#MCL University Life
klamv-art · 2 months
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👾|| Soleil ||👾
My girl through the years 🤲🏼👀
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
hello! do you have any headcanons of Castiel reaction when Candy is in danger/injured?
Castiel, Rayan & Nathaniel’s reactions to Candy being injured 
N/A : It wasn’t specified in the request in which season of MCL this was supposed to happen so I chose UL (and while I was writing it, I wanted to include Rayan and Nathaniel). I hope this is okay and that you like it anon !
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
As we know, Castiel is often very busy in UL (which was a shame because it kept us from spending quality time with him in the game for most episodes)
Therefore, he doesn’t have much time to spend with Candy (as I just said lol)
His reaction could depend on whether him and Candy are dating at this point or not but in my opinion, it wouldn’t matter much 
It’s obvious that Castiel has a soft spot for Candy no matter what, right ? 
When he hears about Candy being injured, his brain just stop 
He’s a bit in shock as he didn’t expect this and he’d ask immediately what happened 
Then he’d rush to see her, wherever she is (if she’s in the hospital for instance, you can be sure that this boy basically jumped in his car)
He’d feel awful seeing Candy in pain and he’d feel even more awful because he knows he’s often not available for her
Really he’d be mad at himself because he realises that it needed for Candy to get injured for him to clear his schedule and go see her 
He’d promise her that from now on, he’d make more room for their relationship and for her in his life 
Starting by cancelling everything he had planned for the next few days so he could stay by her side 
At this point, he wouldn’t care much if his manager or even the members of the band are pissed at him because yes, his career is important to him but not as much as Candy is 
Also, he knows that if it was him who got injured, Candy wouldn’t have hesitated twice to do so, hence it’s the least he can do
Honestly, he’d take good care of her and would absolutely do anything she asks 
She needs a glass of water ? Give him two-seconds and he’s back with one. She wants to eat or get something but can’t do it herself ? My boy is already on his way
If she got injured because of a domestic accident or anything, he’d tease her a bit about how clumsy and careless she is (that would depend on the gravity of the injury of course)
If it is because she ended up getting involved in Nathaniel’s business while trying to help him, he’s mad af
He’d ask her to stop trying to help this bitch (his words not mine) and tell her to stay away from him (when I say « ask » it’s putting it mildly because the truth is that he basically forbid her to do so and he’d feel guilty about it later as he doesn’t want Candy to think he’s trying to control her. He’s just very worried and he knows that she doesn’t go half way when it comes to help a friend so he’s scared that it could go even worse)
But in the end, they both end up helping Nath somehow so that didn’t work so well, lol
However, he wouldn’t tell Candy about it but he definitely went looking for Nathaniel at some point (and it’s not a declaration of love he yelled at him, as you probably assumed)
𝚁𝚊𝚢𝚊𝚗 :
He would hear about it through Chani
Whether she came to him to justify Candy’s absence for the past classes or whether he asked her himself, that’s how he’d hear about the news
He’d try to keep his composure as Chani briefly explains him the situation and would try to act as any teacher would 
But we know that him and Candy share more than your average teacher-student relationship 
He’d try to wait for his classes to be over to reach out to Candy but he’ll end up cancelling them (and he’d get sermoned by Director Cullan once again but this is the least of his worries for now)
I mean understand him, this probably brought up to the surface some traumatic memories
He already lost in wife in a mall shooting, imagining something happening to Candy is unbearable to him 
He doesn’t want to go through this a second time and not knowing exactly  how she is has been eating him up all day 
Yes because he couldn’t really ask Chani for much details since it would have been suspicious (and he didn’t know that Chani already kinda guessed about their relationship but anyway)
If she’s in the hospital, he’d go see her (but he wouldn’t know what to tell to the receptionist. Like is he supposed to introduce himself as her boyfriend or ?)
But no matter what, he’ll make his way to Candy (even if it cost him to lie and say he was her father, which made the receptionist looked at him weirdly like « you look a bit young to have a grown-ass daughter ??? » but it doesn’t matter, she let him pass whatsoever)
He’d be relieved when seeing Candy and even more knowing that she’s going to be fine
He wouldn’t want to come across as too pushy, especially since she seemed to have been through a hard time (no shit Sherlock) but he’d still ask her to tell him what happened 
If it’s a domestic incident, it’d be alright, he’d take care of Candy as much as he can (let’s not forget that, officially, she’s just a student of his) and would make some arrangements for Candy to receive the classes she missed, and the ones she’s going to miss, online (he’d take care to warn the other teachers about her being incapable to attend their classes and it’d save Candy from having to spend countless email, lucky girl)
If it’s because of Nathaniel, she’d have to tell him the whole story and he’d insist for her to do so. Like if she was assaulted, he’d want her to press charges so that the police take care of it. But if she tells him that she can’t because it’d get one of her friends in trouble, he’d be like « excuse me what ? »
So she’d better tell him because he really don’t get it. How could one of her friends let her get in this situation ??
When he hears the whole story, he’d urge Candy not to get involved further and advise her to completing cut ties with Nathaniel 
But he wouldn’t impose it on her because he knows he has no right (and if she tells him that she can’t give up on her friend, you can be sure that this situation is going to worry him every single day from now on)
Give this man a break pls
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
- If it happened because of his «  job » (and let’s say it is because I want the angst y’all), saying that he feels bad wouldn’t reflect even in the slightest how he actually feels
He’d be completely shocked and he probably never hated himself more than at this moment 
(And we know he’s already not big on self-love lol. Ok,  that’s sad, I shouldn’t laugh about that, my bad)
Bonus point if Candy got injured with him seeing it or not so far (ok let’s not do that, this would be actually way too sad omg)
But if he wasn’t there at the time, as soon as he hears about it, he’s running miles to go check on her
He’d have to make sure she’s ok or that at least, she’s going to be fine before being able to think of anything else
When he’d see her, he’d be completely silent and would be waiting for the moment where she tells him that she wants him to get tf out of her life 
He’d be so ready for it happen that he can feel some tears threatening to fall down (bbg no)
Imagine his shock when Candy’s actually glad or relieved to see him (if she’s at the hospital and according to what kind of injury she has, she’d probably on painkiller so girly would be happy about anything lol. If you have ever been hospitalised, you know what I am talking about)
If you thought this would make him feel better, you’re wrong. He’d feel even worse because now he’s like « I don’t deserve her » (and he probably felt this way even before the accident/assault/whatever because we know that his self-esteem isn’t at its highest during UL, but now it’s x2)
I’d like to say that he’d stay by her side no matter what but let’s be honest : Nathaniel’s defence and coping mechanism is running away from any issue and hardship he faces (luckily he grows out of it by the end of UL)
So Amber (or Kim ?) would end up being the intermediary between Nathaniel and Candy 
Because even if he’s not around, be sure that he’s constantly asking for news about her (and whether it’s Amber or Kim, they’d be tireddd because bffr Nath, just go yourself)
And he’d want to go himself but he wants to find a solution before (which is why I believe that he’d get involved with the police even quicker if something like that had happened)
You can be certain that this won’t happen again and he’d won’t let this slide either 
He’d finally go to Candy after making an arrangement with Eric to tell her that he’s going to fix everything and that he’ll become someone she deserves to be with 
Afterwards, he’d keep an eye on her anytime, everywhere 
(If you remember, in episode 2 of UL, if Candy refuses to let him walk her home, he follows her to make sure she’d make it safe and sound. Well, now every time he spots her in town, going back to the campus on her own , he’d do the same. He basically her hound dog)
I’d love to write some prompts with this scenario because y’all the potential for angst with this damn (there weren’t that much of it in the game somehow)
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I hope you guys liked it !
I am struggling with some requests but some other are almost done so they should be posted very soon !
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"Sleep well. ❤️ I miss you."
Idk what's more cute, his little heart or the way he uses a full stop in every one of his sentence😭😭🫶🏼
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m0nnypie · 2 days
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Warnings: sex, oral sex, handcuffs, unprotected sex, rough sex. This story is in third person.
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It would be a week since (Name) and Nath had last seen each other. This had already started to irritate her, okay, it wasn't his fault, but that didn't change the fact that she had the right to be upset. And it's not like she wasn't happy for him, he was following his own dream, who could blame him?
Of course, after a long conversation with Rosa, she thought that maybe it was time to end the cycle. At the moment (Name) was talking to Chani, since she was going to help him with the move, she thought it was pointless to end the relationship, because in her view they could talk and resolve everything. But (Name) had already made up her mind, and no one would change that.
She was watching a movie, since sleeping was impossible at this point. It was already past two in the morning, she didn't mind being only wearing a tank top and shorts that were too small. Especially since no one was going to visit her now, and according to the time, Nathaniel wouldn't be back until the next morning.
Before the end of the movie, she heard someone come into the house, she didn't need to guess who it was. So she thought it best to talk to him right then, or else she would put off the conversation until it was too late.
- Nath... I think we need to... - she stopped at the exact moment she saw Nath dressed in his uniform. She almost let herself go, but she came back to reality in seconds -... hm... yeah, we need to talk.
— Do we need to?.. - He got closer and closer to her, making it almost impossible to resist him. His hand grabbed her waist, and on that damn face, a smirk appeared. The charming smile that made him so fucking hot - So? What do you want to talk about?..
He started kissing her neck, down her collarbone, and back up with kisses on her face. And all over again, it made her dizzy, it was practically impossible to resist like that.
- Nath… - She sighed heavily, sighs filled with lust suppressed by the days away from him. Breakup? She didn't even remember that anymore, she preferred to focus on the affection he gave her.
Nath started kissing her passionately, while his hands roamed all over her body, squeezing every little piece he loved and that made her sigh. He knew exactly how to mess with her, and he would definitely take advantage of it.
- You look great dressed like that, you know? - she said breathlessly, but she couldn't complain. She had always dreamed of seeing him like this, kissing him and doing everything she dreamed of with him. A huge smile appeared on his lips.
- Do you think so? I came like this especially for you - he kissed her again, for him her mouth was addictive. If it were possible he would never pull away - I even brought something special for us to try...
He took a handcuff out of his pocket. It wasn't something he was a fan of, but he would give in to see his wife crying with pleasure while begging him to go faster.
Then a smile lit up on (Name)'s face. He was finally giving in, damn that made her really horny. She didn't even give him time to say anything else, because she simply attacked his mouth and shut him up. If it weren't for the damn lack of air, they wouldn't have separated.
- Nath...- she was lifted by him, and they kissed again. He took her to the bedroom, even though even the middle of the house would have been fine for him, he wanted to give her all the comfort he could.
They wouldn't separate for anything, they were as desperate as before. And before (Name) realized it, she was tied with her arms behind her back. And in shock she separated from him, her eyes widening.
- You tied me up without telling me?! - He laughed, enjoying her reaction. He might not like a lot of things. But he found it really sexy when his wife was angry. He started to caress her cheek, and going to her lips, he passed slowly, it drove her crazy.
He climbed on top of her and kissed her again. No matter how many times he did it, he would never stop loving her kiss. She was so irresistible like that. He started to lift her shirt, exposing her breasts. He started to kiss them, going down her belly and reaching the waistband of her shorts. (Name) was already sighing once more, trying to contain any moan that tried to come out. - Why are you quiet? If you don't tell me what you want, I won't know how to please you (Name). - He knew what she wanted, but why not enjoy it a little. And before she could answer, he pulled away from her. - Nathaniel...please..- he simply ignored her. She knew very well what he wanted, and hated him for it, but she would do anything to feel him once more. - Nath...please, I want you to fuck me! Anything, just please…
And before (Name) had to beg again, she was already without her shorts, and with a blond guy between her legs. She could feel his hot breath. And he savored every bit of her. It would be possible to hear her moans from anywhere, it was so loud, not that he cared, she loved seeing how good he was doing her.
He satisfied her with all the desire in the world, as if it was the last thing he would ever eat in his life. She tried to close her legs with so much pleasure, but he wouldn't let her, he held her tight while he savored his beloved.
She was going crazy, she wanted to scratch him, pull his hair, take out her pleasure on something. And then she finally came, she could swear she had never felt so much pleasure as she did today. It seemed that every day Nath became more experienced, and incredible at what he did.
(Name) took a deep breath trying to catch her breath. But he didn't let her rest for long, since the next minute he was already getting ready to continue. And without letting (Name) protest, he turned her so that her back was to him.
He caressed every part of her body, his affection starting on her back, going up her and going to her shoulders and neck, causing a shiver and a moan in the woman. And finally he undressed, which disappointed her a little, since he looked wonderful in that outfit.
He bent down, resting his chest against her back. He distributed kisses on her shoulders and neck, and whispered in her ear how much he loved her. She sighed, enjoying every word he said, until she felt him enter her.
He went fast and hard, making it impossible for (Name) not to moan. She moaned loudly, rolled her eyes, did everything she could to let him know that she was loving every minute of sex with him. It wasn't much different for him, since he rolled his eyes, and even moaned along with her, not as loud as she was, but enough for any neighbor to know what they were doing there.
It didn't take long for her to feel like she was going to cum again, and it wasn't much different for him either, since every second he increased the speed according to his pleasure. And then the two finally reached their peak together.
He lay down next to her, quickly catching his breath. (Name) was already completely destroyed, her breathing irregular and her body aching, only returning to normal after a long 10 minutes.
Before she could open her mouth again, she felt Nath taking off her handcuffs and picking her up, taking her to the bathroom. She certainly didn't complain, she loved being taken care of by him. But of course, before a completely relaxing bath, they decided to use the spacious bathroom for another purpose.
After changing, and he made the bed for them. They lay down together, with her stuck to him. She was extremely quiet, which was strange coming from her, since she was chatty like a parrot.
- My love... are you okay? - he stroked her hair worriedly. He heard a loud sigh coming from her, which worried him even more. - is that what you wanted to talk about earlier?..
She sighed, a lump forming in her throat, wondering if she should tell him or just forget about it all. What if she told him and he got mad? She couldn't handle that.
- Well, about earlier, you know how hectic our lives have been lately, right? We've rarely seen each other recently, we don't talk, and then I talked to Rosa, and I had decided to break up - there was a short silence, while she thought of what else to say, but was interrupted by him.
- It's okay, I mean, I can't blame you, we really haven't seen each other for a whole week, I understand why you thought that way... I'm really sorry that I wasn't there as much as you wanted - he took a deep breath before continuing - but I really love you very much, and I don't want us to break up because of a silly mistake of ours.
He caressed her cheeks while looking directly into her eyes, she knew he was being sincere. And suddenly, she started to cry, she couldn't say anything, she felt guilty for having thought of that stupidity, she should have listened to Chani and simply talked to him.
He didn't say anything, he simply hugged her. And they stayed like that for the rest of the night, hugging each other, talking about how to resolve this situation and making promises that they weren't sure they would keep, but everything would be fine since they would always have each other.
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jxcotts · 2 years
same picture, different characters. :)
*disappointed but not surprised*
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mclmora · 2 months
✧ describe your MCL profile! ✧
note: hi girls!! i wanted to do this for awhile now & i really hope you’ll enjoy it. it’s all in the title, i’m gonna give you a sort of template to fill! hopefully it’s written correctly, i play the italian version of the game and perhaps some words aren’t exact as the game (pls don’t hesitate to correct me). feel free to add or edit the template as you like, this is all for fun! let me know your profiles through reblogs and, again, hope y’all enjoy! xo xo
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user’s profile!
(add a picture of your outifts or of your candy, example:)
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name: (...)
b-day: (...)
zodiac sign(s): (...)
nationality: (...)
( add a description of your candy’s personality )
likes: (...)
dislikes: (...)
favorite flirt(s): (...)
player since: (...)
────── · · · ·
currently playing... (add flirt & season, example: nathaniel’s route, high school life.)
────── · · · ·
high school life – (add your status, example: completed or 27th episode)
flirts’ lom levels (add a 💘 next the character you put “crush” on!)
nathaniel, (... add your percentage)
castiel, (... add your percentage)
lysander, (... add your percentage)
armin, (... add your percentage)
kentin, (... add your percentage)
questions for you ♡
which club did you pick?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
which is your favorite episode?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
which non-dateable character do you like most?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
────── · · · ·
university life – (add your status, example: to start or 12th episode)
flirts’ lom levels (add a 💘 next the character you put “crush” on!)
nathaniel, (... add your percentage)
priya, (... add your percentage)
castiel, (... add your percentage)
hyun, (... add your percentage)
rayan, (... add your percentage)
questions for you ♡
what do you think the removal of kentin, armin & lysander?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
which one is your favorite episode?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
is there something you don’t like about this season?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
────── · · · ·
love life – (add your status, example: to start, complete or 4th episode)
flirts’ lom levels (add a 💘 next the character you put a “crush” on!)
nathaniel, (... add your percentage)
priya, (... add your percentage)
castiel, (... add your percentage)
hyun, (... add your percentage)
rayan, (... add your percentage)
eric, (... add your percentage)
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about eric’s character?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
which one is your favorite episode?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
did you enjoy the way the story turned out/is turning out?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
────── · · · ·
alternate life – (add your status, example: to start, complete or playing flirt’s route)
lysander: (3rd episode / complete / to start)
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
what do you think of his character development?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
kentin: (3rd episode / complete / to start)
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
what do you think of his character development?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
armin: (3rd episode / complete / to start)
questions for you ♡
how do you feel about his new design?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
what do you think of his character development?
(... feel free to elaborate on your answers if you’d like)
────── · · · ·
here’s three non-dateable characters i like!
(add pictures / collages / whatever you prefer)
────── · · · ·
general questions ♡
how did you discover the game?
which one is your favorite special episode (ex: halloween 2011, easter 2012, ect)?
have you played the spin-offs? if yes, which one was your favorite?
drop your favorite outfit(s)!
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additional note: i just wanted to add that i didn’t play the love life season yet and i hope the questions are okay to everyone who hasn’t finished the seasons. i tried to make everything suitable for all players, i hope it worked. again, add things as much as you’d like & write how much you want.
anyway, if you’re curious or just want a reference, here’s my profile!
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super-maunu · 1 year
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numberonenat · 1 year
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i don’t like posting sketches of my projects but i really like this one AND i have already spent 2 and a half hours on him…in my head if i post here i’ll be obligated to finish it 😹😹😹 so here it is
it looks goofy cause it’s > a sketch < and my sketches ARE REALLY DIRTY 😭 don’t judge me please i am already scared to post this IT’S NOT FINISHED
alexy is one of my favorite characters EVER from all media so yeah (him, haruhi fujioka and kirie goshima)
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maayaainsworth · 11 months
Não Castiel, nunca existiu essa época.
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yourlysander · 2 years
Okay, after finishing the fifth episode of Lysander's al...
We have two options:
-> Beemov started to listen their players.
-> They are just pulling crazy ideas from tumblr.
I am literraly crying... Too much for me. My pure boy... My pure boy... Buried today.
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mcl-alloveragain · 2 years
My Favourite Castiel's Illustrations:
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I have never been into Castiel too much, my lovometr with him has always been low cause I didn't know how to talk to him and didn't really care (I did not dislike him tho, I liked him but I found him annoying tbh). But now, when I was looking into his gallery, i realized that DAMN, this boy had horrible illus in HSL!!! It's actually sad, since he's the most popular one 😫 Of course it's only my opinion, but damn...... Like, DAMN....
He got his redemption later tho, because as his HSL arts are not really into my liking, his UL and LL illustrations... DAAAAAMN 🔥🔥🔥 Now he gets the best pieces, ngl... It was hard to settle for just so little of them, but yeah, I cannot just post his entire gallery there (I WISH). And when while making Nath's post I felt like y'all agree with me, now I just know our opinions probably gonna differ more since even I actually choosed these almost randomly, because there were too many good options 😭
Even tougher it was to choose my number one 😫 since I was just looking at them in pure admiration, apparently horny af. But I menaged!!!
My favourite Castiel's illustration of all:
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Okay, maybe my reasons aren't that valid. The thing is, I'm actually not a fan of illustrations from this episode. I don't like any of them, there's something off for me about every single one of them except Cas's. Compared to others, it's a masterpiece and the only one among them that deserved to actually be the last illustration of UL.
It's just so pretty, and both Castiel and Candy look great on it, and the lighting and proportions are good! It's so comfortable to look at. It's perfect. Not a single thing I could complain about (and I complain about illustrations from UL episode 20 A LOT)
I also love every single nsfw illustration with him (okay, not the one from HSL but they really did him dirty in HSL, in the wrong way) but I decided not to post them here cause it's obvious ;p
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the-moon-lullaby · 1 year
Hello! May I request Nath, Cas, Lys, Armin and maybe Kentin if you feel like it with Candy who was forced to do some "important ambitious" job (like lawyer or doctor) by her parents with high expectations even so she always dreamed about being book autohor? Thank you in advance! Also sorry if there are any errors in my english
 The HSL Boys reaction to Candy’s parents pressuring her to get a prestigious job
N/A : Okay so this post really took a while to write because I really struggle with it yet I tried something and I hope that you'll like it still !
info : it takes place at the end of UL except for Kentin where it's during HSL
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𝙲𝚊𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Castiel probably noticed that Candy wasn’t really enthusiastic about her degree but at the same time she was studying law/medicine so he thought this was normal 
(I mean from personal experiences and from what I’ve observed, at university it’s almost impossible to differentiate someone who doesn’t like their degree or someone that’s simply struggling with it. At some point everyone has their little burnout and mental breakdown era and it's almost part of the routine that it become ironically comical. And I don’t even want to imagine what it’s like when you’re studying medicine or law)
So when they all finally graduate from university (except if Candy’s studying medicine, then my girl still has a long way to go) he expected her to be happy about it because now she’ll be able to do her dream job 
At least he thought so but the he looks at her, she doesn't look happy at all 
It’s probably when Candy is a middle of a mental breakdown or an existential crisis (or both at the same time for more FUN) that she ends up telling him that this isn’t the job she wanted to do and it’s actually quite far from being her dream 
When she tells him she wants to be an author, he’s quite baffled because he really didn’t expect this 
I mean he knew Candy like to write and read, but she never really talked about making it her career 
He feels horrible because he wished he knew and it breaks his heart to see her so distressed 
He also angry at her parents because they’re the one that put her in this situation 
Afterwards he’ll try to find a solution at all cost 
Castiel is a very passionate person and it shows the best when it’s about his passion. Also, I think one of Castiel biggest fears is to live a life full of regret 
Therefore it really hurts him to see Candy so close to give up her dreams and he can see that it’s tormenting her
And he loves and cares about her a lot so he won’t let things get worse 
Giving up won’t be an option for Castiel (he’s a lot of things but certainly not a quitter) plus, since Crowstorm’s going pretty well, he has some ressources now
He’ll encourage her to take this year abroad with him to begin with and focus on her writing 
Since that he now knows that she wants to be an author and that he has some contacts, he might look up names in the book industry so he can share what he learned with Candy (and maybe give her some opportunities who knows ?) or he’ll tell her that he’d love to write what she reads if she allows him to (and that means a lot ‘cause as I said, he’s not much of a reader but for her, he can try to become a better one)
In the end, Castiel is very loyal and whatever’s her plans for the future, she can count on Castiel and is unfailing support
𝙻𝚢𝚜𝚊𝚗𝚍𝚎𝚛 :
Firstly, the long distance relationship makes it hard to communicate 
Also, when Candy comes to visit his at the farm or when he goes back in town occasionally, she seems to avoid talking about university 
He always thought it was because she didn’t want to think about stressful things
But one day, as graduation day was getting closer she couldn’t hold it in anymore and she ended up telling him about the situation 
Lysander listened to her diligently but he was very confused the whole time 
I think that if Candy’s a writer, it might have been one of the reason her and Lysander grew so close in the first place
Creative/Artistic interests really make people to connect with each other (and I think it’s beautiful) hence, I doubt that Candy and Lysander didn’t really talk about it together
Even before they started dating, Lysander probably asked her if he could read her works as he was curious and she let him 
And he liked it quite a lot (maybe a bit biased by love but that’s not gonna keep him from seeing talent)
But when she started university to study law/medicine, he thought that maybe it was because she didn’t see writing as something more than a hobby 
He’s can’t believe that her parents set her up like this 
Yes because for him, that’s clearly sabotage. How could they dismiss their daughter’s happiness like that ? 
However, Lysander can think of a few solutions already 
I mean what’s his is also Candy’s 
So he tell her that she’s more than welcome to come live on the farm as long as she wants to (even permanently) if she needs to get away from university 
He wouldn’t be the one to tell her « you should still finish that degree, it’ll open your doors for future jobs » because for him, there’s no point wasting time trying to « secure » a future for a job you have no interest in or no desire to pursue
To him, there’s no such thing as « prestigious » job and it’s nothing more than an superficial idea based on  traditional (and capitalistic) societal standards and that’s what he’ll tell Candy 
Overall, he’d encourage Candy to go after her dreams and with him by her side, he’ll certainly fill the lack of support from her parents because he’s determined to see her happy
𝙰𝚛𝚖𝚒𝚗 :
Armin doesn’t know much about being what it's like to be an author so when Candy tells him that’s the job she'd actually like to do he’d just be like « well do it then ? », not really making the connection between this dream and her actual studies 
Afterwards would have to tell her that she can’t because she’s studying to be a doctor or a lawyer and again he’d go « if you don’t want to do it, just don’t ? »
At this point Candy’s just « bitch be fucking for real »
However by saying that, he’s not trying to be a bitch or anything, I just think Armin has a very simple vision of things since he knows he’ll find support within in family for whatever he set his mind to (it may not included hacking governmental shit and then getting arrested in front of the whole high school, but I mean it’s not like Armin would do that, right ?)
Like he wants to be a game developper ? ‘Okay let’s do it’. He changed his mind and wants to do something else ? It’s still, ‘Okay, let’s do it’
He didn’t know Candy’s parents actually forced her to study law/medicine in order to become a lawyer/doctor and he’s honestly in disbelief 
He doesn’t get what her parents means by « prestigious job » and why they’re so pressed about her wanting to be an author. Like bro, they were certainly not the ones spending 5 years going through the ups and downs (and a lot of downs in these sectors so I’ve heard) of university and they also won’t  be the ones having to work for this « prestigious » work as they says for their whole life ???(WHY ARE THEY EVEN TALKING ABOUT IT FFS)
I feel like Armin would encourage her to do what she wants to do  without giving a shit about what her parents say
He has this philosophy that can basically be resumed as « doing whatever the hell occurs to him in the bloody moment » (it’s a little reference from the Haunting of Bly Manor but it’s accurate because if there’s one thing about this show, it’s that it teaches us that what really matters is to live in the moment and not for others. I am getting out of topic so I’ll just leave it here lol)
Like if she wants to finish her degree still, he’ll be like « okay sure » but know that he knows about your dream, he’ll try to find different way for you to achieve it
He’d make some researches to find ways to become an author and would find some platform for Candy to write on (yesss tech-boy)
He’d try to support her the best he can and would share her works on social medias and all (he’d also try to learn a bit more about the book industry ‘cause he doesn’t know anything about it. But that won’t stop him from basically being Candy’s manager even if she says he doesn’t need to do that much. He’s really invested lol)
He’s really supportive but he also view this as a kind of mission : she has to be an author ‘cause he won’t stand there watching her while the thought of giving up her dream is tormenting her 
𝙽𝚊𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚒𝚎𝚕 :
Oh dear, he’s completely disarmed when Candy tells him about not wanting to be a lawyer since he really thought that it was her dreams (she was studying this for almost the past 5 years so he assumed that she liked it you know)
He’s a bit relieved though because if his girlfriend wanted to be a lawyer, he’d be worried that his little slid-ups in life (is that an understatement ? I don’t think so. Everyone make mistakes right ?) would discredit or impact her
However when Candy tells him that it’s her parents that wanted her to become a lawyer (or a doctor), he starts to connect the dots
All these times when Candy told him that she felt like she was wasting her time and that uni was hellishly hard (relatable haha) in opposition to how her eyes lit up when she was talking about this idea she just had and that she wanted to write down
Yeah, if he hadn’t been caught up in this whole situation with the drug-deal/gang (whatever beemoov calls this), he would have noticed and perhaps he’d have been able to support her earlier
He feels guilty because he can only imagine how alone she must have felt for these 5 years and also, she kinda save him from such a fate 
I mean, guys, his father, before Nathaniel got emancipated, wanted him to go business school to be a CEO or whatever 
And Nathaniel did not wanted that nor did he wanted his life to be planned by his father 
and damn he succeed in that ‘cause I don’t think Francis (stinky bitch. Sorry I just feel the need to insult this man) really planned Nathaniel becoming a drug dealer so slay Nath (a win is a win y’all. Glad he didn’t actually make a career of it lol)
So, she doesn’t have to explain herself or anything, Nath just gets it 
Yet, he’s a bit confused about why she lets her parents decide her future when she basically did everything she could back in the days to prevent him from getting such a life 
So he’s a bit confused but don’t get me wrong, he’s grateful for Candy to have open his eyes on who he was and that he had the right to choose his own path (which apparently was drug-deal related. Sorry for that) so be sure that he’s more than glad to return the favour 
He’d have long conversations with Candy about it 
I feel like Nathaniel, at some point, might have want to become a detective novel writer (maybe in middle school or in the beginning of high school when he was still allowed to have dreams) so he knows one things or two about being an author since he already made some researches on the topic. Therefore, he’d share them with Candy 
Also, he’d propose her to read her works if she wants some feedback 
If Candy is scared to let everything down to do something completely different, Nathaniel will be here to tell her that at least she’s not alone in this situation and that they can go on this journey together (just to remind that he did a whole post-graduate degree in Literature to become a police officer, this will never not be funny to me)
In the end, no matter what, Nathaniel would encourage Candy to become an author just as she supported him so many times and he’d reassure by telling her that he’ll be her number 1 fan (this man god)
N/A : Okay so for Kentin it’s a bit different because I imagine the situation better in HSL’s settings (idk why but it doesn’t really matter anyway) so in this case Candy is not currently following a degree to be a lawyer or a doctor (and is not one either) but it’s the end of high school and her parents wants her to go to uni in that perspective :
𝙺𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗 :
Kentin can relate with Candy ‘cause his dad kinda wants him to join the army like he did 
Kentin’s dad basically wants his son to become another version of him and no, leave this boy alone pls (he’s too good to be like that)
So in this case, Candy and Kentin kinda share the same situation therefore I think they would both feel kinda stuck 
Its give them something to bond about (trauma-bond because of the fact they’re being controlled by the parents whose role should remain at being their kids support and not prosecutor. I feel like everyone in this game is traumatised one way or the other. Pls beemoov give them a break)
They would talk a lot about their dreams : Candy wants to be an author and share with the world her stories, Kentin wants to travel and be surrounded by animals (dogs more specifically. He’s a dog-person and I love that for him), both listening to the other with utter trust and attention as they’ve become each other confidant 
At some point, (I am not sure which one it would be but I would say it was Kentin since he really seemed to gain some maturity, especially after the whole Evan arc), but one of them just start to think « what if we actually go for it ? Like what if we just do it ?»
I mean they’ve been each other’s support for so long now (at least a few months), they know they can rely on each other. Therefore the idea of risking it all to pursue the life they’ve kept talking and dreaming about seem less scary than the though of waking up at 50 and wonder what could have been (my biggest fear really)
So when it comes to confront their parents about it, it would be this « I do it if you do it » vibe (out of topic but Kentin and Candy’s relationship is too sweet, even if I didn’t play it, it certainly has a special place in my heart)
They would end up telling their parents about their projects but it’s nothing like asking for approval. It’s more like their explaining them what they’re going to do and take it or leave it, no matter what we’re doing it
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And we're done !
*Also I just want to add that, obviously, I have nothing against people pursuing studies to become a lawyer or a doctor (and I knows how hard this is so if you're doing that you have all my love & support <3) but it has to be a personal choice. It's only problematic when it was pressed upon you by someone else (especially parents)
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c-bunn · 2 years
— Nathaniel ✨
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Hello, my loves. It's me again, Carol/Bunn. I left the MCL community a while ago, but I really, really missed my sweet boy. So I decided to draw him again. Here's the result!
And over here, an alternative option of him with glasses. Why? Because I love handsome men with glasses 🥰✨
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Hope you like it! <3
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backtoblueside-jpg · 1 year
Almost an end of a era approaching the new gen, so here's my character through the years 🥺
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mafuyubot · 2 years
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PRIYA LAYOUTS ! (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
☆ fav or reblog if u use/save !
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jxcotts · 2 years
not surprised how the two best boys of mcl own the hottest illus ever. argue with the wall. 💋
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