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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year ago
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TORY- "Rosa, that was not very nice. Sometimes you can be really arrogant."
ROSA- I'm not arrogant, Tory. I am just honest. The guy is weird. Why would he look you up and start talking to you. Everyone knows we are a couple. He even questioned Rafe at school yesterday and got Rafe to invite him into the Chess Club!"
TORY - "Sorry, I should not have said that. You made some good points. He very well may be a stalker. Forgive me, I shouldn't be so quick to react."
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ROSA - "No need to be sorry. I know you have my best interest in mind. "
TORY - "I do, Rosa. I want you to be safe. I need to head to football practice, just stay away from that guy, Okay?"
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LYRIC - "You turned that situation around and had him eating out of your hand."
ROSA - "Don't I always??"
this will be the last post of the Castro's for this year. Look for more coming in January.
Ace & Beck will also return in January with their move to Tomarang, as well as their renters in the new property they just acquired.
Until then, posts will be a little sporadic. With the holidays, and then a change in jobs, I am going to be quite busy.
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akieinurarea · 8 years ago
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hunterdoctor10 · 7 years ago
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Truce by: @twentyonepilots #twentyonepilots #truce #vessels #joshdun #tylerjoseph #jennajoseph #lyricpic #reagionalatbest #selftitled #blurryface #stayalive #wearetwentyonepilotsandsoareyou #youareworthit #thefewtheproudtheemotional #skelitonclique
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asongaday-ktba · 6 years ago
Song of the Day: Amnesia - 5 Seconds of Summer 🎶🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎶 Congratulations to one of our giveaway winners, @minimintaliamar1 , who had the opportunity to choose and design today's "Song of the Day" and lyric image! 🎶🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎶 We will have more contests in the future so stay tuned!! . . . . . @5sos #5sos #5secondsofsummer #fivesos #contestwinner #contest #giveaway #giveawaywinner #winner #win #songquote #quoteoftheday #sky #clouds #sun #sunrays #raysoflight #rays #lyricimage #lyricpic #quoteimage
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year ago
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Rosa overheard a conversation between Lyric, her best friend and Rafe, her obnoxious twin brother. She heard him asking her to prom and not only that, but they had secretly been "talking". Needless to say, Rosa was not very happy.
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ROSA - "Lyric, you said yes to going to the prom with him!? I cannot believe you! How long as this been going on behind my back. My BEST friend talking to my brother, whatever that means! What does it mean exactly?
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ROSA - "Out of all the guys at school, and you are talking to my brother!!?? Hell, dating Milo would have been better."
LYRIC - "Would you please calm down and quit talking and let me answer your questions? First of all, the reason I never said anything was I knew this would be your reaction.
ROSA - "You know how I feel about him, more than anyone else! You could have at least mentioned it.
LYRIC - "Right? Like that would be any different than now. And for your information I nor Rafe need your permission to see each other, talk or even date for that matter. I have known him my entire life. And if you haven't noticed, I don't have guys throwing themselves at me like you do. Plus, I honestly really like him!"
ROSA - "OMG, please don't say another word. Just go. Go home or go to your boyfriend's room and talk to him. I just can't. Go, Lyric I need to consider all this...
Lyric left, Rosa sat down and dialed her phone.
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year ago
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RAFE - "Hey Lyric. Before you go in with Rosa, I wanted to ask you something. I was going to ask but I didn't want to do it on the phone, nor did I want to do it at school. I was hoping that you and I could go to Prom together, what do you think?"
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LYRIC - "I really would love to go with you, Rafe, but what about Rosa? What is she going to say about it? You know how she is."
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RAFE - "Seriously, Lyric? What does Rosa have to do with you and I going to prom together. I know she has no idea we have been talking, but I want to make things official. I honestly don't give a damn about what Rosa may think."
LYRIC- "You know what Rafe? You are right. This is not about Rosa. This about us. I would love to go to prom with you. So Yes, I will be your date for prom, and I am going to let Rosa know that we have been talking. Whether she likes it or not, let's make it official. We are boyfriend and girlfriend!!"
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ROSA - "Lyric! Please do not tell me what I think I just heard. Have you and Rafe been talking? How could you do this?"
LYRIC - "I think we should go in your room and talk about this, Rosa."
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if looks could kill...
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year ago
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Every morning before school, Rosa would pop into her High School Chat, She and her best friend, Lyric Pence would DM each other most of the time and not even acknowledge anyone else in the chat.
This morning there was a new name in the chat. MinJun
ROSA - "Lyric, who is this MinJun?"
LYRIC - "I have no idea, why?"
ROSA - "They just dm'd me."
LYRIC - "What did they say?"
ROSA - "They said hello, I'm Min-Jun"
LYRIC - "They are just trying to chat, Rosa, message them back."
ROSA - "Are you serious? I'm not going to do that. I have no idea who this is. "
LYRIC - "Then just ignore them."
ROSA - "They are now ignored".
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years ago
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RAFE - "Nasir, come here, quick I need to talk to you..."
MILO - Lyric, quick I need to tell you something before Rosa gets to class..."
Nasis Habib is a creation of @thelastairsimblr
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RAFE - "So did you tell everyone?"
MILO - "Yes, I talked to Sienna and Lyric."
RAFE - "Sounds good. This is going to be great."
MILO - "I hope it doesn't backfire on us!"
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ROSA - "Nasir? What is wrong with you today? And you too Sienna!? Why isn't anyone talking to me?? "
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At lunch, No one was sitting with Rosa.
ROSA - "Okay, Rafe and Milo! You two are going to be sorry!!"
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years ago
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The next day was a little better for Rosa as well as Milo and Rafe. No conversations at the bus stop. They were busy in art class and things began to change...
One of Rosa's friends, Lyric Pence (Yes, Chad Pence's daughter) wanted some information.
LYRIC - "Rosa, do you know who is that new boy? He is really cute!"
ROSA - "Lyric, oh no he may be cute, but not very nice. His name is Milo. He lives with us now."
LYRIC - "Lives with you?"
ROSA - "Yeah it's a long story. We will talk at recess"
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LYRIC - "Okay you have to fill me in!!"
MR. LAWSON - "Lyric, you need to focus!"
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Milo was busy working on a friendship bracelet for his newest friend, Sienna Wright.
(The school building was created by sojutrait.tumblr.com Williamson Elementary)
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years ago
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The weekend came, and with it visits from family!!!
TY - "Uncle Daryl! MY favorite uncles!! Tat and Daryl! have missed you!"
DARYL - "We are your only uncles, Ty."
TY - "Well, yeah there is that."
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Everyone caught up with one another. Daryl was still in disbelief that his nephew Ty was starting High School in the fall.
And Tat could not get over how good Maren looked. She had not aged at all.
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But Lyric and Kel just kind of stared at each other without making a sound... until
KEL - "You want to meet Eugene?"
LYRIC - "Eugene? Who is that?"
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gingerbeardmansim · 1 year ago
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LYRIC - "Rosa, isn't that the new guy sitting over there with Tory?"
ROSA - "What the..."
LYRIC - "We should go and see what they are talking about."
ROSA - "That guy is a stalker! First me and now my boyfriend!"
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TORY - "So, I guess you two are going to join us? Hi Lyric. Min-Jun, this is my girlfriend, Rosa Castro and her best friend, Lyric Pence."
MIN-JUN - "Yes, we met, I had no idea you two were like, together."
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ROSA - "Well, we are, and you are intruding, so you may want to go get you some mocha or something."
MIN-JUN- "Sure, I was just getting ready to go do that."
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TORY- "Rosa, that was not very nice. Sometimes you can be really arrogant."
(the cafe used in this scene was created by JENBA, It's an older build, but one of my standbys that I use quite a bit in my save. You can find it, HERE
or you can find it on the gallery under Origin ID is silrosse )
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years ago
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KEL - "You want to meet Eugene?"
LYRIC - "Eugene? Who is that?"
KEL - "You are going to love him, follow me!"
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LYRIC - "I don't see anything."
KEL- "Just wait he is sleeping."
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KEL - "There he is, see?"
LYRIC - "Yeah, he looks like a rat."
Kel rolls his eyes...
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gingerbeardmansim · 2 years ago
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After having a son of her own, then raising her two grandsons, Chad and Daryl, Raquel is finally overjoyed that she has a beautiful little great grand-girl to spoil! Lyric is Chad and Maren’s youngest.
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Chad had a tumultuous couple years in University due to his drinking, but when he met Maren, that changed his entire outlook on life. Then, Tyson (or Ty) came along and made him a father. A couple years later Lyric entered the picture, and he has become a loving husband and responsible father.
They are currently living in Chad’s childhood home, in Newcrest, with Raquel. She has bequeathed it to him and his family upon her death, which hopefully is a long time away!
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akieinurarea · 8 years ago
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