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ciccerone · 1 year ago
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miodaibukis · 3 months ago
lyrei and mint x ismene for the soul..
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boatslut · 1 year ago
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There are several now.
would people want these as like. 5$ commissions or s/t?
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whisperingdrawings · 1 year ago
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Lyrei meeting Nashtai for the first time and guiding the young adventurer out of the woods.
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jjdizz · 2 years ago
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Introducing my DnD character Lyrei !! 💖
-She’s an albino drow! (I may or may not have accidentally made her design before looking into drow lore)
-Her alignment is chaotic neutral
-She’s a rogue with a huge love for money and riches 👑💎
-She can be a little bit of a ditz but when it comes to battle she’s more than capable! 🥰
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numinous-vagary · 2 years ago
@cyluos​ asked:
‘  ♡ _  ♡ ‘ for:
Lumin - Lyrei
Mention: @silva-vinandi​
send me    ‘   ♡ _   ♡ ‘    and my muse will admit one to three ( 1-3 )  features of your muse  ( physical or personality )   that they find incredibly attractive.
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“oh-” The genasi blinks- her face flushing and the ends of her long curly hair flickering like a dimly lit flame. She’d never really been asked anything like this so directly- let alone about someone she was actually interested in. “i, um. well-!” She clears her throat, nervously giving the little fox spirit settled on her shoulder a scratch ‘neath the chin- drawing a happy little chirp from the spirit and bringing her a sense of calm. “..He’s very strong and agile. Perhaps it’s not a trait i thought much about when my life was all house work and the like, but i’ve come to realize that there’s something very attractive about how easily he’s able to maneuver...it’s quite a talent, one i certainly admire as well.” Lumin smiles affectionately, “The tattoo’s are attractive as well- and there’s- well, i’ll just.. say that it certainly makes me feel some sort of way that i was part of the inspiration for a small part of it. It’s very touching and.. sexy, if you’ll.. pardon my phrasing. aha.. his arm muscles in general are just.. attractive as well~” How much she’d changed in the past year or so, to not find herself too entirely embarrassed to utter such a word- or to be thinking about someone in such a way. It was a good chance, of course- at least in her mind. “and his sense of loyalty. I feel as if i might make it sound.. self centered if i try and explain it- but that is not how i intend it to appear. The fact that he cares so truly about us, about holding true to his word and being there when we need him- doubly true for myself, most times, as i’ve admittedly had my fair share of messy moments- well, it is a very attractive trait in my opinion.”
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songbird-and-her-fos · 3 months ago
The argument between Rook and Emmrich won't leave my mind. Hezenkoss was suspiciously quiet throughout the whole thing, but I am 100% that she didn't stay that way after Rook left. After all, she's just a skull and her only remaining joy in her unlife is taking pleasure in the misery of others. So here's what I think went down after the argument.
The door closed, perhaps a bit more loudly than usual, and Emmrich stared at it for a few more seconds, still tense with frustration. Why couldn’t Rook even try to understand him?
Just as he was about to get back to packing, as she had suggested, his train of thought was interrupted by hoarse laughter.
Absolutely not in the mood for this, his sharp gaze turned to Hezenkoss’ skull. “And might I ask just what is so funny to you, Johanna?”
Hezenkoss needed a moment to gather herself, but every attempt at speaking only ended up in increasingly demented sounding giggles. Finally, she managed to say:”So much for your eternal love. You didn’t just let her slip through your fingers; you literally flung her away from you! I’ve never seen someone sabotage themself so spectacularly. Really, if I still had hands, I’d be applauding right now!”
Emmrich bit back a sharp retort, specifically about someone sabotaging herself enough to end up eternally trapped as a talking and, at present, very very annoying skull, and decided that ignoring her was the best course of action. So he went back to what he had been doing, while Johanna cheerfully continued. “I don’t know what would be funnier. If she spent the rest of her miserable little life hung up on you, or if she moves on right away and you’d have to watch her in the arms of another man.” She paused for a moment. “Oh, what am I saying? Obviously the latter. I’d love to see your face when you see her find what you always wanted with someone else.”
Ignoring her was just getting harder and harder, and Emmrich found himself gripping his staff so tightly that his knuckles turned white. It’s for the best, he told himself. Rook deserves someone her own age.
“I mean really, this little whelp risked life and limb to help you against me, and this is how you repay her? If this is what your ‘love’ looks like, it surprises me that she put up with you for as long as she has. I know I wouldn’t, if I were dumb enough to ever find myself in her position in the first place.”
“I’ve about had enough of you”, Emmrich finally broke his silence and tossed a washrag over her skull.
But Johanna just had one last jab for him. “Imagine, all those times this doe-eyed little fool so ardently defended you to me, all of her talk about how you are such a good man. I wonder if she still thinks so after you talked down to her like she is a disobedient child.” The amount of glee in Hezenkoss’ voice as she said this was nothing short of sickening.
The tension in his body dissipated, and left behind only a disturbing feeling of emptiness. He had treated Rook like a disobedient child, had literally looked down on her, when all she wanted was to comfort him. 
He had to apologize. As soon as possible.
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sileniadream · 24 days ago
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Night on the Milky Way
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fisherkn1ght · 1 month ago
procrastination sketches before the semester is over 😔
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my arisen and his two brothers (:
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lazysunjade · 1 year ago
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L Y R E I |
The Lyrei are one of the eldest septs in Lorranian history. The Lyrei honored Ymne, the spirit of song, dance and poetry. Ymne's followers are said to be born with an inclination for the arts. Considered the best dancers in the kingdom, Lyrans are sought after as entertainers, and due to their isolationist nature, are thought exotic. Their main city, Lorelle, is located in the far east of Kehl'Lorrania, on the Lyran coast. The royal family often spends summers on the seaside, and the elven New Year festival, Summerfyre, originated there. Notable Lyrans include Annar Cylene (Moir) and Yehl's elder sister, Alloria Leandelle, who was idolized by the merfolk. The Lyrei are known for their opulent and risqué taste. In addition to being excellent artists, due to their proximity to water and lengthy coastline, the Lyrei are notoriously the best seafarers in all of elvendom.
outfit by @zouyousims thank you ♥
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heycerulean · 7 months ago
(This is for the OC travelling ask game. I'm not too sure about the rules but I'm under the impression that I'm the one giving a description of one of my OCs and you'll tell me which of your OCs will get along with them.)
*You encounter a young man with blue hair and blue eyes. He sports a pair of stubby horns, with one having an accessory dangling from it.
*There was mischief in his eyes but he allows you to approach. He sports a dark blue cardigan and navy blue pants. You take notice that his tail was had some feathers, yet occasionally, you do see a poisonous stinger sticking out of it.
*He refuses to give you a name. (You'll later find out his name is Kazuya. But that is for another time.) His first instinct was to pull a prank on you within the first 5 minutes of meeting you.
*Depending on when you meet him, he could either be an antagonist or just a headache. You later realize that it's mostly because of his creator that he's civil. No matter how much he would rather sow discord and chaos, he would listen to her word. Her word is law to him, despite her obvious discomfort of the fact.
*However, despite that, he often tries to provoke her anger by causing headaches from his misadventures with his spells and potions. Should you participate in these pranks, he will teach you some tricks and give you magic lessons. (Or you could just ask. He'd indulge you but be prepared to have a strict teacher. "All that talent for magic and he uses it for pranks," his creator would say despite smiling.)
*He prefers not to talk about his feelings but he does occasionally give you things you mention you wanted in passing. If he does leave you a note with the gift, he puts his words in the most annoying way possible.
*He's not one for dates but he can arrange an outing to cheer you up should you have bonded enough. Bond with him even more and there is a chance he wouldn't mind destroying the world if it means you are safe and happy.
TL:DR : Kazuya is a powerful prankster who has a lot of talent in magic. He would rather be chaotic but he wants certain people to not be upset with him (still pulls pranks on them though). He carries hints of "villain who'd destroy the world for you" sometimes.
(Haha. Whoops. I gushed about him a biiit too much. XD I hope you don't mind. I'm curious which of your OCs would get along with him should they meet.)
(thank you so much for the ask! kazuya sounds super cool, i love to hear about other people's ocs.) I'd have to say Az, or maybe a young Lexi Mayridge. See, on one hand, Azalea Xirelle could probably relate to him the most; they're both powerful people with a penchant for general mischief and tomfoolery, though Az might find his loyalty to one person a little unsettling. However, a young Lexi- before all the government stuff, maybe back when she was still a student athlete with the world before her- they'd get along great too. He's got spells and potions, Lexi works with magic chemistry; and thought Lexi doesn't exactly have something to be loyal to, she's very determined to reach whatever she sets her eyes on, and i think he'd respect that. Also, third option; Teq Quetzeve. They've probably got the most in common; Teq's a heavy weapons specialist that further specialized into integrating magic into weapons, so I think they could pull off some really cool stuff. Add that to their extreme loyalty and love for jokes, and they'd be a pretty powerful duo. I feel like most of the cast wouldn't be immediately hostile, just very distrusting. Again, thank you so much for the ask- your ocs have always seemed cool and i love Kazuya's design.
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silva-vinandi · 2 years ago
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Forgot that I hadn't posted this here yet, but Lyrei went through some rather dramatic changes in his campaign. He made a deal to be a test subject and ended up losing an arm and was paralyzed from the neck down for a time. His prosthetic was created using druid magic, and the roots now serve as his new nervous system.
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miodaibukis · 3 months ago
hi i wrote the happy birthday fic 🙂‍↕️ you should read its sequel/prequel thing its 100x better
OH EM GEE. i already read that fanfic LMFAO. Ur fanfics r peak do not die
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pinklewdsoflove · 1 year ago
Lyrei wiggles her bare, plump ass enticingly
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whisperingdrawings · 1 year ago
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Quick drawings of Riverwraek punk/ballet au
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kolak-magiya-a · 2 years ago
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Laughing 'cause these two couldn't be more opposite in terms of looks asldkghskldj
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