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A Modica evento MAYORANA, neutrino come ponte tra materia ed antimateria
Fisica del neutrino. A Modica 60 scienziati da tutto il mondo. Al via dal 4 luglio a Modica il congresso internazionale MAYORANA dedicato alla fisica del neutrino. Dal 4 al 14 luglio 2023 le massime autorità scientifiche a livello internazionale nel settore della fisica del neutrino si incontreranno presso la sede della fondazione Giovan Pietro Grimaldi a Modica, nell’ambito dell’evento “MAYORANA” (Multi-Aspect Young Oriented Advanced Neutrino Academy). L’evento, organizzato dall’Università di Catania (UNICT) e dall’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN), con la collaborazione della Fondazione Grimaldi, porrà l’accento sulle grandi questioni scientifiche e le connesse sfide tecnologiche che la ricerca sulla fisica del neutrino pone alle presenti e future generazioni di scienziati, anche in relazione all’immensa eredità scientifica lasciata da Ettore Majorana in tale materia.
Oltre 60 studiosi da tutto il mondo si riuniranno per discutere di fisica nucleare e astrofisica delle particelle elementari, e in particolare del neutrino, appunto, nome coniato da Enrico Fermi negli anni Trenta del secolo scorso per indicare i più piccoli costituenti neutri della materia. La serata inaugurale dei lavori sarà martedì’ 4 luglio, a partire dalle 17,30, al teatro Garibaldi, alla presenza delle massime autorità accademiche , scientifiche e politiche quali Francesco Priolo, Rettore dell’Università di Catania, Antonio Zoccoli, Presidente dell’Istituto di fisica Nucleare, Nello Musumeci, Ministro per la Protezione Civile. La serata, aperta alla cittadinanza, sarà condotta dalla giornalista Caterina Gurrieri e vedrà la partecipazione e il contributo musicale di Giovanni Caccamo e degli studenti del Liceo Musicale dell’istituto “G.Verga” di Modica. Attesa per conoscere le risultanze della Public Lecture “Majorana come ponte fra materia e antimateria”, a cura di Francesco Vissani, dirigente di ricerca presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell’Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare. Internazionalizzazione ed alta formazione sono i motivi ispiratori del MAYORANA School &Workshop che mira anche a coniugare il fascino della grande scienza con la bellezza dell’arte e del paesaggio ragusano, ed in particolare dell’incanto di Modica. Solo per citare alcuni componenti della comunità scientifica: Francesco Iachello , docente alla Yale University negli Stati Uniti, candidato al premio Nobel per la fisica, Elena Aprile è docente alla Columbia University negli Stati Uniti e membro della American Physical Society. Nel 2021 è stata insignita del prestigioso premio Fermi dalla Società Italiana di Fisica per lo studio dell’Universo. Ella è anche il principal investigator di uno dei più grandi esperimenti per la ricerca della materia oscura, XENON. Francesco Vissani è dirigente di ricerca presso i Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso dell'Istituto Nazione di Fisica Nucleare in Italia Jun Cao è direttore dell’Istituto di Fisica delle Alte Energie presso l’Accademia delle Scienze Cinese. Alexei Smirnov è docente al Max-Planck-Institut di Heildelberg in Germania dove dirige il gruppo "Theoretical Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics. Ha ricevuto numerosi premi per il suo lavoro, tra cui il Sakurai Prize dell'American Physical Society nel 2008 e l'Humboldt Research Prize nel 2004. Horst Lenske è professore emerito all’Università di Gießen in Germania, dove ha creato e guidato un ampio gruppo di ricerca di fisica nucleare. E’ stato presidente del comitato per la fisica adronica e nucleare al German Federal Ministry for Education and Research. Read the full article
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Riley puts out her hand, wanting to show Mayu a bit of honor - but Mayu slaps her across the face! Mayu with the waistlock, tries for the dragon suplex early, but Riley fights out of it. Forearms from Ishimori, side headlock in, but Mayu pushes them off the ropes. She passes by Riley and bounces off the ropes, but Riley crosses back around her, off the ropes again. Iwatani follows, knowing Riley like the back of her hand, as they cross paths for a third time. Mayu catches her with a flying mayorana this time, but Riley nips to her feet! School boy by Iwatani!
1 - Riley reverses the pin! 1 - Mayu reverses the pin! 1 - Riley reverses the pin! 1 - Mayu gets a waistlock, but Riley elbows off. Backing them up to the ropes, Ishimori with an irish whip. Riley follows, but Mayu jumps off the ropes, connecting with a springboard back elbow! Mayu kicks Riley in the head before grabbing her, smashing her face against the turnbuckles. Irish whip across the ring, Mayu hits a running forearm! Mayu screams before she runs back, but Riley’s just a step behind. She slides under Mayu, pulls her feet out from under her, and throws her leg into the ring post! Ishimori rips up the padding from ringside and grabs Mayu, wanting to hit a German suplex on the floor, but Iwatani fights it off. Running crossbody attempt, but Riley snatches her out of the air, and dumps Mayu on the floor! Riley slides back inside the ring, the arena clapping for Mayu as she gets up. Riley runs the ropes, and connects with a Tope Con Hilo!
Iwatani is thrown back inside the ring so Riley can apply a submission, wrenching on the ankle, trying to completely immobilize the leg. Mayu starts slapping her, fighting back, but Riley lays the leg flat against the mat and lifts herself, hitting a double knee drop right across the leg! She drags Mayu to the ropes and wraps the leg around them, yanking back to try and pull the leg apart, Mayu screaming out in agony. Riley relents, jumping up and stepping on the leg. The crowd cheers for Mayu as she gets kicked in the head. Riley follows up with a snapmare, runs the ropes, and nails Mayu with a nice dropkick. Ishimori gets Mayu in the corner, throwing her in head first. Irish whip, forcing Mayu to run on the leg, but Riley runs into a boot! Mayu tosses Riley with tijeras, practically dumping Riley on the top of her head! Riley does a flip and ends up on the ropes. Iwatani charges, nailing Riley with a precise dropkick! Riley ends up halfway out of the ropes, looking down at the floor. Mayu slingshots over, and nails Riley with a double stomp to the back! Mayu bounces on her spine a few times before she hops to the apron, and Riley melts to the floor. Eventually, Riley is able to get back to her feet, and Mayu has found her footing on the top rope. She leaps off, wiping Riley out with a huge crossbody from the top rope! Both arms hooked, Mayu wants the Dragon Suplex, but Riley struggles and writhes, preventing Mayu from hitting it. She gets free and goes for a clothesline, but Mayu ducks under it, both arms and Mayu hits a dragon suplex on the floor! She comes up holding the leg but grabs Riley and puts her back inside the ring, before sliding in herself.
Once back inside the ring, Mayu picks up steam, and nails Riley with a beautiful dropkick! The shot has Riley float back to her feet, where Mayu jumps on her back, and nails her with the crucifix!
1… 2… Kickout!
Grabbing her up by the hair, Mayu looks out at the crowd before battering Riley with forearms. With a fistful of hair, hitting those forearms, Mayu pushes them into the ropes. She rears her arm as far back as she can, delays the strike, before connecting with a final, powerful forearm! Mayu to the ropes, but Riley follows her and slides, going under Mayu and tripping her up. Ishimori slingshots over the top rope, and connects with a dropkick to the side of the head! Mayu gets her head kicked in, and Riley is feeling it as Iwatani finds herself against the bottom turnbuckle. Riley charges, and crushes Mayu with a huge meteora! Double knees to the face might’ve knocked Mayu out, but Riley doesn’t have the energy to capitalize, as she falls face first to the mat!
Mayu slowly pulls herself up into the corner, trying to get some feeling back into the leg before aiming at Riley’s head, swinging her leg high, but Riley ducks it. She grabs the leg, and hits a nasty dragon screw! Iwatani cries out in pain, but Ishimori quickly has her back on her feet. Going for her own Dragon suplex, Iwatani reverses into a Dragon of her own. But Ishimori also breaks free and grabs the arm, twisting it, before hitting a big uppercut, stunning Iwatani. Ishimori clasps both arms around her, pinning Iwatani’s arms to her chest. She lifts Iwatani off her feet and marches to the center of the ring, planting Iwatani with a bridged straight jacket suplex!
1… 2… Kickout!
Ishimori momentarily argues with the referee, but instantly goes back to Iwatani, locking in a Lebell Lock. Yanking back on the crossface, as Iwatani desperately shifts her hips, inching closer to the ropes. Mayu eventually gets her foot on the ropes to break it, but the damage has certainly been done. Iwatani is dazed, picking herself up on the ropes as Ishimori sets up for a tiger feint kick - but Iwatani grabs her legs! She folds Ishimori through the ropes until she’s all twisted up and hanging upside down. Iwatani runs the ropes, connecting with a dropkick to the middle of Ishimori’s spine! The recoil on that is nasty, and Iwatani is looking for something even nastier than that. She grabs one arm. She reaches for the other but Riley fights, but Iwatani grabs the second arm. They’re both pulled back, and Iwatani stands up on her tip toes as she falls back, delivering a HUGE Dragon suplex right on the apron! Riley melts to the floor as Mayu is stuck with her legs bent under her, neither wrestler moving!
Iwatani eventually slides down and pushes the referee out of the way to get to Riley. This could be her only chance, and Mayu isn’t letting it pass her by. Back inside the ring, Mayu has her hand wrapped in Riley’s hair, and forcefully pulls her up to her feet. Both arms pulled back, and Iwatani hits a huge bridged Dragon suplex!
1… 2… Kickout!
Mayu shakes her head as she stalks Riley. Picking her up by the waist, Iwatani has her up for a wheelbarrow, but Ishimori reverses into a victory roll. Iwatani reverses the momentum into one of her own, but she springs up, and twists Shira into another crucifix, trapping her body onto the mat!
1… 2… Kickout!
Yanking on her own hair, Iwatani staggers on the aching leg as she stands, pulling Ishimori up with her. Ishimori shoves her back and powers up, but ends up eating a Superkick. Iwatani to the ropes, jumping up on Riley’s shoulders, and Mayu SPIKES her with a Poison Rana, hoping over her and pinning Riley’s shoulders to the mat!
1…. 2…. Kickout!
Writhing on the mat, out of pain and frsutration, Ishimori is now clutching her neck. Iwatani’s game plan has become seeing how much she can drop Riley on her head before she actually stays down, but hasn’t found the answer just yet.
Pulling Riley closer to the ropes, Iwatani starts to bounce up towards the top, but Ishimori jumps to her feet. She wraps her arms around Mayu’s waist, and tosses her off the middle rope with a German suplex! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
Ishimori steps on Mayu’s stomach to pass over her, and double jumps all the way to the top. Before she can jump, Mayu is hammering her on the spine. Following her up, pulling the hair as she continues to hammer Ishimori’s back. Eventually Iwatani has control. She gets both feet under her and tosses Ishimori off the top with an avalanche Dragon suplex - but Riley lands on her feet! Ishimori grabs Iwatani by the waist, and plants her with a German suplex! Ishimori floats back into a jackknife position, but instead of going for the cover, picks Iwatani up by the waist, and hits a second German suplex! Floating back again, Riley lifts Mayu up and holds her there. Iwatani flails as Riley marches to the center of the ring, where she connects with a third German suplex, pinning Iwatani to the mat!
1… 2… Kickout!
They’re slow to move after that incredible back and forth, the referee checking in on both of them. The crowd is firmly behind Mayu, but there was no doubt they were appreciative of the athleticism of both women here. They’re hoping this will carry on forever, but Ishimori signals time is running out for Mayu Iwatani. Pulling Iwatani to her feet, but Mayu pushes her off! She clobbers Ishimori with a huge Superkick, nearly knocking her out, and Mayu follows up with a German suplex, resting on her tip toes as the bridge connects!
1… 2… Kickout!
Quickly back up, Iwatani twists her upside down, and spikes her with a Tombstone! Riley’s dropped on the top of her head, but Mayu isn’t done! She grabs Riley from behind, and plants her with a Dragon suplex, but she holds on! Rolling through, onto their feet, Mayu connects with a second Dragon suplex, bridging into the cover!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Riley kicks out, again, but Mayu is unfettered! Sitting up, she lets out a battle cry before looping her arms around Riley’s waist, deadlift her off the mat. Holding her in the wheelbarrow, Mayu marches towards the center of the ring. Her arms come up, clasping both of Riley’s own, before finishing her off with the Two Stage Dragon Suplex! Mayu bridges into the cover!
1… 2… 3!
Mayu advances!
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The flag design for my town! I'm happy to share it :) based off a little cupcake I saw.
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La Mejorana es un arbusto de hoja perenne y muy fragante, similar a su pariente el orégano. Está recubierta por una especie de vellosidad blanca que hace que sus ramas tengan un aspecto blanquecino; puede llegar a medir hasta medio metro y tiene un tronco muy leñoso. Sus hojas que también están cubiertas por estos pelillos,…
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#antioxidante#beneficios#dolores#mayorana#mejorana#planta medicinal#remedios caseros#REMEDIOS NATURALES#salud
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Desde el antiguo Egipto la mejorana era reconocida por sus propiedades curativas
Desde el antiguo Egipto la mejorana era reconocida por sus propiedades curativas
La Origanum majorana, habitualmente llamada mejorana, amáraco, marjorama o mayorana, es una herbácea de aroma muy similar al del orégano, que se usa tanto por su aroma como por sus propiedades medicinales. La mejorana puede encontrarse como planta anual, bienal o perenne, de escasa altura e intenso aroma. Sus flores son pequeñas, de color rosado y blanco y se agrupan en espigas. Es una planta…
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Con la Letra M (2): * Mango * Mangostán, Mangostino, Mangostinos, Mangostín, Mangosto, Jobo de la India, Mangosteno, Manzana de oroManí, Cacahuate * Manzana, Manzano * Maracuyá, Granadilla, Granadillas, Pasionaria, Frutos de pasionaria, Fruta de la Pasión, Fruto de la Pasión, Parchita, Burucuyá, Chinola * Mejorana, Mayorana, Majorana, Mejorama, Manjerona * Melisa, Toronjil, Hierba de limón, Citronela, Abejera, Apiastro, Bedaranjí, Cedrón, Hierba luna, Cidronela, Citraria, Hoja de limón, Torongil, Toronjina, Hierbabuena * Melocotón, Melocotonero * Melón * Membrillo * Menta, Piperita, Menta inglesa, Menta negra * Mora, Moras, Mora negra, Morera, Moreras, Moral
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The Dark Triad won the coin toss, which means they'll have a man advantage until all five wrestlers are in the ring and this match officially begins. They've sent out Io first to test the waters against Pandemonium, both women are extremely resilient with the stamina to match, and they're going to need it tonight.
Being much taller than her opponent here, Pandemonium walks into an advantage, as they lock up for the first time. She’s able to win the battle for control with ease, cinching in a side headlock. But Io’s used to fighting people much taller, much bigger, than herself, and knows just how to handle herself. A foot is pressed to the back of Pandemonium’s knee, slowly forcing her down to the ground, allowing Io to break free and grab a side headlock for herself. Pandemonium struggles in this hold for a good minute before she’s able to turn things back into her favor with a wristlock, turning Shirai’s wrist counterclockwise as if to try and break it, but Io spins herself around, and manages to get in her own wristlock! Pandemonium tries the same method, but instead of fully spinning around, she slaps Io’s wrist with her free hand, and once again locks in a side headlock! She quickly takes them to the mat, keeping the high flyer pinned down! While Pandemonium herself is no stranger to the high risk nature of taking flight, she's going to want to stick to mat based wrestling in the early goings here to try and reserve her energy. Io tries to turn it around. She manages to lock her legs around Pandemonium’s head and neck, fully cinching in a headscissor after some resistance on Pandemonium’s end. Rotating onto her knees, Pandemonium hops from side to side, until her head is free, and she slowly backs up, and out of Io’s grasp! We’ve reached a stalemate in our early goings here, and we go back to circling the ring.
Back to the resting holds, Pandemonium cinches in another wristlock, and locks it in tight, over rotating the wrist. Io rolls forward, kipping back up to her feet, and manages to slip out of the wristlock, and into one for herself! Pandemonium’s long arms come into play, as she’s able to turn it back around, and cinch in an armlock. Reaching back behind her, Io pats the back of Pandemonium’s head, much to the chagrin of the Iron Heart of MPW, who certainly doesn’t appreciate anyone touching her luscious locks, before wrapping an arm around her neck, pulling Pandemonium into another headlock! She pulls Pandemonium back to her side, and eventually shifts into another wristlock, trying to damage the wrist and arm so it can’t be used against her. However, Pandemonium isn’t one to be upstaged, and decides to spin around, before rolling forward, and she breaks the wristlock, whipping Io to the ropes! Rebound, Io cartwheels past Pandemonium, backflips, and lands right on her feet! She puts a hand out, asking Pan to shake for a job well done, keeping up with the Evil Genius of the Sky, but Pan isn't falling for it. She grabs Io’s hand, and pops her in the mouth with a forearm!
Pan with the waistlock, trying for a dragon suplex early, but Shirai fights out of it. Forearms from Shirai, side headlock in, but Pandemonium pushes them off the ropes. She passes by Io and bounces off the ropes, but Io crosses back around her, off the ropes again. Pan follows, as they cross paths for a third time. This time, Pan catches her with a flying mayorana, but Io nips to her feet! School boy by Pan, pushing her back, but Io avoids the superkick! Scrambling to their feet, Shirai with an irish whip. Io follows, but Pan jumps off the ropes, connecting with a springboard back elbow! She kicks Io in the head before grabbing her, smashing her face against the turnbuckles. Irish whip across the ring, Pandemonium hits a running forearm! Pan screams before she runs back, but Io’s just a step behind. She slides under Pan and jumps to the ropes, crossbody attempt, but Pan snatches her out of the air, and throws Shirai into the chainlink wall! Io slides down, her back already imprinted with the fence, and Pan’s running the ropes, dropkicking her right back into the chainlink!
Pandemonium stands tall, as our next entrant joins the match, emerging from The Dark Triad’s cage….
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VIOLET and Mickey kick off this matchup, a first time ever of sorts here in MPW, as both the MPW Tag Team Championships AND the Stardust Championship will be on the line in this six-man bout. High stakes and high rewards, as ANarChY try to be the first to fend off GenZ. Mickey gets the first strike with a wristlock, but VIOLET rolls forward. Uses the ropes to pull herself up into another roll, when Mickey spits in her face! She catches him with a pump kick to the back of the head, and Eric goes after her, but runs into Matsumoto! Matsumoto plows him down, then Dyln jumps into the ring, and gets nailed by a springboard forearm from Riley! We’re starting out of the gate hot and fast here, as Mickey finds himself alone in the corner with ANarChY. Riley hits him with a running dropkick to the chest, and VIOLET follows up with a spinning leg lariat! Mickey slips to the mat, and Riley nails him with a hesitation dropkick. Riley and VIOLET grab him by the wrist and throw him into Matsumoto’s arms, Matsu planting Mickey with a sidewinder suplex! VIOLET covers!
1… 2… Kickout!
VIOLET and Riley take a Superkick each from Eric and Dyln, and they both blast Matsumoto with a Superkick, knocking all three members of ANarChY to the floor. They help Mickey to his feet, and the trio run the ropes, taking their opponents out with triple suicide dives! Mickey grabs VIOLET and throws her back inside the ring, choking her out against the bottom turnbuckle. Mickey tags in Eric, before lifting VIOLET up into a backbreaker. He holds her there as Eric comes in with a curb stomp! Taylor covers to both win, and retain gold!
1… 2… Kickout!
Another tag to Mickey, GenZ keeping themselves fresh with frequent tags. Their mentor, Lilith Brookes, wasn’t able to accompany them tonight, but you know she’s beaming with pride as Mickey whips VIOLET from pillar to post, going in for a kick, but VIOLET kicks him first! Mickey stumbles back, and VIOLET somersaults, spiking Mickey with a forward roll DDT! She tags in Riley, who springs into the ring and immediately knocks Dyln Blaine to the floor, before twisting, tossing Eric with a twisting mayorana! Bitcoin try to counter her with a half nelson, going for a superkick, but Riley moves and hits them both with an irish whip, throwing both Mickey and Eric with double arm drags! Mickey in the corner, Riley charges and gets sent up and over to the apron. She catches him on the side of the head with an enzuigiri, while Eric has jumped to the apron, and Riley catches him with a huge roundhouse kick! She jumps up and springboards into the ring - and flies right into a Superkick from Dyln! Riley nearly has her head kicked off!
Eric rushes into the ring to knock Matsumoto to the floor, making sure ANarChY stays out of this as Dyln is brought into the mat, Dyln hitting Riley with a big body slam. Knees to the upper back, the neck, targeting the work Naito started last night. Dyln picks Riley up and whips her across the ring, dropping down her extra leverage, and Riley SLAMS into the turnbuckles, basically hitting it neck first! Jesus! Dyln lands a punch to the back of the head before he tags in Eric, Dyln holding her back so Eric can punch her in the stomach. Riley comes back with punches to Eric’s gut, before nailing him with some forearms. She eats a swinging kick to the side of the head, and Eric holds her against the turnbuckles so Mickey can tag in, before elbowing her in the back of the head. Dyln’s tagged in, and he nails Riley with a Cyclone Kick! Dyln and Eric knock Matsu and VIOLET off the apron, before Dyln grabs Riley from behind with a full nelson. Riley breaks free and nails Eric with a big kick, before throwing Dyln into Mickey. The momentum causes Eric to spin them around, inadvertently throwing Dyln into Riley, and she plants him with a DDT! She picks Eric up, and plants him with a northern lights suplex! Mickey jumps into the ring as Riley picks Eric up for the brainbuster, but instead of doing that, puts Eric on Mickey’s waist for a cazadora, and pushes them, forcing Mickey to deliver a wheelbarrow facebuster to his own partner! Riley nails Mickey with a big buzzsaw to the side of the head, knocking him out of the ring! She turns around as Eric has stumbled to his feet, and Riley nails him with a jumping bicycle knee strike, turning him around, and spiking him with a Poison Rana! A signature combo from Ishimori, but she gets interrupted by Dyln. Trying to pick him up, but Dyln rains down elbows on the injured neck of Ishimori, before heading to the ropes. Dropping down into a handspring, Riley ducks the enzuigiri and Dyln lands on his feet, before getting dropped by a drop toe hold, while Matsu slingshots into the ring and lands an elbow to Dyln’s spine! Dyln gets turned onto his back, while Riley runs towards him. She connects with a running shooting star press, at the same time as Matusmoto hits a standing Moonsault! Wow!
Matsumoto and Riley hit an irish whip on Dyln, but Dyln counters, nailing Riley with a rolling Koppo kick! As he gets to his feet, however, he’s blasted by a huge double backhand from Matsumoto, nearly caving a hole in his chest! Eric and Mickey jump into the ring, but immediately get gozzled by Matsumoto, and driven down with double Chokeslams! Matsumoto deadlifts Dyln from the mat, and plants him with a gutwrench Powerbomb! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
Tagging VIOLET in, VIOLET picks Dyln up and puts him on the top rope, before climbing up there herself. She leaps up for a hurricanrana - but Dyln slides right out from under her, and VIOLET hits the top rope! She spills to the mat, possibly hurt after that nasty bounce, while on the outside, Riley comes in from out of nowhere, to SPIKE Mickey with a slingshot DDT on the apron! Dyln drops into a cartwheel, Moonsaults over the top rope, and wipes Riley out with a Tope Con Hilo! On the other end of the ring, Eric pulls Matsumoto off the apron and takes them out, while inside the ring, Mickey hits a huge running knee on VIOLET, and Dyln follows it up with a shining wizard! GenZ are in control as legality switches to Mickey. He lifts VIOLET up on his shoulders, and throws her with a buckle bomb, while Dyln and Eric hit in-stereo enzuigiris to the back of the head!
Riley runs into the ring to help VIOLET out, but eats a superkick for her troubles. Eric has draped VIOLET from the middle rope, and Dyln does the same to Riley, as Mickey climbs to the top rope. He leaps off, crushing both women with a 450 Splash! Mickey covers VIOLET!
1… 2… Kickout!
With Mickey inside the ring and Eric on the apron, they set up for a slingshot assisted Tombstone, but VIOLET reverses at the last second, holding Mickey in a reverse facelock, while snatching Eric out of the air! She delivers a stunner to Eric, while extending her leg onto Mickey’s chest, and slamming him to the mat! VIOLET tags out to Riley, while Mickey gets the tag to Dyln. Dyln rushes over before Riley’s even gotten in the ring, but she checks him in the stomach, before using his back to launch herself into the ring. She spins around, nailing him with swift kicks and elbow strikes, capping it off with an uppercut. She heads to the ropes, handsprings, but as she flips back, Dyln catches her mid-flip with a Superkick! Holy shit! Dyln scrambles to get her up, and slams her back down face first with a Crash Thunder Buster! Dyln covers to retain!
1… 2… Kickout!
Riley comes up clutching at the ropes, holding her neck, as she gets to her first. Dyln proclaims, “I’ve got you now,” before climbing up to the middle rope and punching her in the head, weakening Riley substantially. Riley has enough left in the tank to escape after eight shots to the head, grabbing Dyln and tucking his head against the top turnbuckle, and popping him with a Superkick! Dyln hangs, his arms going limp, when VIOLET jumps into the ring. She sprints at Dyln, but instead jumps over him, AND over the ring post, wiping out the Bitcoin Boiz! Immediately after, Riley jumps up, wraps her legs around Dyln’s neck, and spikes him with a Poison Rana from the middle rope! VIOLET hops back into the ring as Dyln finds himself in the drop zone. VIOLET bounces off the top rope, and hits a split-legged Moonsault on Dyln, rolls out of the way, and Riley crushes him with a 630 senton! What a combo! Riley covers to win this here!
1… 2… Broken up!
Mickey and Eric save the match! They get kicked out of the ring, leaving just Riley and Dyln. Dyln can barely move, but Riley’s moving gingerly too. Definitely still favoring that neck, as much as she tries not to show it. Still, Riley picks Dyln up, Dyln tries to hit her but Riley ducks, picking him up in a half nelson .Dyln ducks - and Riley eats two Superkicks to the face! Dyln reverses, and SPIKES Riley with a DDT, making her do a headstand! VIOLET and Matsumoto jump into the ring, and block the oncoming superkicks from Mickey and Eric. Matsu swings Eric’s leg, and he hits Mickey right in the face! Matsu blasts Eric with an uppercut, spinning him around, so VIOLET can hit a jumping implant DDT! Riley looks out on her feet, but she finishes Eric off with a standing Spanish Fly! Dyln fakes high on Riley, forcing her to cover up, before kicking her legs right out from under her. Dyln jumps to the ropes, but VIOLET pushes Riley out of the way and leaps up, wrapping her legs around Dyln’s head, and tossing him with a hurricanrana! VIOLET heads to the top rope, going for a frog splash on Dyln, but he moves! She somewhat sticks the landing, trying to recover, but eats a Superkick from Eric Taylor anyhow! Riley goes up and over the ropes with Dyln, jumping up to the top, but gets knocked down by a Superkick and falls right onto Mickey’s shoulders. He holds Riley up in an electric chair as Eric floats over the top rope, lands on the apron, and kicks her off Mickey’s shoulders!
Back inside the ring, Matsumoto is now legal, and catches a springboarding Eric into a fireman’s carry. They throw him out, but eat a HUGE triple Superkick from GenZ! Eric lifts Matsu up into a gory position, as Dyln uses his back to catapult Mickey into a Codebreaker, hitting an assisted Market Crash! This is it, cover!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Mickey becomes the legal man as Eric climbs to the top rope. Mickey grabs Matsumoto, but Matsumoto shoves him off and into Eric, crocheting him on the top rope! Matsumoto hits a pop up Powerslam on Eric! VIOLET’s brought into the ring as Matsumoto lifts Mickey up into a chicken wing cazadora, holding him up so VIOLET can connect with a running knee strike! But Mickey nails her with a Superkick! Superkick for Matsumoto as well! VIOLET swings and misses on a clothesline, Mickey picking her up in a half nelson instead, and Eric connects with a Superkick! Dyln jumps to the top rope to springboard in - when Riley appears out of nowhere with her own springboard, catching Dyln out of mid-air with a cutter! Mickey gets drilled by the End of Everything from VIOLET! Matsumoto lifts Eric up for the Skull Fuck, holding him there as VIOLET and Riley find their footing on the top rope. They take to the skies, hitting in-stereo Shooting Star Presses, as Matsumoto plants Eric with the Skull Fuck, all at the same time! They turn him over, sitting on his chest to cover!
1… 2… 3!
“Here are your winners, and STILL MPW World Tag Team Champions, VIOLET and Matsumoto, and the NEW MPW Stardust Champion, Riley Ishimori!”
On the three year anniversary of the darkest day in their friendship, ANarChY walk out with three titles wrapped around their waists. After an emotional hug, all three are presented with their titles, Matsu lifting Riley up on their shoulder as all their belts are held high.
0 notes
Mayu Iwatani vs Io Shirai
It’s been so long since Io has wrestled in Japan, and to do it against her greatest rival was a bittersweet moment. There were few others Io could dream of having in this position, but yet, she knew the war that was awaiting her. Approaching each other, Io puts out her hand, wanting to show Mayu a bit of honor - but Mayu slaps her across the face! Mayu with the waistlock, trying for the dragon suplex early, but Io fights out of it. Forearms from Shirai, side headlock in, but Mayu pushes them off the ropes. She passes by Io and bounces off the ropes, but Io crosses back around her, off the ropes again. Iwatani follows, knowing Io like the back of her own hand, as they cross paths for a third time. This time, Mayu catches her with a flying mayorana, but Io nips to her feet! School boy by Iwatani!
1 - Io reverses the pin! 1 - Mayu reverses the pin! 1 - Io reverses the pin! 1 - Mayu gets a waistlock, but Io elbows off. Backing them up to the ropes, Shirai with an irish whip. Io follows, but Mayu jumps off the ropes, connecting with a springboard back elbow! Mayu kicks Io in the head before grabbing her, smashing her face against the turnbuckles. Irish whip across the ring, Mayu hits a running forearm! Mayu screams before she runs back, but Io’s just a step behind. She slides under Mayu and pulls her feet out from under her, and throws her leg into the ring post! Shirai rips up the padding from ringside and grabs Mayu, wanting to hit a German suplex on that exposed wood, but Iwatani fights it off. Running crossbody attempt, but Io snatches her out of the air, and dumps Mayu on the floor! Io slides back inside the ring, the arena clapping for Mayu as she gets up. Io runs the ropes, and connects with a dropkick through the ropes, knocking Mayu back! Io grabs a venue chair and sets it up, wrapping Mayu’s leg through the chair’s back. Io backs all the way up, picking up steam, and dropkicks the chair!
Iwatani is thrown back inside the ring so Io can apply a submission, wrenching on the ankle, trying to completely immobilize the leg. Mayu starts slapping her, fighting back, but Io lays the leg flat against the mat and lifts herself up, hitting a double knee drop right across the leg! She drags Mayu to the ropes and wraps the leg around them, yanking back to try and pull the leg apart, Mayu screaming out in agony. Io relents, jumping up and stepping on the leg. The crowd cheers for Mayu as she gets kicked in the head. Io follows up with a snapmare, runs the ropes, and nails Mayu with a nice dropkick. Shirai gets Mayu in the corner, throwing her in head first. Irish whip, forcing Mayu to run on the leg, but Io runs into a boot! Mayu tosses Io with tijeras, practically dumping Io on the top of her head! Io does a flip and ends up on the ropes. Iwatani charges, nailing Io with a precise dropkick! Io ends up halfway out of the ropes, looking down at the floor. Mayu slingshots over, and nails Io with a double stomp to the back! Mayu bounces on her spine a few times before she hops to the apron, and Io melts to the floor. Eventually, Io is able to get back to her feet, and Mayu has found her footing on the top rope. She leaps off, wiping Io out with a huge crossbody from the top rope! Both arms hooked, Mayu wants the Dragon Suplex, but Io struggles and writhes, preventing Mayu from hitting it. She gets free and goes for a clothesline, but Mayu ducks under it, both arms, and Mayu hits a dragon suplex on the floor! She comes up holding the leg, but grabs Io and puts her back inside the ring, before sliding in herself.
Once back inside the ring, Mayu picks up steam, and nails Io with a beautiful dropkick! The shot has Io float all the way back to her feet, where Mayu jumps on her back,and nails her with the crucifix!
1… 2… Kickout!
Grabbing her up by the hair, Mayu looks out at the crowd before battering io with forearms. With a fistful of hair, hitting those forearms, Mayu pushes them into the ropes. She rears her arm as far back as she can, delays the strike, before connecting with a final, powerful forearm! Mayu to the ropes, but Io follows her and slides, going under Mayu and tripping her up. Shirai slingshots over the top rope, and connects with a dropkick to the side of the head! Mayu gets her head kicked in, and Io is feeling it as Iwatani finds herself against the bottom turnbuckle. Io charges, and crushes Mayu with a huge meteora! Double knees to the face might’ve knocked Mayu out, but Io doesn’t have the energy to capitalize, as she falls face first to the mat!
Mayu slowly pulls herself up into the corner, trying to get some feeling back into the leg before aiming at Io’s head, swinging her leg high, but io ducks it. She grabs the leg, and hits a nasty dragon screw! Iwatani cries out in pain, but Shirai quickly has her back on her feet. Going for her own Dragon suplex, Iwatani reverses into a Dragon of her own. But Shirai also breaks free and grabs the arm, twisting it, before hitting a big uppercut, stunning Iwatani. Shirai clasps both arms around her, pinning Iwatani’s arms to her chest. She lifts Iwatani off her feet and marches to the center of the ring, planting Iwatani with a bridged straight jacket suplex!
1… 2… Kickout!
Shirai momentarily argues with the referee, but instantly goes back to Iwatani, locking in a Lebell Lock. Yanking back on the crossface, as Iwatani desperately shifts her hips, inching closer to the ropes. Mayu eventually gets her foot on the ropes to break it, but the damage has certainly been done. Iwatani is dazed, picking herself up on the ropes as Shirai sets up for a tiger feint kick - but Iwatani grabs her legs! She folds Shirai through the ropes until she’s all twisted up and hanging upside down. Iwatani runs the ropes, connecting with a dropkick to the middle of Shirai’s spine! The recoil on that is nasty, and Iwatani is looking for something even nastier than that. It’s never been enough to just beat Io Shirai for her, no, Mayu still wants redemption for getting stabbed in the back. She wants to break Io, and grabs one arm. She reaches for the other but Io fights, even trying to grab the referee, but Iwatani grabs the second arm. They’re both pulled back, and Iwatani stands up on her tip toes as she falls back, delivering a HUGE Dragon suplex right on the apron! Io melts to the floor as Mayu is stuck with her legs bent under her, neither wrestler moving!
Iwatani eventually slides down and pushes the referee out of the way to get to Io. This could be her only chance, and Mayu isn’t letting it pass her by. Back inside the ring, Mayu has her hand wrapped in Io’s hair, and forcefully pulls her up to her feet. Both arms pulled back, and Iwatani hits a huge bridged Dragon suplex!
1… 2… Kickout!
Mayu shakes her head as she stalks Io. Picking her up by the waist, Iwatani has her up for a wheelbarrow, but Shirai reverses into a victory roll. Iwatani reverses the momentum into one of her own, but she springs up, and twists Shira into another crucifix, trapping her body onto the mat!
1… 2… Kickout!
Yanking on her own hair, Iwatani staggers on the aching leg as she stands, pulling Shirai up with her. Shirai shoves her back and powers up, but ends up eating a Superkick. Iwatani to the ropes, jumping up on Io’s shoulders, and Mayu SPIKES her with a Poison Rana, hoping over her and pinning Io’s shoulders to the mat!
1…. 2…. Kickout!
Writhing on the mat, out of pain and frustration, Shirai is now clutching her neck. Iwatani’s game plan has become seeing how much she can drop Io on her head before she actually stays down, but hasn’t found the answer just yet.
Pulling Io closer to the ropes, Iwatani starts to bounce up towards the top, but Shirai jumps to her feet. She wraps her arms around Mayu’s waist, and tosses her off the middle rope with a German suplex! Shoulders down!
1… 2… Kickout!
Shirai steps on Mayu’s stomach to pass over her, and double jumps all the way to the top. Before she can jump, Mayu is hammering her on the spine. Following her up, pulling the hair as she continues to hammer Shirai’s back. Eventually Iwatani has control. She gets both feet under her and tosses Shirai off the top with an avalanche Dragon suplex - but Io lands on her feet! Shirai grabs Iwatani by the waist, and plants her with a German suplex! Shirai floats back into a jackknife position, but instead of going for the cover, picks Iwatani up by the waist, and hits a second German suplex! Floating back again, Io lifts Mayu up and holds her there. Iwatani flails as Io marches to the center of the ring, where she connects with a third German suplex, pinning Iwatani to the mat!
1… 2… Kickout!
They’re slow to move after that incredible back and forth, the referee checking in on both of them. The crowd is firmly behind Mayu, but there was no doubt they were appreciative of the athleticism of both women here. They’re hoping this will carry on forever, but Shirai signals time is running out for Mayu Iwatani. Pulling Iwatani into position, Shirai pushes off her stomach and double jumps to the top rope, and connects with a gorgeous Moonsault! It’s over!
Iwatani jumps to her feet! She clobbers Shirai with a huge Superkick, nearly knocking her out, and Mayu follows up with a German suplex, resting on her tip toes as the bridge connects!
1… 2… Kickout!
Quickly back up, Iwatani twists her upside down, but Shirai reverses the Tombstone, and dumps Iwatani right on the top of her head! Shirai steps on the stomach, and climbs to the top rope. Flips off, Shirai hits another Moonsault! But she waves it off, saying it’s not enough. She knows the type of warrior Mayu is, and wants the third Moonsault of the night. Shirai hops to the top rope, flips off, and connects with a gorgeou
s Moonsault! She folds Mayu up!
1… 2… 3!
“Here is your winner, Io Shirai!”
0 notes
We all thought that Kitsune's time in the wrestling world came to a dramatic conclusion a long time ago, but an old rival called her name, and now Kitsune has been resurrected. It's almost like no time has passed at all, the hatred and intensity ignited between them as old flames lock eyes for the first time in a long time. But this time, it was about more than just the title Lilith once wore. This rivalry has reached a new stage, and one competitor will leave with a keepsake from their enemy to always remember this fateful night. Katsune would like nothing more than to spoil Lilith's anniversary celebration, but she isn't going down without a fight tonight.
The moment the bell tolls, they come nose to nose, staring each other down, before Kitsune sends her back with a shove. Lilith shoves her back. Kitsune throws a clothesline, but Lilith somersaults to avoid it. She hits a backflip, grabbing Kitsune by the head, and this a headscissor, but Kitsune cartwheels to stay on her feet. Kitsune off the ropes, flattening Lilith with a shoulder tackle, but she kips right back onto her feet. Back to the ropes, Lilith picks up steam as Kitsune jumps over her. As Kitsune rolls back, Lilith springboards off the middle rope, moonsaulting over Kitsune, and landing on her feet! Lilith charges her, twists in the air, and sends Kitsune rolling with a flying mayorana! Kitsune rolls through, and gets knocked through the ropes by a dropkick! Kitsune stumbles on the floor, shaking her head, trying to clear the cobwebs, as Lilith bounces up and down on her feet. She turns, running the ropes, ready to fly - only to handspring against the ropes! Kitsune braced for the attack, but it never comes, as Lilith handsprings back into a superhero pose, mocking Kitsune.
Kitsune trips Lilith, pulling her to the outside, and takes advantage of the situation by delivering a series of punishing moves, including a nasty chop and a head throw into the ring post. Kitsune is showing her aggressive side here, targeting Lilith's head and neck. Lilith is definitely feeling the impact of those moves. Back inside the ring, Kitsune gets Lilith on the ropes and quiets the crowd before unleashing a thunderous chop that echoes throughout the arena! That chop was absolutely brutal! Lilith Brookes is on her knees after that one. Kitsune is reveling in her dominance, but she should be careful not to let her guard down against Lilith. That has always been Kitsune’s biggest flaw; too impulsive, and too hard headed. She revels in the misery, especially when she gets to inflict it on Lilith. Evident as she sets up for another big chop, but Lilith manages to dodge and counters with a sharp chop of her own! Lilith fires back! She's not backing down despite the punishment she's taken so far. Lilith slaps her chest a couple of times to pump herself up before hitting the ropes. She comes charging at Kitsune, but Kitsune surprises her by scooping her up into a military press! Unbelievable strength from Kitsune! She's got Lilith up in the air like it's nothing! Kitsune throws Lilith behind her and executes a perfect moonsault knee drop, which she calls the Star Crossed! Kitsune is pulling out all the stops to secure the victory, and could do so right here! Cover!
1.. 2…. Kickout!
Lilith kicks out at two! She's not ready to give up just yet! This match is a true testament to the resilience of both these competitors. They're giving it their all, and the crowd is loving every moment of it!
Kitsune goes to the ropes, taking time to mock the fans and Lilith, showing her disregard for everyone. However, she spends too much time doing so, allowing Lilith to recover. Kitsune's cockiness might cost her dearly. She should have capitalized on her advantage instead of trying to play mind games, as Lilith follows behind Kitsune and executes a bulldog leg drop, slamming Kitsune's face into the mat. Lilith takes control of the match, throwing Kitsune into the corner and hitting a leaping clothesline. She then positions herself on the apron. Lilith dodges Kitsune's swipe and smashes her face into the turnbuckle before executing a springboard tornado DDT, spiking Kitsune into the mat! Kitsune searches for a reprieve on the outside, as Lilith hypes herself up, hypes the fans up, beating her fist into the mat. The Ohio crowd mimics her actions as she jumps out on the apron, and takes Kitsune out with an Arabian Press!
Lilith rolls Kitsune back into the ring, and goes for a victory roll jackknife pin! Trying to trap Kitsune here to steal the mask!
1… 2… Kickout!
Close call! Kitsune kicks out at two. Lilith is giving it her all, but Kitsune is not ready to be defeated just yet.
On their feet, Lilith has Kitsune twisted up, attempting the Circuit Overload, but Kitsune manages to evade it! Kitsune quickly counters with a hair whip, throwing Lilith into the corner. The elusive Kitsune is proving to be a tough competitor to predict, keeping Lilith on her toes. In the corner, Kitsune attempts another charge, but Lilith dodges and delivers a sharp slap to Kitsune's face! Lilith's quick thinking pays off with that slap! She's not backing down despite Kitsune's aggression. And now, Lilith seizes the opportunity and whips Kitsune across the ring. She follows behind, intending to capitalize, but Kitsune goes up and over, landing on her feet. Kitsune scoops Lilith up into the Razor's Edge position, charges forward, and chucks Lilith into the turnbuckles! Lilith hits it like a sack of bricks, and that could be it! Kitsune pulls her out of the ropes, and stacks her up to finish this once and for all!
1… 2… Kickout!
Somehow, Lilith finds a way to kick out! The back-and-forth nature of this match has been incredible thus far. Both Kitsune and Lilith are showing their versatility and adaptability, countering each other's moves. They know each other like the back of their hands, and that’s evident here as Kitsune tries to hit a wheelbarrow half and half, continuing to target the head and neck, wanting to soften Lilith up for the Fall of the Angels, but Lilith blocks it! Kitsune doesn't give up and starts targeting Lilith's midsection with knees to the gut, before grabbing the hair, the hair she could be shaving later tonight, and nailing her with relentless step kicks. Kitsune is methodically working on Lilith's body, trying to weaken her for another attempt at that wheelbarrow half and half.
Kitsune goes for the wheelbarrow half and half once more, but Lilith reverses with an arm drag. Lilith capitalizes on the reversal by hitting a swinging back kick, followed by a twisting back elbow! Lilith is digging deep into her arsenal tonight, as she finds her rhythm, gaining momentum. Kitsune is rocked and pushed onto the ropes by Lilith's combo. Brookes off the ropes, but Kitsune manages to catch Lilith with a well-timed bicycle kick and locks their fingers together. Kitsune jumps to the top rope and steadies herself before executing a backflip, catching Lilith around the head and spiking her with a DDT! Lilith’s dropped, and Kitsune turns her over, folding her up to win!
1… 2… Kickout!
Lilith is showing her resilience once again. The pace of this match is relentless, and both wrestlers are digging deep to stay in the fight.
Both wrestlers manage to get back on their feet, clearly feeling the effects of the match, and they start trading vicious chops. The sound of flesh against flesh echoing throughout the arena, until Kitsune gains a brief upper hand and delivers a stiff sole but kick to Lilith. Kitsune wags her finger and slashes her throat in a cocky gesture, as she gains an underhook….
And drills Lilith with the Tiger Driver 98! Holy shit! Lilith’s dropped on her head! Kitsune signals that this match is over, and leans back into a lackadaisical cover! Lilith’s finished!
1… 2… KICKOUT!
Lilith's not done fighting yet! She kicked out of that devastating move. Kitsune underestimated Lilith's resilience once again! Overconfidence can lead to a missed opportunity, but Kitsune can’t accept that it’s all her fault, getting up and screaming in the referee’s face. Kitsune is letting her emotions get the better of her. She can't afford to lose focus in a match like this - And Lilith strikes! A spinning back kick sends spit flying out of Kitsune’s mouth, leaving her unsteady on her feet. Lilith heads to the ropes, handsprings off, and drops Kitsune with the Ace Crusher!
Lilith signals that she's going to take to the skies, ascending the turnbuckle. Lilith leaps off the top rope attempting the corkscrew moonsault - but Kitsune manages to lift her knees just in time! Kitsune counters, and Lilith hits hard! Kitsune tucks her head, putting her shoulders on the mat to steal the win!
1… 2… Kickout!
Lilith kicked out at two! But as she sits up, Kitsune grabs her from behind, locking her into a crossface chicken wing! A move she calls the Fox’s Wrath could end Lilith’s night in a tragic, painful way! Lilith reaches out to the ropes, but she’s too far away, and may not have the strength to get there. She’s starting to fade, the fans on the edge of their seats as Tom Dunn, our referee here, lifts Lilith’s arm - but she’s not done yet! Lilith powers through, rolling back, and trapping Kitsune against the mat!
1… 2… Kickout!
Out at two and scrambling to their feet, Kitsune delivers another devastating bicycle kick that sends Lilith to the apron. She uses the ropes to pull herself up, but doesn’t see it coming, as Kitsune leaps over the top rope, and flings Lilith with a HUGE hurricanrana! Lilith takes a nasty landing on the floor, but is quickly thrown back inside the ring. Kitsune has more on her mind than just a pin, as she throws up the ring skirt, looking for weapons, and pulling out some steel chairs. They’re tossed to the side as she then pulls out a thick glass pane, much to the shock of our audience here. She shouts for Tom, telling him, “You’re going to help me, or you’re going to bleed next, puta.” Tom helps her get the glass inside the ring, Kitsune barking out orders to set up the chairs, with the glass laid across the seats. Kitsune is taking this match to a whole new level, it’s clear she’s willing to do whatever it takes to secure the victory, and that’ll be with giving Lilith a new scar to always remember this night. She wanted to dig up the dead, now she has to pay the consequences.
Before Kitsune can execute whatever dastardly thing she has in mind, Lilith rolls out to the apron. Kitsune follows suit, trading strikes on the apron before they both jump onto the top rope - but Kitsune grabs Lilith! She flips back, hitting an avalanche Spanish Fly! Holy shit! Kitsune just hit the avalanche Spanish Fly from the top rope! That could be a game-changer!
Instead of going for the pin, Kitsune has something more sinister in mind. With the pane of glass behind them, Kitsune gets Lilith on the top rope, aiming for her devastating finisher. Kitsune is looking to end it all with the Fall of the Angels, a move more famously known as the Fire Thunder Driver, and she’s looking to send Lilith headfirst through that glass. But Lilith blocks! Lilith fights back with all her might! In a stunning turn of events, Lilith has Kitsune at her mercy, and grabs the underhook… and hits the Cinci Driver from the top rope through the glass setup! Holy! Shit! Kitsune is oozing blood, but Lilith doesn’t go for the cover just yet. She knows it’s going to take more to keep Kitsune down tonight, and digs under the ring for more weapons, pulling out a barbed wire board. The crowd gasps before exploding into a fever pitch, ready for even more carnage, even more violence, than the sea of glass currently covering the ring. Kitsune has gotten to her knees as Lilith slides the board inside, stacking it up against the corner.
Kitsune's appearance has taken a beating; she's bleeding and her mask is torn, but she refuses to back down. Lilith launches an uppercut and a forearm strike at Kitsune, attempting to throw her onto the barbed wire board. Kitsune manages to block Lilith's attempt, she's not letting herself be victimized by that barbed wire board. Lilith isn't giving up, though. She delivers a superkick, but Kitsune kips back up. Kitsune's determination is unyielding as she takes a roundhouse kick from Lilith. Kitsune ends up in the corner opposite the barbed wire, where Lilith unleashes a devastating Retribution kick! This move helped her keep the World title, but Lilith isn’t done there, as she runs the ropes, hitting a second Retribution kick! Kitsune collapses, and Lilith ascends to the top rope. She gives Kitsune one final look, before leaping off the top, and crushing her with the Last Breaht! Goodnight, Kitsune! Lilith covers!
Kitsune kicks out at ONE! The crowd is shocked as Kitsune, bloody face and all, sits up, glaring at Lilith. We can’t see her mouth, but we know there's a smirk there. A bloody, sadistic smirk, before Kitsune eats a running knee strike to the face! Kitsune still sits up, and rears her head back, spitting in Lilith's face, an act of defiance even in the midst of this carnage! Kitsune's showing that she's not going down without a fight, Carlos. Even in the face of such brutality, her spirit remains unbroken. Lilith wipes the spit off her face, a knowing smirk on her face, as she shakes her head. She picks Kitsune up and charges, sending Kitsune crashing through the barbed wire board! Holy shit! Lilith powerbombs Kitsune through that barbed wire board! The barbed wire embeds itself into Kitsune’s flesh, cutting her open even more! Kitsune howls in agony as she sits up, spine arching, Kitsune's back is in tatters from the barbed wire, and the crowd's reaction reflects the shock of the moment.
Pulling Kitsune out of the barbed wire, Lilith wraps an arm around her head, and drills her onto all that shattered glass with the Death Before Dishonor! Lilith flips her over, cradling Kitsune to finally end this!
1… 2… 3!
“Here is your winner, Lilith Brookes!”
Kitsune fought tooth and nail to prevail, but in the end, Lilith keeps her down for three. With the canvas covered in glass, barbed wire, and the fox's blood, Lilith stands tall. She pulls Kitsune into the center of the ring, quickly undoing the straps that remained intact, before removing Kitsune's mask in one swift motion. Kitsune's bloody face looks up at Lilith with a nasty snarl before she rolls out of the ring, and Lilith holds up the black, sparkly mask, receiving a standing ovation from her hometown crowd.
With the mask still in hand, Lilith grabs a chair and a microphone. She takes a seat in the middle.of the ring, pushing her hair back as she looks out at the crowd. "Wow… it has been a long time since I've gotten an ovation like that." And she gets another one from the lively crowd, "But I can always count on you guys to have my back. That's why I picked here, in the greatest place on Earth. Where I started this journey. Where the Ace was born. There was no better place to celebrate the hard work, the dedication, the blood, the sweat, and the tears I've put into this sport for the last twenty years."
Another ovation from the crowd, Lilith taking a moment to soak it all in, "Most of it still doesn't feel real. Especially the last couple years. I started off in this company as a niche product only deathmatch fans and the diehard followers of Mexican wrestling would even know. So many deemed me a failure. Washed up before I even had a chance in the spotlight. A waste of talent, a waste of Steve's time. But Paul Heyman gave me a chance. You guys gave me a chance. And I started a revolution. Not just for me, but for my brother's in arms, for the great state of Ohio, and we ran this bitch by the balls for a year straight."
"From the bottom of my heart, thank you all for this. Tonight I got to reunite with some old friends, and take a trip down memory lane. But now that I have this…" She looks at the mask, "We start to plan for the future. And believe me when I tell you I have something big in store, and you won't want to miss it."
Lilith throws her mic to the side, standing and bowing to the crowd as streamers float into the ring. Thank you for joining us tonight, and we'll see you again next week!
0 notes
Instantly, Bayley and Alice go after Matsumoto, trying to beat down the biggest wrestler in this match. Mei Suruga and Riho join the fight, while Alexa Bliss watches on, sitting on the top turnbuckle, when Matsumoto shoves all four women off of them! Bayley’s caught with a Jigo Tsuki, Mei eats a vicious chop to the chest, and Riho takes a back elbow on the side of the head. Alice tries to cling to a foot to stop Matsumoto’s momentum, but Matsu grabs her by the back of the head and bounces her face on the mat. Mei charges, nailing Matsumoto with a front dropkick, and Bayley follows behind her, nailing Matsu with a running knee strike! Riho wants to hit a third move - but Alexa rolls her up!
1… - Kickout!
A fast kickout by Riho, but Riho’s instantly caught by a right hand from Alexa! Riho is feed to Matsumoto, who grabs her and Alice by the throat. They’re pushed back to front, before Matsumoto presses BOTH Riho and Alice above their head! Matsumoto sends them crashing down to the mat before they run the ropes, flattening them both with a standing Frog splash! Matsumoto doesn’t stop rolling, nailing Mei with an uppercut that throws her directly into the corner, before Matsu cuts her in half with a running shoulder thrust. Mei’s lifted over their shoulder, and thrown across the ring with an overhead belly to belly! Alexa giggles at the mayhem unfolding at the hands of the cataclysmic Machine - until Rhea Ripley pulls Matsumoto’s feet out from under them! Rhea pulls them to the outside, as The Apex start beating up Matsumoto! Alexa’s PISSED that her human shield has been ripped away, and running the ropes, and taking Toni Storm off her feet with a suicide dive! The Fallen and The Apex brawl on the outside as Alice recovers on the other side, leaving only Riho and Mei Suruga in the ring.
They nod to one another before circling the ring, Riho off the ropes, and caught by an arm drag. Riho springs to her feet and nails Mei with an arm drag as well, locking in an armlock. Mei’s quick on her feet, rolling into a wristlock, but Riho rolls and pivots, getting a side headlock, but Mei slips out into a waistlock. Riho pulling them back up and swiveling out into a forearm smash, before whipping her into the corner. Riho following her there, but Mei pulls herself up and over, pulling Riho to the mat, only to jump on her back, and start rolling around the ring! Round and round they go, before Mei finally puts the brakes on, pinning Riho’s shoulders to the mat, chin in her hands…
1… 2… Broken up!
Alexa keeps the match going, and grabs Mei by the throat, and hits a chokehold STO! Mei’s dumped on the back of her head, and rolls out of the ring, as Bayley slides in behind Alexa. But Bliss hears her coming, and floats around Bayley, spiking her with a tornado DDT! Mei is back in the ring, but so is Alice, and Alice drops Alexa with a hurricanrana! Alice kips to her feet as Bliss rolls to the outside, Marcella targeting Mei, as she tosses her with a flying mayorana, sending Suruga into the corner. Alice right after her, hitting a Gamengiri, putting Mei on the mat. Alice gets the fans hyped before she hits a cartwheel, crushing Mei with a cartwheel Moonsault! Bayley tries to run at the young rookie, but Alice grabs her, planting her with a Spanish Fly! No sooner than Alice stands up, Riho jumps off the top rope, taking Alice off her feet with a huge Crossbody!
1… 2… Broken up!
This time, Matsumoto makes the save by ripping Riho off of Alice, and tossing her across the ring. Riho clutches her tailbone as Matsumoto stalks behind her, before they rip Riho up off their feet, and right over their head! Matsu has Riho up in a military press, and pressed her over the ropes, and straight to the floor! Ouch! That was a nasty fall for poor Riho, but Matsumoto has started their war path, grabbing Alice around the throat, and chucking her into the corner, just to flatten her against the turnbuckles. They spin Alice around, hooking both arms into a Full Nelson, and repeatedly smashes Alice’s face against the top turnbuckle, over and over again, until Matsu decides enough is enough. They drag Alice back to the center of the ring, arms wrapped around her waist, but Alice shoots to the ropes, clutching them as Bayley jumps up on the apron. Alice ducks as Bayley swings her chair, and she nails Matsumoto right on the top of the dome! Matsumoto looks OUT as Bayley springboards over them, pulling Matsumoto down with a sunset flip powerbomb, as Matsumoto inadvertently delivers a German suplex to Alice!
Alice and Matsumoto might be done here, but Bayley certainly isn’t, until Alexa CLOCKS her with a right hand! Bayley’s stunned as Alexa follows up with a front dropkick, putting Bayley on a knee, and Alexa finishes her off with a roundhouse kick! Bayley’s staring up at the lights as Alexa turns around, and pierces her stomach with the Insult to Injury, hitting both knee drops before dropping into a cover!
1… 2…
Alexa suddenly lets up as Riho jumps off the top rope, trying to break up the pin, and now crushes Bayley with a double foot stomp! Alexa knew she was coming and grabs Riho, planting her with a Spinebuster! Riho’s spine arches high off the canvas, but Alexa pulls her to her feet, arm wrapped around the head, as she jumps off the ropes, dropping Riho with the Fairytale Crusher! Riho’s dropped directly on her face, but before Alexa can even think about a cover, Alice is flying at her, SPIKING Bliss with a springboard Tornado DDT! Bliss is dropped on her own forehead, and sits up for a moment, before Marcella shoves her to the mat to make the cover, trying to move onto Darkness Falls!
1… 2… Broken up!
Matsumoto breaks up the pin by grabbing Alice by the throat! Matsumoto rips her up to her feet, and nails her with quick, alternating forearms, swatting her jaw with either side. To her credit, Alice doesn’t go down, but she’s getting weaker with every strike, until Matsumoto hits a HUGE backhanded chop that nearly caves Alice’s chest in! She falls into the ropes… but uses them to spring back, DECKING Matsumoto with a clothesline! Alice bounces off Matsumoto’s chest, but she has The Machine stumbled! Alice bounces off the ropes, and LAUNCHES her entire body into Matsumoto, nailing her with that torpedo headbutt! Matsumoto’s dazed, and Alice throws herself at Matsumoto one more time, bringing them crashing down with a Dragon Twist Cutter!
Almost instantly, Alice is grabbed from behind by Riho, Riho nailing her with a forearm smash! Alice grabs her wrist and whips her off the ropes, but Riho comes back and cartwheels past Alice! Stunned, Alice gets tripped up on the ropes with a drop toe hold, and Riho runs the ropes, nailing Alice with a tiger feint kick! Alice falls back to the middle of the ring, and Riho quickly climbs up the ropes, before nailing Alice with a diving double foot stomp! Riho covers!
1… 2… Kickout!
Alice out at two! Riho wants to follow up with a Dragon suplex, but Alice elbows her off. Alice runs the ropes, but Riho follows her from behind. Alice turns back to her, but Riho jumps on her back, initially thinking about a crucifix, but Riho swings the other way, completely swinging around Alice, before finally rolling her up, but Riho pushes her through! With Alice on her knees, Riho flattens her with the running double knees - but Bayley grabs Riho and throws her out of the ring! Bayley covers!
1… 2… 3!
“Here is your winner, and the new Fatales Championship #1 Contender, Bayley!”
Bayley just stole that match right out from under Riho, and now she’ll challenge Lacey Karmens at Darkness Falls for the MPW Fatales Championship!
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