favesgrave · 1 year
i am the NUMBER ONE gwen stacy defender!!!! some of you people are absolutely vile towards her my god
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itrashit · 4 years
Everyone failed Robby
(This is a rant post, better ignore it while you can)
Out of all the Cobra Kai kids, Miguel and Robby are the ones I want to protect the most, so needless to say that the end of season two broke my mother heart. What happened to them is so sad, poor Miguel didn't deserve any of that, what Robby did was very wrong but my heart is aching for that poor kid too.
See, his parents failed him since he was born. He grew up without the presence and love of his parents, his mother was more worried about finding a boyfriend and getting alcohol down her throat than raising her kid, his father didn't even care to chek with him. He had to grow up too soon and made a lot of mistakes on the way, and yes he should pay in the terms of the law for some of his wrong actions, but deep down he is a good person.
His so called friends tried to kill him when he didn't want to steal from his sensei. The people from his old school, well judging by the few seconds they were featured in the show, it seems they weren't genuinely concerned about him. I bet he was seen as a problem child that no one wanted to dealt with.
The only adult who seemed to care about him was his sensei. For all we know, Daniel was the first person to treat Robby like a real human being, to show him he had value. People who grow up with absent parents usually have low self esteem and we know that Robby used to have some self destructive actions which might be a signal that he didn't like himself. He sure didn't like his life.
But Daniel took him in, and Robby felt he wasn't a meaningless existence in the world. He felt loved I guess, and he tried to be better. He wanted to show Daniel that he could trust in him, he wanted to make Daniel proud of him.
He is just a kid however, he's faded to make some mistakes, and while Daniel was able to look past his old mistakes, maybe because they happened before Daniel met him so they really didn't affected Daniel's life, once Robby did a mistake that involved his daughter, Daniel immediately shut him out.
Now don't get me wrong, Daniel didn't have to do any of the (good) things he did for the kiddo. Robby wasn't his child, so Daniel wasn't obbliged to take Robby under his wing.
HOWEVER, all of what Daniel did was by his own choice. He's a grown man and he choose to help Robby, he choose to let Robby enter in his life, he wanted to make a difference in Robby's life too.
“You become responsible, forever, for what you have tammed”. I don't think this quote is always true, but in this case? One hundred percent fitting. Making a KID believe they are worth only to turn your back to them at their first mistake, this is a very cruel thing to do.
And it's not even like Daniel didn't benifit from his relationship with Robby. Do you guys remember he was having a midlife crisis, being dismissed by his own kids, missing his sensei...? Then this young, troubled boy apperead in his life, and he listened to every word Daniel had to say and he put Daniel on a pedestal. Don't tell me Daniel didn't appreciate any of this.
Yet he choose to judge Robby the moment he find his daughter and him in Johnny's house, he didn't even give him a chance to explain himself before accusing him and blaming him for what had happened.
And the worst thing is, his daughter was more at fault than Robby. She was the one who engaged in a stupid contest with the gf of his ex, Robby tried to make her stop but she didn't listen. He tried to protect her and he only drove her to his father's house because she told him she didn't want to go back home. He should have talked with Daniel instead of letting her family worry about her whereabouts, sure, but like I said he's still a kid, he'll make some bad choices eventually.
By giving his back to Robby, Daniel failed him too.
Robby still wanted to make things rights tho, but then that crazy psycho Tory started an ugly fight with Sam. She claimed in front of everybody that Sam had cheated on him with Miguel, but he still tried to stop the fight, coz he had his mind in the right place. He didn't want to believe that his gf would betray him, he rather believe Miguel abused her while she was drunk, and when Miguel appeared out of nowhere to attack Roby, well, it only added fuel to the fire.
Things scalated and once again, the boy who had defeated him in the tournament, the boy who his own father had choosen to love instead of Robby, the boy who his girlfriend had once loved and that had kissed her only a day before, had the upper hand on the fight. That was probably the lowest moment of his life and I'm not saying what Robby did was right, of course it wasn't, but we saw this coming.
He let his fury take control of him and accidentally threw Miguel over the stairs . It's crystal clear he instantly regreted his actions, but the first thing his girlfriend says to him comes in the form of an accusation.
Abandoned by his family, spanked by his friends, judged by his sensei/father figure, betrayed by the girl he loved. This boy was failed by everyone who meant something to him, and this is f*cking sad.
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