#Lyla Estaris
keri-mcberry · 4 months
A Victorian Couple Trying Not To Laugh While Getting Their Portraits Done
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My husband sent this picture to me the other day, and I thought it was the cutest thing ever! 😭💕
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sparxyv · 3 months
Happy (belated 🥲) Birthday to Lyla and Jae! 💛🖤
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Lyla Estaris and her lovely otter patronus, belonging to @keri-mcberry 🥰
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+ cutie Park Jae-Won belonging to @lamieboo ! 🫠
I PRAY I DID THEM BOTH JUSTICE 🙏🙏 i may have rushed a bit towards the end, i wanted to get this out on time but i've been busy 🥲🥲
take this as a little token of appreciation for unintentionally giving me motivation to draw again 💜
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milena wishing them a happy birthday as well 😘
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dwightschrute11 · 3 months
I drew a lot of characters 🤭🤭 (combination of art trades, thank you gifts, and birthday gift drawings)
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Thank you @zorro-d-t and @bluerazzslushie for drawing Calypso, you guys are awesome and I love how you drew her!! 💕
Happy birthday to @lamieboo’s Jae and @keri-mcberry ‘s Lyla, they’re both such amazing MCs 😭💕💕 (sorry I suck at drawing men btw)
Art trade with @feakyneon and their oc Micheal, @ladyofsappho with our MCs cal and Carlotta , and with @pierrot-dokki and her mc Gwynvere 💕
These are all the drawings I could get out before I have to go on a long road trip. If I promised to draw your character, I promise it’ll be drawn sometime in the next two days!
Love you guys 😭💕
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boxdstars · 3 months
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I've been meaning to draw Lyla for literally forever, and with @keri-mcberry having drawn Amara ages ago, I have been since dying to return the favor. So, here's the darling puff herself, in all her whimsical glory ^^
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diana-bluewolf · 4 months
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Wanted to draw some of my favourite MCs for practice. This fandom is so inspiring! I thought that maybe I would try the MC drawing challenge, but while working on these, I realised that my drawing muscles are still too stiff. I will keep this idea in mind for the future when I warm up enough because I LOVE MCs!
Hellendil @theravenchild — I didn't have enough space for a thestral :( But I finally did him justice without dressing him in a uniform!
Elland @lil-grem-draws — Yes, I'm aware he's indifferent to sweets. It's for Will. Unless someone grabs it first.
Sally @siboom777 — It's the weirdest toy I could come up with XD Thanks again for drawing Chris!
Charlie @heyitszev — I really enjoyed this story [link to AO3], there are so many brilliant ideas!
Lyla @keri-mcberry — One of my biggest source of drawing inspiration. And the most adorable MC award goes to Lyla!
Ruth @phinik — I need more lore about her family curse! Also, seeing her and Ominis together in my feed makes me melt.
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bassicallymaestra · 5 months
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Fanart of some of my favorite Sebastian-loving MCs on here! I wanna call them the Sall Gals!
Thank you all for your amazing art and writing! It has made me so happy to see while I'm finishing up school!
Featuring left to right: @kerimcberry Lyla, my MC Serena, @choccy-milky Clora, @a-florable Stella and @lamieboo Lamie
Base used
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choco-froggie · 3 months
@keri-mcberry thank you for your contribution to this fandom with your cute drawings, your cute ideas and your cute MC. Your posts never fail to put a smile to my face, I just love the FLUFF of it.
Happy birthday Lyla 🎉🎉.
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I was doodling when I saw this was Lyla’s birthday so I dropped everything and drew this 😂.
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cottagelady99 · 3 months
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@keri-mcberry I can just imagine Lyla wearing these during the summer eeeeies she’d look so amazing!!!!
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she-i5-her · 5 months
Okay @starryslytherin0 I had you waiting for quite sometime now.
Actually, Sebastian doesn’t do what he wants. So, this is for you, dear! Hoping maybe there is a chance to get things right this time🙃
Let me get this straight- she is your kindred spirit, your best friend. The one that stays even in the darkest times. When your mind drives you insane, she is by your side, working with you to unravel the truth. You both are on a journey, searching answers, for meaning, spreading light, and working for a higher purpose. You both heal and maybe for once there is hope to heal the world.
You learn and grow together, go on adventures, and fear nothing. She does what’s right.
She values her meditation and prayers time. Her faith and trust in Allah keeps her strong all the time.
For her intimacy isn’t about physical touch or sex, it is exchanging energy, feeling each-other without touching, it’s having heart to heart conversations, sharing silence, sharing childhood memories, fears, dreams and hopes for a better future. It’s sharing jokes and laughing together uncontrollably.
She loves unconditionally, and would die protecting her loved ones. It’s not about you or her, it’s about doing what’s right.
What is love if it is not an unravelling against the dark?
John Glenday, "Windfall," from The Golden Mean
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wrongcog · 5 months
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I'm so sorry to have kept you all waiting on the requests, however I hope that now you see what I've been working on, you might understand why it took some time!! Especially when I've been working on this only in the evening, and while trying to keep my tiny human alive!
When I started this, it was originally a combination of requests/characters I really like! and somehow I ended up with 62 of them!! I'm hoping maybe in the future Ill revisit this, maybe try get 100?! But for now I'm glad to be able to take a break and start on other projects!!
This was really a labor of love, and I really hope you all like it as well! I did try my hardest to get as many details as I could, but I did take a few uniform liberty's here and there!! I hid a few little movie and game Easter eggs in there as well, let me know if you spot any!
And for those interested… Gryfindor - 12 Hufflepuff - 12 Ravenclaw - 15 Slytherin - 23
BOTTOM ROW (Left to right) Millie Claire @the-ozzie Lyla Estaris @kerimcberry Faustine Daemon @faustinio27 Matty Ambrose @girl-named-matty Philip Brown @endeavour12345 Siobhan Moriarty @wrongcog Courtney Brookson @CourtneyB22 Clora @choccy-milky Noelle Kasper @noelles-legacy Jamie Ambrose @rypnami
2ND ROW Gideon Smith @betheckart Sally Salamander @siboom777 Ida Ullson @limonnitsa Mara Ambrose @boxdstars Lamie Boo @lamieboo Pearl Castellar @vienguinn William Abbott @lil-grem-draws
3RD ROW Aphrodite Macbeath @venomousvio Lorrain Morgana @lorrainmorgan Eden Mars @juicegarrethfizzy Bear Whiteclaw @wit-grizzly Lucien Morningstar @ronlong6969 Amelia Goldstein @ameliathefatcat Elizabeth Philbrick @operation-pez
4TH ROW Hellendil Melinae @theravenchild Ester Merigold @icarus-wing5 Rohan Mac Uáid @ariparri Siyana Devonshire @dat-silvers-girl Ren Aries @localravenclaw Lady Primrose Gray @endlessly-cursed Evelyn Caddel @celestial--sapphic Jess Burke @serpentsillusion Oriona Blackshire @enotracoon
5TH ROW Aida Morgenstern @queen-of-stoneharts Lydia Parkinson @esolean Kate Mayflower @sunnyrealist Wisteria Ashworth @the-ashworths Aishwarya Merha @hogwarts9 Ariadne Enberg @necromary Eric Schall @yunaatay
6TH ROW Stella Taposok @a-florable Astarion Danar @kipthealien Alyssabeth Edwards @silvyadrakkon Winter Blackstone @moonstruckmoony Marvin Jerry @runicxraven Ruth Senet @phinik Karina Angeline Mayadytha @raraaf6
7TH ROW April Miller @lynnsartsworld Inger Eve Nilsdott @ethniee Morana Dimm @coffeeandmagicaltales Evelyne Lavandin @libellule-ao3 Julia Wright @superconductivebean Kanan McGarry @theguythatdraws Willow Rose Hawthorne @seb-sallow-girl Anwen Elmstone @serpensortiamaxima
8TH ROW Lou Brooke @m0mmat0rtle Layla Stark @marvelxlevram Zorro Del Toro @zorro-d-t Deirdre Neylan @cordidy Rydian Black @rydian-black Isaac Cooper @slytherin-paramour Cherise Sallow @thatslytherinqueen
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moonstruckmoony · 3 months
Happy belated belated birthday to these 2!! 🥹🫶💛💖
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Gosh, I’m so sorry this came out so late, I was too busy to finish this as fast as would’ve liked 😭 but i still want to finish it so I did! ✊😠🔥
When I found out that 2 of my favorite tumblr artists has the same MC birthdays I just had to make a gift! So Happy belated Birthday Lyla and Jae 💛✨✨ you two are such sunshines 🫶
And you two are such a blessing to this fandom ily 🩵🩵 @lamieboo @keri-mcberry
EDIT: pose from here! (Can't believe I forgot 🤦🏻‍♀️)
Lyla Estaris belongs to @keri-mcberry
Park Jae-Won belongs to @lamieboo
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keri-mcberry · 1 month
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In the Shadow of the Relic was such a heavy quest. I definitely wasn’t expecting it to go down the way it did. And poor Lyla witnessing it all ☹️
Thank you for the ask @mikey-innit!
Now it’s time to draw them happy because… 😭💔
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dwightschrute11 · 2 months
favorite ocs/mcs in the hl fandom?
Thank you for this ask anon!! I have so many MCs I could fawn over in fifteen page essays, but here are the ones off the top of my head in no particular order. This is a long list so prepare yourself.
@ladyofsappho’s Nettie Mulloy, who is such a strong, well written character with a super intriguing backstory and story, which you can read in the creators *AMAZING* fic the Nettie Chronicles, one of my favorite fics. Not to mention her swoon worthy relationship with her girlfriend, Mia Boyensberry, who I also love dearly. She is a witty, sweet, and caring witch with a story just as epic as Nettie’s. And of course, there’s Carlotta Ellerbee, who may be Nettie and Mias enemy but has my heart in A CHOKEHOLD. She is fashionable, badass, gorgeous, and not only has stolen my heart but Calypsos as well 💕
@silvyadrakkons Lyssa Edwards , who is SO AWESOME! She may be short but she is badass, hilarious, gorgeous, caring, and one of calypsos best friends 🥹💕💕 she is an amazing MC and her pal Morgan the chicken is just as incredible. Not to mention Calypso will forever be fighting with Sebastian for Lyssas heart 😂💕
@ethniees Inger Eve Nilsdott, another absouletly *INCREDIBLE* MC who, despite the creators words, I have NOT. drawn. ENOUGH. Badass, hilarious, iconic, I am so happy to call her one of calypsos best friends. Not to mention her relationship with Garreth is SO cute, and I am so excited to read more writing about them!!
@masqueradereveler21s Gwendolen Hedera, a badass mc I admire so much: from her well developed story and personality to her beautiful design and love triangle which I am eating up, everything about her is amazing and I am excited to hear more things about her in the future. And an honorable mention to Hypatia Goodwin, who is super awesome and interesting, and her story is SO intriguing!
@wrongcogs Siobhan Moriarty, whom I am IN LOVE WITH!! An excitable, girlboss, stunning, fun and all together amazing MC whom I have many ideas for drawings with her. Not to mention her design is so cool, and her and calypsos dynamic is to die for 🥹💕
@sallowslove Jean Vestit, a super intriguing and GORGEOUS MC whom has a role in the creators upcoming fic, Where We’ll Go After Battle: which from Snippets I’ve read looks absolutely fucking amazing and I am so excited to obsess over it.
@morelikeravenbores Aurélie Collins, WHOM I WOULD DIE FOR. She’s badass, amazing, gorgeous, spell binding, and Calypso is her number one fan girl. She has an amazing fic called How To Make A Villain, which you should totally check out. Aurélie is also another MC Calypso is fighting with Sebastian over 😩💕💕
@plxnetn1nes Calliope Venzak, a gorgeous, badass, and super intriguing MC with a very interesting backstory and family lore. She looks absouletly beautiful in game and in the creators drawings as well!
@keri-mcberrys Lyla Estaris, the first MC I fell in love with and canonically Calypsos first crush LMAO. A cute, badass, hilarious Hufflepuff with an amazing design. Also the first MC I ever drew haha 😂
@choccy-milkys Clora Clemons, a well written and well developed MC with a wonderful story you can read in the creators fic, The Raven and The Snake. Cute, caring, funny, and all together wonderful—and, ofc, calypso will fight Sebastian over her 💕
@faustinio27s Faustine Daemon, WHOM I LOVE SO DEARLY!! Cute, intelligent, and a total badass—not to mention I absolutely love her design. I still need to draw her and her other amazing MC, Bonnie Hutchinson: whom is just as amazing and I am genuinely so in love with her story!! She is so intriguing, stunning, girlboss, and I just know calypso would have a little crush on her haha.
@magicallylegacys Valle Dunnes. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her in one of the creators just AMAZING screenshots. Her design is gorgeous, and I’m so excited to hear more about her.
@wit-grizzlys Bear Whiteclaw, a caring and badass Ravenclaw with an awesome design! I’m always so excited to see more of the creators awesome art 🥹💕
@siboom777s Sally Salamander, an absouletly awesome MC who is always such a joy to draw. Caring, hilarious, sweet, and altogether awesome, I love her with a full heart. Not to mention she has SUCH an awesome design!
@lorrainmorgans Lorrain Morgana, WHO IS SO AWESOME?? Fun, excitable, hilarious, I would most defintely want to be her friend in real life. Her and calypsos dynamic is adorable (foreshadowing), I love her design, and not to mention her relationship with Ominis is so cute?? Go read her fic “Looking Thru My eyes”!
@the-ozzies Millie Claire. I fell in love with her caring, energetic, and badass personality the moment I saw her, and the creators comics including her are hilarious. Not to mention her design is GORGEOUS
@ravenwind-75s Johanna Newman, who is so amazing, hilarious, badass, and sweet, and she is written and developed wonderfully in the creators amazing writing. Also someone whom is very good friends with Calypso 💕
And finally, my friend-who-isnt-on-tumblrs MC Cori Condrego. A sweet, fierce, badass Slytherin who I love dearly, her design is so cute and her relationship with Sebastian is very sweet 💕
Thanks for all being such awesome people in the fandom!!
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keri-mcberry · 3 months
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Photo mode is pretty neato! 📸
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keri-mcberry · 2 months
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It’s hot out there, everyone. Stay cool 😎❄️
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keri-mcberry · 13 days
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Trash talking before a quidditch match 🤭💕
The game is so much fun! If I see you guys out there, it’s on! 😤
Wow, I’ve come a long way since my first quidditch comic 🥹
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