeing your soaked panties
You whine with need, and Terzo then unclasps your bra and throws it on the ground next to your clothes and his robes. Soon, his mouth is on your neck.
You moan as you feel his warm lips press kisses and bites all over your neck. Your neck is particularly sensitive...
He hits a certain spot close to your collarbone and you moan a bit louder, he sees this as a hint and begins to kiss and suck at this specific spot. Meanwhile, his hand travels downward to your soaked panties and begins to gently rub your clit through them.
You buck your hips into his hands and moan loudly at the sudden friction. You whine in pleasure as his fingers rub circles on your clit, and his mouth attacks the sweet spot on your neck.
Soon, he removes his hand, and uses it to slide your panties off and down your legs, now leaving you fully exposed for him to devour.
He moves his mouth up to connect with yours as he slides one finger inside you. You moan into the kiss and tangle one of your hands in his hair. It is just as soft as you imagined...
He works his finger inside you, and then he adds a second one. His lips disconnect with yours and you moan loudly into the air as his fingers curl up into your G-spot. You had never felt pleasure like this before...
His lips attack your neck again as he slides his fingers in and out of you, speeding up as time goes on. You can feel something beginning to build inside your abdomen and your moans get louder and louder.
"T-Terzo ah...I think Im.. getting c-close.." you whine out
Upon hearing this, he removes his fingers. You let out a whine at the denial of your release.
"not yet amorina... you will orgasm with me..." he breathes out
You nod as he pushes your back against the bed and climbs on top of you. He sits up on his knees so he can slide his boxers off, which lets his hard cock spring free. It is a great size.. and dripping with precum... your mouth waters at the sight.
He puts both of his hands on your face and looks deeply into your eyes. "Are you ready mia dolce?"
You whine "Yes yes, please... I need it..."
He smiles and lines himself up with your entrance. You make eye contact with him as he slowly begins to slide it inside you. You gasp almost immediately 
"Are you okay? Does it hurt?" He asks with concern
"A little.. but mostly it feels.. a-ah.. good" You moan out
he smiles warmly at you "That's good... it will hurt a little at first.. but soon all of the pain will disappear. Your body just needs to get used to the feeling yes?"
You smile. His comforting words really mean a lot to you... 
Your smile soon turns to a moan as he continues to slide himself into you. Terzo follows this with his own moans
"Mmmm Y/N... you are so a-ah... tight.." he moans out
this makes you whine. You never thought someone else's pleasure could turn you on so much...
Soon, he bottoms out inside of you and you both let out a loud moan. After a few seconds, he begins to slowly move his hips against yours.
Terzo smashes his lips into yours in a sensual kiss and he slides his tongue into your mouth. He continues to fuck you as he explores your mouth hungrily with his tongue. You moan against the kiss, and clench yourself around him slightly which causes him to moan too.
As time goes on, he begins to thrust faster, and also with more strength. The room fills up with the sounds of your moans and his hips slapping against yours as he fucks into you.
"You are being so good for me.. such a good girl..."  Terzo moans
"Mmm yes.. f-fuck me Terzo..mmf" you moan in response
He has a firm grip on your waist as his thrusts get faster and rougher. It will probably leave marks the next day.. but you don't mind at all...
You can feel your orgasm building once again, and from the looks of it, Terzo is getting close too.
His thrusts are becoming more wild and messy, his face has beads of sweat forming on it, his moans are getting louder and his breathing is getting heavier. You love just laying there watching the view while getting pleasured out of your mind.
Your moans become louder and more high-pitched as your orgasm nears. "Terzo.. im s-so close.. let me finish this time please..." you moan out
Terzo is breathing heavily "Yes me too cara.. we can finish together..."
With a few more heavy thrusts, you two are at the precipice. You look into each other's eyes as you feel your orgasm overtake you. You claw at the sheets beneath you and throw your head back against the bed. Sparks of pleasure travel through your entire body and you moan his name so loud that the entire Ministry can hear. 
You clench tightly around him due to your orgasm which also sends him over the edge. He moans loudly as he quickly pulls out of you and releases all over your torso. Streaks of white cum cover your chest and stomach as his eyes are tightly shut and his brows are furrowed in pleasure.
He collapses next to you, and you two both lay there catching your breaths from your trip to the stars.
After a minute, Terzo lifts his head to look at you and places a hand on your cheek.
"How was that? Did you enjoy that bella ragazza?" He asks with a caring tone
You smile "Yes I did.. thank you for that.."
He smiles in return "Of course cara.. that was a wonderful experience"
He sits up, and you follow suit. 
"Now, what do you say we take a bath and get cleaned up yes?"
You nod eagerly. The prospect of being able to spend more time with this man made you ecstatic.
"Come on, follow me to the bathroom amorina" he says as he takes your hand
You never expected your initiation to turn out this way, but you definitely aren't disappointed with the result.
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recentlyheardcom · 2 years
Minnesota man’s record fish certified months after catch and release
Minnesota man’s record fish certified months after catch and release
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) certified a state muskie fishing record months after it was released into the wild. Eric Bakke, an angler from Princeton, Minnesota, caught and released a muskellunge much longer than his shoulder width on June 11 from Lake Mille Lacs, a large lake about 75 miles north of Minneapolis- St. Metropolis of Paul. The muskellunge caught by Bakke…
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empiresblrmybeloved · 2 years
Is it bad? Fuck yeah probably.
"And I wish I were a boy... With a deep rock n roll voice" -> voice dysmorphia, for some of us more than others.
"But I don't have that choice... And I wish that I did" -> unhealthy home, verbally abusive.
Im. I just. We just, need time. We'll get out right? Of course we will! Right? We just need some time. Some time. Two years. When we're 18. We'll get a car! Pick up Dee and get a flat down here!! We'll be safe. Right?
I sure hope so.
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jedivszombie · 3 years
bang, you're dead, alouette, paint your silhouette. je te plumerai la tête, je te plumerai la tête. no way, no, the clock is ticking forward. no way, it's just a cruel, cruel world.
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