marlesbian · 9 months
for Marauders Christmas Fest by @the-marauders-fest
Prompt Childhood lovers/high school reunion
Pairing: Alice Fortescue/Lily Evans
Tags: Fluff. First love. First Kiss. Alternate Universe- No magic.
Alice met Lily when they were 5, both were young readers and met at the local library in their small town. They became really close ever since that day, meeting at the library to read together, then they started meeting outside, at the park, the local pool. After a month they started going to each other's houses and became absolutely inseparable, because otherwise, they didn't have any other friends, two outcasts extremely smart chubby girls, whose world treated as freaks of nature, but they found home in each other.
The years went by and their friendship only grew and deepened. Lily practically lived at Alice's house and family ice cream shop, it was just a prize, being with her best friend and away from her awful sister. They did everything together, always walking around town holding hands, making friendship bracelets, they loved making each other gifts and just touching, feeling each other's presence. So the years went by, they grew up together, and knew each other better than anyone else.
Christmas 2005, they were both 13, Lily went to spend Christmas at Alice's, after having a fight with her sister. They had spent all afternoon baking cookies, pies and all the food for her dinner with Alice's dad, Steven, the chef. Dinner was awesome, so after that, they stayed in Alice's room, watching a movie cuddling to fight the cold, they did that all the time, but this time felt different, electric. Of course they knew they liked each other as more then just friends, but they were too afraid to do anything about it, since gay people weren't well seen.
- Tulip, i have to tell you something - Alice spoke all of a sudden- We're moving, my mom got a job offer in London, it's a really good job and her salary will increase significantly, so i have to go- her voice was breaking.
-What, now at the middle of the school year?
- I know this is awful but i can't stay.
- But what about me? I'm gonna miss you
- I know, im gonna miss you too, it's breaking my heart... but we can keep in touch, i'll call you every day and i can come visit..
- It's not the same... you can't go i- she desperately pleased but stopped mid sentence, then continued- I love you
- I love you too, tulip
- No... you don't get it. I LOVE you. Like i am in love with you, the way your dad loves your mom and the way people love each other in the movies... -she cried
- Oh Lily...
- You don't have to say anything, of course you don't feel the same way, im a girl and you're not bent. I'm sorry, i'll shut up now, just forget i said anything
- NO! I love you too... like that, that way. I have for a long time.
- Well, then... What now?
-Can i kiss you? I've never kissed anyone before and i dreamed of you being my first.
- YES! i mean, yes, i would love for you to kiss me.
And so they did. It was soft and innocent, the butterflies in their stomachs were bursting. They couldn't believe this was happening, so they kept doing it. They kept kissing and kissing until their lips were all red. It was awkward but it was theirs. Their moment, their first kiss, friends who have loved each other for years.
The two weeks they had together before Alice leaving was full of kisses and longing stares and softly whispered i love yous. Then Alice Left, and Lily was alone.
- 10 years later -
Its 2015, and Alice and Lily haven't spoken in the last 7 years, a lot had happened to the both of them. Alice went to film school and was working as a photographer, with a movie in the making. Lily had moved to the capital to work at a book publisher, after graduating in English literature and creative writing.
Lily Evans had been living in the capital for eight months now. She was sitting at a café, reading a book wondering why she was working during Christmas holidays, when she heard a knock in the glass. It was a short woman, with very short hair, shaved on the sides and SO many ear piercings, but she recognised her immediately, of course she would, how could she forget? It was her first kiss, her first love. The look of realisation on her face betrayed her. Alice immediately saw it, but even then entered the small shop.
- Lily! Oh god it's been ages! How are you? I meant to keep calling all these years ago, im really sorry i didn't. But ugh why am i bringing this up? Tell me about yourself! How's life been treating you? Is that a book? Are you an author now?.. oh god, im talking too much aren't i? im sorry im nervous as shit
Lily laughed, and started talking. They were both uncomfortable at first, but after the first hour, it was like time had never passed. They told each other everything, about how their sixth-terms went, about university, all of their partners and journeys coming to term with being bisexual, alice coming to terms with being gender non conforming, about their new friends and family. After the shop closed, they went on to a pub, to keep talking. When they parted their ways, saying goodbye, it took all of Lily's courage to ask
"Do you wanna spend Christmas with me? I can't go see my family so im spending it all alone. You don't have to say yes, bye the way... i'm sorry if it's too forward.. sorry forget i asked"
"I would love to spend Christmas with you, tulip"
note: i made this super unpretentiously, just a little comfort for me. i did not go 100% with the high school reunion so i cheated hehehe. also pls be kind i wrote it in like an hour
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