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#delhi#Mahastra#Godkabir #MiraclesOfTrueWorship
सतभक्ति करने वाले की पूर्ण परमात्मा आयु बढ़ा सकता है और कोई भी रोग को नष्ट कर सकता है।

- ऋग्वेद मण्डल 10 सुक्त 161 मंत्र 2, 5, सुक्त 162 मंत्र 5, सुक्त 163 मंत्र 1 - 3
True Guru Sant Rampal Ji
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सरकार और राज्यपाल में मनमुटाव का नया मामला, जानिए पूरी खबर
सरकार और राज्यपाल में मनमुटाव का नया मामला, जानिए पूरी खबर
मुंबईरू महाराष्ट्र की महा विकास अघाड़ी सरकार और राज्य के राज्यपाल भगत सिंह कोश्यारी के बीच मनमुटाव का एक और मामला सामने आया है. महाराष्ट्र के मुख्यमंत्री के अंतर्गत आने वाले सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग ने राज्यपाल भगत सिंह कोश्यारी को विमान के इस्तेमाल की इजाजत नहीं दी. आधे घंटे तक राज्यपाल सामान्य प्रशासन विभाग के संपर्क में थे, लेकिन उन्हें कोई जवाब नहीं मिला. सूत्रों से जानकारी मिली है कि प्राइवेट…

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महाराष्ट्र सामान्य ज्ञान प्रश्नोत्तरी maharashtra general knowledge questions answers in Hindi इस पोस्ट में आपको महाराष्ट्र भूगोल के 50 प्रश्न
#gk in hindi#gk quiz#gkworld#gk question#upscgk#gkquiz#gkquestions#gkanswer#gk mahastra#gk mpsc#gkias#world gyan
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Anti-poverty scheme linked to lower deforestation rates in Indonesia
Anti-poverty scheme linked to lower deforestation rates in Indonesia
By Adam Vaughan

Indonesia’s deforestation rate is the world’s highest
Mahastra Wibisono
A poverty alleviation programme has been linked with reducing forest loss in Indonesian villages by nearly a third, in a country with the world’s highest deforestation rate.
The Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH), which started dispersing money directly to poor households in 2008, wasn’t…
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Anti-poverty scheme linked to lower deforestation rates in Indonesia By Adam Vaughan Indonesia’s deforestation rate is the world’s highest Mahastra Wibisono A poverty alleviation programme has been linked with reducing forest loss in Indonesian villages by nearly a… Leer Más
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Colors brings more meaning to life and implicitly have their own existence. But, the color 'Black' & 'White' is very stable and silent such as life teaching us 'Positive' & 'Negative', 'Perfect' & 'Imperfect', 'Happiness' & 'Unhappiness', 'Success' & 'Failure', 'Good' & 'Bad', 'Like' & 'Dislike'. Without the present of black & white all the other colors have no existence and bring no meaning.., through good and bad man grow and attain wisdom to live life, we all must love our imperfections because it is our part of life. Love yourself. Nobody loves the person who do not love himself first. . . . . . , #marathimulga #nandedkar #nandeddiaries #srtmun #jaibhim🙏 #jaibhim_official #motivationalspeaker #nandedblogger #ayushacha_pravas #lifegoals #life #lifecoach #lifequotesincaption #goodcaptions #loveyourselflovemyself #instagood #instacaptions #marathi_mulga #captionoftheday #ilovenanded #positivequotestoday😊 #pune #nanded #mumbai #latur #maharastradesha #maharashtra_maza #influencers #instabloggerstyle, @ayushacha_pravas @pappya_gaikwad_official @ayushacha_pravas @ayushacha_pravas (at Godavari River, Nanded - Mahastra) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzCe8Rpxfn/?igshid=146jfent2r7o5
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#International_Environment_Day. (at Godavari River, Nanded - Mahastra) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByVDE3bDhp9ibLhBcO9lqRRbG4Kw-qvZAVkEwA0/?igshid=242dqs7x99ya
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Giga Wrecker + Hindu Mythology

Because I’m a huge nerd for cross-cultural symbolism, here’s a long list of correspondences between Giga Wrecker characters and elements from Hindu mythology under the break.
· Astra Vinata
o Samsara: cycle of birth, death, and rebirth
o Divine mother of birds.
o Also the mother of Aruna and Garuda.
o Older sister of Kadru.
o Sought to have more powerful children than her sister.
o Cursed into being Kadru's slave for 500 years for her impatience.
· Astra Sarama
o Sattva: the quality of balance, purity, serenity, positivity
o Deity who is the mother of all dogs (Deva-shuni).
o Also depicted as the mother of all wild beasts.
o "The runner", "the fleet one", "quick"
o Possibly a cognate of the Greek Hermes.
· Astra Kadru
o Darshana: schools of Hindu philosophy and their literature
o Kadru is known for being sly and deceitful.
o The mother of a thousand nagas.
o Definitely a supporter of mass-production on the cheap.
· Astra Rahu / Astra Ketu
o Patala: the Hindu underworld and realm of the Nagas.
o Rahu and Ketu were once the head and body of a single person (an Asura). Vishnu decapitated him, and the parts ended up joining with a snake, creating a head without a body (Rahu) and a body without a head (Ketu).
o In astrology, they are represented by Uranus and Neptune.
· Mahastra Tara
o Vimukti: freedom from samsara; self-realization.
o A goddess of wisdom and primeval female energy.
o Tara = "star", maha = "great"
o Possibly derived from maharash, "lord"
o Color scheme is similar to that of Kali/Mahakali's yantra.
o A form of Durga (who created Kali from her rage).
o Sometimes mistaken for Kali as they appear similar.
o In some beliefs, she is a counterpart of Kali.
o Delights in blood sacrifice (especially human blood).
o Known for wielding a sword.
o Depicted wearing a crown and sari with flowing hair.
o Represents the virtues of success in work and achievements.
· Reika Rekkeiji (basically "wrecker wreckage"; Reika: "lovely flower")
o Based on Kali.
o Goddess of destruction, creation, power, and time.
o Multi-armed (alternating between 4 and 10).
o Destroyer of evil forces.
o Divine protector who is worshipped by many.
o Bestows liberation (from reincarnation/samsara).
o Often shown stomping all over her consort Shiva.
o Kali = "black", though Reika wears mainly dark green.
o Birthed from the fury of the goddess Durga.
o Another story has her as a wrathful form of Parvati.
o Devours her enemies (while Reika just utilizes their corpses).
o Typically shown with disheveled hair and wearing a skirt.
o In 10-armed form, known for glowing blue.
o Her worshippers are said to be able to overcome death.
o Triangular designs in the game may be based on her yantra.
· Dr. Koutarou Kouzuki ("bright man, helper, guiding light"?)
o May be based on Shiva.
o God of creation.
o Often depicted with matted hair and a serene expression.
o Has the ability to calm Kali so she doesn't destroy everything.
o Often depicted wearing a serpent around his neck.
o Sometimes depicted with a small mustache.
· Other:
o An astra is a divine weapon, typically thrown or fired
o Debris Blade - may be based on Chandrahas, a sword astra
o Debris Lock - I have no freakin' idea
o Debris Javelin - may be based on Vasavi Shakti, a dart astra
o Debris Drill - may be based on Bhaumastra, a tunneling astra
o Ajeet = "godly, unchallenged, invincible"
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इस राज्य में आया 3.5 तीव्रता से भूकंप घरों से बाहर निकले लोग, जानिए पूरी ख़बर
इस राज्य में आया 3.5 तीव्रता से भूकंप घरों से बाहर निकले लोग, जानिए पूरी ख़बर
इस राज्य में आया 3.5 तीव्रता से भूकंप घरों से बाहर निकले लोग, जानिए पूरी ख़बर पालघर. महाराष्ट्र (MAHASTRA) के पालघर (PALGHAR) जिले में 3.5 तीव्रता के भूकंप का झटका महसूस किया गया। एक अधिकारी ने सोमवार को बताया कि इस दौरान जान-माल के किसी प्रकार के नुकसान की कोई जानकारी नहीं मिली है। जिले के आपदा नियंत्रण प्रमुख विवेकानंद कदम ने बताया कि पालघर में रविवार रात 10 बजे भूकंप का झटका महसूस किया…

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MILAD 10 REUNI AKBAR teknik otomasi #GoldtoTen Guest star :> bajul n friends with Julian, Rahmat, Isnaieni, Ainun, Mahastra, Rizka, Condro, okik, Dimas, and Erlina at Politeknik Perkapalan Negeri Surabaya – View on Path.
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The Nerve of my city....Godawari River. Shot on Iphone. #theoutdoorsmansj @streets.of.india #awesomeday #awesome_photographers #appenzell #vzcomood #moodygrams #wildernessculture #eclectic_shotz #earthofficial #artofvisuals #theimaged #thevisualscollective #jaw_dropping_shotz #travel #discoverearth #folkgreen #folkscenery #rsa_folknature #main_vision #thegreatoutdoors #bealpine #weroamgermany #roamtheplanet #visualsofearth #earth_shotz #folksouls #mthrworld #lensbible @wilderness_culture @lensbible @artofvisuals @roamtheplanet @discoverearth @earthsroamers @folkscenery @earth @earthart_official (at Godavari River, Nanded - Mahastra)
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